Childhood Memories

"Race? Heck ya!" Robin exclaimed. "Ready... Set... Go!" He yelled before running to Mary's house. He continued to laugh. Racing was all just for fun when it came to Robin.
Rooroo took off after the big kids. She wasn't as fast as them and was lagging behind quickly after the start. "Hey wait for me!" she called not really getting the point of a 'race'. Her little legs kicking at the ground.
Robin's words snapped Kennedy from her trance. "Hey! No fair I wasn't ready!" she called out as she followed close behind her new friend. When Kennedy got to Mary's house, she laughed, slightly out of breath. Her hands landed onto Robin's back as she softly shoved him a few inches forward.
Rooroo ran catching up with Robin. Her pig tails bouncing against her shoulder. She stops next to him and Kennedy. She smiles widely. "I win!"
"Aw RooRoo wins!" Robin mock pouted before laughing. "Alright.... Now we have to sneak into the backyard so let's be quiet!" He then started to tipetoe into the backyard, opening the gate and quietly sneaking in. "Mary!" He hissed at a lit up window. "Mary!" He picked up a rock and threw it.

Mary looked up from her book and walked to the window, opening it but only to end up getting hit by a pebble. "Ow!!"
Kennedy rolled her eyes at Robin. "Nice one," she muttered, crossing her arms. "Try not to injure your "queen", okay?" Kennedy said playfully as she shook her head.
"Queen?" Robin looked at Kennedy, confused. "Naaah!" He chuckled and whispered to her. "Mary is more of Johnny's queen."

"What are you doing here?" Mary called out, careful not to wake your parents.

"We're here to rescue you from your tower!" Robin replied. "Don't worry! Johnny will catch you!"

Mary tilted her head and peeked out of her window a bit more. "Johnny?" 
( Xynia1998 Lol I didn't see your post! Sorry! Right now they're at Mary's house and trying to sneak her out)
Rooroo frowns pouting at being ignored. She stomps around "Mary mary quite contrary how does your garden grow. With fishy smells and tattle tales and stupid things all over."
Kennedy snickered, thinking about a possible romance between Mary and Johnny. "That's gold," she laughed, nudging Robin with her elbow.

"Huh?" Kennedy looked over at RooRoo. "What was that about?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Well, it shows! I think your garden is beautiful," Kennedy complimented, looking up at Mary and smiling. "It must've taken a while to get it so pretty!" her smile grew even bigger.

Kennedy turned to face Robin. "So, how do you think we're getting her down, anyway?" a look of doubt crossed over Kennedy.
"Um... Mary! Climb down the vines!" He exclaimed, pointing at the ivy growing near her window.

"B-But... It's so scary!!" She protested.
(Sorry if I take a while to respond, I'm watching Cry stream xD )

"Hmm.." Kennedy mumbled, squinting. "Can't she just sneak downstairs or something? Can you?" she asked, looking from Robin to Mary.
"Ah... No... My parents will hear me." Mary said shakily. She wasn't used to disobeying her parents and the thought of it exhilarated yet scared her.
Leo rushed around the apartment, grabbing everything he needed. He had cleaned up the rooms earlier this morning, and his mother happily agreed to let Leo go to the party.

"It's good that you're making more friends, Leo," His mother gave a kind smile to Leo as she flopped down onto the couch. "Go and have some fun!" Grinning maniacally, Leo's mother's eyes sparkled with the sort of pride that mother's usually get.

Excited that he was going to the party, Leo checked the time and saw that he was an hour late. Sprinting out of the apartment, Leo ran to Robin's house with a silly grin stuck on his face.

DING DONG! Leo pressed the door bell, waiting patiently for the host to open the door. He had cleaned himself up, because his mother refused to let him go to his friend's house looking like he rolled around in the fireplace. With clean and neatly brushed blonde hair, Leo's green eyes twinkled with excitement as he waited on the front porch.


(( I. Am. BACK! Two days without wifi can be very scary, lol ))
Kennedy sighed out of frustration. As she closed her eyes, trying to concentrate, she heard a bell go off from Robin's house. Looking over, she saw the boy she had met yesterday- Leo? Kennedy remembered the abrupt exit he had to make and couldn't wonder what it was about.

"Hey, look! It's that other kid!" she spoke, pointing over to Leo. "Maybe he has an idea of how to get Mary down."
(Lol you survived!)

"Oh... Hey Leo!" RObin called to his friend. "Don't worry Mary! We'll get you down from your window in no time!"

"P-Please hurry..." Mary said, becoming more unsure about this every second.
Leo heard his name be called and turned his head to see Robin and his friends in someone's backyard. Running over to them, Leo grinned at Robin.

"What's up?" Leo high fived Robin and glanced around the group. The only people he knew were Robin and Ken...Ken..Kenny? Let's just say the girl from before.

Leo pondered on the girl's name when he asked, "What's the problems, mi amigo?" Obviously if a group of kids are gathered in someone's backyard with worried/devious looks on their faces, something was going on.
"We're trying to get Mary down from the window up there." Robin explained, pointing at the waiting girl with long, black hair. "She wants to come to the camp out but her parents won't let her. Soooooo~ We decided to try and sneak her out." He thought for a while. "The only problem is that she is scared to climb down from the ivy."
Shrugging, Leo sent the group a confident smile and said, "I'll get her down." Climbing up the ivy, Leo was careful not to make any visible damages and noise.

When Leo reached the window he sent "Mary" a small smile and extended his arms, gesturing for her to hang onto him. All that housework was a lot of excersize, Leo was pretty strong and was sure that he could carry Mary. She looked small enough.

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