"I'm fine," Came Rocket's almost immediate retort to Venice's attempts at helping. Despite his generally unkempt attitude, Rocket still indulged the green one's and the rabbit's interest in his work. "I'm modifyin' the weapons system on this here android." Rocket would say as he pulled the trigger on the blowtorch yet again, welding the makeshift sword further into the hole where EVE's arm once was. "Those a-holes up in that ship think some dinky blaster's gonna be all their top security needs." He smirked and shook his head. "If anything, I'm doin' them a favor."

Back in the main room, Gamora had smiled towards Akari at his words. "Well, thank you, Akari." She said, nodding slowly. "You are very kind."

Not much later, however, Drax's slow chip eating and Gamora's general discussion hour had been interrupted by the sudden appearance of Frank Castle. Of course, neither of these Guardians knew him, so they merely shot him their own quirked brows. Rocket was back in his room still, so he didn't have the pleasure of meeting the old man firsthand... well, not yet anyways.

"Close," Gamora said with a slow nod. "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy, actually." She exclaimed with a... sort of friendly smile. Drax, on the other hand, merely watched Frank with a blank stare. Until slowly, he opened his mouth, spewing out bits of his chips and saliva onto the floor in the process.

"What is this Kansas you speak of?" He asked in a... genuinely curious sounding tone. "And no... you are not there. You are in space... on The Benatar... in space." He explained in a very slow, almost blunt tone.

Outside of the ship entirely, Leo had been standing near the two kids and Blake when the latter decided she wanted to go and get acquainted with the new people. Normally, Leo would have followed without much hesitation, but something had caught his eye. Something green... slinking right around the back of the ship.


"Uhhh....." His voice would trail off a bit as he watched the figure move a bit, and then slowly, he tilted his head up to look back at the small group. "I'll catch up!" He called out, and once they were gone, he slowly made his way over to the tail of the spaceship in question. It didn't take long for Yoshi to catch Leo's sight, though his appearance didn't catch the maroon-haired teen off guard one bit. In fact, he actually thought Yoshi was kinda cute! "U-uhh... hey there, little guy..." Leo said to Yoshi as he held out an arm towards him. "W-what's your name?"

Oh, and Captain Falcon was also there too, for some reason. But all Leo could do was silently think to himself... when the heck did he get down here?

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp quadraxis201 quadraxis201 BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-


Jason hadn't spoken a single word as Alexis made her exit from the Captain Quarters. He thought he should say something, to be sure. Hell, he knew that he should have. But when he tried to find the right words to say... nothing came out. All he did was stand there and look over his shoulder slightly when the kitsune promptly exited the team. He allowed everyone else to say their goodbyes, of course, but Jason himself remained silent all the while. He hadn't felt this sort of anger towards anyone... since Bruce. It was for vastly different reasons, but those petty feelings that he'd once had began to resurface nonetheless. He didn't like it... but it was too late to come to terms with them now.

Because by the time he'd fully turned around, Alexis was already gone.

As Jason slowly dropped the cigarette he'd been smoking onto the ground, he nonchalantly stomped it out under his foot, making an effort to grind the remnants into the ground while he simultaneously picked up his red helmet and slid it back onto his head. When he re-entered the room, he crossed his arms and stayed silent, watching as The Captain began to exchange words with Quill and Haws.

"W-well..." The Captain stammered in response. "I don't know how I feel about harboring criminals--"

"Hey, hey!" Star-Lord interrupting as he held up both his hands in defense. "We're not criminals!" He said, turning his head to face Haws in the process and shooting him an annoyed glare. He exhaled through his nose, and then turned back towards The Captain. "We're not even from this universe. And we don't even need really stay here. We just need to refuel, and then we can be on our way."

"I... uh..." The Captain wold sputter out awkwardly as he rubbed at the back of his neck. "Well, I suppose that's fine.... only problem is, I don't really know how to do that. AUTO normally did it for us, but..." The Captain would give a weary glance towards the elevator that Alexis had just left out of, and exhale through his nose again. "Well... ya know..."

Jason, meanwhile, merely shot Jared an angry glare behind the helmet. "He also has an army, reality warping powers, an Infinity Stone, near indestructable skin, and an assload of Twilight." He then tilted his head up at Hiryu, and through grit teeth, he muttered, "Not. The. Time." Then, Kyou had approached him, asking for a cigarette. He nodded and produced the box of cigarettes and shuffled it around a bit until one fell into the palm of his hand like clockwork. Although he remained silent, Jason would still offer the cancer stick up to the Oni.

And then, Benedict shot at the ceiling, which really didn't affect anyone but Quill and The Captain, who both flinched badly at the sudden loud noise. "What!? D-dude, you don't need to remove anyone from anything!" Star-Lord shouted as he held up both hands and pushed them down in a calming motion. "Just... chill the f out, okay?"

And then, just like that, Geralt had suddenly appeared in the room out of seemingly nowhere. Well, he'd come from the nearby thin hallway. But he certainly hadn't been there before much was certain. Jason and Peter offered long, silent glances towards each other, while Micah merely stayed hold up against the wall, a cigar in hand. Midna had been the first to break the silence, floating over to the older looking man with a wide, toothy grin. "Well, someone's late to the party!" She exclaimed with a snicker, before knocking her knuckles against his forehead as if it were a door. "So, what universe did you crawl out of, hm?" She asked, her words followed by an impish giggle. Which was fitting, considering the fact that she was literally an imp. Of course, what Midna wasn't expecting, was to be unceremoniously sandwiched between Ciri and Geralt's little reunion hug moments later.

Throughout all of this, though, thanks to Orbeck's wacky magic spells, AUTO had successfully been restored! Both The Captain and Star-Lord watched the reconstruction with wide eyes. "Holy shit..." Was all that Quill could formulate in response, while The Captain merely stared in awe. AUTO may as well have been as good as new! It took a few moments, but eventually a low, static-like buzzing could be heard from within the steering wheel, as the familiar red light in its center snapped back to life.


The sight and sound of AUTO alone made The Captain laugh loudly in his seat. He would have jumped for joy, had it not been for... well, ya know. "I don't know how you did that... but you're a life-saver!" He exclaimed again, before letting out another laugh. "And to think, I thought I was about to start making my own coffee in the mornings!" There was yet another laugh, though after a few short moments, The Captain caught sight of Jason's icy glare behind his red hot helmet, and he could immediately tell that he wasn't in the laughing mood. As a result, he gulped slightly, before clearing his throat. "R-right... AUTO!" He would exclaim, looking up at the steering wheel.


"I need you to re-fuel the most recent spaceship in the Deck in Sector C."


The Captain's smile soon was reduced into a confused frown after hearing this. "N-negative?" He asked aloud, as if he hadn't heard AUTO correctly. "Why?"


"Four hours!?" Quill shouted in equally as much disbelief as The Captain. "Me and my team don't have four hours, blinky! We probably don't even have one!" Quill shouted angrily towards the steering wheel, though its emotionless state remained unwavering.

"Well, there's nothing we can do," The Captain sighed. "Guess you guys are gonna have to refuel manually..."

@ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @GearBlade654 @FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza @darkred P PopcornPie @Benedict Cucumberpatch Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

  • 1597821213457.png
    Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Rocket) P PopcornPie (Lucky)
    Mentions: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Ikaros)

    "Oh. So you're giving it... better weapons?" Venice stares at Rocket's handiwork, obviously impressed by what he's doing. "I always wanted to fly the planes that had the really big guns where I'm from, but my superiors never let me. Mister Joey said I'm just a rookie and I'm pretty sure I heard him say I'm 'already known for committing war crimes' once. Whatever that means..."

    "Coo," Spooky chimes in, not noticing Ikaros.

    "That plane was going down anyway!"


    "I'm not lying about that! Ugh..." Venice turns back to Rocket. "Sooo what else are you changing? Maybe you should add a..."

    Her eyes light up.


    "-a flamethrower!"

    Meanwhile, Spooky goes to perch himself on Lucky's head instead. "Coo," he hoots happily, as if he enjoys sitting on Lucky's head more than Venice's.


A (long) while ago he used to be walking around on his island. Things were peaceful then. Then the presence of Ganon and the Twilight had messed things up, tampering the island and the dimension, and Yoshi would be somewhere else instead of the island due to those circumstances.

In this case, it was inside a ship! ... and near the guardian's ship. He was conked out, but he woke up after a while. "Hup!" Yoshi bounced to his feet. "Waaah... That long trip had Yoshi sleepy. Yoshi need time to wake up..." Yoshi yawned, before starting to wander around the ship. As much as he would love the extra five minutes to sleep, he can't be bothered with it.

Tags: @ anybody who wants to interact with Yoshi, it's open

Ellie still had a lot on her mind as she walked away, but quit in her step. Her eyes widened intensely as she stared ahead in awe. "Holy shit..." she mumbled under her breath. "That's a fucking DINOSAUR!" She came just sprinting at the creature, not even sure what to do when she got there. "Fucking... Uh, uh... Fucking hi!" She called out all excited with a stupid smile on her face, seeming to have even forgotten about everything else because... well, it's a fucking dinosaur, man. "Oh man, you look so fucking cute!"

Anyone Anyone around Yoshi

View attachment 770830

Location: The Axion
Expression: Worried of Ellie
Interaction: Aterus, Blake
Mention: Ellya Ellya , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

As when Ellie discussed about Blake's cat ears, Jett tries to defend Blake stating towards Ellie and hears that Blake suggests that they should change their topics "Come on, you know Blake's ear are so cute yet amazing. But you're actually wrong about Blake, her ears are actually true and she has her own race in her own world. And you are right, we are gonna change our top-" She is right about Blake's own world but her own world doesn't have a race with cat like ears, so she tried to help Blake out about this situation.

She frowned when Ellie walked away from the three since she is being too overreacted and tries to calm the situation down but decided to stop walking towards the new girl stating towards Aterus while patting his shoulder "Hey, kid.... I have these troubles in my own world before just like this, but I'll could handle this situation when I am getting depressed or being overreacted in this type of drama...... Just try to convince her to apologize on Blake.."

Jett turned back to Blake nodding when she hears that they should enter a ship saying to the cat eared female truthfully about her adventures while following Blake towards the ship"You know, Blake..... I really like this adventure now, because I like meeting new people like you.." She smiled at Blake as when she entered the ship in a nice yet polite manner towards the cat-eared female, she is being so nice yet kind towards her new friends including Thorne.

Atreus gave a nod at Blake when she suggested that they move on. He wasn't used to standing still for this long anyway. With Father, it was always 'keep up' and 'the journey is what matters'. "Yeah... I do think it would be really interesting to meet people from all kinds of different realms." He gave a light smile up at Blake and Jett.

He did notice Ellie running toward some green creature. She seemed a lot happier right then, and Atreus couldn't help but wonder if it was because of him. Maybe she just needed her space, but maybe she couldn't stand his constant talking, just like Father couldn't.

He nodded at Jett as well, then spoke to both of the women. "I'm sure she didn't mean anything hurtful by that comment about your ears. They're just special, and that's okay. Does everyone in your realm have tiger ears?" he asked with interest, then cut himself short for a while. "... If you don't mind me asking about them."

He would just follow along wherever they went, his head on a permanent swivel looking at all the cool stuff around them.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Sounds like a scavenger hunt to me. What would you say, Shanoa?" Jared asked. "I guess if you don't have the patience, then doing manually might just do as good as going auto." Shanoa answers before turning to the captain and ask "Where is the fuel stationed at? Me and Jared will go retrieve it and do fueling ourselves."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Agent 3

"No, Alexis," Jason said, his fists tightly clenched by his sides, his head slowly craning back up to stare at the woman behind his helmet. With the same kind of rage that he hadn't felt since that night... that night between him, Bruce, and The Joker inside of that abandoned building, he snapped up at her. It was a rage he hadn't felt in a while... a rage that he thought he'd suppressed once he'd forgiven Bruce for not killing that damned maniac clown. A rage that pervaded his being, causing him to step forward, his tone and words dipped in a pessimistic sounding hiss. In fact, all he could do is speak those same words that he spoke to Bruce on that very night.


"I don't know what clouds your judgement worse - your over-protectiveness of that child or your antiquated sense of morality," He said, his tone shaking along with the very fists that were balled by his sides. "We all have families we're trying to save, Alexis. You, me, Arthur, Ciri, Blake, hell even fucking Benrey. And your unwillingness to cooperate at every single Goddamned turn is putting them ALL at risk. You think you're protecting him? Protecting Sage? From what, exactly? Because so far, that child has done NOTHING but nearly get us all killed because of his inability to control his own damn powers. And every time those fires are about to be quelled, you're always stepping them and making them worse.

He may not be able to control it, but I haven't seen him try to learn, and neither have any of us. All you've done is baby him and make damn excuses instead of helping the damn kid, and perpetuating this pity party he keeps throwing for himself every time things get tough. The robot that attacked him only did it because he was about to burn this entire ship down. The robot that happens to control the very ship that we're standing in. And if you'd actually been paying attention to anything OTHER than your clear selfish agenda, then maybe you'd have realized that the machine doesn't think like you and me.

What would have happened if you'd destroyed AUTO completely, huh? What then? You would have gladly sacrificed our lives and your 'precious family' because the damn steering wheel pulled out a taser?"
Jason scoffed. "Because, I don't know if you've gotten it through that thick skull of your's yet, but Ganondorf is THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE MULTIVERSE right now. No matter how strong you think your "husband" is, or you, or Sage, or the ten demons you've got floatin' around in that head of yours. Ganondorf trumps them. And when he decides to show up here with a whole ass army, it'll be too damned late to pull out some magic deus ex machina, because you'll be dead within seconds."

At the last part of Alexis' retort, Jason only sighed and closed his eyes behind his helmet. Finally, his fists stopped shaking, his voice was less shaky as a result. He took a moment to breathe, and then looked away from Alexis. "You're right, Alexis. This isn't how teams are supposed to work." There was a beat of silence, and then he looked back up at the fiery kitsune. "Because teams are supposed to put the group's overall goals above their own. Which is something that you clearly haven't been doing this entire time. And believe me, if Cap, Tony, Winter, or even Cassie were here, you'd have been kicked out long ago."

With that, Jason fell silent and walked away, out onto the nearby balcony. He stared off into the vacuum of space behind the thin layer of glass... and then took off his helmet, set it down, and lit up a cigarette. He'd let the others have their words with Alexis, since he'd already said his.
OK, so... Agent 3 heard all of this, and all she could really do was stare in silence and agreement. He's not even wrong, if a bit ruthless in saying what he said, but... Was all of that really needed, to make the woman realise such a lesson? Everyone has someone and/or something to protect, but the entirety of the group need to put themselves last, in order to deal with this Ganondorf problem. The Inkling remained silent, and with a resigned expression, she sighed and just let it sink in, while someone else spoke up in the background - a... block man? Of some kind?
"You look around right now and tell me what the person next to you is. You're not colleagues, and you're not enemies. You're brothers and sisters now, whether you want to be or not." He glances over at Sage and Alexis. "Going to war against a more prepared army and fighting your brothers and sisters both lead to the same path. That path's called losing. And when we lose- there won't be anyone to care for. There won't be anyone who'll care for us. Everything we're fighting for, for his good-" he points at Sage "-for your good-" to Alexis now "-won't matter anymore."

"So until we've secured a victory, we move as one. We need you like you need us."
"...He's right." She said simply and somewhat weakly before continuing. "As sappy as this could sound, a team that can't work together is one that's already dead before they even take action. And what we seem to be, is a larger-than-average team, that falls apart from the inside every so often, in cases like this, right?" The Inkling asked bluntly, before daring to continue. "What we 'need' to do is keep going, and until we either can't go on anymore, or until we finish, we 'keep' going. This mission isn't going to complete itself, but to put it in more simpler words..." The Inkling took a moment to regain her breath after speaking before raising her tone, though she is still somewhat torn. "...Remember what you are fighting for. Do this with us - for that which you're motivated because of and/or for - people or otherwise, no matter what it us. Do it for them."
“Everyone… I’m sorry… I’ve been a horrible teammate, and I’ve done a lot more harm than good to all of you. I...don’t want to leave, but I know that the longer I stay the worse it’s going to be.”
The Inkling heard this and though surprised that 'this' was coming of all of this mess in here, she can't say it wasn't out of the question. It seemed all the words had finally hit home, and knocked some sense into her. "You may be doing greater good by leaving us - not to offend you or anything, but." She stated simply over her shoulder, grabbing her gun and making an ink painting to occupy herself - nothing special, but she herself is a bit all over the place in terms of emotions, so she is trying to calm down. "...Wherever your travels take you. Whatever you get up to. Always make sure you have a reason to keep going, and make darn sure you finish what you started." Agent 3 added, but when she looked back...
Alexis has left the party.
...She was gone. Agent 3 sighed and turned back to what she was doing - and keep in mind this is just a small scale ink painting to calm her down - nothing like the sendoff for the zombies, just something to keep her busy! There's just a bit more going on, though...
"Good job. We lost one of our strongest allies." Hiryu scoffed as he saw this development occur between his eyes. "What else did we miss?"
"Now's not the time to joke." She said bleakly. "Also, apart from that... Well, someone sort of blew up the maintenance robot, except 'not really' but also - yes, they totally blew up the maintenance robot. You're welcome." The Inkling dropped themselves onto their back and sighed, looking up at the ceiling that may not even be a ceiling with much to look at. Throwing her arms behind her back, and trying to calm down. "...Although, technically, it was the lights that were blown up to set the robot off that 'led' to that... you know, robot damage."
"Wait, Hiryu, I'm going to find her!" Megumin flew down the emergency staircase, making her way through the ship as fast as lightning. "ALEXIS, WAIT!" She supposed it wasn't her place to worry about other party members' whereabouts on a normal basis, but this wasn't a sodding normal basis! They needed every scrap of muscle they could get!

As she shouted repeatedly for the kitsune, it wasn't long before her red cloak camouflaged with the red jumpsuits of everyone else on board. Eventually, her voice faded away, too, leaving the only traces of her being her updates on the communicator. "Not in the food court! Maybe she's...Oh, not even in the nursery! Wait, are those the escape pods that were talked about?! Suppose Alexis left in one of these! I must go after her..!"
"What are you-" Agent 3 heard Megumin speak up and suddenly speed off, and as the Inkling tried to get up to follow her, she figured trying to stop her would be a foolish thing to do, as it would probably worsen the mage's mood. So, reluctantly, she resigned, and returned to her original position. "...Doing?" She muttered, loosening her grip on her gun - the harmless 'not-a-paintball-gun' clattering to her side.

Jason hadn't spoken a single word as Alexis made her exit from the Captain Quarters. He thought he should say something, to be sure. Hell, he knew that he should have. But when he tried to find the right words to say... nothing came out. All he did was stand there and look over his shoulder slightly when the kitsune promptly exited the team. He allowed everyone else to say their goodbyes, of course, but Jason himself remained silent all the while. He hadn't felt this sort of anger towards anyone... since Bruce. It was for vastly different reasons, but those petty feelings that he'd once had began to resurface nonetheless. He didn't like it... but it was too late to come to terms with them now.

Because by the time he'd fully turned around, Alexis was already gone.

As Jason slowly dropped the cigarette he'd been smoking onto the ground, he nonchalantly stomped it out under his foot, making an effort to grind the remnants into the ground while he simultaneously picked up his red helmet and slid it back onto his head. When he re-entered the room, he crossed his arms and stayed silent, watching as The Captain began to exchange words with Quill and Haws.

"W-well..." The Captain stammered in response. "I don't know how I feel about harboring criminals--"

"Hey, hey!" Star-Lord interrupting as he held up both his hands in defense. "We're not criminals!" He said, turning his head to face Haws in the process and shooting him an annoyed glare. He exhaled through his nose, and then turned back towards The Captain. "We're not even from this universe. And we don't even need really stay here. We just need to refuel, and then we can be on our way."

"I... uh..." The Captain wold sputter out awkwardly as he rubbed at the back of his neck. "Well, I suppose that's fine.... only problem is, I don't really know how to do that. AUTO normally did it for us, but..." The Captain would give a weary glance towards the elevator that Alexis had just left out of, and exhale through his nose again. "Well... ya know..."

Jason, meanwhile, merely shot Jared an angry glare behind the helmet. "He also has an army, reality warping powers, an Infinity Stone, near indestructable skin, and an assload of Twilight." He then tilted his head up at Hiryu, and through grit teeth, he muttered, "Not. The. Time." Then, Kyou had approached him, asking for a cigarette. He nodded and produced the box of cigarettes and shuffled it around a bit until one fell into the palm of his hand like clockwork. Although he remained silent, Jason would still offer the cancer stick up to the Oni.

And then, Benedict shot at the ceiling, which really didn't affect anyone but Quill and The Captain, who both flinched badly at the sudden loud noise. "What!? D-dude, you don't need to remove anyone from anything!" Star-Lord shouted as he held up both hands and pushed them down in a calming motion. "Just... chill the f out, okay?"

And then, just like that, Geralt had suddenly appeared in the room out of seemingly nowhere. Well, he'd come from the nearby thin hallway. But he certainly hadn't been there before much was certain. Jason and Peter offered long, silent glances towards each other, while Micah merely stayed hold up against the wall, a cigar in hand. Midna had been the first to break the silence, floating over to the older looking man with a wide, toothy grin. "Well, someone's late to the party!" She exclaimed with a snicker, before knocking her knuckles against his forehead as if it were a door. "So, what universe did you crawl out of, hm?" She asked, her words followed by an impish giggle. Which was fitting, considering the fact that she was literally an imp. Of course, what Midna wasn't expecting, was to be unceremoniously sandwiched between Ciri and Geralt's little reunion hug moments later.

Throughout all of this, though, thanks to Orbeck's wacky magic spells, AUTO had successfully been restored! Both The Captain and Star-Lord watched the reconstruction with wide eyes. "Holy shit..." Was all that Quill could formulate in response, while The Captain merely stared in awe. AUTO may as well have been as good as new! It took a few moments, but eventually a low, static-like buzzing could be heard from within the steering wheel, as the familiar red light in its center snapped back to life.


The sight and sound of AUTO alone made The Captain laugh loudly in his seat. He would have jumped for joy, had it not been for... well, ya know. "I don't know how you did that... but you're a life-saver!" He exclaimed again, before letting out another laugh. "And to think, I thought I was about to start making my own coffee in the mornings!" There was yet another laugh, though after a few short moments, The Captain caught sight of Jason's icy glare behind his red hot helmet, and he could immediately tell that he wasn't in the laughing mood. As a result, he gulped slightly, before clearing his throat. "R-right... AUTO!" He would exclaim, looking up at the steering wheel.


"I need you to re-fuel the most recent spaceship in the Deck in Sector C."


The Captain's smile soon was reduced into a confused frown after hearing this. "N-negative?" He asked aloud, as if he hadn't heard AUTO correctly. "Why?"


"Four hours!?" Quill shouted in equally as much disbelief as The Captain. "Me and my team don't have four hours, blinky! We probably don't even have one!" Quill shouted angrily towards the steering wheel, though its emotionless state remained unwavering.

"Well, there's nothing we can do," The Captain sighed. "Guess you guys are gonna have to refuel manually..."
"Fuelling... manually..." She thought aloud. "Well, manual work does tend to be pretty effective, we just need the time in itself to do it - no less to know 'what' we are doing, captain." Agent 3 sat up, and her ink painting - now since finished, began to evaporate into nothing, even in this cold vacuum of a spaceship. "I might just say - I don't think 'all of us' should handle that job, though most of us should probably go to do it...? Unless anyone can come up with an excuse why we 'all' should go, or a better alternative, I believe 'that' is the course of action."
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): N O​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "What the hell, heroes?"/Fuelling manually?​
RP Information
Location: 'The Axiom', space
Nearby/In Group: @StayingBehindTeam​
Rocket nodded. “Yup,” He said in a half-hearted tone as he continued to work on the robot’s newfound knife arm. He then absent-mindedly listened as she prattled on about war crimes or something or another, not seeming to really care that much about what she had to say. It wasn’t until she mentioned the possible addition of flamethrowers that Rocket had stopped working on what he was making to look up at her.

“Ya know what...” He said as he finished the last touches on EVE’s new sword, before turning to Venice and nodding, while slightly tipping the blowtorch in her direction. “Good idea.” He said as he hopped down off of his perch and made his way over to her other arm to begin work on EVE’s newfound flamethrower.

Back outside the ship, Leo would slowly glance down at Ellie.


“You sure do swear a lot, huh?”

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp quadraxis201 quadraxis201 BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

“It’s down near the Dock, where their ship is parked,” The Captain would explain as he looked between Jared and Shanoa. “But... uhhh... you’re gonna need more than two people.” He added on, before turning to Agent 3. “I’d say to bring as many people as possible, but you’re gonna need at least four or five people.”

@ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @GearBlade654 @FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza @darkred P PopcornPie @Benedict Cucumberpatch Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
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As Jet defended her and asked Atreus to try to convince Ellie to apologize to her, she couldn’t help but appreciate it. If Weiss and Yang were here, they’d do the same too. Blake looked at Jett when she said that she really liked this adventure because she liked meeting new people. “To each their own. But some people on this adventure can make it... difficult.

In response to Leo, she nodded at him, and then looked at Atreus. When he asked if everyone in her world had tiger ears, she let out a small laugh. “
No, not everyone. And there aren’t tiger ears, these are cat ears, but there are a few people that are part tiger. I don’t mind you asking, Atreus.

Right before they went in the ship, she could see that Atreus was amazed by just about everyone. Other than the fact that he was a child, he had probably never seen anything like this which was common when it came to being thrown across universes. Once she got inside, she saw a green woman and a shirtless man alongside a few people from their group. “
Hello. I see you’ve met some of the people in my group.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya , @ Guardians ship
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Chronology (2).jpg

Location: The Axion
Expression: Trying to Find Jett
Interaction: Jett, Blake, Aterus
Mention: Ellya Ellya , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Thorne was having to meditate inside of her mind after she tried to practice her Resurrection ability, but she tried it and fails it at the same time. She is now have to look where Jett is going and when she is now in the deck, she saw Jett that was talking to Blake and a small little kid. She smiled hoping that Jett wouldn't confess that she loves Blake as a crush, and sighs in relief while trying to think on her thoughts saying to herself in a mumbling voice "Wow, that's a sign of relief. I thought Jett was going for the shot by now, but she wasn't ready yet.." Thorne then decides to approach towards the three people that are heading towards a ship saying after she got inside of the ship "Hey, Jett. I was gonna find you anywhere, but I'm so glad that you are actually having some time with Blake and who's the kid??" She was questioning about the little kid that was following the two and smiled at him in a quite friendly way towards the kid.

Chronology (1).jpg
Location: The Axion
Expression: Being Friendly to The Group Inside of A Ship
Interaction: Everyone That is Inside of The Guardians Ship
Mention: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya

TheElenaFisher said:
As Jett defended her and asked Atreus to try to convince Ellie to apologize to her, she could not help but appreciate it. If Weiss and Yang were here, they’d do the same too. Blake looked at Jett when she said that she really liked this adventure because she liked meeting new people. “To each their own. But some people on this adventure can make it... difficult.”

In response to Leo, she nodded at him, and then looked at Atreus. When he asked if everyone in her world had tiger ears, she let out a small laugh. “No, not everyone. And there are not tiger ears, these are cat ears, but there are a few people that are part tiger. I don’t mind you asking, Atreus.”

Right before they went in the ship, she could see that Atreus was amazed by just about everyone. Other than the fact that he was a child, he had probably never seen anything like this which was common when it came to being thrown across universes. Once she got inside, she saw a green woman and a shirtless man alongside a few people from their group. “Hello. I see you have met some of the people in my group.”

Meanwhile, when Jett entered the ship and saw an green woman, a shirtless man, and the rest of the group. She smiled at the new people in quite of a friendly manner since she is very friendly towards new people, but she is also being serious if she is met people that are very suspicious inside of her mind. She turned around to see Thorne that entered the ship and was questioning about Aterus right before she could say towards the Oriental-inspired garb female and the new people too "Well this is Aterus you've talked about, Thorne. And it's so nice to meet other new people as well, I hope we could get a very interesting yet exciting partnership going on right now." Jett turned back to Blake and started to have an question about what will be either it is going to be a rescue mission or an spike planting mission since she accidentally bought the spike with her inside of her purse, she said to the cat-eared female in a questioning yet curious tone "So, this is a briefing of a mission or this is going to be a meeting to these new people?? Because I think that this will be a mission with these new people, Blake." She was hoping that this will be a easy mission since she bought the spike on her hand and she had fully loaded her ammo of her Vandal, her Phantom, and her Ghost since she is really low on ammo stock while trying to wait for Blake's response.
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
As Jet defended her and asked Atreus to try to convince Ellie to apologize to her, she couldn’t help but appreciate it. If Weiss and Yang were here, they’d do the same too. Blake looked at Jett when she said that she really liked this adventure because she liked meeting new people. “To each their own. But some people on this adventure can make it... difficult.

In response to Leo, she nodded at him, and then looked at Atreus. When he asked if everyone in her world had tiger ears, she let out a small laugh. “
No, not everyone. And there aren’t tiger ears, these are cat ears, but there are a few people that are part tiger. I don’t mind you asking, Atreus.

Right before they went in the ship, she could see that Atreus was amazed by just about everyone. Other than the fact that he was a child, he had probably never seen anything like this which was common when it came to being thrown across universes. Once she got inside, she saw a green woman and a shirtless man alongside a few people from their group. “
Hello. I see you’ve met some of the people in my group.

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya , @ Guardians ship
View attachment 770927

Location: The Axion
Expression: Trying to Find Jett
Interaction: Jett, Blake, Aterus
Mention: Ellya Ellya , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Thorne was having to meditate inside of her mind after she tried to practice her Resurrection ability, but she tried it and fails it at the same time. She is now have to look where Jett is going and when she is now in the deck, she saw Jett that was talking to Blake and a small little kid. She smiled hoping that Jett wouldn't confess that she loves Blake as a crush, and sighs in relief while trying to think on her thoughts saying to herself in a mumbling voice "Wow, that's a sign of relief. I thought Jett was going for the shot by now, but she wasn't ready yet.." Thorne then decides to approach towards the three people that are heading towards a ship saying after she got inside of the ship "Hey, Jett. I was gonna find you anywhere, but I'm so glad that you are actually having some time with Blake and who's the kid??" She was questioning about the little kid that was following the two and smiled at him in a quite friendly way towards the kid.

View attachment 770932
Location: The Axion
Expression: Being Friendly to The Group Inside of A Ship
Interaction: Everyone That is Inside of The Guardians Ship
Mention: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya

Meanwhile, when Jett entered the ship and saw an green woman, a shirtless man, and the rest of the group. She smiled at the new people in quite of a friendly manner since she is very friendly towards new people, but she is also being serious if she is met people that are very suspicious inside of her mind. She turned around to see Thorne that entered the ship and was questioning about Aterus right before she could say towards the Oriental-inspired garb female and the new people too "Well this is Aterus you've talked about, Thorne. And it's so nice to meet other new people as well, I hope we could get a very interesting yet exciting partnership going on right now." Jett turned back to Blake and started to have an question about what will be either it is going to be a rescue mission or an spike planting mission since she accidentally bought the spike with her inside of her purse, she said to the cat-eared female in a questioning yet curious tone "So, this is a briefing of a mission or this is going to be a meeting to these new people?? Because I think that this will be a mission with these new people, Blake." She was hoping that this will be a easy mission since she bought the spike on her hand and she had fully loaded her ammo of her Vandal, her Phantom, and her Ghost since she is really low on ammo stock while trying to wait for Blake's response.

Atreus watched as the new woman approached as well. "Wow..." he said slightly under his breath. "You're beautiful! Your clothes are so interesting!" He smiled happily while looking at the colors on her dress. "And your hair is so long. Doesn't it get caught on everything?" The boy kept looking at all the peculiarities on the woman's outfit. "You must not be a warrior though. Mother was, and she hated long dresses." Although Atreus certainly didn't mean for it to sound offensive, it probably did.

As they came up to the front of the ship, Atreus was just in awe staring at it. It was huge and definitely looked like it was made by intelligent creatures, but it had so many parts and bits that he just couldn't understand at all. "Woah... Look at that..." he muttered, also staring at the people inside.

@ Guardians Ship

Back outside the ship, Leo would slowly glance down at Ellie.


“You sure do swear a lot, huh?”

Ellie turned her head to see Leo again. "Motherf..." she muttered, then turned around to face him. This guy just interrupted her getting to meet an actual dinosaur. As she walked up to him, she took on a confused expression. "... Uh... Hellooooo?" She asked, waving her hand in front of his face. "Why the hell do you even keep your eyes closed? And why are you following me, huh?" She confidently rested her hands on her sides. "Spit it out or there's a whooole lot more swears coming your way."

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Well if that were the case then..." Jared said before turning to the rest of the group and added "We'll have the ship owners with us, and maybe some others who are willing to help. Not like we are forcing you to come though, it's okay if you guys want to stay behind and do fuck all. What matters most is getting these guys to safety." He would walk up to Quill with a very positive look and ask "What can you say? Do it manually with haste or sit here with the risk of Ganondork getting our arses ripped off?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @others​

With a quick movement of his hands, the oni quickly grabbed the small death stick Jason gave him and placed it on his mouth. With a snap of his fingers, sparks of flame came from his hands, and with closed eyes, the small cigarette on Kyou's mouth was lighted up. The oni inhaled it- and he instantly started to cough a little bit. Not because of the smoke itself or the heat, he could inhale the amount of smoke and heat equal to Australia and the Amazon rainforest burning at the same time and he'd still be fine. It's just that smoking really isn't something he does often to get used to, but at least the taste is okay. He guesses.

...That and he looks cool, too. Totaaaaally not the main reason he's smoking. Although the dirty look Mimaki gave him as if he knew that wasn't the case made Kyou laugh a bit.

A look that soon became one of surprise that caused the Kitsune to let out a yelp and jump up in the air as he heard a very familiar voice behind him.

A mix of black, red, and green came to his vision as he landed down on the ground, a blush on his face with a look of complete and utter shock and surprise. For a moment, he thought his voice was playing tricks on his, but no- lo and behold, as he turned around, there she was. Fuma Mishandra, 73rd Demon of Solomon, a demon above all demons, heir of Solomon, an ancient being who disguises herself as a petite woman...And his lover.

"F-F-Fuma-chan?! What are you ev--"

Kyou, meanwhile, simply blinked, then smiled. "Oh! It's Fuma-chan! Man, the whole gang's gettin' together!"

Indeed, the entire gang, plus some more people, notably, someone that was seemingly Ciri's dad also showed up. Hurt- and whom Ciri quickly helped get on his two feet by offering him support. Mimaki's attention was quickly going between the legendary Witcher and Fuma, the demoness (who hopefully Geralt wouldn't be aggressive towards) and with the risk of his eyes losing control with how much he was looking between them before he placed his hands on his head, and with electricity and plasma going between the tips of his ears like a radio signal, Mimaki gritted his teeth.

"Kyou! Hea--"

"Already on it!"

As such, Geralt would soon find himself be approached by...A strange-looking man. Using oriental clothes (although no shoes, strangely enough) he stood at a notable 6'04", with a defined muscle mass, that while noticeable, wasn't completely predominant everywhere, with only his chest and a bit of his stomach appearing due to his clothes. He had black, messy hair, and had sharp teeth in the place of his canines- with two, small tusks on his lower jaw that were almost unnoticeable with how small they were. Two horns sprouted from his head, with a small, golden earring on his ear, and a small cigar on his mouth.

He was definitely not human, although he wasn't fully a monster, either. A half-breed of sorts, maybe? It depended on the Witcher to see if he recognized his species or not.

"Alright, stand still, bud. I'll patch ye up. Sorry if, eh, ya inhale some smoke. Didn't account on someone bein' hurt..."

And with his chest swallowing up as if air entered his insides in great portions, something came out of his mouth, much like a dragon! Although, instead of fire to toast the Witcher, came...Air? It seemed to be green in color, almost as if it was carrying grass along with it, somehow. Soon, Geralt, despite perhaps feeling the smell of cigars from it, would soon find his wounds being patched up! And maybe any mental ones as well, as seemingly, Yang was healing from hers when he healed him. (Although, fixing mental damage wasn't a thing he thought he could do.)

Meanwhile, with Fuma, the nine-tailed fox was currently shaking the deadpan demon's shoulders.

"Fuma-chan! What the hell are you doing here?! No- actually, how did you get here!? Did you follow me all the way from home?!"
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Mood: Defeated, Hopeless, Avoidant
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

It was in the aftermath of everything that Sage's body would finally stir awake, a sequence of mumbles and shuffles proceeding the return to reality. The impact of Mimaki's sword's hilt hadn't been as brutal as the soul arrow combos in Atlas, this time there was no extreme amounts of physical damage to bear with and neither had anyone disturbed him or forced him awake. So, as a result, it had been a pretty short recovery... Though, Sage would have prefered if it hadn't. No, if it was up to him, maybe he'd have wished to stay in the ever-burning room of his reoccurring childhood trauma dream, where he couldn't hurt anyone else and it was just, himself, being thrown labels and awful titles from through the door that rarely opened. This time it had been just a bit different, the words were the same but the voices were of the recently met people...That he didn't even react to such a scenario anymore was probably a testament to something.
What exactly, who the heck even knew? That was the last thing in his mind right now.

If he remained in the ground could he pretend to continue asleep..? Would it eventually become real sleep?
He didn't really feel like dealing with everybody being angry and hating him again, and the 'again' wasn't even about this group specifically just, any group. It wasn't the sort of thing anyone could even count at this point, that was how many times.

Being used to it didn't mean enjoying when it happened...

Even if he thought things like that, his wish to remain covert was soon betrayed by his own powers. As soon as he had been awake again, the temperature rose a bit, trying to shield him from the sightly colder environment once more. The lack of physical pain could only mean that someone had healed him which was, bittersweet. Did he even deserve any pity? The Descendant made no effort to get up, he just, turned to the side curled to stare at a wall or something. He just wanted to remain there- No, not even that, this was the last place he wanted to be. There... was no place for him, why would there? An anomaly of this caliber had no right to belong anywhere.

Even if he teared up it would do nothing to soothe the hurt he felt.

Why don't... just erase it? If his sole existence upset the Universe's balance so much already, why didn't it just, get rid of him? That'd be for the best, right? ... Even Sage didn't know it anymore. It was a lot simpler when there was no one that would miss him, but, now that he had made the stupid decision of trying to connect to people... it wasn't. He had just wanted to help... And be treated like a person, for once. It shouldn't be too much to ask for, but nothing was ever easy when it came to his life. Maybe he could convince the others to throw him off-board. Maybe suffocating in space wouldn't be so bad and fire couldn't burn without air after all.

It still sounded better than going back.

It was difficult, to feel like being gone without any sort of safety base to return to. If he stayed, he couldn't promise not to continue hindering the group and disappointing everybody. Being thrown away was inevitable, it was only a matter of how soon or how late and what kind of damage would get inflicted. But if he left... This was it. There were no more openings to experiment, or interact, or anything. He was mostly going back to his cage and staying there for life. And he was never seeing most of these people again...

Conversations continued, tasks were given who cares, it shouldn't matter to him anymore. None of it should.
The dejected pyromancer glanced blankly at the wall and wished to be alone.
On the large scale of things, he was at a loss of what to do, he just wanted to disappear and it wouldn't be so easy.
But maybe the armlet should be back..?

Being cold seemed like the minor of his problems after that whole mess.

Hopefully, most of them would go off in a fetch quest and leave him behind.

His mistake had been hoping at all.
From the beginning, he should have stayed away from everybody and them from him. As always.

Sage closed his eyes again with a sigh and hoped to get dragged back into sleep.
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Umbra would keep an eye on Rocket's "upgrades" to the EVE machine, his head tilted as The Operator would stand beside him, simply keeping a gaze at Rocket's work. The two would turn back to each other, Umbra looking back at EVE's knife arm, before lifting his own to glance at his own. "Nah, I think you're fine with you're skiajati.", the Tenno replies with a joking manner. A glance to the side will end up with the Tenno making another look of confusion, "Hey, Umbra, is that what I think it is?" The warframe would turn over and nod glancing over to what would seem to be, a Vauban Prime had come over.

The Tenno would let out a chuckle and nod to the fellow Star-Child's words, "Like wise. Very nice to see another with the same experience the both of us have." As for the question that followed, the Operator would shake his head as he leaned back against Umbra's side, crossing his arms. "Weren't forcefully taken no, we've been in this mess before, so we just went along with it." Umbra would more or less shrug after the boy's words, inciting a classic gesture of the roll of the eyes from the much smaller Tenno by his side. It did feel certainly funny though, despite the Vauban talking to the Operator as they were the same type of people, the image of the much smaller boy glancing up at the golden lined machine was very much different from Umbra.

"What about you?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

By a short moment's notice, Yoshi perked up by the voice. Certainly, this is the voice of someone who he has had vs. matches with during Smash Tournaments, but also one of the friends Yoshi helped on previous journeys! Yoshi joins the sudden(?) Captain Falcon. "Mister Captain Falcon! Yoshi is glad to see you!" Yoshi chirped, wagging the dinosaur tail. "Yoshi thinks his friends must've all got here as well, huh?" He asks in terms related to the fighters from the tournament and his friends from the kingdom. If they were, at least Yoshi is not alone in helping them through the dimensions. Not like they haven't done it before!

But, also, Yoshi gained the attention of other people- new people, new friends! The dinosaur looked, scanning Leo before speaking, "Hi, I'm Yoshi! What's your name?" Though, this also got the attention of someone swearing. Well, dear him. He isn't used to people swearing profusely, but he's of adult age for a Yoshi. He can handle the shock he gets from people seeing him for the first time, in anyplace, anywhere.

"Huh? Yoshi can understand awe, but swearing a lot is a bit..." Un-kid friendly? Yoshi, you've... sorta... been in situations where adults can swear. The best he can do is brush it off. "... Ah, whatever, Yoshi doesn't mind. Yoshi is happy to see old friends and new friends!" You may just think Yoshi is just strange, and that is true. He's strange, but friendly to anybody he spots on a journey. In this case, it's Captain Falcon, Leo, and Ellie.

Tags: Ellya Ellya , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-


While her first appearance was surprising, she got the attention of Ciri for a brief introduction. "Fuma Mishandra... or just Fuma. Of course, Fuma is glad to explain more when I join your group. It's nice to meet you." Fuma is sincere, and of course she didn't mind new people. Though, she was casual and calm, lacking any seriousness just yet because there wasn't a lot of time to explain much of her yet. Of course, Ciri would be busy, which made more time to explain a magic deal to Mimaki.

Of course she can get the shock of the fox lover. He was surprised to the point he wanted to know how she got here in the first place. To that, while being shook she explains, "Demon portals, my dear. It's a dark magic and demon magic sort of deal that Fuma has studied before. Walking through those dimensions until I can find you and your feelings felt like space, like I was walking from my home to another place. ... I did find you in this one, with feelings of intent, and that's how Fuma got here." After the serious explanation, she eyed Kyou for a short time with a smile. "Glad to see Kyou's also here." Except, for Kyou, Yuyuko isn't quite here, and she might be lost? Whoopsie daisies. Fuma is glad to be joining both Mimaki and Kyou during this, and possibly gaining new friends as well. After this, she looks back to Mimaki, still ready for any information to be given.

... Though, she'll have to introduce herself more in a meeting with other people, besides Kyou and Mimaki, who knew her already. Hopefully, not too awkward considering it's an ancient demon meeting with others.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Geralt of Rivia

A small, dark-skinned creature with pointed teeth floated over to him. His hand twitched, but he resisted the urge to reach for the silver sword on his back with a grimace. Moments later, it began to speak the common tongue. He shifted his weight back slightly, only to feel his leg almost immediately give out, barely keeping himself standing. She asked him, perhaps, the strangest question he'd ever heard. "Universe? I don't know what you're talking about." His eyes studied the creature, straining against the pain to try to figure out what it was that had just spoken to him. Demons and their kind were mostly fables in his own world, so his mind mostly went to fey spirits. Was she some kind of sprite? A fairy, maybe? Her appearance wasn't entirely unlike a disfigured godling, though she had shorter legs and could fly. He opened his mouth to continue, but heard the doors open behind him again.

As a reflex, his hand went up to the hilt of his silver sword. Monsters were clearly present, and, injured as he was, Geralt had no idea what he was going to do to defend himself if something struck him from behind. He turned around, his teeth bared... only to come face to face with a familiar Witcher. He didn't even have time to process what was happening before Ciri was on him, the force of the hug nearly taking the injured Witcher off his feet. He half-smiled, half-winced as he came away from the hug. "Ciri?" For a moment, Geralt held her at arm's length, his smile fading into a suspicious frown. What if this was some kind of trick? As he'd done in the woods, he focused his senses in. The low rumble of the ship almost vanished entirely as he scanned Ciri, and most of the room, for any sign of hidden appearances, illusions, anything that would betray deception.

Their scents, the rhythms of their breathing... They were all physically real, at least. His eyes turned back to Ciri. No. She was real. He could sense it. His Child of Surprise was... wherever here was, with him. No time for that, though. For all he knew, their lives were in immediate danger. He heard the sound of magic as a man in robes across the room started to cast a spell. Not entirely unfamiliar to him, but the magic was different. He seemed to be repairing some sort of wheel. He'd seen magic accomplish similar things, but the contraption itself was beyond him. Strange shapes and lights whirred together, only compounding his visible unease. Finally, he took a deep breath, and the noise returned to the room. The scent of superheated metal and recent smoke became the central smell in the room once more. His shoulders slumped wearily, his white shirt torn and stained with blood under his armor as he faced his adoptive daughter. Ciri undoubtedly came away from the hug a little bloody, herself. His half-smile returned, but was quickly replaced by a pained grimace. "I'm glad you're alright. What's going on? What is this place?" His eyes danced across the room again. "And who are these people?"

A tan woman in bronze armor asked Ciri a question. He missed a word in it; the language was completely foreign to him, but the context and the noise was enough. For a moment, it sounded like she'd just said father. Before Ciri could answer, he simply nodded to Kassandra and said, "Yes. Who's asking?" It was pretty clear this woman knew Ciri, though how he wasn't sure. Her weapons and armor definitely made her seem less foreign, if more antiquated, than the others in the group, so there was perhaps a bit less suspicion in his voice. The sound of someone approaching had him turning around yet again. This time, it was another monster of some kind, like the not-godling from before. For a moment, he considered drawing his silver sword, but there was something amiss. The man's gait was cautious, if anything; he detected no aggression in his eyes, or body language. On top of that, Ciri seemed perfectly calm with his presence here. So, while Geralt's expression certainly carried distrust, his hand stayed at his side for the moment. When the creature introduced itself by saying it would heal him, Geralt's eyes narrowed and his hand grasped at the hilt of his blade.

His stance widened as the creature took a deep breath, but again, something was off. No one was on edge. At least, not about whatever Kyou was about to do. Not even Ciri, who was standing right next to him. Slowly, his arm came to rest again. Geralt grimaced as the creature exhaled, as he still half-expected to be turned to ash, but the pain of fire licking as his flesh never came. The familiar scent of tobacco filled his heightened senses, but also... fresh grass? Like standing in a field after rain. It was oddly soothing. After a few moments, the pain in his leg, side and neck subsided to a dull ache. His eyes slowly opened. As though the wounds had been healing for weeks, they had closed to admittedly still fairly nasty red scars. Nothing new there. The Witcher stood there in stunned silence for what felt like a while to him, but was, in reality, a matter of seconds. His yellow eyes met Kyou's. "Thanks. Geralt," He said matter-of-factly. That kind of magical healing surely had a catch. It was nice to not be bleeding everywhere, though.

CutieBoop CutieBoop | Celestial Speck Celestial Speck | thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher | FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

Frank Castle

The "Guardians of the Galaxy." Somehow, that was worse. Where did these freaks come up with this shit? He didn't immediately respond, seeming to scan everyone present in awkward silence with a stern frown. His gaze eventually settled on Drax when the man began loudly eating, and spewing, his food everywhere. He'd seen Drax fight before. Enough to know that it wasn't a duel he wanted to seek out. "I know I'm in space. I figured as much, anyways. Where in space? You also didn't answer my question. Did you bring me here?" Though not aggressive in his body language, his tone carried clear anger. His eyes certainly bore vitriol in the alien's direction. "If you didn't, who did? Is this another one of the Arch-demon's games?" Frank had no interest in disguising his questions as anything other than what they were: An interrogation. He certainly didn't have the upper hand here, but he didn't care. He need information, and these idiots were in his way. They seemed almost care-free, and that only served to make him angrier. He'd been torn away from home in an all-too familiar way. The option for an exit was currently dangling from his finger, but if something was happening here, he couldn't in good conscience just leave. There may not be a world to leave behind if he did.

Around that time, Jett and the others arrived, walking up behind him. The old soldier whipped around in an instant, revolver raised and leveled at the nearest threat, Jett herself. Of course, the gun only had one bullet in it, but no one else knew that. It became momentarily clear that these people were with the Guardians, and the gun came to rest in its holster at last. He turned back to the Guardians. "I just need some answers. This isn't my first time getting pulled through reality. I thought I'd already had me last, but... apparently not."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Super formal today, aren't we? Making me sound like I got demoted or something." Captain Falcon chuckles "But nope. No one else is here save me, Snake and Sonic...Who I haven't seen around for awhille.W-Where did they go?" Captain Falcon looks around for his two other friends before looking back to Yoshi "And speaking of which, how did YOU get here? We're in space! ...Not that it's stopped you before....But we're also in another UNIVERSE...IN SPACE! You're just everywhere, aren't you?"
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
Soon- the monster of sorts stopped breathing his healing wind, or whatever that was onto Geralt. It was odd, though. His style definitely didn't give the impression he was a mage- at least not an experienced one. The way he used that spell...It felt almost natural? Almost like how a dragon naturally breathes out its fires from its mouth and such. Point was- it didn't feel like he put all that much effort into the spell, as effective as it was. Either he was skilled, or it was second nature to him.

Regardless of what it was, he simply nodded at Geralt, pulling out his little cigar from his mouth, and crushing it onto the ground with his bare feet, coughing a bit more onto his hand. Looks like he's getting rid of the cigar for Geralt's sake and overall politeness. "Geralt, huh..." He mumbled, his fingers rising up- and he seemingly made some motions with them. Unknown to Geralt, he was writing out his name on the air- but obviously, in a different dialect, that being kana. As such...It almost sounded like a spell of sorts was being cast, but really, the half-oni was just seeing how to write his name like everyone else here.

Soon, he was finished, and a big grin appeared on his face, as he offered a hand for the Witcher to shake. "Nice to meet you, Geralt-san! I'm Kyou Tana-" That name certainly not common. Kee-oou? Kii-oo? "-And my looks might be misleadin' with the horns and all, but I'm the kindest half oni ya gon' meet today!" 'Oni.' certainly not the name of any common monster- probably from another side of the world, even. It probably sounded outlandish. But if Geralt knew what it was, Kyou would be surprised! It's rare to meet people who know what Youkai are, and the last one that did...Well, they left.

"Now- don't worry, we ain't your enemies 'ere. Some of us are yer daughter's friends. Like Mimaki over there! We'll explain everything to you, don't worry. But right now- ya ain't in your own dimension anymore, sorry to say." Kyou moved his hand- pointing at...What appeared to be a man with white hair and amber eyes using the same style of clothes Kyou was, just tighter and likely meant for combat with a blade by his side. Nine fox tails moved about him, and two small ears of the same animal sprouted from the side of his head. Who was talking to...A petite woman whose appearance was among the more eccentric of the room.

Kyou could overhear their conversion, and everyone near probably could too. With Mimaki, he seemed to realize that Fuma literally got here because of him, and his look of shock went into one momentary despair- then annoyance and finally, acceptance.

"I should have expected as much..." The Kitsune spoke, sighing loudly and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "...I'm glad you're here, though. I would have been gladder if you were home and safe...But I suppose I should have expected this. I'll explain everything to you- or Jason can be the one to do it." Mimaki spoke to the green-haired girl, who...Despite being so small and cute, had an immensely powerful and demonic vibe to anyone who could sense it. She wasn't just a small woman, that much was clear. And...She somehow followed Mimaki all the way to here, much like he had followed Kyou.

Man, this sure is a field trip for all these species, huh? Regardless, Mimaki's hand moved to hold Fuma's own, as if making sure she wouldn't try and escape.

"I'm Mimaki Kunosuke," he introduced himself again, still mildly embarrassed. "...And like this one said, she's Fuma Mishandra. She's a demon- but she's here to help." I think, is what he wanted to add. But... "...Actually, why are you here, Fuma? Did something happen?"

  • Megumin entered an open escape pod, her eyes immediately attracted to the infinite vacuum outside. Her fruitless search throughout the Axiom brought her to one conclusion alone: Alexis was out there somewhere. Alone. As her party member, Megumin couldn't just let it happen...could she?
When a few more new people entered the ship, Gamora merely tilted her head upwards and offered a smile in response. “Yes... we have.” The green-skinned woman said with a small nod. And then, both her and Drax would look back at Frank as the soldier continued his questions. “No... we did not bring you here. I doubt we’re even capable of such a feat...” Gamora would explain, only for her expression to turn perplexed when Frank mentioned an Arch Demon. “I’m sorry... who?” She asked, confused. And then, he continued on, and Gamora only rose her hands in a soft, calming gesture as he spoke. “Look... I apologize for that, but we have nothing to do with your supposed... reality warping.” Gamora explained further, before gesturing towards Drax, and then those who had just entered. “My Team and I were pulled in as well, and from what I can gather, these people here were, too.”

Back outside the ship, Leo was taken a bit back by Ellie’s sudden forwardness, the motions causing him to take a step back. “Uhh... well...” He said as he looked at her with a slightly surprised expression. That was a real... sudden change of interests. Regardless, Leo would oblige after scratching at the back of his neck a bit. “Alright... I’ll show you, I guess...”


Slowly, Leo would open his eyes, which revealed two pure blue, almost digital looking eyes. Two equally electronic looking panels protruded our from them, resulting in his eyes being quite the eye-catcher.

“They’re called the All Seeing Eyes of God. I have to keep my eyes closed, otherwise they’ll burn up from overuse...” There was a small pause, and then a light chuckle. “It’s a... long story.”

And it was a story that would have to wait, it seemed, as the green dinosaur soon introduced itself as Yoshi. The creature’s upbeat cheerfulness made Leo crack a small smile as he turned to face it, his eyes closing and returning to normal in the process. It was rare to see that kind of childlike friendliness in this group... especially on a mission like this. He even found himself laughing a bit at the dino’s antics, before finally saying, “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Yoshi. I’m Leonardo Watch. But, you can just call me Leo.” He said, before heading out Captain Falcon. Apparently they knew each other - Leo couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing just yet. Regardless, his last statement about space would make Leo nod a bit in agreement. “Yeah... how did you get here, Yoshi?”

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp quadraxis201 quadraxis201 BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Quill would merely purse his lips in response to Jared’s question. “I mean.... do I really have a choice?” He asked.

Midna, on the other hand, would let out a pained gasp upon being freed from her entrapment between the father and daughter reunion. She breathed harshly through her mouth for a few moments, her hands on her knees as she leaned forward. The imp eventually managed to look up when Kyou spoke, slowly nodding and speaking in a weak voice,“Y-yeah... you’ve gotten yourself sucked right into a Multiversal war...!” Midna’s words were followed with a series of coughs.

@ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @GearBlade654 @FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza @darkred P PopcornPie @Benedict Cucumberpatch Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
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"Yoshi's been in space before! Multiple times, actually, hee hee! Yoshi thinks that's how he got here, being randomly placed. Yoshi could be just about anywhere. Yoshi got to see friends anyways, so it's good to Yoshi!" Yoshi answers with a smile. There's the galaxy, and then there's worlds that feel like space to him in other dimensions, including this one. It pretty much answers Leo's and Falcon's question. By Falcon's mention of two missing fighters, Yoshi became attentive. "Huh? Snake and Sonic went missing? Wahhh... They could be anywhere if we'd find them... Yoshi's friends could be in danger!" Well, those two are able to handle themselves, like every fighter would, but if they were in a pickle, it wouldn't be good unless they got backup.

... That's what Yoshi would think to help them out, unless the way to find them is too difficult, or if it's just plain impossible. Yoshi would object to that, but there'll always be another opportunity.


Tags: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya


What had happened is that Mimaki entered the stages of grief for his bro trip. Fuma giggled in response after his acceptance. "Of course Fuma is safe! Fufu. Some have better travelling methods than others, so Fuma doesn't know what to make of the other Gensokyo Residents from their dimension... I'm sure they're fine, I just don't know how their circumstances are." Fuma answered with a serious tone to it, holding Mimaki's hand somewhat tightly. It was a dimension tamper, and they could be lost... but it's not necessarily Fuma's fault. Plus, Nezu could just be lost like... well, everybody else. It's all ambiguous to Fuma. She's not someone who can tell the future of residents from the place she used to live in.

"... Yes, as Mimaki stated, Fuma Mishandra is Fuma. Fuma is a demon among demons, someone who mastered dark magic, demons and the occult, but I don't plan on hurting anyone." She adjusted a tendril to display her book. "The Goetia is full of demons under my control. It is a lot, even for Fuma, but if I were to need them, it would be for necessary advice, or if you need help in battle. I'm sure it will be useful in some way. ... Fuma can also use the information about this place, if you don't mind me requesting it." She curls the tendril around the book again, as if keeping it close to herself.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , @ anybody nearby​
Killua Zoldyck
Mood: Intrigued
Overall Health: Perfect
Nen Charge: 75%
Location: Deck of the axiom, outside the Milano
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CutieBoop CutieBoop
"You aren't the only one with unbelievable power. I'm only 14 and have already learned how to make fake copies of myself and emit electricity. That'snot even counting how I can just use these yo-yos. I think they weigh about 110 pounds or so... But the "All-seeing eyes of God" huh? Sounds new to me. I'm Killua. Nice to have you on the team Leo."
He turns to the small green dinosaur. "Hey there little guy! Yoshi is it? Glad to meet ya!"
Unspoken Mentions: Anyone with Leo​
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Looking at the ones that were there and then back to the woman, she sighed. “
I’m sorry if they’ve done anything wrong, it’s a... habit of theirs. I’m Blake.” Blake then looked at Atreus, heading him comment on Thorne’s appearance before hearing Jett. It did come off as a bit offensive, but he was still just a kid. “Atreus, in this group, it doesn’t matter what we wear, we’re all warriors. I can guarantee you that she is a warrior too, I’ve seen her fight. And Jett, we’re meeting new people.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Ellya Ellya , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , @ Guardians ship

Letting go of Geralt once she felt someone else in the hug and being held at arms length by Geralt, she saw Midna had unfortunately been caught in the middle. “
I’m sorry for squishing you, Midna.” She then looked up at Geralt who from what she could see, was scanning the people and the area for any signs that this was all just an illusion. “Geralt, this is not an illusion. It’s real.

When he looked back at her, they went back to hugging. He was here... the one person that she needed the most with her right now was with her, now she could be at peace. As she pulled away from the hug, she noticed that some blood was on her clothes and saw that Geralt wasn’t looking the best. “
I’ll explain a bit, but everyone in here in on our side and you shouldn’t worry about them turning on us. You have some explaining to do too, Geralt. Why are you injured? Were you doing a contract? I thought you retired to Toussant and stopped hunting monsters.

Despite the questioning she was doing, yes, she was worried for him.

Turning to Kassandra, she nodded. “
Well, more like adoptive father, but he is better than my actual father.” She then looked at Geralt. “Geralt, this is Kassandra and the bird that was on her shoulder is Ikaros. Kassandra has been keeping me safe and is my battlesister alongside another girl, Aloy. There are others that stay with us three, but I’m not sure where they went.” Ciri heard Ikaros and laughed a bit. “He certainly is the superior bird.

Seeing him consider drawing his sword when Kyou approached him, she placed a hand on his arm. “
It’s alright, he’s with us.” Once Kyou finishes healing his wounds, she looked at him. “Thank you.” Looking at Geralt, she sighed. “He’s correct, this isn’t our universe anymore. I know I disappeared out of thin air back home and I’m sorry for that, but it’s because I was brought into this group to help save the multiverse. We were all brought into this to help save the multiverse and now, you were brought here too. If you want to know more, the man with the red mask can tell you more.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Leo couldn’t help but continue to smile as he nodded along with Yoshi’s words. “Well, I guess you’re in familiar territory, then!” He exclaimed with a small laugh. It was then that Killua was suddenly there, which startled Leo and made him jump a bit. He listened to him explain his power and shrugged, before reaching behind his back and rubbing his neck due to the awkward tension that he now felt with the boy’s sudden appearance. “Yeah... it can be quite a handful to manage...” He laughed in an equally awkward fashion. And then, Killua introduced himself, but before Leo could say anything, he told him it was good to have him on the team. This made Leo slump over a bit and frown. Was he really that unnoticeable?

“But... I’ve been here the whole time...”

Back inside the ship, though, Gamora merely rose a hand in response to Blake and smiled. “It’s fine... your group hasn’t caused us any trouble... right, Drax?” Gamora would ask as she turned to face the chip eating beefcake.

“That boy... he has the spirit of a fierce warrior... much like the tiny, buck-toothed beast...” Drax would say, gesturing towards Atreus with his chip... and then eating it, of course. And with his mouth full of the snack, he continued, “He reminds me of my daughter, Kamaria.”

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp quadraxis201 quadraxis201 BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Midna coughed more in response to Ciri, and looked up at her with annoyed, tear-filled eyes. “You’re... a... (cough) jerk!!!”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

  • Hoping to clear her thoughts with song, Megumin turned on the music player in her watch.

    She'll be vibing until I actually figure out if I want to launch the pod or not.
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Looking at the ones that were there and then back to the woman, she sighed. “
I’m sorry if they’ve done anything wrong, it’s a... habit of theirs. I’m Blake.” Blake then looked at Atreus, heading him comment on Thorne’s appearance before hearing Jett. It did come off as a bit offensive, but he was still just a kid. “Atreus, in this group, it doesn’t matter what we wear, we’re all warriors. I can guarantee you that she is a warrior too, I’ve seen her fight. And Jett, we’re meeting new people.

“That boy... he has the spirit of a fierce warrior... much like the tiny, buck-toothed beast...” Drax would say, gesturing towards Atreus with his chip... and then eating it, of course. And with his mouth full of the snack, he continued, “He reminds me of my daughter, Kamaria.”

The boy nodded in response to Blake. "Right. I'm sorry for judging so quickly, ma'am. I should know better."

Atreus flinched a bit. He hadn't even seen Drax yet (it was like he was invisible) and to suddenly hear that deep of a voice say that particular word... he turned around quickly and was about to instinctively say 'yes sir' before he noticed who it came from. The man was almost as tall and buff as his father. Despite the man's intimidating appearance, Atreus kept a firm stance. But instead of telling him off, he gave a nod. "Uh... thanks... Are... Are you a Giant?" He asked, seeming on his guard. Drax did look like he could have come straight from one of the Nine Realms Atreus was from.

@ Guardians ship AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc

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