Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Are you saying you want me to start the fire? O__O
I could see Auri starting a fire. Accidentally lights a match and drops it. FWUSH. A small version of hell right in your living room.
Woopsie... >__>"

Your living room wasn't that important was it? <__<
Well. My laptop was in there. Along with my phone, journal, books, and other material not meant for children. So yeah. My living room held my life and you destroyed it. GREAT JOB.
*proud look* I love you too, Jelly.

So much its like the love I give out equally. :>
Areynia may or may not be there- I am not sure if she followed the two mean dragons or stayed with the nice one.

1. Camp -- Lureana, Cordelia, Wyatt, Jakob, and newcomer Armel.

2. Leaving Camp -- Rahl'Dazz and Mahl'Iss

3. Near the Camp, stationary and travelling -- Corin (Shura) and Felicia (Proc)

4. Farther East just outside a Separate Camp -- Sayne and Franne

5. Not Yet Posted -- Areynia, Percival (Father Gigantor)

Current Goal: Set the forest ablaze and separate Jakob from the group (Auri called first dibs on this kinda but preparing your dood for the coming wolves is a good plan. Have what they do be ordered by jakob; preparing torches, setting into a line, getting weapons ready, trying to confuse the scent, etc)
See.... I would.... but Killi has to post in another rp first, and then I'll burn down the world, er, forest.

So, you should blame lack of killipost in other rp if this one pauses for too long. xP

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