Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

I work a lot this week but i'll try and keep up the best I can with Jakob. As always, Killigrew can ghost as needed.
Current State of the RP:

We are waiting on @Nozzivix to reply to @Terragon and have some chat or something. I might end up ghosting this in order to move it to a later time.

But of greater priority is @Taqhart . You know what you must do. I know you've got finals or something, I think. Real life comes first, always.

But this is just an update so everyone knows laziness does not abound -- merely priorities. xD

Sorry for the brief stagnation. 

Hey buddy! I thought you were back xD

Well, I think I'll give until Sunday night for waiting for dat special post. Then I'll try and move the RP along, since there's a lot that needs doing and I don't want to drag this whole thing out to the point of it being dreary :<
I'm sorry I'm going too have to resign, I feel like I've let everybody down. I just don't have the time anymore. :(

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Ahww D: Sorry to hear that, dood >:

I'll make sure and sideline rather than destroy your character. Let us know if/when you make it back! >:
Alright guys

I was gonna have bonding hunting mission but..... welp.

I'd like to know where everyone's at first.

My plan was going to be Dragon Group bonding over hunting trip + world experience, but are you guys wanting that? Would you rather we skip to the Grand Hunt to speed things along so that we're one step away from the plot, and for me to combine both foreshadowing and political stuff there? Kuz I could do that.

We could have this one night for bonding, establishing relationships, and then OOC progression, character relationships, and the like. Maybe short-story it in PMs and post as a representative of the timeskip?

For instance: Mal+Cordelia+Aristeaus go on hunting trip and become buddies, conversation ensues, we post this happenstance after PMing it into one post, this represents change in relationship and buddydom. So on, so forth?


Hey man! :) welcome! Good posting so far, but could you fix that little metagame in your most recent post? From what I read, Lureana hadn't said the whole 'law is the law' bit out loud.

Thanks :3
Oh sure, I thought that she said that out lodu. my bad! 
"OH!" she said upon remembering the previous events of the day. "Was that your first hanging? They are a tad disturbing at first, I'll admit. But the law is the law," she said, a sigh to her voice. Then, she offered a gentle smile and hand. "How about I buy you a honey bun? Sweets always make these kinds of things a little better, I think,"she said. "My name is Lureana, by the way. I'm the heir to the Rompth household, and Lionhart at the Academy."

I thought she did say it out loud, there was just a problem with the post and it showed up later.

I can still edit it out if you want
Ohhh I thought you were saying that in your most recent post in answer to her second post :0 gotcha, no worries then :)
Hey Killi, would the dragons know about Wyatt being a sole survivor now? It seemed to me that it was pretty well known who came back and if the dragons want info I want to prepare myself for if they hunt him down xD
Yah, I'm glad I joined this RP when I had the chance, I'm really looking forward to when things heat up for a while. I have a bad feeling everything is about to hit the fan fairly soon xD
I LOVE IT +___+

I want to put Lur through so much crap... I can't wait!
xD niether can I, hopefully Wyatt manages to at least make a freind, even if they have some pretty diffferent political views...

you know if they end up being friends Lurenna might have to deal with the fact that the law sometimes isn't everything eventually xD

:D There will be much to challenge everyone's beliefs once the ball gets rolling *- * and it will only roll and roll and roll from there... and maybe rock.

As for your earlier question, Booma, I think the dragons could figure it out pretty quick, or at least know him by his goggles, I imagine. I don't think the news would've been shouted in the streets aside from the fact that the Knight (Let's name him.... Sir Lars of Buckholtz) was a coward and should die, but I could definitely see the dragons as having caught wind of your dood's involvement, or Jakob as having told them. ("That guy with the goggles was there too" kinda news)

Especially the dragon OF the wind, eh @Terragon ? :3

Also guys, just a reminder, please try and put more than just dialogue in your posts so that other RPers can get a feel for your tone and body language and thoughts and feelings (interior stuff mainly so that RPer can gauge in what way to influence their own character.).

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