Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

And we'll go slow for Jelly's sake. I'll throw some festivities and miniplot in right here.... or... hm. Nah, I'm going to keep us moving and make the next few posts Grand Hunt relevant and assuredly not overly interesting.
I have a bit of experience in forum RP but not very long, I plan to get better as I keep at it and hope to eventually write longer posts :D

And just stop procrastinating!

I don't even know what your procrastinating xD

I'm guessing saying don't isn'tt helping much huh
I procrastinate posting xD And other things. Tho usually I'm just doing other things instead. xD

Priorities, amirite?
Yah! xD Gotta do your whatever it is that isn't posting or other things depending on the situation!

...Yah I like priorities/procrastination, sounds better off the tongue xD

I think that's the reason people use them :P  
Oh, well I guess here's something to stop you procrastination




There, I tried. Nobody can say otherwise :P
haha!! Its more of a matter of me taming my ADD and just concentrating xD
xD I'll admit I've never heard that variation of my username before

in fact most people shorten it to Terra, not some alteration of Booma.

I don't mind or anything, it's just neat
I already have a Terra... Terragon specifically xD

So, you are now Booma. Also, Fall is having issues with posting, so you should go ahead, if youd like. :3
@Sgt Grunt

The RP is currently placed a day before the Grand Hunt. xD I was going to move it to that after this brief interaction and exposition on how the Grand Hunt works.
You gotta tell me these things rev. lol Seriously I have no idea what you are doing here or where you plan for this to go.
Haha sorry man :3 I'm planning on fixing up the lore and stuff soon, and I'll try and give you a rundown on the current plan on skype when ive a free moment and stuff.

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