Childhood Memories

paipai900 said:
(( Could I have a quick description on what happened and what's happening please? ))
(All the kids are planning to go to Robin's house to camp for the night and tell scary stories. Your character can come in by seeing them sneak into Mary's house)
Robin looked at the newcomer. It was just him now since all the other kids went home. "Oh hi!" He said, doing a casual salute at the boy. "Nothing much, just planning out an awesome camp party at my house!" A camp party seemed like the perfect name in Robin's opinion since they were in a tent and people would be having fun like in a party.
Leo grinned, his eyes sparkling in excitement. "Can I join?" Leo almost forgot to introduce himself. Sticking a dusty black hand out, Leo smiled at the boys and said, "I'm Leo," a huge grin was plastered onto Leo's dirty face. Leo had been in this neighborhood for a long time, but he never saw these guys before. Noticing his sooty black hand, Leo chuckled nervously as he wiped his hands on his equally dirty clothing.
paipai900 said:
(( oops, already went in ^^" sorry ))
(Lol it's fine) 
"Of course you can!" Robin exclaimed. "Everyone who is cool is practically welcomed." He looked Leo up and down, taking in all his dirty splendor. "Yup! You're definitely cool. We're meeting at my house tomorrow night." He said, pointing at a house near the corner of the neighborhood. "That's my house over there. Make sure you got some pretty good scary stories!"
Leonel smiled brightly and laughed. "So, what's your name?" Leo asked the boy, curiously. "Because I don't think it's fair to keep calling you 'the boy' in my head." Laughing, Leonel brushed a strand of his hair out of his face to see the boy more clearly.

While Leonel waited for the boy's reply, he tried to make up a scary story for tomorrow. Much to his failure, Leo decided that he would just wing it. He'll think of something when the time comes, Leonel reassured himself. He didn't want to look like a loser in front of his new friend.

And he already did when Leo saw the boy's house. It was big and pretty, unlike Leo's. There was a large front yard and you could see a beautiful and neat kitchen through one of the windows. Leonel's home was a small and cheap apartment. The walls were cracked, some of the wooden boards of the flooar had already broken through, and there was a growing infestation of spiders. Leonel felt like a loser when compared to the child in front of him.
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"The name's Robin! Don't wear it out okay?" He smiled, holding his hand out to shake. The boy was already enjoying hanging out with Leo and they only just met! Robin had a feeling they were going to be friends for a pretty long while.
Shaking Robin's hand, leaving some dirt residue on it, Leo winked at the boy playfully. "Not making any promises about that." Leo let go of Robin's hand and laughed, hoping the other boy would get it.

Leo continued the conversation with Robin, his every reply made Leo like the boy more and more. They were going yo be great friends, Leo could feel it in his gut. And his gut was almost always right.
As Kennedy waddled down the street aimlessly, the sound of other kids talking echoed out to her. Her foot hesitated at the rock she had been kicking along the sidewalk as she scanned the area. Once spotting the kids, a familiar fear filled her chest. The agonizing feeling made her cringe.

You can do this... Just go up and say hi... Kennedy thought to herself, gulping as she slowly strode towards the other children.

"U-um. Hi. I'm Kennedy!" the inevitable stutter poured from the girl's lips. She concentrated harder as she continued on, "I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet, it's a promise!" a smirk crept to her lips as she beamed because of her seemingly growing confidence.
Leo turned to the new girl, Kennedy, and gave her a small smile. "Hello, Kennedy!" Leo stuck out his hand for her to shake, only to bring it back and wiping it on his clothes.

Remembering what happened when he got another girl dirty, Leo didn't stick his hand out again. "I'm Leo." He gave the girl a charming smile, before looking up at the sky, checking the time. Leo knew he had to get home and clean up the house before his mother got home.

"I need to go home now," Leo started walking away from the two other kids. "It was nice meeting you, Kennedy." Leo waved goodbye, grinning happily. "I'll see you tomorrow night, Robin!" Leo looked down at himself, completely dirty and sighed. "Looks like I have a lot of cleaning up to do..." Leo thought to himself as he walked into the apartment, saying hello to the receptionist and into the bathroom...


((I won't be here for the next two days, please don't get TOO far without me (like until the party), I'll be back as soon as I can ))
"I'm Robin." Robin said, waving at the girl. "We were just talking about a camping trip at my house tomorrow night. Wanna come?"
A blush dusted over Kennedy's cheeks as she stared at her shoes. "Umm... I, uh... Well..." the girl trailed off as her blush deepened. Kennedy looked up at Robin, her heart leaping in her chest. "S-sure, I'll come."

The thought of camping with a bunch of potential friends terrified Kennedy, but she knew this could be her chance to finally open up. To finally conquer her fears. Kennedy lifted her chin and grinned brightly. "Well, it sure is an honor to have me going to your camping trip tomorrow, I'll have you know."
"Yes!" Robin said, punching the air in excitement. "It's going to be at my house over there." He pointed to his house, smiling at Kennedy. "I hope you got some good scary stories to tell! And that you don't get scared to easily." He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.
Kennedy rolled her eyes. "Are you kidding me? I'm probably braver than you!" she bragged, mimicking Robin's actions of crossing her arms. Kennedy's blonde curls bounced, making her giggle. "Watch out. I just might scare you," she whispered, poking Robin in the stomach playfully, accompanied with a wink.
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((We're all going to time skip to when everyone goes to camp in Robin's backyard. So in a way, you're going back to camping lol))

Robin chuckled, hugging the area where Kennedy poked him. "Ya right! I'll scare you so much that you'll pee in your pants!" Robin backed off a bit and waved. "See ya tomorrow night!" He called before running off.

Timeskip to Tomorrow Night

Robin waited patiently out on his front porch, hoping that his new friends would come like they promised.
An uneasy smile crawled onto Kennedy's face as she approached Robin's house. She blushed a deep pink as she waved shyly. "Ready to get scared?" Kennedy asked, blinking before flicking her eyes up to Robin's face. She poked him as she did the other day, hoping to earn a laugh from him to accompany her small giggle.
Iris sighed "Hurry Johnny!!!! We have to hurry and get there!" She yelled. Johnny was in his room grabbing his sleeping bag. Iris was holding her sleeping bag in her right arm and a big basket full of snacks and juice on her left. Johnny finally got downstairs "Okay, I'm ready Rissy" He told his sister. He grabbed the basket for her and they both walked to Robin's house.

"We're here!!!!" Iris exclaimed, and smiled sweetly.
"Great! Everyone's here!" Robin exclaimed, smiling at Kennedy and everyone else. "But we're missing one person...." He frowned before smiling. "Is everyone ready to rescue the princess from her tower?"
Rooroo drops her sleeping bag on the floor and looks at Robin. "I want to! I want to!" she jumps up and down excited. It sounded like a very fun game.
"Mary wants to come but her parents won't let her." Robin explained. "So we're going to sneak into her house and help her escape and come to the camp out!"
Kennedy shrugged. "Okay, seems alright. So, where's her house?" she asked, smiling brightly. "I bet I could beat you there if we raced..." the challenge slipped from her lips before Kennedy even thought about it.

Oh no. Now I'm gonna have to race him, and when I lose he won't want to be my friend... she thought to herself, quivering slightly.

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