Spoiled Bread
The Lord of the Uneaten
A black cat let out a big yawn as she sat in a loaf on the school's rooftop. As the principal of Isekai High, she also practically lives there, one of the few reason to why he was able to know so much about what's happening in the school.
"Tonight the kids are quite rowdy, huh..." She murmured to herself. Her keen ears diligently listened to everything that happening in the school. This was already way past the schools hours so the students weren't supposed to be here, but she's not going to make a fuss about it and let the students interact with the denizens of the night. Maybe they can learn one or two lessons while they're at it. Freedom with consequences~
She's just going to stay here and make sure none of the students were in too much danger. Students can't learn if they're dead after all.
"Tonight the kids are quite rowdy, huh..." She murmured to herself. Her keen ears diligently listened to everything that happening in the school. This was already way past the schools hours so the students weren't supposed to be here, but she's not going to make a fuss about it and let the students interact with the denizens of the night. Maybe they can learn one or two lessons while they're at it. Freedom with consequences~
She's just going to stay here and make sure none of the students were in too much danger. Students can't learn if they're dead after all.