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Futuristic Children of Aspera - Rules


Bear With Me Here ?

This is a detailed roleplay. Posts need to reflect that.

This roleplay is themed very much to be like an Anime. So expect odd looking characters of the sort.

No Mary Sues or Gary Sues

As GM what I say goes. Please don't argue with me about my decisions.

This roleplay isn't focused primarily on Action. While Action is in it, it also focuses on relationships and the drama surrounding everything. Don't expect it to always be guns and swords blazing!

Character Sheets need to reflect that of a detailed roleplay as well. Personalities have to be flawed and unique, and backstories have to be detailed as well.

Every power should be unique in it's own way. Try and go beyond that of just basic elements. No two powers should be the same, just like no two markings should be the same as well.

Powers such as time travel, resurrection, and other things deemed too powerful or plot bending will not be allowed. Other powers may be deemed overpowered, please don't go overboard with power creation.

Please don't make overpowered characters. Power levels will vary per individuals depending on rank but be reasonable.

Characters have a minimum age of 16, due it being the graduation of CA's on both side, as that is when a CA becomes mature enough for combat.

Just so I know you've read everything, put your character's favorite city somewhere in his/her CS

Don't just go and grab the highest rank you can with your character. The recommended (and sometimes forced) starting rank is Soldier with the occasional Knight. This makes it so there can be character development with both personality and powers. There will be characters with high amounts of power and rank but that will be for plotline.

Make a character you like. I can't stress this enough. Creating an interesting, non-flat character with a complex personality will help with this a ton!

Combat wise please be fair to others.

You don't have to keep track of your characters exact amount of energy! Just keep a general idea of how much certain techniques of your power cost and then apply it into context, such as thoughts or dialogue.

If you are confused by anything PLEASE ASK! The world I made may be a bit confusing, but I love answering questions (I'm weird like that.)
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