Drax only continued to laugh as the boy described his past successes in the battlefield. He seemed genuinely interested in hearing the boy’s stories, and more than happy to at that.

“Even though I do not know who half of those beings are, you still show the promise of a fierce warrior!” Drax exclaimed as he proceeded to give Atreus a hearty slap on the back.

Ellya Ellya

Atreus smiled widely, more than he had in a long time. The slap on the back hurt, he didn't show it. Even though he kept being called a boy, it seemed much more positive than the tone of his father when he said it. "Thanks..." He said softly, looking down into his book and idly paging through it to keep himself busy. It was embarrassing have such attention drawn to him because of Drax, but hey, at least it was positive. He then showed him an elaborate sketch of a large dragon, with various notes scribbled across the page. "Look, this was a lightning dragon. It was huuuuge, and Father and I killed! He kept attacking it with his axe and I with my bow and then we dropped a huge spike right into its head! Actually, his tooth gave my bow the lightning powers!"


After showing him a few more pictures out of his book, he turned his head to look at the large man. "... Drax?" he asked, "Back when you... killed people. How did you do it? I mean, why did you? I know none of us are truly innocent, but..." the boy swallowed for a second. He had only recently started killing and his Father always told him to close his heart to it, but it was difficult. Taking someone's life should be more significant than just hitting a target. "How do you... close your heart to it?" Of all the people to ask for fatherly advice, Drax might be the worst person in the universe, but Atreus didn't know that yet. And he felt a sort of connection with him.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc @ guardians ship

  • W6cvVp963Y2N1FwcWRojljdcLogupL6kvq2jcd4Yb6v0mRSEFHNBsClAYWAdYQ6479ohw45FqdSVYR6y42G7bKYeOf0TOQ0VfJVMMw7SS0Uo1f0lPHcngNMWbHT6NoSrs-M6H41p

    Aloy didn’t get a chance to talk to the strange girl named Ellie and the boy who shared a common weapon with herself, the bow and arrow when the AI inside the ship went on the fray.

    “Not again.” She groaned , as she frowned, looking over her overcharge for a second, allowing her Focus to observe the haywire AI named AUTO being on the frizz by one of the fire people.

    Aloy turned to Ciri and sighed “I feel this is going to keep happening more and more we try to prevent it. Aloy grasped her hands in anger. By the time she and Ciri made it back, the group was angry again..

    She was both irritated and almost glad she missed the latest anger.

    Then a man named Geralt appeared, Aloy looked between the two: Ciri and Geralt knew each other. Kassandra introduced the group to herself and that's when Aloy stepped in "My name is Aloy, of the Nora Tribe. "

    @Factionguerilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 darkred darkred
    @Mentions: Ellya Ellya


Geralt of Rivia

The Witcher crossed his arms, cocking an eyebrow. "I may be rusty, but you may need to double check your studies. I didn't kill Detlaff, Regis did. Only another higher vampire can kill something like that." There was a mixture of deadly seriousness in his tone and light-hearted teasing. This sort of knowledge could save Ciri's life in the future. "Bastard will keep getting back up no matter how much you cut into them without one. Most you can do is slow them down." He looked over at Kassandra, taking note of the bird perched on her shoulder for the first time. She introduced herself,a nd mentioned having been through a lot. Both she and Ciri got an almost faraway look at that. Thinking better of prying, he simply nodded. "I'm a Witcher, yes. It seems you have me at a disadvantage. I've never heard of Sparta. Not surprising, I guess. It's certainly making a good first impression." His nearly deadpan delivery and expression made it difficult to read what exactly he meant by that, but Ciri was familiar with Geralt's serial flirting by now. Nothing notable there.

Still, he felt the need to address Kassandra more seriously about their allies. "I don't feel any strong urge to hurt anyone. I just woke up in a strange place full of monsters after a near-death experience. For a second, I thought I was dead, and this was all I had to show for it. Metal hallways and a few strangers." Shaking his head, he gestured to the greater room where the people he'd initially met had been standing before jumping through the portal. "I've met people every bit as bad as monsters, and monsters that wouldn't hurt a living soul. Got nothing to fear from me, long as they don't hurt anyone." With a shrug, he continued. "Maybe they don't anyways, though. I know nothing about them. Don't want to pick a fight with something I barely understand." Her explanation was at least a little easier to follow in that it was the bare minimum, though most of it was what he'd managed to gather anyways. Save the world from evil space wizard. Jump through dimensions. That last part was where he was getting hung up. When she clarified that they'd have to go through several portals, visible discomfort flashed through his eyes, though he, for the moment, kept it to himself.

Geralt turned to Fuma again, not wanting to ignore the demon. She certainly made some good points. It wasn't really enough to make Geralt feel guilty for his suspicion; healthy skepticism was one of the only reasons he was alive to stand there with him. To her credit, he did seem to weigh what she was saying for several moments before responding in any weigh. At the end of it, he just nodded slightly before looking to Ciri. It would be hard for Geralt to trust Fuma. She may be sunshine and daisies now, but magic often concealed one's true nature, and some of the worst monsters he'd ever met appeared perfectly human. That didn't change that he was willing to give it a shot. Ciri continued Kassandra's explanation, drawing yet another uncomfortable look when she confirmed that portals were going to be a regular occurrence on this adventure.

The question about Triss wasn't surprising, but he did tense and tighten his jaw at it. Not because he didn't care about or disliked Triss, of course. It was just still something of a sore spot with Yen. When they were searching for Ciri, that took priority, but upon her discovery and things settling down, tensions rose. While she had accepted that Geralt had amnesia, Triss did not. Yen had already forgiven Triss for making a move on Geralt once, and she went and did it again at the first opportunity. At the end of the day, Geralt did genuinely care about Triss, and he knew Ciri did too. "Last I saw her, she was doing alright. All things considered, anyways. She's really making a name for herself in the Lodge, with Yennefer 'retired' too." He looked past Ciri towards the portal. "Don't worry. We're happy in Toussaint. I just get antsy. After so long, It was hard to imagine not having a contract, or some pressing issue that threatened to destroy life as I knew it not weighing down on me. It was hard." Another woman introduced herself. 'Alloy.' A bizarre name, for sure, and her clothes and armor seemed somehow even older than his own. He looked to Ciri again. "This someone you know too?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Celestial Speck Celestial Speck darkred darkred CutieBoop CutieBoop

Frank Castle

Ellie took a while to respond, but Frank recognized the look. That stare off into space, or at the ground. That uneasy pit in your stomach that eats away up to your chest. She swallowed hard. Castle didn't press immediately, just stood there in stoic silence, hands in the pockets of his coat as he waited for a response. When she did, she was curt and cursed like a sailor, but her tone gave her away to the more insightful Castle. She was acting tough to hide something. Was she scared? Guilty? Did she recognize him somehow? His perpetual scowl shifted into a stern frown. "Watch your mouth, kid. Where'd you learn to cuss like that?" The apparition of a famous rapper strutted past as he spoke. Frank's head didn't turn, but his eyes briefly moved away from Ellie. No surprise crossed his face, but he did note Kanye's presence, albeit silently. After an awkward pause, he continued. "It wasn't a request. Get on the ship, or stick with me. Not having children running around by themselves, armed or not." He crossed his arms, setting his jaw again.

Granted, did he actually trust the freaks on that ship to keep a kid safe? Not really, but at least they'd done some good in their home universe. Assuming they were the Guardians he knew of, which they may well not be. Any thoughts of basic teleportation were gone. Ellie's presence confirmed that he wasn't in either his home dimension, or Rin's. Not that he was sure, given what he was doing before he got here, that he wanted to get back to either. If this was a Murder game, the thought occurred to him to try dying in the afterlife to see what would happen. "Name's Frank. From where I'm standing, a gun at your waist doesn't make you less in need of help." His tone continued to be measured, but a bit of parental bite crept into his voice. He had no intention of letting a child die on his watch, and he didn't really care if Ellie liked him for it. Better to be alive to regret her past and hate him, than to be too dead to do either. She was trying to be understanding. Sincere. Sweet, even. Frank didn't care.

Ellya Ellya
Last edited:
Intermission #4
“Things Change”

Somewhere in the depths of the Axiom, there was a kitsune wrapped up in her tails. Alexis wasn’t quite sure how to feel. She hugged one of her tails as she wallowed in her thoughts. Part of her felt guilty that she left Sage and that she abandoned the rest of the MPF, but another part of her was relieved that she wouldn’t have to be a burden on the group anymore. The biggest disappointment was the knowledge that she was letting her family down. There was always the possibility that Jason was right and her and couldn’t stop Ganondorf, and here she was, giving up on the mission. She was just a pathetic failure of a mom and a wife.

Her sulking, however, soon met its end.

It wasn’t very noticeable at first, but slowly, Alexis felt a small chill run up her spine, and then down her arms. It all ended at her fingertips, almost as if whatever dark presence had just tainted the room around her was beckoning her outwards. Whenever she decided to look up, she would notice that the world around her was… well, different was an understatement.

Time had completely fallen to an utter stand still. Everything around her was frozen in place, and not only that, but it had seemed to have taken on a dull, gray hue. The people, once at least lifelike, were now entirely shrouded in darkness, the outlines of their bodies being all that Alexis could make out.

And then, she heard him.


The voice was calm… yet underneath that calmness was a sinister presence. It was something darker than Alexis had every felt. Darker than Cobblepot, Bill Cipher, even Wesker. It was different. More powerful. No matter how powerful she may have been, underneath this new being’s presence, Alexis would have felt like nothing more than an ant.

Then, finally, he appeared.


Before her, stood none other than Zant himself.

The kitsune peaked out from beneath her tails, giving a tired look up at the sorcerer in front of her. She didn't want to talk to Zant about whatever schemes he wanted her to take part in, but she got the feeling that complete rejection wouldn't go over too well with someone of this power.

"Your Pressure… you wield Twilight. You're with Ganondorf, aren't you… what do you want?"

“Still your tongue, you whelp! You are lucky to be in the presence of Ganondorf’s most devoted follower!”
Zant hissed out, his tone shifting from the calm words that Alexis had heard moments ago to a hate-filled, spiteful hiss in a matter of seconds. He’d leaned forward as he said it, too, his face leaning in close enough for Alexis to feel the Twilight radiating off of him.

Regardless, he eventually retracted into a standing position, and cleared his throat before continuing. “I only wish to bargain with you, Alexis.” He said, his calm tone returning like a flip of a coin. “You… do not wish for any harm to befall your family, no?”

Alexis was a bit taken aback by the sudden flare up of haughty anger and immediate return to calm condescendence. It almost reminded her of Kagutsuchi trying to “play nice”. It didn’t exactly help that he affirmed himself to be a follower of Ganondorf. She was only justified in the lack of attention she was giving him until he brought up her family.

Her eyes lit up in mild anger that he would dare to mention them being the villain he was. A bargain? What kind of audacity did he have to treat her family’s well being as a bargaining chip against her? The kind that came with power… and the kitsune could clearly tell how powerful Zant was. She answered carefully,


A deep, light chuckle could be heard from Zant’s helmet in response to that one word. He’d known everything that went down, of course. It was no secret that both him and Ganondorf were watching the events that the group had been through unfold… planning their moves. It was a miracle that they’d only directly interfered once before now.

“I thought not…” Came Zant’s eventual reply. He took a single step towards Alexis. The single step alone was enough to send bits of Twilight floating out from underneath his foot and colliding with the white fur of her tail. It sent an oddly cold burning sensation across it for a moment, before dissipating entirely.

Her skin crawled at Zant’s knowing chuckle, but that was nothing compared to the sheer… repulsiveness of the Twilight. Her tail felt far too cold, like all the fire had been sapped out of it and it was no longer a part of her body. It didn’t help that her tails were the organs that gathered Aether; it just felt…wrong. She didn’t hesitate to dissolve her tail and reform it away from Zant’s foot.

“My god has taken a liking to you, Alexis. A truly remarkable feat indeed, I assure you. It is not easy to impress my lord by any means,” Zant explained, the words “easy” and “any” having been spoken in that same sinisterly rooted hiss from earlier. “As such… he has sent me to offer you a deal. If you join him… and aid us in our purification of the light… then we will spare them and your pathetic universe. They will go completely untouched in his conquest.”

Should she feel proud that she’s earned the favor of Ganondorf? She hasn’t even met the man. Under every other circumstance, she would’ve blown Zant off, but right now… he was dangling the lives of her family in front of her. She was beyond afraid for her children and her husband. To join Ganondorf meant a free pass for her world? It seemed too good to be true though.

"What are you going to do to the rest of the multiverse? Snuff out the Spark of every other person and universe with that...Twilight of yours?"

“Snuff out is such a… needlessly brutal term, dear Alexis,” Zant replied to the kitsune before turning and looking away for a moment. “I merely wish to shroud every universe in my Twilight… combine the worlds of lightness and dark into both… so that me and my god may rule over both…” Slowly, he turned back to face Alexis, looking down at her with his bug-faced helmet. “Though, if you join us, your universe will remain at the epicenter of it all. Completely untouched by the Twilight. You and your family may live out the rest of your day in peace… and you will remain by Ganondorf’s side, as an enforcer of his law.”

Alexis was more than distrustful of Zant, and appalled by his and Ganondorf’s goals. Wanting to rule over any amount of territory also a bit overrated, but that’s besides the point. If Ganondorf took over, her universe would be the only place not touched by Twilight, surrounded on all sides. To take it over would be a simple task if they ever decided to go back on their word… and there would be nothing Alexis could do in that instance…

"What guarantee do I have that you’ll keep up your end of the bargain… or am I just supposed to take your word for it?"

“Well,” Zant replied as he lifted a palm, a small ball of Twilight forming in it. He stared as it formed, watching the static and pixels build around it. “As long as you remain useful to Ganondorf, then we shall remain useful to you.” In an instance, he squeezed his palm shut, resulting in the ball of Twilight being snuffed out. “Now, Alexis…” He opened the palm again, revealing a hand surrounded by dark static and swirling with Twilight. He held it out to her, offering a handshake.

“Do we have a deal?”

Collab with QizPizza QizPizza
Location: Caption's Room
Lilith payed full attention to Megumin explaining herself on her thoughts about the whole Alexis, she starts by asking her if she remembered if (in some measure) the same thing happened to her and Lucky, Lilith responds by nodding a bit. "I mean yeah I guess."

She say before resting her and on her head. Once Megumin was done explaining Lilith thought for a bit before coming to a conclusion. "Well you could try explaining it to them but I don't know if they'll listen to you, it's really hard to convince them people on our team. Maybe ether of us could think of something."

P PopcornPie (Megumin)
Geralt of Rivia

The Witcher crossed his arms, cocking an eyebrow. "I may be rusty, but you may need to double check your studies. I didn't kill Detlaff, Regis did. Only another higher vampire can kill something like that." There was a mixture of deadly seriousness in his tone and light-hearted teasing. This sort of knowledge could save Ciri's life in the future. "Bastard will keep getting back up no matter how much you cut into them without one. Most you can do is slow them down." He looked over at Kassandra, taking note of the bird perched on her shoulder for the first time. She introduced herself,a nd mentioned having been through a lot. Both she and Ciri got an almost faraway look at that. Thinking better of prying, he simply nodded. "I'm a Witcher, yes. It seems you have me at a disadvantage. I've never heard of Sparta. Not surprising, I guess. It's certainly making a good first impression." His nearly deadpan delivery and expression made it difficult to read what exactly he meant by that, but Ciri was familiar with Geralt's serial flirting by now. Nothing notable there.

Still, he felt the need to address Kassandra more seriously about their allies. "I don't feel any strong urge to hurt anyone. I just woke up in a strange place full of monsters after a near-death experience. For a second, I thought I was dead, and this was all I had to show for it. Metal hallways and a few strangers." Shaking his head, he gestured to the greater room where the people he'd initially met had been standing before jumping through the portal. "I've met people every bit as bad as monsters, and monsters that wouldn't hurt a living soul. Got nothing to fear from me, long as they don't hurt anyone." With a shrug, he continued. "Maybe they don't anyways, though. I know nothing about them. Don't want to pick a fight with something I barely understand." Her explanation was at least a little easier to follow in that it was the bare minimum, though most of it was what he'd managed to gather anyways. Save the world from evil space wizard. Jump through dimensions. That last part was where he was getting hung up. When she clarified that they'd have to go through several portals, visible discomfort flashed through his eyes, though he, for the moment, kept it to himself.

Geralt turned to Fuma again, not wanting to ignore the demon. She certainly made some good points. It wasn't really enough to make Geralt feel guilty for his suspicion; healthy skepticism was one of the only reasons he was alive to stand there with him. To her credit, he did seem to weigh what she was saying for several moments before responding in any weigh. At the end of it, he just nodded slightly before looking to Ciri. It would be hard for Geralt to trust Fuma. She may be sunshine and daisies now, but magic often concealed one's true nature, and some of the worst monsters he'd ever met appeared perfectly human. That didn't change that he was willing to give it a shot. Ciri continued Kassandra's explanation, drawing yet another uncomfortable look when she confirmed that portals were going to be a regular occurrence on this adventure.

The question about Triss wasn't surprising, but he did tense and tighten his jaw at it. Not because he didn't care about or disliked Triss, of course. It was just still something of a sore spot with Yen. When they were searching for Ciri, that took priority, but upon her discovery and things settling down, tensions rose. While she had accepted that Geralt had amnesia, Triss did not. Yen had already forgiven Triss for making a move on Geralt once, and she went and did it again at the first opportunity. At the end of the day, Geralt did genuinely care about Triss, and he knew Ciri did too. "Last I saw her, she was doing alright. All things considered, anyways. She's really making a name for herself in the Lodge, with Yennefer 'retired' too." He looked past Ciri towards the portal. "Don't worry. We're happy in Toussaint. I just get antsy. After so long, It was hard to imagine not having a contract, or some pressing issue that threatened to destroy life as I knew it not weighing down on me. It was hard." Another woman introduced herself. 'Alloy.' A bizarre name, for sure, and her clothes and armor seemed somehow even older than his own. He looked to Ciri again. "This someone you know too?"

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Celestial Speck Celestial Speck darkred darkred CutieBoop CutieBoop

Frank Castle

Ellie took a while to respond, but Frank recognized the look. That stare off into space, or at the ground. That uneasy pit in your stomach that eats away up to your chest. She swallowed hard. Castle didn't press immediately, just stood there in stoic silence, hands in the pockets of his coat as he waited for a response. When she did, she was curt and cursed like a sailor, but her tone gave her away to the more insightful Castle. She was acting tough to hide something. Was she scared? Guilty? Did she recognize him somehow? His perpetual scowl shifted into a stern frown. "Watch your mouth, kid. Where'd you learn to cuss like that?" The apparition of a famous rapper strutted past as he spoke. Frank's head didn't turn, but his eyes briefly moved away from Ellie. No surprise crossed his face, but he did note Kanye's presence, albeit silently. After an awkward pause, he continued. "It wasn't a request. Get on the ship, or stick with me. Not having children running around by themselves, armed or not." He crossed his arms, setting his jaw again.

Granted, did he actually trust the freaks on that ship to keep a kid safe? Not really, but at least they'd done some good in their home universe. Assuming they were the Guardians he knew of, which they may well not be. Any thoughts of basic teleportation were gone. Ellie's presence confirmed that he wasn't in either his home dimension, or Rin's. Not that he was sure, given what he was doing before he got here, that he wanted to get back to either. If this was a Murder game, the thought occurred to him to try dying in the afterlife to see what would happen. "Name's Frank. From where I'm standing, a gun at your waist doesn't make you less in need of help." His tone continued to be measured, but a bit of parental bite crept into his voice. He had no intention of letting a child die on his watch, and he didn't really care if Ellie liked him for it. Better to be alive to regret her past and hate him, than to be too dead to do either. She was trying to be understanding. Sincere. Sweet, even. Frank didn't care.

Ellya Ellya

She was about to scream one of her signature 'hey fuck you man' speeches at him when she bit her lip and stopped herself. "Yeah, if I had penny and dime for every time someone asked me stop cursing, I'd have a fucking mansion..." she pretty much mumbled, rolling her eyes, not even seeming to realize that she dropped an F-bomb anyway. A fury rose up in her eyes as soon as he even mentioned babysitting her, and her body language immediately betrayed the fact that she was about to unleash an entire boatload of curses on the man, but she reminded herself of the reality of the situation. Plus, it'd be nice to have a new Joel watching her back.

Joel? He's back home, in the other dimension. Right? Yeah! No. Wounds. Blood, so much blood. Pain on his face. Too late, Ellie. You were too fucking late.

She snapped back out of it. She was only really caught up in her head for a second or two, but she knew he noticed it. Her hand was shaking. She just looked up at him for a while. She just nodded. "Ellie..." she responded. "And if this is gonna work, let's get some things straight. One, I don't need a fucking babysitter. Two, I'll curse whenever the fuck I want, and three..." She'd stepped up to him at this point, and despite having to look up quite a bit in order to look into his eyes, she was serious. "... if shit goes down and I end up in trouble, you don't try to save me." She wanted to explain further, but didn't find the right words. Was this just another way of saying she didn't need his help, or did she mean more by it? "... and that rule goes both ways. You got that, big guy?" That definitely meant she wasn't going to try to save him, but she couldn't even convince herself of that. Her hand twitched a bit.

Girl with a bow. Cat? Catnip. Dead. Killed. By who? ... You know.
Ciri looked at Geralt, storing the information about the vampires in her mind. “
Yeah, well... you still fought him and came out alive.” Geralt then attempted to flirt with Kassandra, making her sigh and facepalm. “Geralt please, she’s like a sister to me.” It certainly didn’t sound like he was flirting, but Ciri knew due to how many times he flirted with women around her.

Even after he settled down with Yennefer, he still tried to hook up with other women. Guess that would just never change.

As Geralt continued to speak to Kassandra, he then got to her question about Triss and saw him tense in response before answering the question. Clearly, it was still a bit of a sore spot not with him, but with Yennefer. “
That’s good that she’s doing well. Hopefully with her, the Lodge will be better off. And I understand you do, I would be too.” Aloy then came over and introduced herself, Geralt seemingly forgotten when she mentioned her name to him. “Apparently your memory is going too alongside your skills, I just mentioned her name to you. Aloy, this is Geralt, my adoptive father. Geralt, this is the other battlesister I had mentioned to you, Aloy.

BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , darkred darkred
“Meh, you get used to it,” Rocket shrugged in response to Venice. When she offered to help, he was about to give another half-hearted reply... and then he was hugged. Rocket merely stood there for a moment, unsure of how to respond. It took him a moment, but then he eventually just gave Venice a light push. “Alright, alright, that’s enough.”

By the time that Venice had let go of Rocket, it had been done just in time for him to see Lealan tuck the snoring Groot into his tiny bed. The sight made Rocket smile a bit, though after a moment of lingering watching, he merely turned back around and resumed work on the EVE unit.

In the ship’s main area, Gamora would have widened her eyes a small bit at Blake’s story. “Kissed? By a random guy?” She asked, before her expression settled into a slight smirk at the thought. “Well, he must not have enjoyed that.” She mused with a sly grin. However, the grin disappeared when Blake asked about Drax. She gave the man a wary glance, before turning her head back to the Faunus. “...unfortunately, yes.”

Drax himself was still smiling and laughing as Atreus showed him the dragon pictures he’d drawn. “That is very impressive! If only you hunted the real thing, and not a piece of paper!” He exclaimed as he smacked on his chips.

“Drax... I think that’s just a drawing of what he killed.” Gamora explained.

“Oh!” He shouted, before letting out yet another bellowing laugh. “Then that is even more impressive!” The laughter would continue for another few moments, up until Atreus had asked him about killing. Despite Drax’s rambunctious nature, he still understood when to be serious. And as such, his laughter had ceased. “Well, that is simple,” He began as he looked down at the young adolescent. “My wife and daughter, Hovat and Kamaria, were mercilessly slaughtered by a man named Ronan the Accuser.” He pursed his lips and exhaled deeply through his nose. “I was blinded by rage for a long time. All I saw and felt was vengeance for them. It wasn’t until I met my team that I saw how wrong the path I was taking truly was.” He sighed and placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Of course... I do plan on avenging them. Ronan was merely a puppet of The Mad Titan, known as Thanos. Thanos will die by my hand one day... but I no longer risk the lives of others for my own sake. And neither should you. Channel that rage in your heart towards good, and not towards evil.”

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Celestial Speck Celestial Speck TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Riven Zamasu Zamasu @quadraxis201
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Ellya Ellya Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Ciscodog Ciscodog Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @bloodyninja64 @JRay @DerpyCarp @quadraxis201 BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 @Kameron Esters-

Haws’ words would have been enough for Bender to stop in place entirely, even lowering the hose by his side. “You got the freakin’ police on your tail? And you didn’t tell me!?” Bender shouted as he pointed at Star Lord angrily. Before he could even reply, however, Bender looked around nervously, and suddenly shouted,


“CHEESE IT!!” And then, Bender dropped the ripped up hose and sprinted away, presumably never to be seen again.

“Well, that was... really easy,” Quill said with a small grin, before turning to the Robloxian and giving him a small pat on the shoulder, “Good job, man.”

“Yeah, sure. But uh...” Midna floated over to the nozzle that Bender had dropped and lifted it up. “How are we supposed to reattach this thing? It’s ripped clean in half!”

As Agent 3 decided to observe the ripped hose itself, though, she found that the fuel itself was still very much in tact. The hose was connected to a nearby wall, and was currently leaking the precious fuel. However, there still seemed to be a steady supply nonetheless. All that really mattered was that they somehow get a replacement nozzle... or find away to reattach the one that Bender had carelessly ripped off.

BoltBeam BoltBeam CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Zamasu Zamasu
Killua Zoldyck

Mood: Amazed
Overall Health: Perfect
Nen Charge: 70%
Stamina: 100%
Location: Deck of the Axiom, Outside the Milano
Interactions: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 CutieBoop CutieBoop

"Woah there quick eater!"
Killua watches as Yoshi eats the entire bowl of chips by simply extending a seemingly infinitely large and sticky tongue.
"You could've checked with the rest of us!"
He gives off a warm smile to Yoshi, obviously kidding on his statement.
He turns to the yellow eyed man, dressed like an enforcement officer.
"Sounds like the snack was really good Benrey! Might give some a shot next time!"
His eyes then drew back to Yoshi. Specifically his back.
"Hey Yoshi? What's up with the large red spot on you back there? Seems sorta random."

Unspoken Mentions: @ Deck Crew
(Open for interactions)​

  • W6cvVp963Y2N1FwcWRojljdcLogupL6kvq2jcd4Yb6v0mRSEFHNBsClAYWAdYQ6479ohw45FqdSVYR6y42G7bKYeOf0TOQ0VfJVMMw7SS0Uo1f0lPHcngNMWbHT6NoSrs-M6H41p

    Aloy nodded when Ciri introduced her to her adoptive father, Geralt. "So, interesting. You had a.. adoptive father as well? I did once, his name was Rost."
    Aloy seemed slightly saddened at the mention of Rost "I lost... him during a battle a while ago.. He saved my life. He was a good man, he was one of the best. He trained me like I was his own daughter, and as a Nora Hunter."

    Aloy was a bit annoyed at the man for flirting with her battlesister "Could you.. not? Kassandra's like my sister."

    TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri)

    thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

    FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher darkred darkred


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Drax himself was still smiling and laughing as Atreus showed him the dragon pictures he’d drawn. “That is very impressive! If only you hunted the real thing, and not a piece of paper!” He exclaimed as he smacked on his chips.

“Drax... I think that’s just a drawing of what he killed.” Gamora explained.

“Oh!” He shouted, before letting out yet another bellowing laugh. “Then that is even more impressive!” The laughter would continue for another few moments, up until Atreus had asked him about killing. Despite Drax’s rambunctious nature, he still understood when to be serious. And as such, his laughter had ceased. “Well, that is simple,” He began as he looked down at the young adolescent. “My wife and daughter, Hovat and Kamaria, were mercilessly slaughtered by a man named Ronan the Accuser.” He pursed his lips and exhaled deeply through his nose. “I was blinded by rage for a long time. All I saw and felt was vengeance for them. It wasn’t until I met my team that I saw how wrong the path I was taking truly was.” He sighed and placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Of course... I do plan on avenging them. Ronan was merely a puppet of The Mad Titan, known as Thanos. Thanos will die by my hand one day... but I no longer risk the lives of others for my own sake. And neither should you. Channel that rage in your heart towards good, and not towards evil.”

Ellie looked behind Frank into the spaceship and shouted "Hey! Can you shut the fuck up with that shit for five seconds? Some people are trying to talk over here, man!" when Drax flew into laughter again. BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

Atreus listened intently. The boy talked a lot, but genuinely seemed interested in other people's stories too. He grew a slight frown at Drax' tragic backstory though. Thanos seemed to be yet another name he needed to remember. "I understand..." he muttered with a nod. "I guess it must be good to have other people around... And your friends seem nice. Even the furry one that doesn't like anyone." He looked down at the notebook still in his hands, then back up at Drax. "Do you mind if I... write down your story? When I get back to my realm, I wanna tell Father about it. He... lost Mother too not too long ago, and this might help him..."

Atreus secretly just hoped that maybe his Father would see that it could help to talk to people about losses like that. Maybe he could finally open up to him, and he wouldn't yell at him that much anymore. As soon as he got Drax' consent, Atreus would move into a corner of the ship and sit himself down somewhere, starting to take his time writing in his notebook, occasionally looking up at Drax and Gamora as he started to sketch them too.

@ Guardians ship
Geralt of Rivia

Much like when Bea flirted with him, Geralt gave Ciri a rather innocent look, though not without a slight glimmer of mischief behind his eyes. "What? I'm just making conversation. I was just nothing that this Sparta clearly turns out fine warriors of remarkable... skill." The ribbing continued, and Aloy objected as well. Geralt put his hands up, relenting. "You've got me. Living on a vineyard has addled my brain. You win. I'm an old Witcher out of his element, and all these strange names and people have got me even more off balance than I was. I'll keep it to myself." His smile returned. Ciri never failed to put him in a good mood, even when things were as bad as they certainly were here. His arms were shortly crossed again. "So, what's our next move? If it's really that urgent, we should probably be planning on helping."

His smile faded, replaced by a serious look towards the portal. As nice as getting caught up and meeting Ciri's friend was, the fate of multiple universes apparently hung in the balance, and some urgency was required. "Start from the beginning, I guess. You've told me what we're doing in general, but not what we're doing here, or where here is." From what they told him, or at least what he could understand of it, things were definitely not looking good. Weighing his options, he began to consider what could possibly be done to stop an inter-dimensional time wizard. Was Ganondorf mortal? Some sort of deity? What sort of magic did he wield, and could something counteract it? In his experience, a threat even a fraction this large (and even the greatest threats he'd ever faced were as such) was rarely as simple to defeat as just striking them down. The White Frost required someone of Elder Blood. Gaunter had to be beaten at his own game. "Even more than what we're doing here, where are we going next? What's at the end of this road? Is the plan to just fight this guy head on?"

He became very conscious of the fact that several people here were wielding weapons and armor far beyond what he carried. "More to the point, could we even kill him with what we have? You said we answer to the guy in the red helmet. I didn't see much of him, but he seems aggressive. Loud, brash. Was yelling at that lady that left right as I showed up. What was her deal? Place was practically still smoldering when I walked in." It was pretty obvious from what Jason had said and Alexis's body language that she had something to do with the fire in the room, and the basically unconscious kid across the room likely did as well. For now, he neglected to mention the child attached to Ciri's leg. A lot had happened here, clearly. Bonds had been formed and not all of them needed to be questioned. If it was important, she'd tell him.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , darkred darkred

Frank Castle

Briefly, he looked up from Ellie and locked eyes on Jak. Another alien. For a moment, worry crossed Frank's mind that this man might somehow be recognizing Ellie. Castle glowered at him. "I'm sure it's in your head, unless you just met her here. Wherever here is." He finished talking just in time to hear Ellie's smart-ass response. His glare returned to her. "I'm gonna make you a lot richer, then. Quit swearing, kid." She was starting to get riled up. She didn't seem violent, though, so he relaxed. At least, he returned to his normal level of tension after being sucked into an extra-dimensional wormhole to potentially participate in some sick fuck's shitty game show. Ellie proceeded to lay out some terms. She was putting on a brave face, but Frank saw her hand tremble. Though he didn't show it, the old vigilante felt the briefest flash of sympathy.

Ellie was acting like she was in control, but she was scared. She didn't need someone to be a comforting grandpa or anything, though. That would probably push her away, even if Frank was capable of something like that, which he didn't think he was. At one point, Castle thought he'd found a new life with Rin, but the attempt on his own life pretty much shattered that. Was he back where he started? He wasn't sure. Didn't matter. Gruff old man or not, he'd already decided he was going to keep Ellie safe, whether she wanted him to or not. As she walked closer, he looked down, not breaking eye contact with the girl. Barely moved aside from turning his head, really. Several seconds of silence were all she initially got on his end, before finally, his voice broke the pause. "Fine. Long as you understand that if you want to be treated like an adult, I'm going to treat you like an adult. So don't be fucking stupid. If I'm not your babysitter, I'm your goddamn drill sergeant. Again, it wasn't a request." Frank's stare was as unwavering as Ellie's was defiant. The second request was harder to follow, but as with everything else he was feeling, he kept it from showing on his face. Admittedly, the corners of his mouth twitched downwards for an instant. He doubted that, in good conscience, he could allow a child to die, no matter what they'd done. "Don't worry. I won't save you if you get yourself into shit." A lie? Maybe. Frank wasn't sure yet. "I will, however, drag your ass through hell as long as we're in this shit. Whatever this shit is."

Ellya Ellya darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Jak didn’t get far before the AI of the ship almost got blown up by Alexis, causing danger to the whole ship and group.

The eco warrior just squeezed his head “I’m not sure I even fucking want to know what went on now..”

The long eared eco warrior turned at the taller man with a skull on his outfit, who seemed to be busy with a girl named Ellie, Jak raised an eyebrow.

“Wait, this female seems familiar but I can’t put a finger of where she’s from..”

The eco warrior just sighed.

He raised an eyebrow “Who are you?”
Frank Castle

Briefly, he looked up from Ellie and locked eyes on Jak. Another alien. For a moment, worry crossed Frank's mind that this man might somehow be recognizing Ellie. Castle glowered at him. "I'm sure it's in your head, unless you just met her here. Wherever here is." He finished talking just in time to hear Ellie's smart-ass response. His glare returned to her. "I'm gonna make you a lot richer, then. Quit swearing, kid." She was starting to get riled up. She didn't seem violent, though, so he relaxed. At least, he returned to his normal level of tension after being sucked into an extra-dimensional wormhole to potentially participate in some sick fuck's shitty game show. Ellie proceeded to lay out some terms. She was putting on a brave face, but Frank saw her hand tremble. Though he didn't show it, the old vigilante felt the briefest flash of sympathy.

Ellie was acting like she was in control, but she was scared. She didn't need someone to be a comforting grandpa or anything, though. That would probably push her away, even if Frank was capable of something like that, which he didn't think he was. At one point, Castle thought he'd found a new life with Rin, but the attempt on his own life pretty much shattered that. Was he back where he started? He wasn't sure. Didn't matter. Gruff old man or not, he'd already decided he was going to keep Ellie safe, whether she wanted him to or not. As she walked closer, he looked down, not breaking eye contact with the girl. Barely moved aside from turning his head, really. Several seconds of silence were all she initially got on his end, before finally, his voice broke the pause. "Fine. Long as you understand that if you want to be treated like an adult, I'm going to treat you like an adult. So don't be fucking stupid. If I'm not your babysitter, I'm your goddamn drill sergeant. Again, it wasn't a request." Frank's stare was as unwavering as Ellie's was defiant. The second request was harder to follow, but as with everything else he was feeling, he kept it from showing on his face. Admittedly, the corners of his mouth twitched downwards for an instant. He doubted that, in good conscience, he could allow a child to die, no matter what they'd done. "Don't worry. I won't save you if you get yourself into shit." A lie? Maybe. Frank wasn't sure yet. "I will, however, drag your ass through hell as long as we're in this shit. Whatever this shit is."

Ellya Ellya darkred darkred thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Ellie nodded in understanding. The battle of the wills had pretty much ended in this mutual... respect(?) for each other's pasts and abilities. In this universe of crazy magical powers, the two were probably among the weaker, and Ellie felt that even though they both understood those shitty odds, this man would die a bloody, screaming death for a good cause rather than give up. Right? And she felt the same way. Right? The whole drill sergeant speech was actually pretty scary though. She could see in his hardened face the seriousness of what he said, and what it meant to him. Maybe a babysitter wouldn't have been too bad. "Whatever, sarge" she sarcastically responded, giving a salute in an actual proper military way like she'd learned with the Fireflies, but pulling her hand away with just one particular finger raised up towards him. Following what would no doubt be a look from Frank, she'd just shrug and hiss at him: "What? It's not a freaking curse, is it?"


It was her best effort not to curse right then. As soon as she turned her head though, she saw a newcomer and just let out a very, very casual "... Who the fuck are you?" right in front of the man who just told her twice to stop cursing. It definitely just came naturally to Ellie at this point. Something about this guy did feel familiar to her. Like she'd seen him in some old pre-apocalypse poster that was left hanging in a store or something. "How 'bout you turn those giant-ass elephant ears the other way and mind your own fucking business?"

Mood: Abandoned, Frustrated, Secluding
Tags: (Kyou)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Unfortunately... Sleep was a luxury that had not been granted to him again. It was as if by wishing to be asleep, his brain had decided to do the exact opposite and think about just about everything in existence to think of. Such as the truth behind the huge amount of time he had just spent curled up on the ground. No one had come and no one seemed to care, just like old times. No matter how many times he tried to tell himself that it was fine, that he was used to it, it hurt no less than it did before. They had finally reached the final stretch; It hadn't been the situation at the train as he had thought it would be, but it still had come anyways.

It was inevitable that all things had an end.
It was inevitable that people would leave, one way or another.

The collapse of a silly childhood dream, revealed once more the harsh cold reality...

Of course... It had already been weird to wake up at the ground and not wrapped in the bundle of Alexis' tails, but as time passed and he was still left to his own devices, the suspicion only got stronger. She had left without him, hadn't she? It was really hard to tell it with Magical Detection acting up. It was like having a thing that screamed at him whenever in the presence of something it considered Magical by nature. Stupidly useless and unprecise. It would just 'scream' louder and louder as the presences and their power stacked. Before, it would correspond to the cumulative presences of Alexis, Kyou and Mimaki; Now, it was the two best friends and Fuma, who was a recent arrival. Even if it felt somewhat different, the result was just about the same amount of incessant 'screaming'.
In a way, it was really cruel, trying to trick him into hoping when he knew better... Sage already understood that he was all alone again.

There really was no sugarcoating it.

But why Alexis? The woman was by far the most experienced and useful one between them. He was the one that should have to go, not her. Perhaps, they should have listened to that medieval clothed woman after Ciri's rant... But it was really hard to logic anything in that state. He hadn't been thinking straight, to the point that trying to remember all the things he had said in specific was difficult. It still felt as if someone had thrown his mind back in time, a lot of that were things a child version of him would have done. If only the circumstances had been another. But then, could them? Could anything have been different? Maybe not. Maybe this is exactly what the Universe wanted it to be.

Maybe this was Its way to tell him to quit playing around because he wasn't allowed to change anything.
But he couldn't stop thinking that the Kitsune's departure was somehow his fault. That his bad luck was spreading.

Perhaps Katie was into something with that joke... Maybe they really were cursed after all.

...And to think Hershel was probably watching him mope on the floor like this. The pyromancer sighed in resignation, once more trying to drift into sleep, though something told him this was literally never going to work. Maybe everyone would actually leave him behind, and then he'd never have to make the choice of leaving or staying. He'd just, stay there. As if frozen in time, which to be honest, he was kind of fine with. Never going forwards or making mistakes... Betraying his Clan's beliefs the same way the Universe had betrayed him. Like some sort of petty revenge towards something that didn't even care. 'Betrayed' was definitely how the young man felt... Not by Alexis, that she had decided to leave was something out of her control at this point. But what good were all those speeches about him being needed and loved, or getting acceptance from the others after the Take-Over explanation if in practicality it was all empty words? If they were all going to backtrack on them as soon as it became convenient to do so?

'So, we won't shun you right now, but you should still expect it along the road.' Obviously, he felt lied to. Even if rationally everything made sense and he understood the why it was happening, it still hurt a lot. Emotionally, everyone else was being a hypocrite and he was annoyed, frustrated and upset. At them, at himself, at the Universe for letting him exist in the first place. The temperature raised again ever so sightly, another sigh. He's not even allowed to feel things when he was down, everything was so unfair.

Feeling someone touch his back, Sage had been dragged out of his internal musings slowly boiling into defiance, and came to a full halt, sparing a glance in the direction the action had come from. Emotion flared before rationality, and in his mind, he had been expecting either Alexis, Leo and to an extent maybe even Megumin. The disappointment had been palpable once the Descendant had merely gone back to glance blanky at the wall seeing that it was Kyou instead. It, wasn't as if he didn't like Kyou, it was just... They didn't have the same kind of proximity yet. It made everything a lot more uncertain and lacked that sense of security that he had already built up with the others. Not knowing what to anticipate prompted him to close up by instinct. That way any sort of 'hit' wasn't going to do as much damage...

"I guess that I'm supposed to leave next.", the tone was bitter, even accusatory in nature, "That's what everyone wants, isn't it?"
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After her brief teasing, she nods. "Understood. Fuma will make her teasings and musings of the Moon later." Smooth. It was known that it was one of her ways of affection for the fox. She then looked to the others, pondering lightly. "At least, I got to understand the witcher. Actions spoke more than words, like you said. If Fuma were curious, who else is also on this team? Fuma got to meet him and Ciri so far." Well, for them, it felt like a parental one. That is always nice, according to her. It reminds her a bit about herself and Solomon's, except different (only because Solomon created Fuma). But she wonders more about the others.

Tags: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck , @ team members open to learn about Fuma


"?" Yoshi of course didn't eat everything. If he didn't share, Yoshi would be considered impolite! ... But where was his food manners? "Yesh, Yoshi likes to share food with friends! It's a no no to eat with no share!" Yoshi shook his head to emphasize the means of what's correct and not correct.

However, Killua made notice of the red thing on his back. Yoshi answers cheerfully, "It's Yoshi's saddle! Mario liked to ride the saddle since he was veeeery young, and Mario, alongside others, use it for convenient purposes on their later adventures! The purpose is this, wherever you need to go, Yoshi travel there! Yoshi is used to using tongue to store items or eating enemies, so Yoshi is useful for completing puzzling dungeons!"


Tags: Ciscodog Ciscodog , Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , @ near guardians ship squad​
Frank Castle

Frank had to give it to Ellie. She had a fire he hadn't seen in many people her age. Unfortunately, he knew why. Even before Murder, the reports didn't exactly make her life out to be sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. She saluted sarcastically, shifting his glower to a sneer, then flipped him off, drawing it further into a snarl that quickly faded. She wanted to rile him up? Fine. He'd bite. "Fine, soldier. Give me a sitrep? What is going on here? How bad you fuck up to find yourself in this shitshow, huh? Can't even follow a basic damn order, and you expect me to get you out of this shit alive?" His voice raised slightly. Frank wasn't yelling, but his tone intensified. His coat opened to reveal the kevlar vest, his revolver at his waist and a ka-bar knife nearly the length of Ellie's forearm hanging next to it. Certainly wasn't any prickly little shiv. She turned and cursed at Jak and Frank's eyes narrowed, his chest swelling with a deep breath as he got ready to say something. With the mixed practiced cadence of an angry father and a military leader, he barked his next command like he was talking to a kid at a bootcamp. "Where do you get off talking to someone like that, huh? Adults talking like that usually end up with a broken nose. Apologize to him, now, or I'm going to drag you up into that ship and lock you in a god-damn room until I find a way off this damn piece of junk."

If Ellie searched his face, his general expression was unwavering, but his eyes carried a certain deadly seriousness. He meant every word he was saying. There was a quiet vitriol as he loomed over her. Ellie was trying to be a big dog. She was trying to push herself on Jak, and on him. Frank wouldn't let that happen. If she was fire, he didn't need to be water, he needed to be a bigger fire. If she was a human sledgehammer, he had to be a wall she couldn't knock down. Maybe if he could get her under control he could keep her out of danger... and prevent what had happened to her before from happening again here. "That's a goddamn order, soldier."

Ellya Ellya darkred darkred
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Shanoa & Jared Williams

"Nice job, blockman." Jared said to Haws with a smile as he walks on over to the ripped hose and picks it up. "Looks like we need an adhesive like tape to get this thing attached." He said before turning to the rest of the group "Might you guys have any suggestions? Or do you happen to have some sort of magic or shit that can be-" And then he remembered what Orbeck did to AUTO, and so he turns to him and ask "Say, can you do that spell that repairs stuff like that talking steering wheel you just fixed?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @others​
For a moment, the Kitsune couldn't help but roll his eyes at the Witcher with a small smile as he very clearly flirted with the tribal looking woman and the Spartan who were seemingly friends with Ciri as well. Really- he's surprised these girls only let him off with a mild warning. Kassandra looks like the type of girl who would instantly shoot Geralt away, and just not kick him in the nuts because he was Ciri's dad. At the very least, he didn't push it. But...The action did cause the Kitsune to look at his own romantic partner. Y'know, maybe telling their relationship status wasn't that bad of an idea, after all.

That little comedic thought soon washed away as Geralt indirectly mentioned Jason and Alexis, however. The kitsune inhaled sharply, his fangs appearing for a moment as he reminded himself of the other kitsune who just left the team, and whom Ciri had an unhealthy relationship with. Instantly, Mimaki would try and look at Geralt from his position, farther away- and offer him a little look as a warning. Looking between him and Ciri, the fox mentioned his head at the Lady of Space, showing that it was a touchy subject to her. Not as a way to tell him not to ask about it- he absolutely should and his look told him as such, it was more of a warning for him to prepare for Ciri's explanation. After all, he doesn't think he would take lightly with Alexis, the things she said to Ciri, and Ciri's past suicidal thoughts- and Alexis poor misjudgment of them.

He also gave Ciri a look- a comforting one. While he didn't know much of the girl, his look was simple and was telling her that in this particular instance, she should be honest with Geralt. Like a wise woman he and Kyou once were close to once said, 'it's okay to cry.' And while he didn't think Ciri would, it was best to be honest about her feelings like she was with him when he first met her.

Soon, his attention shifted back to Fuma as she spoke, however, and Mimaki hummed for a moment- patting her, and by extension her hat, on the head, as he mentioned over to Jason- or Red Hood, snapping his fingers to the man, and mentioning over to Fuma, before patting the demoness on the back, mentioning her to go forward. It was clear he wanted her to meet Jason first- he could provide better explanations than he ever would.

"...Sage, why do you think Alexis left?"

If the pyromancer was expecting kind and comforting words from the adult, he would only be half right.

Kyou's words were serious and deep. They didn't carry any sort of comfort- and instead spoke like a cutting blade, albeit one with an edge of compassion on it. He wasn't not being nice to Sage, but he wasn't going to fully comfort him, either. It was tough love- he knew Sage wouldn't want that sort of comfort on him, and Kyou trying to pretend would only cause for the gap between him and the boy to open up even more. He needed to be honest with Sage, and Sage needed to listen.

"She didn't leave because people kicked her out- she left because of her own free will." His voice lacked the usual sailor-like speech he had to him- and instead almost belonged to someone who was an actual adult, instead of a manchild of sorts. "Lemme get this out of the way and say this: Sage, as someone who can feel emotions, I can tell you that people didn't hate you or Alexis- they hated that you both weren't changing, and often put the team in danger," Kyou explained to the boy, getting his hand out of him, before continuing. "And I understand that feelin'- Like I told you, I couldn't control my powers either in the past, but y'know what's the difference 'ere?"

He took a sharp inhale. He knew Sage already felt a negative enough emotion towards Alexis over what she did, not allowing him to get knocked out- treating him like a kid. He didn't need to know much about them to realize that. "Where Mimaki and other people helped me grow and control my emotions...Alexis, she...It isn't easy to say this, but Alexis was hamperin' your progress by treatin' you like a kid. She didn't allow you to grow, to learn from mistakes, to let you learn and control your powers, ya can't just accept things are as they are when someone tells you 'it isn't your fault.' and 'it's okay.' I don't mean any ill intent towards 'er, and I know I sound like some sort of bad guy sayin' this, but Sage, you have to realize ya can't just accept comfort as a way out of growin'."

There was a pause, Yamata was quiet for once- not offering any advice. "Everyone fucks up, Sage. I fuck up, Mimaki fucks up, Alexis fucks up- you can't blame someone for makin' a mistake, but you can blame 'em for not making an effort to change. Jason doesn't want you out- it's your last chance. Alexis herself realized that- she couldn't keep treatin' you like a kid forever. That you need to open up yer wings and take flight...And not rely on her or others to take flight." His voice would start to mellow out, becoming softer, kind- understanding. He knew this feeling. Of letting go. He is experiencing himself with someone younger than Sage back in his home, after all. As such, when Kyou got himself up, and Sage could feel soft, yet at the same time stable and powerful flames within the half oni, he could tell he was being genuine- he wasn't lying.

"She made a promise with me before she left," A hand reached out downwards- an offering for Sage to grab on and get himself up. "'Take care of Sage. Make him be a great man who can fight his own battles.' And...By m' word, I promised her that. That I would help you, Sage." A small smile appeared on his face. He wasn't going to give up that easily- Sage could tell. He already made a promise, he intends to fulfill it. He knew Sage and him didn't have the same experiences, but it was similar enough for him to want to give Sage his own hand on it. He knew it wouldn't be like how it went with him, and that it could be harder or easier, humans are different like that, but he was willing to try.

The kindest oni was offering the small phoenix his aid.

And the man who was watching this all go down could sense the genuine kindness radiating from Kyou like Sage was. It was...Pure. Genuine- almost innocent. Kyou wasn't, of course, but there was simply a desire- and Kyou was going with it and his gut to fulfill it, and that desire was to help.

"So...Are you going to stand down there all day, or are you goin' to show to Jason and everyone else your willpower and make Alexis proud?"
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Frank Castle

Frank had to give it to Ellie. She had a fire he hadn't seen in many people her age. Unfortunately, he knew why. Even before Murder, the reports didn't exactly make her life out to be sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. She saluted sarcastically, shifting his glower to a sneer, then flipped him off, drawing it further into a snarl that quickly faded. She wanted to rile him up? Fine. He'd bite. "Fine, soldier. Give me a sitrep? What is going on here? How bad you fuck up to find yourself in this shitshow, huh? Can't even follow a basic damn order, and you expect me to get you out of this shit alive?" His voice raised slightly. Frank wasn't yelling, but his tone intensified. His coat opened to reveal the kevlar vest, his revolver at his waist and a ka-bar knife nearly the length of Ellie's forearm. Certainly wasn't any prickly little shiv. She turned and cursed at Jak and Frank's eyes narrowed, his chest swelling with a deep breath as he got ready to say something. With the mixed practiced cadence of an angry father and a military leader, he barked his next command like he was talking to a kid at a bootcamp. "Where do you get off talking to someone like that, huh? Adults talking like that usually end up with a broken nose. Apologize to him, now, or I'm going to drag you up into that ship and lock you in a god-damn room until I find a way off this damn piece of junk."

If Ellie searched his face, his general expression was unwavering, but his eyes carried a certain deadly seriousness. He meant every word he was saying. There was a quiet vitriol as he loomed over her. Ellie was trying to be a big dog. She was trying to push herself on Jak, and on him. Frank wouldn't let that happen. If she was fire, he didn't need to be water, he needed to be a bigger fire. If she was a human sledgehammer, he had to be a wall she couldn't knock down. Maybe if he could get her under control he could keep her out of danger... and prevent what had happened to her before from happening again here. "That's a goddamn order, soldier."

Ellya Ellya darkred darkred

Ellie glared at Frank. Like, glared. The two were caught in probably the last standoff of their first meeting. Somewhere inside, she knew that she drove him to act like this, but there was just an anger in her gut now that needed to be let out. The whole military roleplay he was doing only added jet fuel to that fire and despite her size, she burned hot enough to melt steel beams.

The two just stared at each other for full seconds, her hand now trembling completely out of her knowledge and control. Her breathing sped up considerably as well. Frank would easily recognize every single sign of someone about to lose their shit and go all out. And the he hit her with the "That's a goddamn order, soldier".

Fireflies. Fucking boot camp. Orders. Order, soldier. Order, Ellie. Listen up, Ellie. Ellie! Riley! Riley...

Vivid images of Riley flashed through her head now. As would be expected, her emotions boiled over, and she let out a wild, guttural "RRRAAAAAHH!" while pulling out her switchblade and just lashing out in the direction of Frank's face. The very moment she saw a bit of blood splatter on the ground and on her knife, the reality of it would've taken her out of her emotional state, but instead of regret she felt something else. Frank was ready for a move like that. In fact, he anticipated it. In a matter of half a heartbeat, Ellie's arm was twisted painfully and the knife dropped out of her hand. She saw the cut she had made on his forearm, which luckily kept his face from harm.

Ellie squeezed her eyes shut in pain, groaning and grinding her teeth. "Hnn... Ahh, f..." she stammered. The flash of pain in her arm seemed to immediately replace her deep burning anger with an agonizing feeling in her chest. All of the struggle left her body and she suddenly let her head hang heavy. The girl dropped to her knees and actually let out a few sobs, her face still hidden staring straight down. A tear fell. And another. And after that whole battle of who had the stronger will, she muttered something in between sobs that not even she expected to hear out of her mouth.

"I... don't wanna fucking be here again..."

darkred darkred
(sorry i kinda ignored ya here i'll make up for it )

It was then after Jak asked Ellie where he saw her once. It was then the little girl decided to flip him the ol' bird or in Pecker's case, (Flock) then call him the absolute worst thing in his book. It wasn't eco freak, true. But this was number 2...

Jak frowned as he lightly growled at Ellie "What is your problem?!"

It was then the eco warrior shot her a look that Ellie was lucky Frank Castle stepped in.


Then the older more stern man (Frank Castle) stepped in and whipped Ellie into shape.

"Listen, I'm not a freak. You'd do well to understand that." The eco warrior just shakes his head at Ellie as he frowned.

Ellya Ellya BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

Ellya Ellya BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


[tab=Jak/Mar's abilities, weapons and supplies]


Dark Jak
Light Jak

Morph gun:
16 mods

Mar's armor

Equip: Multiverse Watch




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--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore darkred darkred Ellya Ellya BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

"Yeah, yeah, I know..." Hiryu mumbled, seeing the glares by his off handed joke. Regardless, the Another Rider and the masked wolf followed the gang back to the Guardian's ship where it was supposed to be refueled, only to get utterly stumped by that robot guy who's drinking from the fuel hose. Regardless, it seems like they got it, so Hiryu decided to go in the ship and explore the place. The ship was exactly what one would think when they hear the words 'intergalactic spaceship' in anime. There's a cockpit and some space in the back with several quarters devoted to some members.

Seeing others go to one room(the racoon guy's), Hiryu decided to deviate a little and pick one at random. He wouldn't notice whose room he barged into, but know that he somehow entered Mantis' room.

Meanwhile, Whisper was about to help out with the gas team when she took note of the brewing conflict. Curious herself, she approached Jak, who had just steered himself away from said conflict it seems.

"What's happening?" The Wolf asked the alien, referring to Ellie and Castle.
Upon entering Mantis’ room, Hiryu would find... well, a small, almost eerily clean room with little to nothing in it. There was a bed, a small desk, a bedside table, and a small television set. The room’s walls, ceiling, and floor were also pure white, which added to the weirdly clean vibe that the room gave off. Though, despite all of this, Hiryu’s attention was more than likely on the occupants of the room, rather than the room itself.

The first was Kendall, who had apparently sneaked off to here at some point. Weird how no one saw him ever enter the ship, though...


The second was a... weird bug lady, who had turned to face Hiryu as soon as he’d entered.

“Oh... Kendall,” The bug lady began to ask. “Is this another one of your friends?”

“Why, yes, Mantis! Yes it is!” Kendall exclaimed with his all-too familiar jovial expression, as he then proceeded to look Hiryu directly in the eye. “Hiryu, old boy! Come on in! Have a seat and make yourself comfortable!” The Typhlosion continued to exclaim with his friendly smile.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Oh." Hiryu must've thought this was a storage area, but much to his surprise, it wasn't. It was a genuinely proper room. Clean room, a desk, bed and even a small television. The only thing that struck him as odd is how white it is. Literally. The resident of the room was a pretty looking bug person that's less bug and more humanoid with only large eyes and antennae talking to Kendall, who asked the teen to sit with the pokemon. "Yeah. Sorry for the intruding." He bowed a bit before going in and sitting on the floor near the two.

"I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Kakogawa Hiryu. I also go by the codenames Another Rider Zi-O and Kamen Rider Barlckxs." Hiryu introduced himself and his two subsequent titles, the latter he just received recently with his new form. "Nice to meet you."
Killua Zoldyck


Mood: Amazed
Overall Health: Perfect
Nen Charge: 70%
Stamina: 100%
Location: Deck of the Axiom, Outside the Milano
Interactions: CutieBoop CutieBoop

"It appears you did leave some for us. My mistake!"
He rubbed the back of his head, clearly taken aback
"I didn't mean to be rude!"
Looking back at the so called saddle,
"Wow, you must be a pretty fast dino, compared to the ones most people know. Hey, your a pretty cool dino dude, Yoshi! My friend would like you a lot. Once we get out of here, I wonder if we'll be able to see each other again. If we can, I'll introduce you two!"
His eyes seem to lighten up and sparkle in a way, remember how Gon was with other animals and new people.
"Oh, speaking of eating, considering your large appetite, you must have eaten a lot of things. I wonder if you have a personal favorite food?"

Other mentions: @ Deck gang​

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