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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Ash followed her, worried about the 8 year old. Whilst Ash hadn't been able to eat for a while, due to being on the streets, the girl in front of her simply refused. She huffed softly
This is the armoury Idress declared opening the door to the armoury the weapons and armour shined in every single possible corner and the room was picture perfect.
With your body type a sword might suit you Idress said smiling at Ash's blinking eyes. Idress took an elegant blade with a white oak handle and gave it to Ash to try.
"Give it a try" Idress says pulling out a rusty old target and drawing a smiley face on it and blonde hair "see now its that idiot Allina," she laughed
Ash smiled slightly, and span the handle of the blade between her fingers, before throwing it at the target and hitting it between the eyes
"It's perfect Idress smiled," she watched ash hit the target with awe. She heard the breakfast bell "Ash I'll walk you to the dining hall" Idress said
Idress walked Ash to the dining Hall "I really want to hang out with you some more but for now Good bye,"she said walking off to her cabin. she didn't want to eat
Tears formed in Idress's eyes she shook her head and ran off refusing to tell ash why she wouldn't eat.She slumped down at the bottom of a tree scared that she had lost Ash as a friend she cried her heart out thinking about what her father had done to her.
Ash lowered her head and followed the girl after picking up a bread roll. She found her, and sat beside her, curling one arm around her and offering half of the bread, "I won't eat until you do." She said softly, "Gods know we both need it" She mumbled
"No he said not to" she said gasping after the words had come out of her mouth she hadn't meant to tell Ash anything about her father,
Ash's eyes softened, knowing immediately what she was talking about, "Hey....Its ok. My step-father was the same. By neither of them are here now, and I won't tell anyone" She said gently
Ash gently wrapped an arm around her, and pulled up her the side of her shirt to reveal her own scarred and thin side, "You and me are the same. But we can't let them rule us." She said gently, lowering the shirt
Idress took a clump of bread and put it in her mouth it tasted warm and fluffy she swallowed it smiling with joy 
Brb just got to have a shower
Allina walked up to Ash and Idress I see that you have befriended the ugly fat nerd she said to Ash smirking at Idress as she hid behind Ash's dress. Why are you so fat,did your daddy do it to you? she asked Idress 
Allina walked up to Ash and Idress I see that you've befriended that ugly fat nerd she says to Ash. Hey Idress why are you so ugly did your daddy do it to you? Allina taunts laughing with her gang of aphrodite members around her.
Why? you help her with her night terrors or something Allina taunts she pushes Idress into a wall and carves nerd into her fore head with a knife thats for being friends with that bitch skylark she yells carving Bitch into Idresse's arm. Idress stands there shocked blood runs down her arm and forehead as Allina continues to carve messages out in her skin. Allina pulls up Idress's top and outlines her showing ribs carving on them 'Daddies little girl'. She spits on Idress and storms away laughing.
Ash grew enraged, having been held back by some of Allinas friends. She punched them, and leapt onto Allina, not using a weapon but pushing her to the floor in anger. She looked up at Idress, "Go!" She told her, before beginning to fight Allina, not using her blade or her staff, giving her a disadvantage against the girl with the knife.

(Feel free to stab Ash xD )

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