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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

"Yes Keira,"Allina said smirking. Her cabin followed her laughing and pointing at Keira. "Are you asking for a makeover, because even I couldn't help your face," Allina said
Keira walked up to her and stood right in her face. "I need you to stop this nonsense. I come back from a week vacation and discover the camp mostly in shambles, all because of you!" She rounded on the rest of the Aphrodite cabin and glared. "And the rest of you! I thought even Aphrodite was smarter than this, but apparently everyone's opinion of you is correct. You're all a bunch of shallow ass holes who can't bear change in their perfect worlds and hate it when people aren't perfect, like you. Well, news flash. You're not going to have any friends or support if you continue like this." She whirled around and began to walk away.
"Get me my bow," Allina said to her cronies one of them handed it to her. She loaded her poison tipped arrow and shot it at keira's ankles breaking the thick flesh She then called her horse Aliante and waited for Keiras attack.
Keira cried out as the arrow pierced her flesh. All of a sudden, she was furious. She screamed at the top of her lungs, "I AM SO SICK OF YOU!!!" The lake exploded and thousands of gallons of water swirled around Allina and the rest of the Aphrodite cabin. Most of them were crushed by the weight of the water. Keira drew her sword and rushed Allina, beginning to attack her furiously.
Allina saw Keira's attack one second too late and by that time Keira had pounced on her stabbing her with her sword. Allina Unfazed as always took her dagger out of her sheath and stabbed Keira once in the chest. She then swam up above the water gasping for air. To see a furious Vex.

@Vex Kuma and @dragonslayr
Keira gripped the wound in her chest and made a fist with the water, holding Allina right where she was. "You know what this means, right?" She stared Allina down angrily and made the water freeze. "You're a danger to the kids at camp. We'll have to kick you out."
Vex stood over allina breathing deeply with absolute rage his swords drawn his eyes red with rage "you dare hurt a camper with me living here and Dante's sister no less I am so sick of your bull shit bitchy attitude that's one reason I hate you Aphrodite pricks and you have to pick fights with anyone shows interest in me or dante because me and him are the only two who haven't fallen to your charmspeak I'm sick of it" he says with every once of hatred he has "and I agree with Keira you need to leave camp"
"Why would we kill you?" Keira demanded. "And why are you doing this? You could have so many friends, but you're wasting your life."
"I derserve more than this," Allina and Vex don't try and kill me or I'll Kill Skylar and Idress in a blink of an eye. Also by the way Skylar is unconscious in her cabin and Idress is in the hospital wing with "Daddies little girl" cut into her flesh she said smiling Physchotically. " So who are you going to save Vex Skylar with poison in her blood or Idress who is bleeding quickly to death," She said knowing that she had trapped him into a layer of everlasting guilt.
"If that's what you think be my guest,go save skylar," Allina said " But I may or may not have put a sleeping draught in the staff's drinks," she said manically." So the choice remains Vex, Kill me and let them both die and save everyone else or Save one of them letting only one person die,"
Keira was getting angrier by the second. "Well, luckily, there are more people here at camp and Idress was not in danger of dying in the first place. She drank some nectar, ate some ambrosia, and is currently resting and recovering."
Idress lay in her bed where is everyone she thought to herself. She heard Keiras voice and then the sound of water hitting the ground. She heard Vex's Voice he sounds like her needs help she thought getting up weak.She ran outside and saw Allina being held down by Vex. Only Allina noticed her presence and smiled at her menacingly. Allina then jump up and sprinted towards Idress's scarred body and held a knife to her throat. "Do you all see these words Allina says pointing at the words that she had encored into Idress." They say Daddies little girl, well when I was carving them I missed one place… Her neck," Allina said. Now everyone watch one more time. Allina started to carve the words into Idress's neck while Keira and Vex stood frozen with horror.
Vex wasn't frozen with horror his was frozen with rage he screamed in rage and eyes turned the color of blood as he charged allina and grabbed by her throat and lifted her up "give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you allina." He said his tone dripping with absolute anger and hatred
"Hold on, Vex," Keira said running up to him. "Don't act rashly. We don't want to stoop to her level."
"Because then I will kill the freak,"Allina said dagger still at Idress's throat. "If I die, She's going down with me," Anyway I deserve better than this maybe in heaven I'll become an actual goddess and kill you all," She said leering
Vex wasn't thinking with reason "you let her go or ill chop your damn hands off that way you won't be able to do it and you wouldn't go to heaven you would rot in the deepest parts of hell as ill make sure Dante puts in a word with his father where your his personal torture doll" he said the point of his sword pressed against her stomach
Allina laughed and drove the dagger across Idress's weak neck. Idress had had enough she unsheathed her dagger and stabbed Allina 12 times before Allina could do anything. Then Allina and her self collapsed. One from exhaustion and one from pure death.
Vex watched what unfolded with shock and he let go of allinas neck her body falling to the ground and he bent down and picked up allina "Keira can't you use the water to heal her?" He asked pleadingly @dragonslayr
Keira looked at the girl and shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry. I can control the water and make it freeze or boil, but I can't use it to heal." She called for someone to come help and several people rushed over, some prepared with medical kits.
Vex then remembered what allina said about skylar and his eyes went wide "skylar" he said in a whisker then he laid idress down on the grass away from allinas body and people got to work "watch her Keira" he said as he ran to apollos cabin with nectar and ambrosia and burst thorough the door and saw her unconscious body on the bunk and eyes started to tear up
kaima hurd a ruch of water "please tell me allina didn't cause a little fight" raiden turns into lightning and runs to the battle and see's all of the water "i guess you aren't shallow anymore. " 
"honestly could you at least try to be nice to people"
Oni walks around the woods daydreaming until she made it back to her cabin she went inside and sat on her bed bored out of her mind
Skylar felt like her blood was turning to ice. She was too weak to open her eyes and she knew she'd die soon. 'Artemis, tell Vex.... I want him to be happy..... I don't want him to forget to live and be happy if I die...." Skylar pleaded in her thoughts to her Aunt.

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