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Fantasy Character Registration

  • Name: Caspien Ignis De Sol

    Nickname(If Applies): N.A.


    Human; 19

    Angel; 37,000

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

    Where you live: House of De Sol

    What Year of highschool your in: Junior

    What kind of being you are: Angel

    Height: 5'2



  • aab34b6a4f3de47356035fe86e41e4d6.jpg
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VenomSlayer said:

  • Name: Caspien Ignis De Sol

    Nickname(If Applies): N.A.


    Human; 19

    Angel; 37,000

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

    Where you live: House of De Sol

    What Year of highschool your in: Junior

    What kind of being you are: Angel

    Height: 5'2

Check the lore tab for what powers Angels can have.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Check the lore tab for what powers Angels can have.

Apologise, i will have to fix morrow' on a phone, and it sucks typing.
Name: Kai Waterlilly

Nickname(If Applies):None

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Moral Standing: Neutral good

Current Residence: She lives in an apartment close by a large lake

Highschool Year: Junior 

Race: Half mermaid

Powers Or Gifts:

+Being part fish, she can stay underwater for as long as she wants

+Hydrokinesis(Basic water control): ex: Minor healing, small weapon making, water hardening. However, the more she uses this power, the more tired she gets

+Her voice




+The color blue


+Fish are friends, not food

+Most people




-Is in a love hate relationship with cats

Personality: Kai is a stubborn, loud, generally fun mer to be around. While she doesn't really like to take sides, when push comes to shove, she will tend to lean towards the good side. Yet that doesn't mean that she is truly good. She is very stubborn when it comes to something she truly believes in and it is hard to change her mind once she has made it up. 

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



Kai is the offspring of a frowned upon relation between a human male and a mermaid. When she was born, it was hoped that she would, A, be stillborn, or B, not be a mer at all. Unfortunately she was in fact, a healthy baby girl who showed no signs of mermaid attributes.  Due to her not having any telltale signs at birth, she lived with her father. Growing up, Kai was generally a happy child. She had everything she needed and all the friends she wanted. 

As a child, she often collected memoria of sea life. Her room walls were painted with sea life and she had tons of shells. Her favorite shells were conchs and sand dollars. Kai was often fascinated with sea life and her father was very much obliged to help her learn about sea life. He took her to meuseams and aquariums, all while never telling her about her mermaid heritage and she never questioned her draw to the sea. Her father often joked about how she belonged in the water more than land.

Yet, when she turned 10, she started to show the sign of her mermaid nature developing. She often became dizzy and drank more water than a normal person would drink in a day. Her entire body hurt and she had no idea why. On days when her body wasn't hurting, water would do strange things around her and even her voice sounded different. Her father noticed this and soon figured out what was wrong with Kai, he had experienced this before with Kai's mother. 

Very quickly he got her submerged in water and the symptoms lessened. They didn't stop completely, just enough for Kai's father to explain what was going on. At first, Kai didn't believe him and that it must have been a massive coucidance. Yet, what he was saying made since. Why her body hurt, why water acted differently around her. As her father was human, he didn't have much experience with this, so he took her to the place where he had found her mother in hopes that she would still be around. Luckily, she was and Kai was put into her mother's care.

Kai's first full shift almost killed her. Most merfolk were born with a tail or at least developed one within a few months. Kai however, didn't and her shift was very dangerous. Her entire body felt like it was being skinned alive and her bones broke and reformed to develop her tail. She was in so much pain and it nearly killed her. If it wasn't for her mother, Kai probably would have died. 

Getting accustomed to mer life was very difficult for Kai. Most of the mer children tended to avoid her or if she did get acknowledged, it wasn't something that she would have wished for anyone else. She went to school with those children and faced extreme prejudice from them as she faught hard to learn her abilities. Many of the teachers refused to teach her, so what some teachers wouldn't teach her, she learned through trial and error.

Eventually Kai mastered some of her abilities through hard work and gained a few mer friends. Life was easier for her but she just didn't fit in. So when she heard about the school where creatures like her were accepted, she applied and was accepted. Now she is in her Junior year and is still mastering her abilities.

Relationship Status/Crush: Open

Any other information?:

Note: I tend to not reply so if I don't reply feel free to bug the heck out of me. :)
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Name: Kai Waterlilly

Nickname(If Applies):None

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Moral Standing: Neutral good

Current Residence: She lives in an apartment close by a large lake

Highschool Year: Junior 

Race: Half mermaid

Powers Or Gifts:

+Being part fish, she can stay underwater for as long as she wants

+Hydrokinesis(Basic water control): ex: Minior healing, small weapon making, water hardening. However, the more she uses this power, the more tired she gets

+Her voice




+The color blue


+Fish are friends, not food

+Most people





Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)



Relationship Status/Crush: Open

Any other information?:

Accepted. Just be sure to fill in the Backstory of your character :D!
Is the BBCode working for you guys? Cause' it isn't for me... @Lumina @Fukushima Akira

No. BBCode was removed from the website in the newest update. Most of the code will be brought back in a week or so in another update.

And also, you should post this in the Out Of Character Chat, not the Character Sign-Ups forum.
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Name: Zac Crimson Black

Nickname(If Applies): N.C.

Age: 59,000+ - Looks 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: Boy's Dorms

High school Year: Junior

Race: Half Blood - Vampire & Daemon

Powers Or Gifts:

Dimensionkenisis: The ability to control dimensions, he can go through a portal and enter and leave any dimension he is currently in. He has his own dimension and can summon anything that has been placed inside that dimension.

Haemokenisis: The ability to control blood, he can control any blood that has fallen from his opponents body or his own, he can make is sharp as a sword or as touch as steel

Likes: Blood, Night Time, Snow,

Dislikes: Werewolves, Humans, Siblings (except Evelyn), 


Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


((Left eye is a dark crimson and his right eye is a dark gold,))

Backstory: He is the third adopted child of the Crimson blood line, an elite race of vampires in his world, he is to take over the throne after he finishes his schooling year's.

He was adopted before they adopted Evelyn, thanks to the werewolves causing a war that is centuries old, Zac has sworn an oath that he will end the war at all costs if his father doesn't do so before the end of his rule. Before he entered the castle he knew he would hate his siblings, hate them until they would turn into dust. That was until his half sister Evelyn came along, they instantly connected and become the best of friends, there eyes originally where originally different and now have changed to show they are bounded by the blood of Crimson.

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information: N.C.



Name: Evelyn Crimson Rose

Nickname: N.C.

Age: 49,000+ - Looks 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: Girls Dorms

High school Year: Freshman

Race: Half Blood - Vampire & Daemon

Powers Or Gifts:

Dimensionkenisis: The ability to control dimensions, she can go through a portal and enter and leave any dimension she is currently in. She has her own dimension and can summon anything that has been placed inside that dimension.

Haemokenisis: The ability to control blood, she can control any blood that has fallen from her opponents body or her own. She can make is sharp as a sword or as touch as steel.

Likes: Night Time, Blood, Flower's

Dislikes: Werewolves, Angels, 

Personality: Happy, Shy, Bubbly, 

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


((Right eye is a dark crimson red while left eye is a dark gold))

Backstory: Evelyn is the fourth sibling inside the Crimson family blood line, she has been adopted the same as her half brother Zac, they instantly had a connection and became the best friends. Every time they would become angry or require blood to be spilt to calm them, they where there for each other to calm them down, they wouldn't be able to go anywhere without each other, unless of course they find there true love, a myth to the family lost to the ages, the only thing to remember is the fact of one line: "Cupid will grant you a love, to last your life," That is the one and only thing that the family remember's from the myth.

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information?: N.C.



Name: Caspian Ignis De Sol

Nickname(If Applies): N.C.

Age: 59,000+ - Looks 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: Girls Dorms

High school Year: Freshman

Race: Angel - Tainted Seraphim 

Powers Or Gifts:

Heal: Her heal all ways is on, she will constantly heal anything that cut's, poisons and kill her, her body will heal every wound it can, but this also has it's faults. 

Dark Blood: When her blood exits her body, it becomes impure which allows her to morph it into any shape and size depending how much there is. It can become as touch as steel and as sharp as a saw blade spinning at a thousand miles per-hour. 

Summon Hydra: She is able to summon a hydra, this hydra is made of pure fire but also holds the light of an angel, instead of shooting fire acid and ice as they usually do this one shoots pure light which can cut through anything. The one problem is the light can be reflected.

Ultimate Summon: She may summon 50 blades of pure light that can cut through anything that is made of darkness. The only backfire from this is the fact it takes over 12 hours, this also tears her body and soul apart since she is a half-blood.

Likes: Night Time, Anything to do with a deck of cards, Full moon, Blood,

Dislikes: Vampires, Werewolves, Daemons, Morning, 

Personality: Dark, Keeps to self, Avoids people is at all possible, 

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Backstory: She was a high ranking level Angel in heaven before she was assigned to a mission which almost cost her her life. Luckily she survived but barely, the thing that she once called her light is now tainted, half of a Daemon soul had been placed and forced inside her, the Daemon died long ago after the mission but lives on inside her soul, usually when she is using her power's, her soul seems to split in two and force it-self apart. Which would cause' the Daemon to live again in the world, cause destruction and kill millions.

Though she has a trick, she drinks the blood of another living being, any race, and it feeds the soul of the Daemon, thanks to this she can control it and call upon it's powers.

"Who's blood are we spilling today?" - The Daemon

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information: She is a Half-Mortal. And can be killed in any way that a normal one can, although she can heal extremely quickly, and create antibodies faster than anything. If she does die though, her soul will become a white and black mist, her body will reappear 20 miles away as well as her soul, nothing can stop this.
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Name: Zac Crimson Black

Nickname(If Applies): N.C.

Age: 59,000+ - Looks 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: Boy's Dorms

High school Year: Junior

Race: Half Blood - Vampire & Daemon

Powers Or Gifts:

Dimensionkenisis: The ability to control dimensions, he can go through a portal and enter and leave any dimension he is currently in. He has his own dimension and can summon anything that has been placed inside that dimension.

Haemokenisis: The ability to control blood, he can control any blood that has fallen from his opponents body or his own, he can make is sharp as a sword or as touch as steel

Likes: Blood, Night Time, Snow,

Dislikes: Werewolves, Humans, Siblings (except Evelyn), 


Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

View attachment 151295

((Left eye is a dark crimson and his right eye is a dark gold,))

Backstory: He is the third adopted child of the Crimson blood line, an elite race of vampires in his world, he is to take over the throne after he finishes his schooling year's.

He was adopted before they adopted Evelyn, thanks to the werewolves causing a war that is centuries old, Zac has sworn an oath that he will end the war at all costs if his father doesn't do so before the end of his rule. Before he entered the castle he knew he would hate his siblings, hate them until they would turn into dust. That was until his half sister Evelyn came along, they instantly connected and become the best of friends, there eyes originally where originally different and now have changed to show they are bounded by the blood of Crimson.

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information: N.C.



Name: Evelyn Crimson Rose

Nickname: N.C.

Age: 49,000+ - Looks 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: Girls Dorms

High school Year: Freshman

Race: Half Blood - Vampire & Daemon

Powers Or Gifts:

Dimensionkenisis: The ability to control dimensions, she can go through a portal and enter and leave any dimension she is currently in. She has her own dimension and can summon anything that has been placed inside that dimension.

Haemokenisis: The ability to control blood, she can control any blood that has fallen from her opponents body or her own. She can make is sharp as a sword or as touch as steel.

Likes: Night Time, Blood, Flower's

Dislikes: Werewolves, Angels, 

Personality: Happy, Shy, Bubbly, 

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

View attachment 151297

((Right eye is a dark crimson red while left eye is a dark gold))

Backstory: Evelyn is the fourth sibling inside the Crimson family blood line, she has been adopted the same as her half brother Zac, they instantly had a connection and became the best friends. Every time they would become angry or require blood to be spilt to calm them, they where there for each other to calm them down, they wouldn't be able to go anywhere without each other, unless of course they find there true love, a myth to the family lost to the ages, the only thing to remember is the fact of one line: "Cupid will grant you a love, to last your life," That is the one and only thing that the family remember's from the myth.

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information?: N.C.



Name: Caspian Ignis De Sol

Nickname(If Applies): N.C.

Age: 59,000+ - Looks 19

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: Girls Dorms

High school Year: Freshman

Race: Angel - Tainted Seraphim 

Powers Or Gifts:

Heal: Her heal all ways is on, she will constantly heal anything that cut's, poisons and kill her, her body will heal every wound it can, but this also has it's faults. 

Dark Blood: When her blood exits her body, it becomes impure which allows her to morph it into any shape and size depending how much there is. It can become as touch as steel and as sharp as a saw blade spinning at a thousand miles per-hour. 

Summon Hydra: She is able to summon a hydra, this hydra is made of pure fire but also holds the light of an angel, instead of shooting fire acid and ice as they usually do this one shoots pure light which can cut through anything. The one problem is the light can be reflected.

Ultimate Summon: She may summon 50 blades of pure light that can cut through anything that is made of darkness. The only backfire from this is the fact it takes over 12 hours, this also tears her body and soul apart since she is a half-blood.

Likes: Night Time, Anything to do with a deck of cards, Full moon, Blood,

Dislikes: Vampires, Werewolves, Daemons, Morning, 

Personality: Dark, Keeps to self, Avoids people is at all possible, 

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

View attachment 151296

Backstory: She was a high ranking level Angel in heaven before she was assigned to a mission which almost cost her her life. Luckily she survived but barely, the thing that she once called her light is now tainted, half of a Daemon soul had been placed and forced inside her, the Daemon died long ago after the mission but lives on inside her soul, usually when she is using her power's, her soul seems to split in two and force it-self apart. Which would cause' the Daemon to live again in the world, cause destruction and kill millions.

Though she has a trick, she drinks the blood of another living being, any race, and it feeds the soul of the Daemon, thanks to this she can control it and call upon it's powers.

"Who's blood are we spilling today?" - The Daemon

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information: She is a Mortal. And can be killed in any way that a normal one can, although she can heal extremely quickly, and create antibodies faster than anything. If she does die though, her soul will become a white and black mist, her body will reappear 20 miles away as well as her soul, nothing can stop this.

Accepted. Also, since she's Mortal, when she dies, she remains dead. That's how Mortals are defined.


Cielo De La Asad


Cielo or Asad





Sexual Orientation:


Good, Evil, Or Neutral:



Team Dimensionia Base

High school year:



Flames of Fate user, like Drakon


Cola of Fate:

Cielo's power's manifest in the form of a Cola, a magical artifact that gives him the power to use the powers of the flames of fate he observes. He is also able to teleport when he is holding the Cola and is able to create massive shock waves after each teleport. Further more the sheer force of his jumps cause shock waves too.

Flames of Fate Cannon:

When Cielo boosts into the air he is able to manifest all of the colors of the flames of fate and unleash it all into one massive destructive beam. The problem is though, it takes time to charge this attack before it is fired which leaves himself extremely vulnerable.

Phantom Mask:

Cielo also wields another artifact called the Phantom Mask. He doubles his strength when he wears this but hasn't unleashed it's full capabilities yet. He doesn't know how to either so he only gets a strength buff, but only while he is wearing the mask.






Working alone


Ineur and Akuma


Cielo is a happy boy who enjoys helping out his friends for the most part and usually takes charge in tight situations. He is known as a natural born leader to Team Dimensionia and he works very hard to meet everyone's expectations. He also has a taste for battles but usually whines when he loses. Regardless he enjoys being around others but isn't afraid to get serious when needed.


((Sorry, it's a big picture I know))



Cielo is the leader of Team Dimensionia and the son of the malevolent Ineur who plans to destroy Ineur even at the cost of his own men. However Cielo cut all ties with Ineur, disagreeing with how he treated his friends. He had received the Cola of Fate as a birthday present from his father and has learned to master it since. He used to be very close with Ineur as well, being his best friend... Until Drakon got upset because Cielo had abandoned his father along with several other members. Cielo constructed a team of hero's who protected the world from demons. He now goes to FHS in hopes of finding Drakon and eliminating him, for the sake of his team.



Any more info:

He has extremely bad luck? I don't know...
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Cielo De La Asad


Cielo or Asad





Sexual Orientation:


Good, Evil, Or Neutral:



Team Dimensionia Base

High school year:



Flames of Fate user, like Drakon


Cola of Fate:

Cielo's power's manifest in the form of a Cola, a magical artifact that gives him the power to use the powers of the flames of fate he observes. He is also able to teleport when he is holding the Cola and is able to create massive shock waves after each teleport. Further more the sheer force of his jumps cause shock waves too.

Flames of Fate Cannon:

When Cielo boosts into the air he is able to manifest all of the colors of the flames of fate and unleash it all into one massive destructive beam. The problem is though, it takes time to charge this attack before it is fired which leaves himself extremely vulnerable.

Phantom Mask:

Cielo also wields another artifact called the Phantom Mask. He doubles his strength when he wears this but hasn't unleashed it's full capabilities yet. He doesn't know how to either so he only gets a strength buff, but only while he is wearing the mask.






Working alone


Ineur and Akuma


Cielo is a happy boy who enjoys helping out his friends for the most part and usually takes charge in tight situations. He is known as a natural born leader to Team Dimensionia and he works very hard to meet everyone's expectations. He also has a taste for battles but usually whines when he loses. Regardless he enjoys being around others but isn't afraid to get serious when needed.


((Sorry, it's a big picture I know))


Cielo is the leader of Team Dimensionia and the son of the malevolent Ineur who plans to destroy Ineur even at the cost of his own men. However Cielo cut all ties with Ineur, disagreeing with how he treated his friends. He had received the Cola of Fate as a birthday present from his father and has learned to master it since. He used to be very close with Ineur as well, being his best friend... Until Drakon got upset because Cielo had abandoned his father along with several other members. Cielo constructed a team of hero's who protected various dimensions from time paradox's as well as time demon's and other threats to various worlds. He now goes to FHS in hopes of finding Drakon and eliminating him, for the sake of his team.



Any more info:

He has extremely bad luck? I don't know...

You should take a look at what types of Daemons there are.

Also, no one but Gods are able to switch between dimensions.
He switches using Shuu's help, who is a Sun God.

And yes sir! :D

Sun Gods aren't able to move between dimensions, as their powers are limited to solar-based techniques. Only Gods of creation can move freely between dimensions, through creating a portal to said dimension.
Sun Gods aren't able to move between dimensions, as their powers are limited to solar-based techniques. Only Gods of creation can move freely between dimensions, through creating a portal to said dimension.

Okay, I guess I'll correct it to where they protect the planet.

Name: Kuchiya White


Nickname: Eclipse

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Moral Standing: Good

Current Residence:


Highschool Year: 12

Race: Demigod

Powers Or Gifts: Gravity

Likes: singing, long walks, running around in the rain, protecting friends.

Dislikes: Backstabbers, Jerks, people who think he is weak, when he gets ignored. Being hated.

Personality: Quiet, hardly ever speaks he only talks to people he knows very well, Quick tempered.


Human form:


Protector/Angry/Combat (only if he really hates his enemy) form:



Combat form:




Kuchiya White lived with his mother and father until the age of 12 until his mother died and his father committed suicide he went to go live with his grandfather. The grandfather knew how to unlock the hidden power within Kuchiya and he never expected for his own grandson to hold such a magnificent power although his grandfather fears that Kuchiya will lose his mind within the power he holds in his hands. He doesn't want Kuchiya to be alone nor be hated for who he is. He tried making many friends but they didn't seem to like Kuchiya because he seemed different to them and he had no idea why they would think he is different.

Kuchiya started to hate himself even more and he moved everywhere but yet he could still not make any friends. People would call him the strange one because he never talks or ever smiles. No one ever heard him laugh because he never really felt joy because he was excluded out of a lot of things.

Relationship Status/Crush: Single/ Doesn't try loving someone else


Name: Kuchiya White

Nickname: Eclipse

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Moral Standing: Good

Current Residence:


Highschool Year: 12

Race: Demigod

Powers Or Gifts: Gravity

Likes: singing, long walks, running around in the rain, protecting friends.

Dislikes: Backstabbers, Jerks, people who think he is weak, when he gets ignored. Being hated.

Personality: Quiet, hardly ever speaks he only talks to people he knows very well, Quick tempered.


Human form:

Protector/Angry/Combat (only if he really hates his enemy) form:



Combat form:



Kuchiya White lived with his mother and father until the age of 12 until his mother died and his father committed suicide he went to go live with his grandfather. The grandfather knew how to unlock the hidden power within Kuchiya and he never expected for his own grandson to hold such a magnificent power although his grandfather fears that Kuchiya will lose his mind within the power he holds in his hands. He doesn't want Kuchiya to be alone nor be hated for who he is. He tried making many friends but they didn't seem to like Kuchiya because he seemed different to them and he had no idea why they would think he is different.

Kuchiya started to hate himself even more and he moved everywhere but yet he could still not make any friends. People would call him the strange one because he never talks or ever smiles. No one ever heard him laugh because he never really felt joy because he was excluded out of a lot of things.

Relationship Status/Crush: Single/ Doesn't try loving someone else



<p style="text-align:center;">

Name: Kira Charmus


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Nickname(If Applies): Bae ( she just likes being called random names )


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Age: 17


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Gender: f


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Sexual Orientation: bi


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Moral Standing: nice 


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Current Residence: dorm?


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Highschool Year: 11th


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Race: neko


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Powers Or Gifts: durable body ( can be hit by a train, and be fine. ), basic magic, advanced charm magic 


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Likes: hugs, cute things, fun things, cats


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Dislikes: mean things/ people, scary things


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Personality: sorta a perv, prefers being nice, but when she wants, she can be mean.


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">



<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Backstory: Kira used to be part of a school, that taught her how to use her powers, without her rings. She still loses control of her magic sometimes, but not as often as before. She now keeps her rings on, without them activated. For their designs. 


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Relationship Status/Crush: flirting


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">


<p style="text-align:center;">

Any other information?: ears don't touch, tail too! ( that is sexual harrassment to her .3. )


<p style="text-align:center;">


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