Childhood Memories

(( Totally didn't get a chance to post while you guys were eating pie, but I mean I guess this is the best I could do ))

Simon continued to read in his tree. With the mention of pie, though, he looked over enviously. He wanted to go over there, he wanted to join the other kids. But he was too proud and shy. He didn't even know if they could relate over anything, he never had any American friends before. He climbed out of the tree and sat under the shade against the bark. He continued to read, but he made himself more visible and watched the other kids with a quick glance every couple of minutes.
Rooroo nods "okay" she replies copying his hushed tone and looks up spotting a kid sitting and reading under a tree. "hey look over there!" she calls forgetting to use her hushed tone of voice. She gestures toward the kid reading.
Simon looks up a bit curiously. He wasn't sure if that was an invitation, or if she was laughing at her, or what, but he couldn't work up the courage to ask. He was too afraid of letting his accent slip and sounding like a fool. So, instead, he just looked at her eagerly, as if she were s a tantalizing piece of cake and he was chained by invisible handcuffs.
"Oh, hi!" Robin waved at the kid before running up to him. "Do you live here too? My name is Robin and this is RooRoo, Johnny and Iris. Our other friend Mary lives in the house over there." He pointed to the house with the bright garden in front.
Simon looked up a bit, nervously, "Mi n--I'm Simon. Simon Vega, I libe right there," he pointed to the newly built modern house behind him. He blushed a bit after saying "libe" instead of "live", as he was hoping to maintain his American accent as long as he could. Normally he did a pretty good job, but whenever he is nervous or emotional it tends to come out. He then looked down back to his book, pretending to be aloof and uncaring, but in reality he was embarrassed.
Iris smiled, she loved his accent. She could tell he spoke Spanish, she could speak only some of it, but she understood all of it. She looked at the boy "Hola... Nos vamos a contar historias de miedo... en la casa de Robin... Quieres partici..par?.." She asked, trying her best to say everything right. She blushed a little, hoping she didn't mess up.

Johnny couldn't really understand what Iris was saying. His father had taught them both some Spanish, but Johnny could never really remember.
Robin merely blinked at Iris, absolutely confused. "H-Hey! I wanna speak that hoobly googly language!" He pouted, feeling left out "Mi reaba verga sello ti." He said, speaking some random nonsense to try and look cool.
"Huh?" Iris turned to Robin and raised an eyebrow. She then giggled "I'm speaking spanish" She smiled and blushed a little "But I think I might've said something wrong"
(( sorry for the super delayed response :sorry: , just had a really crazy weekend ))

Simon finally let himself smile a bit. He expected to not relate to anyone at all, nevertheless find someone who could sort of speak his native tongue.

"No, no, you did pretty well!" his accent lightened a bit as he started to get more comfortable speaking with them, "How do you know Spanish"

He listened to their exchange a bit curiously, and then giggled at Robin, "I mean maybe not the WHOLE language, eh, but sure! I can teach you some phrases," he nods a bit, glad to have met some friendly kids.
Simon looks between them all, seemingly one step behind everyone else. "Oh, ehh, that is good! Tomorrow, then...which one is yours?"
((Hey guys! Unfortunately, I have to go to camp, so I won't be able to rp here for a couple of days. For now, lets just say my characters are gonna be there for the scary stories and then they go back home and be sick or something. Unless one of you are willing to play my characters while I'm gone.)) 
((I'm leaving in about 3 hours, so if one of you would like to play my characters until I get back, feel free. Just please don't turn them into bullies or something like that. See you guys in a couple of days (: ))
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"Oh, yes, that sounds like a good idea," he nods a bit, "I think I have some good stories for this!" with a soft smile he nods at them and saunters off into his house. He began to peer through his large collection of books, running his fingers along the bindings until he found what he was looking for. 
Finally finished with his chores, Liam bursted out of his garage speeding on his bike. He circled the cul-de-sac a few times before coming up behind the group in front of Simon's house and, with the sudden sounding off of a foghorn he held in his hands, chuckled and asked, "Whatcha guys doin'"
"Oh hi!" Robin exclaimed, waving at the new kid. "We're planning on camping at my house and telling scary stories! Wanna come over tomorrow night? It'll be super fun!"
"Scary enough to wet your pants!" Robin exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air to exaggerate just how awesome this camp out would be. He laughed before holding his hand out to Liam. "So what do you say? Wanna join?"
Liam spits in his hand and shakes Robin's, "Sounds like a deal" He then proceeded to circle around the cul-da-sac a few more times before going back home, excitedly preparing for the following night. Hopefully it will come soon.
(( Could I have a quick description on what happened and what's happening please? ))


Leo emerged from the apartment, sweat glazing his forehead from cleaning up the place. His clothing was dirty and there was soot covering his face. Wiping the sweat off his face, Leo grabbed a glass of water and headed out of the apartment, looking for some adventure.

With a silly grin on his face, Leo approached two boys and took a sip of water before asking, "What's up?" As much as he mother warned him not to talk to strangers, Leonel saw no danger in these two boys.
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