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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Raiko heard game and got interested. "If you don't mind I'm gonna join in. I'm up for winning ten drachma." He summoned his pistols, put his sword on his back and summoned his axe, put it on his back so his sword and axe were crossing. And finally summoned his gauntlets and put them in. He was ready to fight. He clanked his gauntlets together and said, "I'm ready losers."

((Sorry I fell asleep. :P ))
"We'll see about that. Okay, each of us takes a Nymph or Satyr to make sure we don't cheat. Meet back her in ten minutes with your Satyr or Nymph." Skylar said and ran off.
Vex smiled 'this is what I've been needing' he thinks "saytr your with me" he said pointing at a random saytr then takes off running to the forest 'I got the edge I've been here two years I know the forest like the back of my hand' he smiled "come on raiko your gonna be left behind" he yelled back
Skylar grabbed the Nymph who brought her to camp and then took off running. 
Skylar shot down every monster she saw. Then she came to a big one, a Hydra. She knew she couldn't take him down alone but no way in Hades was she asking for help. She pulled out her sword while the Nymph hid in the trees and turned into her tree form. The Hydra roared and charged at Skylar. Skylar rolled to the side, trying to think of a way to kill it.
Vex was running through the forest slashing and hacking through every monster he saw he stopped in a clearing remembering the hydra in his cabin and the skull above hades cabin 'I hope that hydra hasn't regenerated yet' he thought as he started to run
The Hydra was getting faster at spotting Skylar's moves and tactics. When Skylar ran to get behind it, it spun around and racked her arm with it's claws. Skylar screamed out in pain. The Hydra them used it's claws to slice a tree by Skylar. The tree fell on her leg, causing her leg to break. Skylar screamed out in pain again and began struggling, the Hydra getting closer, about to finish her off. Skylar reached for her bracelet and rubbed the charm. "VEX!"
Vex sensed a pit in his stomach 'what in the world' he thought then the forest changed around him then he saw skylar trapped under a tree "what happened" he asked then he heard the hissing and turned around "oh come on really you couldn't stay dead for a century or two I still have your head mounted in my cabin" he said shaking his sword at the hydra it looking slightly confused
Keira heard a noise from her spot on the beach and began to run. She noticed a Hydra attack a camper and another one appeared suddenly beside her. Keira rushed forward as it breathed fire and summoned water, feeling a tug in her stomach. The hydra's flames were put out.
"Oh fuck you" he yelled at him and then the water appeared 'what the hades' he thought then looked over and saw Keira "it's about time you showed up" then he remembered his buckle and got and idea he clicked it then a shield popped out 'I've missed you old friend keep her safe' he thought then tossed the shield to skylar "use that if anything comes flying at you" he told her
((Its fine. I'll just think of the second most epic thing now. Like tht was going to be so cool. :P .))
Keira snorted and said, "Hey, you're lucky I'm here to save your asses. I could be relaxing on the beach right now." She ducked as a hydra head came at her, hissing and snapping. She drew her sword and attempted to get behind it, but was blocked.
Raiko sprinted towards the roar. He already had twenty monsters down. He jumped towards the hydra that just got its fire extinguished. He grabbed his axe and sliced his head off. He was lucky that it wa distracted by the front and back from his friends. "That's twenty one for me. Oh and do multiple heads count as multiple kills?" He said as two more heads were growing back.
Vex smacked his forehead "really dude it was enough trouble with seven heads now there's eight and just because it has multiple heads doesn't mean multiple kills but nice try" he chuckled and drew his swords "now let's work together anyone got fire" he asked "keep her under that tree that way she's out of the way" he told them 'its the best way to keep her safe' he thight
"Excuse me!? I could beat your sorry butt any day!" Skylar screamed at Vex. 'I'm gonna kick his butt all the way to Japan.' She thought.
Raiko grabbed Vex's hand before he slapped him. "Don't touch me. And ya I got fire." Raiko shot fire at one of the heads and burnt it to a crisp. "See. Now you guys can take care of the rest. Tell me if you need me." He said a he sat down by a tree.
Kiotaro said:
Raiko grabbed Vex's hand before he slapped him. "Don't touch me. And ya I got fire." Raiko shot fire at one of the heads and burnt it to a crisp. "See. Now you guys can take care of the rest. Tell me if you need me." He said a he sat down by a tree.
Dude I smacked my own forehead not raikos 
Vex grinned at skylar "maybe after I'm done here you can try" he told her "and raiko thanks for the fire as soon as head goes bye burn the stump to a crisp lets go Keira" he ran at the hydra determination on his face swords ready
Keira nodded and charged the hydra from the other side. She managed to freeze one of it's feet to the ground and stab it through the stomach, wounding it severely. Unfortunately, it's gonna take a lot more than that to defeat it, she thought.
Vex jumped up and slashed a head off as it was distracted by Keira "raiko now" he yelled as he dodged the other heads as they lunged at him
Raiko loved burning stuff. He sent a fireball at the stump left over by Vex. He watched it burn. He looked t Skykar an said, "Yes ma'am?"

((Meh whatever. "His" could be taken in multiple ways just saying hehe.))

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