Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Hmm. True enough that they wouldn't be friends, dealing to the fact Cord isn't one to make friends nor desire any. But Wyatt made a personal spot on her list. Until he proves in her eyes something worthy of honor and glory, she 'll think of him as a child -- and a silly little boy at that.
I'll just be overe here where its safe

allll the way over here

Also, The mosnter is scary that even Cord would be terrified. Wyatt will hopefully prove himself.

Either that or they're rivals
Rivals... of love!! *lets jelly go and opens arms toward booma* Amirite?? :D
*slinks away* Nuu.. thats okay, Booma. You can hug jelly instead >3 *pushes booma hugs into jelly and grins*
Welp now I'm really confused

I'm just going to go figure outhow to get Wyatt to react to getting insulted.

Probably going to post in the morning as per usual :P
Great! Thanks :)

Now then, you three/four/mebe5 remaining at the camp; these wolves (and mebe ill throw in something else) needa separate you all from Jakob.

I can see a few ways of this happening.

Imagine Jakob tells the kids to grab a torch and keep their blades handy. (Torches are clubs with a mass of tar on one end, and can be used as well as a second weapon.) You four stand as a line on one end of the camp, and the yellow eyes flash in the darkness. They do not attack, they only watch, blinking in and out of existance.

A) wolves circle around, super stealthy as ones in front distract. They drag off Jakob. The armor protects him tho. One or more of the newcomer characters rush in, save the day?

B) We have evilmonster come in a little early. Jakob gets wounded, falls unconscious. He gets dragged off to safety but hes outta commission.

C) Fire starts in forest kuz of torches and smacking around. Jakob ends up on other side of flames, urges them to meet up later at some place, mebe the entrance
Fire sounds doable as long as it can be extinguished?
Its a full 3 weeks Q__Q but we can do it! Just gotta keep the ball rollin' till he gets back. 
But yeh, fire seems pretty unanimous xD

You guys wanna handle the writing of it or should I set it up?

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