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Fantasy Children Of Olympus

Vex looked at the swords stuffed behind the weapon rack and thought "Hm something the feels balanced for you because balance is key in a blade it has to feel comfortable for the user while it will feel weird for someone else thats why you had trouble with my sword" he explained "so the best thing to do is test them out and find the right one"
Vex looked at her "does it feel right?' he asks her then he begins to look at other swords that he hasnt seen in ages
Idress pokes her head in and sees the sword in Skylars hand. Thats sword is an ancient relic made in 1200 bc she fires out quickly the moment she sees the handle the sword.
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"Thats where I read it," Idress said the Legend of Orion. I read it when I was three and dad had left me to go to work he loved greek myths Idress said remembering her loving father tears came to eyes but she pushed them down not wanting Vex and Skylar to think that she was weak
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Vex looked a little shocked "Wow you really know alot about greek history dont you?" he said with a grin
Yeah Theres nothing to do here unless you or Dante train with me I wish Allina hadn't made the leaders make the rule that I wasn't allowed to not be supervised. I wish charmspeak was banned Idress said stamping her small foot onto the ground. Can we train Vex you know I have a strict Bed time 
Idress jumped onto Vex's back faster horsie faster she yelled laughing and giggling. Sometimes Idress forgot that she was just 8 but in times like this she feel like she was five
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Vex held onto idress smiling "alright alright ill go faster just quit your squirming" he said with a laugh "and i agree with about the charmspeak it should be banned especially what she tried to do with it after sky went to bed" vex said as he got ready to run heading out the armory door
Seeing the tension between Skylar and Vex she bites her lip. UM Allina sort of charm speaks boys to like her I say grimacing but Vex is to strong and he never falls no like that pushover tony I say hoping I've been helpful.
Vex looked back 'welp i was gonna tell her anyway might as well now' he thought then hears idress and smiles "yeah i was laying out in the grass where we were talking and i was gonna sleep there but next thing i knew i had her sitting on me kissing my neck then when i got out from under her she tried to charmspeak me trying to get me to come with her but it wouldnt work on me because i had something more powerful then her charmspeak something that i loved and cared for deeply" he finished smiling at skylar "and thanks for the back up" he said looking down at idress
Please try Allina said steeping out from her hiding spot. You a new demigod against me a skilled killer I would love to see that she said smirking.

And I see you've befriended that little nerd she spat glancing at the nervous Idress. Whenever your ready Skylar Allina said.

Back off Idress fired at her. Skylar is a thousand times better than you she said jumping of Vex's back she drew her dagger and stood straight all 3 years of Allinas teasing flashing before her eyes.
Vex saw her look at the sun "I said something i didnt specify what" he said smiling at skylar then he heard allina speak 'Oh not her' he turned around at what she said "back off allina ive seen her fight i know she can take you"
Skylar glared, but didn't know what to do. 'Fight and risk dad killing him or don't fight and leave him to her....' She took a deep breath and put away her sword. She glanced at Vex, then Idress, then glared at Allinas. Skylar turned on her heel and walked out of the arena.
Vex stood in the middle of the arena glaring daggers at allina "when will you learn to leave me the hell alone i dont like you i never have" he told allina plainly
Vex stayed in the arena and drew both his swords 'i need to relieve some of this anger and i dont think the dummies are gonna cut it' he tought anger filling his thoughts 'im heading to the forest' he thought as he began to walk 'and im going to kill every single monster i see' then he began to run
Idress followed Skylar and slipped into her cabin Skylar she whispered in her ear You can't let her get to you", Idress said stroking Skylars hair she knew most people thought that Athena' kids had no emotion but she did a lot of it actually
"It's not her. It's my dad. I can't be with Vex. It's too dangerous and complicated. You wouldn't understand." Skylar sat up and hugged her knees to her chest.

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