Chivalry: Academy for Future Knights

Yeah, yeah I getcha :) its just Emmie's impression and attempts to gain favor with Lureana that caused her to say that, dun worry x) I personally think ur dude is cool n cute n all that.

And sounds like a plan. For auri, we await with anticipation.
Some one lemme know if my chars are needed? I'm keeping them rather quite unless someone needs them for something.
Alright guys, room enough for one more event -- IE if Heinny @Sgt Grunt and Silverhair @JellyFish want to find nozz in his room, go to it!

And then I'm skipping to suppertime. Kuz man this day is long xD

Also, if you guys feel the RP is going too slow in the sense of time... Let me know when you're ready for a timeskip. :) danke. Next day should be comparable to this one as dragons define their schedule, as we work out kinks with the dragon, and then we can timeskip unless you guys are wanting to work out another event :) .
Hello! I just recently joined Chivalry. My character is a fledgling student, Naralyn, a commoner adopted by a Lionhart noblewoman. I hope I'm able to add her successfully to the story without messing anything up!
I shall post a Torath speech later tonight which will open a forum for replies first, and then you'll be free to interact during supper. Shouldn't be too long now.
Hey everybody I just wanted to let you know will be gone Thursday and Friday with only access to my phone but no wifi :(

Just thought I'd inform :D
Hey everyone! :(

I'm not going to be able to post for the next day until Friday, but I promise some plot movement at that time....

Schoolwork added up ;( sorriez
So, no dragons are currently being accepted. Human Students and Human Teachers are still being accepted.

Were you guys wondering about like... what the requirements/age limits/stuff like that is needed? 
Alright so...

Student --> Either of Teutonic, Templar, or Lionhart family line/sponsorship, between the ages of 12 and 25. Their family determines their capability; check out the hierarchy list at the bottom of the overview, that should be of use for this case.

Mentor --> Must have already achieved knighthood. Either belongs to the Teutonic, Templar, or Lionhart Order. They hold the beliefs of the order, are exemplary members of their respective order, and have proven themselves in some way, shape or form (some accomplishment).
kili is waiting on nozz to fix his post. i wont be able to post for another day because i have work to catch up on. *chuckles* we are here, its just me, kili, and nozz have classwork to finish at the moment. This weekend will hopefully be lively. Sorry Grunt :<

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