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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Vex smiled 'nice one flamer' he thought with a laugh then started working on the next one '2 down 5 to go he thought this was so much easier with Dante' he thought
Raiko laughed and said, "Yes my queen." He started to slice up the tree with his axe, taking a while but still making it work. When he finally had enough small pieces, he picked up the piece that was on top of Skylar's leg. "There ya go."
"Shouldn't take too long," Keira said while destroying another head. "Here's another, Flame Boy." She shouted at Raiko.
Vex smiled at her "good job Keira" he says as he chops another one off "and here's another raiko" he said dodging another head that lunged at him
Raiko caught Skylar on her way down from the fall. "Hey take it easy." He propped her up on a tree. He looked t the new person. "Don't call me flame boy." He waited for a second until two heads started to form. When thy were just nubs he burned both of them with another flame ball. "If you call me anything other than Raiko, I will burn your cabin down." He said with a straight face. He took out his pack of cigarettes and put one in his mouth, lit the tip of his index finger and kit his cigarette. He took a long drag after he burnt the second head that Vex just got.
Vex smiled 'if me and Keira keep it up like this it'll be down in a few minutes' he thinks as he dodges the head filled with poison
Keira threw her head back and laughed. "Yeah, good luck with that, considering I live in Poseidon's cabin, smart ass. And I'll call you whatever I want; I don't need to get on your good side." She angrily slashed off another head and froze the stump. "Here's another!"
Raiko, being the dick that he is, left the stump of the head that the girl just cut off. "No. I'm not doing anything for a person like you." He waited for a little bit and decided to join the fun. He took out his axe an yelled before jumping, "ima make a hunch of heads!"
Vex heard him and got wide eyes and jumped up and blocked the ax "oh no you don't asshole leave the heads as they are and Keira cool your jets well deal with this thing then you two can argue" he yelled at the both of them
"Hey, I didn't do anything," Keira said, getting all defensive. "Anyway, I'll just freeze the stumps until he decides to become useful again. I don't want anyone to get killed."
Raiko was slightly upset with the decision Vex made. "Awww. I'll just get rid of it right now. I can summon a shitload of fire." He said as he started to shoot fire towards the body of the hydra. He said to the girl, "You're not that useful against a hydra you know?"
Vex gritted his teeth "then why the hell didn't you do that in the first place and she's being more useful then you are right now"
Keira clenched her fists and refrained from saying anything. If he was going to be a dick, let him be one. Meanwhile, she did her best distracting it and slicing wherever she could. "Thanks, Vex," she said, relieved at least one person was on her side.
Raiko, acting like a child said, "Dont yell at me!" He shot fire continuously at all of the heads making an awesome flamethrower with his fists. "SUCK IT HYDRA!" He watched the hydra go down in flames. When it was finally just a pile of ash, he went over to it and kicked the ash around for fun.
Skylar chuckled slightly and rolled her eyes at Raiko's childish antics. "Hey Raiko? Mind giving me a piggyback ride to the my cabin? My healing supplies are there."
"Save us? Do you see what he's doing right now? He's a acting like a child skylar." He said plainly then looked at Keira "thanks Keira for the help really" he says smiling slightly at keira
Vex just stood there "I killed that thing already and only with my brother as help so I could care less i was more worried about protecting you or have you already forgot the promise I made" he says
Keira nodded at him, aware that she had possibly just made a friend. "It was nice to work with you." And she really meant it. Mostly, she worked alone. It was nice to have someone she could trust and rely on. She turned to Skylar. "I'm sure that's not the reason why, considering your boyfriend has been acting like a jerk."
"One, he's not my boyfriend. Two, no I didn't forget Vex. And three, you left me under the tree with nothing but a shield! How is that protecting me?" Skylar asked, angry at Vex.
Raiko laughed loudly. "Jerk? I'm not the one calling people by their abilities, water chick. And I not a child, I'm older than you! And I just met all of you yesterday so I'm not anyone's boyfriend just yet!" He said winking at Keira. He went to Skylar an motione for her to get on his back. He knelt down.

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