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Fantasy Chasing the Sun [Side Story]


You are lost
Chasing the Sun [Side Story]
In another view, opinion and experience. The story was very different from what they told. For, they would never listen to the other half of it.

But, using these eyes and these ears. Come, understand the side that will never told. For, perhaps, it seems less believable. An adventure, a quest and an escape. She who finally has freedom. Full of every little thing she had never experienced before. This was the beginning of something new.

A new start. But what is it like?

Do not post yet.

Part 1: Take me to Heelima
Take Me to Heelima
The evening of the eclipse might been one of tense conversation. Perhaps, the Sun might have always felt out of place in the presence of the Moon and his four minions. Those who she might have always taken personal offence one way or another from the stars and their general attitude towards her. And, perhaps the end had began that evening. Somehow, someone, had said something that might have been the last straw.

That evening after the eclipse. The Sun set out on some sort of secret adventure.

Yet, perhaps she had been expecting them to come cry at her feet and beg for her to return. But, an entire day went by without the light of day coming, and no one had attempted to look for her. Another reason to add to her list of reasons for leaving.

The first place the Sun would have gone to would have been the larger town of Samor. The beginning of her adventure with your minions at her side. A chance to do anything she so desired. Perhaps they visited the local tavern or took a stroll through the fruit and veg markets.

But, one way or another. In a spur of the moment decision and an intriguing story from a stranger, the Sun might have wanted to travel across to Heelima Island. Ultimately, that was the reason why they were standing at the docks of Samor, trying to figure out which boat to get on.

"mobile version"

In the local inn of Samor, the clock would have shown that it was already past the time of noon, when the Sun should be high up in the sky. The people would be toiling at their work and the markets would be busy. The latter did happen, though the sky was inky black, darker than any normal cloudy day. At the port, every so often there would be one or two fishermen that would look up in the sky, one hand holding onto their oil lamps.

"Where the heck did the sun go?" someone had asked again, clearly not happy with the current 'weather'. "It's bloody noon and it's dark as midnight..."

"That's none of your business, mister," a small voice of a child would have said, yet with the edge sharp like a knife.

The man turned, holding up his lamp, and the light illuminated onto a child about two heads shorter than him. She was wearing a dark hood over her head, yet it wasn't able to cover the long, pale-coloured hair and fringe. She looked no older than fifteen, but the man swore that was the most intimidating and piercing look that a child with blue eyes could give.

"H-huh?" he blinked, rather caught off-guard by a stranger talking to him.

"I said, that's none of your business. You heard me the first time," Zophiel retorted. "The sun has no obligation to come out for your entertainment."

Not sure how to answer back to such a strange string of words, it was fortunate that his fellow fisherman had called him from their boat. Muttering a brief "I'm not sure if you're looking for the right person," he stepped back before hurrying to help transferring the fish nets to the boat.

Zophiel didn't chase after him, not when she was still trying to balance out the art of walking for extended periods of time on her tiny feet. She crossed her arms, exhaling in a rather irritated manner. While walking around and listening to the people talking in this town, she had managed to pick up a rather interesting story about Heelima Island, something about some strange creature near the coast. Just when she was curious and in a good mood, her sensitive ears also picked up on an ignorant man complaining about wanting the sunlight. She wasn't even getting paid to do it previously.

The girl turned back towards those that were with her, Soleil, Samson and Sen. Her eyebrows relaxed their creases, before she pointed out far into the sea. At this moment it looked more like a huge dark hole that would swallow the boats but she didn't seem to be really fazed.

"I don't care what you're going to do," she said, her usual tone was back and she wasn't glaring anymore. "I'm going to prepare to go to Heelima Island." She knew she didn't need to speak further, and the three would understand her message.

Don't you dare speak a word about that.

There was a silence before she retracted her hand, and walked away from the current pier towards the larger boats. While picking which ship seemed to have people she could ask, she suddenly frowned, remembering that nothing was free in the human world. Supposedly later she'd have to find someway to get money, she thought to herself as she saw boxes and sacks being loaded onto the ships.

Zophiel Solaris (Sun)
Samor - ship port

In the local inn of Samor, the clock would have shown that it was already past the time of noon, when the Sun should be high up in the sky. The people would be toiling at their work and the markets would be busy. The latter did happen, though the sky was inky black, darker than any normal cloudy day. At the port, every so often there would be one or two fishermen that would look up in the sky, one hand holding onto their oil lamps.

"Where the heck did the sun go?" someone had asked again, clearly not happy with the current 'weather'. "It's bloody noon and it's dark as midnight..."

"That's none of your business, mister," a small voice of a child would have said, yet with the edge sharp like a knife.

The man turned, holding up his lamp, and the light illuminated onto a child about two heads shorter than him. She was wearing a dark hood over her head, yet it wasn't able to cover the long, pale-coloured hair and fringe. She looked no older than fifteen, but the man swore that was the most intimidating and piercing look that a child with blue eyes could give.

"H-huh?" he blinked, rather caught off-guard by a stranger talking to him.

"I said, that's none of your business. You heard me the first time," Zophiel retorted. "The sun has no obligation to come out for your entertainment."

Not sure how to answer back to such a strange string of words, it was fortunate that his fellow fisherman had called him from their boat. Muttering a brief "I'm not sure if you're looking for the right person," he stepped back before hurrying to help transferring the fish nets to the boat.

Zophiel didn't chase after him, not when she was still trying to balance out the art of walking for extended periods of time on her tiny feet. She crossed her arms, exhaling in a rather irritated manner. While walking around and listening to the people talking in this town, she had managed to pick up a rather interesting story about Heelima Island, something about some strange creature near the coast. Just when she was curious and in a good mood, her sensitive ears also picked up on an ignorant man complaining about wanting the sunlight. She wasn't even getting paid to do it previously.

The girl turned back towards those that were with her, Soleil, Samson and Sen. Her eyebrows relaxed their creases, before she pointed out far into the sea. At this moment it looked more like a huge dark hole that would swallow the boats but she didn't seem to be really fazed.

"I don't care what you're going to do," she said, her usual tone was back and she wasn't glaring anymore. "I'm going to prepare to go to Heelima Island." She knew she didn't need to speak further, and the three would understand her message.

Don't you dare speak a word about that.

There was a silence before she retracted her hand, and walked away from the current pier towards the larger boats. While picking which ship seemed to have people she could ask, she suddenly frowned, remembering that nothing was free in the human world. Supposedly later she'd have to find someway to get money, she thought to herself as she saw boxes and sacks being loaded onto the ships.
Sen Clix

If, for any other reason. If, under any other circumstance. Perhaps Sen would have been more willing. From the second of his existence, he had sworn loyalty, make an oath to always serve a higher being. She, the Sun herself as some pro-claimed princess. Sen had spent the entirety of his life seemingly as merely a servant to the Sun. And, not a very well liked one at that. Perhaps it was his own fault, as some might have thought. But for Sen, he was just doing his best to keep the Sun happy. Yet, keeping his views and values to himself was not nearly enough.

And yet, after the tense meeting on the occasion of the Eclipse, had things changed. At first, Sen wouldn't have seen it coming. He would have been silent the entire meeting, not paying much attention to anyone of anything,
if not for common greetings. But, once that was over and done with, had Zophiel declared her running away as she had already packed. If anything, the three times had all certainly been unsure of the choice.

Now, here they were. At Port Samor in the dark night lights, creeping around in hopes of staying out of plain sight. Somehow, for some reason, neither of the three Times had tried to change Zophiel's mind. Instead, they had all followed her down onto the earth below. Perhaps, Sen was the least willing, least keen about all of these. Or rather, the new feeling of having a physical body to walk around in was wearing him down. As well as being in the company of the humans, of which might have been making Sen feel on edge. However, he would continue his best to keep his expressions neutral.

"As always, I'll serve at your side," with nothing to say against Zophiel's wishes to sail across to Heelima Island, Sen would have bowed his head as some sort of sign or respect. Whether that did any good for Sen's situation, it didn't make him any less true in his actions.

"If so wished, I will go and find a boat."
Status: Well || Mood: Unsure || Location: Port Samor​

If, for any other reason. If, under any other circumstance. Perhaps Sen would have been more willing. From the second of his existence, he had sworn loyalty, make an oath to always serve a higher being. She, the Sun herself as some pro-claimed princess. Sen had spent the entirety of his life seemingly as merely a servant to the Sun. And, not a very well liked one at that. Perhaps it was his own fault, as some might have thought. But for Sen, he was just doing his best to keep the Sun happy. Yet, keeping his views and values to himself was not nearly enough.

And yet, after the tense meeting on the occasion of the Eclipse, had things changed. At first, Sen wouldn't have seen it coming. He would have been silent the entire meeting, not paying much attention to anyone of anything,
if not for common greetings. But, once that was over and done with, had Zophiel declared her running away as she had already packed. If anything, the three times had all certainly been unsure of the choice.

Now, here they were. At Port Samor in the dark night lights, creeping around in hopes of staying out of plain sight. Somehow, for some reason, neither of the three Times had tried to change Zophiel's mind. Instead, they had all followed her down onto the earth below. Perhaps, Sen was the least willing, least keen about all of these. Or rather, the new feeling of having a physical body to walk around in was wearing him down. As well as being in the company of the humans, of which might have been making Sen feel on edge. However, he would continue his best to keep his expressions neutral.

"As always, I'll serve at your side," with nothing to say against Zophiel's wishes to sail across to Heelima Island, Sen would have bowed his head as some sort of sign or respect. Whether that did any good for Sen's situation, it didn't make him any less true in his actions.

"If so wished, I will go and find a boat."


"I wouldn't be getting a boat yet; it is premature to just assume that they are all of the same caliber. And I do have to question how we are going to charter such a vessel when we have little, if anything, to barter," Soleil was the first to point out as tucked a strand of golden blonde hair behind her ear. Getting used to her body was difficult, but she was sure that she looked absolutely impeccable already. Everything of the woman's stance screamed confidence, her chin slightly elevated while she peered with cool, light blue eyes at Sen. Her tone of voice had been one that brooked no argument; this was definitely a lady who was used to getting what she wanted, when she wanted it.

Whether Zophiel was aware of it or not, she would get absolutely no where without Soleil's vast knowledge. That was why Soleil, in her infinite grace and benevolence, had followed the Sun to this earth and took on a corporeal form. Oh how she suffered some times for her generosity. Soleil looked to Zophiel, still trying to piece together the best way to convince her to turn back from this foolish errand. If not for the people scurrying around in the dark, then for her own sake. "Have you thought of a plan yet, yourself, my lady?" she asked, her tone rather smug since she was sure that she had not. And by admitting to having no real plan, no ability to fend for herself, Soleil would have an upper hand in their next debate.


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With light, amber gaze, Samson looked up to the sky. It met him hollowly - nothing but barren darkness. There was a hint of sorrow beneath his characteristically pleasant expression. He had been out of sorts for the entirety of their journey, following like a lost puppy. He often almost got left behind, sometimes transfixed by his own physical form, sometimes gazing up at the sky as if his hopes would be realized and the light would return. Though he didn't appear particularly put out to any outside observer, it was obvious to those who knew him that he was a bit down.

He hadn't become accustomed as quickly as his companions. His stride was a bit off - an imitation of a walk, perhaps. Though he towered above most, something in his bearing made him almost seem like a child who had accidentally wandered away from his mother. He did his best to follow the others closely, not wanting to be on his own. In truth, he was broken up about their current mission, though he would never say so openly. He wanted to go home, and he didn't particularly understand why they had left in the first place. However, he hadn't questioned Zophiel. He had followed along as he always did.

He listened as the others spoke, and his gold gaze turned from its longing stare at the light inside an oil lap out towards the boats and the abyss they floated upon. His eyes widened slightly. "A boat?" His words betrayed some concern.

"The water is so dark." He spoke quiet, small words. He didn't quite like the feeling of speech crawling up his throat. He was currently oblivious to any sensitivity around the subject of the moment.

Quark Quark Aukanai Aukanai redroseknight redroseknight

mobile version

If Zophiel had heard Samson's uncertain echo of Soleil's suggestion at all, she didn't make any reaction as she was walking.[1] The tension or the depression in the air seemed to grow heavier with the small voice from Sen, but Zophiel refused to make a grimace. It felt like a battle of will to Zophiel, who seemed to be less oblivious about the concerns from the three Times.

She almost clicked her tongue at Sen's false words of loyalty. "Hmph..." she said, narrowing her eyes at the boats lined up separately. "Just go and see first, Sen." It was almost a challenge to see how long Dusk was going to keep up with the facade. Yet before she walked too far away, there was a more critical voice speaking in the air, and the blonde girl whipped her head over to look at Soleil in the eye fearlessly. Maybe because Zophiel was in a peeved mood from the man already, but seeing that the taller woman didn't have tiny (and bound) feet, it seemed to have sparkled Zophiel's irritation further.

"Of course I do, Soleil."Zophiel retorted at the woman a little too quickly, changing her course of walking direction by 45 degrees. [2] She was now facing away from the boats and more to the fish market. "So I'm going now, to not waste time." She walked away, head held high in a indignant manner. Only her eyebrow twitched as she walked past the other three again, and perhaps might have been picked up.

Remembering putting on a show of coloured spherical lights had gotten people to toss coins at her feet. But that was like.... one out of seven people, and most of the coins had a small number written on them. She could almost sigh in frustration, if Soleil nor Sen were watching. Leaving the port, she walked past one of the fish stalls, as she trudged up towards the market square. Up ahead, she saw the light from the windows from the shops, and there was the sign for the tavern inn. Next to it, was the open square area. It looked busy like noon, as it should. Except there were lamps giving light instead. Her eyes darted left and right, wondering where would be a good place to stand to put on a magic trick show.

Footnotes[1] Either she didn't hear him, or she's just in a sulky mood and doesn't empathize with Samson.
[2] I'll leave it to your judgement whether Zophiel really did have a plan. Hopefully it should be obvious.

Zophiel Solaris (Sun)
Samor - ship port

If Zophiel had heard Samson's uncertain echo of Soleil's suggestion at all, she didn't make any reaction as she was walking.[1] The tension or the depression in the air seemed to grow heavier with the small voice from Sen, but Zophiel refused to make a grimace. It felt like a battle of will to Zophiel, who seemed to be less oblivious about the concerns from the three Times.

She almost clicked her tongue at Sen's false words of loyalty. "Hmph..." she said, narrowing her eyes at the boats lined up separately. "Just go and see first, Sen." It was almost a challenge to see how long Dusk was going to keep up with the facade. Yet before she walked too far away, there was a more critical voice speaking in the air, and the blonde girl whipped her head over to look at Soleil in the eye fearlessly. Maybe because Zophiel was in a peeved mood from the man already, but seeing that the taller woman didn't have tiny (and bound) feet, it seemed to have sparkled Zophiel's irritation further.

"Of course I do, Soleil."Zophiel retorted at the woman a little too quickly, changing her course of walking direction by 45 degrees. [2] She was now facing away from the boats and more to the fish market. "So I'm going now, to not waste time." She walked away, head held high in a indignant manner. Only her eyebrow twitched as she walked past the other three again, and perhaps might have been picked up.

Remembering putting on a show of coloured spherical lights had gotten people to toss coins at her feet. But that was like.... one out of seven people, and most of the coins had a small number written on them. She could almost sigh in frustration, if Soleil nor Sen were watching. Leaving the port, she walked past one of the fish stalls, as she trudged up towards the market square. Up ahead, she saw the light from the windows from the shops, and there was the sign for the tavern inn. Next to it, was the open square area. It looked busy like noon, as it should. Except there were lamps giving light instead. Her eyes darted left and right, wondering where would be a good place to stand to put on a magic trick show.

Footnotes[1] Either she didn't hear him, or she's just in a sulky mood and doesn't empathize with Samson.
[2] I'll leave it to your judgement whether Zophiel really did have a plan. Hopefully it should be obvious.


S e n|| C l i x
Soleil's voice was never a something that Sen was particularly fond of. For everything that came out of her mouth was correction and statements that could most probably make a genius feel insecure and stupid. But Soleil was very much right about almost everything, for her great mind was the only thing keeping this group from immediate danger. Oh, what ever would they do without her? A lot perhaps, but at the risk of death.

Maybe that's why, discreetly, Sen found an unspeakable respect for her. Soleil was their own little guardian, always tugging them away from death's hands. Not to mention, Soleil was the only one who seemed to have the most knowledge of this world they had chosen to descend down upon. Money was an issue here.

"Right, of course," Sen nodded once, before stepping back and away. Sen would cease his talking.

Besides, it wasn't as if the others wanted to hear what he had to say. Sen got hat much from the look Zophiel shot him.
The Sun had never found reason to show Sen an ounce of kindness. Not like Sen had tried to prove himself to Zophiel thus far. For he had not taken upon himself to do much other than serve in silence. Perhaps that was why Zophiel mistrusted him so much, but Sen did not get that.

Standing idly by, Sen didn't move from his spot. He would have glanced up as Zophiel began walking way and settling for a spot. At first he would have cocked a brow in confusion, but a moments pass and he understood. Zophiel was merely trying to get some money. It was then that it would've glanced away.

"Are the people here to be trusted?" Sen would have muttered more so to himself but Samson and Soleil would have heard. "I'm not sure if it's such a good idea for the Sun to make her presence known."

Status: Well | Mood: Unsure | Location: Port Samor | Tags: Quark Quark Rhaine Rhaine redroseknight redroseknight
Soleil's voice was never a something that Sen was particularly fond of. For everything that came out of her mouth was correction and statements that could most probably make a genius feel insecure and stupid. But Soleil was very much right about almost everything, for her great mind was the only thing keeping this group from immediate danger. Oh, what ever would they do without her? A lot perhaps, but at the risk of death.

Maybe that's why, discreetly, Sen found an unspeakable respect for her. Soleil was their own little guardian, always tugging them away from death's hands. Not to mention, Soleil was the only one who seemed to have the most knowledge of this world they had chosen to descend down upon. Money was an issue here.

"Right, of course," Sen nodded once, before stepping back and away. Sen would cease his talking.

Besides, it wasn't as if the others wanted to hear what he had to say. Sen got hat much from the look Zophiel shot him.
The Sun had never found reason to show Sen an ounce of kindness. Not like Sen had tried to prove himself to Zophiel thus far. For he had not taken upon himself to do much other than serve in silence. Perhaps that was why Zophiel mistrusted him so much, but Sen did not get that.

Standing idly by, Sen didn't move from his spot. He would have glanced up as Zophiel began walking way and settling for a spot. At first he would have cocked a brow in confusion, but a moments pass and he understood. Zophiel was merely trying to get some money. It was then that it would've glanced away.

"Are the people here to be trusted?" Sen would have muttered more so to himself but Samson and Soleil would have heard. "I'm not sure if it's such a good idea for the Sun to make her presence known."


She brought her hand up to her chin, not bothering to conceal the smirk that tugged at the corner of her lips. "Oh I should have known, our dearest Lady Zophiel never does anything without thinking it through first, of course." Her tone was so dry just the sound of it induced the need for a glass of water and would have made even the desert thirsty. She showed the least deference to Zophiel, the pair having a contentious relationship that kept them both dear to one another and at odds. It was true that she had the most knowledge of humans; they were creatures that scurried about the most when the sun was at her most brilliant, she had noted. And they were rather fascinating with much to learn from, so they kept the intelligent woman quite entertained.

"You give these people far too much credit; I doubt that they would know the Sun even if she were to hold up a glowing sign announcing her presence," she informed Sen, shaking her head slightly. Still, Sen had a point about trust, but more because she knew that they were not yet accustomed to their corporeal form and were therefore weaker than they should have been. Of course, she was at the peak of perfection and not lacking in the least. It was only Zophiel, Sen, and Samson that she was thinking of. The blonde lengthened her stride to catch up to Zophiel, doing so as carefully as she could on those precariously heeled shoes. She shortened her stride when she was alongside Zophiel, blue eyes still shining with amusement. "Please do tell me this plan that you had already formulated; I do so love hearing your meticulous strategies." She arched a golden brow at the much shorter girl. Standing side by side like they were, it wouldn't have been a stretch of the imagination to assume that Soleil was Zophiel's older sister. Zophiel's wise, elegant, brilliant, gracious, beautiful sister, naturally. And humble. Oh so humble.


Code by

"I saw the light of my spirit descend the other day."
Location: Port Samor
Mood: Fretful
Status: Unaccustomed, but well enough
With: Quark Quark Aukanai Aukanai redroseknight redroseknight

Samson held an oil lamp in wide, uncalloused hands as if it were a small bird. He had taken it from a windowsill, ignorant that such a thing might be improper in the human world. All the same, no one had seen, and he followed the others with the lamp held close to his chest. It provided him some semblance of control, or rather a simplistic means of coping, like a fearful child holding on to their parent's hand. Every so often, his amber gaze would flit to the light in his hands, and he would garner some strength from it.
His ungainly stride picked up in haste as Zophiel changed her direction with newfound intention, though he slowed a bit at Sen's wary utterance. His dark brow bent, though he didn't speak for dislike of the odd sensation. Soleil's sharp voice came in reply, and though Samson didn't quite understand, he was content to let the moment pass. He glanced back to the dark, shadowed water as if it might follow them. He found a little joy in the fact that they were now moving away from the water, and a small smile touched his features, though it was fleeting.
As he hadn't been looking in the direction in which he walked, he abruptly bumped into a small man who quickly whirled on him. "Oy! Watch where you're going, you big bampot!" Without reply, Samson hastily corrected his path, coming close to the others and resisting the urge to hold on to the fabric of Sen's sleeve. "They're small...and not very nice. What....what is a bampot?" He had to voice his thoughts despite the odd feeling it caused. He spoke slowly, deep voice floating uncertainly over syllables.
coding; allrightsreserved
deer deer

mobile version

Hearing clearly the click of the heels beside her, Zophiel didn't even shift her head this time as she answered Soleil. "Just as the same as last time, unless you have something better." She let the words of subtle challenge hang in the air for a moment, though her jaw twitched with the urge to continue talking. There was too many people around and she had already reached the square.

Grumbling to herself for a moment, she pulled her hood further down [1], before giving Soleil a "I'll show you look" and walking away with her nose in the air. She'll definitely get enough and show the taller woman.


It really was hard to keep track of time without looking at the clock in the nearest stall. The last sphere of glowing light had disappeared from around her and the few people who had been watching had walked away. When Zophiel had finally stepped down from the box, and collected up. Well, this wasn't going to be enough as she counted the last coin. Her frown wasn't unnoticed as a man that was barely a head taller than her had walked up. He seemed somewhat decently-dressed, though there was the lingering smell of the sea as he walked by.

"You seemed to be in a pinch, little girl." he started off, giving his friendliest smile. [2] She was about to retort before he continued on,"I heard that you want to go to Heelima Island?"

"I never told you that, old man," she said immediately. If he was taken aback by how a young, delicate-looking girl could talk in such a sharp voice, he didn't seem fazed.

"Oh, I'm a merchant, and I had overheard you saying that earlier." the seemingly "understanding smile" didn't seem to change. He pointed out to the port again."I'm heading towards there as well, for my trade business. How about I'll just charge you this much? Including your companions?"

Zophiel looked at the figure of "four" he had held up in his slightly wrinkled hand. After a short pause, there was a hmph before turned her head up to look at him in the eye. "Alright. Show me your boat, mister."

Footnotes][1] The hood is more to hide the star crown to show she's the sun like in the image. Also it'd look weird to people passing by seeing this weird halo thing floating on a girl's head.

[2] Let's just pretend that it's not too suspicious, but one would still be aware of stranger danger.

[3] I'm just treating this man like an NPC, but he's a scammer so feel free to control him too if you would like to. I don't mind if the other Times had been with her or had walked up at this point.

Zophiel Solaris (Sun)
Location: Samor - fish market

Hearing clearly the click of the heels beside her, Zophiel didn't even shift her head this time as she answered Soleil. "Just as the same as last time, unless you have something better." She let the words of subtle challenge hang in the air for a moment, though her jaw twitched with the urge to continue talking. There was too many people around and she had already reached the square.

Grumbling to herself for a moment, she pulled her hood further down [1], before giving Soleil a "I'll show you look" and walking away with her nose in the air. She'll definitely get enough and show the taller woman.


It really was hard to keep track of time without looking at the clock in the nearest stall. The last sphere of glowing light had disappeared from around her and the few people who had been watching had walked away. When Zophiel had finally stepped down from the box, and collected up. Well, this wasn't going to be enough as she counted the last coin. Her frown wasn't unnoticed as a man that was barely a head taller than her had walked up. He seemed somewhat decently-dressed, though there was the lingering smell of the sea as he walked by.

"You seemed to be in a pinch, little girl." he started off, giving his friendliest smile. [2] She was about to retort before he continued on,"I heard that you want to go to Heelima Island?"

"I never told you that, old man," she said immediately. If he was taken aback by how a young, delicate-looking girl could talk in such a sharp voice, he didn't seem fazed.

"Oh, I'm a merchant, and I had overheard you saying that earlier." the seemingly "understanding smile" didn't seem to change. He pointed out to the port again."I'm heading towards there as well, for my trade business. How about I'll just charge you this much? Including your companions?"

Zophiel looked at the figure of "four" he had held up in his slightly wrinkled hand. After a short pause, there was a hmph before turned her head up to look at him in the eye. "Alright. Show me your boat, mister."

Footnotes][1] The hood is more to hide the star crown to show she's the sun like in the image. Also it'd look weird to people passing by seeing this weird halo thing floating on a girl's head.

[2] Let's just pretend that it's not too suspicious, but one would still be aware of stranger danger.

[3] I'm just treating this man like an NPC, but he's a scammer so feel free to control him too if you would like to. I don't mind if the other Times had been with her or had walked up at this point.

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