"Awww yess!" Lucky grinned, wagging his tail. "I'll let 'em speak, but if they even think of throwin' chains on us? Scriiiiiiiiiiitch." He made a slashing motion across his fuzzy little throat.

"That means I can stay here and get my full rest, right?" Megumin yawned again. "Unless you guys think you'll need Explosion that much, that is."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | @ everyone staying behind.
As Sage approached Kyou and patted him on the back, the Oni's face soon shifted from almost cartoonishly angry to a small look of surprise, then a small, gentle smile towards the young adult. Sage's question caused Kyou to laugh a little bit. A look of both nostalgia and embarrassment (but not the ugly kind) appeared over on his face as he scratched the back of his head, almost as if surprised but at the same time knowing that Sage and likely a bunch of other people watched him and Mimaki's back and forth. "Heh, yeah. Don't take it as us fightin'- aside from friends, we are rivals too, y'know!" Kyou said those words with conviction- as if saying it with pride that Mimaki was considered his rival. But that also meant the Kitsune was quite strong himself, wasn't he? After all, he does have nine tails.

"Mimaki is...Well, I guess I should'a explain it to ya, eh? Not like it matters much to me," His hand went to his side, where a small gourd of liquid stood, and Kyou drunk some of it. Even with a large sip, he didn't seem to be drunk in the slightest, and the weight of the thing didn't seem to decrease. An infinite alcohol gourd? Sheesh, let's hope Sage doesn't mind alcohol much...

"Mimaki worries about me a lot. Me and 'im, as misleadin' as it sounds, we're meant to fight together." Kyou explained, a small look of happiness and nostalgia of days long gone in the past. Days he was young with Mimaki. Days where he wasn't an adult- and young, much like Sage, if not even more so. "He isn't stoppin' me from goin' 'cuz he doesn't trust me with m' mouth, I know that even if he says it. His job is to protect me, and ensure I don't accidentally break other concepts..." Chug, chug, chug. "As in, break 'em with my Balance Breakin' ability. You probably went under its effects, didn'tcha?"

"He keeps balance, I break it. I shape the future, he protects the past. We were meant to be companions ever since we were born, by the will of the big guys in heaven themselves. But 'Maki...He wasn't only meant to be my friend. He was meant to protect me, help me control my powers and shit, 'cuz, well, it may not look like it, but I had problems with m' emotions myself, ye know? I accidentally broke concepts left to right, lost myself in emotion, and...Wasn't always like I am today, ya know! My soul was a damn wildfire, and sometimes I exploded like ya do sometimes- no offense 'f course, and he was always there 'longside m' other pals to get me back in track."

Kyou smiled cheerfully at Sage. He had a mild feeling he wasn't making a lot of sense- he's never too great at explaining his past to others, even if it's simplistic at certain aspects, but he felt the need to explain it to Sage didn't get the wrong idea from Mimaki.

"I guess old habits die hard for 'im- he worries 'bout me to this day, but he probably is goin' instead of me 'cuz it's his job to keep balance, and probably 'cuz he can't really die anymore...I still get on his wrong foot for bein' so selfless like that and doin' things on his own, but he's always been like that for a looong while. So don't take it the wrong way with 'im. The man's a tsundere, he may seem cold, but he really cares!"

For a moment, Kyou stood quiet, before blinking and laughing again. "Ah man, that explanation was longer then I expected- sorry! I probably just spouted a lot of barely understandable gibberish. Let's uh, change topics, eh? What was up with you and those stars, kid? Only time I've seen someone act like that is when they saw one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhism...They must mean somethin' special for ya, eh?"
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

As the elevator doors opened and a sort of hover-platform drove itself into the room, Akari eyed the occupants that were riding on it. He recognized Midna and Gir, but there was also a rather rusty, boxy-looking robot and a sleeker, egg-shaped one, which Akari assumed was the "EVE" that the Captain had spoke of. As for the first robot, he was seemed rather friendly (and kind of adorable), seeing as he had taken the time to shake hands with the Captain.

Once the Captain pulled up the star chart, a red blip appeared on the chart directly behind the Axiom's white one as warning sirens began to go off.

The Captain activated EVE, and she immediately decided to aim her gun at everyone. Akari put his hands up for a short while, but stopped when the Captain called the robot off. /Note to self-- egg robot has laser gun.../ Akari thought to himself.

Then, Lealan had the idea to use her radio to try and communicate with whatever the perceived threat was. Luckily, she got a signal! Whoever was on the other end mentioned they were not enemies, and for everyone to lower their weapons. Though their comms channel seemed to have been cut, the mystery person was at least able to issue an order-- namely, to head to the first floor deck.

"I'll be coming along, myself." Akari said to Jason with a nod as he followed him into the elevator and towards the ship's deck.

And as for Kanye West, Akari, like Jason, opted to stop any remote semblance of a fuck about what the rapper-turned-presidential-candidate was saying, for not only did he seem physically incapable of pronouncing a word like "naivete", but he also didn't seem to know the phrase "self-absorption", both of which, in Akari's opinion, made Kanye seem incompetent in an argument...

...and as Akari was a fan of online gaming, he himself had heard way too many weak, undefended arguments over voice chat, and had destroyed... at least a few of them.

And besides, even if Akari were to "ask his god" about Kanye... it would not be worth it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Unspoken Mention)
Ellya Ellya (Unspoken Mention)
(Open for Interactions)

  • 1597455569492.png
    (featuring Spooky the Wonder Owl)
    Venice: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Captain, Jason mentioned) P PopcornPie (Lucky) CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Haws)
    Haws: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason Todd) @pretty much everyone in the elevator CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Venice)
    Mentioned: DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Lealan)

    The captain's reply does not impress Venice.


    The wind dragon then immediately goes back to smiling. "Okay, then that means we have to find a way to ask them what they're doing here!"


    "But how are we going to do that...?"

    Lealan's radio solution ends up solving that issue right quick. Venice exchanges an unsure glance with Spooky after hearing the message. Haws seems just as hesitant.

    "How do we know we can trust them? These guys might be lying! It could be a setup to take over this ship!" Venice points out.

    Haws steps up. "Kid's got a point. This is a luxury liner. Shooting it down would screw up the value too much. Could be a stealthy takeover, start it from the inside and there's less of a chance you'll damage something that'd make a lot of Robux."

    Venice raises a brow. "What's Robux?"

    "...you guys don't use that currency?"


    Haws clears his throat. "Uh- story for later, I guess. Let's just get down to the deck and see what's in store." He turns to everyone else going down the elevator. "We're going in blind, so we should keep the guns. But we don't fire the first bullet. We stand down until they do." He glances to Jason. "Sound good, sir?"

    Venice and Spooky enter the elevator alongside the Red Hood. "Got it, mister block guy!"

    "Just call me Haws," corrects the Robloxian as he squeezes in too, AK in hand.

    After a brief silence, Venice turns to Lucky. "So, who are you?"


    "Spooky!" She looks up at her pet owl, who actually doesn't look very concerned about being so close to the murderous rabbit. "You can't just go around saying people sound crazy!" The wind dragon turns her apologetic gaze to Lucky. "Sorry about him. He can be a little rude sometimes."




    "It doesn't matter if it's the truth, Spooky! It's still mean!"
If Venice and Spooky were dreading a verbal blowout, they'd be both relieved and oddly disappointed. As Lucky dangled from Lealan's grip, he just looked a little cross as he shrugged. "You know what? I'm used to it. Everyone and their mother has called me crazy, Lassie, just because I have...let's call 'em 'trust issues'. Though, to be honest..." The pupils shrunk yet again. "Ever since Scarecrow injected me, I haven't felt...all there..."

"But his cranium is very cozy!"

Suddenly, the rabbit squealed, rose the fur on his neck and shoulders, and violently shook his head. "Ugh, fuck! Damn it, Lassie, you had extra mouths holdin' a few pounds each of Kassandra's small intestine for a second there." He grimaced as he shook it off. "How about instead of 'crazy', you call me 'Lucky', huh? Lucky O'Chopper. And even though it sounds like I have to stand down, I still don't trust that we shouldn't just shoot as soon as we see the whites of their eyes." He had to say, this kid reminded him a lot of who he thought Lana would be; Peppy, but no-nonsense, and with his amount of inner fire, give or take a flame.

Megumin, meanwhile, was lying in front of the elevator, letting herself slip back into dreamland unless someone felt she was needed.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
When the group begins to get large, Killua turns to the others. "Alright. Any of you guys got a plan? And sorry Megumin, but lets blow it to bits as a last resort ok? And by last, I mean it. I know it's harsh but, we could be able to find some things on the ship. So other than destroying it, any other plans?"
Killua knew there was a very low chance of this being a coincidence, meaning it is also most likely a planned attack. He braced himself for the worst, and began to build his Nen.
New Project.jpg
NEN: Powerful Aura that can be used to do many things. In this case, Killua has the ability to create electricity from his hands. Not associated with his assassin skills.
"This will be a quick minute guys. This is me preparing for worst case scenario."

@ Literally everyone preparing to inflitrate/make peace with the large unknown ship​

  • orbeck.jpg

    Orbeck of Vinhiem
    Status: More random people, a second ship, and staying behind.
    condition: Normal, if not stressed.
    From the Indication of some outer starship to the immediate reaction to just attack the unknown presence. Orbeck was...a bit out of his league when it comes to all of this. More so with the talk on the three newcomers, A girl whose mannerisms suggest she has seen about as much cruelty as Jason himself, some guy in a bathrobe, and...whoever Kanye West is. Apparently all caused by Ganon and his growing influence on the multiverse. There was also the presence of some...probe, and it's initial hostility toward the group.

    so back to what was shown on this star chart, the starship at the very least looks to not harm them immediately, possibly dealing with some issue on their end? It was also at this time that Jason proclaimed that they either stay behind at the bridge of this ship or accompany him to the other one. He was periflcy fine with staying back here to keep an eye on a multitude of robots.

    "That means I can stay here and get my full rest, right?" Megumin yawned again. "Unless you guys think you'll need Explosion that much, that is."

    Given that Lucky doesn't immediately take drastic measures, that seems like a more reasonable idea.
    "As long as Lucky can control his temperament, I'll be content with it." Orbeck said, "And Megumin, you need the rest after that partial cast of your spell at the pool. You said it yourself that it takes up the majority of your foc...mana I mean."

    Someone else also came to say a few words of his own, some large bulky, gold decorated figure (vuaban) came to assure him about keeping lucky in check, to this he simpled nodded, even if their joke was in poor taste and understanding. Good to know that a few of those newcomers are trying to maintain what order is in this group.

    "Oh, I know that they're Stars~!", Sage had chuckled at himself, turning around to face the other with a passionate, wonder-filled glint in his gaze, "But they're also called proto-Lights since when they're descended into the planet they transition into the Lights that make up me, you and everybody's spirits!", even without ever raising his tone, one could still feel it intensify somehow, as he got more and more into the subject, "And we're literally standing in their Nursery! This is where the Concept of Life itself begins!! Isn't it beautiful?!"
    Apparently Orbeck was that preoccupied, that he did not realize that sage was looking to the stars as if they were something beyond even their own understanding, like that of someone kneeling before...well...the pale dragon, the grandfather of all sorceries. He eventually snapped out of his trance once the alarms started up. There was also the charred remains of that...hoody? is that what they called it? yes, his hoody. Must have been some form of attachment thats is keeping him from just throwing it to the wayside. May as well check on the pyromantic boy in question. He would approach near the end of the demon's conversation.
    For a moment, Kyou stood quiet, before blinking and laughing again. "Ah man, that explanation was longer then I expected- sorry! I probably just spouted a lot of barely understandable gibberish. Let's uh, change topics, eh? What was up with you and those stars, kid? Only time I've seen someone act like that is when they saw one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Buddhism...They must mean somethin' special for ya, eh?"

    "I don't mean to interrupt your conversation about stars, but I wanted to ask if I could take a look at your...hoody. I should be able to restore it to a more ideal state" In this case, he was referring to the golden sorcery, repair. If he was given the remains of his hoody, Orbeck would proceed to wave his court sorcerer staff over the article of clothing. Just like before, a golden powder is emitted from the staff as it falls on Sage's article of clothing...a second would past before the hoody in question would be revealed to have been repaired. A similar like-new state, to that of the Archwizard's staff. He would hand it back to him, before taking out his ashen Estus flask and taking a sip, restoring his focus (AKA the same thing as Mana.)

    speaking of the Flask, he had gone through at least one third of the blue flask and one forth for the normal Estus flask. There wasn't much he could do about it sadly, not unless they encounter a bonfire on any of the next couple of worlds (and that is unlikely.)...Maybe benray might be willing to...some how get one from is item spawning gun? He will have to ask about that.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie @Necessity4Fun Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Lealan throws a pointed look at Lucky. "We don't think you're crazy for having trust issues. We think you are crazy because you shoot teammates at random, and obsess over murdering people. You team-killing fucktard." The Floran looks unimpressed with Lucky's own explanation. "And apparently you are hallucinating too."
P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • 1597459319999.png
    (featuring Spooky the Wonder Owl)
    Interactions: P PopcornPie (Lucky) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM)

    After that minor mental breakdown, Venice gives Lucky a concerned look. "I had what...?" She frowns. "Uhh... nevermind. I don't trust these guys we're about to meet either, but I don't think we should fight them yet... what if they do turn out to be good? We can't hurt innocent people."

    "Always a possibility," adds Haws. "Still kind of weird how they downloaded the ship's schematics. No passenger craft would do that." He stops for a moment. "...they could be from different 'universes' like us. That'd explain why the guy on the radio sounded confused. But it's best we stay on the safe side." He glances at Lucky again. "If they turn on us, it's a free fire zone. I promise you that."
"Alright," Jason replied with a nod as those members in the group, plus Leo, Kendall, and EVE, entered the elevator alongside him. Micah and Minda chose to stay behind, which was probably for the best. Before the doors started closing, Megumin and Lucky appeared to have wanted to switch places. Jason looked between the two, and then eventually just sighed. "As much as I'd rather have you, kid, you'd better stay here in get some rest." He said, before refocusing his attention on Lucky. "But I promise you, that if you get us blown up, then whatever part's left of my body is kicking your ass." Red Hood spoke in a stern tone through grit teeth. With that, he pressed the button on the elevator, and the doors began to shut. "And put some fucking clothes on, dude." Jason spoke to Captain Falcon in a stern tone as the elevator doors finally closed.

"Uhhh... there are some clothes in the other room..." The Captain said to the F-Zero pilot as he thumbed to a door that was behind him. If Captain Falcon were to enter said room, he would find a skin-tight blue suit that looked almost identical to his old clothes. The only difference was a small "BnL" logo on the front, as well as a large one that took up the entire back. Kyou, on the other hand, had found himself seated right beside WALL-E and the sleeping GIR. The former of the two robots looked up at Kyou and tilted his head a bit, before ultimately retracting into his cube form. Combat wasn't his strong suit, it seemed.


AUTO merely stared at Lilith as she examined him, not saying a word.

"The hell'd you see that was so bad?" Micah asked in a... sort of spiteful tone as Gretar appeared to enter a depressed state on the ground floor.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 P PopcornPie Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Those of you who decided to head down the elevator would have reached the first floor within a matter of seconds. With the obvious exception of Benrey, who merely clipped through the floor to arrive before everyone else. Regardless, Jason eventually stepped in front of the group as a whole, leading you all behind him. "Come on," He said, gesturing for you all to follow. "The deck's probably not too far from here."

And Jason was right. After a few minutes of walking around the glorified cruise ship, you all eventually found the deck that the voice had been referring to.


It was pretty spacious - which made sense, considering the fact that this looked like an area of the ship that spaceships were meant to land in. There was a giant glass window that took up the majority of the room placed beside you all. From there, you all got a pretty good view at the vast, endless cosmos which surrounded you. You didn't have too long to look, however, as you were soon met by the source of the voice from earlier.


"How you doin'?" The tiny... talking raccoon(?) asked from the side as he leaned up against a nearby box. He offered you all a small wave and a nod.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck P PopcornPie Ellya Ellya CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Ciscodog Ciscodog Laix_Lake Laix_Lake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • 1597460604725.png
    Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Rocket)

    The moment she sees the raccoon, Venice can't believe her eyes. She freezes up on the spot! Out of all the people here, this guy that came to greet them actually looks... a little familiar!

    "U-uh..." Venice blinks. "H-hi! Are you... from Vanalia?" She stops, a curious look replacing her surprise. "...Actually... you look different from us... you look a lot more..."





    Whatever Spooky just said, it probably wasn't a compliment. Venice quickly turns to Rocket again and looks at him apologetically, just like she did with Lucky. "Sorry. Um... so... oh! Right!" The young wind dragon puts on an expression of authority. "How about you tell us who you are and what you're doing here?" she asks sternly but politely. Well, politely as one can be when asking something like that.

    Haws makes sure to keep his AK within Rocket's sight. It's kept in a low position right now, sure, but it's best this raccoon knows they came prepared as well.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"I'm trying! Y'all people act like I can just materialize close out of nothing! Newsflash! I CAN'T! So get off my tucked tuchus please! I'm working on it!" Captain Falcon enters a room and sees a suit that looks identical to his spandex suit "Oh thank the space gods in the cosmos! I have been blessed with clothes! Kinda!" Falcon takes the large BnL suit and puts it on and begins checking himself out "Oh yea! That's the tightness I'm looking for! Hugs an accents my muscles just fine!" Falcon flexes his biceps before looking down to his bare feet "Now I just need to shoes..." Falcon wiggles his toes
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Ellya Ellya
God, was Lealan still thinking of that incident on the plane?! "I WAS ACTING OUT OF PARANOIA!" Lucky shouted, flapping his arms. "WHAT IF I TURNED OUT TO BE RIGHT, HUH?! WHAT IF TOFFEE DID WANT TO PULL YOUR LIMBS OUTTA THEIR SOCKETS, HUH?!"

"Sometimes, I like to give Lucky nightmares of me doing just that. With these biiig, rusty slinkies."

"Heheheh, NICE!"

"And, yeah, I'm hallucinating!" He confessed, screaming and rubbing his eyes as Jason spontaneously turned undead and took a big bite from Lealan's shoulder. "How the fuck are you not?! He hit you with two doses, too!" Ah, Hell, she probably soft reset herself or something.

That brought him too the Umbra-looking guy, who assured that he'd be able to pull Lucky out of it the next time he found himself stuck in the demonic hellscape. "Better off puttin' me down, to be honest." He muttered. "Once Scarecrow's got ya, ya can't ever get out. To think the damn bastard just had to get me twice." He rubbed the spot where the needle had gone through, which had become all red and rashy from going untreated. That man couldn't even inject properly to save his life.

"The blocky lad is right, too. It is a little fucking weird that they can just make a big map of this shithole!" He muttered at Haws. "That means anything they want from us, they can find in, like, five minutes! I'm not lettin' these hackles down for a second."

As soon as the door was opened, Lucky stormed forward with his fur high and bristling, only to immediately come across a brother of sorts. "Heh, another forest-dweller...A trash panda, no less..." Just great, raccoons were persistent little fuckers. And this raccoon knew it, he was leaning there, all smug and confident. "...So what's the hubbub, bub? If it's offensive type stuff, I'm afraid you've gone to the worst place possible. We're literally the only physically capable ones on a cruise full of jabberin' blobs of lard."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Oh, wait, you do want me?" Megumin asked slowly, trying to quickly turn around for the elevator. "Then wait for-" Unfortunately, the elevator doors closed before she could board again. "Drat. Hopefully, if push comes to shove, I can cast Explosion from here."

As she laid her head back down, she heard Micah asking Gretar about the nightmares Scarecrow had literally pumped into him. Between Gretar's shell-shocked behavior, and Lucky's recent panic attacks, she could only male one conclusion: "Whatever it was, it goes beyond a regular nightmare. It was the kind of toxin that stays with you, even long after your immune system has defeated it." She tilted her head slightly. "Maybe we should have stolen some. Rick would probably have liked to study it...Nah, he's more of a geeky motherboard scientist. Samus might have some experience with such things, though."

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Shanoa & Jared Williams

Shanoa and Jared looks down at Rocket. "To be honest, I've expected someone taller." Shanoa said to her dismay. On the other hand, Jared didn't mind. "Eh, I've seen talking animals like him." He said.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Bayonetta and Willow

Bayonetta's Status: wHAT THE FUCK
Willow's Status: ha ha not-fire go glow
Health: 123/150
Hunger: 105/150
Sanity: 120/120

Bayonetta's Interactions: marc122 marc122 (do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created)
Willow's Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM), Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage), GearBlade654 GearBlade654 (Force Commander)

Willow looked noticeably disappointed when Sage said he liked flying more than fire. Who wouldn't like fire? It was bright, warm, destructive, all-consuming, made interesting sounds, and was fun to watch! Unlike sand, which was coarse, rough, irritating, and got everywhere. Willow was so disappointed at this lack of mutual interest in watching stuff burn, that she didn't mind his quick exit from her presence. Never meet your heroes, apparently.

Willow was soon summoned alongside everyone else to come to the captain's office, which she obliged to do so. She didn't exactly have anything else to do, now that her dreams of speaking with a fellow fire enthusiast had been crushed. As she walked over to the office, she found herself staring at just about everything on the ship. Willow had seen light not from a fire before, but not in this amount of quantity. Not in this variety of colors. How did they do it? Why have this much? Not that she was judging, it was all very pretty. She was so lost in thought pondering all of this that she nearly ran into the doorframe, awkwardly snapping back to reality just in time to not end up mindlessly walking into it. She awkwardly squished in with everyone else, trying not to get trampled by some of the bigger people in the group. A task that was surprisingly just as easily said and done. Willow settled down and prepared to listen, but immediately found herself staring at the steering wheel with the light built into it. Why did the steering wheel have a not-fire of all things? Curious, Willow shuffled her way forward, being sure to avoid Sage the dreamsquasher. On her way to the front of the group, she bumped into someone else and gave a sheepish smile to the tall individual she'd bumped into, giving a small wave and mouthing 'sorry' before trying to continue walking to the front. She shuddered as soon as she was outside of his line of sight, he'd definitely reminded her of a few too many foes from The Constant.

Meanwhile in another universe...

As Bayonetta landed in the next universe, she found herself in a much more tame scene than the previous two. Not in the path of any apex predators, or standing on any public safety hazards. Just a calm, white void. It didn't seem like there was any kind of ending or limits to it, just plain pale white as far as the eye can see. Bayonetta was mildly relieved, the past few universes in this journey across the multiverse had been chaotic. Seeing nothing around her of note, the umbra witch reached over to her watch to see about a jump out of there.

But then they arrived.

Four beings, all of different sizes and shapes. But one thing was constant about them. They all had the same cold-hearted face somewhere on their person.


Bayonetta nearly flinched at their sudden appearance, the four of them standing in a circle around her. But typical for her, she didn't appear phased by them whatsoever. "Are you all related by any chance?" Bayonetta teased, staring into the creepy, unblinking eyes of the one that resembled a cat. None of them responded, but in the distance, faint music could be heard slowly increasing in volume.

The music progressed, slowly increasing in volume until it was at a moderate volume. Then the one that resembled a cop looked her dead in the eye and said with a voice that gave zero fucks, "Time for your judgment. There is nobody who can save you now."

The four figures then proceeded to dance aggressively to the music to the best of their abilities. Their dancing chaotic and synchronized, they had surprisingly calm faces despite the sudden movements they performed.

All of their eyes followed Bayonetta's, uncomfortably watching no matter which direction she turned. What was she supposed to do here? Attack? Run? Could she even hurt these things? What exactly was there in this realm besides this dancing circle of creatures? What did that cop-looking one mean by "judgment"? She had far too many questions, and a deep feeling of dread crept through her as she realized there'd likely be no answers. This was a realm of eerie chaos unlike any she'd seen, and that was debatably worse than any speeding rollercoaster or ferocious sea-beast.

(this is gonna make like zero sense to anyone except me and marc, and i welcome that)

(edit: okay so for the sake of decency, i did make all the edits in the post above, but the art used in it is by Madlibbs!!! go check out her instagram and her youtube channel she's fantastic <3)​
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"I'm a FUCKING CYBORG, IF YOU FORGOT! All I had to do is fuck up my brain so I COULDN'T be affected by it! Then I chugged enough Stim Packs and Nutrients to repair the damage." Lealan hisses at the rabbit, breathing deeply, as if ready to start a rant, but then huffs angrily. "It doesn't even matter, no matter what I say, you'll ignore it soon enough. Let's just focus on our guest." She turns back to Rocket.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Lucky's ears drooped. "Right, I figured you did something to your system. God, I wish I could do that." He sighed enviously. "I don't know if it's because me bloodstream is smaller or what, but the toxin keeps coming back to haunt me." He padded forward, sticking his nose into the crate Rocket leaned on. He knew those growls; Part of it was annoyance, but part of it was starvation. Who could blame her? They hadn't eaten in, what, three days? And if there was anything he learned the hard way, it was that Florans needed tons of food. Maybe he could at least find her some granola bars or something.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Agent 3

"Yeah, yeah, Q&A's over," Jason would speak to Lilith and The Captain simultaneously, as he began to make his way to the elevator. "Look, some of us are gonna need to establish contact with whoever's out there..." He took a gaze around the room. "And by some of us, I mean the ones who are capable of being civil and not blowing everything up..." He then looked at a select few people when he said this, before looking at the rest of the group. "The rest of you, stay up here with The Captain and make sure shit doesn't go haywire from here."

With that, Jason entered the elevator and began making his way to the deck.
Agent 3 decided to stay behind and not go with - not because she couldn't possibly do the task of being civil, she believes that they'll probably need more people left behind to keep everyone 'else' under control. So, ergo, she stands still and does nothing while others head out, and then when they left, she lowered herself to her knees and eventually sat herself down, watching all in the room.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Calm​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Contact with the other ship...?/Watching over those who stayed behind​
RP Information
Location: 'The Axiom', space
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @StayingBehindTeam​
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Well, he had a point on not knowing that whenever was out there was a threat or not. Still, evacuating the passengers should be the top priority if they were threats. “
...sorry, I’m just paranoid. Especially without my friends.” He then approaches the egg, which was called EVE and said that she had a gun before activating her. Her hand flew up immediately to her weapon when EVE activated and started pointing a gun at her, but things calmed down once she was told that they weren’t threats and as EVE lowered her gun, Blake lowered her hand.

Jason had walked over to the girl and gave her a gun and before she could ask him if it was a good idea, she looked at the girl and saw that she seemed to know her way around a gun. That young and she already knew how to use one? Then again, those wanting to be Hunters and Huntresses would already be in combat schools around her age, using weapons, so it wasn’t that odd.

As Lealan was talking to whoever was on the other ship, the voice told them to come to the deck and said that they were just as confused as they all were. It was believable enough, but that was just the paranoia talking. People began to head out to the deck taking the elevator and Blake chose to follow.

During the ride and the walk over to the deck, Blake looked at the girl that currently had one of Jason’s guns. “
You haven’t told us your name. I’m Blake.” She seemed like she could hold her own in a firefight, which was good considering that more ranged fighters is always a good thing. Eventually, they got to the deck and were then soon met with the voice from the communicator. And it was... a talking raccoon.

Honestly, she expected a normal looking man, but it didn’t matter right now. “
We’re doing fine. What’s your name and how exactly did your ship end up here?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya , @ deck gang

As the conversation continued and she waited for Kassandra’s reply, she just kept an eye on Space Kid. After they had gotten communications with the person on the other ship over and done with, those that were civil started heading to the deck. This included the young girl that was given one of Jason’s guns and from the way she handled it, this didn’t seem like her first time knowing her way around it.

How she knew her way around one, she didn’t know, but at least they didn’t have to protect her and keep her out of fights. Ciri would’ve gone, but once she looked back at Space Kid, she saw that he was now asleep and still attached to her leg. Not wanting to put him in any danger, she chose to stay with the captain and those that chose to stay as well.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya , @ captain gang
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @BigDeckBois

Arriving at the deck, Hiryu would've seen no one but a small racoon person leaning against a box. His voice sounding like the one who answered their transciever.

"Yo." Hiryu greeted, "You own the Axiom?" He asked, straight to the point.

"How you doin'?" The tiny... talking raccoon(?) asked from the side as he leaned up against a nearby box. He offered you all a small wave and a nod.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck P PopcornPie Ellya Ellya CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Ciscodog Ciscodog Laix_Lake Laix_Lake DerpyCarp DerpyCarp


Ellie's eyes widened. She wasn't a huge fan of raccoons. Anything that has rabies and eats trash is pretty gross. But then it spoke. A grin crept across her lips and she immediately mumbled out, almost forgetting about everything else for a second. This was just like seeing giraffes for the first time, except cuter. "Whaaaat the fuck, it talks?" She smiled widely now and immediately walked up to the creature. "That's like, straight out of a comic book! I'm gonna pet the shit outta you, little guy!" With a gentle jog, she moved over to the beast and stood beside him, running her hand over his neck a few times and scratching behind his ear. "Who's a good little dude, huh? You are, that's right..."

@Deck Crew
Chronology (1).jpg

Location: The Axion
Expression: Trying to Be Friendly at The Talking Raccoon
Interaction: Deck Crew

As Jett was following everyone that is heading to the deck, she saw a talking raccoon as the new girl says that she wants to pet the raccoon right before she says to the raccoon "What I mean, is that I think that you're actually a really smart yet badass talking raccoon just like you. Well, at last something has to do." She giggled a bit at the new girl while trying to help out something going on in The Axion, so she decides to have some duty to do now.


Righteous himself & Mr. Latt end up on a cold ship which seem way too futuristic, but even though he's in an armored suit, Latt is from New York, so the chill in his bones wouldn't really faze him. Later on, everyone else was heading to the elevator and both men decided to go along with them. But before they do, they hide to the side to change up their form to look like another civilian again.

Now they're back to being Dennis & Kanon, for now.....and they start walking towards the elevator.

"Alright, let's get moving..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Once Akari had followed Jason to the deck, he marveled at the sheer size of it. "Wow, it really is just like that one game I love playing..."

Then, upon turning his head to identify the source of the voice that he had heard over Lealan's radio, he saw a talking raccoon. He was about to say something, but Shanoa had already taken the words out of his mouth.

Ellie had gone over to scratch the raccoon behind his ears, and Akari was actually sort of glad that someone was going to go up and pet the little guy in his stead. Granted, the raccoon didn't seem rabid, but one could never be too certain.

In any case, Akari waved back to Rocket. "Well, aside from a whole slew of multiverse shenanigans, I'm fine." He replied.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Unspoken Mention)
Zamasu Zamasu (Unspoken Mention)
Ellya Ellya (Unspoken Mention)
(Open for Interactions)

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