Childhood Memories

Rooroo sat down eating a big spoonful of pie. She smiles with her mouthful 'I like pie" she answers taking another bite.
Iris smiled and giggled. She finished up her pie and grabbed the juice boxes and passed them out. "JUICETIME!!" She exclaimed. Johnny grabbed a juice box and drank a couple sips, then continued eating his pie.
"This is so good!" Robin exclaimed, continuing to eat. "Thank you Iris!"

"Mary!! It's time to come inside!!!!" Mary looked up when she heard her mom call her.

"Ah! I better go." She said, standing up and setting her plate down. "Thank you for the food." She did a quick curtsy before taking her juicebox and running to her house. "I'll see you later!" She called, waving at her new friends.
"Kay!!! Bye! See you tomorrow!" Iris smiled and waved at Mary. Johnny waved, and half smiled. He wondered if Mary could be his first real friend. "Bye" He said
Rooroo drinks from her juice box watching Mary leave. She keeps sucking from the straw long after the drink is empty listening to the funny sound it made.
Robin sucked all the juice from his juice box, making the funny sound as well. "I'm all full!" He groaned, laying down on the blanket and chuckling.
"YEAH!!!!" Iris smiled and jumped up and down in excitement. "Wait, we need a tent, and flashlights!! It'll be even Scarier-er that way!"
Rooroo looks up "scary stories?" she asks. She didn't like scary stories, they gave her nightmares. She looks around at the older kids, they rather liked the idea so maybe she was supposed to like it too.
"YEAH!! AWESOME IDEA! I'LL BRING MORE SNACKS!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. Iris looked at RooRoo, she could tell that she didn't seem to really like scary stories. She smiled "No worries! I'll protect you." She smiled.

Johnny didn't really like the idea of scary stories either. He didn't like scary things at all. He hoped that the stories wouldn't be that bad, but knowing his sister, it might be even worse.
"Maybe we can invite Mary too!" Robin exclaimed. He smiled teasingly at Johnny. "I think Johnny would like her coming over ehehehehehehe."
Johnny's eyes widened and his face turned a bright, cherry red. "I-I...Uhh...." He looked down and tapped his thumbs together, nervously.

Iris smiled and raised and eyebrow. She could tell Johnny had a little crush on Mary. "Yeah, let's invite her." She smiled.
"Um..... Anyone know where Mary lives?" Robin asked, laughing sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck. He was so into his pie that he didn't see where Mary went when she left.
"Uhh..." Iris thought about it for a moment and had totally forgot. Johnny pointed the direction of her house. "S-She lives there." He said, continuing to blush.
"We all like Mary!" Robin smiled happily. "But Johnny like likes Mary! Anyway, come on RooRoo let's go invite Mary!" He sat up and grabbed RooRoo's hand before running off to Mary's house.
Rooroo stood up following Robin. She trips over her shoes trying to keep up with him. "Slow down!" She called, her smaller legs struggling to keep up.
Robin knocked on Mary's door, only to have a beautiful older lady open it. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "Are you Mary's friends?"

He nodded. "Yes ma'am. We were wondering if Mary wanted to come over and camp out in my backyard with us tonight!"

Mary's mother frowned before shaking her head sadly. "Oh I'm sorry dears, but Mary can't go outside a lot. It's not good for her." She patted his head before closing the door on him.

"Eh?! W-Wait!!" Robin exclaimed but was already shut out. "Aw man..."

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