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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

(I know. He just needs to respond.)

Skylar sighed sadly. "Vincent, I'm not happy here. You won't understand. But... it has to do with something that happened before you were even born."
Vincent just stands there, quietly. Unable to respond for a moment. "But... what is it? Why aren't you happy?" He looks at her, sadly.
"Vin.... I can't tell you. I wish I could but I can't. But know that if I do this, I'll be able to live a happy, safe life." Skylar put her hand on her brother's shoulder.
Vex heard a knock on his door and he groaned as he got out of his bed and put on a pair of dark jeans then walked over to the door as opened and saw, to his surprise, skylar "uh hey sky whats up?" He asks her putting his hands in his pockets and he realized he wasn't wearing a shirt
Skylar turned to Vex and then blushed when she saw he wasn't wearing a shirt. She looked him in the eye and forced the blush from her cheeks. "This waiting is getting us nowhere. We need to get this quest started tonight. I'm calling a meeting. Be there. And for Hade's sake, put a shirt on." She said, sounding annoyed and turned and walked away.
Vex rubbed the back of his 'damn force of habit' he thought as he shut his door and grabbed a black shirt and put it on then left his cabin to find Dante
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Dante shadow traveled to ares cabin and saw vex walking off "hey bro where you off too?" He calls to him grinning

Vex turned and saw Dante and he smiled "just the man I was looking for" he said as he walked over to him
Fyorn took one look into the canyon then turned and walked back into camp. "Can someone please tell me how to leave!?" He shouted and sat in the arena.
Vex smiled at Dante "come on we gotta go to the big house we have a meeting" he said as he clasped his shoulder with a grin

Dante grinned "then lets go" he said as he clasped Vex's shoulder then shadow traveled to the big house landing in the living room

Vex let go of Dante and dropped to his knees holding his stomach "dude you know I hate shadow travel" he said
Keira was patrolling the border of the camp, despite it being just a large crack in the ground. New surprises seemed to be popping up every day, and she didn't want to be caught unaware. She heard someone shout and walked in that direction. "At the moment, there is no way to leave."

@Vyork Ashfin
Fyorn shook his head and took out his book. "We could scale the canyon or climb down then up the other side!" He looks panicked and sick. "Why am i stuck here!?"
"I don't think there's a way up, but that's what Dante, Vex, Skylar, and I are going to find out on this quest that's supposed to start tonight," Keira said, apologetically. "As for why you're here, I'm not sure. Some demigods are called to this place mysteriously and subconsciously. We don't realize it until we've reached it, but this place is like a beacon to us."
"I would like to help if that is possible? I have had experience with many different situations like this one....me and my friends were hiking and we became trapped like this." Fyorn smiles and stands up. "I would also like to know why i was drugged and brought here....because i know this is from a drug trip.....like that dove that talked and that man who had the scythe."
Keira smiled and shook her head. "As far as I know, no one has drugged you. A dove, huh? Oh, you must have met Altaria. Yeah, I've heard of her powers, though I've never seen them in person. As for the guy with the scythe," she smiled, absentmindedly. "You must have met Dante. He's kind of cold at times, but you'll get used to it. Now, how about we make our way to camp and see if there's a way you could help?" She started walking back towards the Big House, checking back to make sure the guy was following. "I'm Keira, by the way."
Fyorn smiled and held his arm up. "My name is Fyorn, nice to meet you." He said while looking around. "Altaria is gone right? Because she.....never mind."
"Last I heard she was in the training arena," Keira said, smiling. "Boy, does she love it there. You probably won't have to worry about bumping into her."
((Kay, I'm off to join a new rp so I won't be randomly postings as much, just do @Col whenever you need me, or Aura((lol))))

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