"Yeah, I would!" Lucky grumped. "I wouldn't shoot if they turned out to be cool!" While they argued, Lealan managed to send out a signal, and someone responded. Quizically. Cluelessly. "He doesn't know." Lucky snarled cheerfully. "I'll show ya's how I plan to get on the other ship!" With sinister laughter, he galloped for the escape pods.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan is quick to erect an inch thick dome of stone around Lucky as he tries to dart off. "Stay still! Last thing we need is you ptovoking a battle around so many civilians!." She yells at the rabbit.
Lealan then turns her radio back to the frequency that got a response, sounding normal now. "Hey, sorry about that! This is Lealan Deathweed aboard the Axiom. Who are you?"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
"No way!" Lucky continued to protest. "All I gotta do is fly a pod over to them! It'll be so easy!" He growled as he scraped at the inside of the dome.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Agent 3

"Well, we don't even know if that red dot is even bad," Jason replied to Praetorian, before turning to The Captain. "How accurate are those readings?"

The Captain would shrug again. "I... don't know... we've never dealt with a threat before." Jason sighed.

"Right..." He looked back over to the rest of the group. "Well, I'd say that our first course of action would be to establish contact with... whoever those people out there are, and see if they're even hostile... the last thing we need is some intergalactic space force waging war with us, after all." He then looked over at The Captain. "Do you know how we'd be able to do that?"

"Does it look like I've ever left this place!?" The Captain shouted as he waved his stubby legs up and down.

"Guess we're on our own, then..." Jason said through another sigh, before slowly looking up at EVE. "You're at least coming with, right?" Eve nodded. "Alright, good." He said, nodding in return.
"Oh, joy." The Inkling sarcastically said, with a lack of enthusiasm in her tone. Diplomatic events are tending to bore her - while she would prefer them, it does not change how boring they actually are - but alas, what needs to be done 'shall' be done... "OK, but - the problem is, how are we going to go about this, in full?" She asked bleakly, while in the mean time, she listened to the scene around her - not much of interest, but...
"And screaming like an utter dumbass won't help anyone, now will it?" Jason remarked with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. "All I'm saying is that we should act ration--" And then, Lucky started throwing out suggestions, which made Jason sigh loudly for the hundredth time today. "And how exactly do you plan to get onto the ship?" He asked. And then, he looked over to Killua. "Again, we don't know if they're dangerous."

"Hm?" Midna would ask as the all around tiny boy approached her, calling her useful and asking who she was. "I'm Midna, of course!" She giggled as she did a flip in the air, floating over onto her back. "I'm pretty much just along for the ride... ya know, to stop Zant and Ganondorf and help get my kingdom back..." She hummed out happily.

"And while also being completely useless along the way..." Jason added on with a grunt.

"I try~!"
The Inkling couldn't help but stop and laugh a little - how passively and offhandedly that comment from Jason was delivered and then Midna shrugging it off just kicked her figuratively where it made her laugh. Taking a moment to sweep that much aside, the Inkling sighed before trying to get back onto the subject of... the unknown ship. "...You're right, we need to figure out if they're dangerous or not - hostile, or passive. Though we probably can't tell at a glance, guess we can only 'tell' with words and what they 'do - right?" Agent 3 suggested, though unsure.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Thinking/Panicked​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Contact with the other ship...?​
RP Information
Location: 'The Axiom', space
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @SpaceIsATrip​
"Damn it..." Lucky folded his arms. "I guess I'll be cozied up in here while the rest of you are brought to the alien queen of Neptune. See if I'll be able to help then."

For Megumin, however, the sirens and new voice were more than enough to kick her awake. "Oh, we're still in space..." She moaned sickly. "Do we just...introduce ourselves?"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
In the meantime, Jason (who figured it would be easier to just ignore Kanye than acknowledge him at this point) had noticed Ellie reach for a sidearm out of the corner of her eye. After everything he'd seen today, a little girl packing heat wasn't particularly out of the blue by any means. So, with a smirk behind that helmet of his, he reached into his holster and produced one of his handguns, tossing it over to Ellie. "Here, kid," He said as he locked and loaded his own gun. "You're gonna need this."

The girl kept her eye on scary-looking masked man approaching, and it was obvious that she had her guard up. And what a guard it was. Her eyes betrayed the fact that she'd seen more than a girl her age ever should, and her general stance and posture reinforced that idea. There was even a flash of adrenaline mixed with some fear, just for a split second, when she saw him reach for his holster, like she was ready to break the dude's arm right then and there. As he handed it over though, she sheepishly reached out and took it, keeping her eye on the man. "... Yeah, thanks..." she muttered.


She kept the gun up a bit as she inspected it. It might have seemed like she was just a kid staring at the first gun she ever saw, but as she nimbly turned it in her head to open it up and check the number of rounds in it, then expertly closed it up again, it was clear that she had at least some experience in this area. Watching the man as he walked away and got busy, she clicked on the safety and stuffed the weapon into the back of her jeans. "Coulda told me what the fuck I'm gonna be needing it for..." She sighed, looking around again. At least some competent people seemed to be around.

A strong-looking lady with white hair and a big scar on her face seemed like one of them. Her eyes moved to the woman for a second, then they fell on some other people. One of them looked like those cowboys from old movies Joel liked to watch. The corner of her mouth turned up into a silly grin imagining why they call them cowboys. She decided to take a little longer observing the situation and the people while trying to get the image of Joel riding a cow out of her head.

Yeah, let's maybe let the people who know what's going on figure out how to get out of this.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | @ everyone
As Kyou, Mimaki, and the rest of the team arrived on the bridge, both men weren't fully surprised when they saw that the captain wasn't all that different from the rest of the crew here present. He seemed to be...Well, he didn't seem to be skilled for a captain, it seemed. The closest thing to a proper captain or commander here was that mast thing with a red eye, but even then, the thing gave him a bad, bad vibe. A vibe that Mimaki seemed to share, both men momentarily looking at one another, before hearing the rest of the discourse as even more shit and people started to appear. First off, Kanye west followed by a much more serious but angry-looking girl.

...Wait, what?



Both Kyou and Mimaki took a moment to stare at the American rapper and presential candidate for the USA of the past- their past, at least. Neither dared say a word towards him- the dude was outright ridiculous in personality, and both friends highly doubted this was what the actual Kanye West was like. Or what people from the West were like, period. Then...Even more people. Strangers all about! Some little girl, some literal green fox thing that Mimaki almost thought of she being a Sega Mascot, a dude who seemed like he just got out of his bath- at some point, the half oni and kitsune shared yet another look as if trying to see if this was real or not- but both knew deep down it wasn't.

At some point, both of them lost track of what was going on, period. Way too many were speaking and having reactions. Sage acting as if Jesus came back from the cross, and the fat captain speaking, and just--

"Okay, uh-" Kyou said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Jesus. "I kinda lost track when Kanye West of all people popped up. All I know is that someone is...Attacking the ship?" He's so lost. Someone, please help him. Even Mimaki seemed to be doing his best to analyze the situation as to how come this much balance was being broken in one area. Was this normal? These people were certainly not traveling safety, if these many people are getting spirited away. Not even Balance Keeping can fix this mess, can it?

"I kinda lost focus as well. I apologize, some characters in the room made me...Kinda float off for a bit. But I believe that is the case, yes."

Kyou soon returned his smile to his face, his migraine over all these broken balances in the air still present, but thankfully he managed to focus more. "If someone is on the ship, me and 'Maki can try an' find it! Otherwise, tell me what me and 'Maki 'ere can do! We won't disappoint when we're together, promise, kye-hehehe~!"

"Kanye West...What's happened in my life for it to reach this point...?"
A second red dot appeared on the star chart as Delsausage rode the Falcon 9 rocket out into space with the blessing of the normal human being and not lizard person from Earth, Elon Musk. The Falcon 9 rocket was painted a fleshy pink so that it looked just like an gas station hotdog... or a phallic device, whichever you prefer to think of it as. The rocket shot towards the Axion and it would've crashed into the bridge if it didn't hit an asteroid, causing a massive explosion. Delsausage was flung across space by the explosion at near-light speeds until he splattered against the window of the bridge. However, being cause he was going at near-light speeds, he did some whacky quantum physics stuff so that his splatter phased through the window and continued flying until it hit Ikaros, but not really, since he phased through Ikaros and flew straight into a random cup of the human flesh liquid the people on the Axiom were drinking.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
Chronology: Ultimate
SOUL: Kitsune
MENTAL CONDITION: Reminiscent, Daydreaming, Moderating
LOCATION: Bridge, Axiom
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Celestial Speck Celestial Speck P PopcornPie Thepotatogod Thepotatogod GearBlade654 GearBlade654 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @ AnyoneElseWhoWantsToGoIntoSpace
MENTIONS: Ellya Ellya

Entering the Captain’s Office/Bridge of the ship, Alexis and all the others packed into the elevator with her were greeted by another morbidly obese man and a robotic ship’s wheel. Unsurprisingly, the obese man in the white uniform was not the most pleased with the MPF’s intrusion on his ship. Alexis regularly worked with several pilots that owned their own fighters, mechs, or dropships, and she knew how touchy they could be when it comes to their vehicles. The sensitivity was attributed to a lot more than how much those machines cost—though having a multimillion dollar piece of high-grade military technology contributes quite a bit to it—it was the attachment they had to their vehicles. To captains, pilots, or the like, their ship was their home turf, their prized possession, and their refuge. The Captain of the Axiom was quite understandably upset at unannounced visitors suddenly appearing and causing a ruckus… though as she observed the dynamic between him and AUTO, she was getting the impression that the Captain wasn’t exactly the captain of the ship.

As Alexis mused on this, he called the others up through the intercom. The ever familiar group eventually filtered in, but along with them were a few unfamiliar faces. The kitsune wasn’t even surprised at this point. All along the way, they’ve been picking up people that have been pulled across the multiverse. One had to wonder just how much they should be trusting of these newcomers; for all they knew, these could be spies or double agents for Ganondorf or the Shareholders.

Such thoughts were forgotten when she noticed the very eccentric man in the Adidas suit. The nine-tailed fox just stared at the man in curiosity, wondering where she recognized him from; he was so familiar for some reason. It didn’t really hit her until Lucky started screaming about Kanye West. This man was Kanye West. Alexis just let out a small “Huh”, not quite impressed and not quite excited, only curious. She didn’t remember too much about her early life, but she did remember that Kanye West was a huge celebrity… though not like this. Who knows? Maybe this was some alternate version of Kanye that was a bit more eccentric than the real one.

The kitsune was trying to take in all the craziness occurring, so much so, that she didn’t even notice the long, drawn out “ooooooooooh” coming from Sage until he started exclaiming his amazement at some “proto-Lights”. Alexis turned to see what the boy was talking about to see that he was staring out of the window behind the captain and AUTO, gazing at the stars that filled the dark void of space.

Alexis giggled a little at the childish wonder of Sage, as she joined Sage in admiring the view. However, her focus was not on the lights, but rather, the dark expanse that enveloped them. She was reminded of the metaphor her husband drew for her. In this metaphor, Zachariah pointed to the night sky, where Alexis was a star burning bright, and around her was Zechariah, the dark expanse that protected the star in its infinite embrace. He would compliment Alexis further, saying that people never paid any heed to the darkness, but the light was beautiful enough to be admired by all generations. Alexis knew that he exaggerated in saying that no one paid attention to the darkness—people feared the darkness, the unknown, and the possibility that at the End, darkness would be all that there was. However, while some feared the Void, Alexis was undeterred, for what was there to fear if the Void loved you?

Lost in her daydreaming, Alexis was brought back at the audible panic of everyone else as they noticed some kind of approaching red dot on the star chart. Lucky, Hiryu, and Lealan threw out plans to preemptively destroy the threat while others, like Praetorian and Blake advocated evacuation. The kitsune didn’t quite share the same worry as the others, but that was mostly in part that she didn’t share in the necessity for air or a range of habitable temperatures. The other people on the ship may be of concern though… Alexis made a suggestion, “How about we don’t immediately try to kill everyone in the approaching ship? Let’s just have the people who can survive the Void to go out and see what’s coming towards us, have a little chat, and then decide if we want to blow it up. I’m hoping we don’t have to blow everything up, but that’s a distinct possibility, so we should prepare for an evacuation just in case.”

"Wait did he just say there wasn't anyone on here for hundreds of years?" Lilith thought as she reflected on what he said a moment ago so she had to ask about it. "Hey you just said no one has been here in a long time right, how long has this ship been up and how long have you've been the captain of it?" She asks curiously as she raises her eyebrows.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Caption B. McCrea)
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"Uhhh..." The Captain would hum out. "My name is Captain B. McCrea... and I'm uh... the captain... ooooof... theeee... Axiom..." He stuttered out, sounding a bit unsure.

"All sorts of things," Jason grunted out in response to Ellie - having not even walked that far off at all. In fact, he was still relatively close to her. He'd even watched her expertly lock and load the thing without a care in the world. It wasn't a sight that particularly impressed the red-hooded vigilante, especially not after all he'd seen, but it was a welcomed sight nonetheless. "I'll explain more of where you are later. I'm guessing you just randomly woke up here, right?" He asked, though the question was mostly rhetorical. He was then interrupted by some sort of liquid... thing zipping past him, and straight into the Captain's coffee cup. The coffee cup which, unfortunately for Delsausage, was soon brought up to the Captain's lips and tipped upwards, allowing the mixture of ground meat and caffeine to pour down his throat.

"Mmm..." The Captain would say as he smacked his lips together, before turning to look up at the nearby steering wheel. "AUTO... is this a new flavor?" He asked with a pleased smile.


"Huh..." He paused, and then took a look down at the cup, examining it for a moment. "Ah, well, must just be me!" He nonchalantly exclaimed, before drinking the rest of Delsausage, effectively putting the talking hot dog inside of a stomach once more.

"Well," The voice rang out over Lealan's makeshift radio. "You can start by lowering your weapons. We ain't enemies," The voice would explain. "In fact, we're just as confused as you are..." There was a short pause, before what sounded like ripping cables could be heard from the other line. "Go on out to the deck so we can explain more. I downloaded the schematics of your ship - should be on the first floor..." Static began to come through the speakers. "Ah, crap. Look, the feed's gettin' cut, but just--"


And then, everything cut out from there.

"Well, I've been the Captain for about--"

"Yeah, yeah, Q&A's over," Jason would speak to Lilith and The Captain simultaneously, as he began to make his way to the elevator. "Look, some of us are gonna need to establish contact with whoever's out there..." He took a gaze around the room. "And by some of us, I mean the ones who are capable of being civil and not blowing everything up..." He then looked at a select few people when he said this, before looking at the rest of the group. "The rest of you, stay up here with The Captain and make sure shit doesn't go haywire from here."

With that, Jason entered the elevator and began making his way to the deck.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Zamasu Zamasu Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake P PopcornPie Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Ellya Ellya QizPizza QizPizza BoltBeam BoltBeam TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
"Maybe he's not an enemy...but it sure as fuck sounds like he's bringing trouble." Lucky snarled, impatiently tapping the Paw o' Death on the floor. Seriously? They're really just going to let this happen, huh? Never mind that the guy could be an outlaw on the lam, or some kind of escaped experiment, or maybe just a decoy to ease them into a sense of security. Welcome him with wide open fucking arms. Lucky was already counting the minutes until he heard the Axiom exploding all around him. Actually, fuck that, he was gonna try to blast his way out of the stone.

"Jason I'll go." Megumin dawdled her way to the elevator, yawning and lightly dozing off against the elevator wall.
Ellie shrugged and followed along at a pace. "Yeah, I'll take what I can get..." She made sure to be one of the first on the elevator because she was not going to take stairs again.

Kanye however stayed completely still, smiling as the rest made their way into the elevator. "I'll see y'all up there, I got other ways of ascending..." he said ominously and with a grin, standing completely still until the elevator doors closed.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | @ everyone else!
Kyou decides to follow Jason, but is quickly stopped by Mimaki, who puts a hand in front of his body. The Half Oni looks at the kitsune, and for a moment, a small, whisper-like back and forth began from the two, followed with Kyou trying to finger flick Mimaki's ears, likely to annoy him, but, Mimaki, exceptionally with his hand blocked and countered the attack with an impressive speed! Then, for a few seconds, everyone could see Kyou and his best friend essentially trying to finger flick one another at high speeds, with small shockwaves even being felt for everyone who was close, and their hands like blurs as they attacked one another like two kids!

Eventually, Kyou let out a 'bah' and simply sat down on a nearby chair next to Wall-E, Gir, and EVA if they were still nearby, crossing his arms, before Mimaki smiled, and followed after Jason.

...What just happened? Are these two children?
"D-did he seriously have to cut him off like that?" She asks sounding a little miffed before sighing "Fine whatever, I guess there's nothing else to do here besides waiting for him to come back."

So with that Lilith just kind of sits around until she eventually looks up at the robot on the ceiling. "So this must be Auto right?" The robot looked like a white steering wheel and had a red eye that almost looked like a led light. "He looks

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Caption B. McCrea)
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon looks around the ship "Geeeeeeeez, man...This is a nice set-up you got here! Again, I can eat off any surface on this place if I wanted too!...But I won't because that's still nasty. Say, you wouldn't happen to have any clothes here that I could put on my sexy body, would you? I wish not to continue to grace everyone with my masculinty...Or scar them with too much of it...Look, I'm just done wearing this towel, okay. I-I've been rocking this towel for hours now and my nips are beginning to feel frigid...I don't know why I told you that..."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Last edited:
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

"No blowing things up until the cue. Got it." Hiryu nods after Jason tells the gang this. Noting that communicating with the Axiom had failed earlier, but judging by how it went, sounds like the other ship's in deep shit. The Another Rider king followed Jason to the elevator, proceeding to the deck.

Whisper, seeing that Captain Falcon is still, somehow, completely and utterly naked, decided to push the naked Falcon towards the exit.

"Does this place have any clothes we could...Borrow?" Whisper approached the Captain and Auto. "My ally needs one. He's been wearing nothing but a towel for a few hours now." Whisper asked of the fat captain, knowing that this is a cruise ship and nothing more.
Third P.O.V.
After a bit, the conversation began with the mysterious ship.... there was apparently now a scheduled meeting down in the deck, and after which, Jason spoke to some of the others of while some will go down and follow Jason, the rest will stay behind to go to the meeting, which was a good idea to be honest. Gretar still wasn’t in the greatest of sanity..... due to his mind still wandering to places and losing concentration.... to which he said “I’ll...... stay here.... my brain is still not in the best shape after seeing the worst thing a couple of hours ago.......” as he sat back down onto the floor, waiting for this over so that he can finally return home....... and hoped that his family haven’t forgotten him at all....

Benrey, however, decided to go with the others, but seeing them go into the elevator, Benrey said “Yeah...... I would go into the Elevator..... but I have a quicker way of going downstairs......” as he began to..... walk in place....? It didn’t seem like he didn’t create any kind of movement even when waking in place, like he was walking on a very slippery floor but still able to gain traction and not fall down: C984F3B5-442D-455A-B288-0AEEDE249C82.gif
And it wasn’t until he began clipping into the ground, and kept doing this until he fully went through the floor......... yeah..... he was gone for now. But what was happening with Benrey, was that he was not only traveling inside the floor, but he was also kinda of flying as well, using his signature No-Clip to quickly go to the deck of the ship, where everyone else was heading to..... and the reason for doing all of this was because
Benrey didn’t want to wait inside a Elevator to go down.... I mean, if anyone else had this power, why would they even use a elevator in the first place............? Yeah, let’s don’t question it for now, as Benrey still made his way to the location they are supposed to go right now in order to meet this strange figure.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"I'll follow along as well." Shanoa said, before she could go to the elevator, Jared sweeps in and said "Hey, let me come as well. There's nothing much to do for me here anyways." Shanoa sighs. "So long as you don't do anything stupid, you're welcome to follow along." She tells him, much to his delight. "Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a stray bullet right into my eye. You have my word, Shanoa." Jared assured before they go into the elevator.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lealan raises a hand as she pushes herself off of the wall. "I'm going. I want a face for the voice. Also, you are coming with me." Lealan makes a hole in the dome and immediately grabs Lucky out of it, anticipating him trying to jump out.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie
View attachment 768954Captain Falcon looks around the ship "Geeeeeeeez, man...This is a nice set-up you got here! Again, I can eat off any surface on this place if I wanted too!...But I won't because that's still nasty. Say, you wouldn't happen to have any clothes here that I could put on my sexy body, would you? I wish not to continue to grace everyone with my masculinty...Or scar them with too much of it...Look, I'm just done wearing this towel, okay. I-I've been rocking this towel for hours now and my nips are beginning to feel frigid...I don't know why I told you that..."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Ellie's eye fell on another interesting figure in the party. Another talkative one, apparently, and one that didn't seem to like clothes. The sudden sight surprised her. "Wha- Fuck, man!" She yelped, quickly turning her head away with the slightest hint of a blush on her cheeks. "Why would you... How did... Who..." She just stammered, keeping her gaze away from the man.

"Does this place have any clothes we could...Borrow?" Whisper approached the Captain and Auto. "My ally needs one. He's been wearing nothing but a towel for a few hours now." Whisper asked of the fat captain, knowing that this is a cruise ship and nothing more.

The girl now looked at someone else, who was apparently friends with this strange naked muscle-man. She now had her back turned to the uncomfortable sight and turned her head to look at the one who just spoke. "Hours? How the hell..." she started, but cut herself off when realizing that this might be a rabbit hole she would regret going down. She facepalmed. "Someone pleaaase get this dude some clothes... Or some bleach for my eyes..."

Mood: Enchanted, Panicked, Accompanying
Tags: (GM)
, (Kyou)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Megumin had gotten no answer back, due to the fact that Sage had absolutely lost himself in the starry marvellousness beyond the window. However, if the archmage had stopped to look at him, she'd quickly realize that all that was left from said 'jacket' was well, ragged fabric clearly eaten by fire and the front pockets, also charred but somehow still functional. Oh, and half of the right sleeve. Nooot so much of a jacket anymore, really. So he probably didn't mind tearing the other sleeve out at this point... This was quite unlikely to salvage.

Captive of their grand twinkling mirage, the pyromancer had been elevated to a state of Nirvana as he gazed upon the stars. It was the sort of thing that was hard to even append an adjective for, because none of them would be truly making it justice. To somehow be standing in a... kind of vehicle that could cross through Space and existing right in the middle of the Nursery of Lights? The origin of Life itself? How do you even describe something like that??? YOU CAN'T! It transcended beyond all mundane vocabulary, in all languages ever conceived. Not even Bh̀-liwê; Not even that which was considered the language of the divine in Saraiiho. No, this was something to be appreciated and taken in spiritually, gradually, for no images, paintings or descriptions would be able to retain the pure impact of such a moment.

As such, he had barely noticed Alexis' approach and similar observation of the starscape, merely giving her direction a gaze so quick that it hadn't truly registered. Tears of... hard to tell really, it was like the most abundant blend of all positive emotions in a single go, but oh, he was definitely crying; Silently, with the most peaceful and joyful sort of smile, anyone could ever manage. Honestly, it's nearly impossible to truly grasp the type of feeling that it's supposed to be. And yet, it was exactly that, like the happiest daydream in the history of daydreams.

"I've- I don't think I've ever been better...", was the single, airy response that Vauban, --whose Warframe's name had never been shared--, had gotten from the young man. It almost sounded like he was in some kind of trance which, wasn't entirely wrong. Enchanted, was definitely a word to describe it, like the lightness of mind from flying sessions now amplified into infinity.

Of course, eventually, the captain of the ship had intromitted to correct him, stating that those the Descendant had called by 'proto-Lights' were actually Stars. An unneeded correction, really... Those were actually synonyms to him! It was really silly that the others didn't think them to have multiple names, and instead just assuming he didn't know what they were! It just made him laugh, enhanced by the giddy, floaty, cheery mood that the sight had put him in. The soft, innocent laughter only seemed to intensify upon Blake's response back at the huge man.

"Oh, I know that they're Stars~!", Sage had chuckled at himself, turning around to face the other with a passionate, wonder-filled glint in his gaze, "But they're also called proto-Lights since when they're descended into the planet they transition into the Lights that make up me, you and everybody's spirits!", even without ever raising his tone, one could still feel it intensify somehow, as he got more and more into the subject, "And we're literally standing in their Nursery! This is where the Concept of Life itself begins!! Isn't it beautiful?!"

Once that was done with, he had merely turned back around and restarted admiring the outer view, this time even stopped holding the Sign of the Soul, for the first time not in condolences but as a sign of adoration and respect. It was possible that if nothing major had happened, the pyromancer would still be there, showing his appreciation for the Universe, Life and even Existence itself; It honestly didn't seem like he'd be getting tired of that anytime soon. As usual, however, every relaxing, peaceful downtime had to eventually come to an end.

Suddenly the lights in the bridge had begun flashing red, accompanied by a loud and worrying siren, the universal alert for bad news. As it turns out, coming out from a spiritual journey of such a caliber to the presence of a possible threat had been... a jarring experience. The young man seemed to take a while longer to notice the issue, before coming to a full halt as if slowly processing the situation. It was as if his brain had been finally gearing back up, eyes widening at a similar pace and then- The reality of everything had just come to light in one go. A cup of coffee had spontaneously combusted out of nowhere. Don't worry though, it wasn't the one the captain was holding, just the next one waiting in line for whenever he wanted coffee again! ...Which was now just burning styrofoam, oops.


As Sage internally panicked, the temperature around him climbed quite fast, from the comfortable warmth soon into sultry not as pleasant heat. Oh Gods, what should he do? What should he do?? Apparently they had no weapons to defend themselves with, and he doubted that a cruise ship would have any sort of shields too... Maybe he could shield them? BUT WAIT, there's no air in Space, so he wouldn't be able to spawn any constructs outside! There was also no surfaces out there! Usually! If he had to go outside, his own fire-aura would be all the source of fire available, which wouldn't be too useful! UNLESS... Could Alexis throw fire into Space so it could be shaped into a wall construct?? BUT WAIT THIS SHIP IS HUGE, that was going to strain so fast!! WHAT COULD EVEN BE DONE IN OUTERSPACE?!

But then, the next string of thoughts had been different... Panicking wouldn't help anybody.

Kids panicked and let their minds take them into disproportionately immense scenarios, and we were done acting like a child. Taking a new breath, he let himself calm back down, the temperature following suit. Being scared was fine, but letting it take him all over the place was not... If he couldn't help outside, then he might as well focus inside the ship, right? There was a second instance of 'What would Hershel do?' and as always the answer was something along the lines of carefully analyzing the situation and going from there.

For starters, the sirens might be blaring but no one was even sure of whether the other ship was friendly or hostile. This had been a sentiment shared by a ... green fluffy cat thing with a girl's voice. They had a lot of new members again apparently... People who didn't know about the Take-Over yet... again. He would have to re-explain it, wouldn't he? ...Aaaanyways! From there on Lealan had been able to contact the other ship, and it really did seem like they were not an enemy! Which, made everything else he could have come up with a moot point.

But hey, at least they were actually safe! And... maybe being useless for once was for the better this time.
Since risking raised strain was always really bad...

With a sigh in-between relief and disappointment, he was once again at a loss of what to do. It seemed that they were separating into two groups, one to go interact with the friendlies in the second ship via the deck... Whatever a deck was. And the second one was just supposed to remain in the bridge just in case anything went wrong. The pyromancer could, honestly do both. He was normally the person to engage in casual introductions when everyone else had their weapons ready, so at least in his mind, he fitted Jason's 'capable of being civil' category. But on the other hand, if they needed to go outside... He'd just be a bit more useful than during the rain. Which, wasn't a lot.

The young man had remained by the window and caught in this dilemma, until he had witnessed... some set of intriguing and odd interactions coming from the two best friends. He honestly couldn't tell if they were fighting, or playing, or something else, but the important bit was that as a result, Mimaki had gone ahead into the elevator and Kyou had stayed behind to sit on a chair. Sage had glanced towards the Kitsune leaving for the elevator, and then at the Oni at the chair and there wasn't much doubt over what to do. Even if both of them had interacted with him, well, he had met Kyou first and there was also that feeling of kinship towards the other.

A such, the Descendant had soon joined the more boisterous of the pair. Finding a chair of his own, he had pat the Kyou's shoulder in sympathy after sitting beside him, attempting to cheer his mood up a little.

"Soooo, I have no idea of what that was supposed to be, but it was still interesting to watch you two.", he had laughed in amusement, his gaze filled with hints of curiosity and engagement, "Is that something you guys do often?"
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