The moment Orbeck called Mimaki to help Sage, the fox's eyes flared.

Mimaki instantly knew that Sage was most likely the source of the problems with his emotions essentially blaring all across the room. The lamps popping, and the steering wheel attacking him. He instantly remembered of the past once more- where Kyou did the same thing. While he always offered his advice, his support, among other things to Kyou, he wasn't an idiot to try and calm him down in the middle of a battle. Alexis was already idiotic enough to attack the damn thing first and ask questions later, despite knowing full well Sage's powers were empathetic, and he had something inside of him, and yet, she attacked anyways.

Mimaki gave Jason a look and trusted him to take care of the woman in the second his and Kyou's divine order, as his attention turned to Sage. He didn't have time for this. Giving Sage an annoyed, but knowing look that he was doing this yet again, but this time with a reason, he yelled out with annoyance to the boy, who somehow managed to get the steering wheel of all things attacking them in less than five minutes. Right now, he's mad, then he'll be annoyed, and finally, sort-of apologize to Sage for what he's about to do, but... For now...


Much to Orbeck's and Kyou's own possible dismay, the latter of which tried to eat away Alexis flames and try and hopefully get her away from Auto with his words, but also using his Yamata limbs to pry her out from it without risking his soul getting eaten, given he was the literal steering wheel of the captain, and his destruction could mean the Axiom could go dark.


The Kitsune moved at great, godly speeds in front of him, as he raised his sword up- and thrust down the butt of the hilt on Sage's head, to knock him out instantly!


Location: Typing Bot Room
Lilith was still sitting in the below floor where the Caption's room was and it still sounded like there was some arguing up there. "Are they still fighting up there?" Lilith says looking up at the ceiling. "This is not going to cool down any time soon." She quietly says to herself in a sad tone. Soon she would notice a robot very slowly typing on a keyboard like an old grandpa, Lilith kind of looked at it for a second before ignoring it all together.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (TYP-E)
Luckily for Sage, AUTO had been pulled away from him by Alexis before he could do any major damage to the boy. The steering wheel's red eye seemed to minimize a bit as it then targeted on Alexis, its taser shining brightly as it refocused on her. Moments later, Alexis had set it on fire, which caused Jason, Quill, and Micah to take a step back from the intense heat. The Captain let out a shocked gasp as he observed the sight.

"W-what are you doing!? AUTO is the central control unit of the entire ship!!" The Captain would shout, and after hearing such words, Jason decided that he'd had about enough. Without a second thought, he pulled out his gun and aimed directly for Alexis' shoulder, and pulled the trigger. His bullets were made of a special caliber after years of going against Gotham's worst, so no matter how bright Alexis' flames burned, it would pass through her flames and explode right as it made contact with her shoulder.

"I'm tired of you putting the entire group in danger over that fucking child, Alexis!" Jason shouted as he lowered the gun. "So help me, if you do not chill, I will put one bullet in your head for you and every one of your little friends." Jason spat, only to then watch as the flames disappeared in an instant thanks to.... whatever Kyou and Mimaki just did. Luckily, thanks to them, AUTO hadn't been completely destroyed, but the flames had done a number on him nonetheless. Pieces of melted metal and charred plastic formed a small pile below the steering wheel. The glass over the eye was cracked, with the eye itself having gone completely offline. A few of its handles had been completely melted off as well, leaving the steering wheel to be a shell of its former self.

"Welp, I'm bored now!" Bender would exclaimed as he casually strolled on over to the elevator and entered it. "I'm gonna go kill myself and hope to God I get rebuilt anywhere but here." And then, as the doors closed, Bender would angrily point at the group. "And, by the way, where I come from, there are booths on every corner to do that. Sorry that I 'triggered' you because I'm from another time period! Hope it was worth almost killing everyone on this blasted ship over, you thirty-first-century-phobic, millennial jackasses!" With that, the doors had shut all the way, and Bender continued to chug his infinite alcohol while the elevator itself was lowered.

Jason merely sighed at the sight, but all in all, he didn't feel the need to follow Bender. Instead, he gave both Sage and Alexis a firm, stern glance. "The next time either of you fucks up, you're off the team. I don't care what you have to do, but at this point, you've come closer to killing any of us than Ganondorf himself has." He huffed out, before watching as Sage was then knocked out. Star-Lord let out a whistle in response.


"Yeah... my team is dysfunctional... but you guys take it to a whole new level."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Lazaro1505 @Kameron Esters- @GearBlade654 FoolsErin FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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"Yeah, good riddance!" Megumin chirped confidently at Bender. "And maybe learn to fight back before the next time you speak ill of us!" Some robot, more concerned with his drinks than backing up his own smacktalk!

The pinging of molten metal caught her attention, and she was among the first to notice Auto's condition. Coupled with Captain's explanation that AUTO was essentially the brain of the ship...Oh, this couldn't have a good result. "What can we do? Can we fix him?" She tried to stick some of Auto's pieces back onto his core, chattering her teeth. "Oh, gods, does this mean we're going to be trapped in space forever?! No, no...I could never keep a meal down!"

Mood: Defeated, Self-deprecating, Hopeless
Tags: (GM)
, (Mimaki)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

...What is the point? What was the point to anything? Clever people knew when to give up. They were able to tell when an endeavor wasn't going to bear any fruit and change objectives, search for a different method. Sage... had never been a smart person. More to idealistic and stubborn. But even if he tried to believe it with all his might, there was a breaking point for everything. Eventually even the thick-headed ones had to realize that there was no hope. That it was never going to work.

Even as Orbeck had approached and tried to reassure him, as he struggled to breathe in-between pained inhales and dejected tears, there was only one thought. 'Stop it.' What was the point in knowing it wasn't fully his fault? What was the point in knowing there was some sort of progress being made? It wasn't enough. It was never enough. Little sobs echoed in the fire-lit darkness. He was a waste of everyone's time... No matter how many steps the pyromancer gave forwards, he'd stumble a full set of stairs back down soon, all over again. No amount of victories and learning could make up for the damage he had caused to get there. No amount of apologies would ever balance it out.

"Do ii-t!", he had gripped the sorcerer's arm and begged, the words barely making it out properly, "No hesi...tation..."

Then a new source of light came to be, the flash of Jason's shot at Alexis. Releasing a gasp of both shock and guilt, the fires in the room seemed to intensify together with the still quiet crying. As he shook furiously the Descendant felt like both screaming and wailing, keeping both locked up inside his chest. This was it, wasn't it? When he should accept defeat and retreat for good. Even Jason was giving an ultimatum. He had done nothing but disappoint everybody... Especially himself and those that had tried so hard to help.

He met Mimaki's annoyed glance and could only look down in shame. It was pointless, everything was pointless, to think a child of destruction like him could have done anything else was indeed foolish. There was only a new glance... upwards, seemingly at the ceiling. This message was for someone not in the room.

"You're wrong.", these words had been mouthed alongside the thought, carrying sheer hopelessness at the cleric watching it all. He had been the first to believe in him, it was only fair, "You're all wrong, I can't do this. It was never possible for me to 'bend' anything. Certainly not my fate..."

What good did his personality if his powers couldn't keep up..? If he wasn't at fault why did it kept happening? And why did it had to hurt so much? Hershel, Alexis, Orbeck, Megumin, Yang... They were all wrong. He couldn't even keep his promise to the brawler. He should never have left his room, never tried anything else. Everyone was better off without him. What did any of them even see in him?
What did Leo even see in him? There was nothing in here but a mess that wasn't worth anyone's time.

It was all pointless.

Mimaki's blow had been received the same way that Auto's taser had. Not an attempt to thwart it had been made, it was quite welcome instead. Tears ran down his face as he braced for impact and soon he was down for the count with a short 'ugh'. The fires all had intensified for that split-second before quelling into smaller, less intense forms, regaining their typical orange color. It was better this way.

Now if only he could never wake up again...
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Everything soon went silent. The gunshot Jason did towards Alexis made Kyou's blood drop from their usual high temperatures to a low, low point. His face, once in this entire journey, went pale with terror as he feared the Red Masked vigilante did something horrible, worse then what Mimaki did. Thankfully though, as his blessing wore off and everything moved at normal speeds again, he could see that Jason had only shot her in the shoulder. His warning made him glance at him- it wasn't the first time Alexis did this, and Kyou instantly realized that this team hadn't had enough time to simply relax in so long, and with different ideologies...Came situations like these.

"Alexis-san," Kyou spoke calmly, walking towards the Kitsune, his Yamata limbs retracting inside of him. "I'll heal you. But please, calm down. If you destroyed that robot...It would mean dooming every human and child here on this ship."

A moment of silence came. Kyou took a sharp breath, and the gentle, healing wind came from him, healing Alexis' wound, but he seemed hesitant, if only for a moment. He...Knew she was a good person, but to be willing to sacrifice so many people for one person wasn't something he agreed with. He was someone who wanted to save everyone. Not do this. Not doom other people for his own happiness and safety of other cares about.


Mimaki wasn't as calm as he was trying to be. Oh boy.

The Kitsune's face was feral, and sharp canine teeth grew from his mouth in anger as he gritted his teeth. The room became cold, with the floor bellow Mimaki freezing solid like he was an icy cold wind. Kyou could feel it- he was furious, annoyed, and an utter shock. He wasn't completely angry, that'd be awful, but it was clear Mimaki was done playing nice. Kyou could only grit his teeth, wanting to stop his best friend, but he knew it would result poorly.


Mimaki's blade was still outside the sheath. It was close to Sage. He wasn't doing any motions, but Kyou couldn't help but think he considered stabbing the boy at least once. He knew he didn't, but his position was worrying.

"And you." Mimaki pointed at Alexis. "If you consider the life of a single child who couldn't control his emotions with a demon inside of him more important then hundreds, if not millions of humans, then you're no better then a feral youkai!"

Mimaki breathed heavily. His willpower took control again. Before he placed a hand on his face. "I have someone who I love and care about too. You aren't the only one. But don't place your loved ones above everyone else!" He breathed out, his voice and body finally becoming more human-like once more, as he took a deep breath. He was sure everyone who was down there heard that, but he didn't care. "I'm done. You can hate me for saying this for the rest of our life. But you all need to control yourselves. I hope to see this robot fixed, captain. I'm...Sorry."

And with Mimaki opening a portal with his sword once more, he appeared down were others of the group who decided to run away from this mess were, a look of absolute annoyance and exhaustion on his face, as Kyou Tana simply pursued his lips, as he slowly picked Sage up with his hands, putting the boy behind his back so he didn't have to sleep on the cold floor of this ship.

"...'s everyone okay? Physically, I mean."
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Chronology: Ultimate
SOUL: Kitsune
MENTAL CONDITION: Furious, Done with the MPF
LOCATION: Bridge, Axiom
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
MENTIONS: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

In her moment of anger, Alexis neglected maintaining her Shell, allowing someone to shoot her. All of her senses were screaming that there was danger, and her instinct was to protect Sage. The kitsune wasn’t fazed by the explosive bullet to the shoulder, even though it broke skin and drew blood, she was too furious to care. She turned to the shooter—Jason—and bared her teeth. While Alexis was extremely worked out, and Jason did shoot her, she wasn’t so trigger happy as to blow him away, even as he threatened her. Still, her flames flared up, heating up the room as she stared at him.

Maybe she would’ve calmed down a little, but then she felt the ice spread through the room. Alexis heard a shout and looked to its source, only to find Mimaki with his fangs bared and sword drawn as he shouted at her. His show of force and anger was enough to confirm the instinctual biases Alexis held against other kitsune. No two kitsune from different families were meant to get along, especially when they were of such contradictory elements like fire and ice. It didn’t help that Mimaki had the audacity to strike Sage in the head.

In response to his creeping ice and drawn magical blade, Alexis drew her own sword and split it off into its ten copies, with each floating at the tip of a flaming tail and one in her human hands. The fiery Shell around her pushed against the icy wind, standing defiantly between the ice kitsune’s blade and Sage.

Alexis heard his words and only grew angry. Mimaki, Jason, Kassandra’s, and Ciri’s words came to mind. They and the others who were silent probably resented he and her overprotective nature of Sage. She cared only insofar that she was furious that they thought it was okay to gang up on Sage. If it was just Alexis, she’d keep it to herself, but to someone she saw as kin? There was no way.

The visions that she saw from the fear toxin earlier didn’t help her mental state either. Even though they were just illusions, she was reminded of just how much she couldn’t handle losing Sage. Alexis would keep him safe no matter the cost. In her mind, Mimaki placed his priorities in the wrong things. Family was above all. Alexis spoke with a reserved fury in her voice, as if at any moment, she would snap and begin shouting, “You’re right! I am selfish and I don’t care about defending the multiverse. For all I care, the rest of the multiverse can die, but I join to protect my family. Along the way, Sage became like family, and what do all of you do? You berate him, blame him, antagonize him for something he can’t control. If I can’t protect him, what use is there in protecting the multiverse?”

Staring at the rest of the group, Alexis calmed down a bit as she realized that it just couldn’t work. A team that hates its members was no team at all. It wasn’t just Alexis and Sage, it was others, but regardless of who it was, if they kept on fighting among themselves, then they had no chance of defeating Ganondorf. The kitsune was willing to wager that by herself, she’d have a better chance at defeating the wielder of Twilight than this dysfunctional group. “I’m sorry for the trouble that Sage and I have caused. I don’t think this is going to work out if people keep on treating Sage like this and pushing him to these emotional extremes… and I will lash out at anyone who dares hurt him without hesitation. I’m sure it will be better if you left us behind and went on without us. We are obviously not able to work together… and neither are several others in the group, but I’ll leave you to deal with it yourself. Honestly, I don’t know what the MPF was thinking when they just pulled random people together and then immediately sent them out to save the universe; that is not teams are supposed to work.”

Alexis watched as Mimaki left the room in frustration and grimly noted that the feeling was one of the few things they agreed on at the moment. She looked to see Kyou picking up Sage and walked up to him, placing a gentle tail on the half oni’s shoulder and made a motion to take the boy from his hands, “Please, allow me. I can’t allow myself to put his safety to be put in anyone else’s hands. When he wakes up, he can say his goodbyes, and then we’ll go somewhere where we won’t bother you guys.”

Orbeck of Vinhiem
Status: Alexis shot by Jason, Sage, knocked out by Mimaki, and outrage over ignorance.
condition: stressed and clearly...not happy.​

"Do ii-t!", he had gripped the sorcerer's arm and begged, the words barely making it out properly, "No hesi...tation..."
Well, as expected...a bit less so with him mouthing off his own hopelessness to the sky. It certainly didn't help to have Jason just blow Alexis the shoulder, even if she was absolutely rash in her actions...there was no excuse for this, one of the many internal influences were not responsible in this was all on her actions and the appearance of a random portal.

The moment Orbeck called Mimaki to help Sage, the fox's eyes flared.
Let's be honest, he wasn't expecting a happy response. With what has just happened, who could blame them? And it wasn't as if he was going to therapy his way out of a takeover. He expected this to happen in some way or another the moment he gotten the attention of such a being. Was his actions on trying to reassure sage in such a situation foolish, probably so.


Much to Orbeck's and Kyou's own possible dismay...

The Kitsune moved at great, godly speeds in front of him, as he raised his sword up- and thrust down the butt of the hilt on Sage's head, to knock him out instantly!

And like that, Sage was knocked out. Left with his own self-disgust as he loses consciousness. Expecting the wurst to came from those few who are difunctional at the very task they were ordered to do. What had changed between his initial time at Gravity falls to here?
Mimaki wasn't as calm as he was trying to be. Oh boy.
So there goes Mimaki as he furiously barks at the people who were unable to prevent such a calamity in the few minutes they were gone, repeating some of the same points that Orbeck himself pondered on. The lack of clarity amongst the team, internal conflict, and the disregard for the potential thousand on this space ship. Then there was the sharp rebuttal of Alexis over her tunnel sighted vision over protecting Sage and her overdone reactions thus far. The fact that he didn't consider stabbing the pyromantic boy was unnerving.

And here he was hoping to avoid this kind of conflict after the run-in with Wesker.

Kyou Tana simply pursued his lips, as he slowly picked Sage up with his hands, putting the boy behind his back so he didn't have to sleep on the cold floor of this ship.

"...Is everyone okay?"

Besides the events that had just transpired...not everyone is ok in this case. As much as he would like to just put the blame on Blender, it would have happened in some circumstances. Maybe auto has some sort...Veneta with humans, maybe the squared shaped one heald the key to them heading back to their planet. There was Alexis, who may or may not try to kill someone on this ship over what has happened, so he retains his court sorcerers staff in the case she decides to do so. He nearly had his souls taken by Kagutsuchi, he has not forgotten that.

“I’m sorry for the trouble that Sage and I have caused. I don’t think this is going to work out if people keep on treating Sage like this and pushing him to these emotional extremes… and I will lash out at anyone who dares hurt him without hesitation. I’m sure it will be better if you left us behind and went on without us. We are obviously not able to work together… and neither are several others in the group, but I’ll leave you to deal with it yourself. Honestly, I don’t know what the MPF was thinking when they just pulled random people together and then immediately sent them out to save the universe; that is not teams are supposed to work.”

"Are you kidding..." given her words and the lack of context, he is not happy."I don't think anyone here is ignoring that fact sage is a liability of some sort, but antagonizing him to that regard? If you're referring to the incident with torchwick as an example, then let me say this, we would have been fools to trust a man who had his wits in a twist over a somewhat ignorant speech." Is he saying that the shareholders as a whole are untrustworthy, no just torch wick and those who joined of their free will? "Or are you referring to the nightmare that was the last world where Kagutsuchi tried to incite the vial manifestation of flame as we were fighting with our own vices and demons? or the fight at Remnant where Sage was BEGGING for me to knock him unconscious with a soul arow to prevent another calamity with the entity. Would you have killed me if I had done so at this very moment, even with his consent?"

"AND even now this occurs, where some random metal automation came in and trivialized suicide as if it was any outer discussion, causing sage to flare up and take out the lights...those events where unfortunate yes, but to put the entire group's issues on that alone is foolish."

And at her comments about the MPF puling random people together, just some simple outrage "Then maybe I can ask you this, I was involved with the events during the gravity falls incident, no powers of any sort, and with the threat of being killed at any time. I don't need to say much regarding what occurred in point zero, but what has changed? Why is it that NOW of all time our differences cause those sorts of situations?"

She looked to see Kyou picking up Sage and walked up to him, placing a gentle tail on the half oni’s shoulder and made a motion to take the boy from his hands, “Please, allow me. I can’t allow myself to put his safety to be put in anyone else’s hands. When he wakes up, he can say his goodbyes, and then we’ll go somewhere where we won’t bother you guys.”

And now she insisted that, she, was the only one who could care for sage.
"You are making it out as if this entire group is out for Sage." said as clear as he could, he has yet to relay move from his spot near sage after all. "I..and maybe everyone else would have been content if you simply moved the...'Auto pilot' away from sage. But your actions only added to whatever doubts sage had for himself, he was despairing over the fact that he was the center of something he could not control, you went too must have known, in some way...If he leaves, it would be on his own terms. Leave him. And actually THINK about the idea of leaving, before committing to it. NO ONE IS OUT FOR YOU...That may as well go for everyone in this room..." That was...all he had to say to her. It was stupid to do something against someone with her powers. But he was simply outraged by her words. Hopefully Kyou doesn't just hand him over without just thinking his words over.

Regardless of what she might say or do he makes his way to the remains of AUTO. It wouldn't be that hard, just use his oh so wonderful Golden sorcery and repair the meted remains of this automation. Orbeck has no idea of the full limits to this spell, and even to the very people who made this spell in Oolacile, they keep its full secrets guarded, the reversal of such a process is considered forbidden. Might have to do with its use of light to reverse the state of the spell's target, certainly powerful in the right hands. So he makes his way to the captain, who is probably panicking internal due to what has happened. Again, who could blame them?

"...I believe I should be able to repair...AUTO, was it? I just need some reassurance that the automation won't try to attack once he is...restored." he asked. He lacks the knowing and experience when it comes to robots, so he is somewhat at a loss with things like ' where is Auto's ai stored' and the like.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @Lazaro1505 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
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Bayonetta and Willow

Bayonetta's Status: N/A
Willow's Status: Very curious as to how this robot is lighting cigars.
Health: 123/150
Hunger: 104/150
Sanity: 120/120

Bayonetta's Interactions: N/A

Willow's Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason Todd), Celestial Speck Celestial Speck (Mimaki), QizPizza QizPizza (Alexis), Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage)

Willow was very excited as she stood in the bridge between the lights exploding into sparks, Alexis' firey retaliation against Auto, the fire caused by Sage, and just the lit cigars bender had. She raised her wand to join in on this lovely inferno, then took a look around the room and slowly lowered it. As much as Willow loved fire, it wasn't the only thing that meant anything to her. The sight of seeing stuff burn? The warmth of a campfire? The crackle of a good flame? That all felt small in comparison to how.....upset everyone was. People were yelling, crying, and just generally upset. This wasn't something new to her. There had absolutely been fights between the survivors before. But not on a scale like this. Nothing like this. Giving one last reluctant glance towards her wand, Willow sighed and decided to put her beloved flames aside for a moment. Straightening her hat, she walked beside the broken Auto and tried to say what she felt the situation needed. "I won't stop you, Alexis. I know it's not a fair comparison, but I love fire. If I had to give up fire because everybody didn't like it, I wouldn't be around them either. You light some very beautiful flames, so it'll be sad to see you go. But I know it's probably the best for you and Sage to go. I can help you and Kyou get him somewhere safe if you'd like, even." Willow then shot a dirty look to the people who talked down Alexis for siding with Sage, clearly having picked a side in the whole mess.
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari, intrigued, came on board the ship and stopped behind the others that had also entered. He saw a rather muscular-looking man with what looked like strange tattoos covering his entire body, along with a green-skinned woman. Akari had entered the ship just as she mentioned something about Rocket having a troubled past and how, to Akari, it seemed to be causing him to be in denial. "Ah, poor guy. Maybe something happened to him that makes him not want to be a raccoon anymore, huh? I... kinda understand, in a way. Some old wounds don't heal as fast as you'd like them to, after all..." Akari said to the woman, rubbing the left side of his neck before folding his arms. "Oh, right." He said suddenly, returning to a neutral position. "I'm Akari Kishiri, though I also go by the codename 'Paladin', if you like." Akari introduced himself to the woman and Drax, along with the other MPF members that were present and had not learned the Persona-user's name.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)

Megumin stood up, glaring at everyone firmly. Mimaki's words had punched her, but she used the pain to push herself. "As your party member, I don't find a breakup to be the only option." She couldn't...After snapping at Lucky so hard, and then realizing that she could be just as guilty as him, she wouldn't stand by and watch someone be cast off. "No party is perfect. I should know. Kazuma and I fight all the time, but we always pulled through." She tapped her staff on the floor. "We don't have time to argue. Alexis, I'm afraid the others are right." She faced the kitsune with hard, but warm eyes. "Family is very important, but Ganondorf won't just sidestep your family because you love them so much. If he takes down the multiverse, all of us go down with it, including them and Sage."

"Furthermore, Sage, I do like you."
She nodded towards the pyromancer, hoping for her voice to reach him in whatever dream he was having. "Beyond your admirable strength, you are noble, but humble, very kind while also knowing when to stand your ground. Your problem is, as Alexis pointed out, you were roped into this without any time to harness your powers." She sighed, shaking her head. This wasn't Belzerg, they didn't have all the time in the world to stumble down the path to the big bad at the end. But abandoning Sage and Alexis here would mean causing some kind of multiversal upset, wouldn't it? What were the chances that Alexis would ever again see that family she loved so much?

"How about, while we are all trapped in this room, while we are all tense, we take this time to air our grievances about each other." She suggested confidently, sitting down. She thought of Alexis and Ciri in particular. "I know we do not all agree with each other, and our being pulled along has not allowed us to come to terms. If we don't release our anger now, things will continue to get worse between us." She also drummed her fingers on her staff cautiously; If this turned into another shouting match, both (or all) participants would be bonked unconscious.

QizPizza QizPizza Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher B Bridge
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Agent 3

When the bridge was cast into a pitch black darkness thanks to Sage losing control once more, everyone had similar, disheveled reactions.
And now the lights were gone! The emotional human flamethrower had once more made another situation! This time; nobody can see, and the cause for this was mainly what Bender was saying about death and suicide. "You have got to be kidding me..." The Inkling said sharply - and with no light to her person, she only had to look around and see what's going on - though, not very much is what she 'could' see.
Jason grabbed Megumin by her cape and pulled her back when she charged at Bender again, and to be honest by now he had half a mind to knock her upside the head with his trusty pistol. Even as Agent 3 also grabbed Megumin, Jason's grip stayed firm, as he merely stared down at Megumin and slowly shook his head, as if issuing a warning.
...Well, for one, her grip on Megumin didn't stop - and with the added support from Jason this time, Megumin wasn't going to be punching Bender any time soon with both of them holding her back by the arm and the cape respectively.


Within seconds of Sage attempting to leave, the elevator door appeared to slam shut, preventing anyone from entering or leaving. The glorified steering wheel then retracted into the ceiling, and moments later, it re-emerged mere inches in front of Sage, producing what appeared to be some kind of taser on one of its handles.


"AUTO, wait--!" The Captain shouted, but it was too late. AUTO, being a pure machine that is only set to act in the Axiom's best interests, proceeded to jam the taser right into Sage's chest. The only things that lit the room were the sparks that flew from the resulting voltage. Unless someone, somehow, managed to pry AUTO away from Sage, the steering wheel would keep going until Sage was effectively knocked out.
And now the autopilot is triggered. Fantastic. As this suddenly escalated, the Inkling leapt behind any semblance of cover there was and simply looked away (given she had to let go of Megumin first), and now she sits there, waiting, and listening.
"Everyone. Stand. Down. We're here to talk, not to fight."

Haws' strong voice can be heard clearly. Despite the temptation to start pointing his gun, he resists- direct threats would just escalate the situation. At least, that's his reasoning up until the autopilot gets lit on fire for threatening one of their own with a taser. Great. Haws repeats himself, louder and more urgently this time as he scrambles to find something to extinguish AUTO with. This would not sit well with the captain OR the clearly sentient robotic autopilot, so it'll be a miracle if they can have a smooth conversation after this.

"Stand down and get a freaking fire extinguisher! Put out that robot, NOW!"
...First, the blockman tried to call this mess to order. He ordered that AUTO needed support - an extinguisher. Agent 3 looked to her weapon - and to her tank. While her tank was full, ink is not going to help. She shook her head, and remained where she was.
"Easier said than done!" She called back loudly. "Most people here don't seem to listen to reason, I doubt you two are going to make a difference!" She added, and now she returned to Megumin - who, at the time, was still held by Jason, so Agent 3 reinstated her grip now to once more help out.
"No, Agent 3, this is about the principle!" Megumin snarled. "He wants me to show my strength, I'll show my strength! Adventurers must never back down from a challenge, especially a challenge from some drunken soda can!" She snapped and flailed about in Agent 3's grip.
Agent 3 glared to the girl and shook her head. "That's the way of a fool." She said bleakly. "Adventurers roam the world to see what they can find and what they can do. While you may be true on the challenge front, survival is priority number one, is it not? Besides..." Agent 3 paused for a moment and met Megumin with her death stare before continuing. "Aren't you one yourself, if your statement is true? Then why, by the looks of things, do you always cast things to the wind... and keep getting yourself into stupid little messes like this? Stop it."
Luckily for Sage, AUTO had been pulled away from him by Alexis before he could do any major damage to the boy. The steering wheel's red eye seemed to minimize a bit as it then targeted on Alexis, its taser shining brightly as it refocused on her. Moments later, Alexis had set it on fire, which caused Jason, Quill, and Micah to take a step back from the intense heat. The Captain let out a shocked gasp as he observed the sight.

"W-what are you doing!? AUTO is the central control unit of the entire ship!!" The Captain would shout, and after hearing such words, Jason decided that he'd had about enough. Without a second thought, he pulled out his gun and aimed directly for Alexis' shoulder, and pulled the trigger. His bullets were made of a special caliber after years of going against Gotham's worst, so no matter how bright Alexis' flames burned, it would pass through her flames and explode right as it made contact with her shoulder.

"I'm tired of you putting the entire group in danger over that fucking child, Alexis!" Jason shouted as he lowered the gun. "So help me, if you do not chill, I will put one bullet in your head for you and every one of your little friends." Jason spat, only to then watch as the flames disappeared in an instant thanks to.... whatever Kyou and Mimaki just did. Luckily, thanks to them, AUTO hadn't been completely destroyed, but the flames had done a number on him nonetheless. Pieces of melted metal and charred plastic formed a small pile below the steering wheel. The glass over the eye was cracked, with the eye itself having gone completely offline. A few of its handles had been completely melted off as well, leaving the steering wheel to be a shell of its former self.

"Welp, I'm bored now!" Bender would exclaimed as he casually strolled on over to the elevator and entered it. "I'm gonna go kill myself and hope to God I get rebuilt anywhere but here." And then, as the doors closed, Bender would angrily point at the group. "And, by the way, where I come from, there are booths on every corner to do that. Sorry that I 'triggered' you because I'm from another time period! Hope it was worth almost killing everyone on this blasted ship over, you thirty-first-century-phobic, millennial jackasses!" With that, the doors had shut all the way, and Bender continued to chug his infinite alcohol while the elevator itself was lowered.

Jason merely sighed at the sight, but all in all, he didn't feel the need to follow Bender. Instead, he gave both Sage and Alexis a firm, stern glance. "The next time either of you fucks up, you're off the team. I don't care what you have to do, but at this point, you've come closer to killing any of us than Ganondorf himself has." He huffed out, before watching as Sage was then knocked out. Star-Lord let out a whistle in response.


"Yeah... my team is dysfunctional... but you guys take it to a whole new level."
"You haven't seen anything yet." Agent 3 said bleakly and in a joking tone, shrugging it off. "Except, maybe you have, uh... That was... pretty bad." She muttered, and then looked to the damage done to AUTO - well, that's not good... Facepalming and glancing to the group through the dark, the Inkling let out a heavy sigh. "You're all functionally retarded." She stated. "Some more than others, but I'm surprised we're even here to begin with."
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Frustrated/Given up​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "What the hell, heroes?"
RP Information
Location: 'The Axiom', space
Nearby/In Group: @StayingBehindTeam​

  • Kassandra likely would have ripped her Spear of Leonidas right through Kendall’s disgusting snout when he decided it was smart to pat her like some dog, had it not been for the intervention of Ciri. Through the armor, it was obvious she tensed up as her quarry managed to run off like it was nothing, before realizing her friend was right. Sighing, she returned her Dagger of Kronus back to its sheath before shaking her head and turning back.

    “You’re right. I just can’t tolerate him, though, after he tried to blast Ikaros. Guess I’m too overprotective of my bird.” She gestured with her head to the Golden Eagle, who sat in the corner preening all by himself. The only time he looked up was when that idiot Delsausage flew through him, but the bird didn’t acknowledge the monstrosity that was a meme character.

    Regardless, since Ciri had to stay to keep Space Kid company, the mercenary silently stayed alongside her companion. Granted, it was obvious her mood had been soured by Kendall’s mere punchable face, but she was faring better at taming her temper than an average Spartan. At least, until some trash-talking metal can decided to make himself at home. It looked like Megumin was taking the insults far worse than the prideful Greek, though it seemed like the Bender bot was going to shut up after being bribed by one newcomer Kyou...

    ...Until Megumin tried to whack the robot, at which point she was goaded into smacking someone else. And to make matters worse, Sage decided that now was the best time to have one of his gods-damned panic moments. Kassandra knew of a girl who had problems controlling her “problems” in Atlantis, and hadn’t blamed her at all for her inability to control it. She’d felt the same way about Sage before back in New Donk City, even if she’d inadvertently seemed like she had been solely dissing the fire boy back when she went on a counter-tirade after Alexis harangued Ciri.

    But this was the third meltdown in three universes. Last time, he nearly killed Yang. And this time, he prompted AUTO to tase the kid, which also in turn made Alexis all over-protectively pissed off and fried the machine operating the whole freaking ship. She wasn’t a master with futuristic technology, but she had enough Isu blood to understand the basic gist of almost all modern and futuristic inventions and terms. And she definitely understood that if one killed the captain of a ship- no matter what time period they may be in- the ship might as well be screwed. Aaaand more flames engulfed the bridge. At this point, Kassandra was just so pissed off that she didn’t even shout or do anything. She just...


    ...Stood there, facepalming, as she let the others- mostly other newbie Mimaki- deal with this horror show. The only reaction she got was when Ciri left, as the Greek nodded to the latter with the child before going back to just silently brooding at the mess that was going on.

    Finally, the mess was stopped, and Mimaki went to town, boldly chastising the fire idiots for their third screwup in a row. The Ancient Greek couldn’t help but like this guy already, though obviously it seemed to not work out as Alexis produced a somewhat equal and opposite reaction. Then Alexis offered for herself and Sage to leave. Kassandra was planning on staying silent and just glowering at the fire-wielding idiots who constantly got themselves and the team burnt on their incompetence, but when both Willow and Megumin seemed to try and dissuade Alexis from leaving... Well, Kassandra was reminded of the New Donk City alley incident, and just how Alexis ripped Ciri’s self-esteem down. So when Megumin claimed it would be best to let everything out, she opened her lips, and let the following words come out:

    “I think it’s best for all parties that we split, at this point.”

    Did she say that out loud out of spite, because of that moment in the alley?
    Or was she doing this out of the group’s best interest?
    ...Honestly, even she couldn’t tell at this point.

    “We have all of our worlds and many more at stake, but yet every gods-damned world we get into, Sage explodes into another one of his stupid fucking meltdowns.”

    One could hear the frustration that had been pent-up, especially from the Chucky factory’s friendly fire incidents, quickly ooze into her tone.

    “...Last time, he nearly killed one of us, and gods know if we can babysit him next time we’re in a battle and he decides to let himself loose. Gods, if we’re fighting Ganondorf, who you all make out to be some superpower, and Sage decides to set all of us on fire, we’re screwed. We couldn’t possibly stop him without putting ourselves at a major battle disadvantage.”

    She paused, staring at the unconscious kid’s body. The first time she said Sage was useless in New Donk’s alley was more out of pure frustration; this time, it was out of frustration plus what she’d observed the past couple worlds.

    “And the same thing goes for you. Whatever malakas gods you had blew Sage up, and whenever Sage blows up you blow up too. You both end up being catalysts of disaster for each other, since if one of you goes up in flames the other blows the problem out of proportion even more.”

    Her disdainful look shifted back to Alexis, the self-proclaimed therapist. And yet here this idiot was, unable to hold her own feelings in check.

    “This time, you nearly stranded us in space because a machine tried to rightfully stop Sage. What about the next time? What if that ‘nearly’ turns into reality?”

    Kassandra’s brown eyes gazed over Alexis and Sage. Any pity she had for the fire-wielding malakes was gone now; she’d had enough of their shit, and anyone else’s shit that kept popping up.

    “...Do what you gods-damned like. I’ve ‘released my anger’ enough. But know that if you’re staying and if either of you mess up, I will not hesitate to rip my Spear through your throats if it means preserving our chances of saving our worlds as a whole.”

    And she meant this. If the situation called for it, she could very well be a stone-cold killer, and considering everything was at stake here, she wouldn’t blink to sacrifice two lives over a whole load more.​

    Either way, with Kassandra’s ominous, morbid, or whatever negative-traited tirade done, she gave both Sage and Alexis a glare before queueing up for the elevator down below. Ikaros followed suit, perching on the Eagle Bearer’s shoulder as the duo waited. If (and when) she reached the bottom, she managed to hide whatever dregs of frustration were left within her, replaced by an exasperated expression as she returned to the Witcheress.

    “...I think it’s over now. The others will figure out what to do from here.” She omitted the fact that she had pretty much done to Alexis exactly what the kitsune had done to Ciri back in the alley, folding her arms as she glanced down at the Space Kid.

    “He’s still asleep, huh? What are we even going to do with him?”
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On the ride down, she heard the sounds of a gunshot get further away followed by Jason yelling. Sounds like Alexis once again put Sage above everyone else which at this point, wasn’t surprising. The elevator stopped and the doors opened, putting Ciri and hopefully Aloy as well back in the office that they had to enter in order to get to the elevator. Stepping out, the elevator doors closed once more and she took this time to check on Space Kid to see if he was still sleeping and to see if he was alright. Faintly, she heard what sounded like someone yelling at the group and since it wasn’t a voice she recognized, it meant that it was one of the newcomers.

Clearly, they hadn’t even been here that long and they were already done with everyone in that room including the mother and son.

It was then that the elevator doors opened again to reveal the alcoholic robot coming out and presumably exiting the room. As the doors closed again and rather than the doors reopening a minute or two later, a portal appeared and through it, she could see the rest of the group before it closed as a man with white hair and fox features exited the portal. Was he the one that she heard yelling from all the way up there? Probably since she’s never really heard him speak before.

Seeing the look he had on his face, it was one that she knew all too well. Before she could say anything, the elevator doors opened again to reveal Kassandra and Ikaros, two people (or one person and one bird if you wish to be specific) that she was very relieved to see. “
Hopefully they do know what to do, I’d rather stay away from that as long as Space Kid is here.“ As for what they should do, she chose to whisper it to her since there’s a chance he may wake up in the middle of their conversation. “And what we should do is find his actual parents. If not, we can find someone who will take good care of him. I would just rather he be safe than be around when danger appears.

She then looked over at the man who had cake through that portal. “
I see that you’ve experienced their lack of common sense and you probably wished to get away from that. The look on your face says it all. This isn’t the first time she’s gotten way too overprotective of Sage to the point where she ignores the fact that the rest of her family is in danger since the multiverse is in danger, but from what I heard, it’s probably one of, if not the last times she’ll be overprotective of him. She’ll always put him over the rest of the group and the entire multiverse. And she said that I’m selfish...

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , darkred darkred , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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Ellie asked if she was sure before explaining the last time someone stared at her like that. Just what did she go through? “I’m sure, Ellie. I’ve known Leo since this whole mess with the multiverse started and I know for a fact he isn’t going to hurt you.

Atreus then said he was harmless before telling Ellie that she could stand behind him if he was scared and she looked away for a second, a small smile appearing in her face as she attempted to hide it. He was being cute right now, wanting to protect Ellie but she didn’t take too kindly to that for a few seconds before realizing it herself. The difference between the two were obvious but then again, the two were kids but Ellie was a bit older than him, he hadn’t seen whatever she had seen.

From the sounds of it, she hoped that he didn’t have to.

When Atreus brought up that Ellie reminded him of a dwarf that he knows that curses a lot too, she looked at him. “
I knew a dwarf once, she worked for the military in my world. Unfortunately, she wasn’t all that kind towards my race and all but one of my friends.” Once she brought up Cordovin, her cat ears drooped down as she looked slightly down. With what she said, you’d think that she wasn’t that sad from what was implied from her reaction after she told them about her, and yet... really, Cordovin didn’t deserve that fate, no one did.

Ellya Ellya

"There's dwarves in your realm too?" Atreus asked curiously as he 'sheathed' his bow again around his torso, keeping an attentive look up at Blake as she told her story. "Although... I guess I shouldn't be surprised. They're full of arcane surprises and tricks, he told me himself. "


Noticing her sadness, Atreus himself frowned a bit. "Yeah... one of the dwarves I know isn't very nice either... Maybe it's because they're so small and people keep making fun of them." He was very clearly enjoying this talk, probably because he rarely ever got to. It was also obvious that he didn't quite know how to deal with other people's feelings that well, though. "Every creature in this world faces hardship, and if they deal with it by being mean, that doesn't mean you have to be mean to them... That's something Mother used to say..."

A smile stayed on the boy's face, but there was a general sadness to his tone when he spoke of his mother. Ellie just listened, having say down with her legs crossed and staring at her gun by now. She was biting the inside of her cheek as Atreus and Blake talked. After a few minutes, she softly spoke up. "Hey, kid? I'm sorry I missed your magic arrow thing. You can show me the uh... the other one if you want..." Her voice was much softer as well now, like she recognized the source of Atreus' sadness. She'd completely forgotten about Leo at this point.

Atreus perked up at this and quickly drew another arrow. "Watch this..." He slowly drew, aiming toward where the other arrow he shot was now embedded in the wall somewhere. When the bowstring touched his nose, he took a slow breath, then yelled out "Nista!"


The bowstring glowed a mellow, pleasant blue and the arrow once again took over that energy as it was released. A long path of light was left behind by it as it flew, piercing the wall just beside the other arrow, and even creating a small circular flash of light on impact. "Aw... I was trying to hit the other arrow..."

Ellie smiled softly. "Well... It's still pretty impressive... Mind if I try?" Atreus looked at the girl for a second, then handed over his bow. Ellie took it, testing its weight for a second before taking an arrow Atreus handed to her. She aimed, drew and then fired a normal arrow while screaming out. "ABRACADABRA!" The arrow hit right between the other two, and Ellie smiled at her well-placed shot as Atreus looked at her with a dumb grin while she handed the bow back to him. "You know magic too...?" he asked in awe, causing Ellie to just chuckle softly.

- - - - -

Kanye took a nap while flying through space.
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Chronology (1).jpg

Location: The Axion
Expression: Quite Having Trouble
Interaction: Open
Mention: Ellya Ellya , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

When Jett was standing there watching the trouble going on, she thinks that she needs to be capable on having the time of her lifetime. So, she decides to flip her knife while trying to think about something in mind about her recent battles with her new allies. She remembered that when they are in big trouble, she needs to either plant the spike or made a sacrifice. Jett is trying to have some consistent moments while flying through space inside of The Axion, she smiled at herself then frowned a bit to everyone else thinking that this will be a nightmare of a entirely new universe. She turned around to see the new girl called Ellie and Blake that was having some fun together with the new guy called Arterus, she then tries to approach her and yet realized that Blake is there with the two. Jett is being so minded all about Blake the entire time but decided to shake her head off right before trying to approach towards the two.
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake looked up at Atreus, hearing him ask if there were dwarves in her realm. “
Well, she wasn’t really a dwarf, I only say that because she was very small and dwarf is the technical term for what she is.” Despite the frown he had on his face, he seemed to be enjoying the conversation. Though it was clear that he seemed to not be able to deal with people’s feelings that well but given his age, that was understandable.

When he brought up his mother, he might’ve had a smile on his face but the tone in his voice told a different story. She felt bad for him, he had lost his mother at such a young age. Ellie seemed to notice this too and attempted to get his mind off of it by wanting to see the light arrow which worked since he quickly took out an arrow and like before, said something right before he let go of the arrow. Unlike the last one, the bowstring became a mellow blue and when the arrow was released, a path of blue light was left behind.

That was also impressive, Atreus. It was probably on the same scale as the lightning arrow.” As Ellie asked to try, she sat down and looked at the two, watching Ellie fire an arrow as she yelled abracadabra which got a slight smile from the Faunus. When she let go of the arrow, it managed to hit in between the two arrows. “That was a good shot, Ellie.” Atreus asked if she knew magic as well and a small chuckle came from her.

Blake wasn’t known for being someone who was around kids, the only kid she had ever been around recently was Oscar. But these two? They were alright.

Hearing footsteps approach from behind, she looked back to see that it was Jett. “Oh, hi Jett.” She looked back at Atreus and Ellie. “Don’t worry, she’s on our side, she won’t hurt you two.

Ellya Ellya , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake looked up at Atreus, hearing him ask if there were dwarves in her realm. “
Well, she wasn’t really a dwarf, I only say that because she was very small and dwarf is the technical term for what she is.” Despite the frown he had on his face, he seemed to be enjoying the conversation. Though it was clear that he seemed to not be able to deal with people’s feelings that well but given his age, that was understandable.

When he brought up his mother, he might’ve had a smile on his face but the tone in his voice told a different story. She felt bad for him, he had lost his mother at such a young age. Ellie seemed to notice this too and attempted to get his mind off of it by wanting to see the light arrow which worked since he quickly took out an arrow and like before, said something right before he let go of the arrow. Unlike the last one, the bowstring became a mellow blue and when the arrow was released, a path of blue light was left behind.

That was also impressive, Atreus. It was probably on the same scale as the lightning arrow.” As Ellie asked to try, she sat down and looked at the two, watching Ellie fire an arrow as she yelled abracadabra which got a slight smile from the Faunus. When she let go of the arrow, it managed to hit in between the two arrows. “That was a good shot, Ellie.” Atreus asked if she knew magic as well and a small chuckle came from her.

Blake wasn’t known for being someone who was around kids, the only kid she had ever been around recently was Oscar. But these two? They were alright.

Hearing footsteps approach from behind, she looked back to see that it was Jett. “Oh, hi Jett.” She looked back at Atreus and Ellie. “Don’t worry, she’s on our side, she won’t hurt you two.

Ellya Ellya , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
She turned around to see the new girl called Ellie and Blake that was having some fun together with the new dwarf called Arterus, she then tries to approach her and yet realized that Blake is there with the two. Jett is being so minded all about Blake the entire time but decided to shake her head off right before trying to approach towards the two.[/FONT]

Blake's instinct of making sure Ellie knew that this person was on their side was well grounded. The girl already had a hand in her pocket making a fist around something that could only be assumed to be a kind of weapon. She gave the new person a cautious look and took a deep breath. "She's welcome to try..." Her mood seemed to have been dampened a bit though and she definitely kept her guard up again, just letting out a mumbled "Hi..."

Atreus kept being himself. "Jett..." he quietly repeated to himself after hearing the person's name from Blake. "I'm Atreus, the mean-looking girl is Ellie, but she's actually pretty nice. What realm, or uh, world are you from?" He asked in a cheerful tone while Ellie just gave him a look after making her lose pretty much all of her credibility as a tough girl. "Yeah, thanks... Well obviously these two aren't from the same world, this one doesn't have the weird freaky cat ears." Ellie nodded towards Blake's head. "So yeah, what's your deal, Jett?" She asked with sarcasm just dripping off when saying Jett's name.
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: The Axion
Expression: Quite Happy on Ellie and Aterus
Interaction: Blake, Ellie, and Aterus
Mention: Ellya Ellya , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

As when Blake turned around and saw Jett approaching towards her, she smiled at Blake right before gazing at the two new people while giggling a bit. She can hear that Blake said that she is actually on their side and she's actually right about that right before saying to the two new people "Yeah, me and Thorne are actually on Blake's side because we met in a cabin a while ago and they are actually trustworthy to us. So uh, we decided to join this saving the entire multiverse adventure now." She then puts back her knife into her holster and looks at the three that are talking right before saying a question to Blake stating "So, this is two of the new peoples here in this so called 'The Axion'? Well, I guess that we should get along sometime." Jett says that with a little bit of a cute compliment voice towards the two new people, right before she does a positive voice towards Ellie and Aterus about what is her deal saying "I was gonna check on you three, and I think that the guy and you girl are actually very good on shooting arrows right there. I was very impressed on it."
As when Blake turned around and saw Jett approaching towards her, she smiled at Blake right before gazing at the two new people while giggling a bit. She can hear that Blake said that she is actually on their side and she's actually right about that right before saying to the two new people "Yeah, me and Thorne are actually on Blake's side because we met in a cabin a while ago and they are actually trustworthy to us. So uh, we decided to join this saving the entire multiverse adventure now." She then puts back her knife into her holster and looks at the three that are talking right before saying a question to Blake stating "So, this is two of the new peoples here in this so called 'The Axion'? Well, I guess that we should get along sometime." Jett says that with a little bit of a cute compliment voice towards the two new people, right before she does a positive voice towards Ellie and Aterus about what is her deal saying "I was gonna check on you three, and I think that the guy and you girl are actually very good on shooting arrows right there. I was very impressed on it."

Ellie turned to Atreus for a second, smiling at him. "Yeah... boy's actually pretty good..." To which Atreus seemed to flinch a bit. "Uh... Please don't call me that again..." It was giving him some straight flashbacks to the much less pleasant recent travels with his Father. Luckily, the way Ellie said it sounded much more affectionate.

She just saw some fun in it though. "What, boy? I mean... You are a boy, what are you, like 10?" She chuckled, actually starting to have some fun as well. Unfortunately it seemed to be in poor taste, as Atreus' shoulders went down and he stared at the floor for a while, some confused sadness and even suppressed anger in his expression, but he kept a relatively light tone of voice for Ellie, knowing it's not her fault.. "Eleven... I just... My Father always calls me that, and..." he just mumbled, following it up with a long sigh. "He's not nice."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Kyou stood mostly quiet as Alexis and the rest of the team had a verbal fight and he couldn't help but bite his lower lip as it happened. He hasn't been in this team for more than a day or two right now, and from the looks of it, they clearly weren't...Fully functional. He didn't have a lot of context, but from the looks of it...Sage and Alexis...It wasn't the first time this happened. But it might as well be the last with how done everyone was with her. He could only flinch as the Kitsune woman placed a tail on his shoulder and spoke, the memories of that damn fake fire 'goddess' trying to eat his soul still fresh on his mind.

He didn't like pointing fingers, and he wasn't here- but it was very clear Sage and Alexis...Weren't team favorite.

Orbeck's and Kassandra's words were harsh and blunt. It was clear it wasn't just Mimaki that was frustrated with the Kitsune woman- many others of the team also had a few words to say to her. Some somewhat took her side, like the little girl with a strange obsession with flames he didn't have the chance to properly meet, although he had a feeling it wasn't because she agreed on Sage and Alexis' points, but simply because of their flames. And hell- even Megumin, who was drowning in her own despair, seemed to be agreeing that they needed to get their shit together. All the meanwhile Alexis treated Sage like a kid.

"Alexis-san, I--!" The Half Oni took a sharp breath. He was frustrated- not angry. But even if he didn't know these people very well, he had to at least say something. "...Alexis, I have a wife and daughter I want to go back to. I'm fighting for their sake, but I'm also fighting for the sake of other people in my city, other people in my world, other people in other worlds like everyone 'ere is! Being selfish and wanting to protect those you love ain't a sin, but--" But what? He'd just be repeating what everyone else said. It doesn't mean that she can just ignore everyone else. Which Alexis clearly was. She reminded him of Yamata and other old Youkai. While she seemed wise and smart...She acted on extremes and was selfish. Did she not realize that everyone here had someone they wanted to go back to? The half oni didn't say a word to her, and instead simply stared down at Sage's unconscious body.

"Sage...Isn't a kid, Alexis-san." The onis words were wise, but he didn't look at the kitsune. "He's an adult with problems. Don't baby him, or try and temporarily move his emotions away with comfort...That's not the way. Just- let him decide if he wants to leave, but make him use this opportunity to control his emotions. Because he can't keep being knocked out or bottle his emotions fer the rest 'f his life. It...It ain't right."

Soon, Kyou placed Sage's body on the ground once more, making sure to heal him a little bit with his breath. He still didn't look at Alexis. "Let Sage fight his own battles. And...Let him decide if he wants to leave or not. Tell 'im he can look for me if he wants to talk."

And with that, the oni moved away from everyone, sitting in a corner of the room.

Mimaki Kunosuke's face, despite being one similar to Alexis due to his fox ears and tails, clearly showed an air of emotional maturity to it, and Ciri and Kass could tell that. While it may be natural they may hold some instinctual bias to him due to also being a fox, much like Alexis, it was clear the Kitsune was very tired, and very exhausted of everyone's shit, much like the members of Blood Gulch, and that showed when the portal behind him sloppily closed itself, lacking any sort of grace or carefulness Mimaki normally had. His energy was on the limit, but he needed to get the hell out of there before he made things worse.

Ciri's words made the other white-haired person look at her with a careful look for a moment with a hint of surprise before his shoulders slumped and he quickly relaxed. Right, he thought to himself as the Lady of Space spoke. She was there with us. She didn't want to deal with all that disaster.

His amber eyes moved from the small child accompanying her to Kassandra, the interesting looking Spartan woman he saw before but didn't have a chance to interact with. Forcing a smile on his lips as he waved at Space Kid gently, his soul doing its best to go from an icy cold frustration to a gentle and calm breeze instead. But it was hard. He was used to people fucking up, but not people fucking up on this scale. People who did things as Alexis did, who acted on selfishness only...Often met their end on his blade. And yet here she was, as a team member.

"Being selfish to protect others isn't wrong," Mimaki breathed out finally. "But it absolutely becomes such when multiple human lives and other allies are at risk- and other worlds with an infinitely bigger amount of people."

His tails weren't moving behind him mystically, instead, they just were just sorta dropped down, like a sad tail of a dog, but soon, a few of them picked up steam and got themselves back up, as his energies returned to them. A Kitsune's source of power was his tails, after all. Soon, Mimaki sheathed his blade once more and gave both women a bow. "...I'm sorry you had to hear those things from a stranger like myself, but I really wasn't going to play therapist at the heat of the moment. I am Mimaki Kunosuke- a Kitsune, much like that woman. I hope the bias against me isn't too strong, heh..." He said almost knowingly, giving an awkward smile in a poor attempt to lift the mood up.
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Lealan nods to Gamora and proceeds deeper into the ship, going to where she had instructed. Once she finds the last door on the left, she lightly knocks on it and waits a response from Rocket.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Her cat ears twitched a bit, hearing the comment Ellie made before saying hi to Jett. From the way she reacted to someone new coming over, she didn’t exactly trust new people and honestly, she’s the same way but due to the mission needing all the help they could get, she still had her doubts about new people but could quickly get over it. It was fine until Ellie said her cat ears were freaky.

Up until this point, anyone new they met didn’t immediately insult or really insult her at all on her cat ears as being transported from their world to another and being told the multiverse was in danger was already strange enough. But in the short time she had been talking to Ellie, she already went for her ears which made her slightly look away with her cat ears dropping slightly. This would only last for a minute or two as she had to move on. After all, it was just one insult and from a kid no less, not like the amount of insults she received from Captain Falcon earlier.

She looked back at Ellie, her cat ears returning to normal. “
Do you always insult someone’s race within the span of a few minutes after meeting a person?

After Jett complimented them on shooting arrows, Atreus didn’t seem to like being called boy and as Ellie kept going on, Atreus not only said his age but also that his father called him that. Her cat ears had picked up on the fact that he said his father was... not the best and if Weiss was here, she could relate. After all, Jacques Schnee was already a terrible person to an entirely different race as well as humans that he became way worse with how he treated his own family. Hopefully the two weren’t on the same scale in regards to how they treated their own family.

Seeing that Atreus was very troubled by that and even had anger in his expression, albeit suppressed, he tried to keep a light tone in his voice. “
Ellie, I think it’s time to move onto a different topic.

Ellya Ellya , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

Hearing the man speak, she nodded in response. “
Right. I admit I can be selfish at times but at least I’m aware of the fact that the multiverse is in danger and not only is my family in danger as well as everyone else’s families, but millions, if not billions, of families are in danger. Yet putting someone’s life above all others, especially one that’s old enough to make his own decisions and calling him a child, seems to be her top priority rather than wanting to help save so many other lives.

He put away his sword and introduced himself, apologizing for Alexis’ words and gave the two a smile. Mimaki didn’t seem to be like the so called therapist, no, he seemed smarter and more competent than most of the people in the group. Not to mention that he wasn’t having any of the group’s incompetence, which she could very much relate to.

Ciri. My friend here is Kassandra and my other friend that’s on her shoulder is Ikaros.” She gave him a bow back, not wanting to be rude before continuing. “And it’s alright. Really, she’s a hypocrite for saying I’m selfish when she puts his life above all of ours and the entire multiverse because of what? Family? I understand wanting to protect your family, but she’s going to lose the rest of her family if she continues to do this.

Sighing, she continued. “
She claims that her profession is to help others, make them feel better, but yelling at me, mistaking me saying I’ve had thoughts on ending my life if it meant I could get away from the lack of brain cells for me wanting to kill all of them, and chasing me down just to verbally berate me after a fight when before it, she was trying to help me isn’t really telling me that she truly cares for others. It was all because I chose to say something about Sage and hurt his feelings when all I was saying is what I believed to be the truth.

Ciri looked slightly away, trying to hide something. One look at her face revealed that she seemed to be hurt by this and it seems that whatever the kitsune woman had said when she had verbally berated her seemed to cause damage to her, and not the physical kind. If Mimaki noticed, she’d suppressed it and look at him with a neutral expression. “
I can tell you’re not like most of the others, for one, you don’t seem to put up with their... lack of braincells. There are some competent and smart people in there, but that’s only some of them.” Really, she was trying to not curse since at any point, Space Kid could wake up and she was trying hard to not curse in front of him.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Her cat ears twitched a bit, hearing the comment Ellie made before saying hi to Jett. From the way she reacted to someone new coming over, she didn’t exactly trust new people and honestly, she’s the same way but due to the mission needing all the help they could get, she still had her doubts about new people but could quickly get over it. It was fine until Ellie said her cat ears were freaky.

Up until this point, anyone new they met didn’t immediately insult or really insult her at all on her cat ears as being transported from their world to another and being told the multiverse was in danger was already strange enough. But in the short time she had been talking to Ellie, she already went for her ears which made her slightly look away with her cat ears dropping slightly. This would only last for a minute or two as she had to move on. After all, it was just one insult and from a kid no less, not like the amount of insults she received from Captain Falcon earlier.

She looked back at Ellie, her cat ears returning to normal. “
Do you always insult someone’s race within the span of a few minutes after meeting a person?

After Jett complimented them on shooting arrows, Atreus didn’t seem to like being called boy and as Ellie kept going on, Atreus not only said his age but also that his father called him that. Her cat ears had picked up on the fact that he said his father was... not the best and if Weiss was here, she could relate. After all, Jacques Schnee was already a terrible person to an entirely different race as well as humans that he became way worse with how he treated his own family. Hopefully the two weren’t on the same scale in regards to how they treated their own family.

Seeing that Atreus was very troubled by that and even had anger in his expression, albeit suppressed, he tried to keep a light tone in his voice. “
Ellie, I think it’s time to move onto a different topic.

Ellya Ellya , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

After having - accidentally or not - offended two people in less than ten seconds, Ellie lashed out again. And when Blake tried to tell her to just move on from it, Ellie knew that she was right, but didn't want to admit it. Emotions were high for pretty much everyone, and she didn't want to deal with that right now. "Hey fuck you man, don't tell me what to do!" she raised her voice to Blake.

"E... Ellie, she was just trying to-..." Atreus started, but was quickly cut off by Ellie's fury. "Don't even, okay?" she snapped at the boy. "You know what. It was a mistake teaming up with any of you, I'm better on my own anyway." And with that overreaction, she turned her back and stomped away. Everyone who saw this happen knew that she was just being mean, and she knew it as well, but she didn't care. She was just gone, adding one final "Your mommy and daddy are gone, gonna have to deal with that, boy!" while walking away. Who knew what was going on in that girl's head? Under her breath and quietly, she added. "Everyone's got their own shit..."

Atreus made a motion to walk up to Ellie, but he stopped himself, just watching her go with puppy dog eyes. Turning his head to look up at Jett and Blake, he simply said "... I hope she's okay..."

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

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