Frank Castle

The "Guardians of the Galaxy." Somehow, that was worse. Where did these freaks come up with this shit? He didn't immediately respond, seeming to scan everyone present in awkward silence with a stern frown. His gaze eventually settled on Drax when the man began loudly eating, and spewing, his food everywhere. He'd seen Drax fight before. Enough to know that it wasn't a duel he wanted to seek out. "I know I'm in space. I figured as much, anyways. Where in space? You also didn't answer my question. Did you bring me here?" Though not aggressive in his body language, his tone carried clear anger. His eyes certainly bore vitriol in the alien's direction. "If you didn't, who did? Is this another one of the Arch-demon's games?" Frank had no interest in disguising his questions as anything other than what they were: An interrogation. He certainly didn't have the upper hand here, but he didn't care. He need information, and these idiots were in his way. They seemed almost care-free, and that only served to make him angrier. He'd been torn away from home in an all-too familiar way. The option for an exit was currently dangling from his finger, but if something was happening here, he couldn't in good conscience just leave. There may not be a world to leave behind if he did.

Around that time, Jett and the others arrived, walking up behind him. The old soldier whipped around in an instant, revolver raised and leveled at the nearest threat, Jett herself. Of course, the gun only had one bullet in it, but no one else knew that. It became momentarily clear that these people were with the Guardians, and the gun came to rest in its holster at last. He turned back to the Guardians. "I just need some answers. This isn't my first time getting pulled through reality. I thought I'd already had me last, but... apparently not."

Ellie was still a short distance away from the Guardians' actual ship, but this she picked up on. The man's voice already resonated pretty far, but the tone in which he spoke... The urgency, the familiarity. And when she walked up a bit closer and started to actually hear what he said, she knew it for certain. Just the mention of the so-called 'Arch-Demon' brought terrible images flashing through her mind once again. She flinched and gasped, her lip trembling for a second without actually knowing why.

She just stood still outside the ship, staring at the man that just arrived too, biting the inside of her cheek anxiously. She knew that she had to know what this meant, but it just wouldn't come up. Through all of her distorted memories and horrifying flashbacks, one name did come together though. She didn't even know that she said it out loud. "Akibahara..." Just the sheer typing mention of the name disgusted her. Like it was some ancient horrible curse. Like it was a name that was supposed to be forgotten. But the one thing she knew for sure, is that this man would also recognize the name. "Man... That guy's gotta be one hell of an asshole..."

@ (just outside) the GotG ship

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"...I'll take that as a 'yes' then." Jared assumes before he pulls out his Armed Aegis, the sword glowing multiple colors around the blade. "Stand back, I'll be making a fast travel from here to the dock. It's much more faster than taking an elevator, and at least I know where it is...except where we will end up in the dock is the question." He spoke before he points his sword down on the floor and does a quick upward slash that leaves a thin portal. Jared gets his hands on the sides and pulls them wide to expand the opening. "The Armed Aegis allows me to create portals with every stroke, at will of course. Though, the people who made this prefer to explain the sword's power as "creating rifts of the multiverse". Anyway, we haven't wasted a lot of time, so we should get started before those 'time police' get in here." Jared tells to the group.

But, before he could step in, Jared glances over to AUTO and squint. "Something tells me that the steering wheel is on to something, judging by the way it looks. Or I'm just having some awful feeling. Why do I feel so uneasy?" He thought for a moment before he steps into the portal, expecting others to come. On the other hand, Shanoa went to Orbeck's side. "So, Orbeck, what do you think of Jared?" She asked "To be honest, I feel like he's getting way above his head...and I don't like it."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @others​
While Lilith was minding her own business she started to hear a upbeat goofy song from the other side of the room, upon further investigation she found Megumin listening to said song. Lilith looked at her kind of confused as the wizard was vibing to the song. "What in the world is she listening to?" She quietly said to herself.
"It sound kind of catchy though."

P PopcornPie (Megumin)
AUTO merely continued to stare at Jared with its one red eye as he opened up the portal and left. “I’ll stay here and monitor the power levels!” The Captain exclaimed, raising a hand. Not that he could leave even if he actually did want to, anyways. Jason also appeared to stay behind, as did Micah. Midna and Star-Lord followed Jared into the portal, though, albeit the latter doing so a bit reluctantly.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FoolsErin FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

Jared and whoever else had followed him into his makeshift portal would find themselves having come out a few yards away from the Guardians’ ship. It wasn’t close enough to really be near any of the other groups that had formed, but it was definitely in walking distance. Regardless, the first thing you all noticed was a strong smell of gasoline... which could only be assumed was the fuel they needed. If any of you were to look around, you would find a thinly made trail of fuel on the ground, which led around a corner.

“Should we... follow it?” Quill asked as he looked to the rest of the group. Despite the question of hesitance, Midna already began making her way forward.

“No. We should just stand here with our thumbs up our butts.” Midna replied sarcastically with a slight eye roll as she passed Quill, following behind the trail.

Zamasu Zamasu Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

“No.” Came Drax’s firm yet gruff reply to Atreus. “I am Drax the Destroyer. What is your name, boy?” Drax asked curiously... while he continued to eat his chip.

Ellya Ellya
Killua Zoldyck
Mood: Helpful
Overall Health: Perfect
Nen Charge: 75%
Stamina: 100%
Location: Deck of the Axiom, Outside the Milano
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"No, it's not that your unnoticeable... It's more of me. I kinda look into more deeper things with my Nen. Here let me show you!"
A small shroud of Aura is placed on Leo's eyes.
"What you are seeing now is able to be seen through my ability called Gyo."

Nen ability used!
NEN ABILITY GYO: Gives the ability to pretty much supercharge any body part of the user.
Nen used: 5%
Current Nen power level: 70%

"When this is used on the eyes, you'll be able to see other Nen. Take a look at me."
If looked at, you could see Killua's aura concealed around him!
giphy (1).png
"I've been using this recently, in case anyone I know is involved in this too. So far nothing though."
After a brief pause, Killua returns the nen to his body.
"Sorry, I know it's cool and all, but I really gotta have that back. Can't really hold it forever. Especially when I'm offering it to another."
He offers his hand to Leo.
"My bad for not noticing you, dude!"

Unspoken Mentions: Anyone on the deck, outside the guardian's ship.​
Leo would raise a brow as the newfound power was suddenly transferred onto his already existing powers. His aura was the same as other beings he’d come across... but also somehow different. Unique, even. Leo figured it must have been the Nen powers that this boy possessed. Before he could say anything, though, it had been taken away, and Killua went back to normal.

“Huh... well that’s cool!” He said with a smile, only to laugh a bit when Killua apologized. He took the offered hand and shook it, saying, “It’s alright!”

Ciscodog Ciscodog
"Oh! Uh..." Megumin turned the volume down, then turned to Lillith with pink cheeks. "I was just...about to set out." She nervously studied the control panel, wondering which button would launch. "I want to check outer space itself for Alexis. It's not fair that she's being cast out over a mistake any of us could've made. I mean, of course it was overkill, but is it really a big deal if Orbeck was immediately able to fix the wheel?"

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Rocket would look at Lucky’s weapon when it was offered to him. He cocked a brow up as he glanced it over, hearing the rabbit’s words. “Satanic? Like... demons ‘n shit?” Rocket asked curiously as he looked the weapon over. Before he could say anything else, Lealan spoke up, and he saw her holding Groot. Normally, such a sight would have made Rocket... really pissed, to say the least. But it didn’t take long for him to notice the tiny sapling sleeping comfortably in her hands.

“How the hell’d you get him to sleep that easy?” Rocket asked, unable to stop himself from smiling slightly at the sight, his eyes widened in mild amusement. Then, he tilted his head to the side, gesturing towards a small, makeshift bed on a nightstand. “Lay him over there.” He said.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • orbeck.jpg

    Orbeck of Vinhiem
    Status: Auto: restored via golden sorceries (A feat that is somehow astonishing.), and fuel.
    condition: Normal, and still not happy​
    Throughout all of this, though, thanks to Orbeck's wacky magic spells, AUTO had successfully been restored! Both The Captain and Star-Lord watched the reconstruction with wide eyes. "Holy shit..." Was all that Quill could formulate in response, while The Captain merely stared in awe. AUTO may as well have been as good as new! It took a few moments, but eventually, a low, static-like buzzing could be heard from within the steering wheel, as the familiar red light in its center snapped back to life.

    As soon as Auto as the red light in its center reappeared, Orbeck prepared for the potential of a another round of taseing...only for AUTO to remain where it was as obedient as you would expect...It was jarring, but welcome at this point. He almost didn't realize that Star lord and the Captain were watching in absolute shock over what he accomplished. The same could be said about the man known as Geralt, who even in his injured state looked on at what he has done...but for the record, he is wearing a coat.

    The sight and sound of AUTO alone made The Captain laugh loudly in his seat. He would have jumped for joy, had it not been for... well, ya know. "I don't know how you did that... but you're a life-saver!" He exclaimed again, before letting out another laugh. "And to think, I thought I was about to start making my own coffee in the mornings!"
    "given that people don't jump to conclusions...we should be fine."

    Realy, he doesn't want to have to deal with more of this, and more of his share of gratuitous services, done due to the miscommunication of a few outliers. He felt as if he was stretching it with this repair. Yes, he did offer his help with little regard for the expected reward, but that was only because of the fact that the MPF granted him a means to escape his former fate...His reasons were inherently selfish in nature, even if it wasn't apparent. Not to say he still has that drive for seeking knowledge (the number of questions he has just kept growing, like whatever or not Julie counts as a 'yokai' in their terms) but the events of a...nightmarish verity have brought about that all incoming fear of the curse and his own hubris.

    So he stands by as Sage grovels over what has happened, he listens to what is obviously their new task...refueling a ship. Seems self-explanatory.

    What had happened is that Mimaki entered the stages of grief for his bro trip. Fuma giggled in response after his acceptance. "Of course Fuma is safe! Fufu. Some have better travelling methods than others, so Fuma doesn't know what to make of the other Gensokyo Residents from their dimension... I'm sure they're fine, I just don't know how their circumstances are."

    There was also another one that came out of the blue, a pale young girl who...well, reminded him of a certain vampire and her impulsive sister. Realy the attire and her mermmers of a 'Gensokyo', did she mention such a place...And apparently she knows the young fox tailed man, Mimaki. Honesty feels as if even another undead from his own world could come out at any moment.

    "We may as well head out, no point in waiting idly by..." He looks back at sage, he would like to say something, but that would make him a bigger hypocrite than Alexis if he did so. Besides, he needs time to himself to recollect his thoughts. And if he did decide to leave or not...well, he may as well be glad that he had some authority over his decisions.

    He was then alerted to a notification, by the nearly forgotten archwizard none the less. She was apparently trying to look for Alexis. furtelesly thinking she was willing to head into the depths of space. A message would be sent to her

    If she even considered leaving into the darkness of space, then she is a bigger fool then any of us. Don't be tempted into doing something equally as foolish. Who would she even survive without food for example?
    "So, Orbeck, what do you think of Jared?" She asked "To be honest, I feel like he's getting way above his head...and I don't like it."
    "Besides his initial provocation of Jason, my opinion of him is...lacking. Can't stay he isn't trying to help." it's all he said as he entered the portal made by Jared

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie @Necessity4Fun Celestial Speck Celestial Speck @Zamasu CutieBoop CutieBoop BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
"Damn right!" Lucky broke out into a proud grin. "I was in a game show straight fron the seven circles of Hell! Bastard tried to trap me with me prize, but I outfoxed him!...Um, at the cost of me own soul, of course." He shyly twiddled his nubs together. "I...He kinda tricked me into signing me soul over, I keep reminding meself to figure out how to destroy that contract before I die."

For some reason, Rocket showed a glint of protectiveness when Lealan came with a sleeping Groot. "Well, she's a plant person, too." Lucky explained. "They probably have a special understanding or something."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Geralt of Rivia

Ciri answered his questions, initially with questions. Not entirely unexpected, and an almost sheepish look briefly flashed across his face before returning to a stony cynicism of the room, and just in general, what he was being told. "You vanished, Ciri. Without a trace. No one had seen you in months." His jaw tightened slightly, but noticeably. "I got worried Emhyr had tried something, or worse... but, no. Nothing but dead ends for the last few months." Geralt took a deep breath before continuing. Despite Ciri's assurances, the various non-humans in the room had him on edge. He meant them no harm, so long as they meant him none, but he had no way of knowing that. "I really did retire from hunting, but I couldn't just wait around for a body if the worst had happened. I was on the trail when a vampire sunk its teeth in me. Seems Detlaff still had some friends. I wasn't ready. Relaxation's dulled my edge." A twinge of shame entered his tone, as though he were embarrassed about being taken off guard by the creature. "Thing had me dead to rights, but then... I was here." Geralt shrugged, not really sure how else to explain it.

The one person in the room Geralt felt more inclined to trust was Kassandra. As Ciri explained that Kassandra had helped keep her safe, the Witcher offered a slight nod of respect. Ciri had always been wily and free-spirited, and just about anyone that could earn her trust and respect was worth at least the bare minimum of courtesy. "Thanks for watching out for her. Any friend of Ciri's is a friend of mind." He thought better of asking about the term "Battlesister." Probably a story for another time. Having someone around more at their level was at least a little bit of a relief, anyways.

Geralt leaned back away from Kyou for a moment before finally reaching over to shake the half-oni's hand. His clothing and manner of speaking were very odd. Certainly, they were nothing like anything he'd ever heard before. Geralt-san? From what the Witcher could gather from what clues are there, it was some kind of honorific, though, strangely, it came after the name, rather than before. Even the name itself was very foreign. He'd also never heard of an Oni before, though the fact that he could be half one made it clear the monster was at least vaguely humanoid, though the horns were certainly off-putting. If they really were in some completely foreign world, it could simply be that this creature- this person- was beyond his scope of knowledge. The feeling of being adrift in a place where even the basic fundamentals of the world he knew didn't apply quickly formed a pit in the Witcher's stomach. Something told him a lot of the knowledge he carried wouldn't help him much here, when it came to any foes they might encounter. "Nice to meet you too... Kee-you?" The half-oni did his best to explain it, but the skeptical frown that spread across his face moments before only deepened. "That's a lot to take in."

Turning back to Ciri, he remarked wryly, "You really seem pretty calm about all of this." The corners of his mouth twitched upwards slightly for a moment. He was doing his best to relax at her request, but his tensed muscles and the way his eyes flitted about the room betrayed his unease even after all of their reasoning. His eyes consistently moved back to Fuma, one of the most notably non-human creatures in the room. Witchers guard both worlds; as before, he bore no ill will, but her presence was definitely disconcerting. When she started to explain herself, his eyes narrowed. Unease was replaced by the return of genuine suspicion. Demon above all demons. Master of dark magic. He doubted she was Gaunter, but she didn't have to be for those things to be very bad news. Previously, Geralt had believed demons to be entirely fictitious, but the Master of Mirrors had certainly opened his mind to the idea a bit. Without taking his eyes off of Fuma, he continued. "You're saying were here to save the world. Again. Whatever world that may be." Though Geralt kept his hand away from the hilt of his sword, his hand began twisting into the shape for a sign. Nothing came of it... for the moment.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GearBlade654 GearBlade654 FoolsErin FoolsErin QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Laix_Lake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Frank Castle

Gamora at least answered his questions, but they certainly left Frank wanting. He sneered, baring his teeth. "Arch-demon Akibahara. Pulls sick shit like this. Supposed to be dead. " Her clear lack of understanding almost took him by surprise. There was no way, during a Murder game, someone, especially not him, hadn't already announced their presence and, in a truly grandiose fashion, overexplained their entire plan. "Forget it. If he isn't why I'm here, and you fuckin' aliens didn't do it, then who did?" Atreus's arrival instantly caused Frank to tense and go silent. There were kids here. If Murder was afoot, they were in grave danger. He turned away from Gamora without waiting for an answer. The kid was talking to Drax, and was dressed like he was coming straight from a renaissance fair. Setting his jaw, he scanned the area for threats yet again, and, again, came up empty. A voice pulled him back, though. A girl's. Young, maybe in her early teens. This was worse than he thought. Atreus was at least currently managed.

He stepped out of the ship and locked eyes with Ellie. A frown creased his brow as he heard her speak. He heard her say the arch-demon's name, and his frown fell into a dark stare at the ground. This girl had been in a Murder game. He remembered her name from the Coalition's reports. Ellie. From what Frank could remember, she was dead, though. She'd actually been a Traitor there... His sudden sadness gave way to suspicion. That being said, she was, from what he could tell, a child, and... the arch-demon had a way of getting what he wanted from people, no matter who they were. Without wasting much time, Frank walked over to the girl. His voice commanding, deep, but dispassionate, he barked at her, "Kid, you need to be on that ship, not out here." Piercing blue eyes stared down at her, unwavering, not betraying his knowledge of who she was. Such a reveal could immediately provoke her to violence, if she were on the Arch-demon's take again. Assuming that was why they were even there. "Could be some dangerous shit out here."

His tone was measured. Resolute. The more insightful, though, could maybe detect the slightest hint that this was intentional. Frank had every intention of keeping Ellie (and Atreus) safe, but he didn't want to get stabbed, either. His eyes moved past her. What if there were even more kids here? What kind of sick game was this, roping children into a battle of life or death stakes? Even if the arch-demon himself didn't do this, it wasn't foreign to him that someone else could have organized this. Kotomine had taken up the mantle not long after Akibahara was destroyed, in what had been supposed to be his last romp through the multiverse. Unfortunately, that clearly wasn't the case.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Ellya Ellya @just outside gotg ship


Shanoa & Jared Williams

"I guess I can agree with you on that one." Shanoa says before she follows Jared and the others through the portal. As soon as they arrive at the dock of which the Guradians' ship lies, they would notice a trail of gas leading up to a corner. Star-Lord would ask of they should follow the trail, only for Midna to go ahead. "Guess there's no use in standing here. Come on, I'm getting the feeling that someone is trying to sabotage this place." Jared said before he follows the trail, expecting the rest to do the same.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @others​
Aaaannnnnnndddddd...... finished, as Benrey finally kill that mid-game Boss in Heavenly Sword, as he smiled and said “Finally, after all this time... I beaten the boss in hell mode. Now to continue on with my life now.” as he got off the couch, after saving the game, and deleted the props he spawned in, as he looked around the outside of the guardian’s ship and said “Uh..... is there something we need to do here...?” while waiting for anyone here to respond.
@ To whomst it may concern around the guardian’s ship
Location: Caption's room
Eventually Megumin would notice Lilith easing in on her relaxation process, she would then turn the volume down on her song and give Lilith her full attention, Megumin then started over to the control panel nervously wondering witch button to press, she wanted to do this for Alexis since she thought she was unfairly put down for her mistake from earlier. Lilith just shook her head before replying. "Well yeah I can kind of understand where you're coming from, I always sucks to be outcasted for little to no reason."

P PopcornPie (Megumin)
The Oni only gave the Witcher an amused little grin as he tried to pronounce his name, his hand, and grip firm and strong, shaking the older man with neutral respect. "Sure. That works." He spoke simply, before pulling away, both his hands being placed on his hips. A little laugh came from his mouth as he scratched the back of his head when Geralt said it felt hard to believe what was just said to him and to be frank, neither he and Mimaki blamed him for it. The idea of an evil time wizard who was the strongest being in the multiverse at the moment was both ways cheesy and stupid to believe, principally from a man that gave off such an air of professionalism to him. "Aaah...Yeah, I don't blame ya. I'll try and explain it, but essentially-"

"An evil space wizard called 'Ganondorf' is trying to conquer these worlds and many others. This group your daughter is in is tasked with going in said worlds and trying to erase his presence from them to impede it from spreading since his 'corruption' apparently can...Spirit away people from their homeworlds. Probably like yourself." The man with white hair, who Geralt would note was holding the hand of the green-haired demon, Fuma, spoke, his tails moving behind him comfortably as he explained the situation to both him and her. "It's dumb as all hell, and I didn't believe it at first either, but...That's the truth."

For a moment, the Kitsunes eyes landed on the small medallion around Geralt's neck, who was most likely vibrating wildly with all the magical beings and magic currently in the room. Although he seemed less focused on that, and more on its shape. His eyes narrowed...Before he simply gave Geralt a respectful nod.

Mimaki could tell Geralt had his doubts about Fuma, and the Kitsune couldn't help but sigh- not at him, but at his lover for acting so carelessly with her identity. Fuma was blunt, deadpan, and neutral to a degree where it truly shows her side as a demon. She isn't afraid of getting to the point quickly but also loves teasing others. She is extremely human despite this- something that Mimaki hopes the Witcher realizes despite her age...And status. He could tell Geralt was some sort of monster hunter from his conversation with Ciri, attire, and overall equipment, and the way he looked at the nonhumans and the medallion essentially gave it away. This detail about Geralt was something he hoped Kyou picked up on too- but alas, the oni didn't. So much for his rival.

He couldn't really blame him for holding some initial distrust. This team is...Really colorful, and some members offputting. But his eyes met the Witcher's when he didn't keep his eyes off of her. He knows she can protect herself, but...

"...She isn't a danger." He said to the Witcher, not letting go of Fuma's hand. "I know what she said sounds really bad, and you have no reason to trust me or Kyou of all people- but Fuma Mishandra will not harm you if you don't harm us." He spoke simply- before smiling a little bit. "...But I suppose you're the type of man who trusts actions more than words, huh?"

Kyou simply stared between the two- before coughing into his hand. Mimaki didn't feel aggressive, but it was best to move on from that discussion. "Right, eh! Ciri-san, do you need any more help with yer ol' man, or? I think it's good if you talk to him privately- catch up 'n all. He seems very worried 'boutcha, and I ain't 'bout to interrupt yer reunion for long." Mostly because he already sounded ridiculous enough, and Kyou thought Ciri needed some private time with her dad- after all, as a father himself, he'd wish to speak privately to his daughter if he didn't see her for...Months, like Geralt said so.
Last edited:
“Sounds like he outfoxed you, pal,” Rocket replied to Lucky as he resumed work on applying the flamethrower to EVE’s other arm. Lucky’s words about Groot didn’t get a reply out of the not-raccoon, but if Lucky were paying attention, he would see his mood sour a bit... if only slightly.

In the other room of the ship, Gamora would merely shake her head again in response to Frank. “Nope... sorry. Never heard of him.” She said, only to shrug again when he asked who had caused this. She then followed him with her eyes as he left the ship, until he was gone from view entirely. She then flicked her gaze up towards Blake and the others who had entered. “So.... I’m assuming he wasn’t with you guys?”

Back outside the ship, Leo would have been standing near Yoshi , Killua, and Captain Falcon still, when he suddenly heard Benrey ask if there was anything they needed to do. He shrugged, and said, “Not at the moment, no.”

@Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie Riven Riven Zamasu Zamasu @quadraxis201
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @bloodyninja64 @JRay DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @quadraxis201 BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Those of you who had followed the trail of gasoline would have eventually found what caused the leakage after a fair bit of walking. In their line of sight, they saw two things. The first was a giant, industrial sized hose, that had been torn in half and discarded onto the ground, which as a result, had gasoline leaking out of it. The second thing they saw...


...was Bender. Who had the other end of the torn hose pointed downwards towards his mouth with one hand, and was pouring his bottle of infinite alcohol into the ripped up end.

“What the hell, dude!?” Star-Lord shouted, while Midna merely floated to the side. Bender then noticed the small group at the point, and turned to face them with a small wave.

“Oh, hey, guys.” He said nonchalantly with a little mechanical sounding belch. When he didn’t get any response, and only just a bunch of disappointed looks, Bender’s expression soon turned angry. “What!? I got tired of listening to you jerk-offs fight each other, so I wandered off and found this hose, which I then ripped in half and began using as an automatic booze dispenser!” Bender exclaimed, much to Star-Lord’s chagrin.

“Dude... that hose was for our fuel! Ya know, for my spaceship!?”

“Oh, is that what that thing was?” Bender asked, only to ultimately shrug. “Oh, well! Not my problem!” He said in an uncaring tone, before going back to chugging his infinite alcohol.

Star-Lord merely stood there, his eye twitching a bit.

Zamasu Zamasu Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Shanoa & Jared Williams

When they found the end of the trail, they saw a robot named Bender chugging down a bottle of infinite booze and a torn hose, with the other half being used as a proxy to get the alcohol down into the robot's system. "Dude, you do realized that there are remnants of gas on that hose you ripped off, right? Then again, you're a robot anyway." Jared spoke as he walks up to him "And we needed that hose to refuel the ship. Do you have any idea what you've just done? And not only that, there is also gas leaking from the other half. You effectively made a hazard that may result to a possible gas explosion should a little mistake happen. Now would you be so kind to give us the other half, or I will not hesitate to set you on fire with that amount of alcohol in your system."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @others​
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake looked back at Atreus and nodded. “You should. But it’s alright Atreus, sometimes people judge others too quickly. That’s just how humanity, or people in general, work.” As the man that had appeared there just recently as she knew he was never in their group to begin with leave, she looked at the green skinned woman. “Good, usually they’d start causing all kinds of trouble by now. And he isn’t, but he has to be now since I doubt he’d want to be stranded on a ship. I introduced myself, you want to introduce yourself?

Ellya Ellya , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


In response to Midna, she just rolled her eyes as she listened to Geralt. Her eyes widened when she heard how long she had been gone. Has it really been months? Geralt wouldn’t lie to her about that, so... it had to be true. She continued to listen, hearing what gave him those wounds and the reason why he left Toussant.

And it was all for her. Of course, she didn’t doubt it, she knew he’d do anything for her. “
Emhyr believes I’m dead, remember? He wouldn’t try anything. If you lost to a greater vampire, guess you really have lost your edge. Hopefully this mission returns it.” Hearing him say that she was calm about all of this, she let out a small laugh and gave him a smile. “I learned from the best. And not just a world, Geralt, worlds. Our world in in danger, Kassandra’s world is in danger, and everyone else’s worlds are in danger. And we’re trying to stop that.

She then heard Fuma say that she was a demon and really, she was a bit thrown off. The girl didn’t look like she could hurt anyone and yet she said she was a demon? Then again, if this entire mission and her going to different worlds and universes on her own taught her a thing, it was that anything was possible. Ciri’s emerald green eyes looked towards Geralt as Mimaki tried to tell him that she wouldn’t hurt them as long as they didn’t hurt her. “
He’s right, she’s not going to hurt us.

Looking at Kyou, she shook her head. “
I think it’s best if we get caught up. Thank you for the offer though.” She then looked at the portal that was made before looking back at Geralt. “I doubt you would want to go through there anyways. We can stay here and get caught up. How is Yennefer?

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
“The alcohol is immediately converted into an electron charge for my fuel cells, dumbass! There’s not a single drop left in me!” Bender exclaimed in response to Jared, before continuing to chug away using the hose, which he did not seem so keen on giving up.

“And besides, if you set him on fire, then you’d literally set the whole ship on fire!” Star-Lord shouted as he gestured over to the gasoline trail that was behind all of them. The same one that Jared literally just pointed out as hazardous mere moments ago.

Zamasu Zamasu Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
“Oh... my apologies. That man’s sudden appearance must have made me lose my train of thought,” Gamora replied to Blake. “I’m Gamora. The man eating chips over there is Drax. Rocket and Mantis are currently both in their rooms in the back - I believe you’ve met the former. That sleeping sapling that the plant lady was holding is Groot, and our leader is known as Peter Quill... he calls himself Star-Lord.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

Fuma would come to understanding by the words and body language by the people around her. She nodded, getting each piece of the puzzle she needed to know. "Thank you." She spoke to Mimaki with a soft tone. It was good for her to gain the knowledge. In fact, she's glad she got the grasp on the scenario. No wonder she couldn't understand the fate of other residents from Gensokyo before her travels. Maybe, if she could help save which dimensions, which world, it will be meaningful for Fuma's history.

"... I can understand the shock. Fuma may look like she comes from somewhere different. It does not bother Fuma much." She shook her head. Fuma's book is King Solomon's Goetia from many years ago; she keeps it under great control, only summoning when need be. It is common sense Fuma holds, even for a ancient demoness. It'd make sense why they think she was foreign. It'd make sense for Geralt's initial suspicion. However, she is harmless to allies: she would rather help fight back evil than to use the demons for evil. "But yes, Fuma will be ally, that is for certain." She offered a smile, one that promises hope. It is like Mimaki said, maybe actions spoke louder than words. In her case, she is the piece of wisdom offering advices from beings inside the book if it came to helping the team outside of battle.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , @ anybody else nearby


Yoshi's past worries died down by the child who had joined the group. It sorta reminded the dino of his days he cared for young heroes, like the famous Super Mario! Such nostalgia. "Oooo, my name's Yoshi! Yoshi can eat about anything you let Yoshi eat!" That is, food, enemies, environment(?), it all turns to eggs ready to be thrown! "It's nice meeting you too, Killua! Yoshi can tell you have great future! Any power is a gift to heroes alike." Indeed, Yoshi is just happy for heroes gifted with power.

Happy VHS Yosh.PNG

Benrey would ask if there was something to do, which was... not at the moment. However, he can see that the group outside the guardians' ship was joined by Yoshi, a new teammate for helping others out, and a surprise visitor for this ship as well.

Tags: Ciscodog Ciscodog , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , @ anybody outside guardians' ship​

Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Don't you mean reduce?" Jared asked "Cause you know, alcohol is made up of two electrons, two protons, and aldehyde. What your system is doing is just breaking down the alcohol to it's original ingredients and just taking only the electrons. Now as much as I want to know where goes the protons and aldehyde, and that but of an oversight that I just did because I was so worked up, can we ask to lend us that hose please? Or is there some condition that we must meet in order to get that from you?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @others​

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