"Kaiju Enthusiast"

Current RP:
- "Virtus Chronica – Act II: Avaritia ⚝鶴女房'"
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General Information:
Rp'er Name: Develius
Post Frequency: Multiple Times a Week At Best; Weekly at least
Current RP: N/A
Narrator Grade: C
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 7
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: N/A
Racial: Human [Mundane], Hellborn
Society - Connection: N/A
Society – General: N/A
Skill-related: N/A
Job: N/A
Character-Related Information:
Standing Grade: F
Character Grade: F
Power Grade: F
Racial Perks: [Born for This]
Classes: -
Class Perks: -
Downtime: -
Languages: Common, 𖤐Abyssal𖤐
Height: 186 cm | 6’1”
Weight: 83 kg | 182 lbs
Long-term Goals:
- Accomplish as much good within her circumstances.
- Free herself from the Devil's Pact (if possible).
- Get stronger.
- Cultivate her magic potency.
- Earn the privilege to gain a legion of troops under her command.
Society - Connection:
Society – General:
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- [Mundane] Human, Hellborn
Society - Connection:
- -
Society – General:
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Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Character Grade – F
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- Fighting Style F [Bloodbath] (Lance)
- Penetrating F
- Magic E
- Blood Affinity F
- Area of Effect F = [15ft (4.57 M) radius]
- Selective F (Born For This)
- Appraisal F (0)
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- Relentless Avenger F - (Fighting Style [Bloodbath] F, Penetrating F) - Cooldown +0 - With her quarry in her sights, Redahlia raises her lance before charging full speed ahead at her opponent in a straight line.
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- Boiling Point E - (Fighting Style [Bloodbath] F, Penetrating F, Magic E, AOE F, Selective F, Blood Manipulation F) - Cooldown +1 - Imbuing her lance with boiling blood, it glows a brilliant red-hot crimson as Redahlia lunges forth to gore her opponent. Upon successfully hitting the target, the infused blood mixes within the afflicted body to reach critical temperatures hot enough to combust within the target(s). Explosion radius is [15ft (4.57 M) across.
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Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
Assets - Connection:
Assets - Pet:
Assets - Property:
Assets – Social Status:
- Fury Lance [Weapon/Catalyst Hybrid] E (28)
- Light Armor F (7)
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Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:
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Assets - Connection:
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Assets - Pet:
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Assets - Property:
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Assets – Social Status:
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Located in the Verdant Highlands of the distant continent of Ryneer, the Empire of Kalivan oversaw the lands it ruled for over 250 years. Its rise to power was not a peaceful one, however, being marked by countless years of intense bloodshed and violence against its cutthroat neighbors. For once upon a time it lay near the bottom of the pecking order, despite being situated atop the world. Yet as others squabble regarding the issues of the past, one would stand to look towards the future with lofty ambition.
It was said that the woman who’d become the first queen of her newfound kingdom, Caroline Kalivanna had gained a vision from a figure adorned in crimson attire. As one of the few women berserkers in service to her hometown, she was an intelligent yet violent individual who longed for freedom and peace. The entity showed her a mighty empire spawning from a pool of vigorous ichor; a world united under her aspiring hand and leadership. She was to tame the chaos which infected her neighbors, bringing forth order and stability through a fierce demonstration of strength and blood. She would have its blessing-
Giving into her relentless rage and bloodshed, Kalivanna was able to unite the various hardy settlements of the Highlands and lead a bloody conquest against their neighboring kingdoms through precision and careful planning. Amongst those that vowed into her service, she hand picked the finest warriors to act as her elites - the Crimson Guard - those fearless and furious enough to do whatever necessary to ensure absolute victory. They wouldn’t fail her. Taking their enemies by surprise, Kalivanna’s forces swiftly cut down all who opposed her, with many records stating how she fought on the battlefield with the ferocity of a demon and the determination of an archangel. Those witnessing her prowess first hand found themselves revering her just as much as they were terrified of her.
After several years of intense fighting, and many gallons of blood spilt across the land, the remaining kingdoms would finally surrender to Queen Kalivanna of the Kalivan Empire, dreading the worst from her ire and fury. Yet instead of assimilating the rest of the remaining territories or executing their leaders outright, she would allow them to continue existing as allies of the Kalivan Empire as a sign of respect. She would help them rebuild their ruined settlements and eventually peace would gradually return to the continent. Thus starting a new golden age for the continent of Ryneer.
Kalivanna’s rage would damper as the years went by, forming her into a strong yet fair ruler till the very end; her visage entering the textbooks as the incarnation of the “Skarlet Knight” herself. Yet despite her dampening temper, her teachings as a berserker would live on in the “Crimson Guard”, preparing new generations of Elite “Fury Knights” in the event such unbridled fury and bloodshed was ever needed again.
Over two centuries later, the rumblings of war would threaten to divide the Empire once more. The very kingdoms which Kalivanna had spared from the beginning had grown more distant from their conquerors, demanding to be fully independent. Negotiation treaties have fallen through; gifts and tribute have been rejected. Soon enough, people will be slain. It was only a matter of time.
On the eve of the imminent war, Redahlia Vahlendein was feeling uneasy. As a fully devoted “Fury Paladin”, she had worked tooth and nail to become who she was now. She was a violent child growing up, suffering from explosive behavior at even the slightest inconveniences thrown her way. As the middle child of three within a relatively poor but humble family, one could point fingers to a few potential issues stemming from the household. Though aside from the typical struggles of sibling rivalry, the economic struggles, or the parents' struggle keeping together a family of five, it wouldn’t quite explain the sheer wrath that Redahlia possessed.
As she got older, Redahlia decided to focus her anger by training for the Kalivan military. She often ran from home to watch the soldiers and knights train near the barracks. It was the one place where she felt at peace. She studied their movements, eavesdropped on their stories, and took notes on the odd tidbit of info heard by drill sergeants. She even tried replicating their moves in a dark alley or two, though her frantic and wild swings didn’t quite match the smooth calculated precision the other knights possessed. It was frustrating, but Redahlia continued her self-training.
One night, while heading home from the barracks, thirteen year old Redahlia would find herself assaulted by a couple of older boys. They burst from the dark alleys as they held her in place, attempting to hit and abuse the poor girl for their own sick amusement. They called her an assortment of names and slurs, with one even wielding a sharpened stick to hit and shank her. It was then, in a fit of unbridled rage, Redahlia was able to yank the stick from them and stabbed it into the assailant’s stomach. Then again. And again. She stabbed many deep puncture wounds into the assailant’s body like a needle through a pincushion. The boys were utterly mortified at this display of gruesome violence, hearing every grunt and screaming coming from Redahlia’s mouth as she seemed to take catharsis in this brutal killing.
Yet the kids, numbering four to one, would make the attempt to avenge their friend and give her a proper beating. Redahlia fought for her life, injuring most of the kids with the pike in hand, but she was losing. Just as it seemed she would succumb to their wrath, an armored figure came over to see what was going on. Clad in full black armor from head to toe, it was the unmistakable visage of a “Fury Knight”, a member of the Crimson Guard. His appearance caused the kids to immediately disperse; leaving the two alone in the dark alley. Redahlia was scared, believing she was going to be punished for killing someone. The knight, however, believed to have found someone special. A vengeful crimson-haired girl, having spilt her first blood against one who had clearly wronged her. He had not a single doubt in his mind.
She was a perfect candidate for a Fury Knight.
After years of brutal training, Redahlia would get that wish by the age of 35. By then she was able to learn to control and manipulate her sheer anger, while letting loose on the field of battle and training against her own. She became more calm and collected to the point where she wasn’t simply lashing out at everything. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was mostly in control of herself. Soon she started attracting friends and comrades, helping to further engage with the outside world and its politics. In fact, she was even successful in capturing the eye of a royal sword maiden from the eastern Kingdom of Falinheim - a fine lass named Merrin. They’d visit each other whenever they could; where one thing led to another, leading to the promise that they would one day marry.
Yet by the eve of war, Falinheim was one of the few kingdoms that wanted to separate from the Kalivan Empire. And there were plans of invading Falinheim’s royal capital with the Fury Knights leading front and center. Redahlia dreaded this day though refused to show weakness to her fellow knights. The only thing which mattered to her now was keeping Merrin safe and out of the way from their wrath. So long as she could get to her first before everyone else.
So when the Fury Knights stormed the gates of Falinheim that winter, Redahila was the first to break ranks and race towards Merrin’s manor as fast as she could. Even amiss the imminent destruction, no one was to stand in her way - not them and not even her own comrades. Though just as she arrived deeper into town, she’d see Merrin fighting Kalivan common soldiers, with her swift and gracile flurry of swipes and slashes effortlessly dispatching of her quarry. So when the two would finally meet on opposite sides of the battle, there was initially a mounting tension that nearly suffocated the very air they breathed. A fight seemed imminent.
Merrin then lunged at Redahlia, embracing the fury knight with a hug. Despite the situation happening around them, both knew how they truly felt about all this. Their love for one another shined brighter than the fires of war around them. They wouldn’t hurt each other. Though it wouldn’t stop the others on both sides to slay them for their heresies. Needing to leave, the two would proceed to fight their way out of the city. Together, they appeared unstoppable.
Though as they turned towards a breach in the southern wall, an arrow struck Merrin on her side. While she was resilient against her own injury, it had already sealed her fate. No matter how much Redahlia tried her damndest to protect her, the troops just kept coming. Blow after blow. Cut after cut. They began to riddle them down to exhaustion. Suddenly a fellow Fury Paladin would emerge from behind and sever Merrin’s sword arm, tossing them several feet away into the tainted snow. Redahlia was enraged, as she savagely dispatched one of her own comrades in a fit of fury and anguish.
Once she gave herself a moment of rest, Redahlia comforted her dying consort in her arms. A wave of guilt washed over her that told her she failed in protecting the one she loved, despite Merrin not blaming her for all this. With one final kiss, the fine sword maiden would breathe one last prayer before collapsing limp in Redahlia’s arms.
And it was that moment where everything changed...
When the Scarlet Rage took hold.
Redahlia snapped. Her rage and anguish spiked as she felt her blood boil and seethe at what had just occurred. A disembodied voice urged for her to strike vengeance at those who wronged her; one both familiar yet unfamiliar. But she wouldn’t have the patience to figure that out. Reason was thrown completely out the window as she gave herself completely to her inner anger she had long controlled and suppressed for so long. There was nothing more she had to lose. And let herself loose she did - on everyone and everything in her sights.
Like a raging demon, Redahlia unleashed her inner rage and began slaughtering countless Kalivan and Falinheim soldiers in her wake with little regard to her own health and safety. So savage was her fury and body count, that it forced both opposing forces to temporarily leave the walled city in order to regroup and restrategize against this seemingly unstoppable rampaging killing machine.
For a brief moment in time, the empty ruined city belonged to Redahlia. Her once black armor was now battered and stained crimson with the blood of countless victims, while her face showing fresh deep scars scratched across. She could’ve used this opportunity to escape, but instead she continued comforting the body of her lover. She begged for her to come back to life, for anyone or anything to bring her back. Yet there would be no response. Her broody grief stricken face lowered in despair, feeling Merrin’s pale skin and soft dress one last time before finally leaving the premises.
Waiting for her as Redahlia exited Falinheim through a breach on the south wall of the city were the rest of the Fury Knights. The strongest and most skilled had made themselves known including her own mentor that brought her in all those years ago. While they understood her loss, they couldn’t in good conscience let her leave Falinheim alive given she had killed her fellow soldiers.
Redahlia was exhausted, but still had a bit more energy left in her. One last fight and she might possibly make it out of here alive. Or die trying. Though as she prepared, the voice from earlier revealed itself a final time, saying something she scarcely recalled.
It was said that the woman who’d become the first queen of her newfound kingdom, Caroline Kalivanna had gained a vision from a figure adorned in crimson attire. As one of the few women berserkers in service to her hometown, she was an intelligent yet violent individual who longed for freedom and peace. The entity showed her a mighty empire spawning from a pool of vigorous ichor; a world united under her aspiring hand and leadership. She was to tame the chaos which infected her neighbors, bringing forth order and stability through a fierce demonstration of strength and blood. She would have its blessing-
Giving into her relentless rage and bloodshed, Kalivanna was able to unite the various hardy settlements of the Highlands and lead a bloody conquest against their neighboring kingdoms through precision and careful planning. Amongst those that vowed into her service, she hand picked the finest warriors to act as her elites - the Crimson Guard - those fearless and furious enough to do whatever necessary to ensure absolute victory. They wouldn’t fail her. Taking their enemies by surprise, Kalivanna’s forces swiftly cut down all who opposed her, with many records stating how she fought on the battlefield with the ferocity of a demon and the determination of an archangel. Those witnessing her prowess first hand found themselves revering her just as much as they were terrified of her.
After several years of intense fighting, and many gallons of blood spilt across the land, the remaining kingdoms would finally surrender to Queen Kalivanna of the Kalivan Empire, dreading the worst from her ire and fury. Yet instead of assimilating the rest of the remaining territories or executing their leaders outright, she would allow them to continue existing as allies of the Kalivan Empire as a sign of respect. She would help them rebuild their ruined settlements and eventually peace would gradually return to the continent. Thus starting a new golden age for the continent of Ryneer.
Kalivanna’s rage would damper as the years went by, forming her into a strong yet fair ruler till the very end; her visage entering the textbooks as the incarnation of the “Skarlet Knight” herself. Yet despite her dampening temper, her teachings as a berserker would live on in the “Crimson Guard”, preparing new generations of Elite “Fury Knights” in the event such unbridled fury and bloodshed was ever needed again.
Over two centuries later, the rumblings of war would threaten to divide the Empire once more. The very kingdoms which Kalivanna had spared from the beginning had grown more distant from their conquerors, demanding to be fully independent. Negotiation treaties have fallen through; gifts and tribute have been rejected. Soon enough, people will be slain. It was only a matter of time.
On the eve of the imminent war, Redahlia Vahlendein was feeling uneasy. As a fully devoted “Fury Paladin”, she had worked tooth and nail to become who she was now. She was a violent child growing up, suffering from explosive behavior at even the slightest inconveniences thrown her way. As the middle child of three within a relatively poor but humble family, one could point fingers to a few potential issues stemming from the household. Though aside from the typical struggles of sibling rivalry, the economic struggles, or the parents' struggle keeping together a family of five, it wouldn’t quite explain the sheer wrath that Redahlia possessed.
As she got older, Redahlia decided to focus her anger by training for the Kalivan military. She often ran from home to watch the soldiers and knights train near the barracks. It was the one place where she felt at peace. She studied their movements, eavesdropped on their stories, and took notes on the odd tidbit of info heard by drill sergeants. She even tried replicating their moves in a dark alley or two, though her frantic and wild swings didn’t quite match the smooth calculated precision the other knights possessed. It was frustrating, but Redahlia continued her self-training.
One night, while heading home from the barracks, thirteen year old Redahlia would find herself assaulted by a couple of older boys. They burst from the dark alleys as they held her in place, attempting to hit and abuse the poor girl for their own sick amusement. They called her an assortment of names and slurs, with one even wielding a sharpened stick to hit and shank her. It was then, in a fit of unbridled rage, Redahlia was able to yank the stick from them and stabbed it into the assailant’s stomach. Then again. And again. She stabbed many deep puncture wounds into the assailant’s body like a needle through a pincushion. The boys were utterly mortified at this display of gruesome violence, hearing every grunt and screaming coming from Redahlia’s mouth as she seemed to take catharsis in this brutal killing.
Yet the kids, numbering four to one, would make the attempt to avenge their friend and give her a proper beating. Redahlia fought for her life, injuring most of the kids with the pike in hand, but she was losing. Just as it seemed she would succumb to their wrath, an armored figure came over to see what was going on. Clad in full black armor from head to toe, it was the unmistakable visage of a “Fury Knight”, a member of the Crimson Guard. His appearance caused the kids to immediately disperse; leaving the two alone in the dark alley. Redahlia was scared, believing she was going to be punished for killing someone. The knight, however, believed to have found someone special. A vengeful crimson-haired girl, having spilt her first blood against one who had clearly wronged her. He had not a single doubt in his mind.
She was a perfect candidate for a Fury Knight.
After years of brutal training, Redahlia would get that wish by the age of 35. By then she was able to learn to control and manipulate her sheer anger, while letting loose on the field of battle and training against her own. She became more calm and collected to the point where she wasn’t simply lashing out at everything. For the first time in her life, she felt like she was mostly in control of herself. Soon she started attracting friends and comrades, helping to further engage with the outside world and its politics. In fact, she was even successful in capturing the eye of a royal sword maiden from the eastern Kingdom of Falinheim - a fine lass named Merrin. They’d visit each other whenever they could; where one thing led to another, leading to the promise that they would one day marry.
Yet by the eve of war, Falinheim was one of the few kingdoms that wanted to separate from the Kalivan Empire. And there were plans of invading Falinheim’s royal capital with the Fury Knights leading front and center. Redahlia dreaded this day though refused to show weakness to her fellow knights. The only thing which mattered to her now was keeping Merrin safe and out of the way from their wrath. So long as she could get to her first before everyone else.
So when the Fury Knights stormed the gates of Falinheim that winter, Redahila was the first to break ranks and race towards Merrin’s manor as fast as she could. Even amiss the imminent destruction, no one was to stand in her way - not them and not even her own comrades. Though just as she arrived deeper into town, she’d see Merrin fighting Kalivan common soldiers, with her swift and gracile flurry of swipes and slashes effortlessly dispatching of her quarry. So when the two would finally meet on opposite sides of the battle, there was initially a mounting tension that nearly suffocated the very air they breathed. A fight seemed imminent.
Merrin then lunged at Redahlia, embracing the fury knight with a hug. Despite the situation happening around them, both knew how they truly felt about all this. Their love for one another shined brighter than the fires of war around them. They wouldn’t hurt each other. Though it wouldn’t stop the others on both sides to slay them for their heresies. Needing to leave, the two would proceed to fight their way out of the city. Together, they appeared unstoppable.
Though as they turned towards a breach in the southern wall, an arrow struck Merrin on her side. While she was resilient against her own injury, it had already sealed her fate. No matter how much Redahlia tried her damndest to protect her, the troops just kept coming. Blow after blow. Cut after cut. They began to riddle them down to exhaustion. Suddenly a fellow Fury Paladin would emerge from behind and sever Merrin’s sword arm, tossing them several feet away into the tainted snow. Redahlia was enraged, as she savagely dispatched one of her own comrades in a fit of fury and anguish.
Once she gave herself a moment of rest, Redahlia comforted her dying consort in her arms. A wave of guilt washed over her that told her she failed in protecting the one she loved, despite Merrin not blaming her for all this. With one final kiss, the fine sword maiden would breathe one last prayer before collapsing limp in Redahlia’s arms.
And it was that moment where everything changed...
When the Scarlet Rage took hold.
Redahlia snapped. Her rage and anguish spiked as she felt her blood boil and seethe at what had just occurred. A disembodied voice urged for her to strike vengeance at those who wronged her; one both familiar yet unfamiliar. But she wouldn’t have the patience to figure that out. Reason was thrown completely out the window as she gave herself completely to her inner anger she had long controlled and suppressed for so long. There was nothing more she had to lose. And let herself loose she did - on everyone and everything in her sights.
Like a raging demon, Redahlia unleashed her inner rage and began slaughtering countless Kalivan and Falinheim soldiers in her wake with little regard to her own health and safety. So savage was her fury and body count, that it forced both opposing forces to temporarily leave the walled city in order to regroup and restrategize against this seemingly unstoppable rampaging killing machine.
For a brief moment in time, the empty ruined city belonged to Redahlia. Her once black armor was now battered and stained crimson with the blood of countless victims, while her face showing fresh deep scars scratched across. She could’ve used this opportunity to escape, but instead she continued comforting the body of her lover. She begged for her to come back to life, for anyone or anything to bring her back. Yet there would be no response. Her broody grief stricken face lowered in despair, feeling Merrin’s pale skin and soft dress one last time before finally leaving the premises.
Waiting for her as Redahlia exited Falinheim through a breach on the south wall of the city were the rest of the Fury Knights. The strongest and most skilled had made themselves known including her own mentor that brought her in all those years ago. While they understood her loss, they couldn’t in good conscience let her leave Falinheim alive given she had killed her fellow soldiers.
Redahlia was exhausted, but still had a bit more energy left in her. One last fight and she might possibly make it out of here alive. Or die trying. Though as she prepared, the voice from earlier revealed itself a final time, saying something she scarcely recalled.
The next thing Redahlia knew, she found herself chained and bound. Suspended off the ground within a spiraling void. The world around appeared to be one swirled in entropic forces and of manic decay. It was downright apocalyptic. Then a deep reverberating voice pierced through her head, followed by the appearance of an entity shrouded in crimson red. It was huge... incomprehensibly so. The sheer size of it couldn't be determined.
And it certainly was not from her realm.
The voice stated how Redahlia's soul was at a crucial crossway, plucked away at the very last moment from being completely vanquished. The gods of her world wanted to punish her for her chaotic influx at Falinheim, being utterly terrified at what she could become. A threat to the gods themselves. Yet the entity before her - a crimson devil named "Ahkannia" from a neighboring realm - wished to acquire possession of her soul to further enhance her surging potential. She could prove to be more than a valuable asset, saying how it would be a waste for her talents of violence and fury to go to waste. Should she wish to continue live, she'd have to serve under it as a warrior in another world.
She would be resurrected effectively... as a Hellborn.
Redahlia initially protested at the thought of becoming a slave to a devil. However, the devil explained the pact situation that all devil patrons follow and explained the rules accordingly. By all accounts, she was allowed virtually as much freedom as the average mortal human within reason. Even her looks would be relatively unchanged, aside from a mark on her chest that would showcase Ahkannia's ownership. The catch was that she had to serve both Hell and her Patron's direct interests whenever they arose. Failing to do so or directly opposing them would warrant consequences. Of course, should Redahlia prove the Patron to be misleading or abusing her terms to the Devil Court, a term could be struck from the list or among other equivalent compensation towards the warlock.
There were other rules to this pact that all who accept would have to deal with too...
It was a difficult decision. Both sides weren't ideal, but the anger and vengeance burning deep within Redhalia refused to let her soul be destroyed. They sought for atonement and for that they needed the Scarlet Knight alive. It was a chance to continue doing good. And maybe, just maybe, she could escape the pact given the right circumstances. So after reading through the pact carefully, Redahlia forced herself to accept Ahkannia's pact and was whisked away to the realm of "Isekai Hell" as a Hellborn... starting her work under her new patron.
And the start of her new life in "Isekai Hell".
And it certainly was not from her realm.
The voice stated how Redahlia's soul was at a crucial crossway, plucked away at the very last moment from being completely vanquished. The gods of her world wanted to punish her for her chaotic influx at Falinheim, being utterly terrified at what she could become. A threat to the gods themselves. Yet the entity before her - a crimson devil named "Ahkannia" from a neighboring realm - wished to acquire possession of her soul to further enhance her surging potential. She could prove to be more than a valuable asset, saying how it would be a waste for her talents of violence and fury to go to waste. Should she wish to continue live, she'd have to serve under it as a warrior in another world.
She would be resurrected effectively... as a Hellborn.
Redahlia initially protested at the thought of becoming a slave to a devil. However, the devil explained the pact situation that all devil patrons follow and explained the rules accordingly. By all accounts, she was allowed virtually as much freedom as the average mortal human within reason. Even her looks would be relatively unchanged, aside from a mark on her chest that would showcase Ahkannia's ownership. The catch was that she had to serve both Hell and her Patron's direct interests whenever they arose. Failing to do so or directly opposing them would warrant consequences. Of course, should Redahlia prove the Patron to be misleading or abusing her terms to the Devil Court, a term could be struck from the list or among other equivalent compensation towards the warlock.
There were other rules to this pact that all who accept would have to deal with too...
It was a difficult decision. Both sides weren't ideal, but the anger and vengeance burning deep within Redhalia refused to let her soul be destroyed. They sought for atonement and for that they needed the Scarlet Knight alive. It was a chance to continue doing good. And maybe, just maybe, she could escape the pact given the right circumstances. So after reading through the pact carefully, Redahlia forced herself to accept Ahkannia's pact and was whisked away to the realm of "Isekai Hell" as a Hellborn... starting her work under her new patron.
And the start of her new life in "Isekai Hell".
- 02/01/2025: Gains 7 Pts from "[January 2025] Future's Writing Event"
- Spends 7 Pts:
- Vitality F ---> E
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