Samus just balled up tighter. "Right, the multiverse...I can only hope that the authorities will understand, but nothing about our situation has suggested they do." She decided to meditate some more, but kept speaking as she did so. "Are none of you worried about what's going on in the outside world? Ganondorf could be claiming more universes, our loved ones being turned against us. And we don't know if Time Baby cares. How are none of you as stressed as I am?"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Cause you tend to worry alot than you ought too, Sammy. All the stress of saving lives over the years have put a strain on you, bless your soul...That or some of us are either too positive for our own good or are secretly dead inside and are now walking shells of our former selves but...We are worried...We...We saw some good people give their lives to help us...You should know, Sammy. that despite how bleak things yet, we always have a chance to turn it around...Ganon might be doing his thing be we aren't gonna stop until we get to him. We don't know how long it's gonna be but we're going to stop him whatever it takes!"
P PopcornPie
"Oh, I'll say it. I'm worried." Samus confessed, rubbing her chest. "First, I lose so many of the people I care about, then I am locked in here as I was peacefully searching for a crippled young girl I admitted into my care. And then I see my allies thrown in this endless prison, discovering that they are potentially in even worse danger because their efforts went against a strict law. If Time Baby is angry enough with us, he will stop us with the mere snap of his fingers. To at least one deity, we are villains. To top it all off, I have made a terrible first impression." She leaned against the wall, then looked into her own reflection in her helmet's visor. "Some heroine..."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngFalcon scoffs "Now you sound a whole lot like the Mage Girl." Falcon puts a hand on top of her helmet "I never said you were a 'perfect' heroine. But you're a hero all the same and still got the job done. It may not be much to you but in life, sometimes that's just enough. I know that's enough for me. If you end up being strung up on the things you "couldn't" do, then your only doing a deservice to yourself. Despite how skilled you are, you're still but one person. The fact you or anyone else is able to do the things you do is astounding on its own! But things don't work out the way we want them to. That's a given. Actually 'an absolute'. But why should we let that stop us? Life goes on, so why shouldn't we? Especially if it means we can make things right even if it seems like we can't. But I suppose I'm too bright-sided for my own good." Falcon chuckles "Sammy...Have I ever told you I look up to you? That you inspire me? Aside from the tights obviously."
P PopcornPie
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Agent 3

So while the Inkling does nothing of importance in the corner she had previously sped away to, Samus' scene continues to take her interest. The bounty hunter had kind of just showed up and did her thing, though as far as Agent 3 is concerned, she had no right to complain, and she also verily doubts Samus even 'knows' what has happened and what everyone has done. Hell, hardly anyone - if anyone at all - even knows who Blendin is, never mind the bases for his accusations! Time anomalies? How was everyone supposed to know, all they did was leap worlds-

"Wait a minute..." The Inkling muttered, something suddenly clicking. She 'replayed' a mental message in her head, something that was along the lines of different worlds and universes having set times - ergo, people could theoretically leap from world to world - and conversely, time to time.
“We haven’t known about it much longer than you have. And, like a lot of other things across the Multiverse, time is relative. Which explains why right now, in my universe, it’s the year 2014, and in Gravity Falls, where that Blendin guy is from, it’s 2017.

Not only that, but we had no way of knowing these guys even existed. Considering how hard Multiversal travel in of itself is to achieve, word doesn’t travel across the Multiverse in messages carried by little birds or e-mail. Crazy, I know. So, we go into a lot of situations blind, because there isn’t any way of knowing what we haven’t seen with our own two eyes and documented. We can’t send scouts, and it just so happens, these guys weren’t written down in a file.”
Jason said as he gestured to the room around him with that last sentence. Once he’d finished talking, he finally lowered his arms down by his sides. “Also, it doesn’t help that the universe that Blendin is from was under the control and dominion of an evil talking tortilla chip with one eye until...” Jason would glance down to his watch. “...a few hours ago now.”
Agent 3's jaw dropped a little upon realising this. It made sense, but that's all the proof for being 'time anomalies' that they know of for now, but regardless, if her thought process is right, then that makes 'everyone currently outside of their own world' a time anomaly by default! "...Oh damn." She thought aloud, and not sure if she's right or not, she stayed quiet. As for the Samus situation, she left that alone - figuring getting herself involved in that wouldn't prove any good at all if not worsen it, and as it is, past incidents of arguments were taking their toll on her.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Lots of things (surprise, amazement, worry)​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "You were hauled off to jail!"​
RP Information
Location: Time Jail?
Interactions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @ContainedYourselfTheSecond​
Samus could not find any pride in her reflected eyes. It had all come apart. They tried to reassure her, but all she saw was a bad ending. All someone on the opposite team had to do was catch wind of their being criminals to one of the highest authorities among the known universes, and then nobody would ever be able to set foot in their homes. Was this really how she wanted it to end, herself seen as some hysterical nag? Of course not. But what were they to do? Again, all one of the time police needed to do was spread the word, and everyone they once loved would be rooting for their execution. All because they just wanted to save the multiverse.

As Captain Falcon spoke, Samus gently lifted her head to meet his bright eyes. Honestly, she still didn't think this was a time for pure optimism, but after so long of sitting against this wall, breathing stale air and getting sensory deprivation from the pure white, being worried about them all, any doubt against her mood was welcome.

"I suppose Megumin learned more that combat skills from me." She croaked, uncurling ever so slightly. "Things don't always go in my favor, either. Nobody's plan ever goes completely right. But Falcon, look around us. We will only be released when they say we can be, and we don't know what we look like to the authorities. I just don't know how well we could fight back, even if every person here contributed their best efforts. I was confident that I could prove our innocence myself, not anymore." The issue was right there before her, wasn't it? Trying to defend some twenty people by herself.

That was when Jason pointed out that they had, in fact, been to different years, which seemed to frighten the little Inkling girl, and who could blame her? That was the face of someone who finally had it dawn on her just how much trouble they were in. "You see? We have all been crossing timelines, directly in violation to Time Baby. We can only hope that he hated Bill as much as we did." Her eyes shifted to Mimaki, and then Fuma. "Both of you are more aware of the course of time than I am. How many futures do either of you see where we proved our innocence?" She paused to smile at Falcon. "It's time to be the heroine you know me for, Falcon. We must put together our plea. If Time Baby objects to Bill's murder at your hands, we need to bring up every torment he has performed."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Celestial Speck Celestial Speck CutieBoop CutieBoop (nearby: BoltBeam BoltBeam )
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Geralt of Rivia

As Ciri began to tell her story, he could tell his initial suspicions were correct from the moment her story started. There was a slight tremble to her voice that underlined her fairly steady tone. Was it anger? Fear? Sadness? A mixture of the three? He wasn't sure, but Geralt certainly wasn't going to interrupt her to ask. The first part of the story, she was mostly put together. It was hard, he could tell, but she was staying on her feet and standing tall, even with the tremble. About halfway through, her hands started to shake. Gently, he placed a hand on her shoulder, and waited. The story went on. Man, there was a lot. None of it good. Geralt's eyes found the same spot on the floor as hers. It sounded like this Alexis really cared about this kid, whoever he was, and he could related to that. Love, especially parental love, makes you irrational. Irrational people sometimes do terrible things. Didn't make it okay, but Geralt understood.

As for Ciri's powers, he rocked back on his heels with a frown. The Elder Blood was always difficult to control, both in Ciri and in her mother. It was prone to explosive outbursts in moments of intense emotion. So while multiple incidents was obviously bad, it wasn't terribly worrying to the Witcher. She had clearly been through a lot, with more than a few high intensity moments to bring such an outburst out. "You know the Blood is hard to manage when you're off balance. Don't be too hard on yourself there." Unfortunately, it didn't stop there. Geralt's expression darkened further when Ciri mentioned considering killing herself to remove the trouble she was bringing the group. It was certainly disheartening to hear that someone you cared about considered taking their own life, to say the least. It wasn't a hard leap to see that Kassandra and her other friends might be the only reason Ciri was alive today. Geralt made a mental note to thank them privately, given the chance.

Eventually, she finished, and asked him a very difficult question. Was Ciri a monster? Was she being selfish? Those were two very different things, and the second wasn't even actually inherently negative. His arms crossed, Geralt made sure to lock eyes with her before responding. "Ciri, you know you aren't a monster. You've been dealing with the Blood for most of your life. It's powerful. It's difficult to control It's done an incredible amount of good, though, even just where we're from. No telling what it could do here." As for the next question, he took a deep breath and continued. "No, I wouldn't say, of the two of you, you were the selfish one. She was prioritizing her protective feelings over the good of the mission. That being said, you were being selfish... and that's okay. Sometimes, you need to look out for yourself, even if it means not watching out for other people as much. Can't exactly help others i you crumble under your own weight. Frankly, it sounds like you've been through a lot and need to drink something strong." He did his best to give her a reassuring smile, though some sorry tinged his eyes. Across the room, the stuff with Samus had escalated again, but was seemingly being diffused by Falcon. He made a mental note that she seemed to be a tiny bit unstable.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Frank Castle

Before Ellie spoke, the man with the strange armor and two guns from earlier that had given Frank his first inclination walked up and stood next to them. Vauban cracked a joke that sounded like it was straight from the Tenno's try at an open mic night at a shitty bar. Did the old vigilante somehow give the Tenno the impression that he liked him, or that he wanted his company? Vauban's next question just drew an even more ireful stare than the joke did. Finally, Frank grinned. It was a huge, bloody-mouth grin that didn't meet his eyes. It was very obviously fake, and because the rest of his expression didn't change, it was closer to a snarl than a smile. "Oh, yeah. I'm doin' fucking great." The 'smile' faded as he took another long, rattling breath.

Without another word, he turned away from the Tenno. Drax seemed to take some issue with how Frank described his creation. The old vigilante shook his head. "In your universe, maybe. In mine, a planet with a face named Ego made you to kill Thanos," Castle repeated matter-of-factly. "You've even succeeded once, but you Guardians brought him back. Don't ask me why. Doubt you'd know either." There was a certain contempt in his voice. It was pretty obvious that he didn't approve. His eyes shifted to Quill. "I don't know what his deal is, even back home. Here, he somehow seems less competent than the one I've seen. Sure seems a lot more submissive. Pretty sure the one I know would have declared himself the leader of this mission the moment he showed up." His eyes didn't move away from Star Lord as he spoke, full of poorly hidden disdain.

Off to his side, Ellie made a joke and looked at him. She actually smiled, and it seemed pretty genuine. Frank looked down at her, and didn't smile back. Actually, he looked away, shifting his weight in discomfort. That wasn't good. They had only just met and she was already trying to be friendly. The last thing he wanted was to get attached to Ellie, or for her to get attached to him. "Wipe that grin off your face. Stay on your toes. We're in deep shit." Any humor had left his voice entirely, leaving back where he started. Stern. Callous. Unfeeling. Ellie had danced away from the blood while he spoke. "I'm fine. Blood isn't mine." A lie. The blood on his arm from where she cut him was definitely his. When she muttered the comment about a planet fucking Quill's mom, he smacked her across the back of the head. Not hard enough to hurt in the least bit, but enough to get the point across. "Quit that."

The playboy idiot called him "Uncle Fred," or something. Castle's angry glower faded into a stern frown. Stark had registered his presence, but didn't know who Frank was. Either Frank was under the radar in this guy's New York, which, granted, he was generally a small fish for the Avengers anyways, or he just outright didn't exist there. Either way, Stark was trying to get a rise out of him. Likely felt like Frank was just picking on him because he was a grumpy old man. "Stay here," He muttered, glaring at Ellie, before walking across the room to Tony. His voice was low, but carried plenty of vitriol as he leaned down and narrowed his eyes at Stark. "You don't know me. I know you. Let's just say it's nice to see you really are nothing but a fucking rich kid without your armor. 'Earth's mightiest heroes' my ass." Castle sneered down at the Avenger, before returning across the room to where he had left Ellie.

New guy spoke up as he was walking away. Introduced himself as a gunnery sergeant. Another soldier. He felt that same very slight ease in pressure at that. Boots on the ground meant a thousand times more to him than any super freak did. Frank didn't verbally respond to Lazarus in any way. Just leaned back against the wall next to Ellie again, and nodded to show his understanding. The man was right, of course; wouldn't do to be trying to kill one another. Of course, Frank didn't intend to hurt anyone that didn't give him a reason to. Speaking of which, now that Samus was done losing her shit, he made sure to note that she'd almost killed... well, everyone in here, with a highly explosive missile. How long had it been since he had punished someone? Months? A year? Longer? Frank didn't know. Either way, in his books, she was on thin ice.

Ellya Ellya FoolsErin FoolsErin thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngFalcon smiles back at Samus with his infamous Smile of Confidence and gives her a thumbs up "Gotcha! And I know you more than just a 'heroine', Sammy. You're the strongest woman in the universe! And whatever happens, we always have each othere's back! Kinda!"
P PopcornPie

"If we fighter friends stick together, we may be able to soothe the time Baby! ... Well, In Yoshi's case, Yoshi is good with handling babies, even the most feisty of babies! I mean, think of Baby Bowsa! How do you think Yoshi handled that when Yoshi had Baby Mario?" Ground pounding, throwing eggs, sure it was meant to soothe the vicious baby Bowser that brought forth scary challenges, but Yoshi pulled through.


Admittedly, Samus is worried, so the dinosaur went to his happy tone, with empathy. "Yoshi knows we are different, Yoshi knows we have different stories. Yoshi knows we feel during our story, but does it stop Yoshi from believing in friends? No! Yoshi's heart is BIG! Yoshi is like a little happy tree, and the happy tree shares its happiness and kindness to many Yoshi and friend alike. Yoshi promise to make story of this journey when it ends. Before then, Yoshi keep promise of looking up to friends and helping them! Yoshi keep same promise even when away from Yoshi island, with Yoshi friends. And the promise is like the storybook turning, which makes Yoshi and friends feel more happy during journey!"

"Yoshi knows we are heroes and friends, and we'll keep going on that journey of happiness together!"

Internally, Yoshi can feel his Yoshi friends singing along to the happy tree even though they are not there, only lost. Yoshi can feel sad, it is just at this time he tries to smile and do his best for his friends.


Tags: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- P PopcornPie


.. She became from deadpan to being quite sad. "Well, Let's say... Fuma needs to change her feelings from feeling sad of being feared to being appreciated by some. That is a example of a trial. It's natural for demons to be feared and stigmatized, like myself and my 72 demons of Goetia. I was fed knowledge that made me wise by my... should Fuma say father? Creator? But, King Solomon was a great king. Solomon had treated me nice since I was young, and entrusted me to continue his legends. These demons are used to help the summoner when they are called." Then she pauses, looking over to Mimaki and Kyou. "The sun and moon, Kyou and Mimaki, has helped me feel appreciated, and not so feared. That, and being able to end the war would help me reunite with someone from the Fuuma clan... and maybe... make people proud." She might be tearing up now, but Fuma caught it with her hand, wiping them off. The reason being, her photographic memories are giving her imaginary images of her past. Being comforted. Trying to reach the stars for something she hoped to achieve. "Huh, mortal tears? Is Fuma... getting too emotional? But Fuma's a demon... Are my eidetic memories coming to me when I spoke?" Well, this feels awkward for her.

"Anyways." Fuma looked back to Samus, trying her best to be serious. "Fuma says you're still a hero. All of us here are. And over time our heroic deeds are known, even if there are benefits and costs. That is part of our existence. We are here for our purposes, even through our trials and victories. Our trials help us develop and feel, and even then we strive to fulfill our duties. Erm, Fuma is not the best at being... emotional. I apologize. Fuma just says words with some meaning. I hope you understand Fuma well enough." She took some seconds to progress some words before speaking again. "If I feel like summoning the many demons of clairvoyance to answer your question, they will have varied answers. Not all of them are bad. If I were to think of their answers, there is a way out. We have to wait, seek the result, then we do what we can. It doesn't necessarily mean death, it could be something more lighter, something that will help you survive. Again, if we stress out too much, we are blinded from our mission. It is best to be calm, collected, and... well, as positive you can be for the future. The trials are hard, but we can keep going on our routes no matter what happens to us. We are a team, in ways we can think of. That will never change."

... And at last, Fuma offered a smile. Well, she hopes that wasn't too cheesy.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , P PopcornPie

Mood: Guilty, Reflective, Honest
Tags: (Leo)
(Orbeck), (Yang)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage thought that he had heard someone calling him, looking upwards trying to gather whether he had actually heard it or it was just his mind playing tricks on him. And then it had been said again, this time by Kyou. His gaze had soon gone to meet the other, only to widen once it had done so. Together with Kyou was Yang and she was trembling... It was weird to see Yang of all people be scared, it made him wonder what could have even affected the blonde to that extent. He had seen her angry a lot, but afraid? That was, new.

But then it clicked. It was her voice that had uttered his name earlier.

The pyromancer wasn't new to fear. And it wasn't just on his end, it was on everyone else's end too... If there was one emotion, one idea that had perpetuated through his entire life it was fear, and as a result, he had ended up being incredibly sharp when it came to it. An intonation was all it took and he understood, even without remembering a thing, he understood who It had hurt back in the warehouse; And he understood that he was the thing that the other was afraid of. Guilt, shame and sorrow mixed together as he looked away before she could have realized he had been staring. His mind went back to Lucy... He had distanced himself from her for the exact same reason.

He wasn't sure how he felt over it happening again. But it wasn't pleasant, that was for sure.
Even if the inevitability of it all was something that he had always known... Everyone leaves one way or another.

Orbeck had approached, first time since the mess at the bridge and- He had decided to ask about the man from the Cape. The young man had deflated noticeably, grimacing at the memory. Honestly, he hadn't even known that he was called Tony... Or remembered it. But he still did blowing up on him for something that felt really minor at this point. Maybe also at the time, a little later. At least the man in question either did not remember him at all or didn't take the occasion as badly. Sage still felt like he had to apologise at some point though.

"You can say that... I-I think?", he wasn't sure either, "He was at The Cape, showed up in the room we were in which... Had turned up to be a mission simulator. I felt used. But there was also a lot of pent-up frustration from past happenings, including ending up in that building without wanting to.", he sighed with regret, "By the sounds of it, he's one of the MPF veterans."

Part of the pyromancer was already giving up on the idea that anyone but Kyou still cared. Really what was he to think after being practically ousted from the team, with both Alexis and Megumin gone, then the sorcerer making other questions instead of checking on him. It just felt, like the group was settled on the idea of him eventually leaving and made his presence seem very weak... Sadly ironic when even the literal ghost amongst them had more visibility than he did. It truly was really easy to just fade in the background and just sort of... exist.

Until Leo had joined him.

It was as if he had been becoming more and more see-through until that very moment, when he was suddenly solid again. At least, that's exactly how it felt. To be remembered by the person he cared for the most was like a reaffirmation of existence. Even if he hadn't exactly thought the words, it had still been like a way to reassure the idea of 'I exist and people can see me'. Sage had gasped at the hand against his shoulder, his heart skipping a beat already. But the words? They brought him to tears, for reasons that not even him was entirely sure of. It was such a simple question, such a simple gesture, but the impact of it was a lot greater than any of them could have imagined. His internal child was begging for a hug and to be comforted, but that wasn't going to solve anything, was it?
Silence reigned in-between them for a while, the pyromancer searching for the right words to say. Kyou's 'message' served as a reminder that he wasn't exactly alone, even if it might feel like that. He had a bunch of things to ask him, about different topics, but it seemed as if they would have to wait the right time. Still, the young man had shot the other's direction a nod before taking a deep breath to calm down, the temperature was finally beginning to re-stabilize.

"Man, where- Where do I even begin?", he laughed softly trying to cheer himself up, an arm went up and the tears were dried into a jacket's sleeve. But really, where to begin from? There was the group matters and then the more, personal ones, he couldn't help but tremble slightly, "Not good. Not good at all... Nothing of the being unsure of who I am kind again, but still... troubling.", he sighed dropping his gaze to the ground, "Jason told me to leave. Well, me and Alexis which is, why she's no longer here. She was already gone once I woke up... We couldn't be together, our dynamic kept putting the group in risk, she kept going to extremes to keep me safe. I understand why, to an extent, but it wasn't what I wanted either. I never had the chance to tell her what I told the Goddess of Hearth back in the warehouse, that I couldn't be a child anymore. That trying to be both was a mistake. There's a lot of things I'll never get to experience now, because I wasn't allowed to be a child when I was supposed to. It took me time to accept it, but eventually, I did. Albeit a bit too late..."

"I still think that if someone had to leave, it should have been me. Really...", he brought his gaze back up and stared fixedly at Leo, it wavered ever so slightly and narrowed, as if trying to read the other, "What is it that you see in me? I've done nothing but invite more trouble. I'm, a huge mess, I understand very little about things... And I can turn on you guys at any time... It's- It's really no wonder people have gotten tired of having me around. I've caused more damage than the actual bad guys have. ...And all I ever wanted to do was help!", the tears were back, a single streak softly dripping down his face. As he got more emotional though, the subjects had begun to entwine, "I don't even know how I feel about you anymore!", his gaze had fallen again, it was a shout of despair and confusion.

"When you couldn't reply properly to me in the alley I was so... So strangely frustrated? I knew it wasn't your fault but I just felt, cheated somehow. Of what? I'm not sure... But it put every single thought in disarray, every single one. It was something so minor, but then it... It wasn't.", he paused, trembling, unsure of whether he wanted to continue. No, he needed to get it out before he lost the chance to, "And that isn't all... I kept seeing you in my hallucinations and the last time it- Nothing else mattered. I brought 'you' close to me and shielded us both and that was all that mattered. That you were safe, with me. That I kept you safe. If it hadn't been for Megumin, I'd just have stayed there hugging that patch of air, in a world where nothing else really mattered.", the silent crying turned to light sobs, his head now low too, "And I was happy there. Until I had to break the illusion, it was such a... blissful feeling? For a couple minutes I was at peace and everything felt right in the world.", why was he even saying this? At this point he had no idea, other than the feeling that Leo had the right to know, for some reason, "It was really strange, but not, bad strange. But I'm- really confused now..."

"It feels like I'm doing something wrong. It's like I said before, I might be crossing some boundaries I don't even know I am. It's why I've been trying to give you more space lately... But if I have to be honest, the distance sucks.", Sage sighed, finally leaning back on the wall, he glanced at upwards at the white ceiling with that same reminiscing look that he had during his chat with Kyou, "It really hurts. I've been trying not to give it much attention, but I wasn't sure if it was coming both ways anymore. I couldn't tell if you were avoiding me because I did something, or if it was just my insecurities speaking too loud again.", another sigh, though this one was lighter, even holding a hint of amusement, "It can never just be simple, can it?", and finally after so much doubt and so many tears, he felt a little better, even letting out a soft laughter then taking a deep breath, "Well, that's that. I was supposed to handle things separately but then emotions said 'no'."

"But yeah, I don't know if I should leave, I don't know where I'd even leave to considering... Well, considering that being in this cell and being back home feels about the same. It's just less empty and white, but the same thing.", he had smiled at him as if trying not to be upset again, but it was a little twisted with melancholy, ever so slightly, "But I also know that being around me is dangerous, that I have a lot of people to apologize to and that everyone seems to not want me around anymore. Which, as much as I understand makes me feel lied to... a bit.", he averted his gaze, looking at the wall right adjacent to them, perpendicular to the one they were leaning against. It was almost as if he could see something else in it, something distant, "I'd rather have them shun me back when I explained things than much later after being told everything was fine and they understood it. I was ready to be isolated, avoided, it's what I'm used to. But this? This hurts so so much more."

"If I stay I-, I'm afraid to let myself hope again only to see it crumble once more.", the Descendant's gaze had gone back to the ground for a moment as he remained in thoughtful silence, then rather suddenly it had come back up, looking at Leo with a troubled expression, "And I'm unsure if I can even really talk this openly with anybody else but you now... Maybe Kyou too, but that's going to take a while."
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Though Samus was shy at heart, and didn't like to be showered with praise, Falcon's compliments were the medicine her anxious heart needed. With her heart opened, she could take in Yoshi and Fuma's words. One was as innocent and hopeful as always, the other understood her plight and was willing to help her tame it. Together, they'd restored the soft smile Yoshi and Falcon had most likely known her for.
"Ugh, and to think I called you all selfish. Still a little reckless, perhaps, but there are good hearts before me. Besides, I'm the one who was so foolish as to travel alone. Though what I have been through has beaten me down, I will rekindle my strength for you." The smile on her face fell, however, as she looked down at her own muscle. "Though, I still worry about what would happen if Time Baby wanted me to use my power for his own goals. Do any of you have the power to extract my strength, should push come to shove?" She moved closer to Fuma, showing the demon desperate eyes. "Please, give me some sign that we have a chance. I've been trapped in this room for so long, telling myself terrible stories about what was awaiting me. I don't doubt that we could fight off the guards all together, but running from them as soon as we're released is a different story. I'm...not very fast."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- CutieBoop CutieBoop

Lucky, meanwhile, continued to fiercely guard Weiss.

marc122 marc122
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Well, it's up to her to speak of the future. She began to explain the tactics Fuma can think of to Samus. "Well, let's see. If we are running away from the guards, that's multiple strategies in one. It may not always be about agility... But there are other ways to go about it." Now, Fuma is thinking. "Fuma can fly and use portals. The portals are your shortcuts. What Fuma can also do is to stall the guards. Among many, Fuma has demons made for combat, including herself. Though, Fuma would rather be shooting danmaku and moving, like it were some modern shooting game. ... Speaking of, the danmaku I use are usually made for defeating smaller enemies and it doesn't do too much damage, unless Fuma uses it wide-spread." Danmaku doesn't necessarily kill 100%, it just hurts.

"The rest of your agility depends. But to make sure you're equal means taking routes in portals and catching up with the group. Portals of dark magic or otherwise should be good enough. That's when we are able to escape, though." Fuma clarified. "As for my power to be equal to yours, well, I don't usually put gaming powers to real life. Fuma just has danmaku, but be warned, it is wide spread, so it may not just get you, it'll get other people. If that comes to the future we have to fight each other first, remember Fuma treats you like allies. Or maybe test subjects to the danmaku experiment. So, if battle happens before our escape, think of it like a spar, a test." Fuma shrugs. The experiment is bullet hell, basically. "I'm not going to really go out, for Fuma saves her last spell for the last battle. Fuma hopes that'll be fair to you and everybody else." That's saying, her last spell, "FUMA MISHANDRA" is not going to be used. It will be up to the "Triangle of the Gods/Legend of Delta" spell.

As for Mimaki, in case he worried about her crying for a moment, she quickly looked to him and said, "Don't worry about my tear, Mimaki. Fuma's own story of trials made herself sad, fufu." She gave the warm giggle a demoness can offer. Not like anybody else did it, it was just a part of herself. Besides, that one tear is gone. Not much to worry about. Afterwards, she just focuses on Samus and anybody else listening in.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , P PopcornPie , @ everybody for the part about tactics and if battle happens


Yoshi, in the meantime, was happy he, and others, reached out to Samus. "Yayoshi! Kakakaroo!" He'll keep his promise to the very end of the tale. In the meantime, Yoshi perked over Fuma's information to Samus. He wandered a little closer, and took it in. "Hmmm... Yoshi think it's much, but Yoshi do his best to dodge... danmaku? Otherwise, Yoshi just treat it like smash match between friends! I think Yoshi will fight fair for Samus, Falcon, maybe anybody Yoshi could be equal with... Yesh! That should work." For the first time, people around Fuma can see a green dinosaur. "Oh, and Yoshi can run pretty fast. Just not as fast as Falcon or Sonic... Yoshi has better jumping capabilities!"


Well, the question is, how many people could the dinosaur fight equal with? Yoshi will look over at the other people and scan for people that Yoshi would have fair battles with. However, if it's kids, Yoshi wouldn't really fight them unless they're strong. Yoshi is careful.

Tags: P PopcornPie , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , @ anybody else yoshi looks at​
When all was said and done, Geralt locked eyes with her and responded. And really? He knew just what to say and knew just what to do, he always did. And he was right, the Elder Blood was hard to control when she was off balance as it was shown multiple times but sometimes she managed to get it under control. But sometimes she wasn’t able to and that was what she was more afraid of happening because in that instant, if she wasn’t able to control it?

It had a chance to hurt everyone else around her and it would be her fault that she wasn’t able to control it.

But now that Geralt was here, she could have a better chance of controlling it thanks to his presence. Once he was done talking, she kept looking at him. “
We never got that much of a chance to have a drink after the first two worlds... and frankly, I doubt we would ever get another chance, but I’ve really wanted one ever since those events.” Wiping away her tears, despite the pain talking about those events brought her, she was relieved in the end that she could at least talk with someone about it. Even more so that it was with Geralt, someone she trusted wholeheartedly.

Thank you, Geralt... I needed someone to talk to about this and since I doubt most of the people here would want to talk to me after what happened and it would only remind Kassandra, Aloy, and my other friends of what happened, I’m glad that you showed up when you did.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
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Lealan looks at Samus and then looks around the group. "I'll be honest, I don't think I've killed anybody this whole trip, but not for a lack of trying... Wait, no. Lobo. Lobo attacked us. Is killing counted as being in battle and having a hand in someone's death, or is it only counted as killing if you struck the final blow? Because in my Home Dimension, crimes were based either by whatever government you were in service under, and since the Protectorate was destroyed, I fell under Floran Laws, which really let me get away with killing in open combat, but there was nuance. Do you know if they'll give us a law book to study before the trial?"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
Before she'd reply to Fuma, Samus cocked her head at Lealan. "I'm afraid that if we were to be be provided a law book, the lot of us would have been given one a while ago. That's why I don't exactly feel that we'll see a fair trial. As for your other question, it's a hard tell. In space, there is no uniform moral code. Ridley's murder at my hands may have been well and good in my galaxy, but downright illegal in others. I feel that we are looking at the same situation currently, where Bill's death was respectable in every universe except, ironically enough, the one he terrorized." Then she tilted her head back to Fuma as the demon spoke of running away with portals.

"I do like it..." Samus spoke, her brow creasing. "But I saw someone trying to make a portal in here and failing. In case the same limitations reply to the outside of this cell, we will need a backup escape maneuver. I am willing to create a diversion with my missiles, though keep in mind that they are finite." She showed Fuma the business end of a normal missile. "They travel a little ways forward, then they run out of propulsion and explode. If you are close enough, it will hurt badly. In fact...I hate to say it, but I probably could accidentally destroy you lot. Because of that, I might not use my Power Suit at all."

She produced a pistol, then pulled its trigger, producing a long line of yellow electricity. "This is my emergency pistol, the Paralyzer. It doesn't hurt much, it will simply stun you for a little while. Overall, it's about the same amount of pain as one sticking their thumbnail in an electrical outlet. And if Time Baby wants more of a show, then I can whip it around like this." She waved the energy rope in the air like a lasso. "I still wouldn't feel comfortable fighting you, however, after you comforted me, so Yoshi, I hope you don't mind if I use my energy on you." Yoshi's eager planning told her that it would exactly be the case, and she smiled. "I am thankful we agree."

Before she knew it, a lightbulb was going off in her head. "Of course...We could all fake a brutal fight, and then escape once they've disposed of our bodies!...No, no, what if Time Baby believes in cremation? But there's a chance he'll send our 'corpses' back to our home worlds to be 'disposed of' there. And perhaps one of us would end up remaining, what would happen to them?" Good thing they had all the time in the world to plan right?

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp CutieBoop CutieBoop
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)


Weiss's question about the Time Baby was answered in time by Korg, but it was a vague one; the Time Baby thought they were time anormalies, nothing more. Fortunately, Jason was able to provide an answer that could explain how the situation came to be:

Time is relative.

Jason was from 2014, while Blendin came from 2017.
In Team RWBY's own time, Ruby was involved in the Mushroom Kingdom Incident while Blake was in the Tesseract Incident.

The biggest catch was, the Tesseract Incident happened first from what she had read of the MPF files, despite Blake being older than she was around the time Ruby disappeared for a few days.

"Waaait a minute," Weiss said, "So what you're saying is, this Mushroom Kingdom Incident happened after the Tesseract Incident, which was, according to us, about several months ago, while Ruby disappeared for days years ago. While we were in Beacon."

For a moment, her eye twitched. She could already barely understand what was going on with their involvement in the Incidents spanning back to two years. Now, she realized that the same Incident Ruby took part in years ago had actually happened after Blake disappeared months ago.

"...Huh?!" was all the ex-heiress managed. The only thing that breached her silence was Lucky feverously trying to "defend" her. With a respite from earlier thoughts, her eyes rolled towards him.

"Lucky, you can stop now," Weiss said, "Those are our friends and allies that you're pointing"

Meanwhile, Yang's shaking came to a slow stop as soon as she'd been reassured by Kyou, as well as her own observations of Sage. Although some of those thoughts of the Fire Entity remained, she was now sure it was Sage himself she was seeing.

Letting go of her wrist, she nodded, saying "You think?" as she approached him and Leo. To Leo's credit, he had been among one of the few to comfort him. However, if time told her something, it was that it would ultimately lead to another round of reassurances.

AKA, one of the things that arguably led to him becoming more dependent on his peers.

"I see someone who's been through a lot, in such a short timespan, in you," Yang began, "But I also see someone who can still learn from his errors and blossom from there. You don't have to leave..."

"In fact, despite how close to death that Toayi thing left me, I--..."
Yang paused, shuddering. She had felt her nerves incinerate all over her while she was set on fire; she did not want to think about it again, much less re-experience it. "I still don't want you to leave. I may have had my doubts, but...yeah, that is all."

Then Yang thought about the realization she made while at the toy factory. Sage had tried restraint. Didn't last long, because it also involved shutting off his heroic values from people, and it worried said people. Lucky essentially suggested not bottling things up. Sage can die as a result.

Sage had mentioned that comfort and reassurance was not the solution, because it was only a temporary solution to a problem near the root.

"The keyword was control, right?" Yang asked.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Blendin, Korg, Jason), P PopcornPie (Lucky), Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage), Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Kyou)
Location: Prison Cell
Lilith has been sitting around and minding her own business a of late until she started to shift her attention to Samus, she faint;y remembers Megumin and Lucky talking about her so she decides to confront her and ask about it. "Hey I think I remember a couple of people talking about you, you must be familiar with them right?"


P PopcornPie (Samus Aran)
Geralt of Rivia

As Ciri began to tell her story, he could tell his initial suspicions were correct from the moment her story started. There was a slight tremble to her voice that underlined her fairly steady tone. Was it anger? Fear? Sadness? A mixture of the three? He wasn't sure, but Geralt certainly wasn't going to interrupt her to ask. The first part of the story, she was mostly put together. It was hard, he could tell, but she was staying on her feet and standing tall, even with the tremble. About halfway through, her hands started to shake. Gently, he placed a hand on her shoulder, and waited. The story went on. Man, there was a lot. None of it good. Geralt's eyes found the same spot on the floor as hers. It sounded like this Alexis really cared about this kid, whoever he was, and he could related to that. Love, especially parental love, makes you irrational. Irrational people sometimes do terrible things. Didn't make it okay, but Geralt understood.

As for Ciri's powers, he rocked back on his heels with a frown. The Elder Blood was always difficult to control, both in Ciri and in her mother. It was prone to explosive outbursts in moments of intense emotion. So while multiple incidents was obviously bad, it wasn't terribly worrying to the Witcher. She had clearly been through a lot, with more than a few high intensity moments to bring such an outburst out. "You know the Blood is hard to manage when you're off balance. Don't be too hard on yourself there." Unfortunately, it didn't stop there. Geralt's expression darkened further when Ciri mentioned considering killing herself to remove the trouble she was bringing the group. It was certainly disheartening to hear that someone you cared about considered taking their own life, to say the least. It wasn't a hard leap to see that Kassandra and her other friends might be the only reason Ciri was alive today. Geralt made a mental note to thank them privately, given the chance.

Eventually, she finished, and asked him a very difficult question. Was Ciri a monster? Was she being selfish? Those were two very different things, and the second wasn't even actually inherently negative. His arms crossed, Geralt made sure to lock eyes with her before responding. "Ciri, you know you aren't a monster. You've been dealing with the Blood for most of your life. It's powerful. It's difficult to control It's done an incredible amount of good, though, even just where we're from. No telling what it could do here." As for the next question, he took a deep breath and continued. "No, I wouldn't say, of the two of you, you were the selfish one. She was prioritizing her protective feelings over the good of the mission. That being said, you were being selfish... and that's okay. Sometimes, you need to look out for yourself, even if it means not watching out for other people as much. Can't exactly help others i you crumble under your own weight. Frankly, it sounds like you've been through a lot and need to drink something strong." He did his best to give her a reassuring smile, though some sorry tinged his eyes. Across the room, the stuff with Samus had escalated again, but was seemingly being diffused by Falcon. He made a mental note that she seemed to be a tiny bit unstable.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Frank Castle

Before Ellie spoke, the man with the strange armor and two guns from earlier that had given Frank his first inclination walked up and stood next to them. Vauban cracked a joke that sounded like it was straight from the Tenno's try at an open mic night at a shitty bar. Did the old vigilante somehow give the Tenno the impression that he liked him, or that he wanted his company? Vauban's next question just drew an even more ireful stare than the joke did. Finally, Frank grinned. It was a huge, bloody-mouth grin that didn't meet his eyes. It was very obviously fake, and because the rest of his expression didn't change, it was closer to a snarl than a smile. "Oh, yeah. I'm doin' fucking great." The 'smile' faded as he took another long, rattling breath.

Without another word, he turned away from the Tenno. Drax seemed to take some issue with how Frank described his creation. The old vigilante shook his head. "In your universe, maybe. In mine, a planet with a face named Ego made you to kill Thanos," Castle repeated matter-of-factly. "You've even succeeded once, but you Guardians brought him back. Don't ask me why. Doubt you'd know either." There was a certain contempt in his voice. It was pretty obvious that he didn't approve. His eyes shifted to Quill. "I don't know what his deal is, even back home. Here, he somehow seems less competent than the one I've seen. Sure seems a lot more submissive. Pretty sure the one I know would have declared himself the leader of this mission the moment he showed up." His eyes didn't move away from Star Lord as he spoke, full of poorly hidden disdain.

Off to his side, Ellie made a joke and looked at him. She actually smiled, and it seemed pretty genuine. Frank looked down at her, and didn't smile back. Actually, he looked away, shifting his weight in discomfort. That wasn't good. They had only just met and she was already trying to be friendly. The last thing he wanted was to get attached to Ellie, or for her to get attached to him. "Wipe that grin off your face. Stay on your toes. We're in deep shit." Any humor had left his voice entirely, leaving back where he started. Stern. Callous. Unfeeling. Ellie had danced away from the blood while he spoke. "I'm fine. Blood isn't mine." A lie. The blood on his arm from where she cut him was definitely his. When she muttered the comment about a planet fucking Quill's mom, he smacked her across the back of the head. Not hard enough to hurt in the least bit, but enough to get the point across. "Quit that."

The playboy idiot called him "Uncle Fred," or something. Castle's angry glower faded into a stern frown. Stark had registered his presence, but didn't know who Frank was. Either Frank was under the radar in this guy's New York, which, granted, he was generally a small fish for the Avengers anyways, or he just outright didn't exist there. Either way, Stark was trying to get a rise out of him. Likely felt like Frank was just picking on him because he was a grumpy old man. "Stay here," He muttered, glaring at Ellie, before walking across the room to Tony. His voice was low, but carried plenty of vitriol as he leaned down and narrowed his eyes at Stark. "You don't know me. I know you. Let's just say it's nice to see you really are nothing but a fucking rich kid without your armor. 'Earth's mightiest heroes' my ass." Castle sneered down at the Avenger, before returning across the room to where he had left Ellie.

New guy spoke up as he was walking away. Introduced himself as a gunnery sergeant. Another soldier. He felt that same very slight ease in pressure at that. Boots on the ground meant a thousand times more to him than any super freak did. Frank didn't verbally respond to Lazarus in any way. Just leaned back against the wall next to Ellie again, and nodded to show his understanding. The man was right, of course; wouldn't do to be trying to kill one another. Of course, Frank didn't intend to hurt anyone that didn't give him a reason to. Speaking of which, now that Samus was done losing her shit, he made sure to note that she'd almost killed... well, everyone in here, with a highly explosive missile. How long had it been since he had punished someone? Months? A year? Longer? Frank didn't know. Either way, in his books, she was on thin ice.

Ellya Ellya FoolsErin FoolsErin thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Ellie looked disappointed when Frank brushed off her joke so easily. Not only was it shame that he was acting like the fun police, but she really thought it was a good one too. Even when she commented on the fact that spitting blood was definitely unhealthy, he just casually brushed it off again. It became more and more obvious that this guy was no Joel. From what she heard about Atreus' dad so far, Frank seemed more like that guy every minute. He really had a special way of pushing all of Ellie's buttons. And then after her second joke of the day, she received a smack against the back of the head. It was hard, too. She stumbled forward a step, and a terrible, searing pain shot up into her skull for a while. Not from the smack, but from where it hit.

Cut. Scalpel, please. Sit still. Behave. Only make it harder. Skull, open. Piece out. Doctor... Anders? Arson...? Doctor Arden...? Fear. Fear. Nothing is safe. Fear.

She was quiet after the smack, but inside, her head pounded and it felt like she couldn't breathe anymore. Where Frank might have thought she was just pissy about him disciplining her, she was frozen. Frozen in absolute terror for a good five seconds as a strangely familiar feeling took over her body. One memory came back all too clearly for a while, and suddenly every single thing around her scared her. Terrified her. Every word that any person uttered sounded like Riley's terrified screams. Ellie's muscles were so tense that she just couldn't bring herself to move, and it just wouldn't end. Until Frank told her to stay put, and his words seemed to blow air back into her lungs. She took a deep breath just as he walked away, her body shivering and her hand trembling intensely.


"You want distance, asshole?" she muttered under her breath, her voice cracking slightly. When Frank returned to the wall they were at, Ellie was nowhere to be seen.

She could keep herself hidden if she wanted to, and it would take him quite a bit of searching if he wanted to find her, but there really didn't look like there was a place for her to go besides hiding behind the crowd. And that was exactly what she did. Ellie had pushed her way through the crowd of people, literally just as far away from her starting point as she could, shoving random people and creatures out of the way with a frown on her face. The memory that had caused her to freak out like that was just gone now, while it was so very clear before. But when she felt the back of her head near where Frank smacked, a scar was very obviously still there.

@ Anyone that wants to interact or might have been shoved by Ellie as she walks through the crowd
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
When Atreus made his way over to them, she kneeled down to his height. “Atreus, I’d like for you to meet my two teammates who have become like family to me and two friends. The one in white is Weiss Schnee and the one in yellow is Yang Xiao Long. And the man is Kyou, the woman is Shanoa, Kyou just joined us in the last place we visited before coming here. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you.
Meanwhile, Blake introduced Atreus to Weiss and Yang, who turned around to face him.

"Hello, Atreus," Weiss said, "I'm sure you and I will make great allies together."
"So, how are ya?"
The boy with the bow intrigued Akari, and so he strode over to him, two-handed sword still resting on his shoulder. "You must pretty good with a bow, huh? I've heard tell that longbows are the weapons of noblemen. I use a crossbow called the Archimedes, myself. Real mechanical wonder, that-- it's capable of self-reloading." Realizing he went on a slight tangent, Akari decided to introduce himself. "Ah, sorry about that. I'm Akari Kishiri, though I also go by 'Paladin', hence the armor. I believe someone said your name was 'Atreus'? Nice to have you with us."

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Thank you, Yang." Shanoa said in relief. For one she thought she was going to turn down. Shanoa was then introduced to Atreus. "A pleasure to meet you. But, aren't you but too young to be in this situation?" Shanoa greeted, and then asked, showing some concern.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Ellya Ellya @others​

Atreus listened and acknowledged every introduction politely with a smile and a nod. "I'm... doing fine" he said to Yang ( marc122 marc122 ), considering for a moment actually unloading his uncertainties and troubles on these people as well, but as he learned from his time with his Father, sometimes it was best to just lie and avoid things like that.

Akari ( quadraxis201 quadraxis201 ) walked up, and Atreus seemed to stare at his sword for a while, seeming pretty impressed by its size. "Wow, the Archimedes..." he muttered to himself. "Yeah, my bow's called the Talon bow. Mother made it for me." He pulled it out proudly. The bow was almost as big as the boy itself, and while taking it out was a bit clumsy sometimes, he seemed to hold it with ease and aim it calmly at Akari's face with a grin - and without nocking an arrow, of course. "Yeah! Father's been teaching me to hunt and fight with it, and I can focus some magic into my arrows."


To Shanoa ( Zamasu Zamasu ), Atreus' polite nod was interrupted by an expression of annoyance. He wasn't irritated by any means, but it was clear that something about being questioned because of his age was a bit of a trigger point for him. "I... I'm not" he said sternly but without coming across as rude. "Father's been teaching me a lot, and... Well, it's not like I have any choice anymore."

"It's really nice to meet all of you!"
He said, seeming pretty genuine about it.
“Well thank you,” Korg replied to Jett with a smile and a nod. “I quite enjoy being your friend as well.” He did, however, lift a finger as she continued to speak. “Though... my name is ‘Korg’, not ‘Krog’... just thought I’d point that out for ya there.” Both his eyes and his smile would widen a bit more as Jett continued to tell her story. He found himself nodding more with what she said, and when she was done, he let out a small laugh. “Ah, you have a crush on someone. Well... can’t say I have much experience in that area, due to me being incapable of feeling love,” Korg said, his smile remaining despite the sudden dark turn of his words. “I would just say to tell whoever this person is how you feel, and then go from there.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Quill rolled his eyes in response to Ellie’s teasing. “Laugh it up while you can, kiddo...”


“I mean... it is pretty funny, Quill,”
Rocket said while trying to stifle a laugh underneath his breath, though failing miserable at doing so.

“C’mon, man...” Star-Lord muttered dejectedly, only to then overhear Frank call him incompetent. This made him furrow his brows a bit, his arms crossed as he looked at The Punisher. “Well, that dude sounds like a massive dick.” He said in regards to the “other” Star-Lord that Punisher spoke of. “And, for your information, my dad WAS Ego.”

“Thanos is responsible for the death of my wife and daughter...” Drax spoke up from the side, his arms crossed. There was a clear pain in his voice, one that Frank was more than likely already familiar with. Slowly, Drax’s gaze shifted upwards, and he locked eyes with The Punisher. “I do not know of the people from your world, but Thanos will die by my hand, and my hand alone.”

“Yeah, that name ain’t exactly popular around us, either,” Quill replied as he took a step closer to Frank, only for his gaze to shift over to Gamora, who seemed to be purposely staying out of the conversation. He forced a smile as he turned back to face Frank. “Guess our worlds have got that in common, right?”

On the other side of things, Jason had a select few words to give Samus, so much so that his eye actually twitched slightly behind his helmet. But luckily for him, Mimaki stepped in and did the work for him. He just remained to the side and sighed. He wasn’t dealing with this right now. Instead, he only looked over to Weiss when she asked about the timeline ramifications of everything. “Yeah... like I said, time is relative across the Multiverse.” He explained behind his helmet. “It’s completely reasonable that you were taken into different Multiversal events after each other, from different points in your own timeline.”

Leo, meanwhile, had sat next to Sage and listened to Sage ramble on. He felt sorry for him... about Alexis, about his own self worth. Nothing that had happened so far had been Sage’s fault, and Leo knew it. Leo understood how Sage felt. He understood every last bit of it. But... despite what Sage thought, Leo was never good with words. And as Sage continued in, talking about how happy he was just knowing Leo was safe, and asking Sage what Leo saw in him... Leo answered in the form of leaning forward slightly, and planting a small kiss on his lips mid-sentence.

It was quick, so quick that anyone but Sage probably didn’t notice it. But it was hopefully enough to get his message across without having to give some huge, multi-layered spill.

“Does that answer your question?”

During this, Korg had looked at Mimaki when he had spoken to him. “Oh, well, you’ll all be forced into this Gladiator tournament....” Korg rapped a finger against his chin. “The name of it escapes me, though....”

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck FoolsErin FoolsErin TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Laix_Lake Laix_Lake quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 BoltBeam BoltBeam DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- CutieBoop CutieBoop
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Shanoa & Jared Williams

Shanoa did not mind the annoyed look of Atreus' face. "I see. Your father must be a great warrior then. I'm sure one day, you will grow to be as strong and brave as him." She tells him "If ever you need assistance, never hesitate to call any of us. We're all on this together, aren't we boy?"

On the other hand, Jared suddenly Wales upon hearing Korg mention that everyone is forced to be in a Gladiator tournament. That got him all giddy. "Did somebody say "tournament"? Is it a solo or team one?" Jared asked upon rushing over to the rock man with sparkling eyes.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya @others​
Geralt of Rivia

The Witcher could see it in Ciri's face. The palpable relief. She really had been worried that what she told him would make him upset. Not to say none of it did, but not at her. Obviously hearing someone he cared about had been through so much was disheartening. Mostly for the fact that Geralt wasn't there to help her through it. The guilt there didn't weigh him down too much. He couldn't have been here before, and he was here now. That's what mattered, in the long run. Same as when he had finally found her after she vanished for years. Playfully, he punched her in the arm after she finished speaking.

"I'm glad I showed up when I did, too. Seems you've got your work cut out for you without dealing with your own problems." With one more reassuring squeeze of her shoulder, Geralt released her. He was dry-eyed, but that wasn't strange. Geralt didn't cry... ever, basically. Still, his supportive smile was as genuine as they came. "Soon as we get out of here, we'll see if this boat has any booze on it. Take the edge right off. Don't try to keep up with me, though. I'll drink you right under the table." He crossed his arms yet again, though this time it was more a movement to relax than a sign of tension. He looked past Ciri. She needed humor. Something to lighten the mood. They were in an intense, high-stress environment and some levity could really help out. "So, your friend Kassandra... She seems nice." As before, the phrase was said innocently enough. "Mind telling me more about her? To get to know my new comrades."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Frank Castle

When Frank returned to where he had left Ellie, his eyes alighted upon nothing but a blank wall. He wasn't worried, though he did immediately turn to search for the girl. Wasn't like she could have gotten far, there was absolutely nowhere for her to go. Just a blank white room full of freaks and maniacs. It was a wonder they didn't fit the entire crew with straight jackets before throwing them in here. It also helped that Ellie just brazenly shoved her way through the crowd of people Follow the distgruntled stranger, and you'll find the upset teenager. Castle's kids weren't teens when they died. Lisa was only nine. He had no idea how to treat her if he even wanted to treat the girl normally. She wasn't a normal girl, though.

Before he could find Ellie, Drax and the other Guardians responded. He locked eyes with Starlord for a moment. "So a planet really did fuck your mom." Drax's statement immediately shattered what momentary levity he felt at mocking the alien's fragile ego. His expression didn't change. If anything, his jaw tightened further. He was practically grinding his teeth at this point. Slowly, he made eye contact with Drax. Castle didn't say anything. Didn't think he needed to. This definitely wasn't his world's Drax, born from nothing with nothing to lose. If he got a chance to help this one get his revenge, he'd take it. Without hesitation. Wordlessly, he nodded the green skinned alien, any malicious contempt gone from his face. He didn't say anything else, turning away to resume searching for Ellie.

When Frank did finally find her, Ellie wasn't just sulking. She looked rattled. Like something had shaken her up really badly. He hadn't hit her in earnest, but maybe that had been a step too far. She was acting like an adult, and like she wanted to be treated like one, but she was still a girl. A young one, that had been through a lot, even before the Crossed incident. For a moment, he considered leaving her alone. Maybe she could use the space to cool off from whatever had her so rattled... No. She was too shaken. Leaving her to it was as likely to make things worse as it was to help. Slowly, he walked over. For the first time since meeting her, Frank kneeled to be at eye level with her. He tapped himself on the cheek with one finger. "You can take a free shot, if you want." Maybe this was his way of saying sorry. He really did mean, it too. No tricks intended. When she just stared at him, he moved on.

"I know something's got you shaken up. Practically look like you've seen a ghost." Out of the corner of his eyes, he watched her hands to make sure they weren't near her knife, but consciously remained kneeling in front of her, where he was vulnerable. "Could just be because I smacked you upside the head. I don't think it is. Nearly broke your arm back there and you didn't react half this poorly." His stare didn't waver. He didn't break eye contact unless Ellie did first. "Your memory seems fuzzy. I don't know how far back it goes. If you remember Joel, or the Crossed incident, or anything about the world you come from. I won't press if you don't, or if you just don't want to talk about it. But..."


"You wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya

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Fuma's reassurance that she wasn't crying because of someone, and mostly because she reminded herself of something didn't do much help in terms of allowing the fox to calm down. The Kitsune's eyes had moved between her and Samus, giving the woman a dirty look, before quickly ignoring her again- his attention focused on Fuma once more. A little hand went towards her cheek and gently caressed it as if comforting her even though no harm came her way. For a moment, his eyes didn't let go of her, thumb gently stroking across her cheek, before with a small smile, and an audible sigh, Mimaki nodded.

It almost reminded him of Ciri in a way, at least what she had told him earlier. Although, his face couldn't help but frown as his ears picked up her little talk with Geralt regardless. Damn it. He still can't control natural parts of his body, it seems.

"Alright," Mimaki said, gently letting go of the demoness cheek. He had the idea of why she was crying. "Tell me if you need me, though. Just...Please don't do something harsh, and don't be afraid to cry or come talking to me. I don't want to see you hiding away your emotions." His voice was soft and calm. He knew Fuma was old, wise, and powerful- probably more so than him in some aspects, but even so, he couldn't help but worry for the demoness. At the end of the day...She was both gifted and cursed with the wonderful thing that is human emotions. He didn't want her getting hurt, though.

Still- his eyes darkened a little bit and his tails dropped for a moment when Kro-- Ahem, Korg, explained what was going to happen to them. A fucking gladiator arena. What the actual fuck? That sounded so...

"That sounds awful-!"
Both men spoke at the same time, as Mimaki's body moved away from Kyou's, a look of confusion and shock in his face, before soon falling on realization as he saw the look on the Oni's face. Kyou, the instant he had heard Korg, and just have finished nodding at Atreus with a smile, instantly had a different look on his face. Sparkly eyes, a huge, toothy grin, and his soul was on fire! Pumped up! And Mimaki could feel it! The excitement inside the oni's heart, the wish to fight down in his genes-! Alongside Jared!

And Mimaki instantly hit Kyou and Jared on the head with his fist. Somewhere, Sage could perhaps feel a sense of Deja Vu if he saw the scene.

"Idiots! We don't even know if it's to the death or not!"

Kyou, holding his head in pain, groaned ever so slightly- the groan soon becoming a little laugh from himself. "Oooooi~! I know that, I won't kill anyone, I'm not an idiot, buuut~! If we're just allowed to fight one another on friendly terms, it's enuff for me, kye-hehehe~!" Kyou noted- and it was clear, much like Jared, he wanted a chance to fight against the team, but, was willing to not do it if it involves killing anyone. The look on his eyes showed that clearly. Mimaki soon sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He supposes he can't...Blame Kyou, at least not fully. The man hasn't had a chance to fight and meet new strong people for nearly 20 years now. At this point, the Oni's life has mostly been paperwork and laws.

He guesses being this excited at the idea of a fight between everyone on friendly terms is not because Kyou wants to fight them, but see their moves. Their abilities- to learn more about them. If only he wasn't so loud so everyone could hear him, though...

The fox sighed. He was about to ask Korg another question, but the half oni interrupted him.

"But...Will we be obligated to do...That? Kill one 'nother?"
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Atreus had mentioned how he was able to infuse his arrows with magic, and Akari's eyes widened a bit. "Magic arrows, you say? Those certainly would make quite the difference in hunting and combat, indeed. Your dad must care about you if he's teaching you a vital skill like hunting for your own food, Atreus. Oh, but this sword I have, I do believe an old friend of mine told me about it. It's known as the Sumarbrandr, said to have belonged to the Norse god Freyr. It's capable of fighting on its own, or so I was told, but in my hands it's a force to be reckoned with." Akari then gave a slight smirk. "Oh, and should you wish to take a closer look, do be careful not to touch the red lining of the blade-- it'll do a bit more than burn." If Atreus were to look a bit closer at the center of the sword's blade as Akari held it, he would see light blue rune symbols along it, glowing and flickering like fiery embers. "But, aside from my skill in using a crossbow and sword, I have access to spells of my own. It's mainly healing and empowering magic, but I can also use offensive powers involving light. Should you find yourself in need of aid, Kronos and I can mend your wounds or make you a bit stronger." Akari added with a nod.

Then, Korg mentioned how the prisoners would be forced to participate in gladiatorial combat. "If that's the case, Korg..." Akari closed his eyes and exhaled. "...then so be it." In his mind, Akari prepared a plan. It seemed he wouldn't have much of a choice but to fight his allies, but he would try and do his best to not outright kill them if he could, then perhaps Samarecarm them when all was said and done. The problem was, he had to make his victory look convincing enough. Of course, he could not discuss this plan out loud with everyone at the risk of anyone overhearing it that was not supposed to, but for now, Akari hoped the others would catch on when the time came.

Ellya Ellya
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Fuma & Yoshi

... Well, extra attention from Mimaki got the demon blushing this time. "Uuuu. You hit the mark. Fuma didn't intentionally mean to make her own feelings appear by photographic memory. Fuma just... reminisces, Fuma guesses. Fuma's feelings show from time to time." She's tempted to hide in her own book during her, but at that point she's just paying more attention to the fox and the oni.

They both have different opinions on the gladiator arena Korg had mentioned. Fuma is neutral on that matter of the arena, but something else bothered her. "... Mimaki, hopefully you and Kyou understood what Fuma spoke to Samus about, my Danmaku will hit possibly everybody in the arena. If you two, or anybody else have to face me, think of it like a spar, a test, a experiment, maybe." Fuma spoke with worry about the killing matter. She hopes she doesn't have to kill anybody, cause one, her danmaku bullets do not necessarily have a lot of damage besides small damage- two, danmaku is not made to kill anybody, and three, even if dark magic kills, she would rather not kill a person who she considers a ally in any way.

Either way, she was cursed, and blessed, with human emotions that mixed in the demoness nature by the end of the day.

Gladiator? Yoshi only knows of like... few gladiator arenas, and they were all in smash; that is, they were arenas from Fire Emblem. "Yoshi know some concept of Gladiator arenas... Yoshi know they were in tournament! But Yoshi doesn't have to... kill, right? Yoshi just knock out opponent. Yoshi know stamina battles can be scaaawy..." Yoshi hopes he didn't have to be too brutal. The dinosaur knew of his own tendencies in smash that are competitive, but if Yoshi has to be a brute... Yoshi sucks at being mean, basically.


Tags: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Korg) , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

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