• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

Titles: living doll, construct
Name: ophelia lulubell evergreen
Strength: F
Precision: F
Intelligence: D
Vitality: d
Speed: F
Character Grade: F

Visual Arts F7
Domestic Arts F7
Replaceable parts F7
Separable F7
Omniswivel F7
Healing F7
Magic Range F7

Catalyst E14
Mathias “Bigs” Bigsby
Bigs but better.jpg

Rp'er Name: LocalFloridaman
Post Frequency:
3-5 times a week.
Discord Name: LocalFloridaman
Current RP: None - Character is Brand New
Goals: Survival. Everything else can wait.
Equipped Titles: Human
Acquired Titles: Human
Class: N/A
Perks: N/A
Languages:English - Common
Height: 5’9
Weight: 200 lbs
Backstory: Born to a pair of 2nd Generation Danish and Swedish Immigrants, Matheus's life in the backwoods of South Florida was rough. Suffering the death of his elder sister in his early teens and the passing of his parents at the age of 17, and having no real connection to his other family, he was taken in by his Grandfather, an Old Swedish Outdoors men who had arrived in the United States in the early 1950s after having served in WW2 for the British. He taught him much of what he knew with many a cold night in the mountains of Alabama and Kentucky being shared around a fire and listening to the stories of the Old Gods of his Grandfather and his grandfather. After a brief stint in the marines that largely went no where, he retired to his now dead Grandfather's property in the Mountains, subsisting largely off what he could catch and paying the bills in much the same. As time went on and his 20s became his early 30s, he learned the IRS was on the verge of seizing his property on the grounds of Imminent domain and unpaid property taxes.

Choosing to have one last good hunt before likely moving back down south to start fresh and try to get a city job, he made the choice to drag a freshly killed buck across a normally deserted back road, only to be distracted by something and unfortunately struck by a speeding 18 Wheeler.
Current Life: Woke up, very confused, in a Forest.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 17
Points Spent: 121
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
Character Grade - E
  • Fighting Style [The Way of Infantrymen] 14 (E)
    A firearm based fighting style which involves shooting targets with varying round types from afar in critical areas for high damage.

    Range F (0, 7 point Fighting Style Discount) Penetrating F (0 - 7 p style discount) | Selective E (14)
  • Fighting Style [Cutlass Fighting] F grade style
    "Focused around the shorter, thicker blade of the Machete like Naval Cutlass. Strikes are fast and brutal, leveraging the heavier blade. .
  • Artisan - “Gunsmithing" E - 14
  • Educated F (7) "USMC AIT School"
    Mathias primarily served as an Infantrymen and was thus put through the grueling Advanced Individual Training School at SOI Camp Geiger (A sub camp of MCT Camp Lejeune, Louisiana) and graduated its 14 week training course, Leaning Land Navigation, Basic Geography, and Survival and Escape training and Small unit tactics.
    -Navigation, F (0)
    -Survival, F (0)
    -Warfare, F (0)
  • Stealth - F (7)
  • Medicine - F (7)
  • Perception - F (7)
  • Fighting Style [The Way of Marksman] F + Range F + Penetrating F "Weighted Lead shot"

    Mathias fires a penetration round from his Rifle Musket against a single target up to 10 ft away. Attack reduces target's item effectiveness used for an action by one. - F Grade Ability 0 Post Cooldown. | Selective (E)
  • 1863 Springfield Rifled Musket - Gun, F - 0 Point Cost (waived by skill) Range - 100ft Range. A reproduction model, its wood has been hand stained and carved from a single length of Mesquite wood. Its lock, cocking piece, and barrel are blued and coated, with the inside of the barrel being chrome lined and comprised of a hard, ordinance grade gun steel. Normally wrapped in a length of cloth to keep it clean. Features sights for 50, 100, 300, and 500 yards.
  • M1911A1 - Gun, F, 0 point cost (waived by skill/Style) - 100ft Range. A simple, slightly worn GI Surplus pistol in .45 ACP kept in leg holster.
  • Hand Axe. Simple steel hand axe on a wooden shaft. One handed axe, F (0 points - Waived by Skill)
  • Knife. A fighting/Utility knife, resembling the KBAR common to Infantrymen. Knife/Dagger, F (0 points - Waived by skill)
  • M1894 Pattern Marine Corps NCO Cutlass - F Tier - "Cutlass which styled after that which was wielded by the militaries of another world. Swift and has a hefty blade to enhance cutting power." - Points - 1 (Received from Vince - F - tier Blacksmith.)
  • "Custom Munition Armor" - Light Armor Set - A set of armor consisting of a shirt of scale with attachment points for a variety of pouches and items, a set of splint vambraces and grieves that can be fashioned over boots, as well as a rounded kettle helm not unlike the Brodie/M1917 Helmets of his home world's past. F - Tier - Scales off Speed - E. (Received from Vince - Blacksmith - F tier.)

  • x30 Paper Cartridge - Minnie Ball, .58 Caliber. Self Contained paper cartridges pre-loaded with shot and 65 grains of 2f powder.
  • x50 Percussion Cap
  • 1lb bottle of 2f “SCHUETZEN” Brand Black Powder
  • x90 Minne Ball, .58 Caliber, Loose in Box
  • Field Casting Kit - Artisan Gunsmith
  • x3 Magazines, 7 round capacity, .45 ACP
  • Canteen
  • Fire Starter Kit - Survival
  • x4 Ration Bars
  • Journal w/Pencil
  • Spare change of Clothes
  • Compass - Navigation
  • Zippo Lighter - ¾ fuel - Survival
  • x2 Pack of Camel Cigarettes
  • Treated Leather Satchel bag
  • Leather Cutlass sheath, attached to belt.
Assets: N/A

Change Log:
  • [Date of Character Creation] 11/23/24
  • RP Graded on or about FEB/7/2025 by The Grumpy Old man Novama - Link: Graded - [Taeko - The Republic] The Aftermath
    Points received - 17.
    Points spent - 16.
    Points left over - 1.
  • 7 Fighting Style Cutlass F
    7 Gunsmithing F -----> E
    1 Pt ---> The Cutlass F (Vincent makes it)
    1 Pt ----> The Armor F (Vincent makes it)
  • Marketplace transaction for Sword and Armor on or about FEB/7/2025: Marketplace - Marketplace
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Leon Logoth
Rp'er Name: NachoGod NachoGod
Post Frequency:
At least 1 per week.
Discord Name: Mickey
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: To master the Power of The Drinking Demon, Free himself of the Curse thereof and Rebuild his Clan.
Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane Human
Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane Human
Perks: Born for this 7 (incurable)
(can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common, Abyssal.
Height: 5ft 10in
Weight: 172lbs
Native denizen
Current Life:
Leon washed ashore on the beaches of the west empire a few months ago, after taking some time to gather enough coin for supplies he has begun to travel the continent seeking to become more familiar with his new surroundings. He is not one to share information about his past and for the most part keeps to himself.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 21 (stats), Pocket dimension F (14), Fighting Style- Bleeding Blade (56), Sword E (14) = 105 total.
Points Not Spent:
Strength - D (14)
Precision - F
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Pocket Dimension F- (14) - Contains The Drinking Demon, any surface of his body can be used as the entry/exit point of the Pocket dimension, he cannot store anything in it if the sword is stored in it, likewise he cannot store the sword in it if he currently has something stored within it.
  • Fighting Style E-(14) Bleeding Blade- Fighting with a spectral sword with a blade made up of Blood is no easy feat. Leon has learned to use the blade with wicked effect, Using the blood from the blade to inflict bleeding wounds and drink up the spilt blood. Wounds inflicted by this blade and style Bleed profusely, are more difficult to heal, and Heal Leon with each blow landed.
  • Continuing E (7)(Fighting style Discount -7)
  • Incurable E (0)(Fighting style Discount -7) (Born for this Discount -7)
  • Vampiric E (28)
  • Appraisal F (7)
  • Area Knowledge F: Quang (Native Denizen)
  • Red Windmill- By flipping or Spinning at a high rate and moving forward Leon becomes a blur of motion and a spinning red blade. Cleaving deep cuts into whatever he strikes. Vampiric E, incurable E, Continuous E. (E grade, cooldown 1)
  • Bleeding Echo- A technique which Leon Makes a Copy of himself out of blood that repeats one attack action. This copy dissipates after copying the action. The attack must target the same target as the initial action being copied does. Vampiric E, Incurable E, Continuous E. (E grade ability, 1 turn cooldown.)
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Drinking Demon- Sword E (14)- A blade made via his fathers ability and containing the Blood Demon Darrighas. It has a solid black metal handle and a blade made entirely of Blood. The demon within the blade can communicate telepathically with Leon, but it never says anything helpful, it only urges him to feed the blade fresh blood. It will actively try to distract him with its comments because If Leon dies darrighas will be freed.
  • Flasks- Glass flasks that can hold liquid, usually filled with water.
  • Bedroll- A sleeping bag.
  • Tent- a common tent
  • Stakes- The stakes for his tent, can also be used as anchors, or an improvised weapon though an exceptionally inadequate one.
  • 50ft of Rope- A small roll of rope often used to string up his tent, can be used to tie up a target.
  • Logoth clan Garb- Clothes from his home country, have an oddly modern look and certainly stand out from the common dress of the main continent.
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [Date of Character Creation]
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
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Marius Roswell

Rp'er Name: lanzandpine
Post Frequency:
more or less once a week?
Discord Name: N/A
Current RP: N/A


  • Find a job or somewhere (or something) to cling to.


  • Live a life that will pay off.

Equipped Titles: Mundane Human, Isekai

Acquired Titles: Born for This
Class: Artless
Perks: -
Downtime: -

Height: 5'11", 180cms

Weight: 155lbs, 70kgs

To make up for the shameful tears that he once shed before his loved ones was his goal.

Marius led a tireless student life of cramming before tests, going to various hobby circles, falling asleep in the library and signing up for part-time jobs. A cyclical, Sisyphean life of trying. In the eyes of many he was a model – sending money to his aging relatives and volunteering for the betterment of society; it was a miracle that his smile never seemed to stop gracing his lips as he burdened himself with much hard work. Some would call him a “goody two-shoes”. And they weren’t wrong to think so – amicable and soft, he never managed to get on someone’s bad side.

Wasn’t that perfect? Marius thought so as he kept sifting through textbooks and his own resumes, finding even more jobs and positions to keep himself awake for just another hour. More to do, more to do, he needed to fill his head and hands with something. He knew that he had to. His mother, surely, had she been with him, would’ve been proud of how much he’s been able to do. Surely it’s all been paid off.

Yes, yes of course – it’d all pay off. The jobs, the calluses on his feet and hands, the constant migraines, the surface-level relationships, the nights of cramming for the sake of cramming – it will all pay off eventually. Efforts always pay off. A life of shame is one that he couldn’t afford himself to live. To flagellate himself until everything around him was stained was what he needed to do.

Perhaps, in the end, this could all be written off as a small effort that will lead to something greater at the end of the tunnel.
Current Life:

The hospital lights flickering before him suddenly vanished – and there he was, steeped in an uncomfortable darkness as a chill ran up his skin.

This darkness continued on for but a moment, as he felt grass brush up against the nape of his neck. Marius jumped up, clutching at his chest, a nausea coming up as he struggled to orientate himself.

Grass. He breathed in and tore off some blades, freed from the ever-expanding horizon of concrete. The artificial lights were replaced by the sun as he slowly stood up and looked around, only for the words of the “god” that greeted him to well up inside his mind once more.

A new world. The dried up calluses on his hands were still there, and so were the clothes on his back – a regular sweatshirt and trousers. Everything seemed to still be fine, Marius thought, as he scratched his head, slightly gripping at his ashy, brown hair. The fresh air seemed to only do wonders for his mind as he looked around once more. Yes, a new world, at the touch of his fingers. The nausea subsided as Marius was greeted by the green landscape. There was something out there that can do, then. A life to be led.

A sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. There was nothing left to do but to let himself explore and see what the world has to offer for his life, then. He brushed himself off. “Alright, then,” – he thought to himself as he stepped in the direction of the plains before him, seeing the silhouettes of faraway buildings pepper the horizon, - “I just have to get going.”

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - F
Precision - C
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - C
Character Grade - D
  • Academia F (Born for This)
  • Insight F
  • Focus F
  • Cramming
    Academia F, Focus F
    Hooray for knowledge! Marius spends more time and energy to try and learn something.
    Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Sharp Eye
    Insight F, Focus F
    Marius zeroes in on someone and tries to understand their intentions.
    Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • N/A
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • Date of Character Creation – 26.11.2024
  • Fixed character sheet for it to be accepted - 28.11.2024 (added to changelog on 07.01.2025)
  • Updated the "Current RP" to be accurate at the time of writing. - 15.02.2025
Last edited:
Lythe Krael


Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)

Rp'er Name: Crescent King

Post Frequency: Once a week.

Discord Name: Crescent King

Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)


Equipped Titles: Human, Nephillim, Monster, Demon, Abomination.

Acquired Titles: Human, Nephillim, Monster, Demon, Abomination.



Downtime: (can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)

Languages: Common, Abyssal.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 185 lbs

Backstory: World Native.

Current Life: You don't need to know.

Points at Start: 105 +14

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 119

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - E -7

Precision - G +7

Intelligence - D -14

Vitality - F

Speed - G +7

Character Grade - F


Heightened Sense F (Hearing.)-7
Athletics F -7
Religion F -7
Magic E -14
Magic Augmentor: AOE F -7 15ft
Magic Augmentor: Duration F -7 1hr
Magic Augmentor: Range F -7 30ft
Magic Augmentor: Targets F -7 5 targets
Feature - Hybrid Race -7


Wild Mana Zone: Magic E, AOE F, Duration F, Range F. (Creates a zone of wild mana that causes magical damage to targets over a 15 foot area for up to 1 hour within a distance of 30 ft.) Grade E, Post Cooldown 1.

Wild Mana Shot: Magic E, Duration F, Range F, Targets F. (Fires shots of wild mana from the tips of fingers that cause magic damage toward up to 5 targets within 30 ft that harms target for up to 1 hour. Grade E, Post Cooldown 1.


Natural Weapons F -14
Catalyst - E -14 (Amulet He Wears.)


Change Log:

Strength F => E -7
Precision F => G +7
Intelligence F => D -14
Speed F => G +7
Heightened Sense -7
Athletics F -7
Religion F -7
Magic E -14
Magic Augmentor: AOE F -7
Magic Augmentor: Duration F -7
Magic Augmentor: Range F -7
Magic Augmentor: Targets F -7
Hybrid Race -7
Natural Weapons F -14
Catalyst E -14
Last edited:
Rp'er Name: revior
Post Frequency:
At least once a week.
Discord Name: revior#6211
Current RP: Western Ryke Near the Fae See - The Silk Road, Part 1
Goals: To live a life of adventure.

Equipped Titles:
  • Human(tree)
  • Human(race)
  • Mundane
  • Nomad
Acquired Titles:
  • Human(tree)
  • Human(race)
  • Mundane
  • Nomad
Class: Nomad


  • Born For This
  • Talented Friends
Downtime: (can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common, Bestial
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 164 lbs.
Backstory: N/A
Current Life: Born the first son of a wealthy merchant, Lucianus Leclair was meant to inherit the family business and its wealth. Yet, for as long as he could remember, he never cared such a thing. All he ever wanted to do was to venture out into the world and see all that it had to offer, to experience a life filled with adventures, to live the stories told by bards and reenacted in epic plays.

Naturally, his family opposed his ideals, calling him dreams a disgraced to the family name. As a member of the Leclair household, as the heir, to be reduced to some lowly vagabond was unacceptable. So, when he declared that he would go see the world, to become a so-called adventurer, his father threatened him with disownment. Should he step through those doors, he would no longer bear the Leclair name, a complete stranger to these halls. Little did the rest of the family knew, that had always been his plan. On that day, Lucianus spoke his farewells and promised to write before venturing forth. Life was simply to short to be spent on counting coins and saving face, especially life as a plain human. To this day, not a single reply to his letters had been received and his connection to his house appeared well and broken.

Being born with a talent for healing, Lucianus joined a caravan as their healer. With the caravan, he traveled from big cities to rural villages, learning new things, making new friends, and picking up various skills along the way. Though it sadden him occasionally to think of his broken connection with his family, there were always new connections to be made along with new adventures to be had.

And so, the adventures continue.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C (21)​
Vitality - F
Speed - D (14)​
Character Grade - E
  • Movement Skills
    • Fast F (spd)(movement)(7)

  • Defensive Skills
    • Healing E (int)(profession)(14)

  • Miscellaneous Skills
    • Asset
      • Social Status F (7)
        • Disowned Son of a Wealthy Merchant

  • Secondary Skills
    • Academia E (int)(profession)(Born For This)(7)
    • History F (int)(supplemental)(7)
    • Insight F (int)(supplemental)(7)
    • Investigation F (int)(supplemental)(7)
    • Perception F (int)(supplemental)(7)
    • Persuasion F (chr)(defining)(7)
  • Analysis - Academia E, History F, Insight F, Investigation F, Perception F, - Lucianus makes an attempt to read a person, object, or situation using the knowledge at his disposal, gaining insight (which may be true or false) at the narrator's discretion - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • N/A
  • Traveling Clothes - Regular traveling clothes; nothing special.
  • Glasses - Can still see without it, just don't expect him to read road signs from afar.
  • Wooden Prop Sword Replica - A souvenir from a play; useless as a weapon and not very convincing up close.
  • N/A

Talented Friends(Minions x5)

Caravan Troupe

Equipped Titles:
  • Human(tree)
  • Human(race)
  • Mundane
Acquired Titles:
  • Human(tree)
  • Human(race)
  • Mundane
Class: Artless
  • Born For This
Downtime: (can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common, Bestial
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Backstory: N/A
Current Life: N/A
Points at Start: 56
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 56
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - E (7)​
Intelligence - E (7)​
Vitality - E (7)​
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Sense Skills
    • Sixth Sense [Aura Perception] F (int)(7) - A member of the Caravan Troupe is able to perceive the aura of a sentient creature within view unless said aura is hidden by a skill.

  • Defensive Skills
    • Barrier F (vit)(14)

  • Miscellaneous Skills
    • Bolster [Vitality] F (int)(7)

  • Secondary Skills
    • Artisan [Artificer(runes)] F (pre)(Born For This)(0)
    • Domestic Arts F (int)(7)
  • Reinforcement - Bolster [Vitality] F, Barrier F - The Caravan Troupe(Minions) bolsters a target's vitality and cast a barrier around them - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • N/A
  • Artificer Tools
  • Kitchen Knives
  • Cutting Board
  • Pot
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • N/A

Change Log:
  • [28 NOV 2024]
    • Character created.
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Grade-F | 18 | 4'11"| 95lbs
RPed by Dan The Cosmic Cat | Daily Posting | [Republic of Kuridan - Yale Village Outskirts] Whack 'A Mole


[Friend of Regula F]







Short-term Goals

  • Make some friends.
  • He makes some money by using his healing abilities and doing odd jobs.
Long-term Goals

  • Expand his magical and general knowledge.
  • Find his brother and sister.
  • Figure out what the Seed of Harmony is.



    • Skill Healing C (28)
    • Skill Feline claws & teeth. Natural weapons F (14)
    • Skill Retractable Claws F(7)
    • Skill Regeneration F (7)
    • Skill Magic C (28)
    • Skill Darkvision (Born for this perk, Beastkin)
    • Skill Arcana E (Born for this perk, Fae)
    • Skill Nature F


The people of the Aniwyth tribe are peaceful but prefer to remain isolated from most of the world due to the many hostile races that would and have attempted to harm them and the forest. They revere the natural world and the magic that flows through it, they consider it their duty to protect the forest from any form of harm. Some of the most skilled and talented healers come from the Nyctis tribe due to their strong connection to nature, however, they also have many strong fighters who will without hesitation defend their home from trespassers.

However, it was not always peaceful. Long ago the area that the Aniwyth now inhabit was contested between two rival clans, one of Fae and other Beasts. Both claimed that the territory belonged to them. This led to many bloody battles, with the Fae harnessing powerful magicks while the beast had extraordinary strength and agility. The feud lasted for generations until races from outside the See discovered the location that they were fighting for. Ignorant of the fact the land was sacred to the natives they began to destroy plants and trees in mass, hunted and captured wild animals and even captured both Fae and Beast natives. The precious materials collected from the forest and the captives were then transported back to the invaders' homelands to be used in the most vile and despicable ways. Their greed truly knew no bounds.

The battle between Fae and Beast came to a sudden halt as they witnessed these outsiders commit unforgivable crimes against them and their homeland. To have any chance of repelling the invaders the two clans would have to work together which was easier said than done. It took very delicate diplomacy to come to an understanding and an alliance. Eventually, the two clans coordinated repelling attacks that violently pushed the invaders out of their homeland, It is said the very forest was on their side.

Though successful, the clans took many losses which left them both in a weakened state. It was obvious if the invaders returned they would very likely not be able to defend against any attack. After much deliberation, the chiefs of both clans met at the center of the forest to form a historical pact that would change everything. The chiefs cut their palms before performing a handshake to create a blood bond. As the forest was their witness, they declared no further Fae or Beast blood would be spilt on the sacred ground they stood on, they would protect the forest from invaders until the last Beast and Fae.

A few days later a miraculous thing happened. A tree sprout had appeared where the drops of mixed blood had fallen from the chiefs’ hands. This could have only been a sign that the forest had blessed the blood bond. With this unrefutable sign, both clans became unified in unbreakable belief.

In a short span of time, the spout grew into a towering tree that pierced the forest’s canopy and reached for the heavens. Eventually, the tree would become known as the Great Tree of Harmony due to its constant reminder of the day the Era of Peace began. The intermingling of Beast and Fae would cause new friendships to form and even romances would blossom under the Great Tree. Many generations later there was no longer any Beast or Fae, only Aniwyth, a tribe and race that are proudly a mix between Beast and Fae. The descendants of the chiefs continue to uphold the blood bond and oath that was made on that day. Despite being relatively small the tribe has successfully repelled any attempt by outsiders to enter their forest, even if their motives are not malicious. No one but the Aniwyth may enter their domain.

To keep up with the ongoings of the outside world eighteen-year-olds olds became expected to leave the forest and explore the outside world to gain experience and knowledge. From a human perspective, their journey would take a lifetime, for an Aniwyth however it only feels like a blink of an eye because of their long life span.

After returning they will record their experiences for the next generation to learn from plus any information about any potential invasion and what to expect is given to the Tree Guardians so that they can be prepared for anything.

The returned Nyctis will then be given the title of Elder. Depending on their skills Elders can become Tree Guardians, teachers, healers, crafters or hunters/gatherers. All have the authority to give the Chief of the tribe guidance when needed.

The Aniwyth remain distant from the rest of the See’s inhabitants because the pure Fae consider them abominations that don’t have the right to be within the See. This naturally has caused friction between the Aniwyth and the pure Fae, but it has never come to hostilities. The Nyctis have never expanded the borders of their domain and have always respected Fae culture which is not that different from their own. In truth, all the Aniwyth want is to be left alone.

Recently the Tree Guardians have been on high alert due to the war happening between the Fae and the Easter empire. The Fae attempted to persuade the Aniwyth to join the war, but it was clear they would use the Aniwyth as cannon fodder and not fight as equals. They also do not have any quarrels with the Easter Empire. The Chief and Elders would not break their centuries-old defensive war stance.

For now, the Aniwyth tribe continue to be at peace, though the future will test their strength, resolve and belief.

Kiyo comes from a family that has a long history of producing highly skilled and talented fighters. His older twin brother and sister were considered the strongest fighters out of all the young Aniwyth. Kiyo was not born with the natural aptitude for combat. He found himself being drawn to the art of healing, the very thought of hurting another went against his very being. He spent most of his time learning how to heal physical wounds, cure diseases and mend broken minds.

Despite taking a different path from his siblings they supported him and since they were always getting injured in fights he could practice his healing on them. Life was good until the twins reached their eighteenth year. Every Nyctis is expected to leave the tribe and the forest to learn about the wider world before returning with their newfound knowledge. A ceremony is held to see them off where ancient rituals are performed to bless them with strength, fortitude and luck. That was the last time Kiyo saw his sister and brother, he does not know their current fate.

He had heard rumours of some not returning at all which caused Kiyo to worry. What if they were lost, injured or…he didn’t even what to think about it, but what if they died? His parents told him not to doubt their strength and resilience and the Elders echoed the same sentiment, but he could not find any reassurance in their words.

One night while in his bed he heard a strange female voice call out for him, though the words were unintelligible. It seemed to be coming from outside, out of curiosity he got out of bed and followed it. He found no one to be outside, but the voice kept calling out to him, beckoning him to continue to follow it.

Unable to resist his curiosity he let the voice lead him to the base of the Grand Tree. Even at night, it was magnificent to look up at. It was heavily guarded by the Tree Guardians, which was no problem for a small ten-year-old to sneak by. He navigated the vast and complex roots until he reached a large circular cave entrance that led to the place where all of the Nyctis knowledge was stored, The Grand Repository.

It was forbidden for children to approach the Grand Tree let alone enter the repository, however, the voice had become louder and the words clearer, but not enough to be understandable. With hesitation he quietly walked through the entrance, there was no turning back now.

What he saw was incredible, endless walls of tomes that filled the walls of the cave system. The deeper he got the older the tomes looked, to the point that it looked like if you touched them they would turn to dust. What was intriguing was that each book had small roots wrapped around them like the tree was protecting the books.

The cave system went deeper and deeper, he could not believe he was directly under the Grand Tree, he would most likely be banished if he was caught. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. After some time the narrow caves opened up to a large cavern that was covered in sprawling roots. At the center of the cavern was a large pedestal made of roots, on the pedestal was a tiny seed that glowed different shades of green. The female voice called out from the seed. “Come, my child, I will show the answers you seek”.

Why turn back now? he thought before gathering his courage and stepping towards the pedestal. The seed was tiny but beautiful with so many different shades of greens coming off it. He slowly reached for the seed and carefully placed his hand around it. With no warning, his mind was hit with a barrage of memories not of his own. The feud between the Beast and Fae, the invasion of the outsiders, the blood bond and oath, the tree sprout, the creation of the Nyctis, the growth of the tree, the first Elders and the first books to be placed in the repository.

The memories then shifted to places he did not recognise. Large cities made of stone and metal, cobble streets surrounded by strange metal contraptions that had many spinning cogs and gave off black smoke, green plains that stretch to the eye can see, colourful underwater cities with bizarre architecture, huge intimating constructs, grand majestic castles, tall magical skyscrapers and giant snow-capped mountains, to name a few.

Kiyo’s mind was being drowned in these images until they came to a sudden stop. He then found himself standing in the middle of a chaotic battlefield with swords clashing and magic blazing. Limbs were being cut off, heads decapitated, bodies burned from the inside out from electricity, fireballs violently exploded throwing soldiers into the air and burning them and arrows rained down like a storm killing hundreds in moments. This was too much, Kiyo screamed for it to stop.

Again, he was transported to another scene of despair. People were being tortured in the most painful ways imaginable, thousands of slaves were forced to the biding of a tyrant and young women and men were being raped by the foulest of people. Kiyo mind was about to break.

His mind was thrown into a small village being attacked by a hoard of undead zombies, innocent villagers were ripped to shreds and then became zombies themself. Then the worst vision came.

His home forest was in ruins, fire rampaged through the trees, blood and gore covered the entire ground, and the Grand Tree of Harmony was defiled by guts and hanging corpses while it simultaneously burned and rotted before Kiyo’s eyes. His parents, brother and sister appeared before him. The eyes and teeth were missing, and parts of their bodies were burnt and falling apart while other parts had mutated into tentacles, claws and huge insane filled with eyes. “Why didn’t you save us, Kiyo!? WHY?!!” They screamed as they tried to grab onto him.

With a scream, he awoke in his bed with sweat dripping down his face and intense fear in his wide feline eyes. It was the morning, the birds were singing outside and he could people going about their morning duties. Was it just a nightmare, it must have been just a nightmare, he convinced himself before he felt something strange in his right palm. His hand shook uncontrollably when he saw the seed from his nightmare fused into the flesh of his right palm with tiny green roots spreading out from it.

“My child, take my heart in your hand and with it control the flow of life, death and the fates of all.” The female voice boomed in his head one last time leaving no clue as to what or who she was. Traumatised, Kiyo wanted to run to his parents and tell them everything, but his instincts prevented him, he knew it could end in disaster if he did. The day after Kiyo overheard the Tree Gaurd and the Elders whispering in panicked tones that the Seed of Harmony had gone missing confirming that at least the part of going to the Grand Repository and touching the glowing seed was real. The female voice, the visions and somehow returning to his bed were very confusing and frightening.

From that point onwards Kiyo kept the visions and seed secret from his parents and friends. On the surface, the seed seemed not to do anything, however, as Kiyo grew older and his magical capabilities increased he noticed that the seed’s green roots expanded outwards and deeper into his hand though it was not painful, it felt like it was a part of him. He also noticed he could focus his innate magic into the seed and use it as a catalyst for his healing spells. To prevent people from noticing he would always carry around a basic wooden staff to make it look like it was the thing that was being used as the catalyst.

He became used to the seed being there to the point of almost forgetting it ever appeared in his palm. The Grand Tree did not change at all, continuing to stand tall over the tribe in all its beauty and natural splendour though the vision of it being defiled and destroyed was always at the back of his mind. The disturbing nightmares would regularly return making it almost impossible to sleep unless soothed by his mother's singing and harp playing.

Eight years after that fateful night it was time for Kiyo to embark on his Journey to explore the world outside of the forest. He was very excited and nervous, to finally see the outside world was one thing, but the opportunity to catch up with his siblings was really what made him eager.

Like the others before him, he was given a ceremony that consisted of ancient rituals to bless him with strength, fortitude and luck. After giving his parents and friends one last goodbye he left the tribe and began his long journey to explore the wider world…

It was incredible to see parts of The See that he hadn’t seen before. All the different plants and animals kept Leo occupied for a while, but he knew he had to leave The See to truly see what the outside world was like. After consulting his map he decided to travel to the nation of Ryke because he had heard rumours of it being a vibrant and friendly place where travellers are welcome. With that, he began his long journey to the north…

Active RP updated on: June 29
On August 2024 Kiyo earned:

52 points
Item - [Caelia’s fair fair pin]
Asset/title [Friend of Regula F]
From Isekai Hell rp [Stonewall Town] all’s fair in this fair fair

On November 29th 2024:

the following changes were made -
Magic F was upgraded to C [-21 points]
Healing was upgraded from E to C [-14]
Arcana was upgraded from F to E [-7]
Nature was bought at F [-7]
Seed of Harmony Catalyst was upgraded from E - D [-7]

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Lisan Al Shuda
Theme: TBD
Rp'er Name: BloopNoodle
Post Frequency: Several times per week is preferable for casual rp. I simply just cannot post everyday, but when I do post it is good quality stuff
Discord Name: bloopnoodle (all lowercase)
Current RP: Puppet on the Run
Goals: To become a force of protection and aide to the people of this world, and adventure to
Equipped Titles: Mundane Fae, Elf
Acquired Titles: Mundane Fae, Elf
Class: N/A (To be a Caster)
(can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common IH language, Fae language
Height: 5’9” (175cm)
Weight: 145 lbs (66kg)
Backstory: Originally born in another plan of existence as a simple farmers girl, Carol was just a young adult, barely 19, when powerful mages destroyed her home. As she lay dying, her home destroyed and parents gone, she prayed to her planes most benevolent god. A very YOUNG god on her plan, Orion heard her prayers, and asked her what she would want. Coral said she wanted to be able to cast magic of her own, and prevent things like this from happening again. To restrict kings like hers from letting mages run wild and do whatever they want. Orion obliged, sending Carols soul to a brand new plan of existence, a new body, and new life. When Carol awoke, she found herself as an elf living in a monastery in this world. After learning that Orion had no reach to this world at all (no one had ever heard of him) she changed her name to the dragon constellation of her world in honor of the dragon deity that saved her life.
Current Life: Finding herself in a simple and poor Monastery, those who lived there said they found her passed out at a near by river. They kept her alive until she awoke a few days later, and after asking a few questions Carol claimed her name to be Lisan Al Shuda, but that she remembered little else. She has since learned what she could from the monks and nuns there, before venturing out on her own to become a powerful mage and adventurer. She has a long way to go, but she’s willing to put in the work.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Magic - E (14)
  • Spell Duration - F (7) - One hour
  • Bolster [Strength] - F (7)
  • Affinity [Stars] - F (7)
  • Magic Range - F (7) - 30ft range
  • Dark-vision (7)
  • Spell AOE - F (7) - 15ft radius
  • Incapacitate - F (14) - One post duration
  • Arcana - F (0) - Free with [Born for This]
  • Targets - F (7) - Five targets
Abilities: (Please note I’m still trying to fully understand the abilities, so if there is an oversight please let me know)

all abilities have a one post cool down
  • Star Flare (aoe) - Magic (E), Star Affinity (F), Incapacitate (F), AOE (F), Magic Range (F)- After saying the name of the spell, stars seem to form on Lisan’s skin, and she points to a place up to 30ft away from her. A star seems to erupt in that place, stunning all enemies in a 15ft radius of that ‘star’ - Grade E
  • Star Flare (targeted) - Magic (E), Magic Range (F), Star Affinity (F), Incapacitate (F), Target (F) - After saying the name of the spell, stars seem to form on Lisan’s skin, before erupting outwards to strike up to 5 targets within 30 feet of her. - Grade E
  • Aquila - Magic (E), Bolster [Strength] (F), Magic Range (F), Targets (F), Duration (E) - After calling the name of the constellation of strength and pointing to her given target(s) (up to five 5), the targets gain a small glowing star on the back of their hand for the duration of the spell. The targets gain a boost of effectiveness equal to one grade to the Strength stat with the duration of one hour rp time. - Grade E
  • Catalyst (clay prayer beads) - E (14)
  • N/A

  • N/A
Change Log:
  • December 2nd, 2024
    • Gained Catalyst (E)
    • Gained skills: Magic (E), Spell Duration, Bolster, Affinity [Stars], Magic Range, Dark-Vision, Spell AOE, Incapacitate, Arcana, Targets. All Grade F except magic.

i will be coding this and updating it later, but I just really wanted to get her out and posted! Please tell me if there is anything wrong in a PM.
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Crescent King
Post Frequency:
Once a week.
Discord Name: Crescent King
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: None
Equipped Titles: Beast, Cat, Tiny
Acquired Titles: Beast, Cat, Tiny
(can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: None
Height: 9.2 Inches
Weight: 8.6 lbs
Features: All the features of a normal cat. (Tail, quadruped, ears, eyes, nose, ect)
Retractable Claws -7
Tiny -56 (Precision and Speed - B.)
Backstory: World Native.
Current Life: Stray Cat. Meow.
Points at Start: 105 +7
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E -7
Precision - B -28
Intelligence - F
Vitality - G +7
Speed - B -28
Character Grade - E
  • Lucky - F -7
  • Jumping - F -7
  • Fighting Style - F (Twilight Fang) [Natural Weapons] -7
  • Continuing - F (Bleeding) -0 Fighting Style Discount.
  • Penetrating - F -7
  • Feature [Quadrupedal]
  • Feature Retractable Claws -7
  • Twilight Swipe: Natural Weapons - F (Claws), Fighting Style (Twilight Fang), Continuing F(Bleeding), Penetrating F.Grade F, Post Cooldown 0.
  • Twilight Fangs: Natural Weapons - F (Teeth), Fighting Style F (Twilight Fang), Continuing F(Bleeding), Penetrating F.Grade F, Post Cooldown 0.
  • Natural Weapons - F -14 (Claws and Teeth.)
Change Log:
  • 12/4/24
  • Retractable Claws -7
  • Tiny -56
  • Strength F => E -7
  • Precision F => B -28
  • Vitality F => G +7
  • Speed F => E -28
  • Lucky -7
  • Jumping -7
  • Fighting Style -7
  • Continuing -0 Fighting Style Discount
  • Penetrating -7
  • Natural Weapons -14 (Claws and Teeth.)
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Silia Camoran (Cah-mor-in)
(images preferred, word descriptions allowed)
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: LocalFloridaman
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: LocalFloridaman
Current RP: None, New Character
Goals: TBD
Equipped Titles: Humanoid, Bosmeri (Elf)
Acquired Titles: Vampire
Languages: Cyrodilic Common, IH Common
Height: 5'2
Weight: 126 lbs
Backstory: Not many know of where her origins lie exactly, but if the familial name is anything to go off of, the petite bosmer may perhaps actually be a distant bastard of the Camoran line. Regardless, she first pops in to Tamrielic records as a prisoner in the Imperial Prison in Cyrodil
Current Life: (this is where you can describe your current living situation. Perhaps you isekaied into a nice family. Maybe you are an orphan or mercenary with nothing. You are not allowed to be in a family with wealth or peerage to nobility. Such things must be earned first and rp'd into being in most cases.)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 0 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Skill Name F
  • Skill Name F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Super Awesome Ability Name - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - Causes super awesome stuff to happen - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Super Awesome Ability Name - Skill 1 F, Skill 2 E, Skill 3 F - Causes super awesome stuff to happen - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Example Sweet Sword F
  • Example Rockin Armor E
  • Example Shock Shield D - Shocks whatever strikes its surface
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Example Whetstone
  • Example Bedroll
  • Example Fire Starter Kit
  • Example Rations
  • Example Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Example Dumpy Cottage
  • Example Old Donkey
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • [Date of Character Creation]
  • Additional points gained from Scoops or stat reductions
  • All stat upgrades
  • All skill purchases
  • All equipment, item, or asset purchases (this includes Natural Weapons)
  • [Date sheet was edited] Link to Grading post at end of RP, Rewards post from Community events, or Marketplace post for trades
  • Points, Assets, and Titles acquired from RP (these will be listed in Grading post)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo.
  • [Date sheet was edited, if different than previous edit date]Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F (violin comes with the skill)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts.
  • Rinse and Repeat
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Gadg8eer ("Cody Gibling" is my pen name if you need to refer to me specifically and not my character)
Post Frequency: Once every 2 days to once a week, more if time permits.
Discord Name: gadg8eer (lower-case)
Current RP: [The Republic - Paizu Mountains] - In The Hall of the Monkey King - (PT 2)
Goals: To build a better internet for a world that hasn't yet experienced the bane of corporate centralization of media.
Short-Term Goals
  • Energized F - Adjusting to his renewed youth while trying to survive this strange new world.
  • Gear F - Acquire a means of (dis)assembling things.
  • Find an asset to obtain materials for crafting.
Equipped Titles: Fae, InKid
  • Fae
    • Spirit is everything and everything is spirit. The elders left their physical bodies some time ago in order to linger and better oversee the world's affairs. Magic is the medium through which the world will be righted.
  • InKid
    • InKids are defined by two contrasts; their defiance, and their obedience. Those who are young at heart know the balance in being in their position, of a second chance at childhood; the strong rule the weak, but the trick is recognizing only the authority of protectors among the strong, and to subvert the power of the cruel, the selfish, and the spiteful. Submit to the right kind of strength, and tyranny becomes a weakness.
Inner Child/InKid (28 points)
Submitted by Gadg8eer

Fae, InKid
Strength G (-7)
Medium size (0) with a height under 4’10", or Small size (21)

  • Energized F (7)
    • Energized F (0) if character is too tall for Small size (Over 4'1")
  • Must NOT have the Seduction skill, cannot take Seduction skill without removing InKid somehow

Description: An InKid is the soul/Subconscience of a person who is young (or was while alive) or at least young at heart (again, while alive, with an implication that the afterliving are unable to change their behavior even if they need/want to). This means they could potentially be closer to Humans or Beastmen than typical Fae in behavior, though they always have some sense of immaturity to them. Given that a Subconscience is typically an incorporeal spirit of a dreaming or departed person and not a physical entity, it’s unclear how one might end up in the world of Isekai Hell as an actual materialized being, but indeed it seems to have happened. Usually this is a result of someone with a childlike personality being pulled from an astral plane into the IH world, though apparently a world could plausibly exist where InKids are native. InKids act like you would expect children to act in media aimed at children, such as cartoons and video games, and have intelligence on par with adult humans, but are physically children in every sense of the word. Despite this, they get irritated if you try to treat them like they can’t make their own decisions. With so few examples of them, it’s hard to ascribe any other unifying traits, but the above is a start. They’re not going to be winning any bedroom conquests (Ew, definitely not!), but they’re usually adorable, and friendly when treated with respect. InKids exist with similar physical mechanics to a dreaming person, video game avatar or animated character, though one is fully lucid and experiences all sensations as if awake. Not only does dying make an InKid lose all their stuff, it really hurts!
Class: Artless
  • Born For This: Get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
Downtime: ?
Languages: English and (via his goggles) Analog
Height: 4'2" (Exactly 127 cm)
Weight: 90 lbs. (Approx. 41 kg)
Backstory: Urban legends. You'd think you're about to read a backstory about two siblings with ridiculously good game theory proficiency, or someone who met them. This isn't that kind of backstory. Yeah, sure. The universe can be shit, capitalism is awful, etc. Everybody has some degree of bad luck. That alone is not why Oliver "Gadg8eer" Kind hated reality and feared people.

What would you do if you had a very strong sneaking suspicion that it was more than that? That something liked messing with you, something outright supernatural. Maybe that's why, when the real world (at least, what he THOUGHT was "the real world by default") apparently reached some sort of threshold of things going wrong in general, he found himself standing in the palm of a being whose other hand had a planet hovering above its grip.

Oliver remembered going to sleep, which was strange for a dream. All he knew was, this dream felt real, like a lucid dream, but every time he had been lucid in the past, the realization it could be a dream was what awoke him. This time, though... No matter how unreal the situation felt, he wasn't waking up, and considering he could feel the steady hand of [God](?) holding him like a tabletop miniature as it gently rose and fell, and the fabric of a set of clothes he'd only ever imagined, it looked like this dream had just come true.

Where he'd end up and what he would do were a mystery, but he instinctively knew what he was here and why. This was who he was in his dreams, a kid (or at least an undeniably childlike soul) who would never grow up, his own Subconscience. Pulled into an unrelated reality in corporeal form, he knew he could "die" and would lose whatever he was carrying as a result, but would simply wake up to this same new world in the nearest known inn or safehouse, like he was trapped in an unending series of dreams. He wasn't scared though. It was certainly a better existence than when he had fallen asleep in tears on the eve of WWIII.

He also felt... inspired. Something about here and now brought forth ideas he'd never knew he could have, as if blessed with some sort of new ability. Others might have looked down on someone who wanted to start rooting through scrap, but the things he could create if what he was imagining had come true... He couldn't ignore the urge to get started.
Current Life: Currently? Falling out of the sky towards the landscape below...
Points at Start: 105 (+14)
Points Earned: 7
Points Spent: 119
Points Not Spent: 7
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - G
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - G
Speed - E
Character Grade - F
(list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Artisan Tinkerer F
  • Item F
    • "NeoGear" Retractable MagWheel Skleats F
      • Light Armor F
      • Fast F
      • Special Movement: Speedboost F
      • Special Movement: Balance F
      • Jumping F
  • Item F
    • "SpyWear" AugReal Personal Area Network F
      • Light Armor F
      • Arcana F
      • Eidetic Memory F
      • Mind Shield F
      • Navigation F
      • Perception F
  • Masterwork
    • Harverster Minerals and Ores F
(Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

  • Reuse, Recycle - Harverster Minerals and Ores F + Artisan Tinkerer F - Gadg8eer can transmute metal scrap and discarded non-organic objects directly towards fixing broken items using the resulting salvaged material. This ability cannot be used to transmute materials into permanent harvested inventory, only to fix an item which must be done in the span of one post. Requires an asset of some sort to be used.
  • Imaginateer - Artisan Tinkerer F - Can build items no larger than a refrigerator (respective to Gadg8eer's size when used), without onlookers being able to determine what is being built through supernatural abilities, however any onlooker can attempt to guess or deduce what is being made using mundane skills like knowledge and intuition. Requires harvested minerals and ores, though a portable toolkit may be used as a substitute for a full workshop. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • True Self - Item: "SpyWear" F - Gadg8eer cannot be forced via Mind Control to do something he wouldn't want to do, only have his inhibitions dulled and being persuaded to do something he might already decide to do; higher grades of Mind Control cause his sense of ettiquette to degrade more if successful. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • The Story So Far - Item: "SpyWear" F - If Gadg8eer forgets anything, he can use his goggles outside of combat to look at the actual posts of the RP. This cannot be used to break the fourth wall, however, as the XR PAN aggregates the information into a personal html-like archive that is indistinguishable from a series of forum posts by IH natives roleplaying as Isekai. It also does not contain information that Gadg8eer could not otherwise know (marked by a strikethrough if included in a quote) such as anything he wasn't directly present for and had no second-hand knowledge of.
  • In My Shoes - Item: "NeoGear" F - Basic ability to make use of the retractable "roller skleats" he wears.
  • Item: "SpyWear" F
    • XR Personal Area Network F - Grants Arcana F, Eidetic Memory F, Mind Shield F, Navigation F, and Perception F - Personal Area Networks (PANs) in the form of portable/wearable XR devices in a peer-to-peer mesh configuration similar to this were "common" big ticket life purchases in the 2030s, similar to the flagship smartphones of the 2010s or the color TVs of the 1970s in price/importance/sales demographic. This one seems native to this medieval fantasy world in capabilities and origin, but with a retro-future interface aesthetic that is more "Gotta catch 'em all!" than "Can you reach THE FINALS?" and a product design that feels like it aged like the Y2K milk joke in The Simpsons. While it seems to have some sort of AugReal networking functionalities, it remains to be seen whether any networks exist for it to access in the first place. It automatically records any observations and discoveries Gadg8eer makes into a database, but cannot do so without encountering the real deal to give the goggles something to "scan", and only records information in human-readable (plain Common) audiovisual format via something approximating a Language Learning Model (i.e. a smartphone "AI", with not even what the constructs of this world might consider their souls to be) with only previous interactions (previous posts in the RP) as training data. The output is in a format similar to a BBS, website, internet forum, wiki, centralized social media feed, or the fediverse - a 2D hyperlink metaphor - and any information it gives is probably just based on the recorded opinions of those who had spoken within ear-shot of Gadg8eer (whether he remembers it himself or not). The area of knowledge is only for Gadg8eer's starting location in the first RP. Granted to him by [God](?), the function of the backtop PC/XR goggles is entirely within the bounds of Grand Duchy magitech and all interfaces except directional aids (minimap/compass/"enemy radar" are hidden by default) are always visible to everyone but only usable by Gadg8eer.
  • Item: "NeoGear" F
    • Retractable MagWheel Skleats - Grants Fast F, Special Movement: Speedboost F, Special Movement: Balance F, and Jumping F - Magical user-powered roller skates with no-contact suspension to eliminate the need for oil lubrication, but requiring Gadg8eer to actively put effort into motion despite the innovative execution of a magical equivalent to magnetic wheel bearings, due to the nature of its' (currently extremely inefficient) mana storage capabilities. He will have difficulties until Speed Stat is increased. In Gadg8eer's old life in the 2030s, a "concept skate" existed from a fancy European shoemaker with magnetic suspension, but they were not yet mass-produced. This pair seems to be made using typical - if advanced - cobbling methods of the Isekai Hell world. As with any wheeled skating method, it is designed for smooth concrete and functions extremely poorly on rough, soft or fluidic (mud, sand, etc.) surfaces, so the wheels are retractable to enable standard movement.
Items: Due to living in the relative technological security of the year 2034, Gadg8eer indeed has a lot of tech on him, but it seems he was not granted anything else to survive with. This will be a significant issue in a fantasy world which may or may not even have any communications infrastructure to speak of.
  • Pair of Glo-Yo Gloves F
Assets: Essentially a soul given form, Gadg8eer has nothing to his name but what he most valued about his material posessions in his old life (the technological extensions to an otherwise boring reality).
  • N/A
(List here all links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
Change Log:
  • +14 from reduced G-Grade Strength and G-Grade Vitality
  • -35 for D-Grade Precision, D-Grade Intelligence and E-Grade Speed
  • Starting skill purchases (-84 total)
    • Masterwork (-7 total)
      • Harverster: Minerals and Ores F (-7)
    • Artisan Tinkerer F (-7)
      • All equipment, item, or asset purchases including Natural Weapons (-70)
    • Item F (-35 total)
      • "NeoGear" Retractable MagWheel Skleats
        • Light Armor F (0)
        • Fast F (-7)
        • Special Movement: Speedboost F (-14)
        • Special Movement: Balance F (-7)
        • Jumping F (-7)
    • Item F (-35 total)
      • "SpyWear" XR Personal Area Network
        • Light Armor (0)
        • Arcana F (-7)
        • Eidetic Memory F (-7)
        • Mind Shield F (-7)
        • Navigation F (-7)
        • Perception F (-7)
  • Added It also does not contain information that Gadg8eer could not otherwise know (marked by a strikethrough if included in a quote) such as anything he wasn't directly present for and had no second-hand knowledge of. to SpyWear F for clarity and to avoid potential exploit, no gameplay changes should result.
  • Put change logs in spoiler tags for ease of use.
  • Earned 7 points.
  • Created a Pair of Glo-Yo Gloves F with Artisan Tinkerer F
  • Spent 7 points, purchases listed below.
    • Artisan Tinkerer F => E (-7 Pts.)
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  • Theme: N/A
  • Rp'er Name: Mephisto
  • Post Frequency: as often as I can
  • Discord Name: Mephisto
  • Current RP: N/A
  • Goals: to take over the world and turn it into his own scientific playground
  • Equipped Titles: Human, Mundane, Mad Scientist
  • Class: N/A
  • Perks: N/A
  • Downtime: N/A
  • Height: 6' 3"
  • Weight: 180 lbs
Dr. Hector Amon was never a doctor. He was never named Hector. He was always a thing, a spirit traveling from host to host. He lived inside of countless minds, learning how to manipulate and replicate the intricacies of the human brain. He eventually became so good at it that he was indistinguishable from a faceless ghost. He was eventually caught and imprisoned within the West Empire, locked away never to be seen or heard from again.

Yet he has a knack for resurfacing.

With the advent of the Monster Factory, he found a new lease on life and easily escaped from the prisons far below the ground. He inhabited the mind of a doctor. He became that doctor, and he stole his identity.

He became a man named Hector. For the time being, that was enough.

But then...

A dragon named Stormbreaker happened.

Now Amon seeks revenge against the woman who destroyed his best chance at accomplishing his goal. With the Monster Factory in ruins and the West Empire condemning everything he had done in the name of science, Amon is once more a free agent of chaos.
  • Acquired Titles: Human, Mundane, Mad Scientist
  • Points at Start: 105
  • Points Earned: 0
  • Points Spent: 105
  • Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - F (0)
  • Precision - D (14)
  • Intelligence - D (14)
  • Vitality - E (7)
  • Speed - F (0)
  • Character Grade - E

  • Movement
    • N/A
  • Mental
    • Mind Shield F (7)
  • Martial
    • N/A
  • Magic
    • Magic E (14)
    • Magic Augmenter Duration F (7)
    • Magic Augmenter Range F (7)
  • Sense
    • N/A
  • Defensive
    • N/A
  • Miscellaneous
    • Educated F (7) - [Mad Scientist]
  • Secondary
    • Academia F (0) - Educated
    • Alchemy F (0) - Educated
    • Arcana F (0) - Educated
    • Area Knowledge F (0) - Native, Red Haven
    • Medicine F (0) - Born for This
    • Physics F (7)
    • Stealth F (7)

  • "No Need for Violence" - Amon lifts a hand and flicks a bead of mystical energy towards his opponent, more often than not targeting the head. The power behind it is similar to a bullet, often turning the target's skull into a mass of pulped flesh and shattered bone. (Magic E, Magic Augmenter Range F, Grade F - CD 1)
  • "Event Horizon" - Amon squeezes his forefinger against his thumb like a funnel and channels raw magic into a continuous beam. This high-pressure stream can scythe through limbs with minimal effort. (Magic E, Magic Augmenter Duration F, Magic Augmenter Range F, Grade F - CD 1)

  • Equipment:
    • Ring of Psychotic Genius - Catalyst E (14) - associated with his self-proclaimed brilliance, the ring glows with an unmistakable malice.
  • Items:
    • Simple clothing
    • Stitching kit
  • Assets:
    • N/A

  • Change Log:
    • Submitted - 12/9/2024
    • Added "Stealth - Born for This" - 12/10/2024
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  • Theme: N/A
  • Rp'er Name: Mephisto
  • Post Frequency: as often as I can
  • Discord Name: Mephisto
  • Current RP: N/A
  • Goals: to be a hero, a good friend, and a decent person!
  • Equipped Titles: Construct, Mundane
  • Class: N/A
  • Perks: N/A
  • Downtime: N/A
  • Height: 6' 1"
  • Weight: 220 lbs
A young man obsessed with Super Sentai died one day. He was of no significance and passed in his youth, alone and forgotten by society.

At the same time, a special unit of the Widersian 767th Mechanized Special Forces was wiped out during the bloody border war with the Fae See.

They had nothing in common other than circumstance.

The man's soul fused with the wounded robot soldier, starting a decade-long period of senseless wandering. The soul and the programming managed to come to terms and become one spirit, occupying the robotic form they shared as a single entity.

He called himself Ranger.

Ranger now scours the land looking for a purpose and a new lease on life.

He might be a little dazed and confused, but he's got the right idea.

He wants nothing more than to be the best person he can be, and one day have his dream of being a hero come true!
  • Acquired Titles: Construct, Mundane
  • Points at Start: 105
  • Points Earned: 0
  • Points Spent: 105
  • Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - F (0)
  • Precision - D (14)
  • Intelligence - F (0)
  • Vitality - E (7)
  • Speed - D (14)
  • Character Grade - E

  • Movement
    • Special Movement [Cat-Like] F (7)
  • Mental
    • N/A
  • Martial
    • Fighting Style [Lead Monkey] F (7) - a wild and unpredictable fighting style where Ranger gets rather up close and personal, firing his pistols at point-blank distances in tandem with using them for pistol whipping and makeshift guarding maneuvers.
      • Range F (0)
    • Steady Hands F (7)
  • Magic
    • N/A
  • Sense
    • N/A
  • Defensive
    • [Cold] Resistance F (7)
    • [Psychic] Resistance F (7)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Educated F (7)
  • Secondary
    • Acrobatics F (0) - Educated
    • Deception F (0) - Educated
    • Helming [Steam Car] F (0) - Educated
    • Performance [Comedy] F (0) - Born for This
    • Seduction F (7)
    • Street Sense F (7)

  • "Bang Bang Bang!!" - Ranger fires from a distance, slipping and sliding as he does so. (Fighting Style [Lead Monkey] F, Range F, CD 1)
  • "Whoopsie Daisy!" - Ranger gets closer than he thought he would and awkwardly moves along with his opponent, evading attacks by virtue of invading personal space. (Fighting Style [Lead Monkey] F, CD 1)

  • Equipment:
    • Left pistol F (7)
    • Right pistol F (7)
  • Items:
    • Simple clothing
  • Assets:
    • N/A

  • Change Log:
    • Submitted - 12/10/2024
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Myra Rook
Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Crescent King
Post Frequency:
Once a week.
Discord Name: Crescent King
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Short Term: Aquire items of value, make money.
Long Term: Retirement.
Equipped Titles: Human
Acquired Titles: Human
(can be left blank. used for #Harvester and #Tamer skills.)
Languages: Common, Beastial.
Height: 5'8
Weight: 157 lbs
Backstory: World Native.
Current Life: Born in the bustling heart of Ryken, Myra Rook grew up in the shadows of wealth and power, surrounded by opulence she could never touch. Her father, a disgraced merchant, lost everything to the ruthless ebb and flow of trade on the Kabnak River, leaving Myra to fend for herself in the crowded streets. Resourceful and sharp-eyed, she quickly learned to navigate the city's bustling ports and labyrinthine markets, smuggling goods under the noses of watchful guards and rival traders. The endless flow of Rykes through the city offered countless opportunities, and Myra’s cunning and audacity made her a rising star in the underworld. While the nobles basked in their prosperity, Myra thrived in the shadows, carving out her own piece of Ryken's wealth—one daring deal at a time.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - D -14
Intelligence - E -7
Vitality - E -7
Speed - E -7
Character Grade - E
  • Educated - F -7 [Smuggler]
  • Street Sense - F -0 [Educated]
  • Slight of Hand - F -0 [Educated]
  • Deception - F -0 [Educated]
  • Persuasion - F -7
  • Insight - F -7
  • Steady Hands - F -7
  • Fighting Style [Mystic Marksman] - E -14, Hot Shot - F -7, Penetrating - F -0 (Fighting Style Discount), Range - F -7
  • Quick Shot: Fighting Style [Mystic Marksman] - F, Penetrating - F, Hot Shot - F, Range F. Grade F, Post Cooldown 0. (Fires a single basic shot that can potentially disarm or deal double damage to weak spots. And reduce item effectiveness of target action by 1. Up to 10 ft.)
  • Charged Shot: Fighting Style [Mystic Marksman] - E, Penetrating - F, Hot Shot - F, Range F.Grade E, Post Cooldown 1.(Fires a more powerful basic shot into an enemy that can disarm or deal double damage to weak spots. And reduce item effectiveness of target action by 1. Up to 10 ft.)
  • Mana Blaster - E -14
  • 1000002327.jpg
Change Log:
  • 12/9/24
  • Precision F => D -14
  • Intelligence F => E -7
  • Vitality F => E -7
  • Speed F => E -7
  • Educated F -7 [Smuggler]
  • Street Sense F -0 [Educated]
  • Slight of Hand F -0 [Educated]
  • Persuasion F -7
  • Insight F -7
  • Deception F -0 [Educated]
  • Steady Hands F -7
  • Fighting Style [Mystic Marksman] E -14
  • Penetrating F -0 (Fighting Style Discount)
  • Hot Shot F -7 (Fighting Style Discount)
  • Mana Blaster E -14


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Samantha Nag'haghalgrim


General information:
Rp'er Name: Rev
Post Frequency: Daily to weekly
Current RP:
Narrator Grade: B

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Equipped Titles:
Racial: [Human]
Society - Connection:
Society - General: [Fates Chosen: Samantha Nag'hagalgrim x Kane Blackburne]
Skill-related: [Mundane]

Character-related information:
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: E
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 61 kg

Long-term Goals:
  • Transcend humanity
  • Establish a church for the Beyonders
Short-term Goals:
  • Improve her medical work
  • Cultivate transcendental knowledge
  • Find alike minds

  • Human - Humans thrive on connectivity and flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skill sets, they accomplish much and that is why they built their society around factions and organizations.
Society - Connection:
Society – General:
  • Fates Chosen: Samantha Nag'hagalgrim x Kane Blackburne - Two souls entwined by fate, their connection forged in a dream of early spring. Together, their bond grants them strength in battle. +1 to Team up Bonus when teaming up with fated partner
  • Mundane - Grants Born for This - get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements

Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade – F

  • Fighting Style [Astral Executioner][Scythe] E - The character has trained with specified weapons and received knowledge in its use
    - Area F - Technique allows for an attack that sweeps a large area. Current max. effect: 5ft
    - Knockback F (Action: 1) - This technique specializes in sending targets flying. The greater the grade of technique, the greater the potential distance a target may be force moved
  • Superstrength F - Creatures with this skill for one reason or another gained the ability to exert much greater strength/force than others. This skill only applies to a creature's ability to lift, carry, and push targets. The max amount increases per grade. The weight listed is in addition to character's base carrying capabilities based on strength stat. Current max. effect: 200 lbs (Born for This discount)
  • Appraisal F - This ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown
  • Psychic Resistance F - Character takes reduced damage/pain/debuffs/setbacks when hit by an attack, technique, or hazard using same/similar element. Each grade of resistance reduces damage received (of the same type) by 1
  • Energized F - Reduce post cooldown of abilities by 1. Upgrading skill does not increase reduction amount
  • Educated [Astral Scholar] F - Character has lived a life where they have first hand experience of using specific skills and knowledge on a regular basis.
    - Athletics - The character has the ability to perform feats of strength with minimal chance for injury. Includes lifting or pushing heavy objects, stopping objects in motion, and supporting large weights
    - Religion - The ability to recall lore about deities, rites and prayers, religious hierarchies, ethical standards, holy symbols, and the practices of secret cults
    - Medicine - Knowledge of how to diagnose and heal the body using a variety of techniques. Not to be confused with the Healing skill, this skill is for more mundane forms of healing and/or medical diagnosis

  • Root Clipper - Fighting Style [Astral Executioner][Scythe] F, Area F, Athletics F, Energized F - A quick strike performable from a variety of angles. Able to cover small areas - F grade - 3 uses per turn
  • Hook Slingblade - Fighting Style [Astral Executioner][Scythe] E, Area F, Knockback F, Athletics F, Superstrength F - A powerful physical strike able to send bodies flying - E grade - 1 turn cooldown
  • Basic Triage - Appraisal F, Medicine F, Energized F - A quick medical evaluation able to give a simple diagnosis - F Grade - 3 uses per turn

  • Black Steel Scythe E
  • Heavy Mineral Plate Armor F

  • Medical Toolkit (Gear F)

Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

Samantha was a revered medic of a Kingdom. Her and her noble branch of healers were admired and sought after by everyone. During the day, she was a charming lady who tended to the wounded and sick of the capital. During the night, she would delve deep into her research. She discovered the existence of foreign entities from beyond the cosmos. She dubbed them "Beyonders". The beyonders slowly fed her forbidden knowledge improper for a simple human mind. As a brilliant scholar, Samantha managed to not be driven insane. However, her Beyonder-related research was discovered. She was swiftly executed. No trial, no delays. Whatever was found in her documents must have been pretty incriminating. Or was it simply ignorant eyes throwing a tantrum for not understanding greatness? She will never know.

Unsure of how exactly, Samantha woke up in a brand new world. After traveling around and meeting locals, she saw that this world would welcome the Beyonders with open arms, so she started to look for ways to integrate in her new reality, and try to reestablish her connection with the Beyonders.

  • 12/15/24 - Character submitted, starting points allotted
    - Str D (14)
    - Vit E (7)
    - Int D (14)
    - Fighting Style E (14)(Area and Knockback come free)
    - Energized F (7)
    - Superstrength F (7)(Born for This discount)
    - Psychic Resistance F (7)
    - Educated F (7)(Athletics, Medicine, Religion)
    - Gear (Medical tools) F (7)
    - Scythe E (14)
    - Heavy Armor F (7)
  • 12/16/24 - Added abilities and Appraisal skill (0 points as isekai)
  • 12/23/24 - Made final pre-approval edits
  • 03/04/25 - Added February '25 Date Event title
    - Fates Chosen: Samantha Nag'hagalgrim x Kane Blackburne
    - Updated Narrator Grade
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Character Name: Astraea Nox
Theme: Astraea's Theme
Rp'er Name: WolfsRainNight
Post Frequency: daily, depends
Discord Name: rachelgardner#9368

Goals: (WIP)

Equipped Titles: Human, mundane
Acquired Titles: Human, mundane

Height: 164 cm
Weight: 50 kg

Origins in Poverty
Astraea was born into a life of extreme poverty in a harsh, medieval-style world. Her family, too destitute to care for her, left her in the streets of a bustling but unforgiving city. Though her origins were unknown and her real name forgotten, Astraea’s ethereal beauty became both a curse and a key to her survival.

A New Name, A New Life
A powerful lord’s maid, enchanted by Astraea’s delicate appearance, “rescued” her, claiming the girl as her own possession. Astraea was brought into the lord’s manor, renamed Astraea Nox—a name meaning “Starry Night”—to reflect her pale silver hair and glowing golden eyes, which seemed otherworldly under candlelight. Though she was now clothed and fed, Astraea was little more than a servant, working tirelessly to earn her keep.

The Gift of the Cards
One day, while working, Astraea’s mistress was feeling unusually generous and gifted her an ornate deck of tarot cards—a forgotten trinket collecting dust in the manor. Curious yet cautious, Astraea began practicing simple readings in secret. To everyone’s surprise, her talent with the cards was uncanny. Astraea had a natural affinity for reading fates, her words weaving together an eerie accuracy that both intrigued and unsettled those around her.
Word of her talent reached the Queen, who, ever a woman of idle pleasures and superstition, summoned Astraea to perform readings. At first, Astraea’s fortunes brought the Queen delight, her predictions often lighthearted and vague. As time passed, Astraea found herself performing readings for the Queen regularly, becoming something of a curiosity—"The Witch with the Cards"—a nickname whispered in jest and fear.

Betrayal and Death
One fateful day, the Queen’s fortune was not what she desired. Astraea’s cards foretold loss and despair, a reading the Queen could not accept. Fearing the omen was real—or perhaps enraged that Astraea dared utter such predictions—the Queen spun a wicked lie. She told the King that Astraea was a witch who had cursed her with dark magics, ensuring ruin would come to the kingdom.
Consumed by superstition and anger, the King ordered Astraea’s execution. She was dragged to the city square and tied to a stake, her screams drowned by the crackling of flames. As her body burned, her final thoughts were not of vengeance, but of the cruel irony that her gift—something given freely—had become her downfall.

Current Life:
The God of Second Chances
After her death, Astraea awoke in a vast, boundless void, her body whole but her spirit heavy with the memory of fire. Before her stood a radiant, incomprehensible being who called himself God. The deity apologized for the unjust, short life she had been given, and for the cruel way she had perished. God explained that her suffering had been a cosmic mistake, and as recompense, he offered her a new life in a new world—one where her abilities could be her strength, not her doom.
At first, Astraea refused. She wanted nothing of her memories, her abilities, or her cursed cards. She wished only for peace, free from the chains of fate. But God, ever patient and wise, spoke softly to her.
"Your abilities are not a curse, child. They are the key to shaping destiny. This world is broken, frozen in its misery—much like your own. Perhaps it is you who can help them move forward. You are their Oracle."
With God’s soothing words, Astraea hesitantly agreed to live again. God instructed her to close her eyes and accept this gift.

Rebirth in a New World
When Astraea opened her eyes, the cold void was gone, replaced by a vibrant, fantastical world unlike anything she had known. She was no longer wearing the rags of a servant but a lavish, ethereal outfit, a flowing ensemble of deep purples and shimmering silvers that seemed fit for royalty. A belt on her hip carried a sleek case, and within it, she found five tarot cards, each pulsing with a faint energy.
The cards were:
The Lovers
The Hierophant
The Fool
The High Priestess
The World

Though the deck was incomplete, Astraea knew these cards were imbued with power beyond mortal understanding. They were tools, extensions of herself, meant to guide her as she travelled this strange new land.

Current Life: After her rebirth, Astraea wandered through a vast, untamed landscape, the unfamiliar world humming with magic and mystery. With nothing but her ornate outfit, the deck of five tarot cards, and a newfound sense of purpose, Astraea chose a random direction, allowing fate itself to guide her steps.

As she travelled, she experimented cautiously with her cards, slowly discovering their abilities and quirks:

The Lovers allowed her to charm or disorient, proving useful for evading dangers. she used this card's power to charm bandits into aiding her by either giving her food or gathering food for her.

The Hierophant shielded her from harm with glowing barriers.

The Fool cloaked her presence, saving her from prowling beasts and when The Lovers card failed she used The Fool to get food.

The High Priestess sharpened her instincts, helping her navigate unfamiliar terrain and uncover hidden trails.

The World enhanced her reflexes, allowing her to dodge hazards she might otherwise have stumbled into.

Each card seemed to whisper to her as she used it, their enigmatic power hinting at untold potential. Though she understood them only superficially, Astraea felt a strange bond growing between herself and her deck—as if it had a mind of its own.

The Journey to Ryke
Days turned to weeks as Astraea roamed, her mind torn between awe and apprehension. She wondered what this world expected of her. Her memories of the past still stung, but there was little time to linger in sorrow. Each morning brought new challenges—hungry beasts, treacherous terrain, and restless nights beneath an endless sky.
Her biggest concern, however, was survival. How would she make a living? Could she carve out a life here, or would she be a wanderer forever? Astraea recalled her old abilities as a tarot reader. Perhaps the cards that once doomed her could now be her salvation.
On the evening of her fifth week of travel, Astraea emerged from a dense forest into a wide clearing. The sight before her stole her breath:

The Protectorate of Ryke.
The sprawling landscape glittered with lights from distant cities, their glow flickering like stars against the horizon. Astraea could see winding trade roads, fields dotted with farmers, and towering walls that promised safety and civilization. Even from afar, Ryke radiated prosperity and diversity—a stark contrast to the rigid world she had left behind.

Ryke: A New Beginning
For the first time since her rebirth, Astraea felt a glimmer of hope. This was a land of opportunity, a place where anyone could forge their own path. Its vibrant tapestry of cultures meant her foreign appearance and mysterious talents might not make her an outcast.
"This is where it begins," she thought to herself.
Determined, Astraea set her sights on the city gates, ready to embrace whatever awaited her

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - f (0pts)
Precision - E (7 pts)
Intelligence - C (21 pts)
Vitality - E (7 pts)
Speed - F (0pts)

  • []Appraisal F (0pts)
    []Barriers F (14 pts)
    ]Acrobatics F (7 pts)
    []Perception F: born for this (0 pts)
    ]Investigation F (7 pts)
    []Seduction F (7 pts)
    ]Undetected F (14 pts)
  • Illusions F (21 pts)


  • []The Hierophant - Barriers F - Create barriers around a target within reach for a round - F - 0 Cooldown

    ]The World - Acrobatics F - Character becomes particularly agile and balanced, allowing various physical feats to better dodge or navigate various hazards - F - 0 Cooldown

    []The High Priestess - Perception F, Investigation F - Character takes in their surroundings and pieces together ideas of what's going on in the immediate area and grants her Appraisal - F - 0 Cooldown

    ]The Lovers - Seduction F - Character distracts and perhaps seduces target with their looks and/or charisma those affected by The Lovers are afflicted with the Charm debuff - F - 0 Cooldown

    []The Fool - Illusion F, Undetected (vision) F - Character becomes invisible as a likeness of them takes their place for a round - F - 0 Cooldown


  • Tarot Cards
  • Tarot Cards Deck Case (only has 5 cards)

  • None

Change Log:

  • [][Date of Character Creation]
    December 18, 2024
    ]Initial Stat Allocations
  • Initial Skill and Ability Purchases
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Lenara "Len" Alstadt


Same Blue Sky

Rp'er Name: Maverick Six

Post Frequency: 3 times a week or more

Discord Name: Rektifier

Current RP: In The Hall of the Monkey King - (PT 2)

  • Become a great adventurer and proficient fighter
  • Unlock her old memories
  • Uncover the mysteries of her Sword Gremir
  • Travel the entire world
  • Find ways to make the world a truly better place.
  • Explore the Dark Continent

Equipped Titles: Human, Squire, Rotia Nobility Bastard F

Height: 5 Ft 3

Weight: 115 lbs

  • Backstory: The last and perhaps only thing she remembered.

    "You protected me after all, sis. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

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Aspen Jensen
Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: oldantiques
Post Frequency: Depends, usually 1-2 posts a week
Discord Name: oldantiques9486
Current RP: N/A
-Don't die
-Quit smoking
-Adjust to her new life
-Recover her old memories(?)
Acquired Titles: Mundane, Human
Equipped Titles: Mundane, Human
Class: N/A
Perks: N/A
Downtime: N/A
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 126 lbs
All Aspen could remember from her past life was the strong smell of chemicals and the essence of her smoking pipe. The carriages moving down the stone path and the chatter of middle classed citizens were nothing as the ringing in her ears drowned out the noises from outside.

Waking up on a field just by a small town, Aspen wasn’t sure how to react when she saw the sky again.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E (7)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - F (0)
Speed - F (0)
Character Grade - E

Fighting Style [Non-Lethal] F - 7
Fighting Style [Irritant] F - 14
Gear - 7
Healing E - 14
Enchanting E - 14
Focus F - 7
Medicine F - 7

Spore Release - Fighting Style [Irritant] F, Fighting Style [Non-Lethal], Gear [Smoke Bomb], Enchanting E - Aspen is able to enchant her smoke bombs, making them filled with spores instead of the usual smoke - 1 post cooldown

Dear, Healer! - Healing E, Focus F, Medicine F - Aspen is able to treat non-lethal wounds more effectively in stressful situations - 0 post cooldown

Smoke Bomb

Simple clothing
Smoking Pipe
Water Vask


Created 12/19/2024
Haru Shirobara

Rp'er Name: heartspan
Post Frequency: at the minimum once a week (probably more often honestly)
Discord Name: heartspan3
Current RP:
To create the most powerful guild of spell casters ever created whose hand is in every kingdoms pocket in some way, and whose voice reaches every nobles ear. A guild that has the power to help the powerless.
Equipped Titles: Fae {Mundane}{Elf}, Isekai {Variant: Intermediate}, {Court Mage}
Acquired Titles: Fae {Mundane}{Elf}, Isekai {Variant: Intermediate}, {Court Mage}
folk hero{The Republic of Kuridan}
Common, Beastial
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Age: 21
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue
Backstory: Haru lived an ordinary life on earth. He hung out with his childhood friend Hikari, and he did normal kid shit all the way until high school. In high school he joined the student council, and this lessened his time with Hikari dramatically. Then in his second year of high school a fellow student council member inserted herself into the time he spent with Hikari, making it a trio, and even further lessening her alone time with Haru. Then on His 17th birthday Hikari asked to meet him on the school's roof at midnight. He snuck out to meet his childhood friend wondering what was up, and secretly hoping for a love confession. This very wish was granted, but not in a way he would have wanted. Hikari did confess to him. However, she immediately followed it up by grabbing him, and forcing them both off the roof top in a murder/suicide event. He was then reincarnated into a family of elven spell casters living in the Fae See. He never lost his memories of his past life, and he never got to know his new family. While still just an infant his parents were killed while traveling through the republic of Kuridan and he was then raised in an orphanage. While he was growing up he used his knowledge to help in what ways he could, here and there in the village. When he turned 18 he was able to become the court mage for a very low rank noble and through this he gained a proper education. However he only served the noble for a scant two years before taking his leave. From there he simply traveled the republic doing good things for people, especially the powerless and dispossessed.
Current Life: Currently Haru is in pursuit of his goal.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
  • Magic E
  • Magic Range{30ft} F
  • Magic Area of Effect{15ft} F
  • Magic Affinity{Element: Fire} F
  • Magic Affinity{blight: Force} F
  • Educated{Court Mage} F
  • Persuasion{Court Mage} F
  • Etiquette{Court Mage} F
  • Insight{Court Mage} F
  • Feature {Ears: Pointy}
  • Appraisal F
  • Basic Attack Magic - Magic E, Magic Range F {30ft} - Allows Haru to fire an 8 inch diameter beam of mana at a single target {white in color} - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Fireball - Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Area F, Element: Fire F - Allows Haru to create an 8 inch ball of fire that he can shoot out to 30ft that will burst in an are of 15ft - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Simple Fireball - Magic F, Element Fire F - Allows Haru to create an 8 inch ball of fire that he can shoot out to 5ft - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Basic Explosion Magic - Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Area F, Element: Fire F, Blight: Force F - Allows Haru to create a magic seal with an area of 15ft anywhere within 30ft. In the center of the seal a ball of fire roughly the size of a marble forms in the air about the same height as Haru's heart. Within a few heart beats the fire rapidly expands to fill the spell area. Nearly simultaneously a similar ball of pure kinetic energy forms and expands following in the wake of the fire. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Silver Tongue - Persuasion F, Etiquette F, Insight F - Haru's sweet talking skills, utilizes his knowledge of proper decorum, and any insight gained in the moment - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Super Sweet Talk - Magic F, Insight F, Persuasion F - Using magic and insight to persuade people - Grade F - 0 post cool down
  • Super Super Sweet Talk - Magic E, Insight F, Persuasion F - Using magic and insight to persuade people only slightly more powerfully - Grade E - 1 post cool down
  • Wizard Staff {catalyst D}
    megumin staff.png
  • sturdy Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • spare clothes
  • bag of miscellaneous candies
  • waxed canvas tarp shelter
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • 7 days Rations
  • 2 Waterskin
  • blank note book and 2 pens
Change Log:
  • created 12/20/2024
  • Upgraded precision from Grade F to Grade E (7 points)
  • Upgraded intelligence from Grade F to Grade C (21 points)
  • Upgraded vitality from Grade F to Grade E (7 points)
  • Purchased wizard staff Catalyst Grade D (21 points)
  • purchased skill: magic E (14 points)
  • purchased skill: Magic Affinity{blight: Force} F (7 points)(point cost covered by born for this: -7 points)
  • purchased skill: Magic Area of Effect F (7 points)
  • purchased skill: Magic range F (7 points)
  • purchased skill: Magic Affinity{Element: Fire} F (7 points)
  • purchased skill: Enchanting (7 points)
  • purchased skill: Feature {Ears: Pointy} (0 points)
  • purchased skill: Appraisal F (0 points)
  • purchased skill: Educated (7 points)
  • gained 3 secondary skills from educated (Persuasion, Etiquette, Insight) (21 points) (point cost covered by Educated skill: -21 points)
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Tomomi Koyake


From: Novel AI

General information:
Rp'er Name: Elvario
Post Frequency: Daily (at times), 2-3 days (preferable pace), 4-6 days (okay enough), 7 days (slowest I'm willing to go before loosing interest)
Current RP: Kept up to date on Discord.
Narrator Grade: S

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0

Equipped Titles:
Racial: Beast, Tanuki
Society - Connection:
Society – General:
Skill-related: Educated - Geisha
Job: Performance [Dance]

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: F
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: F
Racial Perks: Born for This
Class Perks:
Languages: Common, Beastial
Height: 1.2 metres / 4 feet, 1 inch
Weight: 22.5 kg / 50 lb

Long-term Goals:
  • Figure out how to be able to speak the truth again.
  • Support her brother Yukan.
Short-term Goals:
  • Find some folk that don't mind dealing with her and her 'condition' of being unable to speak the truth.
  • Get better at animating things.
  • Animate herself a permanent Construct companion.


  • Tanuki Natural Weapons F, Tanuki Claws , Darkvision F, Heightened Sense [Smell] F - A race of humanoid Tanuki beast people who originate in Kuridan.

Society - Connection:

Society – General:

Strength – E
(7 points)
Precision - F
Intelligence – D
(14 points)
Vitality - F
Speed – D
(14 points)




  • Animate F (35 points)

  • Darkvision F (7 points)
  • Heightened Sense [Smell] F (0 points, Born for This Discount)
  • Sixth Sense [Aura Perception] (7 points)
  • Aesthetic Features
    • Tanuki Fur
    • Tanuki Ears
    • Tanuki Eyes
    • Tanuki Muzzle
    • Tanuki Tail
    • Tanuki Claws
    • Tanuki Teeth


  • Educated [Geisha] F (7 points)
    [Geisha] – Having been taught to get things done by entertaining men through [Performance], then learning their secrets through [Deception] and [Seduction].
  • Language – Beastial (0 points, native speaker)
  • Language – Common (0 points, free with character creation)

  • Area Knowledge [Nara no Nox Shogunate] F (0 points, free with Standing Grade for Native Characters)
  • Deception F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Performance [Dance] F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Seduction F (0 points, part of Educated)




  • Animate – Animate F – Turns any unanchored non-magical object or pile into a Construct that follows basic commands. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown




  • Charm – Seduction F, Deception F – Attempts to charm someone. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dance – Performance F, Seduction F, – A seductive display. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown
  • Deceive – Deception F, Seduction F – Attempts to (actually) deceive someone. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Think of Home – Area Knowledge [Nara no Nox Shogunate] F – Recall facts about the homeland. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown.

  • Natural Weapons F (14 points)


Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

N/A – Character is a native.

Tomomi grew up in the Republic of Kuridan, in Nara no Nox Shogunate among the rest of the Koyake clan. Her early youth was pretty simple, without many things standing out. The only highlight being that one time she bested her older brother Yukan in a friendly fight (he claimed he was feeling sick, but surely that was just a lie). Either way, her parents hadn't been happy by her ruining her dress that day.

Other than that, she knew was that she learned a lot about her ancestry and the pride of the Koyake clan. Her parents more than eager to tell many stories about them and instilling their children with the same sense of pride. Whilst her older brother Yukan went to a Martial School, she was persuaded to attempt to become a Geisha. Truthfully, she'd rather have followed her brother into Martial School, but that was deemed to be unfitting.

Seeing how she rather disliked how boring her life suddenly was, she started to attempt to learn some magic skills in secret. Despite her race normally not picking it up well, especially not in her country, she eventually managed to teach herself how to animate objects. She kept practising this skill on the side and in secret, neglecting most of her Geisha education.

She was found out be someone she thought to be a fellow classmate. Lying through her teeth, she attempted to get out of it and frame another classmate instead. Sadly enough for her, it turned out that said classmate was revealed to be minor deity that cursed her for her dishonesty. From now on, any time she'd knowingly speak the truth or even convey her intention truthfully, she would be hurt and she would end up coughing up blood.

When she heard stories about her borther becoming a [Champion of Holy Fire], she was both confused and extremely intrigued. Deciding it was high time to see if they still had some of their old 'bond' left, she set out to meet up once more.

  • [28-12-2024] Creation date.
  • Creation: Strength E (7 points)
  • Creation: Intelligence D (14 points)
  • Creation: Speed D (14 points)
  • Creation: Animate F (35 points)
  • Creation: Darkvision F (7 points)
  • Creation: Heightened Sense [Smell] F (0 points, Born for This discount)
  • Creation: Sixth Sense [Aura Perception] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Educated [Geisha] F (7 points)
  • Creation: Area Knowledge [Nara no Nox Shogunate] F (0 points, free for Native Characters)
  • Creation: Deception F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Creation: Performance [Dance] F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Creation: Seduction F (0 points, part of Educated)
  • Creation: Natural Weapons F (14 points)
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency:
every 2 to 3 days as short as daily
Discord Name: karcen
Current RP: none
Short term
gain power
learn of the universe
Long term
Contact the others in the void
lead them to the world
consume the world
Equipped Titles: mundane monster, summoned being, wanted: The order of stary knowledge
7' 6" when standing tentacles can be longer
Weight: 300lbs
Backstory: In the nothing beyond realities in the unlight of blacks stars There are monsters not of flesh or spirit, but of concept of truths and ideas. These monsters are both few and endless at the same time a countless horde made of a singular being. In this nothing this void of where the rules of reality go to die these monsters seek out universes. They seek those dead and dying place, that might be a universe of one world, or of countless stars that have dimmed. The monsters of the void then take on material shape and material minds to spread the unreality they come from draining whatever is left of the place and breaking down the remaining rules of reality. They do this across all the possibilities of the place they have invaded ending it completely. They end the reality even if there are billions or trillions in them or none at all all that matters it it is time and the void hungers. The universe would then collapse taking everything even the physical forms of the invaders with it which would then be fully consumed by the unforms of the void. This would leave behind splattering of concepts and rules that will one day make a new universe. The invaders of the void are indifferent recyclers caring not for the lives they extinguish. this cycle has repeated for countless years and countless universes.
Current Life: The order of stary wisdom is one of the the many organizations studying versions forms of magic in rotia with the goal of fighting the yearly monster invasions. Their order focuses on the more aethric magics , those of the cosmos and beyond. They do also sometimes summon forth being from the depths of the cosmos and beyond to try to gain power and perhaps allies against the monsters. It was in one such summoning they reached too deep, and went to far, they tapped into the void the unreality beyond all things and brought forth its monsters. It was a menagerie of mind breaking forms as the summoning room was swiftly over run by the void spawn. Xata was among these summoned void spawn and joined in the confused rampage. Still the order were not amateurs and soon had order restored slaying many of the void spawn, but many others like Xata escaped into the wild. Not The order hunts down the void spawn like Xata fearing what they might do if left unchecked.
Acquired Titles: mundane monster, summoned being, wanted: The order of stary knowledge
Points at Start: 133 ( wanted)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E 7​
Precision - F
Intelligence - D 14​
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Teleport F 21
  • Telepathy F 21
  • Illusion F 21
  • Magic E 7 (born for this)
  • Magic range F 7
  • Feature extra arms 7
  • Feature cosmetic eldritch body 0
  • Feature cosmetic tentacles 0
  • Appraisal isekai F 0
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Reposition: Intelligence E, Magic E, catalyst E, Magic Range F, Teleport F Grade E cooldown 1 post Range 30 feet. Simply teleports that caster up to 30 feet away.
  • Magic blast: Intelligence E, Magic E, catalyst E, Magic Range F, Grade E cooldown 1 post ranger 30 feet. A blast of augmented magic
  • Mind blast: Intelligence E, Magic E, catalyst E, Magic Range F, Telepathy F Grade E cooldown 1 posts range 30 feet a blast of magic energy directed through the mind of Xata and into the mind of the target.
  • Blast lesser: Intelligence F, Magic F, catalyst F Grade F Cooldown 0 posts range 5 feet a lesser blast of un augmented magic energy.
  • Hallucination: Intelligence E, Magic E, catalyst E, Magic Range F. illusion F grade E cooldown 1 post range 30 feet A short lived illusion placed within 30 feet of the caster
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Catalyst E void lens
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
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Rp'er name:
Post Frequency: I'm thinking a few times a week
Discord Name: Bartre
Current RP: Active - [Greystone - Ryke] The Howling Depths
To live a quiet life, and keep ahead of my former master from the Western Empire
Equipped Titles: Mundane Human, Apprentice Tailor
Acquired Titles: Mundane Human, Apprentice Tailor
Class: Artless
Languages: Common, Terran
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 lbs.
Backstory: Yuki is an escaped slave from the western empire. She used her meager skills with ice magic to slow her pursuers and eventually managed to escape to Ryke.
Current Life: Yuki now lives the life of an apprentice tailor. She helps make clothes for the humble village of Tristen, content to learn her craft and simply be left alone.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points not Spent: 0
Stats: Strength: F
Precision: D (14 points)
Intelligence: D (14 points)
Vitality: F
Speed: E (7 points)
Character Grade: E
Arcana F (7 points)
Magic E (14 points)
Magic Range F (7 points)
Spell Duration F (7 points)
Magic Area of effect F ( Free-Born for This)
Ice element affinity F (7 points)
Tangle F (7 points)
Artisan: Tailor E (7 points)
Ice Trap F - Ice element Affinity F, Tangle F, Magic F - A block of ice forms at 1 opponents's feet within 5 ft, immobilizing them for a duration of 1 post. Cooldown: 0 Action:1

Ice Shackles E- Ice Element Affinity F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F, Tangle F - Encases one target's feet in ice at a distance of up to 30 ft, immobilizing them for 1 hour rp time Cooldown: 1 Action: 1

Ice Prison E- Magic E, Ice Element Affinity F, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F, Tangle F, Magic Area of Effect F - Creates a sheet of ice on the ground 15 ft in diameter and up to 30 ft away, ensnaring the feet of everyone caught in it's grasp. Victims are immobilized for 1 hour rp time. Cooldown: 1 Action: 1

Ice Shard E- Magic E, Magic Range F, Ice Element Affinity F - I launch a sharpened chunk of Ice at a single target up to 30 ft away, dealing damage Cooldown: 1

Hailstorm E- Magic E, Magic Range f, Ice Element Affinity F, Magic Area of Effect F - Chucks of Ice rain down in a 15 ft area up to 30 ft away, damaging all who are caught in the area. Cooldown: 1
Gloves Catalyst E (Crafted from Artisan: Tailor)
Light Armor F (Crafted from Artisan: Tailor)
Bow F (7 points)
Tailoring kit
Character Created 12/28/2024
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Kasai Motome

Character image pending. Sorry I don't have images yet and I'm not using ai.

  • General Information
    Rp'er Name: Cutiefly Cutiefly
    Post Frequency:
    Depends on how busy I am with other rps. I post either between once a day, sometimes every two days and sometimes every three days to a week depending on motivation.
    Discord Name: Cutiefly

    Character Related Information
    25 (currently)
    51 (chronologically)
    Kasai stands at the height of 6"2 and has an average muscular build. He has blonde colored hair with blue highlights and orange-colored eyes.​
    Theme: N/A
    Current RP: None
    Height: 6"2
    Weight: Decent I guess
    Languages: Common, Beast
    Gender: Male (he/him)
    Character Goals:
    • Train the next generation.
    • Protect innocents and children from those intending to harm them.
    • Make a name for himself as one of the best mentors in combat of all time.
    • Become a draconian.
    • Get armor.

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Reconnaissance Unit I
Unit 01.png

General information:
Rp'er Name: Maxxob
Post Frequency: 2 times per week
Current RP: None
Narrator Grade: B

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 69
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 34

Equipped Titles:
Mandatory: None
Racial: Construct, Offworlder
Society - Connection: None
Society – General: None
Job: Businessman

Character-related information:
Standing Grade: F
Character Grade: E
Power Grade: F
Racial Perks: None
Classes: None
Class Perks: None
Downtime: None
Languages: Common, Analog
Height: 6' 11"
Weight: 440lbs

Long-term Goals:
  • Acquire businesses
Short-term Goals:


  • Construct, Offworlder

Society - Connection:

Society – General:
  • Title [Estranged Uncertain Uncle] - This character has a similar name to the Belmonte name, leading to the possibility of them being the long lost uncle.

Strength - D (14)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - E (7)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - E (7)
Upgrades - 9/35
Character Grade – E

  • Fast F (7)




  • Feature: [Treads] (0)
  • Appraisal F (Free)

  • Resilient F [Fatigue/Exhaustion] (7)

  • Attentive Student F (7)
  • Educated F (7) [Businessman]
    • Business F
    • Persuasion F
    • Leadership F


  • Drive By - Fast F - The Reconnaissance Unit 01 can move up to 40ft in a single movement action - Ability Grade F 0 Post Cooldown








  • Heavy Armor (Metallic Plating) D (21)
  • Arm-fitted Launcher (Precision Weapon) E (14)
  • Heavy Metallic Arm (Strength Weapon) E (14)


Assets - Consumables & Community Event Items:

Assets - Connection:

Assets - Pet:

Assets - Property:

Assets – Social Status:

  • Gained 37pts from scooping Character - Characters
  • Creation 12/30/2024
    • Upgraded Strength from F to D (14)
    • Upgraded Precision from F to D (14)
    • Upgraded Intelligence from F to E (7)
    • Upgraded Vitality from F to C (21)
    • Upgraded Speed from F to E (7)
    • Acquired Fast F (7)
    • Acquired Feature: [Treads] (0)
    • Gained Appraisal F for Free
    • Acquired Resilient F [Fatigue/Exhaustion] (7)
    • Acquired Attentive Student F (7)
    • Acquired Educated F (7)
  • 01/07/2025
    • Heavy Armor (Metallic Plating) D (21)
    • Arm-fitted Launcher (Precision Weapon) E (14)
    • Heavy Metallic Arm (Strength Weapon) E (14)
  • 01/10/2025
    • Character earned half (32) of the 65 pts acquired by Nigel (character who was scooped for this one) from the RP: Finished - [Nan Gau] May Even These Peseants Have Respite! Pt. III
    • Acquired Title [Estranged Uncertain Uncle] - This character has a similar name to the Belmonte name, leading to the possibility of them being the long lost uncle.
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Aureliana Solari
Theme: TBA
Rp'er Name: Beann
Post Frequency: 1-2 posts/week
Discord Name: teranasaurasrex
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Become a renowned adventurer [long-term]
Equipped Titles:
Human [Tree]
  • Human [Race]
    • [Mundane]
Acquired Titles:
Human [Tree]
  • Human [Race]
    • [Mundane]
[Pyromaniac in Progress]
[Fates Chosen] - Vincent x Aureliana – +1 Battle Effectiveness when teaming up with fated partner.
Two souls entwined by fate, their connection forged in a dream of early spring. Together, their bond grants them strength in battle.
Class: Caster
Perks: Born For This, Magic Circle
Downtime: N/A
Languages: Common
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185lbs
Backstory: Kamarus once was a small yet peaceful village in the East Empire. Being the farthest settlement from Otenzel, the villagers leaned on each other for support. On a particularly uneventful night, this quiet village became the target of a growing cult whose teachings revolved around the worship of Ifri, the goddess of fire, and with some flavor of Aric, the god of war in the mixture.. Unseemingly without reason, the cultists set the village and their farmland ablaze in the quiet hours of the night.

When the sun rose and the smoke dissipated, the lone survivor of this fiery attack was a young girl, Aureliana. Unscathed by the raging flames from the night prior, the cultists believed her to be favored by the goddess of fire. Accepting her into their growing community, Aureliana grew up with the radical teachings that a thriving society can only become possible once they were cleansed by fire and reborn from the ashes.
Current Life: Coined as The Ascending Flame from her adopted family, Aureliana set out to burn the title into the rest of society. With the plan to become a renowned adventurer, she hopes her efforts will become a stepping stone for the Order of the Solari Flame to grow in influence and power in society.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 14
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 14
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Fire Affinity - F - (Acquired with Born For This)
  • Air Affinity - F (7)
  • Magic - E - 14
  • Magic AoE - F - 7
  • Magic Range - F - 7
  • Magic Targets - F - 7
  • Spell Duration - F - 7
  • Arcana - F - 7
  • Insight - F - 7
  • Religion - F - 7
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Pyroblast - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Air Affinity F, Magic Range F - A basic but effective offensive spell. The user coalesces flames and releases the attack from their palm(s). Although the blast is only powerful enough to target one enemy, the spell can be augmented by wind magic for an even greater effect. The surrounding area can also be scorched and catch fire from the spell depending on the material. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Blazing Barrier - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Magic AoE F, Magic Targets F - The user can unleash a wave of fire outwards to deflect projectiles or ward off close-range enemies. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Sunfire Topaz E [Catalyst] - Adorned on her forehead
  • [Letter of the Heart]
    (Magic – Instant Communication Across Any Distance)
    Grade: E
    Effect: Two magical sheets of parchment. You may give one to any character or NPC in a roleplay. And be able to write back and forth and communicate regardless of distance. Both sheets return to the original owner when the roleplay ends.
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Journal
  • Writing utensils
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Creation: 04 JAN 2025
  • Upgraded Intelligence from F to C (21)
  • Acquired Fire Affinity F (Acquired with Born For This)
  • Acquired Air Affinity - F (7)
  • Acquired Magic E (14)
  • Acquired Magic AoE F (7)
  • Acquired Magic Range F (7)
  • Acquired Magic Targets F (7)
  • Acquired Spell Duration F (7)
  • Acquired Arcana F (7)
  • Acquired Insight F (7)
  • Acquired Religion F (7)
  • Acquired Sunfire Topaz E [Catalyst]
  • 01 FEB 2025
    • Edited backstory - renamed Cult of the Solari Flame to Order of the Solari Flame
  • 12 FEB 2025
    • Added [Pyromaniac in Progress] to acquired titles
  • 01 MAR 2025
  • 07 MAR 2025
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