
Mood: Reflective, Grateful, Astonished
Tags: (GM)
, (Kyou)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Sage had flinched back a bit when Kyou had reacted with surprise, the boundaries of interpersonal relations were still quite new to him, being a constant point of concern especially during approaches. It didn't seem like he had it wrong though, judging by the gentle smile that he had received back, one that had been reciprocated right afterwards, together with a little pride over handling stuff adequately without being too awkward for once. He was learning, hurray! Not... that it had held on for long, because once the other had laughed, the pyromancer had averted his gaze in mild embarrassment and confusion as he wondered if he said anything too weird...

The explanation had at several points raised more questions than answered them. Right in the start, he had been relieved to know that what he had watched wasn't actually a fight, but then it seemed like both of them were friends and rivals?? And to be honest he was just lost. How, did that even work? Wasn't rivalry a bad thing? But friendship seemed... good, at least it felt that way, so how did you pair both things at once? Shouldn't that be paradoxical in nature?! Differently than what Kyou had said though, the young man didn't really feel like the other had to explain anything. Sure, he wanted to know, to understand more of this which was so... fresh and unexplored to him. But it wasn't as if the adult had to feel obligated to say it. That was the last thing that he wanted to elicit, the feeling of forcefulness.

Even so, the Oni had a pleasant and kind expression in his face, as if he was looking back to something nice to remember. Just what was he thinking of, he wondered, past adventures perhaps? The Descendant found himself caught in thinking whether he too would have good memories to look back to one day... But then the matter of shortening lifespan came to mind and, well, his own expression had gone sad for a moment; Glancing at the floor with uncertainty, uneasiness. In-between confusion, his own internal musings and paying attention to the words being shared, there hadn't been any openings to wonder anything about the long-necked pumpkin that Kyou seemingly drank from, or whatever he might be drinking. There were only so many tasks that could be done at once without losing track of them.

It sounded really nice, the friendship that the two shared together. Even lacking experience with the subject, Sage could tell that Kyou valued Mimaki a lot, and it certainly seemed like it was a mutual feeling. In fact, as the conversation went on it- He had felt himself begin to shake, trying to keep in tears and a plethora of emotions that wanted to peek out. It was just impossible not to feel like it was something that he had been missing; Unfairly cheated from. Such a dent was a lot harder to notice being inside it, but the more he heard about other people's lives, their memories, the more he found gaps on his own...
An ever-increasing list of things he had not and might never get to experience now. And it wasn't exactly a pleasant notion to learn of.

He would have felt terrible for making Kyou sad though... So no crying!

Confusing ideas and wasted time aside, the first big surprise had come with the mention of Balance Breaker, a power which honestly, the pyromancer had been way too busy to pay attention to. Really, first it had been the fear hallucinations, then Kagutsuchi messing with him, there had been no time to breathe back there! Though it was one of those things that sorta made sense even when one knew nothing about? Something like that just had to come from an external source of some kind, stuff didn't just unbreak themselves arbitrarily like that.

"Ohhhh, that was you?!", he has asked with eyes widened in a mix of excitement and wonder, "I didn't get the chance to actually know what was happening in the background at the same time. It was just like... restraint, and yet not really? But I was actually good at things for once! Which was welcome~ Like, I know you said it breaks stuff, but since I'm already kinda... 'broken', in a way, I guess you balanced it instead. It was definitely interesting... And painless too, which was also welcome!", oops that might have been too much information so suddenly, but too late now!

Then came the information that Mimaki seemingly couldn't die, which was shocking. Not because of that, but more because it had been put together with 'selflessness', well, more like martyr tendencies than just selflessness and that was the part that had hit to close to home. The Kitsune had an excuse for it, but Sage? He had nothing of the sort... Had he really been that reckless? Did his drive to help and save truly go so far that his well-being kept getting disregarded? It was a weird duality as the idea of making the sacrifice for someone else more worthy still stood; But his own self-worth and self-awareness were on a slow yet gradual rise. Those two also seemed a little paradoxical in nature, didn't they? Nonetheless, as the exchange neared completion, he had found himself with another question.

"Uhhh, what's a 'tsundere'?", sorry Kyou, this young man doesn't know Japanese. Oooor has had much contact with internet culture in his life, "And nah, don't worry about that, I doubt I'd get much more even if you made it, like, reeeally understandable!", he had laughed softly, "It's the kind of thing that's still a bit too new for me. And when I say that I mean, today, or rather yesterday at this point. That's how new they are...", his expression was kinda hard to read, something in-between appreciation and affection, yet with sad hints of melancholy behind, "But, I can definitely tell that you two care a lot for each other, and I think that was the main point, right? It's... nice. It sounds really nice..."

Luckily the other had decided to change subjects, before the pyromancer could have made the mood too gloomy, instead asking about the stars. Had... Had no one listened to a word of his explanation about them? Oh well, at least it was the kind of topic that he didn't mind to repeat, and was capable of going on and on and on hours on end about. There were few things that Sage was really passionate about, but his religion and world mythos definitely made the cut! Though first, Orbeck had approached them with an offer to fix his... hoody?

"Wait, that's for me?", he had eventually realized in confusion, pointing at his face, "It's a jacket, not a hoodie since it never had any kind of hat attached to it or anythin- ...D-DID YOU SAY YOU CAN FIX IT?!", annnnd it had finally sunk in, "Wow that is- I'd be so grateful! 'Cause I'd reeeally hate to lose yet another one, it's not like I own that many clothes already... Uhhh do I need to go get the sleeve I gave Megumin then?"

Apparently not!
Having taken all of his belongings from the pockets, a timid assortment of items composed of his wallet, that slip of paper from the last world, a crimson marker, a little box of matches, the communicator and the armlet, the pyromancer had carefully taken the flame-eaten jacket out, which just consisted of a sleeveless front and raggedy uneven strands for the back.
Other than the few times he might have been wearing it, this was also Kyou's first time seeing the armlet in an unmissable manner, which was a golden ornate piece of jewelry, snaked in two pieces that were kept together by a centrepiece shaped like a textured wing. Depending on the angle that he peeked at it from, the Oni might have caught sight of four fantasy-ish symbols engraved in the interior, each having a very faint resemblance to Kanji in the way they were made out of strokes and yet, not really; More like something you'd see out of an RPG actually. The placement of said symbols also did not seem random, there was definitely some kind of logic to it.

The repair itself had taken, next to no time at all! Not even a minute later, he was being given back that which wasn't just a fixed jacket, but also a clean one, in a way it hadn't been ever since this adventure had started. Especially after the sewer cross, he had really thought that the piece of garment would have never been the same again.

"Woa!! THAT IS AMAZING!", Sage had flipped the restored clothing around numerous times in both awe and disbelief, "You even managed to make the dirty grey into white again, as if I never fell into the sewage river in the first place!", he was so happy that he could hug the sorcerer, though something told him Orbeck wouldn't be too happy if he did that, so he just hugged the jacket to his chest --and accidentally dropped some of his things on the process, but they got picked back up so it's fine--, "Aww man, I kinda wish I hadn't changed pants in the train now, but still thank you so much for this! Now it gets a whole new life~!!"

As he briefly wondered if Hershel had a way of doing similar, the pyromancer had taken no time in wearing the jacket back. He was still pretty much in wonderment and appreciation the whole time, putting his items back on their now uncharred respective pockets. It was in this moment that he had also caught sight of Leo leaving for the elevator to join Jason's deck group. Not going to lie, it was still a bit weird to get separated after this long, voluntarily separated, and he couldn't stop watching his best friend go until the elevator's door had finally closed. To which he let out a little sigh. Jason was there, so they were going to be fine, right? And definitely coming back. Definitely.
Before he started worrying too much and separation anxiety decided to do its thing, the Descendant had forced himself to pay attention to something else, which meant progress. Monopolizing someone else's attention and company like in the last world had really not felt right to do. With Leo leaving, he had finally realized that Willow had, in fact, joined them earlier. And still, she seemed to be actively avoiding him, probably because he had said he didn't like fire all that much.
Normally this would be bothersome, but in this case, he did prefer the distance over all that unnerving worshipping.

And at last, his attention had come back to Kyou. It had taken him a while, because that was just how his brain worked... or not worked, it was hard to remember that which he was about to do. But it did eventually come back!

"...OH, THE STARS! Right.", nevermind that he still had no idea what the other meant with the 'kings' comparison, but he had asked for an explanation and he was going to get one! And a lot of passionate rambling over the topic on the way there, "Okay so! Already in the first chapter of the Book of Creation, it talks about how Saraiiho is the result of all eight Deities coming together and using their respective Magic to create the world as we know it. We can go deeper into that later, but right now we're just focusing on The Creator, which is responsible for the creation of well, people! But also putting the Concept of Life in motion...", there was a brief pause, as he gave how to progress some thought, "I guess, the simplest way to explain it iiiis uhh, Stars for us are in a way, the equivalent to Souls on other worlds... At the very beginning, they were said to be plucked from the Skies and embed into things to grant them life. Then they're called 'Lights' since they not in the Sky anymore."

"Space-travel is... taboo for us. It's not supposed to be a thing, it's... actually heretical in nature to conceive such a thing, since that'd mean crossing into the dominion of the Deities themselves. No one knows what's in Space, beyond the existence of Stars and both Sun and Moon, and- We're mostly okay with that. It makes sense for us to not know. So, this... This whole thing is just, there's a duality of dread and wonderment. At the same time that it feels like none of us are supposed to be here, it's like a high-tier spiritual experience that we even are. Space is considered the Nursery of the Lights, it's... Well, where Life itself originates from. Where your own Light will return to in Death to be evaluated and eventually make up a new person once it returns... It's something that's surreal to be seeing so close to me that I feel like I could almost touch it. Like, it still doesn't feel like it's actually happening? And I doubt that it ever will... It's just, crazy."
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  • As Sage understood his explanation well, Kyou laughed with a little bit of relief. Explaining pretty basic shit, even from his world, was generally a hard task, principally given everyone here presents aside from Mimaki is from other worlds, so conflicting ideologies and terms might vary between them. Thankfully, Sage didn't seem too confused. Which was a plus on Kyou's book. At him asking what a tsundere is, the oni just let out another little laugh. Right, he forgot this kid was raised in a temple! "Hehehe, you'll see, it's pretty easy to guess the meaning behind a tsundere! And, to answer yer question, it's less 'breaking balances' and more 'bout...Well, goin' past yer limits. It's grabbing a scale between two concepts, and makin' so the one that's the most helpful to ya go beyond imagination! Although I guess it does add balances..." The Balance Breaker thought, rubbing his chin at that paradoxical thought. It was true- while breaking balances is always a good thing to the user or person, in Sage's case, it made him...More stable? Although his previous help with positive emotions might have had a hand on it...

    Regardless, at the end of his explanation, that scholar from earlier popped up again! Kyou watched with interest and wonder as Orbeck fixed Sage's clothes, letting out an impressed whistle. Biological restoration is generally easy to do since most beings have cells or some sort of magic that allows them to naturally heal, but Orbeck seemingly just fixed Sage's clothes without any of that. It both made Kyou confident in his ally's ability, and also curious about his own power system. While Soul Magic does allow for things like that, he highly doubts Orbeck follows the same concept as he and Mimaki do.

    "Hah, nice job, dude! Remind me to ask ya whenever my clothes get burned off as well~ I'm Kyou Tana, by the way, pal!"

    However, his attention was caught by the armlet that was taken out of Sage's. The strange pseudo-Japanese caused Kyou's brain to short circuit for a moment. It definitely wasn't Kanji, Katakana, or anything of the sorts, clearly. For a moment, he couldn't help but wonder if it was just really bad Japanese writing made by someone else, but Kyou soon reminded himself that Sage was from another world, and despite the fact he understood and spoke Japanese (at Kyou's own perspective anyways, he knew there was probably some excuse to it) it was likely that Sage's actual language was fairly different from his own. Still...For now, he decided to ignore it. Although something about it made something inside of him glow a little bit- thankfully unnoticeable to him or Sage, or Yamata.

    Still, his explanation received a little 'aaah' from Kyou. The concept was familiar to him. Stars also had meaning to Kyou and his world, they were important, but not as. "I see...That sounds a lil' bit similar to somethin' back in m' world. See- we have these things called Kami. They're akin to gods, but also nature spirits. They're akin to living concepts, but they're also beings that live off of it. There's over eight million Kami in m' country alone, some with varying levels of importance." Kyou then proceeded to point at the stars. "Stars in the sky are often considered to be the eyes and realms of these Kami, with each star in t' universe representin' one! The less important are the skies in the star, but the more important ones take form of somethin' we see in t' world. Like the Sun, the Moon, the Storms, the Sea, all that jazz!"

    So in other words, Kyou's world had an infinite number of gods? Sheesh, thank god they weren't all-powerful like the higher ups... "The Sun is the top of the climbin' ladder though- it's the embodiment of Amaterasu-Omikami, the goddess of space and someone I'm sorta acquainted with. Or is that fire...? Think Fire was the previous one...Although, I gotta ask, does the sun have any meanin' to ya as well? Like, the sun is considered a star, so I was wonderin' about that?"

    ...You're asking him way too many questions, Kyou. And you haven't even introduced me yet.
    "Ah- crap, right-!" Kyou mumbled under his breath, seemingly replying to someone else...? "It's been so long I nearly forgot...Oi, Sage, ya mind if I introduce you to someone else? I think you saw glimpses of him before, but I ain't sure..."

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Location: Caption's room
As Auto and Lilith looked at one another she started to look away a bit, to be honest he looks kind of creepy in a way. "Well, I guess I'll leave you to your work then." She says as she drifts off, her attention will soon shift to Space Kid and Ciri, Ciri was about to leave but the small child ran up to her and hugged her leg as to notify not to have her leave so she decided not to. Lilith smiled a bit as she watched the whole thing. "Wow he's really attached to you isn't he."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Auto and Space Kid)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri)
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Dennis turns his head beside him and notices Kanon aiming his laser gun at the raccoon. "This one seem good, Mr. Latt. Stand down"

"Pfft, fine I guess." Kanon lowers his weapon & salutes to the talking raccoon "Excuse my manners, raccoon. Call me Mr. Latt, aka The Mathematician" Dennis introduces himself as well and waves "You can just call me Dennis Robbins, aka A Man Of Righteousness..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"Oh. You don't seem like a threat. Lemme get to the point. I'm Killua. A kid assassin from the Zoldyck family. But, I kinda don't wanna be an assassin, so I have no intention of hurting you. Now, who exactly are you?"
He may have let his Nen down, but he really didn't see the threat to this... being. Maybe he should't have done this, but it's too late now. If this trust kills him, so be it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ People on the deck​

  • "You know, your robots are quite rude." With things being calm for now, Megumin decided to voice some complaints. "Naturally, I am not used to being in space, so I went to throw up. Once I finished, your pink, egg-shaped robot assaulted my face! I looked like a white pizza." Mao Mao had shown her a white pizza before, and it just looked wrooo-ong. "Furthermore, your passengers have their noses completely in their screens! I risked my brain's health to shoot off an Explosion in the pool, and nobody noticed! Don't you know how rare Explosion magic is? And that was easily a 120 point Explosion!"

    The vibrations brought on by everybody's feet had caused Hat Kid's hat to come out of the bag, and it seemed to sense around before settling. "I wonder what Hat Kid would have thought of space." Megumin mused quietly. "Oh! Hey, Captain, be careful with that hat. The spirit possessing it will just make you skip around ad nausea."
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Umbra had decided to follow the group through the elevator, staying in the rear as Jason had led the crew out from the location into the spacious room ahead. "Such a strange change of scenery Umbra..", The Operator whispers to the Warframe, Umbra nodding as he looked about. The Warframe had moved slightly over to the side, The Tenno appearing beside in a small puff of light as he made his way towards the group, partners side by side. Taking the time of paced walking with the group, almost as if on cue, they had reached what seemed to be their destination, a spacious location that seemed a bit different from the clean interior of the space craft.

The Tenno had made his way over to the massive pane of glass, Umbra following behind as The Operator just gazes wondrously at the stars and the darkness beyond the glass. The boy turns to the warframe, smiling, "Feels like home doesn't?" Umbra nods, reaching over to give the Tenno a gentle pat on the head before crossing his arms and turns to the window as well. It didn't take long before the sound of a voice can be heard from the side, an all too familiar voice evidently as The Tenno and Umbra had turned over to the side of the room. The source, of the voice, showing a raccoon like creature about a few inches shorter than the Tenno. The boy perks an eyebrow, tilting his head with a puzzled look. A quick gaze over would show the rather tall Umbra also doing the same motions of the Tenno.

Well, that's strange, but with dimensional jumping, what's surprising at this point.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mood: Confused, Passionate, Wary
Tags: ,

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Unfortunately, the explanation on Balance Breaker hadn't been received as well as the one on Kyou and Mimaki's interactions. And when I say that I mean, none of it really went through... Grabbing a scale between concepts and enhancing one of them?? It didn't help that the word 'Concept' by itself had both a mundane definition and a more structural one, when it was used referring to the Concepts themselves, making the vague sentences even more unnecesarily confusing. All that Sage had gotten from that was that uhhh, it made things... better? And had apparently worked as the Inherent Talent that he hadn't had the luck to be bestowed upon birth; Because when had luck ever been on his side, right?

On the other hand, he was delightfully surprised to hear that both of their Universes had similar beliefs pertaining to the Stars! The whole time the pyromancer had been wearing an expression of child-like wonderment, eyes shining with utmost interest as the conversation had gone on. It was interesting to hear that unlike the Concepts of Nature, the Concepts of Kyou's world were actually living beings like the Deities themselves. It was like... If you mixed both of them. Which raised the question of how the Magic Hierarchy of that place even looked like... Sounded a bit, messy to keep track of.

"So... Each Star is a different realm?", he had asked, accompanying the Oni's finger with his amaze-filled gaze, "That's a lot of places...", the Concepts seemed similar though! Even if their names were a bit different, "Wait, you have a Deity that channels both Sun and Space?!", for the first time the young man seemed... actually fearful of the notion. That was a lot of power for a single Deity! He would have once gawked at the idea of being acquainted with a Deity too, but that had changed ever since meeting Alexis.

"Oh yeah, I guess the Sun is considered a Star when we're talking science...", the Descendant had mused more at himself, as if that had been some sort of reminder to him too, "When we're talking about the structure of the Universe though, it gets a biiiit more complicated. For starters, the Universe is composed of 11 Concepts of Nature and 2 Pseudo-Concepts, well 3 if you include Magic on that category... Some do, others don't. The Sun itself is a Pseudo-Concept, on the basis that it was created after the Universe was already in place. Ooookay so, going further into the Book of Creation, both Sun and Moon weren't part of the Universe yet and the Sky was just, dark, perpetually like the sight out of that window. So one of the Deities, which is described as an exteeensive Dragon of reflective Golden scales, created it from scratch, by pulling one of Its scales and compressing it against Its powerful claws and that's how the Sun was made!"

"Henceforth, the Golden Dragon's title has been Creator of the Sun and Deity of Courage and Hope. Then a bit later, the day and night cycle gets established. It also plays a huge part of how the Deity is depicted, there's always a differently colored spot by Its back as an allusion to the missing scale that became the Sun, it's some really neat stuff~!"
, similarly to how he had been talking about the stars earlier, Sage was very into the story, "The Creation of the Sun then helps with the perpetuation of Life itself... It all is interconnected like that~"

There was a huge possibility that the topic was not going to end there, as in 95% of chance of the pyromancer hitting the go march and rambling endlessly about his world's mythos. At least if Kyou hadn't interrupted it by seemingly talking to himself and then asking if he could introduce somebody. For a moment, he was confused but soon it made sense.

"Oh, yeah sure! You have a mind chorus of your own, kinda like Alexis, don't you?", he didn't really think much of it, until the memories of body-swapped times had come to mind, then he had averted his gaze in nervousness, "I- uhhh... I'm not about to get made fun of again, r-right?"
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Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | Laix_Lake Laix_Lake | @ bridge crew!
"Psh, nah. Unlike that fake Kagutsuchi inside Alexis, Yamata here is nice!" Kyou said, though his smile soon dropped into an awkward one. He let out another chuckle, before letting out a small 'eeeeh' to himself as if reacting to what he just said. "...Well. He got nicer, I mean. It's a bit weird to explain. He's like...Really old, and also related directly to me. It's a long story as to how I gained his power and is related to creation as well! ...Sort of. He's just old enough to be a legend, y'know~!"

...Quit mumbling, Kyou. Just let me out.
Yamata's voice inside his mind caused Kyou to let out a little annoyed sigh, raising a finger to Sage, as if asking the boy to wait for a single moment. Soon, Kyou moved away some of his clothes upper portion, revealing a little bit of his stomach, but not enough to be more uncomfortable. Soon, he placed a small finger over it, and instantly- Sage and whoever was near them, including Wall-E, GIR, and Eva, could see the same tattoos that appeared on his body before in the Scarecrow fight, this time, Sage seeing them personally. They depicted an eight-headed dragon painted into his skin with white ink, each head with eyes of different colors. It encompassed his entire body, the sheer size of the tattoo clearly meant to act as a seal to...Whatever the creature was.

Then...Kyou cranked it to the side, almost as if he was turning some sort of wheel! Something occurred, as once more, the tattoos disappeared, not in their entirety, the body of the creature still there, but the heads seemingly gone.

And then Sage could feel it.

Something old. Old. Old old old old. Older than him, Kyou, or most people here in the room. Not ridiculously old, but its sheer presence showed that his age wasn't in the hundreds or thousands. Something really old and primordial was forming around Kyou's soul, Sage feeling the connection the oni had to this creature. It was symbiotic, clearly, but...It was hard to tell what it actually meant, and the meaning behind the tattoos, or how long they've been together like this. Certainly not at birth, but...

Kyou's soul was visible to everyone, and it suddenly had a dragon shape.

...Well, serpentine, at the very least.

Eight Heads floated about ethereally, almost as if they were an illusion created by Kyou's own soul. Their color specifically red, although it seemed to be because Kyou's own soul was a burning red, as such, covering up its real form. It wasn't physical in this exact moment, but it was very close to. Sage couldn't touch it, but it had a feeling it could interact with him in some other way...And man, it felt powerful. It was clear this guy was one of the reasons Kyou was so powerful, and his soul so strong. His combined spirit and willpower added to the overall poll that was Kyou's massive, burning soul.

Then, it stared at Sage, his eyes indifferent and looking at him with mild interest, but nothing aside from that.


"Hmmm...You're just a child. You seemed older, emotion-kin."
His voice was heavy and spoke through all Eight of his heads, and Sage could instantly tell this creature was malicious by nature, although...It didn't feel like it in this specific moment? It was sorta like how Kyou was a demon, but a kind one, by his words, despite being, well, a demon. To this dragon, the feeling felt almost inherent.

"Really? I thought he was older, Yamata..." Kyou noted, although turned back to Sage, before grinning. "Right! Sage, this is Yamata-No-Orochi, his name meaning 'Eight Headed Serpent', and the no just being him rubbing his ego with fake royalty titles. He's...My biological grandfather? It's a bit complicated, kye-hehe! Don't be scared by him, though. He's chill. He's the one who allows me to breathe out ice, and healin' too!"

Yamata let out a small hmph at Kyou, before simply nodding. "One Above Storms and Primordial Endless Hunger- that's who I am. I see you were talking about the creation of the sun. Hmmmrph...So dragons created the sun in your world? Hmph, it seems even Ryujin still hasn't met his full potential, yet, then."

Oi oi, don't get mad now, Ryujin is stronger than me and you and you know it! You're a source of knowledge bigger than me! C'mon, answer some of Sage's questions 'ere- if he wants to ask any, that is."

...Yamata didn't seem to want to answer, the thought of the sun and the way he spoke about storms clearly showed that the topic left a bitter taste on his mouth, but nothing that stopped him (it?) from further speaking. From what Sage tells, this was just an old man who was extremely bitter about his past, although it's probably a good thing he's meeting a more...Grounded and 'calm' version of this entity. Regardless, this ancient being was open for questions!
The small mammal shrugged. "Eh, ya know, the usual," He said in a casual tone as he looked to the group. His facial features scrunched up a bit when Venice asked him if he was from where she was from, at which point he merely shook his head. "No... I don't think I am," He said, before casually adding on. "Name's Rocket, though. And... to be completely honest, I don't really know what I'm doin' here..."


However, Rocket whirred right around and pulled out a large rifle with four large, square holes of fury, which was aimed directly towards Lucky's head upon his little comment. "Ya know, if ya wanna get frickin' cheeky with me, then I can end this little conversation we've got goin' RIGHT NOW! The NAME, is ROCKET! R-O-C-K-E-T! Not 'raccoon', or 'trash panda', just ROCKET!"

Jason just sighed at the sight, and then slowly turned to face Lealan. "Why the hell didn't you keep him locked up?" He asked in an angrily tired sounding tone.

Rocket, on the other hand, didn't even focus on Jason's comment - mainly because it didn't even apply to him. Instead, he simply turned right around and aimed the plasma rifle right under Shanoa's chin. "You ever felt the heat of the sun's surface melt your head through your chin and then out your brain?"He asked, before cocking the oversized gun, causing it to extend outwards and prod right against her chin. "Well, you're about to if you don't SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!"

Meanwhile, in the crate that Lucky decided to sniff up, he would find that it smelled like... dirt in there? Almost like there was an entire tree growing inside of it? If Lucky's heightened nose could pick up the smells of plants and dirt, that would be most certainly what he smelled.

"Well," Rocket would begin towards Blake as he slowly lowered his rifle. "My team and I were flyin' through space, doin' our regular thing. Ya know, answerin' distress calls and the like.. and then suddenly..." Rocket clapped his tiny paws together. "Boom! We got transported to wherever the hell this place is. Didn't take us much longer to find this here ship, plus their convenient port to land in so we could ask for help..."


And yes, there was indeed a giant ship just sitting behind Rocket, which the small not-raccoon promptly shot a thumb towards. "They're on that ship over there, if you feel so inclined to mee--"

Mid-sentence, Rocket was stopped by feeling Ellie's tiny child fingers on the back of his neck. Which, of course, prompted the only natural response that one would expect from a foul-mouthed mammal such as him.



Yeah, if Ellie didn't move her hand in time, she'd be missing a few fingers. After maybe or maybe not causing the little girl to get a forced amputation, Rocket spun right back around to face Jett, and pointed an angry finger up at her. "How many times do I have to tell you morons... I am NOT A RACCOON!!!" Though, Rocket would pause and turn to face Mimaki once she asked people not to pet him. "Yeah, see, fox-ears has got the right idea!" Rocket exclaimed as he slowly stepped away from Ellie, while also trying his best to rub his fur back into place.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Luckily for Captain Falcon, he did, in fact, manage to find shoes!

Back in the elevator with our old pals Dennis and Kanon, they would be joined by a third figure in the elevator. The word "human" would have been an inaccurate description of him, though.


The... tall robot held what looked like a comically oversized cigar in his hand, and once one of its teeth opened up, it brought the cigar up to its mouth and took a long, drawn out inhale, before blowing the smoke right out into the air. It was then that he looked at the two heroes, narrowing his eyes a bit.

"The hell are you two meat bags lookin' at?"

And then, the elevator reached the bridge, and the doors opened... though, not before Dennis and Kanon got off and made their way to the talking raccoon. The robot stepped out and looked at the room, gazing upon everyone in it with disappointed eyes. "Jesus Christ, this is worse than I thought..." He muttered to himself.... before taking another hit from his cigar. Upon the entrance of said robot, Micah slowly turned to look up at the Captain, as he was currently leaned up against a wall near Midna.

"You... programmed these things to smoke, too?" He asked, sounding a bit confused.

"He's... not one of our's..." The Captain replied in an equally (if not moreso) confused sounding tone.

"Yeah, you're damn right I'm not one of your's! If I was I'd blow my freakin' brains out!" The tall robot exclaimed as he stepped forward, still smoking his cigar. "Name's Bender, by the way!"

The Captain was, sadly, too confused by Bender's entrance to even notice Megumin's complaints. Bender, on the other hand, heard them loud and clear, and chuckled in response to Megumin. "Maybe it got tired of listenin' to your high-pitched, annoying voice. Us robots have eardrums too, ya know!"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Riven Riven P PopcornPie Celestial Speck Celestial Speck GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FoolsErin FoolsErin TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
Before Ellie could stupidly ignore his warning of not petting the creature and lose a few fingers and likely attack it in exchange, Mimaki, with a speed that could only be described as impossible pulled the girl away. A hand reached over to her shoulder, not holding her in an uncomfortable manner, but definitely, and somewhat violently pushing her back so her fingers weren't lost. At most, she'd fall flat on her ass.

Despite this, the look he gave Rocket was cold and showed that he didn't like his personality one bit. His hand was already gripping his Moon Blade, which was already somewhat unsheathed, likely for a quicker drawing of it so he could slash Rocket in half in case he tried something...Genuinely aggressive again.

Everyone in the room could feel the air getting somewhat colder, as a blade with a black edge with red markings on the back of it could be seen coming out of the sheath Mimaki was currently using to store it. It definitely wasn't a common, piece of shit Japanese blade edgy kids swing around to look cool. "As much as I agree that getting petted is both offensive, annoying, and genuinely something I find incredibly embarrassing, I will ask you, mister Rocket, please control your temper and don't attack my allies, unless you wish for your head and your torso to have a sorrowful parting." Much like Rocket, he was being incredibly serious here. There was no way he was going to justify his reaction to these people, even he himself hated being treated like a cute pet.

Although despite the change in Mimaki's calm and friendly personality to something almost alien and incredibly cold-blooded, Rocket could tell it was actually quite simple and maybe somewhat understandable to most people what the fox was saying: don't kill anyone, you can keep being rude and threatening people, but don't attack any of his allies with intent to kill, or self-defense mode will be activated, naturally.

Now...With that out of the way, and Mimaki still glaring at Rocket, he let out a 'hmph', before sheathing his sword again. "Now, as for introductions, I am Mimaki Kunosuke, much like you, we are all from other universes likely the influence of one wizard called 'Ganondorf.' It appears he holds influence over this universe and many others. These people are apparently from a multiversal foundation meant to fight against his spreading corruption and put an end to his conquest. You and your companions likely got here through an anomaly from your own universe into this own- with many others also having a similar fate. Do you have a leader we could speak to?"
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  • "Excuse you?!" Bender's snide comment had Megumin lifting her head and torso to glare at him. "Worse than you thought?! For your information, we're heroes at least four times over." She loudy exhaled through her nose. Some random robot insulting the party, who did he think he was? "A robot programmed by Rick, no doubt...Could he not have put that time into fixing Penny?"

    "For your information, I was not screeching! The robot painted my face with no provocation whatsoever." Her forehead turned red and wrinkled, like an old, rotted tomato. "You only find it amusing because it wasn't you!"

Orbeck of Vinhiem
Status: Sages amassment, more religious talk, and an overwhelming presence.
condition: Normal, if not stressed by Yamata-No-Orochi .
"Woa!! THAT IS AMAZING!", Sage had flipped the restored clothing around numerous times in both awe and disbelief, "You even managed to make the dirty grey into white again, as if I never fell into the sewage river in the first place!", he was so happy that he could hug the sorcerer, though something told him Orbeck wouldn't be too happy if he did that, so he just hugged the jacket to his chest --and accidentally dropped some of his things on the process, but they got picked back up so it's fine--, "Aww man, I kinda wish I hadn't changed pants in the train now, but still thank you so much for this! Now it gets a whole new life~!!"
Once more, his knowledge of those all so elusive golden sorcery has paid off with a simple helping hand. For a moment it looked as if Sage was going to try and hug him, but he thankfully restrained himself. Orbeck of Vinhiem was no hugger, not even to the close allies. Even the demon, Kyou was amazed by this. Let's just hope they don't make this a habit, he only has so much focus to spare. So he stands idly by as Sage continues on his rambles on his religious foundations.

"Okay so! Already in the first chapter of the Book of Creation, it talks about how Saraiiho is the result of all eight Deities coming together and using their respective Magic to create the world as we know it. We can go deeper into that later, but right now we're just focusing on The Creator, which is responsible for the creation of well, people! But also putting the Concept of Life in motion...", there was a brief pause, as he gave how to progress some thought, "I guess, the simplest way to explain it iiiis uhh, Stars for us are in a way, the equivalent to Souls on other worlds... At the very beginning, they were said to be plucked from the Skies and embed into things to grant them life. Then they're called 'Lights' since they not in the Sky anymore."

"Space-travel is... taboo for us. It's not supposed to be a thing, it's... actually heretical in nature to conceive such a thing, since that'd mean crossing into the dominion of the Deities themselves. No one knows what's in Space, beyond the existence of Stars and both Sun and Moon, and- We're mostly okay with that. It makes sense for us to not know. So, this... This whole thing is just, there's a duality of dread and wonderment. At the same time that it feels like none of us are supposed to be here, it's like a high-tier spiritual experience that we even are. Space is considered the Nursery of the Lights, it's... Well, where Life itself originates from. Where your own Light will return to in Death to be evaluated and eventually make up a new person once it returns... It's something that's surreal to be seeing so close to me that I feel like I could almost touch it. Like, it still doesn't feel like it's actually happening? And I doubt that it ever will... It's just, crazy."

so an origin story involving 8 deities forming Sage's version of earth and the concept of stairs being the equivalent of souls, plucked into vessels if he is getting his explanation correctly. This would lead to the main topic, the idea of SPACE travel being considered a taboo, just being here for the pyromantic boy was bout awe-inspiring and dreadful due to space in his own world being nothing more than the literal beginning of life in some...cycle of reincarnation? He continued to lission in on their conversation until Kyou mentioned something about introducing someone...does he somehow have some unknown presence like Sage and Alexis? Well he was going to find out... and it was over whelming...

Something old. Old. Old old old old. Older than him, Kyou, or most people here in the room. Not ridiculously old, but its sheer presence showed that his age wasn't in the hundreds or thousands. Something really old and primordial was forming around Kyou's soul, Sage feeling the connection the oni had to this creature. It was symbiotic, clearly, but...It was hard to tell what it actually meant, and the meaning behind the tattoos, or how long they've been together like this. Certainly not at birth, but...

Kyou's soul was visible to everyone, and it suddenly had a dragon shape.
eight dragon heads, with a presence so vast and powerful that it may as well be the only major presence in this room. Not one dragon...but EIGHT. Dragons withing Orbeck world...at least those that remained, were capable of immortality due to their stone scales that lined their body. Too bad that all it took was a bridge of lightning spears...and the first death to end the majority of them. Yamata-No-Orochi may as well be on a higher presence then even the most feared remains of the arch dragons.
Yamata let out a small hmph at Kyou, before simply nodding. "One Above Storms and Primordial Endless Hunger- that's who I am. I see you were talking about the creation of the sun. Hmmmrph..."

Oi oi, don't get mad now! You're a source of knowledge bigger than me! C'mon, answer some of Sage's questions 'ere- if he wants to ask any, that is."

there was clearly...some form of fear in the sorcerer's eyes, yet this muti headed dragon had the mannerisms of some grumpy old man. If he was willing to take questions...then maybe he could ignore the overwhelming force just to satisfy his curiosity.

"i..." he was somewhat lost for words in this case. "...so you been residing inside Kyou for some time, I can't say that I have much experience when it comes to dragons...even less so when it comes to someone of your...might."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
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  • haws bro2.jpg

    Haws: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Rocket) Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Mimaki) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Venice)
    Venice: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Guardians of the Galaxy) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Haws)

    "That's enough."

    Haws steps up beside Mimaki, gun still gripped tightly.

    "Everyone's got names they don't want to be called. We won't make that mistake again, he won't fire at us, we won't fire at him," he states sternly. "That's how things are going to go." The Robloxian turns to Rocket. "What we're trying to say is that we're just as confused as you, Rocket. Me and the green thing over there, at least."


    "I'm a dragon!"

    "-Point is," Haws continues, "We need to help each other get back to our 'universes' or something. That might mean going after this Ganondorf guy I've been hearing about from these guys all day. If you're willing to negotiate a partnership, then we'll gladly accept."

    Venice turns her head to the ship Rocket had pointed them towards. It's like a Vanalian plane... except way cooler! She looks to Spooky. "You think we should go meet his team?"

    "Coo!" hoots Spooky elatedly.

    "Then let's go, Spooky!"

    The wind dragon and her owl make their way to the Guardians of the Galaxy's ship. Spooky flaps his wings cautiously as they approach and glance inside.


    "Hellooooo? Mister Rocket sent us to meet you guys..."
Location: Caption's room
As Lilith and the others in Caption B. McCrea's room were waiting suddenly a tall robot entered with cigar in hand, he presents himself as Bender and his attitude was overall very sour and bitter as he smokes the cigar he was holding. Lilith just kind of looked at him a little irked about his demeanor but she still decided to say hello, although she was noticeably anxious. "Um hi my name's Lilith, does there seem to be something wrong?" She asks judging from him being quite annoyed.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bender)
Mid-sentence, Rocket was stopped by feeling Ellie's tiny child fingers on the back of his neck. Which, of course, prompted the only natural response that one would expect from a foul-mouthed mammal such as him.



Yeah, if Ellie didn't move her hand in time, she'd be missing a few fingers. After maybe or maybe not causing the little girl to get a forced amputation, Rocket spun right back around to face Jett, and pointed an angry finger up at her. "How many times do I have to tell you morons... I am NOT A RACCOON!!!" Though, Rocket would pause and turn to face Mimaki once she asked people not to pet him. "Yeah, see, fox-ears has got the right idea!" Rocket exclaimed as he slowly stepped away from Ellie, while also trying his best to rub his fur back into place.
Before Ellie could stupidly ignore his warning of not petting the creature and lose a few fingers and likely attack it in exchange, Mimaki, with a speed that could only be described as impossible pulled the girl away. A hand reached over to her shoulder, not holding her in an uncomfortable manner, but definitely, and somewhat violently pushing her back so her fingers weren't lost. At most, she'd fall flat on her ass.

Despite this, the look he gave Rocket was cold and showed that he didn't like his personality one bit. His hand was already gripping his Moon Blade, which was already somewhat unsheathed, likely for a quicker drawing of it so he could slash Rocket in half in case he tried something...Genuinely aggressive again.

Everyone in the room could feel the air getting somewhat colder, as a blade with a black edge with red markings on the back of it could be seen coming out of the sheath Mimaki was currently using to store it. It definitely wasn't a common, piece of shit Japanese blade edgy kids swing around to look cool. "As much as I agree that getting petted is both offensive, annoying, and genuinely something I find incredibly embarrassing, I will ask you, mister Rocket, please control your temper and don't attack my allies, unless you wish for your head and your torso to have a sorrowful parting." Much like Rocket, he was being incredibly serious here. There was no way he was going to justify his reaction to these people, even he himself hated being treated like a cute pet.

Ellie stumbled backwards a step or two after being pulled away. "What the...!" She gasped, almost losing her balance and quickly pulling her hand away, feeling some fur from Rocket's snout against the tip of her finger. The look she had was a mix of surprise, and some disappointment. She frowned and her bottom lip even pouted for a while. "Fuck, I just wanted to..." she started, but cut herself off. There was some sadness in her voice, like a toddler that was just denied another piece of cake. The raccoon was a lot less cute now.

When the other person that pulled her away also started going on about how terrible her move was, she rolled her eyes and shook her head, turning her back to the two and taking a few steps away. She was pissed now, but knew better than to take her anger out on the dude that just threatened to decapitate the ill-mannered raccoon. "Whatever, man..." she muttered under her breath, still listening in but taking a few steps away.
Rocket could only smirk when Mimaki began to threaten him. He didn't really seem to be intimidated at all - in fact, it was quite the opposite. He brandished a wide, shit-eating grin as he continued to tout his rifle proudly, all while looking up at the fox person. "Who exactly do you think you're talkin' to, half-breed?" Rocket would ask. "Because, clearly, it ain't the only guardian in the known galaxy who's committed 13 counts of theft, 23 counts of escape from his incarceration, 7 counts of mercenary activity, and 15 counts of arson before half of his lifespan!" He shouted as he listed off his various crimes on his fingers. Though, before things could escalate further, the ship behind you all opened up and another voice was heard.

"Just what the hell is going on out here?"


A much older, more gruff looking male stepped off the ship during Rocket's little rant. He was clad in what could only be described as a thief's gear, what with the dark leather jacket and equally dark looking pants. "First of all, hi, I'm the leader," He said as he partially lifted his right hand in a "half wave" sort of gesture. "Second of all," He then glanced down to find Rocket, who was still waving his pulsar rifle around like it was no one business. "Rocket, do you have to pick fights with every new person you meet?"

'Jesus Christ, someone who knows how I feel...' Jason thought to himself as he watched the exchange between Rocket and the new guy occur. Leo stood beside him, still licking his popsicle, watching the display silently.

"It's not my fault!" Rocket shouted up to the apparent "leader" of his team as he switched to holding his rifle with one arm - which was impressive, considering its size - while the other arm was used to gesture towards the group. "These a-holes started making fun of me, when all I was tryin' to do was be friendly!"

"That doesn't mean that you start waving your gun around!" The man shouted in return, though Rocket only growled in response as he slowly turned back to face the group.

"Thank you!" Jason shouted as he threw up his arms. "I've been trying to tell these people that this whole time!" He exclaimed, only to get a confused glance from both Star Lord and Rocket... before slowly lowering his arms and clearing his throat.

"Yeah, well... these people are lucky that I'm nice enough to give second chances!" He snarled, before turning right around and walking back towards the ship, dragging his rifle along with him. Eventually, he had re-entered the spaceship, and was gone entirely. The leader, meanwhile, merely sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose for a moment, before facing you all again.

"Sorry about him, he's..." He paused for a moment, and then sighed again. "He's... not good with people..." Slowly, though, Quill looked back up, still rubbing the bridge of his nose slightly with one hand, while the other rested on his hip. He slowly lowered his hand and nodded his head in a greeting fashion. "Anyways, the name's Peter Quill, people call me Star Lord." He explained, before squinting his eyes a bit. "Now... what's this about evil wizards or whatever?"

Meanwhile, Lucky's further search into the crate would reveal not fruit, or any sort of food, but rather, a being which was closer to Lealan than anyone else the group had met on their quest so far.


It was a cute 'lil baby tree plant thing!

"I am Groot?" The tree would ask as it tilted its head in Lucky's direction, observing him curiously.

Venice and Haws' quest towards the ship was a short one, to be sure, but once they peeked inside, the first thing they would find wasn't even Rocket, who had seemingly disappeared into the deeper depths of the ship. Instead, the first thing they would find is a large, bald, shirtless man, who was snacking on a bag of chips.


He didn't say anything as he stared at the duo. Instead, he merely slowly took a bite from one of the chips, as he stared at them. Menacingly.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

"Yeah, well everyone thinks they're a hero these days, don't they?" Bender would ask, before taking another hit of his cigar, and then blowing the smoke out in Megumin's general direction. "You all still just look like a bunch'a losers to me, though..." He then let Megumin drone on further, at which point he merely rolled his eyes, before extending his arm out into Megumin's face and merely pushing her away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say..." Bender would say with complete and utter disinterest as he merely continued making his way forward. He plopped himself down in a seat next to Kyou and Sage, deciding to immediately make himself at home.

"H-hey, you can't just--!" The Captain interjected, only for Bender to shove a hand in his face as well as he sat down in the empty chair. He propped his feet up on the nearby table and placed one of his long arms behind his head, immediately taking on a relaxed position.


"Yeah, I got a freakin' problem!" Bender exclaimed in response to Lilith, completely ignoring The Captain. "There's no booze on this ship! I've searched everywhere! Doesn't help that I'm almost out, either!" He said as he opened the compartment in his stomach and pulling out one of his last cold alcoholic beverages. Effortlessly, Bender twisted open the cap and then began to down the drink without a care in the world. "Any of you people think you could spare me a drink? Or at least a quarter? Maybe there's a suicide booth somewhere nearby so I can kill myself again, and remineralize somewhere less crappy!"

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Riven Riven P PopcornPie Celestial Speck Celestial Speck GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FoolsErin FoolsErin TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
"Sorry about him, he's..." He paused for a moment, and then sighed again. "He's... not good with people..." Slowly, though, Quill looked back up, still rubbing the bridge of his nose slightly with one hand, while the other rested on his hip. He slowly lowered his hand and nodded his head in a greeting fashion. "Anyways, the name's Peter Quill, people call me Star Lord." He explained, before squinting his eyes a bit. "Now... what's this about evil wizards or whatever?"

Kanye West walked up to the spaceship Rocket mentioned and... wait, how did Kanye even get there? Good question.

He walked up to the spaceship, calling out to the man that just stepped out of it. "Ay!" He almost screamed, his expression angry as he took large strides toward him. Before the man was even aware of it, Yeezus now stood right in front of him. "Ain't no one any kinda lord up in here but the Lord! Ain't you, ain't a singer singin' bout royals, ain't no one but the Lord!" His voice was a bit different now, aggressive and intimidating. As he screamed at the man, his face got closer and closer, and closer, and closer, until their foreheads were touching and Star Lord could feel actual heat emanating from Kanye's furious head.

... and then Kanye gave him a little kissy on the lips. "It's 'kay tho, thou'st been forgiven now."
Similarly to Rocket, Mimaki didn't seem intimidated either by the Raccoon. Instead, he just looked at him with a look of utmost annoyance. His words felt tryhard at most, and it was clear he was just using feats and the like to simply come across as intimidating. The fox didn't let out a laugh or anything of the sorts, and instead just said a very simple and clear thing to the fake-Tanuki in front of him, not even giving his 'half breed' comment the light of the day.

"I don't care."
Before Mimaki could even reply to Raccoon more then just that single phrase, someone with a proper temper came into being, and Mimaki immediately sighed in relief. Finally, someone who isn't ready to burst into anger. Immediately, Mimaki's look softened, although he did give Jason a little odd look too when he gave that comment. Although, unlike the others, he understood where he was coming from. Thank the gods he was actually calm here...Regardless, Mimaki just gave Rocket Raccoon another ugly look. It was understandable he was finicky about some stuff, but he had an extremely short temper. Even if he was friendly, it was incredibly easy to annoy him. All Shanoa did was call him short.

"I apologize for my threat towards him, then," Mimaki answered simply to Quill, giving a genuine look of apology. "I can understand not liking to be pet completely well, but he was fully threatening others who did way little. However, as he is your companion, I'll refrain from trying to protect some of us. As I can see...Some of us can be rather rude as well. I'm Mimaki Kunosuke, and about this space wizard-- " Hopefully, Star-Lord was actually calm and understanding. Soon, Mimaki was ready to approach him and offer a hand to shake, but...

Kanye West appeared in front of Star Lordand kissed him in the lips.


"What the fuck."
Mimaki seemed frozen in time as he just stared, his mind trying to process what happened, and if he should kick Kanye in the face, or...Just ignore it. But it was so, so, sooo hard.
It was then that Star-Lord felt his entire life flash before his eyes. He was speechless as Yeezus approached him, unable to move a muscle. It wasn't until Kanye planted that soft, supple kiss on Quill's lips that he finally reacted, by quickly jumping back and spitting wildly, desperately wiping his lips.


"DUDE!? WHAT THE HELL!? I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, MAN!!" Star-Lord shouted, forgetting entirely to question how Kanye had even ended up on his ship in the first place. "A-and what are you talking about, dude?? Forgiven for WHAT!?" He added on angrily. Unfortunately, because of the Kanye kiss, Star-Lord had forgotten entirely about the space wizard talk... and everything else.

Ellya Ellya

Vauban prime
Status: At the loading bay, with another taking creature. And...UMBRA?
condition: normal.
So down they went as they made their way to the loading bay (heh, I made a rhyme.) certainly remained him of home withe the simplistic esthetic, like that of a railjack loading dock. From there they would spot what looks to be the ship in quetion as well as the owner of that voice...and what do you know? Another talking animal. One who clearly did not like being called a 'raccon', is that what he is
Given his angry reaction toward lucky, Vauban was about to go in and brung out his Flagor hammer, only for the situation to eventually be tamed somewhat by the rest of the group. including the guy with kavat ears pulling that girl away from the maws of an angry Rocket. Maybe it was some what of a bad idea bringing lucky along, but it looks as if that talking pobber creature is actually surprised by Rockets angry...ness. Honestly, he has seen angrier shouts from Grineer.

The small mammal shrugged. "Eh, ya know, the usual," He said in a casual tone as he looked to the group. His facial features scrunched up a bit when Venice asked him if he was from where she was from, at which point he merely shook his head. "No... I don't think I am," He said, before casually adding on. "Name's Rocket, though. And... to be completely honest, I don't really know what I'm doin' here..."


However, Rocket whirred right around and pulled out a large rifle with four large, square holes of fury, which was aimed directly towards Lucky's head upon his little comment. "Ya know, if ya wanna get frickin' cheeky with me, then I can end this little conversation we've got goin' RIGHT NOW! The NAME, is ROCKET! R-O-C-K-E-T! Not 'raccoon', or 'trash panda', just ROCKET!"

He was about to ask if there was anything of note before suddenly getting transported, but something else caught his eye...more like two somethings. A Tenno with a decorated transference suit covering with...Umbra? It was obvious, there was no way he wouldn't know who he was. From the Skiajati hanging by it's belt to the very familiar scarf hanging by his neck. He is the only one, the only Tenno who knows of Umbra and his struggles...So how was another Tenno interacting with him? How was it that the operator of this version of Umbra didn't bat an eye to the only other warframe in this group? Was it the cloaking ability that kept Vauban from noticing him? or was it something making such an obvious thing...not as obvious.
The Tenno had made his way over to the massive pane of glass, Umbra following behind as The Operator just gazes wondrously at the stars and the darkness beyond the glass. The boy turns to the warframe, smiling, "Feels like home doesn't?" Umbra nods, reaching over to give the Tenno a gentle pat on the head before crossing his arms and turns to the window as well. It didn't take long before the sound of a voice can be heard from the side, an all too familiar voice evidently as The Tenno and Umbra had turned over to the side of the room. The source, of the voice, showing a raccoon like creature about a few inches shorter than the Tenno. The boy perks an eyebrow, tilting his head with a puzzled look. A quick gaze over would show the rather tall Umbra also doing the same motions of the Tenno.

Well, that's strange, but with dimensional jumping, what's surprising at this point.​

So as Mr.starlorad makes his appearance, Vulban would make his way toward the pair. Unsure if he should even say anything, but it should be fine. Besides the thing with Umbra, they are both fellow Tenno in the end.

"Nice to know I'm not alone in this mess." He said as he approached the two. "Guessing you two got taken from your orbiter or something?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Riven Riven Riven Riven P PopcornPie P PopcornPie Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow | DerpyCarp DerpyCarp | P PopcornPie | Zamasu Zamasu | quadraxis201 quadraxis201 | TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher | Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 | bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 | Ellya Ellya | Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

"...Do you want me to kick him out or do you want to do it yourself? I don't think he'll provide anything useful."

Mimaki said, offering his services to Star Lord for the sake of common decency and everyone's sanity. The fox-man also seemed completely done with this shit, finally getting a grip in reality once again after the events that just transpired.​
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Mimaki simply nodded at Jason, a look of pure disappointment also on his face. Kindred spirits feel alike, man. Kindred spirits feel alike. Regardless...Mimaki coughed a bit, before pulling another handkerchief- jeez, where is he pulling those things-? From his pocket, and offered it to Star Lord, seemingly so the captain could wipe his lips better.

"Right, uh...Do you need some time off, Mr. Quill, or can we move forward? I believe discussing what's happening is of utmost importance. If it makes you feel better, this is probably not the real Kanye West."​

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