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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Vex sighed 'man this is boring I wish I could atleast train with her' he thought pulling one of swords out and laid it across his lap
Vex sat there watching as she laid down and went to sleep 'serious just go to sleep right out in the open gods' he thought and stood up and walked over to her then looked at the sky 'listen Apollo I'm just gonna carry her back to her cabin then ill lock the door as I leave alright' he says looking up at he sky then bends down and picks her up carrying her back to Apollo cabin then he opens the door and lays her on a bunk then turns and leaves locking the door as he leaves and he walks back to his own cabin walking inside then collapsing on his bed asleep
Tony wobbled out of his cabin, sitting on its steps and rubbing his head. He had no clue what had happened, but then collapsing was a usual thing to him, and he'd never asked the apollo kids to see what it was, so he didn't know

Ash giggled and placed her hands on his head
Dante smiled "good now you can be comfortable and you can get a great look around camp since your so high up" he laughed as he started to walk towards the dining pavilion
Ash nodded happily to her brother, holding on so she didn't fall off. Her amber eyes gleamed in the light as she looked about happily
Dante carried her laughing "lets get something to eat ash" he said up to her as he walked into the dining pavilion
Dante walked to the line and grabbed four apples stuffing three into his pockets then taking a bite out of the fourth "What do you want to eat ash?" he asks her after swallowing his bite
Ash's shook her head, "m fine thanks" she said softly, lowering her head slightly and trying to ignore the looks she was getting
Dante nodded his head "Alright but if you get hungry i always try to carry an apple with me" he said with a smile then noticed the looks they were getting and just laughed "man people love to stare dont they ash" he said loud enough where everyone heard
Dante smiled "come on lets take a walk" he said to her "well ill walk and you just relax" he chuckled then walked put of the pavilion "now where do you want to go" he asked
Ash hummed happily at the idea and shrugged, "where ever you want" she said softly, having no clue where to go, seeing as she was new here
Dante thought about where to go then smiled "I know lets go to the beach" he said happily as he began to walk towards the small beach the camp had
Dante smiled as he walked ignoring the looks everyone was giving them "So ash have yo ever been to the beach before?" he asks her
Ash shook her head, not wanting to mention that she had lived on the streets for a few years before she had found this place, and before that she had been kept in her room
Dante nodded "Well your gonna love it." he tells her "And if you really do love it we can turn it to a beach day" he says with a smile
Dante grinned back at her then he felt his feet hit sand then looked in front of him and smiled "well here we are the beautiful beach of our camp" he said as he opened his arms wide with a big smile on his smile
Ash's eyes widened happily, and she squirmed, until her feet hit the floor and she wobbled, feeling the sand between her bare toes, having forgot to put shoes on
Dante smiled down at her "so i take it you like it" he asked with a laugh then he sat down on the sand
Dante smiled warmly at her "wanna build a sand castle ash?" He asks her as he buries his hands in the warm sand

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