"Thanks," Star-Lord replied as he quickly took the handkerchief and wiped off his lips, nodding as Mamaki asked what he wanted to do. "Right, yeah... evil time wizard stuff..." He said, though he wasn't really looking at him as he instead focused on wiping off his now more than likely tainted mouth.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Deckpeople Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

Hiryu watched as more people suddenly appeared on deck. They may be crewmates of Rocket as they seem to know the raccoon thing. He couldn't really do much about those guys, but as far as appearances go, they seem harmless...Except for that buff pink guy who's just standing there, menacingly.

"Time Wizard?" Hiryu stood beside Mimako who was speaking to the apparent Star Lord, Quill, mentioning some sort important detail about a Time Wizard that's evil. "What, were you guys attacked?" He asked Quill, curious.
"Kinda, when we first got here. There was some bald guy who said he was with some kinda time police, I think..." Quill replied to Hiryu as he approached. "We had to run from him and ended up docking here for cover. Rocket just neglected to mention that, because he doesn't want people knowing that we're possible fugitives." Quill would say as he thumbed over to the ship behind them, which Rocket had slinked off to. "I'm guessing that this... Ganondorf wizard dude is with them, right?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Shanoa & Jared Williams

Shanoa did not flinch when Rocket aimed his gun at her. Sure enough, he did not pull the trigger, just a warning. By then, three other people appear, one being a leader, the other a small treant, and the last one is Batista- I mean, a muscular bald guy. "What a crew you got there, Quill." Jared compliments. They then listen to how they got in the Axiom and Shanoa asked "Do you suppose that they might have followed you here?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Location: Captain’s room
Bender replies by confirming that there was indeed a problem, he was running out of beer and there doesn’t seem to be any around as far as he knew, but that was the least of Lilith’s worries because right when he started talking about using something called a “suicide booth” her eyes widened a bit and she started to get even more nervous. Due to her past life it was a pretty harsh topic to deal with for her so she kindly but worryingly asked him. “I-I’m sorry a what?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bender)
Killua heard the story, but was confused as hell. He just simply watched and listened. He didn't want to make the wrong move by doing anything that was out of the ordinary. So he simply stood still and heard what everyone was saying and because he let his guard down, he continued to build his electrical powered Nen. He just closed his eyes and stood there.
Hey wait a minute, this is just the role player being lazy again isn't it?!

@ Deck group​
"Yeah, thanks," Quill casually remarked to Jared, before addressing Shanoa's concern. "I sure as hell hope not," He said, shaking his head. "We used up half of our jumps just to get away from them..."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

"Ya know, suicide booths?" Bender asked nonchalantly as he poured more of the alcohol down his throat. "They're booths you put a quarter in and they kill ya." He explained, clearly either not caring enough to read the room or just genuinely not reading it at all.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Hmm...if that were the case, then we might have to prepare if necessary. Do you have other people with you? Or is it just you four?" Shanoa asked.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"I don't know for sure, but I guess we need to look out for the guy." Hiryu deduced, rubbing his chin. "We just have to watch our backs for the bald man and, if given the chance, ask if he's with Ganon directly." He simply says, putting his hands in his jacket's pockets.
"Yeah, thanks," Quill casually remarked to Jared, before addressing Shanoa's concern. "I sure as hell hope not," He said, shaking his head. "We used up half of our jumps just to get away from them..."

Kanye West doesn't like being ignored. He walks up to right between Quill and the rest who are talking to him, drops down to his knees and raises his arms up in the air, waving them slowly from side to side as he looks up at the sky with closed eyes.

"Amaaaaaziiiiiing Yeeeeee... How sweeeeet the sooooound... That saaaaaved a wreeeeetch liike meeeee..." He sang loudly. Not just loudly, but loudly. At the top of his lungs. And his voice carried. "Come on y'all, I know you know the words! I oooonce was loooooost but nooooow I'm found, was bliiiiind but nooooow I seeeeeeee!"

He hopped up onto his feet and suddenly brought a golden microphone with rubies on it up to his mouth, hunching down slightly and improvising the rest of the song. as he left the middle of the group and just began to circle them, rapping energetically.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah, my grace is amazing!
Because I'm on that Ye thing!
Y'all can follow what Ye sings?
I know y'all lovin' what Ye brings!

Savin' wretches like me all professionally
like I'm probably higher than most people I see

and the quality of these dope lyrics I deem to be definitely better than these mumbles we see on tv!"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
"How about we ask what this bald man actually looked like? Can you give us any descriptions, Mr. Quill? Anything would be really helpful." Mimaki asked simply to the self-proclaimed Star Lord, staying quiet and making sure to hear to his words.

...And then, Kanye started singing. Mimaki sighed. Finally, the man had enough. Using his shapeshifting ability, Mimaki's right arm became long, almost the size of a small car, although with white fur and long claws! It moved quickly and grabbed Kanye, before, with great speed and strength, he threw him off of the ship!


"Like I said," Mimaki huffed. "What did they look like?"​
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Location: Caption's Room

Lilith get's a little more bothered by how Bender described the suicide booth as he sits in his chair, not really paying attention to how she reacted to his description. Not helping that fact that Caption Falcon quipped a small joke out, witch only put her yet more off ease. She felt like leaving the room as soon as possible but she just softly sighs and tries to make them change the topic. "Can...you guys not talk about something like that, I'm really sensitive to the topic."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Blender)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Caption Falcon)
A few moments later of sitting down..... Micah.... in a spiteful like tone.... spoke about his state, to which Gretar said “Well..... it was one of the worst things to experience for me... maybe others, but I’m sure you wouldn’t understand the pain I went through.... considering your personality currently which show no understanding of ones feelings, the pain that I gone through, one that would have almost caused me to kill my friends if I didn’t snap out of it. But I will say it anyway..... back when that fear gas fellow or whatever his name was, used some sort of strange liquid form of that gas.... and it showed terrifying visions of amalgamations, both abomination and our own allies, ripping each other apart with no remorse as the world burns down behind them.” as the Jormugandr cultist sighs, waiting a bit.

He then continued, saying
“The thing that almost caused me to break down was instead of my own allies killing each other, they were slaying those who I knew back at home, friends and family, old and young..... they showed no mercy. I almost killed people over a vision, a illusion..... but I managed to pull through and stop myself from hurting the real version of my true allies and friends. I just need some rest, that’s all.” as he finished, not moving one bit from his spot on the floor. He didn’t even notice he robot entering the room, he just whistled to himself, a small and familiar tune of one of the few things he remembers in his young life.... a version of the lullaby tune his Mother used to put him to sleep in his early childhood.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ To whomst it may concern

After clipping through the ground, Benrey waited for the others to arrive, and from there, he went with them to meet the strangers, and things got a bit weird after reaching the dock station. First things first is the least, which was a anthropomorphic Raccoon who was the voice they heard, then it was some more interactions between the group and the newcomers, which was..... interesting to say the least.... next it was the so called captain leaving the ship and then it was the newest member, Kanye West...... committing the gay on them, which then spiraled down into chaos. And then, the man was launched right off the ship, while Benrey just watched the entire time, saying nothing, but he also had a camera for no reason and was using it to take pictures to everything that was happening
but after that was finished, Benrey waited a bit, putting away his camera, and said “Yeah..... I think some of us know who that bald guy might be if we have more information like appearances and such..... but there is something about time police that we can use. Still, I don’t know much....” as he looked around for a bit.... not really sure what to do other than be chaotic chill for now.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

As Hiryu attempted to listen carefully to the discussion at hand when some black guy who was apparently with them the entire time started singing. However, as he was singing, Malaka decided to yeet the rapper off of the ship!

"Thanks, I hated it." Hiryu sighed, watching the rapper get thrown overboard.

...And then, Kanye started singing. Mimaki sighed. Finally, the man had enough. Using his shapeshifting ability, Mimaki's right arm became long, almost the size of a small car, although with white fur and long claws! It moved quickly and grabbed Kanye, before, with great speed and strength, he threw him off of the ship!

Kanye flew off at an incredible speed, not even attempting to resist. "I'M COMIN', LOOOOOOOOOOoooooooord..." As the rapper quickly became just a tiny dot in the sky, he disappeared from view with a large twinkle where he used to be, never to be seen again(?)


Ellie noticed this and gave a smile. "Nice..."
"Uhhh... well, there's Gamora and Mantis, who are still on The Benatar..." Quill replied as he thumbed in his ship's direction. "Drax and Rocket are there, too. And then the little tree guy right here is Groot." Star-Lord would then gesture down towards Groot, who waved at all of you cutely. The sight made Quill smile a little, though that smile disappeared once he looked back up at Hiryu. "Sorry, but... who the hell is Ganon, again?" He asked in a completely confused tone, though before he could get an answer, Kanye interjected and began to sing... and then rap. Quill and Jason watched the sight with annoyed, confused looks. Really, if Jason's helmet was off, then they would certainly be mimicking each other right about now.


Groot, on the other hand, had a completely different outlook on things, as he happily danced along with Kanye's sick bars and beats. So, of course, it was to the sapling's complete and utter dismay when Mimaki picked the rapper up and yeeted him off into space. Luckily, the hole Mimaki had made quickly patched itself up before everyone else was sucked out into the cold, dark, empty vacuum and died instantly. Quill was about to thank Mimaki, but before he could do so, he was interrupted by none other than Groot himself.



With the fury of one thousand suns flowing through his woods and bark, Groot full-out sprinted over to the cursed creature who had destroyed his one and only source of entertainment. And, like a mother bear protecting its young, Groot wasted no time in throwing up his tree arms, and angrily throwing them forward, pounding away at Mimaki's foot. He had denied Groot his right to dance, and because of his insolence, he will perish underneath his righteous fury.

While this was happening, Quill merely looked over to Benrey, completely ignoring Groot's behavior - as if it was just a common occurrence. "Well.. uh..." His voiced trailed off as he tried to remember the details. "He was short... fat... bald... wore goggles... and a grey tracksuit..." He explained. "Does that ring any bells?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64

"Oh, I bet you're fun at parties," Bender said to Lilith in a mocking tone, before chunking the half-drank bottle at her head... only to watch it go right through her and hit Captain Falcon in the face instead. "Damn it! Stupid incorporeal beings!" Bender exclaimed, before reaching into his chest cavity again and producing another bottle, which he promptly began to chug like it was no one's business.

Micah, meanwhile, had been so drawn in and downright perplexed by the robot's actions that he hadn't even heard Gretar's tale of woe. So, when he was finished, Micah merely blinked a little and slowly turned back to face him. "Sorry... erm... what were you sayin'?" He asked.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

"Oh great, you've angered the twig." Hiryu watched as the tiny tree man pounded away as Mamiki's feet, soon glancing back at Quill who described the man as fat and with goggles. Fucking. Blandin. Blake met this guy before, didn't she? "Oh, that guy. Yeah, he's not with Ganon. At least, I don't remember he is." Hiryu says, "Though it's a bit strange that the guy's after you. Then again, he did the same with us and we got off scott free."
loveydovey day sky.png
Lealan lets out a gasp of joy! "PRECIOUS BABY!!" First he does an adorable little dance, then he rushes forward with the burning fire of a warrior! She is quick to Blink over to Groot and pick him up mid-sprint, twirling him around before snuggling him into her bosom, heedless of any damage such an act might bring to herself from his thrashing. "And who might YOU be little sapling? <3<3<3"
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • veniceconcerned.png
    Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Drax)

    "Uhh... hello, mister?" Venice steps into the ship with a tilt of her head towards the shirtless man. "Are you part of Rocket's crew?"



    "No, Spooky, you can't have his chips." She looks at Drax. "Can he?"

  • 1597541896362.png

    Aloy took the time to look out the window to truly appreciate where she was while the ship was moving, looking out into space as comets, planets, and stars came and passed by within seconds. Nothing was quite like seeing sights she’d never seen before. But she stopped, within a few seconds meeting a survivor from the Tesseract Incident. The robot Praesodian. To be honest, she wasn’t sure what to think, but any robots here had to be alright with her since they were on the same side. She had hoped they weren’t controlled by anything or even Hades or another AI. She sighed.

    But her trip was relatively quiet when the doors opened to a room with people who loved to eat with weird machines on their faces. Was this just like her Focus which she found in the old metal world?

    She didn’t bother with it when the Captain announced for everyone to come up to the Bridge. So she gathered, with a few more new people.

    “I’m he- She managed to spit out a few words before her mouth dropped seeing Kendall with the captain on board, even with the apparent ship’s AI system?

    Her focus and Sylvens would have a field day with this ship, with all the AIs and all the technology floating around here.

    She blinked and almost on instinct wanted to point an arrow at Kendall before he told everyone he was a double agent and he wanted to help. She frowned, Kendall might have been right, but he had attacked her friends during Blood Gulch.

    It was then the group split up again. Aloy vowed to stay with Ciri to take care of the little one right now.

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

    @FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred


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Location: Caption's Room
Bender just kind of looked at Lilith funny before mocking her and throw the half empty bottle at her, thankfully it only went through her and hit Caption Falcon instead but that kind of hurt her deeply a bit so she looks away a bit before deciding to leave. "Um yeah...I guess I should be going if that's okay, I just need to...take some time to myself." So with that she took the elevator down to the below floor and sit by herself.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bender)

  • "Yeah, well everyone thinks they're a hero these days, don't they?" Bender would ask, before taking another hit of his cigar, and then blowing the smoke out in Megumin's general direction. "You all still just look like a bunch'a losers to me, though..." He then let Megumin drone on further, at which point he merely rolled his eyes, before extending his arm out into Megumin's face and merely pushing her away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say..." Bender would say with complete and utter disinterest as he merely continued making his way forward. He plopped himself down in a seat next to Kyou and Sage, deciding to immediately make himself at home.
    "How DARE you!" Completely disregarding her exhaustion, Megumin stood up and arched her back at Bender. "For your information, we have liberated THREE universes from wretched villains! Tell me, does your beer give you the ability to channel the highly potent Twilight into your Explosion in order to defeat the notorious Dream Demon, Bill Cipher? I didn't think so!" Heh, owned. The good feelings didn't last, though, because Gretar described exactly what Scarecrow had done to him.

    A few moments later of sitting down..... Micah.... in a spiteful like tone.... spoke about his state, to which Gretar said “Well..... it was one of the womost st things to experience for me... maybe others, but I’m sure you wouldn’t understand the pain I went through.... considering your personality currently which show no understanding of ones feelings, the pain that I gone through, one that would have almost caused me to kill my friends if I didn’t snap out of it. But I will say it anyway..... back when that fear gas fellow or whatever his name was, used some sort of strange liquid form of that gas.... and it showed terrifying visions of amalgamations, both abomination and our own allies, ripping each other apart with no remorse as the world burns down behind them.” as the Jormugandr cultist sighs, waiting a bit.

    He then continued, saying
    “The thing that almost caused me to break down was instead of my own allies killing each other, they were slaying those who I knew back at home, friends and family, old and young..... they showed no mercy. I almost killed people over a vision, a illusion..... but I managed to pull through and stop myself from hurting the real version of my true allies and friends. I just need some rest, that’s all.” as he finished, not moving one bit from his spot on the floor. He didn’t even notice he robot entering the room, he just whistled to himself, a small and familiar tune of one of the few things he remembers in his young life.... a version of the lullaby tune his Mother used to put him to sleep in his early childhood.
    "...That must be what Lucky is continuing to hallucinate." Megumin's brow furrowed, and the desire to stab Scarecrow a second time accelerated her heartbeat. "Have you seen him? All of a sudden, he was acting like the world was collapsing all around him. He was screaming about how he wasn't weak, and apparently Lana was being eviscerated right before his eyes. Honestly, I've never seen him look so pained and afraid before. Gretar, are you continuing to have the same hallucinations yourself?" She didn't expect anything but a "no", though; Unlike Gretar, Lucky did not handle defeat well. No doubt being so badly humiliated would have done the most damage to him by a longshot. "I'm sorry Scarecrow mopped the floor with you guys. I should've just blown him up before he could do anything." It was bad enough that Scarecrow had so harshly defeated half her party, Lucky was evidence that such a beating could very well have left scars. As such, she scooted over to Gretar and laid down, ready to bop him on the head should Scarecrow's toxin come back to haunt him in his sleep.
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Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari backed up a bit when the not-raccoon pulled out some kind of four-barrelled plasma gun. /Note to self... he also has a gun. That makes two people here I don't want to piss off.../ Akari thought to himself.

The not-raccoon, who called himself "Rocket", explained that he too was suddenly teleported to this region of space.

Then, Rocket nearly chomped Ellie's fingers off, which Akari was honestly rather expecting considering how much anger Rocket seemed to have in that little body of his. Thankfully, someone named "Peter Quill" had stepped in to help defuse the fighting that was going on. "Akari Kishiri, though I also go by 'Paladin'. It's a codename I used some time ago." Akari introduced himself to Rocket and Quill.

When Kanye proceeded to kiss Quill, Akari about-faced and crouched down, burying his face in his hands as he positively cringed. "Of all the stupid things... of all the stupid things...!" Akari growled with his face still in his hands. At this point, he was feeling genuinely bad for the U.S. in whatever universe Kanye came from. Then, on top of the already cringe-inducing kiss the rapper had planted on Quill's face, he then started to sing... only to be seemingly chucked out of existence by Mimaki. "You know, thank you, Mimaki. Thank you so damned much." He said to the kitsune, clapping his hands together and bowing forward.

At the same time, though, the little tree-person who was also on board the ship that Rocket came on was not too happy about Kanye being disposed of. "
Don't worry, little treant. I've heard plenty of catchy songs over at Chrome Star, and they're not... actually, was that loser even singing to begin with? I couldn't hear his voice under the multiple layers of autotune he was using."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
(Open for Interactions)
The Force Commander
Status: OK
Status: OK
Actions: Studying the Scene
Actions: Silently Observing
When the incoming object was revealed and Rocket revealed himself, the Force Commander, after these few minutes of internal torture...
...actually wasn't that pissed. He wasn't too happy as quite a few of these people fell under the category of "mutants/xenos", but at the same time they weren't some Warp born beast sent to tear them all to shreds. The big Astartes merely gave a small "hmph" on Willow bumping into him. All in all, they may not be more welcome Astartes reinforcements, but still.
The Force Commander observed the miniature tree with a miniscule trace of amusement. However, past that, the Force Commander folded his arms and chose to observe everything.
This day was becoming interesting. Very interesting. As it stood, the Force Commander knew none of these xenos, and whether they had a knife to their back or not, well... that remained to be seen. For now, though, they were not targets of the Force Commander's wrath. However, now he had no idea what to do next. Perhaps he could talk with someone...?
Praetorian was also observing the Axiom's new visitors.
Not a threat.
Not a threat.
Very much not a threat.
Praetorian chose to simply continue its silent observations. No one was a threat. The machine honestly didn't know what else it could do. Perhaps it could converse with the captain more...?
(Both FC and Praetorian are open for interaction.)​

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