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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Vex looked a little sad "of course not we weren't together for long your brother saw to that" he told her
Vex still looked out towards the water "he might be but it doesn't mean what I said wasn't the truth" he said plainly
Artemis glared at Vex. "Stay away from Skylar. I do not care if you love her, if you are the one the prophecy spoke of, you are a danger to not only her but everyone."
Vex looked up at the goddess "I'm not the one this prophecy speaks of I would never kill skylar to rise above everyone I even told your brother that if I couldn't be apart of skylars life I would rather die I would protect skylar with my life I would die for her" vex said as he stood staring at Artemis
"Well that's why I have friends to make sure that doesn't happen but if your so set on making sure I don't take her heart then let me be her guardian because you know there's going to be other guys so let me atleast protect her" he says pleading with Artemis
Artemis thought for a moment and then nodded. "Alright. You may be her protector. But you may not court her or speak your feelings to her. You are to protect her and nothing else. Only speak to her when necessary. Those are the terms. Do you accept?"
"I accept ill be her guardian and ill keep my feelings to myself and ill only speak when spoken to but will apollo agree with all this?" He asks Artemis
Artemis nodded. "They were his terms." She waved her hand and a branding iron appeared in her hand. "Apollo is explaining this to Skylar as we speak. Now, step forward."
Vex stepped forward raising his sleeve exposing his shoulder that didn't have his scar "before I'm branded I want to know something will I ever be able to prove to Apollo that her and I are meant to be" he asks Artemis
Artemis didn't respond. She took the branding iron and put it on his shoulder. It was the symbol of Apollo with a G over it.


In her cabin, Apollo clipped a bracelet with the same symbol as the branding iron on Skylar. It glowed red once it was on her wrist.
Vex grimaced slightly then looked at when she was done "so let me guess the g stands for guardian" he asks
Artemis nodded. "Skylar has a charm with the same symbol. She can use it to summon you if she is in trouble. Do not fail." Artemis disappeared.
"I won't I swear on the warriors blood that runs through my veins I will not fail I will give my life to protect hers" Vex says up to the sky then looks back to water 'I just hope that one day I will be able to prove that me and her are meant to be' he thinks as he looks at the brand
Skylar sat on her bed and looked at her bracelet after Apollo had left. It all felt wrong. Vex was like a guard. He wasn't supposed to talk to her or even be her friend. He was just supposed to follow her around and protect her.
Vex felt bad but smiled 'I might only be her guard and not be able to talk to her but at least I can see her beautiful face everyday' he sighed and laid down on the roof looking back up at the sky with a slight smile
Vex stayed on the roof then saw skylar heading to the training area 'welp first day as guardian lets see how it goes' he thinks as jumps to the next cabins roof silently keeping an eye on her
Skylar picked up a bow and arrow and began shooting, never missing her targets. She fired at dummies, lights, targets, anything hard to get.
Vex watched from the shadows 'she's not bad with a bow but I guess that's natural being a child of Apollo' he thinks as he watches 'but she's not perfect'
Skylar sighed and put down the bow and pulled put her sword and going over the drills she'd done with Raiko. She smiled at the thought of training with him again tomorrow. She wanted to get good enough so her father would let her have her own life and stop worrying, and Raiko was the best person to teach her.
Vex sat down watching her 'hm she did learn som things from the new guy but there's more then just technique' he thought watching her move the blade

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