Childhood Memories

Rooroo smiles "Because he is the king of the monsters!" she points out. Of course the king of the monsters could talk, otherwise how would he tell all the other monsters what to do.
"Yes, I AM THE KING OF MONSTERS! AND I WANT TO EAT THE QUEEN!" He roared once again, moving in on Mary.

She screamed and started to run away almost smiling amongst the terror.
Robin roared again, trying to scare Iris off by trying to look big and intimidating. Though he just looked like a silly idiot. Mary merely yelped and ran to hide behind Johnny. "Please don't let him get me..." She said softly, using her hat to cover her face a bit.
Iris giggled, and tried to put on a serious face. "I WONT LET YOU PASS MONSTER!!!" She exclaimed.

Johnny blushed a bit more than before. He looked back at Mary. "I...I.....I... I'll protect you" He said nervously.
Robin laughed before reaching at Iris, trying to at least tickle her or move her away so that he could get to Mary. "DIE KNIGHT! I SHALL HAVE MY DINNER!!!!!"

Mary's eyes widened, sparkling a bit. She smiled softly and went back to hiding behind Johnny. "Th-Thank you...." 
Robin laughed and roared again, trying to also get RooRoo as well.
Iris giggled "N-NEVERR!!!" She exclaimed, unable to stop herself from laughing. "HELP!!!"

Johnny half smiled at Mary "You're welcome." He told her. He was still pretty nervous, but there was something about her that made him feel like he could really trust her.
"Oh no! My k-knights are f-faltering!" Mary exclaimed, pointing at Iris and RooRoo. She bit her lip, hoping that she was playing the game right. She continued to stay behind Johnny feeling a bit better when she knew she was safe from Robin.
"UWAH!" Robin yelped, not expecting to be pulled back from Iris. He stumbled on his footing and waved his arms frantically before falling on top of RooRoo. "Oops! Sorry!"
Rooroo sat back down rubbing her eyes quivering ready to burst into tears. She hadn't mean to push him over, she had only grabbed his hand.
Iris looked at RooRoo. She could tell that RooRoo was about to cry. Iris smiled and looked at her. "Do you like pie?" She asked her sweetly.
Robin blinked and saw RooRoo. "O-Oh! Uh..." He bent down. He didn't mean to make her cry, it was an accident! "D-Don't cry! I hope I didn't hurt you! Please don't cry I don't want to get in trouble..." Mary peeked from behind Johnny and walked over to RooRoo.

"U-Um.. Here you go." She said, removing a flower from her hair and giving it to RooRoo. Mary smiled a bit. 
Robin looked up as well. "Pie? LET"S HAVE PIE!"
Iris smiled. "I'll be right back!" She said. Iris ran across the street and into her house. She ran into the kitchen and saw three pies on the counter. "Mommy! Mommy!" She called. Her mom looked at her and smiled "Yes sweetie?" She asked. "Can I have some pies? And a big giant blankey?" Iris asked. Her mother smiled and grabbed her largest basket. First she put in a large yellow blanket, then several juice boxes, then two pies, then a couple of paper plates and plastic forks. She handed it to Iris and smiled "You sure you can hold it?" She asked. "Yeah! I got it! Thanks mommy!" Iris smiled and ran back to the group with the basket. "SNACK TIME!!!" She exclaimed. Johnny smiled as he smelled the wonderful smell of his mothers amazing pies.
Rooroo looks at the flower and takes it not sure what to do with it. She watches Iris return with a basket already forgetting that she had been upset. She smiles standing up dropping the flower and runs over to get some pie excitedly.
"Help me set up the blanket" She said, taking out the large yellow blanket and spreading out one side. Johnny took out the pies and began putting a slice per plate for everyone.
"PIIIEEEEE!!!!" Robin exclaimed running towards Iris.

"D-Don't eat all of it!" Mary exclaimed, only slightly above her soft voice. She ran after Robin. Smelling the pie and made her tummy rumbly. "What kind of pie is it?"

Robin got all hyper. "It better be apple pie! Oooohhh or chocolate pie! OR BOTH!"
Iris smiled. "One's Apple pie and One's Blueberry pie" She told them "And no worries, we have tons of pie. My mommy makes them all the time" She smiled.
Mary helped Iris spread the blanket out before sitting on it, fixing her dress so that it wouldn't get crumpled. That's what her mommy said anyways. "Well I want the apple pie!" Robin exclaimed, holding his plate that he got from the basket out eagerly.
Iris and Johnny sat down and passed out a plate of pie to everyone. They then ate their own plate of pie. "Do you like it?" Iris asked, looking at everyone.

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