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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

makes the armor smaller then jumps up and dives down at the monster "don't make him move" aki dives tword the monster like a comet made out of lightnign 
raiden stuck out his sword and when he made contact he pierced through the monster arm and it cam off after ward tthe armor disapeared
Skylar's eyes snapped open when she heard a roar. She smirked and ran out of her cabin, her dagger still strapped to her belt, and ran to the fight, seeing Tony and Raiden. She pulled put her dagger. "Aww, you started the fun without me? I'm hurt." She faked being sad.
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((Lol Raiko is in his forge fixing Skylar's armor! :P Do you mean Raiden))

Raiko finally finished fixing up Skylar's armor. He sighed from all the hard work, stood up and exited his forge, laying down on his bed felt beautiful for him. After a little bit he heard a roar and shot up in his bed. He grabbed the armor and ran to Skylar's cabin. When he noticed she was gone, he knew she was at the training grounds. He ran there and saw her. He yelled over to her, "Yo Skylar! I got your armor." He ran to her and saw the gryphon. He said to her, "Well what happened here?"
Raiko looked at Skylar, "Well duh! I'm a son of THE god of blacksmithing." When he spotted the guy who passed out he said to him, "Are you sure you should be training? I mean you passed out and stuff." He laughed and was proud of the guy's determination.
Dante laid on his back then sat up "hey ash come with I need to get something out of the cabin" he said smiling as he stood up and extended his hand to help her up
"be quite man " it was true raiden does pass out alot but he doesn't care raiden dashed tward the gryphon as fast as he could without the assistance of his power he was still faster than every one else. Raiden started to attack and attack the gryphone was almost dead. 
after one last slice his weapons broke "oh man"
Skylar smirked. "My turn." She ran at the Griphone and sliced upward with her sword, spinning as she did, when she came out of the spin she threw a knife at the griphone's neck and stabbed it into the heart.
Raiko looked at the new kid who told him to be quiet. "What's up with you? I wasn't talking to you!" He went to go pick up Raiden's sword and said to him, "You're lucky I'm in a good mood. I'll fix this." He looked at Skylar attack the gryphon and said, "Well training was useless yesterday."
Vex woke groggy 'ugh what time is it' he thought as he woke up and stretched getting this stiffness out of his limbs then he remembered last night and he looked at his shoulder then his eyes went wide 'crap my first day and I'm already sleeping in' he said as he threw on jeans and a black sleeveless shirt and ran out the cabin looking around and seeing skylar with her sword to raidens throat
Raiko walked up to Skylar an the new guy and said, "Listen ladies, I know I'm beautiful but lets not fight about it." He lowered Skylar's sword and summoned his own sword. "Now lets train."
Vex say down on the ground watching them 'so far so good but first sign of danger I'm slicing the guy in half' he thought 'I'm just glad she didn't cut raidens head off' he thought with a grin
Vex looked a little shocked and caught the apple "uh yeah sorry I don't know why I slept so late it's not like me" he says as he takes a bite
Skylar smirked. "Well I WAS going to train with Raiko but now I'm in the mood for a game. First one to kill the most monster by sundown wins ten drachma, who's in?" Skylar asked.
Vex smiled a little 'her and her games I swear' he shakes his head "alright I'm game but remember if you get into trouble" he says as he tapped his shoulder
Raiden goes to the water fall cave to check on Isamu (the tiger) on his way he found some rabbits to feed Isamu. "Well let's see what you got Isamu." Raiden throws the rabbit and then isamu attacked the rabbit faster than raiden without his powers and then he ate it. "Wow that was really fast nice.Raiden let's go of more rabbits and the Isamu killed all of them in 5 seconds "wow you are really fast. Well, that's enough food for today godnight." raiden then goes to sleep in his cabin

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