Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Just for tone, and inspiration while writing (cuz some like having music while drawing). I have a superhero rp, so lots of pumped-up music.

If you have a spotify, I could spot you the link. :)  
I guess an RP doesn't need one. It's just one of those extra things that could add another layer to the RP. *shrugs*
xD Okay

Also your spelling it Wout on purpose right? She doesn't quite know his name?

It won't effect my post as she hasn't asked it but I'm wondering
*applauds Booma* 
We need to party if we ever get to post 1000 xD
@Sgt Grunt

My next post will timeskip us to tomorrow, when the grand hunt starts ingame. Could you revise your post accordingly please? I'll explain all the expectations and ordering of the Grand Hunt in that post too @^ @ so that new characters have a chance to enter as well. Sorry for the confusion!
I didn't tell hem we were beginning the hunt, just that they should move along towards the grounds. Plus If its a day later then the bit about Wyatt finding a diff squad still rings true. Unless of course he is questioned by the head master and put into this squad? Dunno. I just know Jakob wouldn't immediately allow this guy in all wily nilly.
I don't think you can be a student in the academy without some sort of supervison. Maybe not a squad, but at least a Mentor or teacher.
*dances about, throwing confetti for everyone to dance under while playing strange music*

(is also waiting on posts :3)
Was he already signed up for the hunt? If so, he would be assigned the substitute hunt-player-knight that would take the place of the executed, I imagine.
Or Torath could speak with him about the incident and set him up with the dragon squad. Especially since he was one of few humans they actively wanted to speak with.

I'm back-ish. I'm still kinda waiting to get the cable and wifi all up and running. But by Monday or Tuesday I should be officially good to go. :)

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