F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"AH! Hey, man! Chiiilll! Geez! I'm in a good mood right now! Let me enjoy myself a little while longer longer, will ya? I just found some clothes!" Captain Falcon rubs his nose
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
After telling about the recent events in the past hour.... Micah wasn’t paying much attention and questioned once again, to which Gretar just gave him a ‘look’ and said in the most shortened way possible.... “Long story short..... since I don’t want to explain again.... man named Crane or whatever it was used liquid version of a fear gas that makes anyone see their fears.... the ones injected with the liquid one believing the world was ending with their allies, now monstrous creatures, clawing and eating each other apart. After that, with some more of that weird liquid, instead of each other, it was the people we hold important in our lives like our best friends and family.... there, is that enough information needed for you....” as he stopped, finally catching a breath, even after the ‘shortened’ explanation it had..... it being a combination of “I’m getting too old for this.....” and “My lungs need more air after explaining again....” as he still sat down, preparing to whistle his tune once more.

Except, Megumin began speaking about the fear toxin, how it affected Lucky, and if it was still affecting the hardened Jormugandr himself after all this time, to which he gave a hearty chuckle and said
“Nope..... my will is of that similar to a Legion or armored warriors.... takes more than that to keep the elite Jormugandr cultist down for long periods of time...... but I’m pretty sure that a few pieces of my sanity disappeared for a bit...... and it felt like my noggin was running on.... what do you science freaks call it again...?” as he began to think mid sentence, before remembering and saying “Ah, it was brain cells. Yeah, and the fact that I was running on pretty much ten brain cells back there.... but I’m fine for the moment, just need to get my daily nap is the most part.....” while looking around the room, before making a sigh as he went back to what he was doing earlier, which was humming his Mother’s lullaby to calm himself down. He wasn’t going to fully rest, especially since they are still in possibly hostile territory, but didn’t mind the extra company with Megumin laying on the floor next to him, as he closed his eyes and continued to hum his tune, which was sorta put things in a soothing and peaceful aura from it.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

After hearing the description from Quill, and ignoring the dangerous and powerful root monster known as Groot, Benrey just shrugged and said “Don’t know who that is..... but I’m pretty sure someone else knows em...” as he looked in Hiryu’s direction. Benrey really didn’t do much now, especially with the variety of people to interact with now.... since he was waiting from a response by Quill..... but while chilling, he took out his ToolGun and began setting up his gaming equipment, a couch, T.V., PlayStation 3, and a table with some snacks on it, soda cups filled with Mountain Dew and some dorito bags to be exact, as he began to continue from the last save point in ‘Heavenly Sword’, which was before a boss fight, as he began to game away with the gaming set up. Anyone could go and join him by either chilling on the couch or play as second player with him, but Benrey just tried his best to beat this mid-game Boss right now.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Who wants to chill lads
Kendall explains to Rex that they’re on Axiom, an intergalactic space cruise. “A space cruise huh? No wonder everyone here’s lazy and overweight.A He mumbles that last part under his breath. “So there’s nothing bad going on here? Do you even know about Ganondorf right now?” Rex did not get an answer cause soon, the room would go dark briefly only for them to come back along with a talking steering wheel and another overweight person who looked like everyone else besides his choice of clothes. Apparently from the wheel, this must of been the captain. Kendall opens the elevator up to the captain’s office with the captain himself, wanting them to state their business. Sora and Rex whisper to each other about their position. “I think we tell him the truth.”

“Yeah. The entire multiverse is at stake, maybe he’ll understand since we’re the ones trying to save it. And I’m sure someone will tell him eventually.”

With that in mind. Sora and Rex start explaining things. That is until a few others cut them off from telling the captain themselves. And it just kept getting weirder as multiple people come from out of nowhere. One of them being a kid, a hobo, and a rapper (who’s unfortunately not an entertaining rat this time, but beggars can’t be choosers.) “Okay..” Said Sora confused to what’s happening around him. Fortunately, Red Hood mentions how it’s due to Ganondorf’s corruption. On the other hand, it means thing are getting worst. “If more and more people are getting dragged into this mess, we gotta stop Ganondorf.”

“By all means!” Right on cue, this “EVE unit” from looks of it, is back on time with Gir and this rusty cube shaped robot who’s name was Wall-E. Midna also decides to return at this time which gets a simple eye roll of annoyance from Rex. Then the captain starts to get a little worried when a red dot appeared on the chart, saying it’s not good.

“What do you mean, that’s not good? Why is that not good?” Sirens begin to ring around them, emphasizing the danger that’s about to begin. EVE, the robot who was with Wall-E and Gir, brought out a gun at aimed it at the MPF, thinking they’re enemies. “Hey, wait a minute. We just got here.” Sora spoke with his hands in the air. Eventually she puts the gun away thanks to the captain’s orders. “Whew. Thanks, captain.”

Red Hood then exclaims they have to go down to the destination where the red dot is located, half stay with the captain and the others go to see who’s outside that they’ve been communicating for awhile on Lealan’s radio. “I guess we’re going down then.” Sora turns to the Captain. “Don’t worry, guys. We’ll be back soon.” With that, Sora made his way to the deck with Jason and others who accompanied him. They make their way to the deck only to find a.. talking raccoon? “A raccoon?” He introduces himself as Rocket and is letting everyone know he hates to be called a raccoon. (Or trash panda.) “Oops, sorry.” He explains how they were caught up in this multiverse madness as well and were now transported here.

Rocket also mentions how his teammates were in that ship over there and just so happens that the leader of the team Rocket’s apart of, exits the ship and apologizes for Rocket’s behavior.
“It’s okay. I know someone that has a couple of anger issues just like Rocket over there.” The man then introduces himself as well, wanting to be called Star-Lord. “I’m Sora- wait what? Star-Lord? Does that mean you’re a space king or something? No wonder you’ve got that awesome ship over there. Cid may have some competition with the Gummi Ship. I gotta tell the guys about this!”

Sora regains himself before continuing to talk with Star-Lord. “Sorry. I just never seen anything like this before, well- I have, but just not on a grander scale. Anyways, about that ‘evil wizard’ you mentioned. His name is Ganondorf and to put it short, he’s endangering the multiverse and we’re trying to stop him. If you guys have anything to help, we’d appreciate it. And while we’re here, would you guys mind if you could tell me your adventures? Maybe even get a chance to ride in this ship?” He added that last part in excitement.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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He gave them his name, which was Rocket and after a few people pissed him off, explained how he got there. And if she was being honest? It sounded believable and he sounded genuine with his explanation. The girl, who didn’t tell her what her name was, had unfortunately decided to try to pet Rocket and almost bit her fingers off. So Rocket didn’t want to be called a raccoon, she could understand that as he probably wanted to be known for who he was and not what he was, something that she wanted for herself as well. “Excuse them, they’re usually like this. Well, most of them are usually like this.

Listening to Rocket, apparently he had a lot of crimes that he had committed but he called himself a guardian of the galaxy. Before things could go any further, a man came out who was the leader of the team that Rocket said he was part of. He then explained what happened, making Blake interject once he said that they were trying to make fun of him. “
More like all but a few of them started making fun of him.” Rocket then headed back inside the ship, leaving the leader there to talk to them, apologizing about Rocket’s behavior. “It’s fine, I understand where he’s coming from.

The leader introduced himself as Peter Quill. or Star Lord as these so called people called him, asking about evil wizards. “
Blake. And it’s a long story.” One of the two new men that they had just met then went over to Peter and kissed him on the lips, forgiving him for… having the alias Star Lord? This was getting weirder by the second. “He just joined so we’re still trying to figure him out.” Ignoring the man, Peter then began to explain about a bald man that was with time police which was ringing a few bells in her head before bringing up the goggles and the tracksuit. Immediately, she looked at Peter. “I know him, he was adamant that me and the rest of us were anomalies back at the start of the mission that we’re all on. His name is Blendin Blandin.

Seeing as how he was confused about who Ganondorf was, she was about to explain but Sora had given him a short explanation about him. “
He’s right. Ganondorf is someone who wants to endanger the entire multiverse with a substance called Twilight. All you need to know about Twilight is that it’s extremely powerful, able to destroy anything it touches.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts


Hearing Lilith, she looked at her. “It certainly seems like it.” The elevator doors opened to reveal two men and a robot smoking something. According to the Captain, this wasn’t one of his robots, so what was he doing there? The robot gave his name, which was Bender, and began to talk to Megumin. While she would be inclined to introduce herself, she’d rather keep an eye on the sleeping Space Kid.

Her attention was caught when the topic of suicide booths were brought up and one look at Lilith told her that she didn’t like this topic. It didn’t take long for her to piece it together and figured that it was probably the reason why she was dead. Either that or someone that she once knew took that dark path, but it was probably the first reason why it made her uncomfortable. “
Really, let’s move onto a different topic, it’s clear she’s uncomfortable with this topic.” Looking to her side, she saw Aloy there which made her feel relieved that she chose to stay. Ciri looked back at Lilith, who was still uncomfortable by what they just spoke about. “Lilith, you can step outside if you want.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , darkred darkred
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Seeing Groot losing it over loss of entertainment had Dennis raising one eyebrow with confusion and asking Jason beside him "Let's just hope we didn't sign up for an early demise"

"Early demise, are you crazy Dennis??!! I already like this kid! He's pissed over Ye's disappearance, tch! He's technically the entire circus & entertainment if ya ask me!"

Dennis shakes his head adjusting his glasses "Eh, I guess so you're right. Atleast Lealan over here got a hold of someone or something she loves..."

Overhearing what Benrey & Quill was talking about with nothing else to do, Dennis approaches them out of curiosity & asks "Short, fat, bald with goggles on, plus a Grey tracksuit...? 🤔 Who is this you speak of?"

Meanwhile, Kanon approaches Lealan with Groot, just to be entertained and nothing more "I hope Jason won't mind having more strangers to bring the pain on our journey. 🤷🏽‍♂️"

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505

Dennis breaks his neck noticing the chill zone that Benrey's in & pays not much mind to it and turns his head back to Quill "I've been fighting for Justice for years now, so do not be hesitant on asking me anything. But as of who you described, it's really got me curious for some reason 🤔🤨" Dennis squints his eyes while rubbing his chin trying to figure something out.



On the other hand, Kanon is cracking jokes to Lealan & Groot out of nowhere, not even fretted about what's important right now, then eventually walk right off & catches Benrey on his game chilling "Yo! Pass the controller the chips & make space for the great, ya heard?"

Dennis crosses his arms awaiting for a response as much as Benrey from Quill.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 DerpyCarp DerpyCarp thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


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"Don't worry," Quill would say to Hiryu, unable to hold back from smiling a bit,, looking down at the angry Groot. "He's normally like this when things don't go his way." He then looked back up at Hiryu, his brows furrowing as he frowned a bit. "Wait.... you've dealt with that guy before?" He asked. "Well, did he have an entire army with him before?"

On the other hand, Groot himself merely wriggled and writhed angrily within Lealan's tight grasp. "I. AM. GROOT!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he angrily pounded away at her green hands with his own stumps, desperately struggling to free himself, though ultimately to no avail. Unfortunately for Akari, the persona wielder's words did not resonate with the sapling, as he instead continued to angrily pound away at Lealan's hands with his tiny arms.


"That depends..." The large, buff, shirtless man said as he slowly rose one of his chips up to his mouth. After what felt like an eternity, he finally put the chip into his mouth, and sloooowly took a bite, the resulting crunching sound resonating throughout the ship. "Do you know the password?" If Lucky recalled, Rocket had disappeared into the ship on his lonesome. He could probably go find him... but first, he'd probably have to know that password.

"Well," Quill would say once Haws approached him. "I dunno if they're exactly law enforcement, just... some kind of time patrol... I think..." He then heard the Robloxian out, nodding slowly throughout his words. "Right, right..." He said, pursing his lips a bit. "Well, if you have anywhere else we can stowaway while the crazy bald dude and his time army hunt me and my friends down, then by all means..." Quill would hold up an arm and gesture out in front of him, as if sarcastically asking Haws to present his much better plan that he totally had. However, he then found himself chuckling when Sora basically began to fangirl over him.


"Finally!" The self-proclaimed "Star Lord" exclaimed as he threw up his arms, gesturing to the keyblade warrior. "Someone here gets it!" He then laughed as Sora continued on, and used the hands that were gesturing towards Sora to push down a bit, indicating for him to calm down. "Yo, slow your roll there, dude. It's just a name... well, I am half a god... or, well, I was." He shrugged a bit, and then continued. "And sure, I'd love to take a fan such as yourself into the ship of the one and only Star Lord! Maybe I'll even take you along on one of our adventures one day!" He offered, clearly sulking in all of the praise that Sora was giving him. It took him a moment, but eventually, he did clear his throat and take on a more serious tone for a moment. "But first, tell me more about this... Ganondorf dude. How's he taking over the Multiverse, exactly?" And then, Blake interjected, and her comment made Star Lord roll his eyes. "Great... so even his name is lame..." He grumbled, before hearing out her own part about Ganondorf.

"Well, my team and I may or may not be able to help..." Star Lord said, his tone taking on a bit of a lower one as he leaned up against the wall. "But first... you're gonna need to tell me more about Ganondorf than just "he's bad" and "he's using a bad substance". Unless, you wanna tell me he's some kind of mid-80s drug PSA villain, in which case..." Quill couldn't help but smile again. "Well, that would be pretty cool if that was the case."

And then, from the side, Jason had overheard Kanon's comment about adding more strangers onto their quest. "You know what they say... the more the merrier...." Jason would grumble out, though in a clear dejected tone as he slumped forward a bit.

@Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Riven @Zamasu @quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"Okay, see ya," Bender replied to Lilith as he lifted a hand in a lazy sort of wave. "So, anyways, as I was sayin'--" He was cut off by Megumin screaming again, which caused him to lower his eyelids in an annoyed sort of fashion. "No, but it gives me the ability to operate at full capacity and kick your ass!" Bender exclaimed angrily as he stood up, pointing at Megumin. He then grabbed his bottle off of the table and poured more of the alcohol down his mouth... and then he got a lazy look again and wiped it with his arm. "Bah, forget it..." He groaned, before sitting back down and chugging more alcohol.

The Captain, on the other hand, would have actually made his way over to Praetorian. He'd furrowed his brows, giving him a lookover as he nodded his head up and down. "What kind of unit are you supposed to be?" He asked, slightly curious - but also a bit afraid, especially considering the likes of Bender.

Speaking of Bender, the rude robot merely rolled his mechanical eyes when Captain Falcon started complaining. "Shuddup!" He shouted, before lazily chucking another empty bottle at the F-Zero pilot's face. And then, he looked over at Ciri, throwing up his arms in a shrug. "Jesus H. Christ, what the hell's your problem? They've got suicide booths on every street corner in the thirty-first century!" Bender shouted annoyedly.

Micah, meanwhile, only nodded slowly in response to Gretar. "Son," The cowboy spoke as he reached into his pocket and shuffled around a bit. Eventually, he produced a small pack of cigarettes. "Sounds like what you need..." He pushed his thumb down into the packet and pushed upwards, offering one to Gretar. "Is one of these."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FoolsErin FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza
Agent 3


The... tall robot held what looked like a comically oversized cigar in his hand, and once one of its teeth opened up, it brought the cigar up to its mouth and took a long, drawn out inhale, before blowing the smoke right out into the air. It was then that he looked at the two heroes, narrowing his eyes a bit.

"The hell are you two meat bags lookin' at?"

And then, the elevator reached the bridge, and the doors opened... though, not before Dennis and Kanon got off and made their way to the talking raccoon. The robot stepped out and looked at the room, gazing upon everyone in it with disappointed eyes. "Jesus Christ, this is worse than I thought..." He muttered to himself.... before taking another hit from his cigar. Upon the entrance of said robot, Micah slowly turned to look up at the Captain, as he was currently leaned up against a wall near Midna.

"You... programmed these things to smoke, too?" He asked, sounding a bit confused.

"He's... not one of our's..." The Captain replied in an equally (if not moreso) confused sounding tone.

"Yeah, you're damn right I'm not one of your's! If I was I'd blow my freakin' brains out!" The tall robot exclaimed as he stepped forward, still smoking his cigar. "Name's Bender, by the way!"

The Captain was, sadly, too confused by Bender's entrance to even notice Megumin's complaints. Bender, on the other hand, heard them loud and clear, and chuckled in response to Megumin. "Maybe it got tired of listenin' to your high-pitched, annoying voice. Us robots have eardrums too, ya know!"
OK, so, turns out this place 'could' get weirder. The Inkling had spaced out a little, and would zone back in to hear the robot running his mouth, be it literally or not. "...This place keeps getting weirder and weirder." She commented to herself under her breath, and now listened to what the robot would say - and most importantly, watched what he did... This thing was clearly its 'own' boss!
"Yeah, well everyone thinks they're a hero these days, don't they?" Bender would ask, before taking another hit of his cigar, and then blowing the smoke out in Megumin's general direction. "You all still just look like a bunch'a losers to me, though..." He then let Megumin drone on further, at which point he merely rolled his eyes, before extending his arm out into Megumin's face and merely pushing her away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say..." Bender would say with complete and utter disinterest as he merely continued making his way forward. He plopped himself down in a seat next to Kyou and Sage, deciding to immediately make himself at home.

"H-hey, you can't just--!" The Captain interjected, only for Bender to shove a hand in his face as well as he sat down in the empty chair. He propped his feet up on the nearby table and placed one of his long arms behind his head, immediately taking on a relaxed position.


"Yeah, I got a freakin' problem!" Bender exclaimed in response to Lilith, completely ignoring The Captain. "There's no booze on this ship! I've searched everywhere! Doesn't help that I'm almost out, either!" He said as he opened the compartment in his stomach and pulling out one of his last cold alcoholic beverages. Effortlessly, Bender twisted open the cap and then began to down the drink without a care in the world. "Any of you people think you could spare me a drink? Or at least a quarter? Maybe there's a suicide booth somewhere nearby so I can kill myself again, and remineralize somewhere less crappy!"
Agent 3 was... confused on what to say. This thing... this robot, just... what is going on? "I don't even think we know what you're on about..." She admitted, and then as if to respond, she would swiftly cut back to what Bender would say 'next', having just realised she responded to something he said a while ago (no surprise there). Needless to say, she was just as stunted as you'd expect.
Speaking of Bender, the rude robot merely rolled his mechanical eyes when Captain Falcon started complaining. "Shuddup!" He shouted, before lazily chucking another empty bottle at the F-Zero pilot's face. And then, he looked over at Ciri, throwing up his arms in a shrug. "Jesus H. Christ, what the hell's your problem? They've got suicide booths on every street corner in the thirty-first century!" Bender shouted annoyedly.
"Well, that's, uh... something 'we' aren't from, nor probably familiar with. It's a long story, but to put it in words you'd probably understand more... We don't have a 'pay to exit' machine around the corner." She said bleakly - and without much care in her tone at all. "Besides, it doesn't help that 'suicide' is a morally 'wrong' thing to do, or so I've heard. I don't actually know what it is, but it sounds nasty, given the reactions here."
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confused/Morally damaged​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Contact with the other ship...?/Watching over those who stayed behind​
RP Information
Location: 'The Axiom', space
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @StayingBehindTeam​
The little tree screaming and starting to pound on his foot was something that Mimaki was not exactly...Well, he wasn't exactly annoyed or angry over, simply confused. He just stared at the little guy pounding against his foot, and Mimaki just frowned. Instead, he simply raised his face up to the sky, and with a little sigh, Mimaki mumbled. "Suit yourself, little one. Suit yourself..." He simply said, but before Baby Groot could unleash his true power and destroy this universe with the fool that was Mimaki with it, a powerful figure sacrificed her body to save the day, a figure that Mimaki could only describe as a 'plant with breasts' at first gaze.

The fox man simply stared with his mouth a little bit open, at this point, allowing logic to simply exit his mind and accept things as they are. Should he question why this plant-like creature has breasts and is able of speech? At this point, not really. Both because he's getting tired, and he'd probably just sound like an absolute creep despite wanting to know about the logic behind it. Mimaki simply nodded and pressed his hands together in a siliceous thank you to Lealan, before turning over to the rest of the group. Specifically, Quill.

"So these people have met someone like that before..." Mimaki noted, that info being saved into his [CASE NOTES], which wasn't a thing he actually had at all, and it was really just called his mind. Regardless, shaking his head, he turned to Quill and replied about Ganon. "I'm also not quite aware of this Ganondorf figure, but from the looks of it, his objectives are simple. Multiversal conquest at the cost of everything else. From what I'm aware, his mere presence and power are enough to summon at least six, if not seven figures into this universe. My best friend was also a victim of this before I found him." Scratching his chin, Mimaki's nine tails moved about behind him. "His influence appears to be in this universe, of course, as the MPF- The...Multiversal Police Federation or something of that sort is here. I'm not sure what this... 'Substance' is either, although it's likely what causing anomalies, for example- you being here if I got it right. Anyone feel free to correct me, however."

"Keep up, boy!"
His father yelled out as Atreus did his best to do so. Father sometimes didn't seem to realize that the boy was still young and did not have the speed he had. "Father, hold on!" he called out, out of breath as his father entered the Realm Travel room some lengths ahead of him. "I'm almost there, Father!" He sprinted as fast as his legs could carry him when suddenly, the entire chamber began to spin. Father turned around as well and seemed to have a genuine look of confusion and worry on his face, which did not happen a lot. "... Father? What's going on? Did you activate the Bifröst? I'm not in the center yet!"


Kratos himself turned toward his son, unable to reach him standing on the center platform in the room. It was now an island floating a few feet away from where Atreus was standing, and the bridge had disappeared. "Come boy, jump! Hurry! Run boy, run!" he called out, reaching a hand across the seemingly endless void as Atreus came running up. "Father!" he screamed, feeling some unknown force tugging at his body. "Father, I--" and then it was chaos. Colors started to zip past his eyes at insane speeds as he felt like he was falling down rapidly. He couldn't scream or move, the force that took him was all he felt now. In the far, far distance, he could hear his father's voice still calling out. "ATREUS!"

- - - - -

"FATHER!" he finally managed to call out. Just after the word left his lips, Atreus realized why he could speak again. He wasn't traveling anymore, and he was definitely in a different realm. There was now a young boy with shaved hear, old winter clothes and a bow around his torso standing on the deck of the ship as well, and he seemed scared and confused for a while. All kinds of creatures surrounded were here, some human, some slightly human, and some unlike anything he'd ever seen before in any realm.

- - - - -

[ HERE ]

Ellie had gone to sit down on the floor away from all the others. Her head was absolutely pounding. Memories were starting to resurface, terrible memories that she had been repressing for a long time. It didn't even seem like they were hers, but it was definitely her in them. And she could feel it, all of it. She saw a blonde haired friend with an amazing voice and an icey blue dress get her head torn off by some feral creature. She saw a large bear with a creepy grin and a top hat staring at her with terrifying eyes in the darkness, reaching his hands out to her. She saw a bald man in a lab coat and felt the sharp cut of a scalpel in the back of her head.

A terrible fear took hold of her at that point. As if everything around her was her worst nightmare. Her breath quickened and her lip quivered, a tear quickly streaming down her face as the memories of situations just like this came back to her, until... She heard a boy call out to his father.


"What the fuck..." she turned to look at the newcomer, seeing his strange appearance and panicked expression. She herself was still breathing deeply. Atreus looked back at her, the first and closest person he noticed. The two preteens stared at each other for a while as they both seemed to recover from something traumatic, and there was a quick moment of mutual understanding. They both realized the other party had some kind of terrible history behind them.

"... Hi..." Atreus said softly, raising a hand up in greetings. Ellie did the same. "Yeah... Hi... Uh... You're looking for your dad?" Atreus nodded in response, taking a few steps closer. He didn't seem to be distrusting in any way, and that sort of put Ellie more at ease too. "Yes... But he's not here, he's in another realm... What's this one called?" The boy stepped forward up to Ellie and looked around curiously. Ellie let out a soft chuckle. "Well, to be honest, kid..." She sighed and looked around, pulling a face and shrugging. "I got no clue... Still trying to figure that one out myself.."


@ anyone up for interaction
Lealan doesn't mind Groot's violent response, as it is Typical behavior for Floran children when disturbed. The Floran begins to sway, spin, and prance with Groot in her grip, singing a gibberish song someone sent her while she was studying in the Protectorate on Earth, hoping it's upbeat tunes will soothe the little one in place of the rap he was enjoying.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Hearing Peter call Blendin’s name boring, she stared at him. “If you want to call someone’s name who just so happens to work for the time police boring, be my guest. As for Ganondorf, he-“ Her cat ears picked up a new voice, a young boy’s voice, and looked over to see that a young boy had appeared over where the new girl was. “Jason, you mind explaining to Peter more on Ganondorf? I’ll be right back.

Walking over to the two, she saw that the boy had a bow and knew that while he could take care of himself like the girl, they would both still need to at least be watched over. But why they kept getting children was really anyone’s guess. Sure they needed all the help they could get, but they didn’t need to bring kids into this.

Getting to the two kids, she kneeled down to the boy’s level. “
I know you’re confused, I was too at first. And I’m sorry you two had to be dragged into this, this mission isn’t the safest for you two. What’s your name? Especially yours as you still haven’t told us your name.” Blake directed that last part at Ellie, then again that should’ve been obvious.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya
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Hearing Peter call Blendin’s name boring, she stared at him. “If you want to call someone’s name who just so happens to work for the time police boring, be my guest. As for Ganondorf, he-“ Her cat ears picked up a new voice, a young boy’s voice, and looked over to see that a young boy had appeared over where the new girl was. “Jason, you mind explaining to Peter more on Ganondorf? I’ll be right back.

Walking over to the two, she saw that the boy had a bow and knew that while he could take care of himself like the girl, they would both still need to at least be watched over. But why they kept getting children was really anyone’s guess. Sure they needed all the help they could get, but they didn’t need to bring kids into this.

Getting to the two kids, she kneeled down to the boy’s level. “
I know you’re confused, I was too at first. And I’m sorry you two had to be dragged into this, this mission isn’t the safest for you two. What’s your name? Especially yours as you still haven’t told us your name.” Blake directed that last part at Ellie, then again that should’ve been obvious.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya

The boy was still looking around as the woman approached, and when he did notice, he appeared to give her a quick look-over. She wasn't approaching in any kind of threatening way, so the boy kept his guard down as well. He knew his father would probably scold him for this, but he wasn't there, and it was kind of nice to not have him yelling at him to stop caring about others. "Oh, that's okay. I've traveled across realms before, this time it was just a surprise. And this one's new to me. Do you know what this one's called? Are we in Vanaheim? Or Asgard?" The boy seemed genuinely excited at the prospect of being in one of these 'realms'. "Oh, right. I'm Atreus." He then looked over at the girl standing beside him, expectantly.

She still had her guard up, but surprisingly didn't seem too weirded out by the whole situation. She's actually been quite calm since she arrived here. Not wanting to make any enemies already though, and figuring she could probably use some allies, she kept eye contact with the woman while saying "Ellie." Joel had told her before to be careful with who she tells her real name to, but she was sure that he'd done it a few times before himself. He isn't perfect. "And look, you don't need to worry about me... about us staying safe, okay? I can handle myself."

Atreus nodded in agreement, patting his bow. "So can I! We'll find a way out of this together." Ellie gave the boy a look, kind of fascinated by his excitement. "But uh... What dangers are there?"

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Ellie | Visual | Signup Post
Atreus | Visual | Signup Post

  • After telling about the recent events in the past hour.... Micah wasn’t paying much attention and questioned once again, to which Gretar just gave him a ‘look’ and said in the most shortened way possible.... “Long story short..... since I don’t want to explain again.... man named Crane or whatever it was used liquid version of a fear gas that makes anyone see their fears.... the ones injected with the liquid one believing the world was ending with their allies, now monstrous creatures, clawing and eating each other apart. After that, with some more of that weird liquid, instead of each other, it was the people we hold important in our lives like our best friends and family.... there, is that enough information needed for you....” as he stopped, finally catching a breath, even after the ‘shortened’ explanation it had..... it being a combination of “I’m getting too old for this.....” and “My lungs need more air after explaining again....” as he still sat down, preparing to whistle his tune once more.

    Except, Megumin began speaking about the fear toxin, how it affected Lucky, and if it was still affecting the hardened Jormugandr himself after all this time, to which he gave a hearty chuckle and said “Nope..... my will is of that similar to a Legion or armored warriors.... takes more than that to keep the elite Jormugandr cultist down for long periods of time...... but I’m pretty sure that a few pieces of my sanity disappeared for a bit...... and it felt like my noggin was running on.... what do you science freaks call it again...?” as he began to think mid sentence, before remembering and saying “Ah, it was brain cells. Yeah, and the fact that I was running on pretty much ten brain cells back there.... but I’m fine for the moment, just need to get my daily nap is the most part.....” while looking around the room, before making a sigh as he went back to what he was doing earlier, which was humming his Mother’s lullaby to calm himself down. He wasn’t going to fully rest, especially since they are still in possibly hostile territory, but didn’t mind the extra company with Megumin laying on the floor next to him, as he closed his eyes and continued to hum his tune, which was sorta put things in a soothing and peaceful aura from it.
    "Ah ha...So, a modified version of what he sprayed us with in the alley. I didn't really have a chance to conquer my fear." She confessed with a little blush. On the other hand, she would rather not ever have to experience being totally alone again, even if it was for her own good, so to speak. "We really should have taken some, if we figure out what's in it, we could weaponize it, or come up with an antidote. Just in case something happened, you see. It stays in the blood forever, for all we know."

    Ah, so it was will keeping Gretar from breaking down again. "Hm...Kassandra probably has a strong enough will, too. Not sure about Whisper, definitely not Sage." Perhaps a good strategy would be to take everyone Scarecrow injected and have them share a room, and see what would happen. "Your sanity has definitely taken a bad hit, but it's good to see that you're already recovering." She watched him drift off with focus, wondering if Gretar would begin to scream in his sleep.
    "Okay, see ya," Bender replied to Lilith as he lifted a hand in a lazy sort of wave. "So, anyways, as I was sayin'--" He was cut off by Megumin screaming again, which caused him to lower his eyelids in an annoyed sort of fashion. "No, but it gives me the ability to operate at full capacity and kick your ass!" Bender exclaimed angrily as he stood up, pointing at Megumin. He then grabbed his bottle off of the table and poured more of the alcohol down his mouth... and then he got a lazy look again and wiped it with his arm. "Bah, forget it..." He groaned, before sitting back down and chugging more alcohol.

    The Captain, on the other hand, would have actually made his way over to Praetorian. He'd furrowed his brows, giving him a lookover as he nodded his head up and down. "What kind of unit are you supposed to be?" He asked, slightly curious - but also a bit afraid, especially considering the likes of Bender.

    Speaking of Bender, the rude robot merely rolled his mechanical eyes when Captain Falcon started complaining. "Shuddup!" He shouted, before lazily chucking another empty bottle at the F-Zero pilot's face. And then, he looked over at Ciri, throwing up his arms in a shrug. "Jesus H. Christ, what the hell's your problem? They've got suicide booths on every street corner in the thirty-first century!" Bender shouted annoyedly.
    "Oh, so you wanna kick my ass, huh?!" Megumin hissed, the hairs on her neck bristling. "Well, I may not have an amazing defense stat like Darkness, but that won't stop me from, as they say, throwing hands!" She rotated her fists in front of Bender, growling. He was going to have his chest cavity dented in, like the oversized soda can he was!
    "Besides, it doesn't help that 'suicide' is a morally 'wrong' thing to do, or so I've heard. I don't actually know what it is, but it sounds nasty, given the reactions here."
    "'Suicide' is the act of ending your own life." Megumin's tone was smooth and blunt. "Kazuma used to consider doing it, but he came to appreciate life in Belzerg eventually." Considering that Eris (and before Kazuma, Aqua) could just reincarnate anyone who took their own life, it really wasn't a big deal from where she stood.
    Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | Laix_Lake Laix_Lake | @ bridge crew!
    "Psh, nah. Unlike that fake Kagutsuchi inside Alexis, Yamata here is nice!" Kyou said, though his smile soon dropped into an awkward one. He let out another chuckle, before letting out a small 'eeeeh' to himself as if reacting to what he just said. "...Well. He got nicer, I mean. It's a bit weird to explain. He's like...Really old, and also related directly to me. It's a long story as to how I gained his power and is related to creation as well! ...Sort of. He's just old enough to be a legend, y'know~!"

    ...Quit mumbling, Kyou. Just let me out.
    Yamata's voice inside his mind caused Kyou to let out a little annoyed sigh, raising a finger to Sage, as if asking the boy to wait for a single moment. Soon, Kyou moved away some of his clothes upper portion, revealing a little bit of his stomach, but not enough to be more uncomfortable. Soon, he placed a small finger over it, and instantly- Sage and whoever was near them, including Wall-E, GIR, and Eva, could see the same tattoos that appeared on his body before in the Scarecrow fight, this time, Sage seeing them personally. They depicted an eight-headed dragon painted into his skin with white ink, each head with eyes of different colors. It encompassed his entire body, the sheer size of the tattoo clearly meant to act as a seal to...Whatever the creature was.

    Then...Kyou cranked it to the side, almost as if he was turning some sort of wheel! Something occurred, as once more, the tattoos disappeared, not in their entirety, the body of the creature still there, but the heads seemingly gone.

    And then Sage could feel it.

    Something old. Old. Old old old old. Older than him, Kyou, or most people here in the room. Not ridiculously old, but its sheer presence showed that his age wasn't in the hundreds or thousands. Something really old and primordial was forming around Kyou's soul, Sage feeling the connection the oni had to this creature. It was symbiotic, clearly, but...It was hard to tell what it actually meant, and the meaning behind the tattoos, or how long they've been together like this. Certainly not at birth, but...

    Kyou's soul was visible to everyone, and it suddenly had a dragon shape.

    ...Well, serpentine, at the very least.

    Eight Heads floated about ethereally, almost as if they were an illusion created by Kyou's own soul. Their color specifically red, although it seemed to be because Kyou's own soul was a burning red, as such, covering up its real form. It wasn't physical in this exact moment, but it was very close to. Sage couldn't touch it, but it had a feeling it could interact with him in some other way...And man, it felt powerful. It was clear this guy was one of the reasons Kyou was so powerful, and his soul so strong. His combined spirit and willpower added to the overall poll that was Kyou's massive, burning soul.

    Then, it stared at Sage, his eyes indifferent and looking at him with mild interest, but nothing aside from that.


    "Hmmm...You're just a child. You seemed older, emotion-kin."
    His voice was heavy and spoke through all Eight of his heads, and Sage could instantly tell this creature was malicious by nature, although...It didn't feel like it in this specific moment? It was sorta like how Kyou was a demon, but a kind one, by his words, despite being, well, a demon. To this dragon, the feeling felt almost inherent.

    "Really? I thought he was older, Yamata..." Kyou noted, although turned back to Sage, before grinning. "Right! Sage, this is Yamata-No-Orochi, his name meaning 'Eight Headed Serpent', and the 'no' just being him rubbing his ego with fake royalty titles. He's...My biological grandfather? It's a bit complicated, kye-hehe! Don't be scared by him, though. He's chill. He's the one who allows me to breathe out ice, and healin' too!"

    Yamata let out a small hmph at Kyou, before simply nodding. "One Above Storms and Primordial Endless Hunger- that's who I am. I see you were talking about the creation of the sun. Hmmmrph...So dragons created the sun in your world? Hmph, it seems even Ryujin still hasn't met his full potential, yet, then."

    Oi oi, don't get mad now, Ryujin is stronger than me and you and you know it! You're a source of knowledge bigger than me! C'mon, answer some of Sage's questions 'ere- if he wants to ask any, that is."

    ...Yamata didn't seem to want to answer, the thought of the sun and the way he spoke about storms clearly showed that the topic left a bitter taste on his mouth, but nothing that stopped him (it?) from further speaking. From what Sage tells, this was just an old man who was extremely bitter about his past, although it's probably a good thing he's meeting a more...Grounded and 'calm' version of this entity. Regardless, this ancient being was open for questions!
    "YeeeAAAAAAAAGH!" Megumin bent backwards before the enormous Yamata, blasted by eight jets of hot dragon breath. How did she not notice such a magnificent creature until now?! "My, you're...Wow, where do you go when you aren't summoned? You were summoned, right?"
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Vanaheim? She wasn’t familiar with that one, but Asgard was a place she had heard of when it came to Thor. “We aren’t in any of those. I’m sorry.” She had to apologize once she saw how excited he was, she didn’t want to crush his excitement but he had to be told the truth. He then introduced himself as Atreus and the girl introduced herself as Ellie. “I’m Blake.

When the girl said that she didn’t need to be worried about the two, she stared at the both of them. “
Considering that you two have weapons that you know how to use, I don’t doubt that you two know how to handle yourselves. From where I’m from, you two would already be in combat school. While you two may be able to handle yourselves, we still need to keep an eye on you two so that nothing bad happens and so that you’re both safe but given that we can barely keep people that get into trouble over and over in check that should know better, I can’t guarantee it.

Atreus then asked about dangers and she sighed. “
There’s a lot, trust me. Really, the dangers we have to deal with change with each world but our main threat is Ganondorf and his partner, Zant.

Ellya Ellya
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Vanaheim? She wasn’t familiar with that one, but Asgard was a place she had heard of when it came to Thor. “We aren’t in any of those. I’m sorry.” She had to apologize once she saw how excited he was, she didn’t want to crush his excitement but he had to be told the truth. He then introduced himself as Atreus and the girl introduced herself as Ellie. “I’m Blake.

When the girl said that she didn’t need to be worried about the two, she stared at the both of them. “
Considering that you two have weapons that you know how to use, I don’t doubt that you two know how to handle yourselves. From where I’m from, you two would already be in combat school. While you two may be able to handle yourselves, we still need to keep an eye on you two so that nothing bad happens and so that you’re both safe but given that we can barely keep people that get into trouble over and over in check that should know better, I can’t guarantee it.

Atreus then asked about dangers and she sighed. “
There’s a lot, trust me. Really, the dangers we have to deal with change with each world but our main threat is Ganondorf and his partner, Zant.

Ellya Ellya

Atreus seemed to have to process that information for a few seconds. He'd seen most of the other realms, and he already had a suspicion that this wasn't any of them. So what would this be? A new... super-realm? A new world? His expression grew a bit more grave now, realizing that getting back would probably become a bit of an issue.

Despite having kept a rebellious attitude most of the time, Ellie seemed to actually be listening attentively and understanding what Blake was saying. The girl looked up at the woman and gave a nod. "Yeah... Like a 'you watch our back, we watch yours' kinda thing... I can do that."

"Ganondorf..." Atreus mumbled. "Zant... are they Gods? They're not Gods I've ever heard of, at least, how about you?" He asked Ellie, who shook her head. "We uh... We kinda have just one God where I'm from... and he's kinda just called... God..." At this, Atreus actually chuckled a little. Before she was even aware of it, Ellie even gave a little giggle herself while looking at Atreus, but quickly caught herself and straightened her expression again. Atreus continued. "Well, Father did say all Gods are bad. And that all Gods can be killed. So we'll find a way to kill this one, if he is a God." The boy gave a confident look up at Blake and smiled at Ellie, who smiled back lightly.

- - - - -

Ellie | Visual | Signup Post
Atreus | Visual | Signup Post
The Eight Dragon heads, which were in actuality one being unlike what Orbeck might have thought, simply moved their many eyes towards the Sorcerer. It was awfully clear this wasn't the creature's full size if the fact he was appearing and speaking through Kyou's own soul from the looks of it wasn't clear enough already. It was hard to tell if the Sorcerer's words had any effect on the creature- after all, like a dragon, he didn't quite have the same muscles humans might have to show emotion.

Regardless...The being simply gave a nod to his question. Not showing if his attempt to play at his ego worked or not. Or maybe he was just neutral at it at this point. "....Hmph. Be aware then, child. I am not like others of my kin. This appearance of scale and bones might lead you to believe I am simply an old dragon...But I hatched from no egg. I was born from nothing but the sheer hatred of the kami in the underworld, and their blood in the mortal realm. So if you wish to know about the race that is Eastern Dragons...You will simply find the knowledge elsewhere." While his body was of a dragon and himself could be considered one, it was clear- this creature was alien and much different from most dragons that exist. But still, at least Orbeck learned something. This wasn't simply a dragon. It was something born out of 'kami.'

Still, Yamata's boastfulness caused Kyou to roll his eyes a bit. However, before the Oni could say something else, yet another robot entered the room! ...And much to his dismay, it wasn't a cool one or a cute one like Wall-E or GIR. In fact, the robot looked completely human compared to them both. And while robots didn't have souls(?), Kyou could tell instantly what sort of character this 'Bender' figure was.

A useless drunk. Not like an oni. Just a drunk.

"Ooooh boy."

Kyou probably gained some sort of perk that made all sorts of robots come over to him like a magnet, because next thing he knew, Bender was right next to him, Sage, and Orbeck. The Oni looked and listened to the foul-mouthed robot with pursued lips, and his jaw was sorta open. Yamata, on the other hand...Simply looked at Bender, and after a single sniff, the dragon gagged, before turning his gaze away from the robot, almost as if he simply smelled something rotten and went on with his day.

Kyou really wanted to slap Bender behind the head to get him to shut up, but soon, he realized two things: This robot wouldn't shut up unless he threw him off the ship, or if he asked nicely.

The fact Bender was talking down to Lilith, a little girl who was a ghost and killed herself, was what Kyou to act. A sense of burning familiarity came within him, as his hands clutched themselves and did his best not to punch this thing through the face, before with a deep sigh, Kyou simply pulled out his white gourd, and held it in front of Bender's face, and shook it like it was a squeaky toy for a dog. "Oi. Oi. Y' want this, right? Check it- infinite alcohol gourd of the highest quality. The thing never runs out unless you break it. You could drink it 'till the universe dies and there'd still be alcohol inside of it." Kyou said, his soul still around his body and Yamata popping out of it, but the offer quite evident.

"I could give it to ya for free...But, ya gotta do me a favor first, pal. Ya listenin'?"

Meanwhile, with Megumin...The ancient evil of Japan simply stared at her incredulously from his spot of semi-etherealness from Kyou's soul. One of its many serpentine heads moves over and gets closer to the crimson demon. It feels...Hot. Like she's standing next to fire.

"My descendant's soul is where I rest, and where he draws upon my power. If I were to be summoned, it'd be quite...Unfortunate for everyone who was smaller than a hill, including you, human child."
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Blake nodded in response to Ellie who seemed to be paying attention to her words. “Right. We’ll watch your backs and you watch ours. Then again, we need to if we’re going to survive this mission.” When Atreus asked if Ganondorf and Zant were gods, she shook her head. “They aren’t but with what they’re planning, if they succeed they might as well become our new Gods and I’m just fine with the two my world has, we don’t need two new Gods.

Atreus then said that his father had once told him that all Gods were bad and that they could be killed, making her look at him. “
That’s very optimistic of you, Atreus. I just wish that more people had that, including me. I’m sure that there is a way to defeat Ganondorf and Zant, we just need make it to that point without either tearing each other apart or dying along the way.

Ellya Ellya
Star-Lord would take a liking to Sora as he’s apparently someone who appreciates what he does, but tells him to calm down the fanboying. “Again, sorry.” Star-Lord then wants more context as to how Ganondorf’s taking over the multiverse, Blake fills him in now wants to know why he’s bad news. “Well. We don’t know much on why he wants to. I think he’s just like a villain from a cartoon and just wants to rule all. Worlds, kingdoms, galaxies, everything. Pretty much.. the whole multiverse, like we said. Midna could probably tell you more about Ganondorf if you want. But either way, we need your help.” Sora guided. And if you’re wondering where Rex is, he’s still on the ship with the others just chilling.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(doing this on mobile which means I don’t have any pictures... darn)

    Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Drax) P PopcornPie (Lucky)


    Venice ponders for a moment. It figures that a ship like this would have a password. No one wants any unwanted visitors, after all! But there’s one glaring issue here:

    She has no idea what the password is. And this shirtless guy definitely isn’t letting her on board without a password or a fight.

    So, racking her brain for her best guesses as to what this password can possibly be, she goes and lists what comes to mind...



    “No, Spooky, there is NO way the password is ‘password.’ Um... how about... ‘spaceship?’”

    “Coooooo!” Spooky hoots as if laughing.

    “Hey! Don’t patronize me, mister ‘the password is password!’” The wind dragon turns to Lucky. “Mister Lucky? Do you have any guesses?”
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Blake nodded in response to Ellie who seemed to be paying attention to her words. “Right. We’ll watch your backs and you watch ours. Then again, we need to if we’re going to survive this mission.” When Atreus asked if Ganondorf and Zant were gods, she shook her head. “They aren’t but with what they’re planning, if they succeed they might as well become our new Gods and I’m just fine with the two my world has, we don’t need two new Gods.

Atreus then said that his father had once told him that all Gods were bad and that they could be killed, making her look at him. “
That’s very optimistic of you, Atreus. I just wish that more people had that, including me. I’m sure that there is a way to defeat Ganondorf and Zant, we just need make it to that point without either tearing each other apart or dying along the way.

Ellya Ellya

Atreus nodded and gave a little smile. He missed and worried about his father, sure, but having someone actually listen to him, understand him and even appreciate his optimism was a nice break from constantly being berated and put down. He knew his father meant well, but it got tiring. "Don't worry," he said, "Father and I have killed trolls and ogres and even bigger beasts together. If this Ganondorf's not even a God, we'll take him down easy."

The whole time Ellie was listening, she became less and less confident in his optimism. The boy had a pretty cute attitude, but since every story of his involved his father, she was starting to doubt his own capabilities. "So what, your dad's some kinda superhero?" She asked sarcastically. "And even if he is, you sure as hell don't look like one, so what are you gonna do to help here if daddy's not here to do the heavy lifting?" She was starting to get carried away, speaking faster and her voice actually raising a bit. "Stories are cool and all, but this is real shit, alright? All of us got pulled here by some fucked up kinda teleportation shit, so there's gotta be higher powers at work here, and how's that crappy bow gonna do anything for us when shit hits the fan?"

Atreus and Ellie looked at each other for a little while, Atreus dropping his confident expression and his eyes growing more dull and sad, until Ellie glanced back over at Blake and sighed. "Look, I'm just saying, we... we shouldn't be underestimating this shit..." Atreus swallowed and nodded. "It... It's a magic bow..." He still added, his voice still having some semblance of hope.

- - - - -

Ellie | Visual | Signup Post
Atreus | Visual | Signup Post
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Hearing Atreus say that him and his father took down trolls and ogres, usually she’d be skeptical but at this point, anything could exist. He even said that they could take Ganondorf down earlier since he wasn’t a God, which while she still liked his optimism, he wouldn’t be that easy to defeat. “
Trolls and ogres, huh? Pretty sure my friend, Yang, could throw them around. Well, maybe she could. Atreus, Ganondorf may not be a God, but he’s powerful. He has this substance called Twilight, I’ve seen what it can do to people...” When she said that, her cat ears dropped down as she looked down, trying to hold back some tears though one escaped and went down her cheek.

After a sharp intake of breath, calming herself, she looked back at the two. “
Taking him down isn’t going to be easy, especially since he has Twilight and we have nothing to counter it. Zant has it too, both of them aren’t going to be easy to take down. Ellie’s right, we shouldn’t be underestimating this, but it’s nice to have optimism.

When Atreus mentioned that he had a magic bow, she looked at him. Before, she didn’t believe in magic as they only existed in stories but now? Magic was definitely real, so when he said he had a magic bow, she believed him somewhat. You could say that you had a magic rock or a magic stick but for people to believe you, you’d need to show proof that it was really magic. “
It’s magic? I don’t doubt that it could be magic, people here use magic and recently back home, I learned that magic is real, but could you show me and Ellie proof that it’s magic?

Ellya Ellya
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(( Not sure where we are right now. Hope this post isn't out of turn! ))

The Dude

Dude's jaw dropped as he turned to look upon a talking... RABBIT?! He slowly lifted his glasses and yup, still very much a furry critter with what looked like a bionic paw. "Wait, you're a..." he began to say. But before he could process this, two figures stood in front of him with weapons at the ready. "Hey, wow man! I come in peace here... like kum ba yah and stuff, y'know?"

In answer to the confident man speaking between the duo, who he took for their leader, "Uh... Well, you can call me Dude, or His Dudeness or El Duderino if you're into that sorta thing." Dude just kind of needed to sit down at that point, feeling a little lightheaded with everything going on. He went over to a corner and sat "Indian style", practicing his chi energy.

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Quill would nod slowly as he listened to Mimaki's explanation of... well, everything, really. "Right, so... there's an evil time wizard guy trying to take over the Multiverse, and the Multiverse police have to stop him..." He continued to nod for a few moments, and then simply sighed, looked down for a moment, and then glanced back up. "Is it a good or bad thing that that's standard for me?" It was at that point that Blake walked off to go greet the new arrival, leaving Jason with the exposition.

"Right, well..." He paused and thought for a moment, and then ultimately shrugged. "Well, you've pretty much got it down. Only other thing - Twilight is a corrosive substance that'll kill you if you touch it. It's dark and... kinda pixelated, I guess--"

"Oh, so like Pac-Man!" Quill interrupted with a smile.

"What? No, it's... what??" Jason would furrow his brows underneath his helmet for a long moment as he stared at Quill dumbfoundedly, and then ultimately just sighed. "Ya know what... fine, sure. It's pixelated like Pac-Man. Only, if you touch it, you end up like when you touch one of the ghosts. You get me?" He asked, and Quill merely nodded. He then looked at Sora when he pointed out that he should ask Midna if he wanted to know more about Ganondorf.

"I... don't know who that is..." He said, shaking his head, though he maintained his smile throughout. It was then that Haws gave his plan of action, which both Quill and Jason seemed to like. Jason especially, who, unbeknownst to everyone else, was smiling slightly behind his helmet at the sound of an actual competent sounding plan. Star-Lord, on the other hand, nodded again and shook his hand. "Yeah... I like the sound of that plan, actually. I mean... I could've come up with it myself, but..." He inhaled deeply through his teeth and looked around awkwardly, smacking his hands together and rubbing them, before looking back to the Robloxian. "Where... exactly do I find the Captain?"

Leo, meanwhile, happened to be standing near Ellie when the boy suddenly appeared basically out of thin air. He was licking his lollipop slowly, taking long licks as he watched the two kids much younger than him interact with each other. If they were to look at him, he would offer them a slight wave, and nothing more.

Baby Groot, on the other hand, continued to scream and punch at Lealan for the longest of moments. His fury and anger were equally unrelenting, it seemed. However, he stopped when she began to sing a song. It was a song that sounded... at least sort of similar to the parables of the great Yeezus. He paused for a moment, seeming to assess the situation with his tiny tree brain. And then, after said assessment to himself, he smiled and leaned forward, resting his head on Lealan's shoulder as she appeased him with her silver tongue.


And then, within moments, he'd returned to his eternal slumber, appeased for now.

On the ship, Drax would just furrow his brows at Lucky's question, looking down at him. "Although my people are trained in the ways of combat... I do not think that would be a very wise decision... you are a tiny, feeble woodland creature... and I am not." He said, his tone sounding completely serious and literal with every world that he spoke. In fact, contrary to what one would respect from such words, there wasn't even a hint of a condescending tone in Drax's voice. He then looked down at Spooky and Venice, specifically when Venice said the word "password". "That is correct... you may pass." Drax said in a gruff tone, before stepping aside and granting the trio entry into the ship.

@Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Riven @Zamasu @quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts darkred darkred

"Well, then I'm breaking the news to you jerk-offs early!" Came Bender's blunt reply to Agent 3, as he took a long inhale from his cigar, and then blew the smoke back out of his mouth. He then looked over at Megumin, who still insisted that he fight him. "Look, I know kids are supposed to be morons, but you're taking it to a whole new level!" Bender exclaimed, before raising a hand and slapping her across the face. "Go screw off and play with some wooden blocks or somethin'!"

He then downed the rest of his beer and let out a weirdly human sounding belch, only for his attention to be stolen whenever Kyou shook his gourd in front of his face. Bender was prepared to smack the thing away, but then his eyes widened when he heard the Oni out. "Infinite alcohol? That's like..." He paused and looked down in thought for a long moment, before looking back up. "More alcohol than I currently have!" He exclaimed, only to listen to the Oni's next part. "Yeah, yeah, what do ya want for the booze?"

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FoolsErin FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred
"So you wanna try a password. Alright." It would be a bad idea to pick a fight with anyone who could make a schematic of the Axiom anyhow. Now, what did they know about these folk, hm...

Lucky stroked his ear as possibilities swam around in his head. "Groot? Guardian? Galaxy? Uhhh...Pluto? Oh, how about fuckin', uh...Chips? Crispy? Lay's?" Perhaps it had something to do with this guy's apparent favorite food.

...Actually, no. The password was just fucking "password". Before he moved on, Lucky took a moment to purse his lips, and his ears fell, waiting for Drax to start laughing at the naïve rabbit, wind dragon, and owl for falling for such an obvious joke. Yet no such moment came, confusing him even further. "You don't have to worry about security very much, do you?" The rabbit grumbled, not wishing to push their luck further. After he muttered about their stupidly good fortune, he turned to Venice and explained softly, "I'm just tryin' to find Rocket, honestly. I wanna know his secrets to such boiling rage! Forget Barrijade, he could be the one who gets me back to the way I was!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


"I'm not a child!" Megumin snarled and yapped at the serpent, and it looked like a chihuahua yelling an eight-headed tiger. "So, to get it straight, you exist inside Kyou? Like Alexis's gods?"

Before Yamata could answer, however, Bender made the biggest mistake of his life.

It was one thing that he called her a child, she was already recovering from the sting of Yamata referring to her as such. It was another thing that he slapped her. It was a third thing that he called her a moron. But THIS son of a bitch did all THREE at once. He was not getting out of this unscathed.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
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