"...Gerald has a point, aren't we guilty as charged?" Samus raised her hand. "Even if we are doing it for a good cause, are we not fugitives? I suppose I should point out that fugitives aren't treated well in my world, and I assume they aren't in yours, either..."

Then, when Jason let their little secret regarding Bill slip? "Wait...you destroyed Bill?! You, as time anomalies, killed such an important being? In Time Baby's home dimension?! Oh, Lord help you..." Samus was already reciting funeral rites in her head. Yeah...these guys were DEAD. No way was Time Baby not going to address Bill's murder at their hands.
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Location: Prison Cell
Lealan suggests Lilith that she doesn't interact with him for now witch she obliges to as she nods. "Yeah sounds good to me, I'll try my best." Korg would then pipe up again witch she just tries to ignore by looking away. Lealan seems to be right, he is pretty unpredictable in his behavior upon first meeting, but hey at least he's not throwing rocks at anyone anymore.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Korg)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Lealan)
“What part of ‘we had no idea that they even existed’ did you even miss?” Jason asked Samus annoyedly. “Besides, we did them a favor by destroying Bill. And if he hadn’t been destroyed, then we’d have no chance at defeating Ganondorf.”

P PopcornPie
The confidence this woman gave off honestly could put Dandelion’s confidence and maybe even his and Priscilla’s confidence combined to shame. When she introduced herself, she looked at her. “
It’s nice to meet you. Cereza is a lovely name but Bayonetta does make it easier for nickname purposes.” Just by looking at her and the small interaction the two were having, she was starting to see similarities between her and her adoptive mother, Yennefer. Those similarities were mostly in appearance, but maybe it would also show in personality over time.

While she would be more concerned with what just happened with the armored woman pointing a weapon at them, it was quickly quelled down. She had heard something about Megumin and figured that someone must’ve said something bad about her to trigger the armored woman’s protective feelings about her. Honestly, she would be the same as well over Space Kid, Kass and Aloy as well as the rest of their small group would be the same way if it was about herself, and both Geralt and Yennefer along with those she was close with back home would be in the same boat as the small group her and her battlesisters and battlebrothers were as well.

Before she could continue talking to Cereza, Geralt came over and asked if they could talk. “
Sure, Geralt. I’ll be right back, Cereza.” Ciri then followed Geralt, going off to talk to him. “What did you want to talk about?

FoolsErin FoolsErin , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Agent 3

Korg shrugged. “A while now, in all honesty.” He replied, pursing his stone lips a bit. “It’s not that bad, once you get used to it. Like uhhh...” Korg lifted up his arm and gestured to the white space in front of him. “That white space right there is pretty cool,” He then turned left, gesturing towards another wall. “And that one over there.”
"...It's literally all the same." She said bleakly, and hardly that amused or interested. She got the answer she wanted, but in truth, she was a bit disappointed. Maybe it was just due to how vague it was in the answer, but regardless, she got what she wanted, at the end of it.
Oh yeah, also, that's a thing... The Inkling would turn to see it and freeze before turning to her squid form and speeding off to a corner, leaving a small trail of ink behind her as she went, having been scared silly. "What in the heck is that...?" She muttered in a mix of fear and awe.
Then, Frank asked who was in charge. This, of course, made Korg raise a hand. “That would be me. Big pile of rocks. You might have missed it with all the adrenaline pumping through your veins,” He explained. “I’m Korg. Pleased to meet ya.” He said, greeting Frank with a small smile. Moments later, his mouth formed an “oh”. “Unless... do you mean the leader of this here game you’ve found yourself in? Because if so, then that would be the Time Baby.”

“Time... Time Baby? What?” Star-Lord asked with a confused look on his face. Korg merely nodded.

“Oh, yeah. Real nasty guy, he is. He’s omnipotent and omnipresent, and controls time itself.” Korg explained in his casual, almost constant workplace level tone that he spoke in.

“Yeah, but why’s he called Time Baby?” Rocket would ask.

“Oh, because he’s a ginormous, floating baby, of course.”
So there's some sort of game going on here, run by... the 'Time Baby' - that's a thing?! "...What." The Inkling blurted out in simple and utter confusion at the mention of the name alone. As if things couldn't get any weirder, they're here because... a not-child wanted them here?!
Unfortunately for Jared, when he tried to form a portal to get everyone out... some static appeared and clung to the wall, before fizzling out entirely. Yeah, things probably weren’t gonna be that easy anyways. Hiryu’s attempt at finding any weaknesses in the wall went about the same. In fact, it appeared to be made of... some kind of material that he wasn’t even aware of. Like some really durable, futuristic kind of metal.
OK, so at least they know there's no way to get out through the walls or outside ways to do so... You'd probably need to try and get out through the bars, but... That's even if you can to begin with - a thought Agent 3 did not want to test at all.
“Woah, woah, woah!” Jason shouted as he quickly ran in between both parties, putting out both arms before yet another fight broke out. “Everyone, chill the fuck out for a second, alright?” He asked, and though Rocket and Star-Lord slightly lowered their respective weapons, Micah’s aim stayed right on her head. Deciding to just ignore this, Jason turned his head and faced Samus. “We didn’t force her to get shit back, Samus! She tripped and fell and hit her head on her own!” He shouted angrily. “And, in case you forgot, she WANTED her Explosion back! You should be happy for the fuckin’ kid! And you especially shouldn’t be trying to kill us! Especially when we’re, ya know, the fucking GOOD GUYS?”

Eventually, the words of others (and Captain Falcon being an idiot) paid off, and Jason was finally able to lower his arms into a resting position. “It’s alright, Samus,” He said with a small sigh. “I understand being overprotective - but you can’t start trying to kill us at your earliest convenience.” Jason remained silent as others got onto Hiryu, only to speak up again whenever she asked how Megumin had been doing. “She’s been fine.” He started bluntly. “Reckless as always... but fine.” As Samus spoke more, all Jason could do was sigh through his nose. The last thing he could worry about right now were the whereabouts of another kid. “...she’s fine, I’m sure.”
...Oh, and... I guess Samus is here? Whoever that is. Agent 3 sighed as she just overheard the argument and shook her head in disappointment - though the state of the missing kid who is for some reason no longer with them... The Inkling reverted to her normal humanoid form and to take a thinking posture, a conflicted expression on her face as she processed some things, and ignored others.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Fine​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "You were hauled off to jail!"​
RP Information
Location: Time Jail?
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Nearby/In Group: @ContainedYourselfTheSecond​
Geralt of Rivia

Jason's answer was measured and reasonable enough, but still basically amounted to him throwing his hands in the air and saying he couldn't have possibly planned for this. Geralt didn't have enough of an understanding of how all this worked to give a real opinion. In his experience, if you encountered an issue you couldn't have planned for, you probably weren't careful enough. Of course, most of his plans failed miserably, leaving him to wing the solution in the end. Almost always worked out for him there. Maybe it'd work out for them here. Maybe.

She didn't know what he was talking about. Surprise briefly replaced concern, though it faded shortly. Maybe he had read into it too much. Maybe whatever she had been about to say to him wasn't that important. That didn't sit right, though. Geralt had always been keen on reading people. Ciri, especially. There were few people he knew better, and when he asked about Alexis, something had clearly been bothering her enough that she felt the need to tell him about it. "Before the kid went missing, you were going to tell me something." He watched her expression closely, trying to gauge her reactions as he spoke. Geralt knew better than to push too hard, especially if the subject was as touchy as he thought.

After a short pause, he continued. "I asked about the woman that was leaving after the argument Jason was having with her. Everybody in the room got real quiet, like I'd done something bad. You sorta went into your own head and then said you needed to tell me something. Then, a child got kidnapped, and after that we were arrested by 'time police.'" Exaggerated air quotes accompanied the words. It was pretty clear that Geralt was having a little trouble, despite their circumstances, taking the organization seriously. They worked for an omnipotent floating baby, for the Eternal Flame's sake.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Jason only slowly nodded in response to Tony’s words. “Well... I’m happy you got out alright, then.” Jason said, before letting out a sigh. “I hope that the same can be said for Cap and the others, though...”

FoolsErin FoolsErin
Chronology: Ultimate
GySgt Lazarus Huang
MENTAL CONDITION: Peacekeeping, Calm
LOCATION: Time Cage, Axiom
COLOR: #E83427

INTERACTIONS: BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 P PopcornPie
MENTIONS: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- FoolsErin FoolsErin CutieBoop CutieBoop

“Let me get this straight, Mask, what you’re telling me is that you lost the Masque that allowed us to safely travel axes?” Lazarus was in utter disbelief that such an even had occurred. He wasn’t mad, just… completely bewildered that circumstances had caused his second-in-command to lose his powers. He stood up and stoked the fire that made up the center of his little fireteam’s camp.

“That is the gist of it, sir.” The man called Mask was an older soldier, being in his early fifties, but still kicking thanks to the effects of the metahuman transition drug known as eXceed. His receding hairline and abundant wrinkles were as much of an indicator of his age as his gravelly, jaded voice. “Ronin decided to engage Null due to their prior relationship, and Null decided to withdraw their contract with me, stating that it will not tolerate the presence of Ronin.”

Lazarus nodded slowly before he turned to the other man of his little team: Warrant Officer Avrum Graves, a man that was supposed to be dead. He still couldn’t believe his eyes; his mentor from almost a decade ago had never stayed dead, and by chance, they met on this journey. “Warrant Officer Graves, is what Mask said correct?”

“Yes, Lazarus. Jerem-I mean, Mask-got it right. We don’t need an AAR, do we?” Avrum Graves was a slightly younger Middle Eastern man, appearing to be in his mid thirties, with a well trimmed trimmed beard and slicked back hair. He was leaning forward and met Lazarus’s gaze. “You don’t have to use my rank, Laz. A dead man holds no rank except in memoriam.”

“Sorry, force of habit… I still can’t believe you’re alive. It’s been nine years and we even spent the last couple of months traveling together. My emotions are getting to me a little bit.”

“I’m sorry. If I could tell you, I would’ve, but my contract with Ronin forced me to absolve my identity until my job was finished. Mask knows what I’m talking about.”

“Unfortunately, I have to vouch for Graves. The sh!t that the Wardens come up with in their contracts can mean the difference between life and death. Sometimes breaking a rule will have your powers taken away for a few hours, sometimes you’ll just die.”

Lazarus let down a sight and plopped back down on his sleeping bag. He took out his Glock and began to mindlessly disassemble and reassemble it in his lap, not even bothering to look down at the task he must’ve done tens of thousands of times over the years. “So what now? Any suggestions?”

Avrum slowly raised his hand, as if he was unsure about even proposing it, “We could try traveling using Ronin… I’ve never tried it with multiple people before, but it should work?”
The inflection at the end of Avrum’s suggestion did not inspire much confidence, but what other ideas did they have? Sit around and wait for another magical being or device that would allow them to jump across the multiverse? While it was a lot more common than one would think, leaving it up to chance like this was hardly an option when time was limited. “How likely are we to die?”

“Optimistic estimate? Should be completely safe. Realistic estimate? Pretty damn high. But we’re on a clock… Things would really suck a lot less if Earth wasn’t in imminent danger of being destroyed...well, our Earth at least.”

“This is some Men In Black, Deep Impact, Terminator sh!t… Fate of the world is in our hands… Maybe even Star Wars...fate of a whole lotta worlds in our hands. I say we take the risk. It can’t be that bad. When Assara messed up, no one died directly because of them.”

“Man… I don’t know half of those movies, Mask… and your Masque’s powers aren’t exactly comparable to Ronin’s. We’re running a pretty big risk here.”

“Risk or not, we have to keep going. When can we leave, Graves?”

“Whenever you’re ready.”

“Alright. Guys, remember, if we somehow end up getting split up, stay alive and keep your beacons on you. Graves, you better find us, and Mask, you better figure out how to get Faker to copy the powers of Assara. You guys are in charge of getting to my lost butt.”

“Yes sir.”

“Of course.”

“Awesome. Double check your gear and get some rest. We’ll set off in the morning.”

Gunnery Sergeant Lazarus Huang was sat at the corner of the white cage taking a nap when shuffling and shouting woke him up. It wasn’t Korg and Miek messing around in the other corner of the room, nor was it the Samus or Tony, but rather, several dozen new people being funneled into the cage. This caught his attention as his hand snaked over to his pistol holster. With his helmet still on, he pretended to be asleep as he got a read on the situation.

These… “Time Police” as they called themselves had some seriously questionable authority to arrest whomever they wanted. They didn’t even give a reason for Laz’s own arrest, save being a “time anomaly”, whatever that meant. If anything, Lazarus was the opposite of a time anomaly, holding the power of the Greater Deity of Time, Chronos; he was literally a piece of Time himself. But they must not have known or cared, neither for him, nor the individuals that were now being packed into the cage. He could certainly see why this group of individuals would be seen as “time anomalies” seeing as how they were dressed in everything from medieval European clothing to something resembling Oriental clothing to futuristic power armor. They quite literally looked like they were pulled from parts of every timeline… or from Comic Con.

The more Lazarus looked at the group, the more certain he was that some of these people looked very familiar. There was man in a bright blue jumpsuit resembling Captain Falcon from Super Smash Brothers, the lady in skintight leather and armed with guns in her hands and heels that was certainly Bayonetta, Yoshi from Mario, and the MCU Guardians of the Galaxy. This looked like what Tony told him about the MPF: a bunch of people pulled from different universes to protect it from crazy threats like Ganondorf. It sure sounded cool, and Laz got a taste of that back during that little stint in what he later found out was the universe of Terminator… well, one of the universes. Everything made past 2010 was garbage.

Anyways, he watched as the group squabbled among themselves about some drama that Lazarus was hesitant to get involved in. Some things had to run their course, and it wasn’t like Laz had the context or history to handle things with the correct amount of delicacy. He would settle for introducing himself. He took his hand off his pistol and stood up with a grunt, ready to give a name to his face...or rather, helmet when he looked down and saw stripes of white flowing down his body. Lazarus did a little mental facepalm when he realized his dynamic camouflage was on this whole time. No wonder no one noticed him!

Bringing up his left gauntlet, Lazarus toggled the dynamic camouflage to reveal his armored figure and pulled off his helmet. This new suit was pretty awesome, but he was still getting used to all the new features it came with. It definitely wasn’t the regular exoskeleton he was used to back on Earth. He spoke up, directing his words at whomever was listening “Uhm...Hey. You guys are the MPF, right? Tony told me about your organization. I’m Gunnery Sergeant Lazarus Huang. Pleasure to be working with you guys.” His next words were directed particularly at the angry looking old man wearing a Punisher shirt and Samus after her outburst, but he could read the room well enough to know that tensions were higher than they should be. “I don’t know what kind of disputes you guys have, but let’s resolve them civilly. We won’t be able to work something out with the Time Police or defeat Ganondorf if we’re constantly at each other’s throats.”

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The new male voice had drawn Jason’s attention, the host of which was yet another person who he didn’t recognize. He’d apparently already known about the MPF thanks to Tony, which Jason inwardly thanked himself. He didn’t want to have to explain that all again. Instead, the red helmeted man merely approached the other male, and offered out a hand for a handshake.

“Jason Todd,” Red Hood said as he (presumably) shook the man’s hand. At the comment about resolving things civilly, Jason couldn’t help but smirk. “Oh, you’re in for a long ride, pal.”

QizPizza QizPizza
To be honest, Ciri was dreading when she was reminded of what they wanted to talk about. “
Right...” The reason why she dreaded this? Eventually, she’d have to get to the events that happened at the voodoo shop which weren’t exactly the best chain of events. “To answer what the argument was about, she put that... well, she called him a child when really, he isn’t, he’s closer to me in age but anyways, she put his well-being above all of our well-beings. Even the multiverse, she didn’t care, she only cared for him and coddled him numerous times, not allowing him to grow. And she got very defensive over him if someone said anything remotely bad.

Sighing, she had reached this part. In her opinion, it was the worst one. “
I experienced it first hand in the world before the last one. We had just arrived in a city and it was fine until we met a man who could do fortune readings and magic. Not just any magic: he could do illusions and dark magic. To easily compare it, I’d say it was a lot like the man you dealt with, the one that could make deals. But aside from that, those that were there had no choice but to follow him since his shadow friends were forcing us to go and he was putting a child in danger by turning her into a shoe, threatening to burn her.

He wanted to look into our past, present, and future using cards and I was chosen first and then he offered us all a deal that if we were to take it, he’d make the future that he saw for each of us come true, granting us peace. That man was able to read into my past despite us just meeting and with illusions, he was able to put it on display for everyone in that room. He read... He read everything, Geralt and promised me happiness with a family and a cottage. It... It became too much for me and my powers began to become unstable. Those two along with Kassandra, Aloy, and the others that were there helped calm me down, but it got worse from there.

That was when she looked slightly away. “
Because of all the arguing and infighting among the group that had happened up to that point, I was tired of it all. The man’s associates arrived and offered us a deal to work together so we would have greater numbers in the fight against Ganondorf, but a few of us, including me, only agreed to it seeing as how despite them being not so good natured people, we would have an advantage if we all worked together.

When the others as well as the boy, Sage, disagreed as he had black and white morals, they didn’t take too kindly. My powers got out of control again due to intense anger, but I wasn’t able to stop it. This one that came out was an odd power, it switched everyone’s spirits except for me, that... voodoo man, and the ghost in the party. When I fought the man, he turned me into a snake with his talisman but I guess there was a silver lining out of all of this: I can understand animals now.

A small dry laugh escaped her lips before continuing. “
After all of that, I snapped for... what, the third time in a row? At that point, I didn’t care about holding back my powers but it did do something that I wanted it to do. My powers managed to silence everyone for a small point of time as I yelled at everyone, including Sage.

Crossing her arms, her hands started shaking. “
Part of me... no, all of me had thought at that time that in order to escape what was happening in the group, killing myself would’ve been the answer instead of trying to get home but I know that was wrong. Afterwards, I figured out how to get everyone back to normal, but when I saw what happened and saw some of the reactions people had, I realized that at that point, there were people that did want me gone and people that I had genuinely hurt with my words. I became a monster with my own words and not with my own powers. At that point, I ran and tried to open a portal to get back home, but others came to stop me. Kassandra was among those that went after me.

Her gaze then went from looking away from Geralt to then looking at the ground as she grabbed onto the sleeves of her shirt to try to stop the shaking. “
And then... because I hurt Sage with my words, it made Alexis come after me. She chased me down and yelled at me in such a way that I can still hear those words in my head. Before, I was told that my life was worthless by the plant woman in the sewers in the second world we visited because I stepped in and tried to stop her and someone else from arguing and it bothered me, but not as much as her words had bothered me. Was it because not long ago, she was comforting me and then there she was, yelling at me because I said that Sage needed to grow up? Probably...

As those that came to talk me out of leaving did so, she came with the intent to convince me to leave. She had mistaken what I said about wanting to end my life with that of me wanting to kill everyone else in the group, constantly going on about how her and Sage had it so hard with their powers, saying that I was the selfish one for my words and actions and that I was among those that couldn’t control their powers and keep myself in check. Kassandra was there and she defended me without hesitation as well as others, but at that point, I already made up my mind. I would’ve returned back at that point, but my portal... I couldn’t open one back and I still have no idea as to why I couldn’t open it. Ever since then, I stayed away from mostly everyone in fear of hurting them again. And I know that some people still hate me even long after that incident... I don’t blame them.

Looking up at Geralt, a few tears went down her face. “
She said all of that, but when her profession is helping people and she’s putting his well-being over everyone else’s as well as the multiverse and saying those things...? Geralt... was I the monster for yelling at them...? Saying all of that...? Was I the selfish one...?

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Time Jail
Expression: Already Curious About Time Anomalies
Interaction: Korg
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , Ellya Ellya

thatguyinthestore said:
It was then that he looked over at Weiss when she pondered why the Time Baby wanted them here aloud. “Oh, that’s actually quite easy,” Korg said, lifting a finger... only to be interrupted by Lealan’s screaming. Without a break in his smile or his tone, his head only turned back to face Lealan. “Um... excuse me? Yeah, can you not interrupt? It’s really quite rude.” Then, Jett addressed him. “Well, actually my name is Korg, not Rock-Man,” He corrected. “Anyways, I believe that he thinks you’re all time anomalies, whatever that means.”
"Oh, so 'he' wanted all of us here?? Eh, so that's why he send those men in black suits here. But who is he then and I was so extremely curious on actually what will happen now, Korg. Also, I am actually like being your new friend here in this jail...." Jett said to Korg after the rock man says his name well, she sat next to him and looks at Blake very nervous about their progression as being friends but she knew that if she accidentally fallen in love with her. It will be a disaster in her entire life since she is now in this type of moment.

She turned back to Krog asking a question about something stating "So, Krog. Do you have some um, y'know tips about friendships turning into love or something...... because I am being so shy to uhh, I don't know like someone inside of this jail. But I won't gonna tell you who it is or guess, I promise." She laughs after saying to Krog hoping that this will be a quite interesting conversation while waiting for one of the group found a way to get out of the pure white box like jail, and is having the time left since she got there from The Axion earlier on her journey with The MPF. She then sighed in patience while she check if she had got her weapons got ceased from the en in black suits earlier on, and decided to have one of her knives to be use as a flipping motion after she already still had her weapons still in place yet not ceased.

It is a extremely lucky effort to have her weapons not ceased at all, if the men in black suits ceased it. Jett won't be getting out of the pure white box like jail empty-handed, she head been a very prosperous yet calm person after she tries to get out the box like jail earlier on.

She whistles while flipping her knife and was having some time yet calculations on how to get out of this jail, but she does not to do it yet since the fat man said that they will be stay put in the pure white box like jail until further notice on her mind. How did this happen earlier on with the rest of the people that are thinking that they knew each other before in the past, but she didn't knew him since she is not part of the MPF. There is actually any time to talk with one of the group, she sighs in boredom saying to herself in a mumbling voice "Now, what do I need to do. I'll could talk to Aterus or Ellie, just to have some fun with them."
Geralt of Rivia

Jason's answer didn't exactly put Geralt at ease. It more or less amounted to a fairly straightforward no, it wasn't legal, no matter how much the man tried to dance around it. If it was legal one place, and not legal in another, and you did it the place that it was illegal, you had committed a crime. "Right. So, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this shit. If we are from different points in time, and different dimensions, and we have been brought here to tamper with the future because Ganondorf is tampering with the future too... doesn't that make us time anomalies? I mean, what we're doing is important, but it seems like you should have been more ready for this." Geralt crossed his arms. "People dislike meddling."

Turning to Ciri, he nodded. It sure felt like very few of their plans survived the drawing board, let alone the battlefield. It really didn't seem like there was much left to do but wait these time police out. Ciri, meanwhile, was still talking to the dark-haired woman that had been upset by the girl's disappearance. Medallion hummed pretty strongly near her. She otherwise didn't seem that noteworthy, though. Gorgeous, sure. Tall. He waited for the two to finish before interrupting, arms still crossed with his cat-eyes watching the pair in protective silence. "Ciri, can I talk to you?" Assuming she didn't object, he motioned her to step away to as private a place as could be found when you're all standing in an enclosed space with nowhere to go.

Turning to his adoptive daughter, Geralt sized her up. She'd made a lot of friends here. That was good. They didn't all seem terribly... well, sane. Even as Geralt opened his mouth to speak, a woman flipped her shit across the room. She was momentarily calmed down, but it put him even more on edge. The demon Fuma summoned was fairly tame in its actions, but certainly not in its appearance. As long as it was ever in line of sight, he never looked away from it. Finally, he spoke. "Something's bothering you. The kid disappearing cut you off. You know I've got your back, so, if you want, you can tell me."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FoolsErin FoolsErin

Frank Castle

Ellie kept mouthing off. He stopped watching Atreus and Drax, and looked down at her. She had stepped to his side, both of their backs to the wall. In a weird way, it was a very trusting thing to do. Up until now, for the most part, she hadn't taken her eyes off of him, like a kicked dog watching for a reason to bite or run away. "I get to die here if I want. I'm going to keep you alive, even if you're 'kicking and screaming' the whole way. Got your whole life ahead of you." Got more than I do, anyways. The words hung there in his head, but he kept them to himself. Castle resumed scanning the others while he spoke. "Maybe I should break your legs. Strap you to my back. Least then I could drag you everywhere, no questions asked." Across the room, Samus nearly shot someone. They were arguing about something, but Frank had no idea what was going on and no intention of getting involved. Until his life or the life of someone definitively innocent was in real danger, he didn't really care. Besides, wasn't like there was much he could do. The woman seemed like she was armed to the teeth.

Ellie quipped about Drax's size. The corners of Frank's mouth twitched upwards for barely an instant. Might as well have been a riotous laugh. The alien had a good four inches on Castle. Probably fifty or more pounds. Something was off, though. The Drax he knew of probably could have taken those soldiers, even as many as there were. Without much trouble, really. He certainly wouldn't have been knocked down by a tazer. "Where I'm from, he's not from anywhere. He was made by a sentient planet to kill a ball-sack chinned freak." Frank didn't know the specifics of the Crossed incident, just the general stuff, but maybe that would make some sense. After giving her a moment to soak that in, he continued, just in case, "Don't ask me to explain." I can't, he thought to himself. Under his breath, he muttered disparagingly, "Powered fucking freaks."

Someone else in the room caught his attention. The goatee. The greased hair. Frank would recognize him anywhere. Tony Stark. His lip curled back in a sneer. Unlike with Yang, Frank made no efforts to not stare at the playboy. Guy didn't seem to have his armor, but Frank knew better. Could well, and it's just hidden. Nanobots, or worse, the Extremis suit. Only reason he didn't walk over and knock the guy's teeth out. Wasn't often he saw Tony in a completely vulnerable spot without his armor. The two had rarely been on the same kind of the coin. In fact, he recalled a fairly specific incident of using a stolen webshooter against Tony a few times. Almost brought a smile to his face. Almost. But, no. Now wasn't the time. For the moment, he just openly glared at the seemingly disarmed superhero. He spat another glob of blood on the floor without looking away. This time, Frank was pretty sure it was just his.

Man, his chest hurt.

FoolsErin FoolsErin thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya

Ellie gave a small chuckle in return at Frank suggesting he break her legs. She didn't know him very long, but she knew that for him, this qualified as playful banter... Hopefully. "Trust me dude, you would not want an Ellie backpack. But if you're offering to carry me anywhere we go, I am all about that." The girl actually looked up at Frank and gave him probably the first genuine smile he'd seen on her face. With a swallow and a quick shiver through her body though, the smile disappeared and she looked down at the ground again.

Some other thoughts were starting to pop up, most about Joel. She was glad she had more of Frank's word to focus on instead of flashing images of horrifying shit. "Right... So planet dude just chooses to have his nips out all the time. I can respect that..." At which point, Frank spit more blood on the floor, which made Ellie take a hasty step to the side and cringe. "Eww, fuck man! ... Maybe you should get yourself checked out. Y'know, even for a big tough guy like you, it's pretty bad to be spitting blood..." Her eyes went across the various other slimy blood red pools on the ground, where he'd spit before, and she reminded herself of the fact that she still had blood from her broken nose on her lip. She wiped it off with her sleeve.


Back with Drax, the muscular alien shot Frank a confused look as he spoke. “I am from a planet.” He spoke, his tone gruff. “A planet did not make me. One did, however, make Quill,” He said as he thumbed over to Star-Lord, who hadn’t even been paying attention to the conversation.

“Huh?” Star-Lord asked as he glanced up, confused.

“Oh, it’s nothing, Quill,” Drax replied. “I am merely telling this other Terran about how your father was a planet, and impregnated your mother with you.”

Quill merely pursed his lips in response and nodded slowly. “Thanks, Drax...”

Ellie raised her eyebrows a bit. This is the guy that Atreus had been opening up to? After listening to Drax' replies, she gigglied quietly while looking at Quill. "Hehe... A planet fucked your mom..." She didn't mean it to come across as too hurtful, and it was mostly just some left-over frustration from her not getting to pet their raccoon guy buddy.
Samus groaned, "Even if you had no idea, do you not find your actions incredibly selfish in hindsight? For your 'favor', you went behind the back of the God of Time, destroying such an important, albeit evil being without any permission from him. You've done the one thing he presumably hates most: Altering the course of time. And now you expect him to be grateful, and possibly pay you back?" She resumed her position against the wall, taking off her helmet to let her blonde ponytail cascade down her shoulder as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "You are all doomed. I'll still plead for your innocence, but...you are all doomed."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Hehehehe~ Nope...Looks like it really didn't, did it?" Was Kyou's simple reply to Yang, a little sigh exiting his lips, but his usual grin still in place. At least he could still be somewhat cheerful even in situations like these. But...He could tell others didn't. And Yang's reaction to seeing Sage again...He couldn't help but bite his lower lip- upper fangs appearing momentarily. The first time he met Yang, he could tell the girl wasn't like this by looking at her soul. She was meant to be cheerful, happy, bombastic, much like him- but things obviously changed. Much like Sage, Alexis, and others, she simply had too much to deal with- and Sage's Take-Over giving her mental damage clearly didn't help. Kyou could heal mental illnesses, but certainly not memories.

He allowed himself to take a step towards Yang, placing a careful hand on her shoulder- but quickly taking it off if the motion wasn't appreciated. The half oni that looked way younger than he actually was smiled at the 'little dragon', although his grin a little bit more melancholy, sadder. But trying to be understanding. He knew how trauma was like- he was old, and more experienced than many others here.

"You're right, it's Sage." Kyou explained, feeling already a sour taste on his mouth when he heard the name of Toayî. Sage's explanation and he saw already stroked his inner flame with anger. He knew very well it was a concept, but it didn't stop him from wanting to brutalize the damn asshole. A part of him, a past life- it was urging to come back, to make Kyou remember, to strangle the fake Kagutsuchi bastardizing his name and make her suffer, and to show what the damn child that was Toayî how pathetic he was. But...Nope. Just Kyou. "...And he probably needs your help and support more than ever. Alexis got out of the team- Jason had enough of her and Sage and gave them one last chance. I won't get too deep into details, but the event left him really unsure of himself. He's taking Alexis leavin' well, though, I think."

The oni scratched his ear, letting of Yang's shoulder. "...Point is, he needs actual help. Not just reassurance and comfort. He needs to learn to control his powers. I'm willin' to do it, but...I'm hopin' ya can help me. Oh, and 'maki-san too. He's my friend. He's new to the team."

Kyou's hand moved towards the Kitsune, once similar to Alexis, with nine white tails, and oriental clothes much like Kyou, who was currently cuddling together with what appeared to be a green-haired woman with gothic clothes and an oversized hat(?), who simply waved at them. Looks like there are another fire and ice duo in town, huh...? Once more, that same feeling, like Kyou and Mimaki were meant to be together in this room as allies, came forth. Yin and Yang. Fire and Ice. Sun and Moon. If Mimaki wasn't already dating Fuma, it might have come across as almost romantic between the two.

Regardless, as much as Mimaki and Kyou wanted to both talk and help the new appearances in the room, (with Mimaki taking note of Lazarus the most for some reason) Samus sudden outburst and Sage's words about him wanting her to shoot him caused both the Kitsune and the Oni to stand still. Neither took combative positions, although Mimaki held Fuma closer, his hand hovering over his blade and Kyou not speaking a word, his eyes glued on her cannon. You can dodge it if she shoots. Just move fast. Yamata can probably eat the blast too if it's heat based...Damn it lady, don't shoot...!

Soon, with Jason, and surprisingly enough, Yoshi and Falcon defusing the situation, Kyou and Mimaki let a sigh of relief. The last thing anyone here needed was a damn outburst from anyone else. They aren't going to knock someone out over being mentally stressed, but unlike Sage, Samus threatened to kill them all just because of one kid over really small amounts of information. She seemed apologetic enough when she realized how fucked up she was being, though, which was always a plus on both men's books. And as for Sage...It appears like Leo, his friend, already was going to try and calm him down, but that didn't stop him from giving Sage a little look, and a little message with his emotion/soul manipulation. Sage wouldn't hear the words, but he'd understand their feeling and meaning.

Tell me if ya need me, kid. I'll help you out.

However, Samus' next words caused an eyebrow to raise from the oni after he finished relaying his empathetic message to Sage. What?

"...Why the hell would a god of time care? If he controls time, wouldn't he just see the event happenin'? And why the hell wouldn't appreciate sumthin' that is evil dyin'? I think you're overthinkin', lady. Besides, trust us a lil' bit. We fuck up, but it doesn't mean we'll always do so."

Regardless, Mimaki soon got up, holding Fuma's hands to help her get up too. Standing about really won't do any good.

"...Mimaki Kunosuke." Mimaki introduced to Weiss and Yang after that- his voice calm, but still nervous. But his introduction also went to other people currently here. Lazarus, Bayonetta, Tony Stark, Blake, and etcetera. While he knew some of these people, saying his name was never a bad idea. "This is Fuma Mishandra- we're lovers." Wow, he's really being assertive, huh? Looks like Geralt's flirting had an immediate effect over him.

"I'm afraid this break won't last long, Fuma..." The kitsune replied to the demoness with a sigh. And...Looking about, he could see that Ciri was already talking about Geralt the thing she told him about. His ears moved down, trying their best not to naturally hear the conversation. They weren't just for show, after all. But even if he had a superior hearing ability as a Kitsune didn't mean he was going to hear to personal conversations like this, after all. Soon, however, his attention turned back to the rock man. Krog, was it...?

"Do you know what's going to happen next? To...Us? We get we're anomalies, I was here because of such event when searching for my friend, but what will happen to us?"
"Time Baby could have been accustomed to the timeline where Bill stays!" Samus pointed out firmly. "Time doesn't care who sits on the throne, only that the timestream isn't altered. And you have done just that! Jesus, at least I was passively moving through dimensions, not actively causing butterfly effects!"

Samus rolled her eyes at Mimaki's question. Did the kitsune not hear anything she just said? "Well, seeing as you performed the greatest sin against time possible, I imagine we will all be brutally killed. Possibly having time reversed on us until we're nothing more than a few egg and sperm cells. Or maybe he shall strand us in the most deadly time period imaginable and watch us be plucked off, one by one. Or sentence us to a lifetime of weekly community service." Community service which entailed changing giant diapers, no doubt, the image of which made Samus gag. "And seeing as he can simply spread the word to our home dimensions, we cannot just flee to our homes, or we'll just be marked as fugitives and hunted all the same. Seeing as none of you knew the consequences, however, I will try to have all the punishment deflected to myself alone."

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Kyou just sorta cringed at Samus when she clearly said words about time that she clearly had no idea about. Jesus, did she not understand that time isn't a living concept, and people who control it aren't it? "You're saying that like this Time Baby doesn't have a sense of self-preservation. Do you know this dude to know these things? And--"

Then, Samus committed a mistake. She tried to explain how time works for Mimaki. Someone born from the god of time in his world.

Mimaki's eyes simply moved towards Samus as he was talking to Krog, clearly trusting the rock entity more than the woman that just threatened to blast all of them into smithereens. The look of his eye was cold, and his expression didn't change. Before a loud, audible sigh came from his mouth. "Don't speak as if you understand how time works. You don't." He said bluntly to the bounty hunter, clearly already tired of her. "Time isn't a single line. It's the past, the present, the future- and its constantly changing lines and timelines. Timelines are a thing that exists, woman. Is it that hard to believe that this 'Time Baby' saw a timeline where this creature's death became a reality and another where he succeeded, and simply watched the one who played out normally? Again, Time isn't a single line. It's possibilities that can be altered by anyone in the present. You said it yourself- butterfly effects are a thing because that's what time is. Changing possibilities. The butterfly effect is natural. If we affected a past that already happened, then it's understandable. But here? We simply are reacting to the present and shaping the future. You know, like most people do."

The Kitsune fully stared at the woman, he looked at her like he was speaking to a really dumb kid. "
If they wanted to kill us, they would have done so already when they outnumbered us by the hundreds. Or they could have gone back in time and stopped us from even being here. Stop assuming the worst when we don't even know what our crimes are aside from being 'time anomalies' and rightfully killing someone who is evil. And please, as the son of a god of time, stop trying to pretend you understand it. You don't."

Then, Mimaki turned to Krog, and Kyou simply stared at him with his mouth agape, as the Kitsune now fully ignored anything Samus even said, his attention back to the rock entity. "Now, could you reply to my question, hopefully without interruptions?"
"Self preservation for the timestream." Samus answered adamantly. "Do you really, honestly believe that a group of people coming in from different universes and destroying the God of Chaos was precedented? Evil or not, you all have a very angry infant on your hands. I don't even know how well Lazarus and I could vouch for you anymore. Here I figured that we could convince him we were straying outside our timelines for a good cause..." She buried her face in her hands. Sure, it was one thing to go behind the Galactic Federation's back, but all Time Baby had to do was give the word, and the heroes of the multiverse would become criminals. "We may as well start saying our prayers, the bounty on our heads will be too great to resist."

Now Mimaki was ready to challenge her, getting her to stand up before him. "Sure, pretend you know what you've put yourself into. But remember, you are a guest in his court of law." She growled. "Believe you don't know what your crimes are, immediately after telling me that you have tampered with the natural order of his universe. Time Baby most likely wants to see us destroyed himself, not at the hands of his soldiers."

Honestly, these were officially the most selfish "heroes" Samus had ever seen. To destroy the order of a universe, run from its law, and then claim it was okay because time worked differently than what she believed...she was at a loss for rebuttal. "You're lucky I'm kind enough to plead for you anyway." She hissed. "But I can't say I'll be surprised when you lot are lined up before his personal firing squad."

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

Yoshi heard more of Megumin through Samus and Falcon. It seemed to Captain Falcon, Megumin was almost like a daughter! That broke Yoshi's heart. If Yoshi knew, Yoshi could help. But Yoshi didn't know. Yoshi just didn't know. Yoshi became silent, his tail lowered, and his eyed were lidded. He even clenched his first before just letting go.


Yoshi began to speak again, "Yoshi here for friends. Even through loss, if Yoshi can help friends let Yoshi know. Importantly, Leo and Akari knew that things were rough-- Yoshi sees it obviously, and as long as there is a essence that brings joy to the teams, Yoshi knows it'll be okay." If Yoshi could do anything, it's to be there for his friends, support them, assist them whatever he could do. He could be a bundle of childish joy or a great, competitive fighter.

However, he brightens up a bit at Bayonetta saying her name.


"Yoshi know of Bayonetta, Yoshi didn't know that Cereza... Ceweza? That was also her name! Yoshi learn new things each day! Hmm... Yoshi stick with Bayonetta for now." Least to say he's just learning stuff since he got here. "If Yoshi bright up mood, Yoshi say how Yoshi got here before ambush, Yoshi island got... tampered. But Yoshi adapt anywhere-- even in space! That's how Yoshi was on ship- with more friends! Hee hee hee~!"

Yoshi is just doing his best after all. Like the others near the guardian ship mentioned, things were not looking so good, and the dinosaur will do his hardest to cheer up his friends- even if they were in Time prison.

Tags: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , FoolsErin FoolsErin , P PopcornPie , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Leo) , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (Akari)


Mimaki had told her the break won't be long, so she cut to her serious face and tone instead of a flirtatious one. "Hm. Vassago had told me it was strange, so Fuma thought it was a existential prison... or is this a limbo? Well, whatever the case, Fuma needs a different topic to keep her brain going and her wisdom flowing.

... However, Samus trying to speak to the fox has irked her needs to say some hard wisdom and knowledge. "Mmm, Mimaki. Let Fuma handle something really quick. I'm not going to fight, however I need to say something important." She cooed with a tone as gentle as she could... before giving the serious eyes at the bounty hunter and starting to speak in words hopefully Samus has looked through the book of, while Fuma opens her own book and gets out pretend glasses to be knowledgeable. What are the chances Fuma has also played Smash Brothers? Who knows.

"Your hopelessness is stupid. That's right. Fuma says your hopelessness is stupid and pointless, armored one. Fuma has her own demons with clairvoyance that can tell you, no, more than just you, ALL OF YOUR PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURES. You are attempting to reach into your own future, and you say that you, me, and everybody else here will die one way or another. Fuma says that your idea of a future is heavily flawed. Why? Here is your answer. If I were to summon my demons by my own request or your requests, and ask, 'what will be our future when we get out of this hell of a prison?', you would be getting a infinity of answers and not all of them mean that we are dying. I'm 3,000+ years older and it is unlikely that a demon like me would die anyways. In any case, our 'futures' would be that we would escape, without any meaningful reason to perish, and we would be ending a war that would bring us to a good end. Fuma's point is, hopelessness is stupid, and any one of us would not die after we find a way out. De-bunked. The end. Close the book."

Fuma mimicked closing the goetia like she would close the book, then just stared and waited for a response.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , P PopcornPie , @ I guess anybody who listened to Fuma's big rant about clairvoyance​
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Sammy, please. We appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I garuntee you, we'll be fine! 100%! Like, we've been through some bullmess for the past....How long has it been? It feels like it's only been a couple of days since we got started. I don't know, time is wonky. Either we can band together to tackle this "Time Baby". Weird name. OR our fumbling will somehow save us. And that's happened ALOT within a span of several hours. But shoot, with you and...Heeeerrrrr....Here! Maaaaaan, we're about to WRECK this 'Time Baby'! Gonna send it cry to it's 'Time Mommy'!"
P PopcornPie
Samus turned her back on the group, muttering to herself. This selfish, reckless group of utter idiots, thinking they were in the moral right after destroying all their reputations through sheer recklessness. They were all the villains now, with no chance of getting help with defeating Ganondorf. Never before had she lost the feeling of wanting anything to do with people so quickly. How about instead of convining Time Baby of their innocence, she convinced time Baby to let her kill them herself?

"You know what's hopeless?! ALL OF YOU. Don't you understand?! Your utter selfishness has cost us everything we've worked for! Never before has a group gotten on my nerves so quickly, and you are all some of the worst excuses for heroes that I have EVER seen. Not only did you blatantly destroy the natural order of a universe foreign to yours as if you owned it, you have destroyed any chance we had of being anything but enemies to the entire multiverse! I'm starting to wonder if I should just lop your heads off and present you to Time Baby like a rack of deli meat! Or is it all fat in there?!"

"Samus, stop. Your anger is controlling you."

Upon recognizing the bitter taste of her own words, she sat down to meditate. For minutes on end, she sat and breathed, her eyes closed. Her brow gradually smoothed out, and only when it was completely smooth did she open her eyes and speak again.

"What I am trying to say, though my words have been muddled by anger, is that you made the mistake of never planning. How do you propose, for example, that we could escape one of many gods of time? If we escape, he can simply reverse time and seal us back in, with even bigger restraints. So one of you is immortal? That could just mean he'll choose a torment for you that is eternal." She slowly turned her head to Captain Falcon. "And now you're possibly underestimating Time Baby's power, and his temper."

CutieBoop CutieBoop Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
"I can only hope this court system is more efficient than the ones that the Hyotl have. Their court cases can drag on for Months." Lealan leans her head to look toward Lilith. "Of course, they could also try us as a group, and that's it's own nightmare, considering some of us are basically bystanders in the shenanigans that the others have been pulling." Lealan's turns her gaze at Samus, listening in to what she is saying. "The real question is if the 'good' we have done can excuse the 'bad'. And what I'm hearing, the answer is 'no, we are fucked'. Maybe we can get a plea deal or a shortened sentenced for good behavior in a few years."
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"....That may be...But when have you known me to care? I could give less of a care WHO was had to face. Whether it be a genetic doomsday device, a horde of planet destroying demons, or even gods who could wipe me out of existence with a mere thought! I'd fight them all! I don't care, WHO they are! I'm throwing hands! I refuse to be punked by anyone! Not easily at the very least! Why? Because I'm a fighter dang it! WE ALL ARE! Especially you, Samus! You're the best one in my book! Regardless of...Heeeerrrrr....Being here! And we've come too far to get to Ganon to just...Fold! I'm not folding! I don't care if I have to die in the process, I'm all for it!" Captain Falcon takes a deep breathe before put both hands on Samus' shoulders "Sammy look...If this "Time Baby" is as powerful and dangerous as you make it out to be and we're all indefinitely doomed...Then I won't ask you to fight with us or to plead on our behalf. I still thank you for considering sacrificing yourself for a slew of strangers you just met but...I'd rather you didn't. You may never know when the galaxy will need saving by a blonde bombshell. Again." Falcon gives a small smile
P PopcornPie
"That is what I hoped." Samus explained to Lealan. "Depending on how Time Baby felt about Bill, however, it could get ugly very fast. Where I am from, for example, killing an evil person is still murder, punishable by several years in a cryogenic freezing chamber." Her tone was now much more worried and pondering than angry. "My issue is not that you killed Bill, it's that we are trapped in an overwhelming military response. But maybe there is some good to outweigh the bad. Who else has been killed in your hands? And were you truly not aware of the Time Police before you did it?" She rubbed her chin. "We might...no, he would certainly be able to tell if we were making things up."

To Captain Falcon, she sighed, "I'm in the same hot water as the rest of you, there's no point in trying to free myself. We could try to convince Time Baby to make stopping Ganondorf our community service, but chances are low that we we'll have the marks removed from our records."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
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F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Then allow me to persuade it! No one can withstand the Falcon Charm coupled with the Falcon Suave!" Falcon says with a cheeky grin "I'll remove those marks like white-out on ink! And with the whole of the space-time continuum on the verge of collapse, then the 'Time Baby' would have no other choice but to help us out! Theoretically."
P PopcornPie

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