The rocking of the ship didn't seem to influence Atreus all that much. He'd been on some unsteady surfaces before, whether platforms or literally huge living things. He reached over to help Frank hold Ellie steady though, and she also managed to barely keep her footing. "What the fuck?" she exclaimed. Barely having time to register what happened, an army of dudes came in. "Shit, incoming!" she called out, immediately pulling the small pistol from behind her. Atreus also quickly reached for his bow, but as soon as his fingers gripped an arrow from his quiver, the men had already surrounded the trio. He wasn't sure what they were holding, but judging by most people's reactions, they were probably very dangerous weapons. The boy froze and stared straight at one of the guns. "Alright alright, I surrender!"

Ellie wasn't so easy to do so. Despite the emotional moment just now, rage filled her again in an instant. Her gun was pretty easily just smacked out of her hand by someone or something, and when she reached for her switchblade, she felt a pair of strong arms grabbing hers and holding them behind her back. She managed to slip one arm out though, screaming out "LET GO OF ME, YOU CHICKENSHIT!" while her legs started wildly kicking at another man in front of her trying to knock her out with the butt of his gun. She did manage to just barely dodge that blow. "What, skipped knockout training cuz you were too busy jerki--" The next attempt did hit her. It took two full-grown men, but Ellie was knocked out.

She woke up just about a few seconds later, feeling the even stronger grip of two hands around her arms. "Mother... fucker..." she groaned softly. She only felt a sharp pain in her temple, but no blood... until some blood splattered straight onto her cheek. In about a second, she realized that right beside her, Frank was making a move, and she was all about that idea. With a quick and sudden movement, she slammed her elbow straight into one of the men's balls and then attempted to make a run for it, but the other hand around her arm held on too strong. She pulled and pulled desperately but eventually received another gun-butt to the face. This hit more in the center though. She stumbled back a step or two and fell on her ass, having to focus on regaining her vision before feeling some warm blood starting to run down from her nose.

After what seemed like just a blink of an eye, Ellie suddenly found herself in a bright white room, staring up at the ceiling and... Frank's face. He probably said something but she barely heard what. His question was answered by the bridge of her nose being a bit crooked and the blood on her upper lip though. "Ugh... asshole cowards..." she muttered, blowing some hair out of her face and some blood out of her mouth with a sharp exhale.

Atreus wasn't anywhere around Ellie, but after a quick bit of searching, he could be found sitting with his back against a wall and his knees pulled up, seeming to be writing in his notebook.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

??? Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

The first thing Yang awoke to was the flames that had engulfed the warehouse.

It was the exact same room that she and Weiss had been in; the truss-supported, foiled ceiling of a factory's storage room, scorched by the ashes, stood above the girl and the burning boxes of the unfortunate Good Guy dolls. Coupled with the screams of the gritted voices from the dolls themselves, all she could see was the dark mists that progressively blurred the area the farther away from Yang it was.

She found herself slumped against the wall, just as she did while she was going to sleep with Weiss. This time around, Weiss was not asleep on her lap. Not a single trace of her could be found somewhere in the middle of the fiery mist.

Then, she saw Sage, with his back turned to her.

"...Sage?" No response.

She could remember it all too well; she remembered hearing about the Take-Over and the last time it happened, back when they were just getting off the train. She remembered when she had gone into a blind rage, she tried to take it out on Toayî to knock him out, right down to the actions she took to try to take on him. Yet, in the end, she had almost met with a fiery fate that had briefly shocked her into silence. The last time something to this effect had happened, it was when she tried to take on Adam alone, only to end with a severed arm.

Even now, the memories were as as clear as day.

Yang gulped, then made a few steps forward...before stopping. This time, she was unsure as to whether to keep approaching, or to just run, considering she had almost fallen to Sage's Take-Over.

Sage wheeled on his heel to turn towards Yang, but it was not him.
"Back for more?"

Yang didn't answer back. She looked at her hands, which were complete with a pair of shotgun-gauntlets, one of which blended in more with her prosthetic arm on the right. Already was the mental healing beginning to falter, as memories of the occurrence were starting to come back. Both hands trembled with increasing intensity as the blonde tried to grab her wrist.

She failed.

Then, while she wasn't looking, Toayî took off with blue flames being left in his spot, spreading his wings as he made a gigantic fire arrow that pointed right at her.

She closed her eyes and shielded them with her forearms.

And suddenly, the screams of the Chucky dolls were no longer. The crackling of the burning Good Guy boxes were stopped, swapped out by the chirps of crickets, and the tweeting of birds. Distant, faint ruffling of leaves further truncated the silence that would have otherwise left space for sound.

"You okay, Sunny Little Dragon?"

Yang opened her eyes to a familiar sight. Her father, Taiyang, stood before her, eyebrows raised in worry. With his arms folded, he watched as Yang slowly lowered her hands, as her eyes eventually locked with her father's.

"I...'m okay, Dad."

"You sure 'bout that?" Taiyang said, letting his arms down as he approached his daughter. "Your emotions haven't been in check, and most importantly--" He held his hands out, palms up. "--you missed!"

As her father talked, Yang bowed her head, shaking it, as she put her left hand on her right elbow. After he was finished, Yang didn't say anything, instead taking a moment to think about what had happened in the past few days since she and Weiss had come with the party to honor Ruby's dying wish.

Finally, she spoke up, putting her head back up. "I learned to control my emotions, but after my own sister died, and after everything that's happened? Here I am, being mad all over again, just like in the past! I just--ah--" Yang paused, then asked, "...How could this happen?"

"That?" Taiyang asked at first. Yang nodded. "That's because you're letting yourself tip over, Yang. You may not think about what's really going on, and you may think that you're still standing tall, or something, but you're off your balance again. Look, stuff happens. But what good are you if your brain's just gonna give the ghost while you're just standing there, letting everything hit you all at once?"

"You can say that, I guess, Dad. I mean, I've been one to rely on momentum before, right?"

"And that's the kind of thing that, along with that little 'temper tantrum' of yours, can only get you so far. Yang, not everything will go well, and you have to accept that all the time. And when you accept that, we can always learn from the experience and not, well..."

"Dwell," Yang sighed. "Ruby's mother died, our friend's been off numerous times, and the whole Adam thing was something I was able to push through, even when it seemed like it was already taking hold. And even when my sister died, I've been getting a move on and carrying out her last wish, but this? This is different." Yang slapped the back of her hand on each word. "Because everything's. Pressing. Down. On. Me." Then she continued talking normally. "This happens, that happens, and then all of a sudden, I barely have time to recover, rinse and repeat. And each time that happens, it's like I lose a part of what you've taught me, and what I've learned and...honestly, I still need to do something about it, especially right now, if I want to keep my fighting chance."

"Yang, resilience is not something you can just leave after you've built up," Taiyang said, "You have to maintain it. Whatever happens, act. And keep acting in the face of new troubles. After that, think of what happened, and learn from that. Okay?"



Yang took a deep breath, then she closed her eyes as she thought to herself.

— - — - —​

What if this whole lot of stuff that's been happening is no different?

I mean, it may seem crazy to think that all of what's been going on would just blow over and become a footnote, but...maybe if I process things one-by-one? Okay, lemme try to process this; Soma died, and we were forced to kill several of our friend's brainwashed allies. Where...have I heard this before? Right, Ruby died...

...R--Ruby died, and I--

Sorry, I need to breathe right now.

— - — - —​

As the increasing discomfort on her face became apparent, Yang stopped to take a moment. She made a few deep breaths, as Taiyang observed on. As she did so, there was a distinctly faint voice that sounded out, but neither Yang, nor Taiyang, could notice it. Then, she resumed.

— - — - —​

Ruby died, and even now, I can still feel the effects. I've found myself doubting myself more and just, being less positively driven in general. But I've tried to move past the death and cherish all the happy moments I've shared with her. I'm not there yet, because hooo boy, I've spent more than a half of my life caring for someone, only to seem them die in minutes. Blake can testify the same when it comes to being with her friends from when it happened, well, except for the caretaking part.

But while Ruby was dying, people wouldn't shut the FUCK UP.

... know what? I don't want to stick myself in the past. No, I won't let myself disrespect my baby sister like that, at least not again.

When Sage and Lucky declined that offer, then Roman flipped on Sage, and everything went to hell, my takeaway should've been that you can never be too sure about who will say what, and who will do what. That applies to that Shujinko girl, who...well, we all know what happened between me, her, and those other guys. But anyways, those Shareholders were depending on a unanimous agreement and, judging from the diversity and numbers of our group, we probably wouldn't get the deal done anyway.

The kidnapping. The thing with me and Robbie. When that demon arrived to take us to Dr. Facilier, I should've realized at the time that from time to time, there will always be somebody, or something, going to us, whether or not we like it. As for Robbie? My bad, I still shouldn't have flipped on him while Jason was still trying to get information out of him. But given the memory of Ruby recounting her experiences at that Star Festival and the fact that this Mushroom Kingdom Incident had happened two years ago...

Yeah, no way I was going to remain calm. I guess.

Scarecrow trying to use my bad memories of Ruby and Cobblepot. Yeah, I won't let people try to taint my happy memories with my cold, dead sister. So long as I remind myself that while it's okay to cry, I should also be glad Ruby happened.

That moment Sage reached his T--...the moment Sage reached his Take-Over, and Soma fully went rogue. Yeah, someone, particularly me, should've not only been there, but also taken action. What good does it do if we just stand there and just...meander about?

Well, I guess that's all that has to be processed.

— - — - —​


Yang opened her eyes to an inquisitive Taiyang, who had been standing there, watching his eldest daughter think over her past experiences from...the past few days? Whatever, scale of time was't really that important to her anyway. "I've thought about things quite a bit." She responded.

"Then, what did you learn?"

"Several things," Yang began.

"It's okay to be sad whenever something you loved is over, but you should smile because it happened."

"Everyone and everything will be what they are, and you can never be too sure about what they'll do."

"Whether you like it or not, something will always come to you."

"You don't just stand there waiting for things to happen."

Taiyang nodded at each and every point Yang raised. He was certainly happy; Yang seemed to learn from her mistake of letting her resilience languish after all she had done to build it (back) up. Not just that, but she also recalled previous events with a greater sense of hindsight. The issue of resilience was still something to address, but for the most part, she was heading towards the right direction, as far as the imaginary Taiyang was concerned.

However, through the skies, the voice from before cut through.


With split attention, Yang looked up to the skies. It didn't take long until she deduced that Weiss, who had been absent for the duration of her dream, was trying to awaken her. Before she could say anything to her father, the next set of words was the last she would ever hear from the dream.

"Yang, wake up!"

— - — - —​

Finally, Yang awoke with a sharp gasp.

Weiss had been up, trying to call towards the slumbering blonde as she tried to shake her awake. As Yang rubbed her baggy eyes, she looked and saw the white-haired ex-heiress sighing, relieved to have her teammate and friend back.

"I saw...Sage," Yang explained, "And he was Toayî."

"What happened?"

"I didn't even try to attack him. He just...came at me."

Weiss looked at Yang for a second, then asked, "Yang, can I tell you something?" Yang nodded.

"Every time Sage reaches a Take-Over, it saps away the time he has left. And every time it happens, he can never have that time back. And yet, all we did was apply band-aids to a growing wound, whether it be promises of support, knocking him out once he's about to reach a Take-Over... Only Hestia, that strange...thing, came close to that, but even then, I'm not even sure if he hit the mark..."

"Control," Yang said. "It's what he needed, right?"

"Not restraint, nor suppression... Control. And yet, all we did afterwards was just, a whole bunch of nothing. And then, a few band-aids."

"'You can come to us if you need anything.' 'Someone knock him out.' Something like that."

"So...what can we do about it, then?"

"Our best course of action going forward would be to learn from our mistakes and treat him better," Yang explained, "I had my fair share of mistakes when I was trying to raise Ruby, but I've since learned from them."

"That' thing," Weiss began, "The other is what to do with Sage as a whole. Because we've failed to teach him control, he lost a couple years of life. How much more can he sustain until he's out?"

"We...can answer that when we're back with our friends." Yang stood up, yawning, as she stretched. Then she looked at Weiss. "Right now, I don't know where Blake is, but she probably needs us more than ever."

Weiss checked her watch. As she did, she noticed that someone had sent her a message. It was one calling for her and Yang to stay safe as they would find a way back. "While we were asleep, someone had managed to contact us. I don't know how, considering everyone else is in another dimension, but we received a message from one Orbeck of Vinheim."

Weiss tapped on the notification and the message displayed itself to the two members of RWBY. The text, being on the watch's display, was a little hard to digest, but the two read on anyway.

"this is Orbeck of Vinhiem.
I am aware that we may have been separated from you for reasons unknown.
Given what has happened during the last hour, I wanted to make certain you weren't in any dreadful situations.
respond back to me post-haste, at the very least Blake should know that you two are still alive.
...Promise to stay safe, I may have been a bit of a burden during that...incident with the poisons, But I certainly don't want to have any more grief spill out in this group....i'll make certain that everyone knows about this."

"Well, what can we do?" Yang raised her hand a bit. "Our watches still don't work, and the group keeps going farther and farther from the designation Jason transmitted."

"Then why don't we look around?"

Yang looked at the elevator doors Wesker, Jason, and any others had come out of earlier on. As she approached the doors, she said, "We could start with wherever Jason and friends came from..."

Weiss was about to question why they would go there, but she realized something: Byakuya, who had to be put down, carried a watch with him. If she and Yang could find him, they could swap his watch with Yang's and they would be underway to wherever the group had come. The biggest question she posed to herself as the two entered the elevator was...

Should they?

— - — - —​

Wherever Weiss and Yang ended up, it wasn't a pretty sight.

The oval chamber that they had found themselves in was bloodied. There were chains on the wall, some of them opened, others broken, that the two figured must've been the experiments Jason, Leo, and Micah had to go through. Remains of the experiments were all they could see, alongside bullet casings that had dropped to the floor. One particular sight, however, caught their sight.

There laid Byakuya's remains, adorned with his stained suit and his once-neat, dirty-blonde hair. On him was the watch he had carried with him all the way to the end. The two didn't even say anything; they just stood at him and mourned silently for him

"Byakuya carried his watch all the way to his end..." "Can't we just take it?"

"What?" Weiss adversely reacted. "We can't just loot from the dead! We're heroes, not thieves!"

"Anything's fair game when you steal an airship with Maria and I he--"

"Aaaanyway," Weiss butted in before Yang could finish, "How about we stop wasting time and use our watches?"

Yang checked her watch. Unfortunately for her, hers had its screen not only crack, but parts of the screen had broken off as well, exposing a part of its busted internals. "Mine's done in," she said, "I lost to Toayî, and my watch was on my prosthetic arm that was flung off. No chance of me getting to the rest with you, unless..."

Weiss looked at Yang, then at Byakuya's watch as she thought over what the blonde said. Yang was right; just the fact that they had not only stolen an airship, but also damaged Atlas property in the process, discounted her concerns for stealing the watch. But they were not here to be thieves, were they?

Rather, they were here to carry on Byakuya and get back to their friends.

"Fine," Weiss huffed, "But as long as it's a keepsake."

Yang nodded, then kneeled to slide the watch out of the boy blonde's hand.

"Don't worry, Byakuya," Yang said, as she put the watch on and took her own off, "I'll take good care of that watch for you."

As Yang looked into the watch she had taken, Weiss exited the message on her watch, revealing the coordinates Jason had sent. Weiss showed the coordinates to her fellow teammate, allowing her to input those coordinates...which she did.

"Ready?" Yang asked, hovering her hand over the watch.

"Hope this works..."

And then the two did as they did: Applied the coordinates. Finally, they were setting off somewhere; Weiss and Yang were slowly surrounded by dark clouds that slowly consumed them, until they were nowhere to be found.

— - — - —​

Before long, Weiss and Yang found themselves in an unfamiliar environment. They had ended up in some sort of hall, with a few familiar faces, as well as some new arrivals. Jett and Blake were found comforting a new kid from a block several universes away from them, while others like Frank pledged to protect her.

The focus was on reuniting with Blake, however. After all, she and Weiss and Yang had been separate from each other for a while now.

"Blake..?" Yang said, as she started to approach her. "What are you--"

Before the two could reunite, several soldiers showed up to point guns at the group. Taken aback, all the two did was to hold their hands up as they were eventually taken to the deck, where the rest of their friends had been relocated.

"Blake, what's going on?" Yang asked, before a screechy male shouted about 'time anormalies', pointing at the group. With little to do, the group found themselves caged.

"Great," Weiss said, "We finally come back to you all, just to get placed under arrest. What convenient times we live in now."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Blendin, Korg, Jason), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), Ellya Ellya (Ellie), BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Frank)

"Well, well, what can I say. How can you be a man of righteousness when the men of sinfulness lock you behind electrified bars. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Guess my retirement has finally come" Dennis grips firmly on the bars being very aware of it being electrifying, but it literally has no effect on his body. "Good thing I'm able to fold my weaponry in squares to fit in my deep pockets, now who's to think a guy like me is roaming the universe with a big ass gun and a huge smile on his face 😁" Kanon says as he waves his CD disk looking folded gun at the other heroes.

“No...” Mantis replies to Hiryu, shaking her head again. “They simply are what helps me feel your emotions.” She explained. Then, Lucky entered the room, and Kendall waved to him with a smile as he came into view.

“Oh, hello there, Lucky~”

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie

“Right...” Came Micah’s reply to Ciri, which was accompanied by a slow nod. Geralt would have been able to follow Willow’s cent up above the elevator and out of the hole (go figure) but then it just... vanished. Almost out of thin air.

“He’s right,” The Captain would suddenly say in response to Mimaki’s words with a nod of his own. “If this... ‘Deathstroke’ guy was still on the ship, he’d have at least been detected by now.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 @Lazaro1505 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred Celestial Speck Celestial Speck CutieBoop CutieBoop

Mid-Chapter Update
“Blendin’s Game”

Thanks to Orbeck’s spell, the hose was once again restored to its former glory. With the nozzle reattached, Star Lord took it with a smile and tested it out, squeezing down on it. When pure gasoline shot out, his smile widened a bit, as he proceeded to turn to the small group that had gathered alongside him.

“Alright! We’re back in business!” Star-Lord exclaimed as he... well, attempted to twirl the hose in his hand... and then ultimately just drop it on the ground. He awkwardly went to pick it up, and once he’d done so, he just kinda started making his way over to the ship. “The tank’s over here,” Quill said to Jared as he walked over to the back of the ship and pulled open a flap. Midna was seated above it on the edge of the ship, her legs dangling over the side as she smirked down at the group. With the flap pulled, he stuck the nozzle inside, and began to fill up his ship with fuel.

And then, as things finally seemed to be progressing, a rumbling could be heard along the ship’s walls.

The rumbling itself had been enough to catch everyone in the ship off guard. It wasn’t even subtle - no. It was loud and violent, so much so that those of you who were smaller than the others (like Lucky or Ellie) would have been knocked straight off of your feet. Those of you still down on the deck were met with the sound of shattering glass, and when you turned your heads, you found that hundreds, if not thousands, of tall, muscular men in black suits, were rushing towards all of you. Their weapons were immediately trained on you, and each person alone had about five rifles each pointed directly at their heads.


“Alright, dude! Chill the hell out!” Star-Lord shouted as one soldier shoved their rifle against his back, causing him to stumble forward a bit. He turned angrily and faced him, growling a bit underneath his breath.

Needless to say, retaliation might not have been the best idea.

Some of them made their way inside of the Axiom itself and up the steps and onto the bridge, where Willow had recently been taken. Jason and Micah reached for their respective guns immediately, only for them to both be overwhelmed by the incoming forces in mere moments. Eventually, everyone on the deck had weapons trained on them, even The Captain.


AUTO’s robotic voice declared this as it made its way forward with its taser and attempted to shock one of the guards. It had successfully done so, though as it was administering a totally non-lethal dose of cardiac arrest, another guard opened up a panel on the top of the steering wheel, revealing a switch that read “AUTO” and “MANUAL.” The switch was then flipped to the latter, and just like that, AUTO had been shut off.

With that out of the way, they all began to usher those of you who were on the deck down the stairs, and some of you into the nearly busted elevator. Everyone except The Captain had to go - probably because they didn’t deem him as much of a threat.

The same had happened with the Guardians’ ship. They had all rushed into it with their weapons trained upwards. Drax tried to fight back with a loud war cry, but he was immediately tased by one of them and knocked out cold. Gasping at the sight, Gamora slowly put her hands up and surrendered. They made their ways to the back rooms as well, training their weapons on Rocket, Mantis, Kendall, and everyone else who was back there.

“Need to search me, officers~?” Kendall asked with a smirk. “Because I’d be happy to drop my pants~” At that comment, Kendall was struck in the face with the butt of one the the guards’ rifles, and was promptly knocked out cold.

With Kendall and Drax effectively dragged out of the Guardians’ ship, the rest of you were ushered out with weapons trained on you (except Groot, who they either just didn’t notice or decided was too cute to kidnap).

With all of you now on the deck, you were met by who was a familiar face to a select few of you.


“T-t-there they are!!” Blendin Blandin shouted in his all too familiar high-pitched, annoying voice, as he pointed an accusatory finger at all of you. “I-it’s th-those time anomalies I-I-I told you about!!”

“Dude, I already told you, we’re not time anomalies!” Quill shouted in an annoyed tone, but Blendin didn’t listen.

“Save it for the time jury, time anomaly!” He shouted angrily in response. Before any further explanation could be given, a pure white box suddenly appeared, and one by one you were all ushered into it by the guards. Before any of you had a chance to escape, electric bars suddenly warped into place, trapping you all in there, with Blendin angrily stammering on the other side.


“I-I-I’ll be back for you!!” He said with a huff, before walking off alongside a few of the darkly dressed guards, who merely rolled their eyes.

With them gone, you were left in the pure, white room by yourselves to sulk for a few moments. That is, until you heard a voice from the corner.


“Hey, there! Over here! Pile of rocks waving at you, here.” The... talking pile of rocks said in a friendly tone of voice. “I’m Korg, and this is my very good friend, Miek. Miek has knives for hands, as you can see.” He gestured to the small creature beside him, who was apparently named Miek, and Miek did indeed have knives for hands. “Anyways, I’m effectively the leader in here, especially since there is no one else here. And, as you can see, I am indeed made of pure rock. But don’t let that intimidate you, unless you are made of scissors.”

Korg proceeded to chuckle to himself after his little joke.

“Just a little Rock, Paper, Scissors joke for you there.”

Well, at least you had someone to keep you company in here.

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
JRay as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Benrey (Half Life: But the AI is Self-Aware)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and
Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein) and Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
@jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
marc122 as Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Zamasu as Jared Williams (OC) and Shanoa (Castlevania)
BoltBeam as Agent 3 (Splatoon)
@bloodyninja64 as Dennis Robbins and Kanon Marshall (OC)
AlexandraRoseLeclerc as Jett and Sage (Valorant)
Celestial Speck as Kyou Tana and Cópia de Mimaki Kunosuke (OC)
Ciscodog as Killua Zoldyick (Hunter x Hunter)
@GearBlade654 as Force Commander (Dawn of War 2) and Praetorian (XCOM 2)
@Attesa as Haws (Roblox) and Venice/Spooky (Havoc Fox)
@Jabroni as Jeff "The Dude" Labowski (The Big Labowski)
Ellya Ellya as
Ellie (The Last of Us) and Atreus (God of War)
CutieBoop CutieBoop as
Yoshi (Super Mario Bros) and Fuma Mishandra (Touhouverse)
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 as
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) and Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@QizPizza as
Gunner Sergeant Lazarus Yongheng Huang (OC)

"Dennis Robbins, Detective & Lawyer but a Full-Time Jersey hero right back at ya. A pleasure to meet you Korg & Miek." Dennis says as he reaches out for a "Rocky" handshake. "Kanon Marshall, but you could just call me Mr. Latt. How long have you two been in this room? It's literally giving me Lights, Camera, Action vibes from how bright it is like we're shooting a mothafuckin' music video 🤨❓"

"I honestly don't feel like being cooped up in here for a day, but if you guys feel like getting some rest from all the running around, then this is the best time I guess." Dennis slides his back down the wall to sit on the floor and starts thinking to himself.

"Who said we was gonna be cooped up in here for days? Cause I know damn well Jason don't intend on doing so. Besiiiiiiiiides, we just met some new friends over here so maybe we'll be entertained until we're ready to go."

"Pfffffft, you're always in a good mood I see...."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Everyoneelse
Frank Castle

Ah, of course. The Time Baby ran this prison. Why hadn't he thought of that? It all made sense now. A giant baby with power of the cosmos and the passage of time was going to decide their fate for time crimes. Castle stared daggers at the Kronan wordlessly. Either Korg was fucking with them, and he'd regret it, or he was deadly serious, and they were fucked. Neither made Frank feel warm and fuzzy inside. Without responding to Korg in any way, he assessed the group as a whole. Several people were hurt. Even he still felt the dull ache from his arm, and his entire body was sore from when they tased him. No, what Frank had meant was who was in charge of this ragtag group that was apparently charge with saving all of existence. A few people stood out among the crowd as notably more charismatic and involved than others. A man with white hair was discussing their circumstances with some super freak in a red helmet. White hair didn't have the gait of a leader. The way he moved and watched the room, he was too uncomfortable with all of these people looking. Red helmet, however, seemed right in his element. Time would tell if he was actually a good leader, but he certainly carried himself like someone in charge. Elsewhere, a man with fox tails and a young woman he didn't seem terribly willing to step away from had a certain assurance between the two of them.

Around that time, Kyou caught his eye. Frank could practically feel the oni staring at him before he even turned to face him. Garb was clearly eastern. Japanese, maybe. Horns and other distinguishing marks obviously set him apart as non-human. He leaned his head back slightly as the half-oni saluted him, and confirmed his suspicion. The man in the red helmet was the leader. Frank would deal with him later. For now, he seemed briefly uncertain of what to do at the salute. Images flashed through his mind in an instant as he considered his time in the military. His boot, holding a man's face under the water. A man with red, white and blue on his shoulder. The sickening crunch as a broken M-16, swung like a club, caved in someone's skull. The feeling of bullets ripping through his stomach. Someone pleading in a foreign language, only for him to silence them a moment later. The flood of napalm as he hid under corpses. After several moments of awkward silence, he didn't salute Kyou back, but did nod very slightly. "Captain," He corrected the half-oni. When his mouth opened to speak, his teeth were still covered in blood. "Long since retired." Admittedly, the awkward greeting aside, having another soldier present (even if he likely fought under a different banner), put him at ease, even if it was only a little bit. "Call me Frank."

At the request for medical aid, Frank simply shook his head, though the increasingly dark stain on his left sleeve from where Ellie had cut him contradicted him a little bit. "If you have medical training, see to people that are badly hurt. I'm pretty sure most of us walked away with cuts and bruises at worst." It wasn't exactly an order, but Frank's tone was inherently commanding, and his true meaning was clear. It's just a scratch. Find people that actually need your help. With one last surprisingly respectful nod, Frank went back to surveying the room. Ellie rolled over beside him and finally chimed in. He looked down and kept the grimace he felt like giving from reaching his face. Frank hadn't seen very much of what she'd done, but he had seen enough. She had fight like a girl possessed, considering she was outnumbered one hundred to one and some of them may have had a hundred pounds on her. As he kneeled next to her to survey her injuries, he felt two things. One, a tinge of respect mixed with sadness. She'd really fought hard to get where she was. A kid her age shouldn't have to, though. Two, a surge of anger at the soldiers that brought her in here. Kicking and screaming or not, Ellie was a child. He reached down and muttered, barely audibly, "Tell me if any of this hurts." He began to test her limbs to see if any were broken. Now, while Frank possessed plenty of technical knowledge, he was certainly lacking in bedside manner and, as such, was probably far rougher than was necessary. This was only exemplified when he got to her nose. It was broken, and needed to be realigned. Without really warning her, or even saying anything, he reached up and set her nose back into place. Probably hurt like a bitch. Finally, he pulled out a flashlight. "Try to follow the light with your eyes.Next time, do what I say. Lucky they only broke your nose." Hopefully, Ellie didn't have a concussion.

His head turned to Atreus. He muttered the same thing, and checked the boy for injuries. Fortunately, Atreus had been compliant and walked away pretty much unscathed. Briefly, he peered at the boy's journal as he did so. The kid had done a fair amount of drawing. Was actually pretty good. "Smart kid. Kept your head down and walked away without anything more than maybe a bruise." Frank didn't smile in the least bit, but he did pretty much the only sign of approval he'd been willing to give so far: A very slight nod. Satisfied, he turned away just as another pair entered the room. One stopped him dead in his tracks. A muscular young woman with golden blonde hair. His face fell. Yang. Hopefully not the same one that he'd more or less been tricked into lynching back at his first Game. Normally, she'd be accompanied by that other kid... The bubbly one with dark hair and a scythe. Ruby. Where was she? He frowned, but didn't say anything. Hopefully, it wasn't the Yang he knew, and, by extension, not the Ruby he knew. Especially if Ruby was dead. Ideally, she wouldn't even notice that he had been taken off guard by her appearance. Looking back to the pair, he spoke once more. With a completely straight face, and fully expecting a no, he simply asked, "Either of you got a toothpick?"

| Celestial Speck Celestial Speck | thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | Ellya Ellya | marc122 marc122 | @ everyone else in the cell​

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Well that just escalated quickly." Jared spoke after everyone has been out in a cell with a rock man and a guy with knife hands. "Well, you tell me about it." Shanoa replied. "Well, I'm not just gonna sit here and wait for some fucking miracle to happen. Let's have a test to see what this cell is made of." Jared said as he brandishes out his Armed Aegis. "You're thinking of putting up a portal out?" Shanoa asked. "If multiverse rules still apply, then at least we now know." Jared answered before he swings his sword upwards to see if a portal can still appear even in the cell.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @others​
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Huh...Impressive." Hiryu simply nodded until all of a sudden, armed men entered the room, causing Hiryu to stand up in alarm. As Kendall was then tazed, Hiryu knew he had to do something and yet...Their numbers were too high and summoning his Another Riders would certainly cause too much damage on their ship. Going along with the armed men, they were soon taken in by the Time Travel police that Blake told them about, labeling them as Anomalies. "What the hell, I thought you're on our side?!" Hiryu growled at the balding man, now having hair. Soon, they were all placed in some kind of white box with some aliens.

Whisper sat beside to rock man, utterly confused by this turn of events.

Hiryu decided to pace around the room, rubbing his hand against the walls in an attempt to find some kind of loose wall to punch through.
The half oni gave Frank a respectful nod, soon going into a more formal position. There was now a smile on his face, as the retired captain allowed the half-oni general of sorts to speak with him normally. "Right, sorry, hehehe~" The Oni apologized for his misconception, his personality quickly shifting to his usual, joyful and cheerful one. Regardless...He didn't need to be a genius to tell that there were indeed some hurt people here- the little girl Frank soon went to try and heal is one of them. A sickening noise filled his ears as Kyou didn't cringe or react to the noise- it was only natural, but he would likely react to the army of swears that Ellie was going to scream out any moment now.

"Not medical skill, more like...Medical abilities~!" The Half Oni joyfully and respectfully replied- clearly meaning he had powers. Looks like his horns weren't just for show. Frank didn't seem all that older then he was- at least not by a ridiculous margin. Kyou was reaching his forties quickly, and from what he could tell from the man's appearance, he was at least around his sixties, maybe fifties? Hard to tell- he clearly was older than him and Mimaki, though. Which allowed the oni to feel a bit more respect to this otherwise normal human. It reminded him of his grandfather- completely human, with the clear difference here being that his grandfather had powers, but Frank did not. Both were old...But their age and their humanity are what made Kyou respect them.

Still, the Oni's healing breath could likely be useful once Frank knew about it. "So, yeah, don't feel afraid to ask for a patch-me-up if you need to, sir--"

Before the oni could continue further, two new arrivals in the room. Frank reacted in a way that he didn't expect once the Oni saw who it was. Yang and Weiss. He could probably smell the relief from Blake and others close to them from here. Did Frank know these two? Unlikely, he was a seemingly new addition to the group. But even so...It was odd. What he talked about- got a toothpick? What? Was that some form of code?

A scratch came to the side of his face. Kyou frowned before his attention returned to the two new girls. "Weiss, Yang- welcome back. And yes, I 'member yer names, kye-hehehe~!" He didn't forget names that easily- however, it was a whole other story if they remembered his. Admittedly, the two and he didn't interact much, but...He couldn't blame them. Things moved too fast at times. But even so, offering a nod, and despite wanting to check on 'em, he would allow Blake to reunite with the two other members of her team.
“Sorry, no can do,” Korg replied to Lealan and Lilith with a shake of his head. “I’m still afraid of ghosts, sadly.” He shrugged, and then pulled another piece of rock off of himself, before chucking it at Lilith again. Once it went through her and hit the wall, he cursed, “Damn... you know, I was sure it’d work that time.”

Soon after, Killua walked into the electric bars at the other end of the room. Jason watched as he did so and failed, sighing shortly after. “I don’t know what you were expecting, honestly.” He said with a grunt. Shortly after, Weiss and Yang were thrown into the cell, and the wall closed up entirely, resulting in a plain white room. Jason looked at the two from his leaned position, staring at them with both arms folded. “You two took your sweet ass time getting here.” He said bluntly, though it was hard to tell if he was being serious, or if this was simply just dry humor.

“Alright, yeah, that’s not confusing at all...” Rocket replied after Kuma’s long winded explanation of the demon, nodding slowly.

“Oh... so he’s French Canadian. Got it.” Korg interjected with a nod of his own. Then, Dennis and Kanon approached him, at which point Korg shook both of their hands. “Nice to meet ya, Dennis. You too, Kanon. I’ve been in here for a while now, actually.” He explained to the pair, his tone remaining friendly as always. “You two are superheroes, you said? Like The Avengers or something?” Though, at their optimism, Korg continued to smile. “You know, my pal Doug said the same thing about escaping. Of course, Doug died a horrible, painful death... but at least he had his optimism.” Then, Whisper sat down beside him. “Well hey there, little doggy.” He said a she pet his rock hand atop Whisper’s soft skull... which probably didn’t feel too good, to say the least.

In the meantime, Drax seemed to have had woken up. And, not only had he woken up, but he was standing directly over Atreus’ shoulder as well. Though, when he got there was another story entirely. “What are you writing?” He asked suddenly, more than likely catching the young boy off guard.

Unfortunately for Jared, when he tried to form a portal to get everyone out... some static appeared and clung to the wall, before fizzling out entirely. Yeah, things probably weren’t gonna be that easy anyways. Hiryu’s attempt at finding any weaknesses in the wall went about the same. In fact, it appeared to be made of... some kind of material that he wasn’t even aware of. Like some really durable, futuristic kind of metal.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 P PopcornPie ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials CutieBoop CutieBoop @BoltBeam Venom Snake Venom Snake bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Ellya Ellya Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck marc122 marc122 Zamasu Zamasu
Ellie remained on the ground as Frank checked her limbs. It was something Joel had done for her a few times before, in fact, the two even seemed to have the same routine. "Hey, you're gonna have to count to three and then fix my no--"

"Oh, Jiminy Cricket, friend, that's quite painful!"
(Writer's note: Ellie's actual exclamation was in violation of the terms of service. Please fill this in with the very worst possible naughty curse you know.)
Frank was way ahead of her and adjusted her nose situation for her. The sickening crunch of bone made her slam her fist into the ground, and she continued to squirm in pain for a second or two, just whimpering curses over and over. The girl had probably drawn attention to herself again, but didn't even notice Frank leaving after making sure she wasn't concussed, while she cursed him into Oblivion.

Atreus looked up when Frank approached, hurrying to stand up for him. It looked like the boy was about to say something, but then Frank actually praised him for keeping his head down. None of his limbs were broken either and it didn't actually look like he was hurt at all. In response, Atreus just nodded back. In his notebook, he'd been writing:

Men in strange clothes came to take us. There were hundreds of them, and they all ganged up on everyone! It wasn't a fair fight at all.
I feel guilty for not pulling my weight. Father would not have approved of that. But I don't think he could have stopped these men either.
Ellie and Frank fought back, just like a lot of other people did. I don't know why I didn't.
We're all locked up now, and Ellie is bleeding from her nose. I went to check it out while she was unconscious but I got scared.
What if she gets mad at me when she wakes up for being a coward?
What if Fra...

Frank would only catch glimpses of his text unless he decided to take a closer look. He had also started to draw a sketch on the other page, but it wasn't clear what it was going to be of yet. Atreus remained quiet after his nod and moved back to sit down against the wall again.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck marc122 marc122
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
According to Ellie, this wasn’t her first time being thrown to a universe that wasn’t her own. The way she talked about it, the last time it happened, it took something from her, did something to her that couldn’t be undone. What exactly happened, she doubted that she’d want to talk about it so she wouldn’t pry into it.

She nodded in response to her, seeing Atreus come out and hug her. In response to him talking about a place his people from his world talked about where those that fought bravely go to when they died, making her look at the two. “
We’ll watch each other’s backs and we can all get out of this alive. Hopefully we’ll never have to visit that place before our time comes, Atreus.

With that, before she could do anything else, her cat ears picked up on a familiar voice. Turning to where she heard it, her eyes widened as she saw... “
Yang! Weiss!” Getting up, she started to run over to them but not before the ship started so shake and make her stumble as she made her way over to the two. Stopping, she heard glass shatter and turned around to see men in black suits with guns come towards all of them which prompted her to put her hands up. After all, they was no way they could take on this many people and it’d be stupid of them to do so in the first place. Atreus complied, but Ellie... well, she refused to. “Ellie, stop! It’s only going to make it worse!” And to no one’s surprise, she was then knocked out by one of the men due to fighting back.

With everyone there except for Alexis and Willow, someone familiar to her came out and began to call them time anomalies. Sighing, she looked at Blendin. “
I told you back in Gravity Falls, Blendin, we’re not time anomalies! How many times do I have to remind you before you finally realize that?!” All of them were then escorted to a white box by the guards and once they were all placed into it, the way out closed and the only one besides them that were in there was a man made out of rock who was called Korg and had a friend named Miek. “Blake. Nice to meet you two.

Before she could interact with anyone else, she had to focus on the more important thing as the man she saw in the ship tended to the kids, and that was Weiss and Yang. Going over to them, she hugged the both of them with a few tears going down her face as she was very much relieved they were there now. “
I thought we were going to have to leave the both of you behind...” Blake looked at Yang. “What’s going on... I have no clue, I told him back when we visited Gravity Falls that we weren’t time anomalies and at the time, he believed me. Where we are that isn’t this white cube, I can answer that. This is a cruise ship in the middle of space with the last of humanity in this universe. But how did you two even get here? Did your watches finally work or did you find a replacement?

She then looked at the pile of orange armor, her eyes widening. “
...Samus?” Last she knew, Samus was suppose to be back at The Cape, how was she here? “You’re suppose to be back at The Cape, how are you here? And how did you get arrested?

Ellya Ellya , marc122 marc122 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , P PopcornPie

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Guess there's no way out then huh?" Jared said with the quite the disappointment in his tone. Shanoa has no word to say. Just as more people are being thrown in the cell, Jared takes his backpack off and went to a corner to lay it down and then he lays himself down using the backpack as an improvised pillow. "What are you doing?" Shanoa asked. "Since there is no way to get out, we might as well wait for a miracle then. What other choice do we have? I'll just lay here, stare at the ceiling, and imagine. It's quite relaxing to be honest." Jared answered as he stares at the ceiling, thinking of things. Shanoa could not help but let out a sigh. "You are really hopeless, Jared." She muttered under her breath. She turns to her side and sees Yang and Weiss. Weird, weren't they supposed to be left at the warehouse? She feels like she wants to talk to them, especially Yang. However, she begins to feel uneasy. Is she still bitter towards her after all she has done? With Jared out of the picture, and Orbeck being busy with others, Shanoa sighs and walks over to the trio. "Yang, Weiss, where were you two been? I thought you were both goners." She asked.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @others​
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  • Despite the bleakness of their situation, seeing her fellow MPF authority got her to lift her head and smile. "I'm glad you're both safe as well." She began. "I made use of all my suit's functions to escape, but I lost Mao Mao and Megumin in the process." Her head dropped back down, her voice smooth but frail. "Mao Mao was imprisoned, I saw it with my own eyes. But the little archwizard's fate was uncertain. As soon as I was in safety, I got to work finding Megumin. I crossed the multiverse all over, praying that she was safe in someone's arms. Unfortunately, I was marked as a 'time anomaly', and brought here. I have been carted round in this strange room ever since." She pointed to Korg and Miek. "I don't like the feeling of 'Time Baby' doing something lethal to us, but at least those two have allowed me to confide in them."

    Then she peered around Jason and Blake to see all her fellow fighters, and she waved. "Yoshi! Falcon! Snake! Why, Bayonetta, you've also been roped into this mess." She chuckled dryly.

    One last thing, she noticed the little red rabbit becoming stiff and frightened, and asked, "Is the hare okay?"
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In the meantime, Drax seemed to have had woken up. And, not only had he woken up, but he was standing directly over Atreus’ shoulder as well. Though, when he got there was another story entirely. “What are you writing?” He asked suddenly, more than likely catching the young boy off guard.

Atreus gasped and looked up. He hadn't actually seen Drax in here before. Like he was lying so perfectly still that he became invisible. "Oh... I..." the boy sighed softly, looking at his notes, then looking at Ellie and Frank. Frank was talking to some other people, and Ellie was just lying still on the ground, breathing heavily. He almost didn't want her to see him. "... I let them down" he answered with a sad look at the ground. "Everyone. All the friends I just made that were counting on me to watch their backs, and I... I didn't do anything. I have a magic bow, I could've done something to help, but..." the boy shrugged and sighed, shaking his head a bit. "I didn't pull my weight..." It was a phrase his Father often used.
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

"Tsk...No bustin out of this one." Hiryu clicked his tongue, his search for a weak wall turned out to be fruitless. He lets out a sigh as he sat down, his back against the wall as his eyes happened upon an orange clad armored man. Some of the MPF members seemed to know this guy as Samus...Must be a veteran. She mentioned something about losing Mao Mao and Megumin. "Wait, you know the red wizard kid with the nuke spell?" He asked, pointing his index finger at the space hunter, who, judging by the voice, turned out to be quite the feminine lad. Then again, he didn't know much about him. "I have good news for you. She got her Explosion spell back."

Whisper meanwhile, attempted to get away, but soon resigned to getting headpatted. Her ears perking in alarm before sinking down.
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Cage, Axiom
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

Even when Ellie and Frank tried to retaliate, and were met with force in response, Weiss and Yang refused to help. There was no point in wasting valuable Aura and resources trying to free themselves, as they would just continue the way to the deck.

They couldn't deny the damage done to the two, though.

Ellie suffered a broken nose and an injured upper lip. It was subtle, but her temples appeared to be affected as well. Frank, meanwhile, suffered broken-in teeth, resulting in blood in his mouth. The sight of such blood coming from the Punisher's mouth was rather gruesome, but ultimately, nothing the two would express surprise towards.

The one thing that had caught her attention was Frank's off-put stare at Yang. What happened between her and Frank that caused such a reaction? She had never seen him before, yet he was already disturbed by her mere presence. Whatever that was, she didn't want to imagine what could've happened.

Luckily, around the same time, Kyou showed up just in time, announcing his healing powers to him and Ellie. Then, he welcomed Weiss and Yang back, before allowing them to have their reunion with their friend.

"Hey, Kyou," Yang said, producing a small, bittersweet smile towards him, "Guess our reunion didn't go as plan, huh."

Then Blake invited a tearful hug. Both Weiss and Yang complied, hugging back, while Yang shed tears of her own. Then she, alongside Shanoa, asked what they were doing here rather than in the ware...wait, no. Warehouse? Factory? ...Factory, where they'd been stuck for some time.

"We looked around and found what was left of Byakuya," Yang explained, "Since my watch was broken, there was no other way than to take his, but as a keepsake." Despite Yang having known him for very little, she knew it was at least appropriate for her to carry on his memory as well, not just the fallen allies who were brainwashed.

"Don't mind the 'Byakuya' name, though; when you see it on your watch, that's me."

"I don't know about him..." Weiss said, pausing in the middle as she watched Lucky...freeze. She had heard about Samus's death through Blake's account of things. To see her here was a small surprise, albeit a confusing one.

"...Samus. Did I get it right? I--I mean, I thought your head was gone, or something--Apologies, anyhow. He tried to give himself amnesia in order to avoid Scarecrow's fear toxin, but...let's say it had side effects."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Blendin, Korg, Jason), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Kyou), Zamasu Zamasu (Shanoa), P PopcornPie (Samus, Lucky) Ellya Ellya (Ellie), BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Frank)
Bayonetta and Tony Stark

Bayonetta's Status: what kind of fuckery is this
Tony's Status: A combination of relief and disappointment.

Bayonetta's Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri), BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 (Geralt), thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jason, GM), P PopcornPie (Samus)
Tony's Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason), darkred darkred (Alloy), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra), P PopcornPie (Lucky, Megumin)

Bayonetta gave a grim smile to the three of them as they all promised the retrieval of Willow. None of it made her any less kidnapped, but it did make the umbra witch feel a little better. Noticeably relaxing a little, she allowed her characteristic smirk to slowly crawl it's way back onto her face. "Well then. I think Deathstroke's going to have to deal with much worse than a few burns soon." She quipped, sounding happier than she'd looked before, but still appearing somewhat worried about all of it. Tilting her head at the silvery-white haired woman in particular, her expression turned thoughtful. "Did I ever catch your name? I don't believe I ever got a chance to know anyone besides the little firestarter."

Shortly after whatever the woman's response was, the ship was stormed by countless armed men. As much as
Bayonetta would've happily tried to kick a wave of ass through them all, she chose to surrender after a few seconds of hesitation. There were more men with guns in the room then she could count in a reasonable amount of time, and she knew resistance would be more than likely to get someone accidentally hurt. She was far from the only person caught up in this, and it would be better for all of them if she acted like it. As she was ushered into the box, she took some quick glances around to see if there was anything at all she could use to escape. Nothing in the cell itself, but the umbra witch was pretty sure she could potentially slip through the bars with Crow Within or Snake Within, those forms being most likely small enough to slip through the bars. Then the bars disappeared entirely, slamming the window closed before she could even consider leaping through it. Bayonetta cursed herself for not just going for it, looking around to see if there was anything else she could use to her advantage. She was mentioned by name by what appeared to be a woman in armor, which she responded to with a confused smile. "I think I'd remember seeing a face like yours. Have we...met before?" She said, clearly not remembering any kind of fighting tournament like some of the other members of the group did.

"So...I guess we're all in the same boat now." A tired voice said from behind the cell, sitting boredly next to Samus. How long had he been there? It was unclear. Giving a half-hearted wave to Jason, he examined the group. His eyes seemed to settle for a second longer on Alloy, Kassandra, Lucky, and Megumin in particular, but it was something you had to really pay attention to see, not likely being anything important anyways. "Anyways, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the time police cornered you all?" He sarcastically asked, just about everyone in the room already knowing the answer to said question.
Location: Prison Cell
Thankfully Lealan tried to talk Korg out of trying to attack Lilith but he just shook his head and gave the same excuse before going back to throwing stuff at her. At this point Lilith quickly started to think that he was just making up stupid excuses just to fight her so she angrily sighed and gives Lealan a suggestion.
"Alright I'm getting sick of this, can you do something about this Lealan?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Korg)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (LeaLan)

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Well, what matters most is that you two are okay." Shanoa said before she hangs her head low "...And, Yang, once we are done in this place, can we have a private? There are some words that I needed to say to you and off my chest, if it is alright?" Shanoa is going to apologize soon.

Meanwhile, Jared is fucking asleep.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @others​
Frank Castle

Kyou's offer of magical healing was met with a frown. Nothing notable about that, but powers rarely put the vigilante at ease. They tended to make people either full of themselves, sloppy, or both. Neither was anything even close to what they needed right now. Ont he other hand, Frank's request for a toothpick was met with a slew of curses. He stared blankly at Ellie until she seemed to be done. "Are you finished whining?" The guard's blood still left that metallic taste on the edge of his tongue. Castle spit a glob of blood onto the floor. Some of it was his. Some wasn't. The blow to his stomach had probably broken a rib or two. "I told you to do what they wanted. Next time, do what I say."His scowl deepened further. "Your head isn't an off switch. All it takes is one bad blow to the temple, and you're fuckin' gone. Now, can you stand up? You need to be able to move. I'm not going to carry you if we have to go somewhere." Frank scanned Ellie's face for how she was feeling as he spoke. The old vigilante didn't imagine, from what he knew about her, that getting grabbed like that felt very good. He needed to push her along. Keep her standing. It would take the girl's mind off things.

As for Atreus, the boy seemed oddly down for someone that had just walked away from that shit-show unscathed. His journal, at Frank's glance, made the kid seem pretty down on himself. Now, once a parent himself, Frank knew that no two children were the same. Atreus wouldn't respond to the tough prodding the way Ellie did. That didn't mean he was going to be all sappy, of course. As much as Frank would do his best to prevent it. either of these kids could turn up dead any minute now, for all he knew. Even though the signs pointed away from Murder, he half expected the lights to go out, someone to scream, and to discover a corpse when they came back on. Then the paranoia would begin again. That being said, it seemed almost impossible at this point. Apparently, from what Kyou and the others were saying, most of these people had been together for a while. Too long for something to not have already happened.

Very matter of factly, he addressed Atreus. "I told you to listen to them and do what they said. You just did as you were told. Quit beating yourself up." Castle crossed his arms, leaning against the white wall between the two kids to look out into the room again. Occasionally, his eyes would wander to Yang. The dread would surge. Eventually, he learned to avoid scanning that part of the room. Frank sighed. It was a weary sound that carried the rattle of labored breathing. He spat another glob of blood across the floor. "You're both just... fuckin' kids. You shouldn't be here to begin with." Finally, he looked down at Ellie and set his jaw once more. "If I had soap, I'd make you wash your mouth out with it. That was fuckin' terrible." Frank was half-joking, but, as before, his completely dry delivery and stern frown probably didn't help the joke land. When Drax spoke, Frank glowered at him. The alien, so far, had really only been aggressive, loud, and kinda dim. Not a great first imperssion. This guy managed to kill Thanos before?

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Ellya Ellya thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Nodding to Samus, she listened to how exactly she ended up in this situation. She got out thanks to her suit but before she could make any progress to find Megumin, she got arrested. “Megumin’s been with us since the start of this mission.” Looking around, she saw no sign of her there. “But unfortunately, she isn’t in here with us. I just hope she’s alright. As for Lucky, look for yourself.” She then pointed towards Lucky before looking towards Yang.

Listening to her, she understood. His watch would’ve still worked which made as a great replacement for her. “
Weiss’ is still broken, right? Maybe we could find some way to repair it since I doubt we could find a replacement. I’m just relieved the both of you are here and alright.” Heading Atreus, she looked over at him. He kept beating himself up for not being able to do something, but really? It was fine that he didn’t fight back as he’d probably end up in the same situation as Ellie. The last thing she wanted for him was to feel sad about something that was out of his control, so she decided to do something about it. “Atreus, come here please. I want you to meet some people.

It was then that she heard another voice, one from the Tessaract Incident when they fought another group. Looking, her eyes widened at the source of the voice. “
...Tony?” Seems as though he got out safe too, which was a big relief. Her eyes rolled in response to his question. “Well, we definitely didn’t come in here looking for a place to eat so yes, yes we did.

P PopcornPie , marc122 marc122 , Ellya Ellya , FoolsErin FoolsErin

After Geralt did his thing, she looked at Micah. “Told you.” She then looked at the tall woman and nodded. “There’s no doubt that he would have more than a few burns to deal with considering what we all can do.” When she asked if she ever caught her name, she shook her head. “You didn’t. And I don’t believe I’ve caught your name. I’m-

Before she could introduce herself, men in suits with guns came in and while she’d attempt to fight back, they already overwhelmed Jason and Micah so they were already outnumbered even before the two went down. Placing her hands up, she followed them and before long, they were brought to the bridge with the others and then shortly thereafter, a white box. Locking eyes with Geralt, she nodded and followed them into the box.

Once the door closed, she looked at Geralt and nodded. “
I’m alright, Geralt. You know I’ve been through worse. Besides, this is normal with us, nothing really ever goes according to plan.” As he walked over to Jason to ask him questions, she looked down at Space Kid to check to see if he was alright. Really, if he slept through all of that, he must be a very heavy sleeper. Looking over at the man made out of rock, he introduced himself and his friend. “Ciri.

Her emerald green eyes went back to the woman she had been speaking with before they were taken. “
Sorry I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself. My name is Ciri. And your name?

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , FoolsErin FoolsErin , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • "Those police can get you from just about anywhere." Samus lamented in agreement. "I tried to evade them with my Morph Ball. They just used a magnet to pull me back." Sensing some humiliation within the group, she smiled again and quickly added, "So don't feel ashamed of yourselves. I don't think even Ganondorf himself could have escaped." Never mind that they were probably stuck with multiverse-scale criminal record now, but faking suicide and living life under a different identity would have to wait.

    Bayonetta's clarification had her tipping her head back a bit. "Oh, my apologies. You must be a different timeline's Bayonetta. One would think that a group dedicated to protecting the timeline would prevent timelines from clashing like this. My name is Samus."

    And then, when Megumin was brought up, one would expect Samus's smile to brighten even further. Instead, her jaw slowly fell, as her eyebrows raised and her pupils shrank. "...What?" She muttered at first, and then her voice grew louder. "WHAT?! WHAT?! YOU FORCED MEGUMIN TO RESTORE HER EXPLOSION ON HER OWN?!" Suddenly, she sprang to her feet, aiming the Arm Cannon on her suit straight at everyone. Gone was the soft, meek tone, and here to stay was a bombastic roar. "DID SHE NOT INFORM YOU OF HER CONDITION, OR DID HER POWER MATTER TO YOU OVER HER HEALTH?! ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU FORCED HER TO DAMAGE HERSELF FURTHER AND THEN STRANDED HER?! YOU FIENDS! SUCH IRRESPONSIBILITY WILL BE DESTROYED!"
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain falcon freezes for a second before gasping and his face instantly brightens up. A smile spread across his face like the best thing in the world just happened. He turns to see none other than the legendary galactic bounty hunter and his long time friend, Samus. "SAMMMYYYYYY~!" Falcon runs up to Samus and hugs "Oh my gosh, your here! I never thought I was gonna see you again! ...For reasons I'm not sure of myself! But I missed youuuu! Oh wait!" Falcon releases samus from the hug and brushes off her shoulders "Sorry! Personal space...! But how've you been? It's been months and all and you clearly can't say you haven't missed~" Falcon jests
P PopcornPie
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: P PopcornPie

"Woah, calm down! We didn't force it to come back, it came back on its own!" Hiryu stood up, grabbing his anotherwatch from his jacket's pocket. "Look, the only time she was legitimately forced to use it is when we were fighting Bill Cipher in the dream world! I even used part of my power on her in an attempt to stabilize her condition, goddammit!" The Another Rider growled, like a provoked stray dog trying to intimidate those who tried to invade his space. "And for your information, Mr. Overprotective Dad of the century, your little princess' head is doing just fine! We don't where she went right now, but I assure you, the brat's doing well on her own!"
Frank Castle

Kyou's offer of magical healing was met with a frown. Nothing notable about that, but powers rarely put the vigilante at ease. They tended to make people either full of themselves, sloppy, or both. Neither was anything even close to what they needed right now. Ont he other hand, Frank's request for a toothpick was met with a slew of curses. He stared blankly at Ellie until she seemed to be done. "Are you finished whining?" The guard's blood still left that metallic taste on the edge of his tongue. Castle spit a glob of blood onto the floor. Some of it was his. Some wasn't. The blow to his stomach had probably broken a rib or two. "I told you to do what they wanted. Next time, do what I say."His scowl deepened further. "Your head isn't an off switch. All it takes is one bad blow to the temple, and you're fuckin' gone. Now, can you stand up? You need to be able to move. I'm not going to carry you if we have to go somewhere." Frank scanned Ellie's face for how she was feeling as he spoke. The old vigilante didn't imagine, from what he knew about her, that getting grabbed like that felt very good. He needed to push her along. Keep her standing. It would take the girl's mind off things.

As for Atreus, the boy seemed oddly down for someone that had just walked away from that shit-show unscathed. His journal, at Frank's glance, made the kid seem pretty down on himself. Now, once a parent himself, Frank knew that no two children were the same. Atreus wouldn't respond to the tough prodding the way Ellie did. That didn't mean he was going to be all sappy, of course. As much as Frank would do his best to prevent it. either of these kids could turn up dead any minute now, for all he knew. Even though the signs pointed away from Murder, he half expected the lights to go out, someone to scream, and to discover a corpse when they came back on. Then the paranoia would begin again. That being said, it seemed almost impossible at this point. Apparently, from what Kyou and the others were saying, most of these people had been together for a while. Too long for something to not have already happened.

Very matter of factly, he addressed Atreus. "I told you to listen to them and do what they said. You just did as you were told. Quit beating yourself up." Castle crossed his arms, leaning against the white wall between the two kids to look out into the room again. Occasionally, his eyes would wander to Yang. The dread would surge. Eventually, he learned to avoid scanning that part of the room. Frank sighed. It was a weary sound that carried the rattle of labored breathing. He spat another glob of blood across the floor. "You're both just... fuckin' kids. You shouldn't be here to begin with." Finally, he looked down at Ellie and set his jaw once more. "If I had soap, I'd make you wash your mouth out with it. That was fuckin' terrible." Frank was half-joking, but, as before, his completely dry delivery and stern frown probably didn't help the joke land. When Drax spoke, Frank glowered at him. The alien, so far, had really only been aggressive, loud, and kinda dim. Not a great first imperssion. This guy managed to kill Thanos before?

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Ellya Ellya thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122

Ellie frowned up at the man. For a guy shaking off wounds like that so easily, he sure seemed sensitive about bad language. "Yeah, well..." she grunted as she got up, seeming to have to regain her balance for a few seconds when was on her feet. "Somebody told me something about going out kicking and screaming... Assholes shoulda broken my legs..." The girl went over to stand by Frank's side, her gaze falling on Drax as well. She'd only heard his voice before, and raised her eyebrows a bit at his appearance. "Jesus... You figure his planet just sold out on 5XL-sized t-shirts...?" Yeah, it looked like she'd gathered herself again. The only pain that really lasted was in her head, but after taking a few hits against the head from lead pipes, she'd gotten used to just tuning that out as much as possible.

Her eye obviously fell on Atreus as well, who seemed to just be quietly talking to the large shirtless man. "Well, at least the kid's alright..." she sighed, watching the conversation between the two without actually being able to listen in. They were decently far away, but it was mostly because of the slight ringing in her ears.

ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Nodding to Samus, she listened to how exactly she ended up in this situation. She got out thanks to her suit but before she could make any progress to find Megumin, she got arrested. “Megumin’s been with us since the start of this mission.” Looking around, she saw no sign of her there. “But unfortunately, she isn’t in here with us. I just hope she’s alright. As for Lucky, look for yourself.” She then pointed towards Lucky before looking towards Yang.

Listening to her, she understood. His watch would’ve still worked which made as a great replacement for her. “
Weiss’ is still broken, right? Maybe we could find some way to repair it since I doubt we could find a replacement. I’m just relieved the both of you are here and alright.” Heading Atreus, she looked over at him. He kept beating himself up for not being able to do something, but really? It was fine that he didn’t fight back as he’d probably end up in the same situation as Ellie. The last thing she wanted for him was to feel sad about something that was out of his control, so she decided to do something about it. “Atreus, come here please. I want you to meet some people.

It was then that she heard another voice, one from the Tessaract Incident when they fought another group. Looking, her eyes widened at the source of the voice. “
...Tony?” Seems as though he got out safe too, which was a big relief. Her eyes rolled in response to his question. “Well, we definitely didn’t come in here looking for a place to eat so yes, yes we did.

Atreus glanced over to Blake and gave a quick nod to acknowledge her. After Drax' response, he would politely excuse himself and make his way over to the woman. "Hi..." He said quietly, looking at the newcomers as well. "I'm glad you're all okay."

Mood: Passive, Secluding, Guilty
Tags: (Leo, GM)
(Orbeck), ,

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Kyou didn't get the time to react to anything that he had said.

The spaceship shook violently, taking the leaning pyromancer off-guard. He had to put his arm out against the flooring to avoid tumbling to the side, his first instinct being to wonder if he had somehow broken something else... Though it didn't take him too long to realize that if it had been him, he'd have felt the Magic strain further. His second instinct was to shoot a glance in Auto's direction, both in apprehension for if the machine decided to attack him again, and in suspicion as the had never really trusted the steering wheel too much.
It still creeped him out somewhat... as if it was secretly plotting something.

But in reality, neither of them were the cause of the sudden turbulence, --Wait, could Space even get that? ...Not the time!-- A flood of soldiers dressed up in black had soon invaded the darkened, gloomy bridge. They came in so fast that the already mildly disoriented and light-headed Sage had barely had the time to register things properly, gasping when those that had pulled weapons were overwhelmed in a matter of seconds. Auto had pulled the same maneuver it had on him, with some success, before getting bested by a lever and shut down. The Descendant himself was tense, the temperature around him picked up a couple degrees, but he had never made an attempt to resist. It wasn't if he had the mental energy for something like that anyway. Instead, he had very slowly, and with cautious movements got himself back up, raising his hands as soon as he had done so. He did consider going as further as to wear the armlet again, but reconsidered fearful that it would be taken as some kind of weapon, despite being the exact opposite of that.

Led outside the bridge, the young man was downcast and actively trying not to think of how much being surrounded by this many guns made him nervous. He really didn't like guns, even less after being shot with them while already in a fragile position. Even less after being given one and told to use it. With the area around him feeling like standing by a heater, the group had been escorted into the deck of the ship, which... just seemed like a very expansive storehouse for even more ships. Like playing with those Russian nesting dolls, a ship inside a ship, inside another ship... There was not a lot of time to dwell in that, however, as a chubby bald man had shouted a word Sage was very familiar with: 'Anomaly'.

For an already heartbroken pyromancer, the appending of 'Time' to it didn't matter. It brought way too many painful memories, too many insecurities. He shook trying not to tear up or raise the temperature so much that he'd be drawing unnecessary attention to him. The held-in tension lit his eyes up in a soft unnatural glow as the magic strained, nothing that had been said past that point had registered. As he had been guided into a blank room with the others, he had been... very passive, mostly doing as he was told on the automatic and not thinking any further. Just following orders blankly as he once did as a child.

There was a being made of stone there, greeting everybody. Sage never responded. Instead, once their new cellmate had pointed out the 'good spots' to sit at, he had selected the one that was farthest from everybody and gone back to sitting at the ground. And thus he was back in captivity either way. A different cell and different prison, but overall just about the same. What was he even still doing in here?
...He didn't know. Other than the circumstances forcing it around, he really didn't know.

Maybe the others were disappointed to see that he was still with them. Probably. Most likely...

Kyou, Mimaki and someone else that they clearly knew were doing something in their own corner... It wouldn't have made a difference if it wasn't for Magical Detection intensifying with the action, forcing him to assess what was happening either way. It, looked like an enchantment of sorts, the circles reminded kinda him of Rune Arrays, and yet, since Rune Arrays didn't require the circles to be actually drawn, it was truly quite distinct. Maybe if the pyromancer had ever witnessed Megumin casting Explosion he would have compared it to that, but since it had been the Entity and not him, he had no memories of what that looked like.
In-between dancing stars and a loud, deep, even echo-y tone, a new presence would flood the room. It wasn't anything near what he had felt with Yamata though, more like the 'screaming' just grew sightly. Maybe the Descendant would have been more bothered if he knew what a demon was supposed to be, but neither Leo nor Ike had explained it to him exactly, he just had a context that it sounded like something bad and nothing else. Katie, the lunar cat, had also summoned him before, making something of this sort just seem very common-place to him. They say that ignorance is bliss, right? The lack of the concepts of hell or heaven in Saraiiho really helped at times.

Talking about Leo, the two of them were finally in the same location again. After so much had changed... Sage had glanced around the room in search for his best friend, to check if he was fine and how he was taking everything. But that was all. He didn't make an attempt to interact, didn't wave at him, nothing. He just assessed the other's situation and looked away if there was nothing of note to gather. They felt... a lot more distant lately. And it was bothersome. Yes, it's true that he had been respecting Leo's space lately, but- Was that all? He couldn't help but think that ever since the last world something felt... off. Not knowing whether it was just something of his head or he had done something wrong or something else was distressing. Were both of them putting distance? Did it mean something else? His lack of experience was frustrating, he had no way to compare it to anything and reassure himself.
There was no way to tell if they were still on the same track or not. Well, right now, he would rather just keep the distance.

There was very few that felt certain, yet again...
It wasn't as strong as it had been back in the cabin, but it was still troublesome.

"Willow was... kidnapped.", had been the pyromancer's only answer to Orbeck's question, followed by an internal sigh, "And I still think I helped it happen in a way..."

A familiar set of voices had rung through the room. After everything that had happened and his reencounter with Alexis, the young man had barely had the time to consider Yang and... was it Weiss? The yellow and white pair's disappearance. Though, now that they were there again it had really hit him that the two had been nowhere to be found for quite a while. Still... He had merely glanced at them to register their returns and almost instantly averted his gaze in shame, especially after seeing Yang. His uncertainty still meant that he could be breaking their mutual promise and it filled him with guilt.

And then a voice from the past, too, had echoed in the blank space. Sage's heart had skipped a beat.

It... It was the guy he had yelled at back in The Cape...! The Descendant didn't even look in the man's direction. If breaking his promise to Yang was already making him feel guilty this was, this was exacerbating it to the point of wanting to disappear. Dig a hole in the ground and hide there to never be seen again. All he could do was actively avert his eyes, which made it obvious that he was ignoring the other and mentally chant 'Please, don't remember me' over and over again as the temperature slowly picked up further.

Then someone was aiming some kind of cannon at them.

"Yes please, just end me right here.", he didn't seem to mind it at all, if anything this was a solution not a problem, "Just make sure you actually kill me with that blow or we might have to deal with a Take-Over..."
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