Geralt of Rivia

Before any more planning could really be done, things got kicked off. Their worst fears were realized, in that they weren't on the same teams. The teams were decided seemingly at random, or perhaps by some cruel deity that wished to watch the group fight among itself. He scanned each of the opposing teams, looking for Ciri. Dread flooded his mind as he saw her on team three. He couldn't fight her; not a chance in hell. Not even non-lethally. The time baby, who turned out to be 100% real, and 100% serious, laid down the law. They needed to knock each other out, kill each other, or knock each other out of the arena. Geralt turned and looked at the small circle of space behind him quietly for a few seconds that surrounded the arena. He considered it, before turning to his team. "Sorry. Can't turn on Ciri, even if it gets me killed." Without waiting for a reply, he stepped out of the ring. Maybe nothing would happen. Maybe it would count as a ring out. The structure really wasn't too dissimilar to the boxing he had done.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
@team one

Frank Castle

The old man heard Ellie laugh a little. Figured it was probably a memory. Questions like that often made you think about the past. Last thing he expected was for her to start talking about it. Story didn't start out out good. Parents sent her off to fight. She couldn't be older than fourteen. Maybe she was on the young end of fifteen. Even if this was a very recent event, her parents had sent a child to war. Part of him heard the warning bells. This wasn't what he wanted, though at this point, Frank wasn't sure it could be helped. He already had to go to great lengths to get her to not just fuck off. It was that first line. "I never knew my mom and dad." Couldn't well on it too long. Frank didn't move his head. Didn't even open his eyes. He just listened.


No feeling in the world worse than feeling alone.

You're still alone, Frank thought to himself. There's not a person sitting next to you, there's a ghost. A walking corpse. You're speaking to the dead. This other girl, Riley, was more than a friend. Words like beautiful weren't how you described a good pal. They were just kids. Didn't matter. Kids did stupid shit when they felt that way about someone else for the first time, and it sure sounded like the first time for Ellie. Riley defected to the enemy, these Fireflies, leaving Ellie behind. Maybe she didn't have a choice. Maybe she felt so strongly that the other side was right that she couldn't stay. Frank couldn't know, so he kept these thoughts to himself. They wouldn't make her feel better, especially not with what came next. Talk about stupid shit. This kid defected to the enemy, then came home to see Ellie. Definitely not just friends.

Scar on her arm was pretty nasty. Frank had heard of worlds with infections like this. In his time with Murder, he had become pretty well acquainted with the living dead, and he had read in passing about her world's apocalypse. Losing someone you cared about was one thing. Expecting to die with them and surviving was another. One that he very keenly related to. He hoped to die after what happened in Central Park. Instead, he woke up on a hospital bed. She finished her story by saying there wasn't really a point. Certainly didn't seem to be, but that wasn't odd. The world was senselessly cruel and violent. That was just the way it worked. Finding something to hold onto was another matter. He had that before. He had it now. It wasn't a person. It was that cold, sinking feeling when he thought about the kind of people that killed his family. He had tried to change it. Tried to make Rin that something. Hadn't worked. Ellie probably wouldn't be any different.

Frank didn't get the chance to respond, or even decide whether or not he wanted to respond, before they were dragged into an arena for the big fight. Teams were divided up, and, as he feared, sick fuck in charge split him up with both Ellie and Atreus. Across the way, he watched the white haired man, Geralt, lock eyes with the girl that must have been his daughter, a young woman with ashen hair. The man said something to his team, then stepped out of the ring. Frank didn't see what happened next, but he knew what he had to do. Separately, he nodded to both Ellie and Atreus. Unlike Geralt, he didn't say anything to his team. He just stepped backwards, out of the arena. Even if he avoided fighting them, he was undercutting them by helping the opposing teams.

If the objective was to get these two fathers to turn on their children, or the people they swore to protect in Frank's case, the people in charge would have to try harder than that.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Ellya Ellya
@team two​
SPARK-001 and The Force Commander

The Force Commander's mood had actually been settling for a while now. Everything that was happening wasn't fazing the Commander one bit. He'd expected this from others-everyone was stressed, constantly on the breaking point, all that.
This enraged the Force Commander to no end. Being forced to fight your allies in some sick gladiatorial combat. That was enraging to no end, and the Force Commander saw no way out if he wanted to resume his service to the Emperor. As much as Hairgel was sickened by it, he had no choice.
The Force Commander was charging forward, Thunder Hammer in his hands. He wouldn't kill anyone, but he was going cause some bruises to anyone in his way. He wanted to continue his service to the Emperor and set things right, but he was most definitely not above wounding someone.

Praetorian had serious reservations about this as well, and while it moved up, it was planning to try and go for hand-to-hand combat if possible. The Phase-Cannon ran a serious risk of killing someone, and would be used for anti-material purposes only...
Well, Praetorian hoped.

(Open for interaction, just me getting back into the mix)
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Goddamn Woof--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow (Potential Another Kiva Vs. Ben)
Time passed by relatively quick for the prison gang. Aside from the reveal of the fact that they're going to be fighting a gladiator tournament of sorts, Hiryu didn't really care much about the state of the others. The Another Rider was busy preparing himself for the worse. He knew he had to fight his way out of this in order to complete their task of fucking up Ganon and his cronies. If the Time Baby is one of them, then there's no room for hesitation.

Soon, the stage is set.

Atop a large viewing stand was a equally large baby, sentencing the time anomalies to a battle royale. Hiryu and Jason share the same sentiment here.

"You've got to be shitting me." Hiryu expected to fight, but not his comrades again. "I'm getting real tired of having to fight you guys." He grumbled, preparing his Another Zi-O II watch. The rules are simple. Divided in teams of three, they would either have to kill or knock out the others. Simple enough.

Whisper remained silent, knowing that they had no choice in the matter. She prepared her Wispon and hoped that she didn't have to fight anyone important. Unfortunately, being on Team 3 means she had to fight not only Hiryu, but the rest of the more stronger members of the MPF. Setting her sights on Akari, Whisper hoped to knock out the second Team's healer right off the bat.


K I V A !

"Henshin!" Hiryu activated the Anotherwatch, placing it on his Driver. Shadows consumed Hiryu as three other figures emerge from his darkness as it revealed a form he hadn't tried out yet. Another Kiva. Appearing alongside the vampiric Another Rider were monsters that serve the vampire king; Garuru, the wolf like sword, Basshaa, the aquatic gun goblin, and Dogga, the golem hammer. Hiryu marched forth with his entourage of weapon monsters, positioning himself to protect the Guardians of The Galaxy as well as making sure that he, himself doesn't get too caught up with the fighting.

Whisper, meanwhile, proceeds to move around the field, attempting to find a good place to snipe some peeps asleep and support her Team from afar.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari heard a door sliding open, and when he turned to face the source of the noise, he saw a particularly stark difference in color palette from the white of the prison cube. The guards in black moved everyone into a sort of high-tech arena, wherein the Time Baby made his appearance quite clearly known by demanding silence in his booming voice.

/Oh, my god... there's literally a giant baby. I was just joking.../
It was here that a couple of new contenders were also thrown into the mix-- a man with a winged helmet, a woman with a blue cape, and a group of anthropomorphic animals, the leader of which seemed to be... a fox? Akari's heart sank a bit at the premise of him potentially having to hurt a fox. Though, he steeled himself and readied himself for battle. Akari made sure to place his sword on his back, because the Time Baby had confirmed it himself-- nonlethal fighting was permitted.

The large monitor resting above the arena turned on and showed how the three teams were to be split. Akari did notice he was grouped with Mimaki on Team 2, which at least made him a bit happier inside. Even if he had to hurt the leader of Star Fox, there was still another fox on his team.

Akari balled his hands into fists and identified one of the members of Star Fox-- some sort of green toad. They claimed to be acting as the group's support, and while attacking them would mean that Akari would likely be invoking the wrath of the fox, rabbit, and bird, going after the support could potentially put the group of talking animals at a disadvantage. Flipping his violet-colored half cape, Akari sprinted towards the toad and leaped into the air, preparing to crash down upon them with a kick.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Targeting Slippy)
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Unspoken Mention)
(Open for Interactions)
Delsausage manifested his power to kill everyone all at once, his team included before recreating them at the same time. He had won the Globnar so quickly that his win had to be invalidate for the sake of fairness to all the other weaklings. No one but him knows what just happened, and he has forgotten what happened himself. All he was granted was the pride of briefly winning a meaningless tournament of power.

Aside from that, he just flopped to the group and leaked hot dog water.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
2nd Team
Location: Arena
Lilith stared at Time baby looking kind of baffled. "Okay I need to stop lowering my expectations." She says shaking her head. But that was the least of her wories when Time baby proclaimed that her and everyone else must battle each other to proclaim victory, that started to worry her. Once the battle started she slowly entered the arena to see everyone fighting, she wanted to try and find a way to resolve this mess but she figured trying to talk about fifty other people out of fighting each other would be no use so she had no other option. Soon she would run into Sora and take a deep breath before summoning a bunch of spirits "I'm sorry but...there's no other choice." She says before firing them at him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora)

When the set of battles and challenges began, Yoshi ran, and landed on his feet so he can try acting tough.

"Ya-yoshi! Now listen here! If this arena is a smash battle, then so be it! You throw punch at Yoshi, and Yoshi will punch back! Yoshi is fair opponent, and Yoshi want fair opponent! So you fight Yoshi, treat Yoshi like ferocious Yoshisaurus REX instead of cute Yoshisaurus! Bring. It. ON!"


@ anybody open to start a fight with Yoshi (Team 3) that's on the opposite team


Fuma was walking through the arena for a while, thinking about the many opponents she had to face opposite of her team.

"... Oh, so this is what the plan's become, is it? Very well, Fuma will treat this like a spar, a test, a experiment, and a record that the many stars around us shall witness."

Fuma spoke gently, looking around her, before starting to fly forward, catching up to face with the fox- Mimaki, her lover, and Ciri, the lady she had known prior to being in this punishment. "Mimaki, Ciri, you are welcome to be in Fuma's experiment. You will not be witness to my very last spell, but you will go through multiple trials. Though ally, Fuma has to treat you like opponents, subjects... for now." This implies it wouldn't be like that forever. With the blink of her eyes, Fuma made a jump, then started to float up, so she can see them, and they can see her. Maybe even damage her, if need be, since Fuma is being... pretty fair.

"Fuma knows Danmaku. Can you escape the bullet hell before it pelts you to the point of a defeat? A knock out? Can you endure her experiments, can you last long? Fuma will see..."

With another blink, her eyes changed to her summoning eyes. The book and its pages are starting to turn. She began to shout, as part of her getting ready, hopefully when they both hear her.


Whenever they both are ready, Fuma begins with the first range of non-spell danmaku. Multiple sets of cylinders, and many circles and seals of the demons forming to make starry bullets for their directions. It is Fuma's circle, and the bullets all depend on what level of difficulty she feels like using. This is normal difficulty, so while her floating level is fine, she's not feeling 100% serious. She's just above them for a while, but she'll lower herself at some points so she can charge up a spell or resort to a different style. That will be how it works.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
After everyone got done with whatever they were doing, they entered the arena where the Time Baby was waiting.

“Well this is. Interesting.”

“Y’know, I’m not even surprised at this point.”

Red Hood tried to object but unfortunately failed and the Time Baby separate everybody into three teams with Sora and Rex on team three, as well as bring in other contestants to add the respective teams. “Do we have to do this? There’s gotta be another way we can settle this.” As soon as the fight started, people were already getting knocked out left and right.

*Groan.* We gotta at least ask him. Hey!” He shouted at the Time Baby. “Isn’t there another way we can dispute things? Why do you do this? Why do we even have to fight at all?”

”Stay alert Rex.” Sora went over to Rex, keyblade in hand for defense. “There can be people from all over waiting to take us out.”

“Right. I got us covered. Just help me talk the Time Baby out of this.”

“Okay!” Rex brights out the Block Party to shield themselves from all attacks incoming close or afar. Anyone on team 3 were also welcome to come in if they asked. Unfortunately, Lilith floated by Sora and begin to fire sprits at him, exclaiming there’s no other way. “Rex. Let me out of the bubble and count to ten, the second you finish, let me back in the bubble.” Rex did as he said allowing Sora to step out for a second using Aero to blow back all the spirits fired at him, ending with a Magnet shot to hold Lilith in place for awhile before going back in the bubble to continue talking with her.

“You’re not even trying, Lilith. There’s gotta be a way out of this! Time Baby! Please, can’t you think of anything else besides making us fight each other?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @team3
2nd Team
Location: Arena

Lilith starts to stop fighting Sora for a moment to listen to what he's trying to tell her, apparently he believes that they could try and get time baby to give them a different challenge but Lilith didn't think that would help any. "What make's you think he's going to listen to you, let alone any one of us?" She asks him as she looks up at the baby shoving the bottle away.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora)
Lilith looked at Sora, doubting his methods of trying to cooperate with Time Baby. Sora looks at her with frustration and confusion. “I don’t know!” He angrily shouts. “But nothing’s worth, hurting my friends over!” Sora would go on until Rex interrupted him.

“Sora! You gotta cool it! Remember what Time Baby? All we have to do is knock them no killing’s involved. I don’t want this as much as you do, but if we can’t convince him, fighting may be our only way out.”

“But still!”

“Listen, pal. Remember the last guy who tried to be a hero?” Rex refers to Sage, causing a stunt similar to this back when they met the witch doctor. Sora looks at Rex and Lilith with a face of defeat, he wanted to stop this at any means, but not at the cost of making things worst. Rex had a point, all they have to knock them out. No killing whatsoever.

“Okay. But at least let us try first. At least give us that.” He spoke again to Lilith.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Third P.O.V.
Not long after becoming used to the room, a group of guards came and ushered the group outside, to which they entered a strange arena like area, Benrey saying “Huh....? What is going on here....” and before anything else can be answered, the Time Baby arrived and basically told everyone that they committed the worst crimes, yadda yadda yadda, and have to do a series of things to do, the first thing was fighting against each other’s in three teams. Now, Gretar didn’t like this at all, considering they needed to strengthen their bond together and becoming brothers and sisters in arms, until he realized the fact that the only way to do this was to fight, non-lethally to be exact. If this is what has to be done, then it must be done in order to survive, as both Gretar and Benrey in their respective teams prepared for another fight.
As soon as the battle began, Gretar began quickly looking for a an opponent, to which he sets his eyes in Yoshi, wanting to fight, and Gretar accepted this challenge. “I accept your challenge Yoshi, may this be a great and fair duel..... if no one interrupts....” as he walked into the sights of the green Dino, homeinrg his war hammer in his right hand as he prepared for combat, letting Yoshi prepare himself as well, Gretar only giving a smirk and a stare as he got ready, hoping that this wouldn’t end badly.
CutieBoop CutieBoop (Yoshi) @ Team 1

Benrey however, only sighed, as he said out loud to his teammates “Welp, it’s time to bring in the Pillar Skeletons..... again....” as he spawned in multiple items with his ToolGun at once, a radio and a couple of smoke grenades. Popping the pins off the grenades, he quickly through them around himself, the smoke slowly covering the Security guard himself, before leaving everything in the cloud of smoke to never be seen for a while. But the radio, which was conveniently left outside the cloud, began playing a song, and to those who were in the Penny fight all the way back in that universe, then they knew what was gonna happen next. As soon as the song began playing, three figures can be seen inside the smoke, which seemed to have a muscular build, and as soon as the beat reached its climax, which was pretty quickly, the smoke began to dissipate:

And not long after, the three figures finally revealed themselves: FFC673F7-12B3-4101-B7A9-D46E084BACE6.jpeg

“Yo, it’s me, Bars, and I’m here with the Pillar Skeletons. We have me, Bars, the leader, Pans, and Sans, the members of said group. And we are here to beat people up or something.... I dunno...” as both Sans and Pans prepared for battle behind Bars/Benrey, as Benrey finally finished his monologue and prepared for battle. The Three waited for someone to accept their challenge, and stretched a bit before battle.
@ Team 2 to all them losers

Bayonetta's Status (Physically): Just fine.
's Status (Mentally/Emotionally): Ready for a fight!
Post Mentions: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Post Interactions: GearBlade654 GearBlade654 (
Force Commander)
Hex Codes:
#1B4081. #0C0C28

Double Trouble's Status (Physically): Perfectly fine, as of now.
Double Trouble
's Status (Mentally/Emotionally): Having the time of their life.
Into: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Captain Falcon)
Post Mentions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Captain Falcon)
Post Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason, GM), Ellya Ellya (Atreus)
Hex Codes: #90EE90, #45444C
Red Rose

Bayonetta and Double Trouble
Double Trouble paused a few seconds to exaggeratedly think about Jason's question, tapping their chin with one hand and twirling their hair around a finger of their other. "Well then, Redhead. We're going to have to go back a little bit more to get that information, aren't we?" They teased, making an exaggerated expression as they thoughtfully looked off into the distance. "It's awfully hard to keep everything straight with all the characters I have to play, y'know?" Double Trouble intentionally dragged it out as long as they could, their mouth slowly crawling into a playful smile and then splitting into a full-on grin when the door to the cage opened. "Aw, would you look at that? Looks like it's time to go already." They purred, beginning to stride out of the cage. They may have been caught, but they hadn't revealed their employer. To add insult to injury, they intentionally bumped their prehensile tail into the hand that Jason was holding the gun with, at least making him stumble with it.

shapeshifter scanned the list of names, seeing themselves on team three. They weren't quite interested in who they were placed with, rather the interesting lack of rules not relevant to the win conditions. Oh, they could have some fun with this. Double Trouble slipped through the crowd, shapeshifting into Captain Falcon as discretely as they could, and allowed a smirk to cross their face. There were no rules about cross-teaming, after all. They charged into the arena, searching for someone to target and finding Atreus. He was technically on their team, but the boy wouldn't know that. Approaching him with a posture of seriousness and a smirk of confidence, they thought back to what they'd seen of Captain Falcon and improvised an impersonation of him. "C'mon!" The disguised shapeshifter taunted, bending their knees slightly and doing a "come here" motion with one of their hands.


"Show me your moves!"

Bayonetta scanned the screens with a confident smirk. Team Two, hm? Didn't seem like that bad of a bunch. There was Kassandra, alongside the aforementioned "Guardians of the Galaxy". Not a bad bunch, she supposed. As soon as she entered the arena, she unleashed the Crow Within, turning into the namesake bird and flying a good deal above the fighters. Who should she target? No children, obviously. She quickly decided on the hammer-wielding Force Commander who was on Team Three. Launching a barrage of feathers from her wings in her last few seconds in crow shape towards his face, she launched herself at the man from above. She unleashed a Wicked Weave in the shape of her demonic patron's fist, aiming for his hammer, before hopefully landing a kick somewhere near where his jaw would be. "Kiss this!" She playfully snarled, ready for the full-on fight that'd likely ensue.

F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon sneezes "Ow! Dang it!" Falcon rubs his nose before stopping instantly when something dawns on him "Someone's stealing my swag...! Oh imma find that person...Their tail is kale when I get a hold however dares to rob me of my greatness...With what little of it I still retain." Falcon swears
FoolsErin FoolsErin
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Team 2) (Team 3)

Weiss was wrong, but it wasn't like she didn't expect a wrong answer, anyway. Still, the answer remained as-is; they were here because they were branded 'time

"So we're fighting in teams, and the tournament is not why we're here," Weiss said, "Figures."

"Blake, please!"
Weiss rushed over to Blake, who was experiencing a panic attack over how the room looked. "I promise you, we won't be in that room for long."

"Tony" turned out to be a fake, transforming between different people, turning into, at points, Blake and Weiss. She even spoke in a pitch-perfect imitation of Weiss's tone; the only thing about it was the mannerisms. Then again, Weiss, in a few of her off-moments in her past, held mannerisms similar to that.

But she wasn't new to shapeshifters; Qrow and Raven could turn into birds...seeing as I, in particular, gave them them the power...and she had seen it in action. Never before, however, had she seen someone turn into other people, with striking accuracy.

"Strange..." Weiss noted, as she observed Double Trouble.

"I won't lie, that's possible," Yang said, "You said your powers were like emotions right? Then if you haven't already done that, start treating them like emotions; something you can control to the absolute best of your abilities. But it won't be an easy process; there will come a challenge, or limitation that will stand in your way, but the most important thing is to tackle them head-on."

Yang thought about Sage's apology.

"By the way, I forgive you," Yang said, "And I was tired as well. People tried to mess with my head as well, and the fact that someone else set everything on fire before getting killed, just...kinda did it in for me. Seriously, we fell asleep when our watches wouldn't work on us."

Kyou chipped in with his own words on the matter. Talent was a myth, she agreed. But Hershel was apparently able to send Kyou a mental message, and he happened to deliver it to him. That resonated with Yang's eventual choice to fill the void Alexis left, especially as a survivor of Toayi's antics.

"Well, it's up to you, really," Yang said, smiling.

Some time later, Weiss and Yang were introduced to a colosseum. Obviously, it was more advanced than the Vytal Colosseum could ever hope to be, with the neon lights, smooth curves... Even the people were decades ahead of the two.

Then came the Time Baby himself.

Globnar? How did this series of punishments come to be named "Globnar"? At first, they were stunned; a battle royale, against some of their friends, to the death? The fact that they could simply knock people out instead relieved them, but it was still going to be a rather painful fight to endure.

Before they knew it, the fight was on.

People in each team started to fight away at each other. Sora and Lilith fought for a bit, while Benrey unleashed his might.

While that was going on, Yang instead slowly approached Blake, cracking her knuckles, while Weiss readied Myrtenaster, switching over to ice mode.

"Consider this a spar, okay?" Weiss and Yang each said to their respective opponents.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Korg, Jason, Time Baby), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), @Necessity4Fun (Sage), CelestiaEmber CelestiaEmber (Kyou), Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Orbeck), Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora), ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials (Lilith), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Benrey), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa)
Last edited:
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Confident on Having Teamwork
Interaction: Her Team 3 Teammates
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Jabroni Jabroni , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , FoolsErin FoolsErin , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , marc122 marc122 , Laix_Lake Laix_Lake , Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , CutieBoop CutieBoop , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , BoltBeam BoltBeam , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , Venom Snake Venom Snake , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , & etc.

Story Update

After enough waiting around, the door on the opposite end of the room finally slid open. Whatever conversation you were having was soon interrupted by the sounds of screaming and the metallic smell of blood entering the air. As you turned around from within your white prison, you were met with the sight of a futuristic looking colosseum.


Slowly but surely, you were all ushered out of the cage one by one by the guards in black. Leo stood next to Sage, and the rest of you followed suit as you were shoved out by the guards. Once you were outside, you were met with none other than the balding Blendin Blanden himself, who pointed at you all angry.

“Th-there you all are!!” He shouted in his all too familiar annoying, high pitched voiced. “Th-th-that’s then. Those are the time anomalies!!!” He screeched loudly, which made Jason roll his eyes.

“We’re not fucking bad guys, you dumbass! We’re on the same Goddamn side!!” Jason screamed angrily, though as he did so, a booming voice rang out throughout the room.


At first, it was unclear where the voice had come from. It was deep and booming, so loud in fact that it shook the whole arena, causing everyone yo fall into a deadly silence. Even Blendin. As you searched around for the source of such an intimidating voice, it was revealed to you when two semi-circle shaped panels slid open on the other side of the arena. Slowly from the newly formed hole, the supposed leader of the arena had emerged.


The Time Baby.


"Oh... you've gotta be shittin' me..."


"Is there any way that we can object...?"

"NO!!!" Time Baby shouted as he slammed his fist down against his hovercraft, like an actual baby throwing a tantrum. "MY WORD IS FINAL!!" With that, Time Baby brought a clenched fist up to his mouth and cleared his throat. "YOUR FIRST CHALLENGE SHALL BE GLADIATOR THEMED BATTLE ROYALE. HERE, YOU WILL BE SPLIT UP INTO THREE SEPARATE TEAMS, WHERE EACH OF YOU WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!" Time Baby would shout at the top of his lungs as he rose both of his arms into the air, thunder ominously clapping behind him soon after. Then, he lowered his arms and looked down at the group after some of you inevitably let out shocked gasps. "OR... UNTIL YOU KNOCK EACH OTHER OUT." Without any further delay, Time Baby rose his arms again, though this time more by his sides than straight upwards, in a more summoning gesture. "BRING OUT THE OTHER CONTESTANTS!"

Then, two doors of the arena slid open, revealing two sets of individuals.


The first two individuals appeared to be a bearded, muscular man and an equally athletic looking woman. Both of them appeared to be clad in battle armor, which certainly implied that they were at least geared up to fight. Upon seeing the duo, Korg would smile and lift a hand, waving at both of them. "Thor, Valkyrie. You both look fit as always." Korg said, his words accompanied with a polite nod.

"Ah, Korg! I see you've brought along some new friends!" Thor exclaimed jovially with a wide smile.

"Oh, yeah. These guys are pretty cool. They're new to the whole Globnar thing, though." Korg explained as he thumbed towards you all.

"So are we, Korg..." Valkyrie replied, furrowing her brows.

"Fair point."

Then, the second door had opened, and revealed more people, but they were all more in the vein of someone like Kendall or Venice.


"Alright, Star Fox! Remember, take no prisoners!" The... talking, futuristic looking fox said as he took a step forward. Behind him was a falcon... and a rabbit... and a toad.

"Yeah, yeah," The tall bird replied as he crossed his arms. "This'll be over in a jiffy anyways. Ain't that right, Peppy?" The bird asked as he turned to the rabbit.

"Well... I sure hope it will be..." The rabbit said in a tired, almost elderly sounding tone. "I ain't too used to fightin' on the ground, ya know..."

"Don't worry, Peppy!" The toad said as he too stepped forward, smiling up at the old rabbit. "With me as your support, those guys won't even know what hit 'em!"


As he said this, a small robot appeared, holding the bottle of the Time Baby's cosmic sand in its claws. It repeatedly tried to get Time Baby to drink the supposed "Cosmic Sand", saying, "COME ON. DRINK IT. IT IS GOOD FOR YOU." But Time Baby relented and turned his head, trying to shove the robot away from his meal all the while.

"Well, at least we have a while..." Quill said, before turning to face his fellow Guardians. "Alright, so how exactly do we figure out--" As Quill was asking his question, the gigantic screen at the top of the arena flashed for a moment, and then just like that, the teams were decided as follows:

Red Hood
Leonardo Watch
Micah Bell
Sage Kaelber
Captain Falcon
Dennis Robbins
Fuma Mishandra
Arthur Morgan
Blake Belladonna

Guardians of the Galaxy
Weiss Schnee
Kanon Marshall
Frank Castle
Kanye West
Jared Williams
Killua Zoldyick
Akari Kishiri
Mimaki Kunosuke

Star Fox
Lealan Deathweed
Rex Salazar
Double Trouble
Vauban Prime
Whisper the Wolf
Benedict Cucumberpatch
Agent 3
Kyou Tana
Force Commander
Solid Snake
Yang Xiao Long
Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski"

With the teams set, you were all ushered into your respective areas. Thin, translucent, pink walls formed up around the arena, indicating where the "barrier" was. It ran a bit inside of the arena instead of forming right along the edge, possibly to provide a greater challenge. Still, it wasn't anything that should get in your way too bad... hopefully. By the time you had all made it to your respective teams, Time Baby looked at the overall arena, and spoke the words that some of you were dreading, while quite possible others were waiting for...


With that, the timer began, and Star Fox, the Guardians, Thor, Valkyrie, Jason, Leo, Kendall, Micah, and even Korg began charging forward. Without much to do, you all began to charge forward as well, as Globnar finally commenced. All the while, Time Baby would continue shoving his bottle away stubbornly, not even paying attention to the fight at hand.

"NO!!! NO...!!! STOP!!!!!"

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
JRay as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein) and Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
@jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
marc122 as Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Zamasu as Jared Williams (OC) and Shanoa (Castlevania)
BoltBeam as Agent 3 (Splatoon)
@bloodyninja64 as Dennis Robbins and Kanon Marshall (OC)
AlexandraRoseLeclerc as Jett and Sage (Valorant)
Celestial Speck as Kyou Tana and Cópia de Mimaki Kunosuke (OC)
Ciscodog as Killua Zoldyick (Hunter x Hunter)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Force Commander (Dawn of War 2) and Praetorian (XCOM 2)
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow as Haws (Roblox) and Venice/Spooky (Havoc Fox)
Jabroni Jabroni as Jeff "The Dude" Labowski (The Big Labowski)
Ellya Ellya as Ellie (The Last of Us) and Atreus (God of War)
CutieBoop CutieBoop as Yoshi (Super Mario Bros) and Fuma Mishandra (Touhouverse)
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 as Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) and Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
QizPizza QizPizza as Gunner Sergeant Lazarus Yongheng Huang (OC)

As when Jett got out after a guard pushed them out, a Gladiator like arena came outside when she'd smirked and have to prepare her weapons for her time here, as when she she looked around as a voice came after Jason saying that they are not the bad guys. She nodded in agreement as she is actually gonna have her teammates as follow, she then walked towards her team and smiled when she found Ciri, Rex, Sora, four talking animals, Aterus, Yang, and the new people at The Axion saying "So, this is a quite of a welcoming party right here..... But at least I need a pretty great swordsman like Ciri and a young archer prodigy like Aterus over there, and I am actually gonna be the team player in this team if y'all gonna give me a knock out to someone except an certain person." She turned at Aterus smiling in a quite friendly to him saying "Hey, Aterus. Could you um, have some non-lethal arrows you gonna make?? Because we don't want any of us are going to kill each other for some reason."

She then laughed in a jokingly manner trying to have things serious now saying "Well, I didn't met y'all here. Like these talking yet cool four animals right there, do you know how to knock someone out cold. I actually gonna help y'all if you need some assistances on knockouts and not have some experience on hand to hand combat." Jett actually had dropped her weapons in a safe room in order to accidentally kill anyone, hoping that this team will be a difficult first challenge since she is going to cautiously knocking out Blake stating to herself in a mumbling voice "Please, Lucky Gods. Just don't, I mean don't have me and Blake in hand to hand combat!!!!! I'll be embarrassed if she knocked me out in front of so many people inside of the arena."

She realized that she needed a sparring partner,and she charges towards Thorne shouting to her saying "Thorne!!!! Wanna spar a bit, first one to knocked out gets to have a awkward sentence!!!!!"


Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Being Awkward when One of Her Teammates is Blake
Interaction: Jett
Mention: Open

Meanwhile when Thorne does the same but this time she got very awkward when one of her teammates is Blake, so she decides to sigh in a very yet interesting tone. She got to find Jett in order to have a friendly fight, so she charges forward gracefully towards Jett saying after she hears her that the first one to get knocked out is going to have an awkward talk with their respective teammate"Alright, I can't wait to knock you out cold!!!! And also, don't have to interupt Blake's fighting, you little pipsqueak!!!!"

She tries to land a punch-roundhouse kick-punch-elbow combo on Jett in order to have some damage for a clean knockout to Jett.
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Shanoa & Jared Williams

With all of the waiting over, the team has been sent into a large area, where they are welcomed by Blendin and his superior, the Time Baby. While Shanoa squinted at the infant monstrosity, Jared let's out a "meh" and showed only boredom at the sight. With six more participants and the team has been split into three, the Time Baby declares the beginning of the fight.

For the remainder of this event, TABS will be utilized to avoid confusion.

  • Shanoa would target the second team, particularly Weiss. "Then so be it." She answered her with a tone of reluctance as she held her rapier out. "En garde!" She yelled before she charges her to deliver the first strike.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @others​
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Lealan scans along the lines of the two opposing teams her, the black and purple Synthesizer Set of Armor cloaking her form, before her gaze locks onto a target. She blinks across the battlefield, weaving around erratically to mask her target. Drill Spear appearing in her hands, one final Blink putting her in the air above her target, before she Dashes down, the Tech's acceleration shooting her down much faster than gravity would, bringing the spinning drill tip down upon Korg in an overhead stab, the mining lance whirring as it begs to dig into his rocky... flesh? Skin? Bits. Dig into his rocky bits. "Sorry, try not to die~" Anybody remotely near the Floran would hear Techno Music coming from her. Even in a battle royal, she still brings music for the group to here.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
A tongue reaches out for Yoshi, wrapping around him and pulling him in. Yoshi would notice that this belonged to one of his brethren!


"Yoshi! (Oookay, let's dance, amigo.)"

CutieBoop CutieBoop

Agent Penguin looks around, before putting a hardhat on and whipping a Jackhammer out, hammering away at the ground to create a great quake to topple his enemies.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Agent 3

Story Update

After enough waiting around, the door on the opposite end of the room finally slid open. Whatever conversation you were having was soon interrupted by the sounds of screaming and the metallic smell of blood entering the air. As you turned around from within your white prison, you were met with the sight of a futuristic looking colosseum.


Slowly but surely, you were all ushered out of the cage one by one by the guards in black. Leo stood next to Sage, and the rest of you followed suit as you were shoved out by the guards. Once you were outside, you were met with none other than the balding Blendin Blanden himself, who pointed at you all angry.

“Th-there you all are!!” He shouted in his all too familiar annoying, high pitched voiced. “Th-th-that’s then. Those are the time anomalies!!!” He screeched loudly, which made Jason roll his eyes.

“We’re not fucking bad guys, you dumbass! We’re on the same Goddamn side!!” Jason screamed angrily, though as he did so, a booming voice rang out throughout the room.


At first, it was unclear where the voice had come from. It was deep and booming, so loud in fact that it shook the whole arena, causing everyone yo fall into a deadly silence. Even Blendin. As you searched around for the source of such an intimidating voice, it was revealed to you when two semi-circle shaped panels slid open on the other side of the arena. Slowly from the newly formed hole, the supposed leader of the arena had emerged.


The Time Baby.


"Oh... you've gotta be shittin' me..."


"Is there any way that we can object...?"

"NO!!!" Time Baby shouted as he slammed his fist down against his hovercraft, like an actual baby throwing a tantrum. "MY WORD IS FINAL!!" With that, Time Baby brought a clenched fist up to his mouth and cleared his throat. "YOUR FIRST CHALLENGE SHALL BE GLADIATOR THEMED BATTLE ROYALE. HERE, YOU WILL BE SPLIT UP INTO THREE SEPARATE TEAMS, WHERE EACH OF YOU WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!" Time Baby would shout at the top of his lungs as he rose both of his arms into the air, thunder ominously clapping behind him soon after. Then, he lowered his arms and looked down at the group after some of you inevitably let out shocked gasps. "OR... UNTIL YOU KNOCK EACH OTHER OUT." Without any further delay, Time Baby rose his arms again, though this time more by his sides than straight upwards, in a more summoning gesture. "BRING OUT THE OTHER CONTESTANTS!"

Then, two doors of the arena slid open, revealing two sets of individuals.


The first two individuals appeared to be a bearded, muscular man and an equally athletic looking woman. Both of them appeared to be clad in battle armor, which certainly implied that they were at least geared up to fight. Upon seeing the duo, Korg would smile and lift a hand, waving at both of them. "Thor, Valkyrie. You both look fit as always." Korg said, his words accompanied with a polite nod.

"Ah, Korg! I see you've brought along some new friends!" Thor exclaimed jovially with a wide smile.

"Oh, yeah. These guys are pretty cool. They're new to the whole Globnar thing, though." Korg explained as he thumbed towards you all.

"So are we, Korg..." Valkyrie replied, furrowing her brows.

"Fair point."

Then, the second door had opened, and revealed more people, but they were all more in the vein of someone like Kendall or Venice.


"Alright, Star Fox! Remember, take no prisoners!" The... talking, futuristic looking fox said as he took a step forward. Behind him was a falcon... and a rabbit... and a toad.

"Yeah, yeah," The tall bird replied as he crossed his arms. "This'll be over in a jiffy anyways. Ain't that right, Peppy?" The bird asked as he turned to the rabbit.

"Well... I sure hope it will be..." The rabbit said in a tired, almost elderly sounding tone. "I ain't too used to fightin' on the ground, ya know..."

"Don't worry, Peppy!" The toad said as he too stepped forward, smiling up at the old rabbit. "With me as your support, those guys won't even know what hit 'em!"


As he said this, a small robot appeared, holding the bottle of the Time Baby's cosmic sand in its claws. It repeatedly tried to get Time Baby to drink the supposed "Cosmic Sand", saying, "COME ON. DRINK IT. IT IS GOOD FOR YOU." But Time Baby relented and turned his head, trying to shove the robot away from his meal all the while.

"Well, at least we have a while..." Quill said, before turning to face his fellow Guardians. "Alright, so how exactly do we figure out--" As Quill was asking his question, the gigantic screen at the top of the arena flashed for a moment, and then just like that, the teams were decided as follows:

Red Hood
Leonardo Watch
Micah Bell
Sage Kaelber
Captain Falcon
Dennis Robbins
Fuma Mishandra
Arthur Morgan
Blake Belladonna

Guardians of the Galaxy
Weiss Schnee
Kanon Marshall
Ben Tennyson
Frank Castle
Kanye West
Jared Williams
Killua Zoldyick
Akari Kishiri
Mimaki Kunosuke

Star Fox
Lealan Deathweed
Rex Salazar
Double Trouble
Vauban Prime
Agent Penguin
Whisper the Wolf
Benedict Cucumberpatch
Agent 3
Kyou Tana
Force Commander
Solid Snake
Yang Xiao Long
Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski"

With the teams set, you were all ushered into your respective areas. Thin, translucent, pink walls formed up around the arena, indicating where the "barrier" was. It ran a bit inside of the arena instead of forming right along the edge, possibly to provide a greater challenge. Still, it wasn't anything that should get in your way too bad... hopefully. By the time you had all made it to your respective teams, Time Baby looked at the overall arena, and spoke the words that some of you were dreading, while quite possible others were waiting for...


With that, the timer began, and Star Fox, the Guardians, Thor, Valkyrie, Jason, Leo, Kendall, Micah, and even Korg began charging forward. Without much to do, you all began to charge forward as well, as Globnar finally commenced. All the while, Time Baby would continue shoving his bottle away stubbornly, not even paying attention to the fight at hand.

"NO!!! NO...!!! STOP!!!!!"
Alright, show time! As much as she didn't want to do this, it seems it had arrived sooner than she would like! Assigned to team three, the Inkling seemed pretty content with this situation - mainly due to the people she was lumped with. She elected to follow those who began to charge in, but as she went, she left a trail of ink behind her with her gun - it won't do much good right now as it will show where she has been, and where she 'is' right not in particular, but if time goes on long enough for her to spread more ink into the colosseum, who knows where she will be? She wasn't directly going after anyone yet - she would rather try and get the attention of someone or multiple people to come after her. So, at one point, Agent 3 prepared a Splat Bomb and threw it into the crowd - towards where the charging group was going and kind of just hoped for the best while she spread more ink around her with her gun and attempted to hide in said ink around her via squid form.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confident​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: The battle begins!​
RP Information
Location: Globnar Colosseum
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: @TheEntiretyOfTeamThree​
Nearby/In Group: @GetReadyToRumble​
Double Trouble
The shapeshifter scanned the list of names, seeing themselves on team three. They weren't quite interested in who they were placed with, rather the interesting lack of rules not relevant to the win conditions. Oh, they could have some fun with this. Double Trouble slipped through the crowd, shapeshifting into Captain Falcon as discretely as they could, and allowed a smirk to cross their face. There were no rules about cross-teaming, after all. They charged into the arena, searching for someone to target and finding Atreus. He was technically on their team, but the boy wouldn't know that. Approaching him with a posture of seriousness and a smirk of confidence, they thought back to what they'd seen of Captain Falcon and improvised an impersonation of him. "C'mon!" The disguised shapeshifter taunted, bending their knees slightly and doing a "come here" motion with one of their hands.


"Show me your moves!"

Atreus had felt the adrenaline since the moment the doors opened. The entire time they were guided out, he felt like he was being dragged to his doom. And that was just confirmed when he saw the other contestants. Namely two of them.

"No..." he let out a fearful mutter of pure desperation. It couldn't be, but it definitely was Thor. And a freaking Valkyrie to top it off. Thor. That bloodthirsty, vengeful, terrible God. The one that he'd been warned about. And a Valkyrie. For a moment, Atreus considered he was actually dead already, and the Valkyrie came to bring him to Valhalla. But this wasn't any Valkyrie from his world, maybe Thor wasn't from his too. Granted, he'd never actually seen the real God.

His heart pounded. A horrible fear took over his body and for a moment, he was nothing but a scared kid. As Frank ( BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 ) nodded at him, he would see that. The boy just stood there, staring at Thor and Valkyrie. He felt tears welling up. There was no chance. He would die here, a small, crying child, and he would spend eternity in the cold of Hel.

"It's alright, Atreus..." he heard a gentle female voice. One he hadn't heard in a long while. "You will be alright. No matter what, I will protect you..."

"Mother...?" Atreus mumbled, a tear now sliding down his cheek. The voice was quickly overtaken by another though. The loud, booming voice of his father. "Do not stand there and cry, boy. Yes, you may die. But make your Father proud by dying a warrior. Make him proud by dying as what you are. A God, boy."

A sudden chill of confidence rose up his body, and he shivered. He sniffed, wiping his tear away and taking on a stern look. They wanted to test him? They wanted to see what he could do? "You wanna see my moves?" He said to the strangely dressed person in front of him now. "You wanna see my moves, huh?" He screamed now, angrily, as he pulled his bow quickly.

"NISTA!" he screamed, immediately loosening four arrows toward 'Captain Falcon' in quick succession, his hand moving at incredible speeds to keep nocking arrow after arrow. Each of them was infused with the magical blue light, and upon impact, each arrow would explode with a strong concussive blast. "Come on then! You have no idea who you're dealing with! ANY OF YOU! I WILL TAKE ON THOR, THE VALKYRIES AND ALL THE DAMN GODS!"

The boy's anger wasn't just anger. He was being consumed by a blind rage.
Much like Atreus, Ellie was just starting to feel scared. After that entire speech of her being scared of being lonely, she got put into a team with random strangers. She could put on tough acts all she wanted, but this shit was crazy. "Fuck... Fucking... Fuck!" she just grinded her teeth the entire time the teams were divided and moved.

She saw Frank's example of stepping out of the ring. She considered doing the very same thing, but wasn't sure if it would even help. Probably the best bet she had though. She clenched Frank's huge-ass knife tightly in her hand as she looked at the board. Of fucking course the three of them were in the three different teams. So where the hell was Atreus? At that very moment, she heard a pretty familiar magic word being called out, and four flashes of bright blue light told her where he was.

"Motherfucker..." she groaned as she watched Captain Falcon stepping up to the boy. Fuck being afraid of this shit. People obviously had the option to just not do anything, and yet this guy felt like he needed to start fighting a god damn kid? Ellie went into a full-on sprint, launching herself toward the two. "HEY, CHICKEN SHIT!" Upon reaching him, she would immediately attempt to jump onto the Falcon's back and grab him in a choke hold while keeping the long knife to his throat. She wasn't going to use any lethal force as long as it wasn't necessary, but no way in hell she was letting this guy hurt the kid.

FoolsErin FoolsErin BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
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As the fight broke out in some places, people would start to notice something. Elevated about 40 feet in the air, there was a large rectangular platform. It just looked like lighting at first, but now, as rythmic voices rang out across the speakers... Wait, were there even speakers in here? You could see a figure standing up on the platform.

"Aha... Heeeey, hey..."
"Aha... Heeeey, hey..."
"Aha... Heeeey, hey..."
"Heheheyhey hehe! Heheheyhey hehehe!"

The voice of Kanye West ran out across the entire arena.

"I'm livin' in that twenty-first century, doin' somethin' mean to it
Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it"

A bassline kicked in and all the spotlights (what the hell, there definitely aren't any spotlights for this guy) focused on the Yeezy as he energetically started jumping on stage.


"Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it
I guess every superhero need his theme music!"

Kanye started performing the entire song. And when it ended, he just performed it again. And again. And again.

And again.

@ god damn everybody
Chronology: Ultimate
GySgt Lazarus Huang
LOCATION: Globnar Arena
COLOR: #E83427
(Link to CS)
INTERACTIONS: DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
MENTIONS: FoolsErin FoolsErin

So it turns out that Tony wasn’t actually Tony…it was a lizard girl called Double Trouble. Lazarus wasn’t too shook, only surprised. He didn’t really know the man personally, only from the movies and comics, so it made sense that someone would know to pretend to be him. What was interesting was that Double Trouble seemed to know the general gist of the situation with the multiverse. Was there some kind of prior association with the MPF or were they just in the know?

Well, it didn’t matter, because a door opened up and the guards herded everyone out into the colosseum. The first thing that caught Lazarus’s eye was the giant disproportionate baby sitting on a floating chair presiding over the entire arena. In the center of its head was a glowing hourglass… this must be the “Time Baby” people were talking about. It’s deep, booming voice was unbecoming of its appearance, but based on the way people revered it, it was fitting. It announced the first event of the “Globnar”, fervently ignoring any plea for reconsideration.

According to Time Baby, the first event was a gladiator battle royal, though the way it described it, it was more like a three way deathmatch. What was good to hear was that options of elimination were not limited to death; knocking someone out of the arena or straight up knocking them out were other options. If the other contestants introduced to the fight were inclined to hurt Lazarus, it meant that he had non-lethal options.

As they were being split up into three teams, Lazarus surveyed the kind of people he had on his team and had to fight. He was with Jason, but aside from that, he knew no one else on his team. From looks alone, it didn’t seem like Lazarus’s team seemed to have a decent chance of winning. Sure, one team had both the Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor, but the other was just filled with children and anthropomorphic animals.

There wasn’t any way to avoid it; they had to fight. It was branded into Lazarus’s mind to win a fight when backed into a corner at all costs. A tournament where the option to kill your opponent existed was as close to life or death as it can get. Lazarus wasn’t going to leave it up to others to decide if they wanted to spare a life, so that meant that he had to take the initiative. The Marine drew his Rache LP8 in its shotgun configuration and set it to stun. He would stick to nonlethal methods if he could help it when it came to the people that he held nothing against. As for the others… he couldn’t tell them what to do, only hope that they had just as much restraint.

As soon the match began, Lazarus took off into a sprint towards the center of the fray. Normally, it would be pretty darn suicidal to charge straight in, but there was a surprising lack of gunfire and a reassuring number of duels going on between comrades. He would try to knock out as many people before they could hurt each other.

The first people in his sights were a plant girl with pink hair and Korg. He wouldn’t have honed in on them if they were just trying to knock each other out, but the plant girl was going for Korg’s life! She had a drill spear in her hands as she blasted techno music and tried to drill Korg’s head into pieces. Seeing that drill was already working on the rock man, Lazarus activated the Blink-Pack and teleported right up next to Korg as he fired his directed energy weapon. A wave of concussive energy shot out and would attempt to knock the rock man out/apart. If the attack succeeded and Korg didn’t try anything to kill Laz, he would follow up with a kick to the plant girl’s head. Hopefully, between his enhanced strength and speed from his powers and his exoskeleton, he would be able to land a kick that took her out of the fight. "Please stay down! I don't want to hurt you anymore than I have to."

Jett and Thorne's Fighting Theme Song


Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Fighting Against Thorne in a Friendly Competition
Interaction: Thorne, Kanye
Mention: Ellya Ellya

As when Thorne tries to do a jab-roundhouse kick-hook-elbow combo onto Jett, she blocked the jab, she dodged the roundhouse, and the hook with flawless and precision but she got hit by the unexpected elbow from Thorne saying to her after she is switched into her normal stance into her fighting stance "Ooh, you had just have that combo learned with Viper?? Heh, you've just perfected it now but come on. Let's start our dance, Thorne. I'll have my turn now, please." She tries to manipulate Thorne to hit her and is predicting on what will Thorne is going to do either she could do a leg sweep kick or a forearm hit, and attempts to hit Thorne with a slow paced yet hard damaging jab on the body-overhand-jumping tornado head kick combo on Thorne's body.

She cracked her knuckles in order to warm herself out in the pure white box like jail after she had her conversation with Korg, she then thinks about what to do if Thorne blocked the combo with ease or it'll have some small damage from the jab and the overhand and jumping tornado kick was blocked.

As the fight broke out in some places, people would start to notice something. Elevated about 40 feet in the air, there was a large rectangular platform. It just looked like lighting at first, but now, as rythmic voices rang out across the speakers... Wait, were there even speakers in here? You could see a figure standing up on the platform.

"Aha... Heeeey, hey..."
"Aha... Heeeey, hey..."
"Aha... Heeeey, hey..."
"Heheheyhey hehe! Heheheyhey hehehe!"

The voice of Kanye West ran out across the entire arena.

"I'm livin' in that twenty-first century, doin' somethin' mean to it
Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it"

A bassline kicked in and all the spotlights (what the hell, there definitely aren't any spotlights for this guy) focused on the Yeezy as he energetically started jumping on stage.


"Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it
I guess every superhero need his theme music!"

Kanye started performing the entire song. And when it ended, he just performed it again. And again. And again.

And again.

@ god damn everybody
As Jett and Thorne are fighting as well, a voice came around the arena and it was Kanye in a elevated platform at 40 feet and she stopped fighting Thorne saying "Let's paused our sparring, I'm gonna knock out this idiot that is in a platform at 40 feet rudely interrupted it thinking that this is a concert..." She decided to use her Updraft towards Kanye right before she could attempt to knock him out with a nasty yet hard hitting overhand punch saying "Dude, shut up?!!!! We're not in a freaking concert, this is a arena for fights idiot!!"

She will Updraft back to Thorne saying "Thorne, let's shall continue." She switched back to her fighting stance and waits for Thorne to land an strike, Jett was being so consistent on her hand-to-hand combat skills back in her world. So she knows how will Thorne is going to do next time, and waits for her to respond.


Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Quite Awkward on Kanye
Interaction: Jett
Mention: Ellya Ellya

As Jett tries to land her jab on the body-overhand-jumping tornado head kick combo into Thorne, and she didn't see the jab on the body so she groans a bit but blocks the overhand and the jumping tornado head kick. She looked up as a platform on 40 feet came and saw Kanye on it, she stopped fighting a bit as she hears Jett that she could have a free knockout and laughs when Jeett attempts to knock Kanye out cold.

She switched back her fighting stance after Jett said that they should continue saying "Sure thing, Jett." She simply said to Jett as she tries to land her own body shot but this time a body hook to Jett and decided to do a judo throw onto Jett in order to send her flying a bit and take the fight into the ground game.
Jett and Thorne's Fighting Theme Song


View attachment 772871
Location: Globnar
Expression: Fighting Against Thorne in a Friendly Competition
Interaction: Thorne, Kanye
Mention: Ellya Ellya

As when Thorne tries to do a jab-roundhouse kick-hook-elbow combo onto Jett, she blocked the jab, she dodged the roundhouse, and the hook with flawless and precision but she got hit by the unexpected elbow from Thorne saying to her after she is switched into her normal stance into her fighting stance "Ooh, you had just have that combo learned with Viper?? Heh, you've just perfected it now but come on. Let's start our dance, Thorne. I'll have my turn now, please." She tries to manipulate Thorne to hit her and is predicting on what will Thorne is going to do either she could do a leg sweep kick or a forearm hit, and attempts to hit Thorne with a slow paced yet hard damaging jab on the body-overhand-jumping tornado head kick combo on Thorne's body.

She cracked her knuckles in order to warm herself out in the pure white box like jail after she had her conversation with Korg, she then thinks about what to do if Thorne blocked the combo with ease or it'll have some small damage from the jab and the overhand and jumping tornado kick was blocked.

As Jett and Thorne are fighting as well, a voice came around the arena and it was Kanye in a elevated platform at 40 feet and she stopped fighting Thorne saying "Let's paused our sparring, I'm gonna knock out this idiot that is in a platform at 40 feet rudely interrupted it thinking that this is a concert..." She decided to use her Updraft towards Kanye right before she could attempt to knock him out with a nasty yet hard hitting overhand punch saying "Dude, shut up?!!!! We're not in a freaking concert, this is a arena for fights idiot!!"

She will Updraft back to Thorne saying "Thorne, let's shall continue." She switched back to her fighting stance and waits for Thorne to land an strike, Jett was being so consistent on her hand-to-hand combat skills back in her world. So she knows how will Thorne is going to do next time, and waits for her to respond.


View attachment 772874
Location: Globnar
Expression: Quite Awkward on Kanye
Interaction: Jett
Mention: Ellya Ellya

As Jett tries to land her jab on the body-overhand-jumping tornado head kick combo into Thorne, and she didn't see the jab on the body so she groans a bit but blocks the overhand and the jumping tornado head kick. She looked up as a platform on 40 feet came and saw Kanye on it, she stopped fighting a bit as she hears Jett that she could have a free knockout and laughs when Jeett attempts to knock Kanye out cold.

She switched back her fighting stance after Jett said that they should continue saying "Sure thing, Jett." She simply said to Jett as she tries to land her own body shot but this time a body hook to Jett and decided to do a judo throw onto Jett in order to send her flying a bit and take the fight into the ground game.

As Jett tried her hardest to attack Kanye, she felt her blow land on the performer, but he didn't seem to react. Anything thrown at him was just met with an utter lack of any kind of a response whatsoever from him.

Kanye could not be moved.

Kanye could not be hurt.

Kanye was performing.

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