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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Ash howled in pain, and grabbed Allina with her other arm, turning and pushing her away from her friend, so that Ash was between them
Allina lunged towards Ash knocking her onto the ground and taking out her trusted sword."Any Last words Freak," she said as she drove the sword an inch into her
Ash stared up at Allina, ignoring the pain of the sword an inch into her chest. Instead she simply spat in Allinas face defiantly
Ash's head tilted back as she let out a pained howl. However, as she tilted her head back her back arched, the blade giving in further 
Ash's head tilted back as she let out a pained howl. However, as she tilted her head back her back arched, the blade going in further
Allina quickly drove the sword deeper into Ash's chest. Allina beckoned for her cabin to come closer they did seize her she yelled pointing at the frozen Idress they grabbed her and took her over to Allina. Allina let go of the sword in Ash's chest and told one of the boys to make her watch. She then approached the scarred Idress and took out her dagger she kept on carving the same words all of Idress "Daddies little girl" Idress stood there wishing she hadn't left her dagger behind. Allina took a chain of rope and tied Idress up. The Aphrodite kids picked her up and followed Allina outside. "Dump her in there she said gesturing towards the lake," the kids Threw Idress into the lake and went back inside leaving her to die.
Ash couldn't move, the young daughter of hades dying. The sword pinned her to the ground, only centimetres to the side of her heart. However, it had hit her lung, and she couldn't breathe, red bubbling over her lips
(Hopefully saved. It's only 11 Am, but I'm going out, so I'll be on in short spurts. Maybe we should wait for another roper to save them, seeing as we have been rping for a few pages)
Um I created a new character you can see her in the character box thingy. My new character and Vex and skylark hung out. Allina was mean. Skylar got attacked Ash helped her. Ash and Idress became friends. Then in the dining hall Allina started carving words into my new characters flesh with a dagger and then Tied her up and threw her in a lake drowning her. And Ash is dying so help Ash and me please !!!!
Keira walked into camp. I'm finally back, she thought. She had taken a week to visit her mom and she was glad to arrive at camp. Fortunately, not many monsters attacked them, but Keira always kept her sword at her side. Suddenly, something didn't feel right. Glancing over at the lake, she felt someone drowning.

She ran over to the lake and glanced into it. The outline of a girl could be seen thrashing. Keira jumped into the lake and grabbed the girl by the waist, barely rescuing her. They collapsed by the side of the water and Keira said, "Are you all right?"
Thank you Idress gasps staring Keira in the face her big eyes full of worry but you have to save Ash she said before collapsing in exhaustion
Keira picked the girl up and brought her to the main building. "We need a medic," she screamed. Several people rushed in, all prepared to take care of the wounded. Now, who's this Ash person? she wondered. (Where is Ash again?)

Keira ran outside and began scouring the camp for a person who is probably in trouble. She ran into the dining hall and stopped in her tracks. A girl was on the ground, a sword sticking out of her chest and trapping her to the floor. Blood was puddling around her, staining the ground with red. "Oh, gods," Keira murmured. "What happened here?" She ran to the girl and, pulling some of the ambrosia she had with her out of her pocket, fed it to the her. It would keep her alive for now. "Someone, we need help over here!" She was afraid that id she pulled the sword out, it would cause the girl to die of blood loss.
Ash's eyes flickered open as she choked out a sob, red dripping from the side of her mouth as she struggled to breathe. She didn't want to join her father in te underworld just yet
raiden decides to go to the dining hall to get something to eat then he sees ash "oh man what happend " raiden picks him up disapears in lightning and reapears in the infermari "we need a medic now" raiden sets him down on an empty bed and then alot of people comes to help him
Idress wakes up panting in a hospital wing Radien and Keira are across from her looking at another patient silently.
Ash had gone mostly still, having hardly noticed being picked up. The daughter of Hades still had the sword in her chest, made worse by being moved. She choked on blood, twitching. She wanted her brother.

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