Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Well it might force her to rely on other actually, if her main hand is wounded.

That could work well for a duo of her and Wyatt, she can't do much but she's still a better swordswoman then himXD
Well, arm, really. Said hand, meant arm. She can use a bow, but looks like she won't be able to pull it back for use, I think.

I think it'll be interesting to see her rely on the others, especially since they are all practically strangers.

Awww, duo workings :3 .... well, that is unless Wyatt gets called back by his squad or Jakob kicks him away. xD
What mine? I'm not going to go into much detail for how much carnage the wolves are wrecking,I'm thinking of having one attack Wyatt, he takes a slight injury then finds Lurenna 
Actually I am pretty tired, I'm going to do it tomrrow morning :P
Sounds good. *would write all the carnage. example A being Lur's wolf bite* >3

And when he finds Lureana, I can do posty! :D  
Alrighty! :3 I'm going to twiddle my thumbs some more and find something to preoccupy my time...

Okay, my internet is up and running again so I'll post tonight. Is it okay if Cord is stationed a distance away from all the action? It'd be weird for her just to pop in all of a sudden?

Yeah, that sounds good. Since Lureana and she wouldve been together at first, sharing watch and all, maybe Cord stayed behind when lur investigated, a hold down the fort kinda thing?
Right. How far away did she investigate? ... What are they watching for anyway? Besides the exception of a rabid wolf here and there or possible passing mosquito. X3
From her post, she just walked to the bushes nearby I think? @^ @

And I figured it was just typical military protocol to have someone on watch, esp when youre in the wild, and theres possible bandit commoners about. You always ought be wary of dangerous animals, bandits, or anything suspicious of course. And its usual for the watches to rotate thru the group, two by two so that nobody gets too exhuasted nor sleeps too soundly.

xD or so I think?
*is super excited!* 
*jumps for joy for the Franne post and excitement*
Auri calm down xD  
In other news, no idea for what to post right now, I can't think of something more then Wyatt walking over. :/
I cant! The posts! The drama!!! xD

Eh.. guess i'll take the opportunity to wrap up the wound
Such lovely good posts :D

and you have thusly been called over, Terra :D good opportunity to report your sightings, how you got there, ask what's going on and where you can be used?
I don't really have anything to contribute to this part of the plot, so we'll just assume Areynia is being dead weight in the back ground. >__<

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