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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Vex charged the hydra at full speed almost a blur dodging the fire and the hyrdas snapping mouths he caught one head off with a clean slice and he rolled out of the wall going for another


Dante watched as vex charged the hydra when vex chopped off the first head dante threw the black fire directly at the stump with deadly accuracy and it hit 'no two heads coming out of that one' he thought


Vex chopped off two more heads which were followed by dantes black fire the two working in synch just as they always have so many times before they made quick work of the hydra not putting in all their effort to bring it down and they did and as the last head rolled away dante and vex walked over to it together smiling at each other "looks like we got a trophy for the camp brother" Vex said clasping his shoulder grinning at dante "that we do brother ill stick it on the scythe till we get to camp the i guess you can stuff the skin then mount it in your cabin and ill take the skull and put it over the door of my cabin" dante said smiling "sounds good bro now lets get back to camp" vex replied woth a chuckle and woth that dante put the head on his scythe and with vex right beside him they made their way back to camp through the forest

(im gonna get some sleep talk to you guys later)
Idress saw ash pick up skylark and approached herb Ash hi you don't know me Im Idress Daughter of Athena the small 8 year old said to Ash.

Her cabin is this way she says guiding Ash to Skylar's cabin
Ash nodded quietly, not giving her own name as she walked. As she got to the cabin she laid the girl on the bed, and sat on an empty one opposite worriedly
Who are you Idress asked her small frame even smaller next to the large ares themed bed. Im Idress, Im 8 and Athena's my mum Idress fired out quickly. pulling her medicine book out of her back pack.
oh ok as has in the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance Idress says as she cleans Skylar's wounds and injects ambrosia into her veins with a needle. She should feel better tomorrow she tells Ash. Can you walk me back to my cabin she asks for once sounding like a child I'm scared of spiders and they crawl around at night.
Ash looked at her and nodded, standing and offering her hand to the younger girl silently, "Spiders are nothing to be afraid of." She said gently, "They're more afraid of you then you are of them"
Not for Childdren of Athena spiders have hated Athena ever since Arachne. They hate us and haunt our dreams turning them into nightmares Athena's children are scared of hardly anything but spiders create a fear two big to overcome. Idress says her grip On ash's hand getting tighter the more she thought about the wretched creatures
OK she said relaxing at the sight of her warm eyes. We better go she says looking at the clock as the youngest member of the camp I have a strict bedtime and lets just say that an angry nymph will be in my cabin ready to give me another lecture when I get back. Idress says packing up her medicines and books
Ash let out a soft chuckle and nodded, handing the younger girl a book she had left. Once the girl had collected her things, Ash led her to Idress's cabin silently

Tony wasn't asleep, or in his cabin. He was sat in a tall tree, where Allina wouldn't find him
Idress thanked the girl and slipped silently into her cabin to go to sleep the moment her head hit the pillow she was fast asleep but her dreams were terrible ones of her father hitting her over and over again until the scars on her back were raw and bloody she woke up screaming for help.
You do I hope skylar gets better Idress responds getting up and foraging around do you have a weapon yet asked Idress yawning
(Can I ask if you are able to put " on either side of the speech? Its just gets confusing sometimes)

Ash shook her head, "Only my staff" She replied softly
"well then I guess we're taking an early morning trip to the armoury," Idress said getting her cloak and wrapping it tightly around her visible bones.
Ash looked at her, "You sure? It can wait you know" She said softly, slightly worried that the 8 year old was just as thin as Ash was
"No I can never go back to sleep after one of my night terrors anyway," she said "and I need some new armour fitted anyway I dropped some weight and mine doesn't fit me anymore," she said bouncing up and down.
"I don't really eat," Idress said "the food just gets stuck in my throat and I gag I usually give it to Vex or Dante" she says hopping foot to foot.

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