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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

" Well Skylar can give you a godly test " Altaria said still waiting for Fyorn
He sighs. "That will not be necessary, I would just like my gun back and I will go on with my business."
Altaria sighed " The barrio would not let you in if you where not a Half-blood " she said glaring at him and then looked at Fyorn
" Got it " Altaria said smiling then charging him and before she hits turns the dagger into flowers flies behind him and buts him with the hilt of her sword making him fall over and she pins him sword to his thought
Skylar sighed. "Altaria, please don't break the newbies just yet. And Fin, you're going to be with the Demeter kids. They grow our food here so you should be just fine. I'll show you where they are." Skylar smirked and walked off, gesturing for him to follow.
Fyorn pulled his helmet off and used it to knock Altaria's sword away. He kicked her off then pinned her to the ground. "That is so predictable honestly..."
" Bet you did not predict this "Altaria said throwing him off with her powers and grabbing his arms holding them down using her legs to hold his down and she pinned him
Skylar walked to a tall fenced area with barbed wire at the top of a twenty foot tall l fence. She opened the gate and walked in to a large field with all different plants growing and a few kids working. "We need wheat and carrots the most so get started there. They're in the back along with a set of tools. Dinner is at sunset. Don't be late." Skylar said and then left.
Finbar look at the field with all the growing plants and begins to get teary. "This reminds me of home, I feel like I am back at the farm." (When you say "they're in the back" do you mean the demeter kids or the seeds?)
Fyorn looks around then headbutts Altaria. "Bet you did not excpect that!" He shouts while kicking Altaria off. "And magic is a cheaters crutch!"
I head to where the seeds are located and grab some tools, also. "I have a feeling that staying won't be so bad, even if I am surrounded by all these loonies. I'll get used to it, I guess. Or maybe I'll become like them." I chuckle at the thought. Then, I start looking for the place where I need to plant the seeds. As soon as I find them, I crouch down and begin working.
Altaria giggled and said " Try to stop me " and she got up and used her super strength to pin him again and this time she controlled his emotions to sleepy to make him weaker then she smiled then kissed him on the cheek

Skylar leaned against a tree and watched them fight. "She's right. We use our powers to our advantage. It's the difference between life and death."
Fyorn shook and tried to get up. "I still say this is cheating!" He looked over to Skylar. "She is not right....you cant depend on your powers!"
"Hmmm." He thinks for a moment then says to himself, "I wonder how the irrigation system works here. I guess I'll just have look for water." I grab the bucket that I took with the tools and go looking for water.
I find a pool of water not too far from where I planted the seeds. "Well, I guess I have to use this. Although it will take lots of trips to water the seeds. Oh well." He scoops up a bucket of water and proceeds to walk to the seeds.

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