Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Welcome back unto da Jellehhh

My post is in the works, it should start off the grand hunt and some action fur erryone yum action yes.
.... Hey Boomarang (Your newest nickname. Really wanted to call you BaDa Boom. Didn't fit.) A pleasure meeting you. Welcome to our group of oddities.
Might be easier to ghost your char having a sponsor in the hunt. Like, saying that he found a knight willing to back him instead of doing some drawn out thing with Torath involved. If you could spin up a post saying something along those lines, Terra, once the Hunt is started, it would be a lot smoother for all.
So a quick question

Since Wyatt isn't part of the Dragon Squad it'd just be him and his knight correct?

If so I'm guessing they'd have to deal with the wolves on their own if they were nearby
Well, whichever. Place yourself as you see fit, feel free to use events to make yourself coincide with our group. I'll be pulling you in if you can't think of anything though :)  

Oh yeah, and the squad Wyatt's part of would be about 3 at the least, 5 at the maximum. Only one mentor per squad, by and large, too. Feel free to NPC the extras :) AND KILL THEM TOO IF YOU WANT > :D
It's 2am here. >3 But really, no rush. I'm just looking for an excuse to put off other things.
7th level man! Except for RPs. I usually don't put those off. :3
xD Basically my idea is that Wyatt roamed off from his group (Which lets face it, he'd do that.) And he could hear the wolf attack, maybe even shooting the wolf attacking Lurenna
Such a knight in shining armor x)

But sounds ait. I imagine the other NPCs would be seeking him out then -- and he should want to reunite with his assigned squad too, kuz gotta keep the organizingggg yo.
I know the feeling. Lureana has a vicious bite on her dominant hand... what have I done? T__T

Oh well.. guess I could make it not that bad... or sumwat

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