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Fantasy Character Registration

Name: Hangul Hanja

Nickname: Jack

Age: 598 (them this would be the equivalent to a teenager.)

Grade:  Freshman

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good, Evil or Neutral: Neutral/Evil  

Powers/gifts: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Kitsune_Physiology 

Likes: pranks, sweets, rice, and books.

Dislikes: Humans, Hunters, narcs, garbage, and loud music. 

Living Situation: They have dorm though they don't like to sleep in it so they tend to sleep in a tall tree.


Species: Kitsune

Personality: He is quite mischievous liking to pull pranks on people without thinking of the outcome. He is very confident in what he dose regardless of his abilities or what it is. He may be very intelligent but he is still young for his species, so he can be easily tricked and manipulated. He

Weapon: A knife that they have cursed. Will be adding more as they develop.

Bio: He has been hunted down for his whole life. His species body is capable of curing any disease or injury if consumed. His parents were killed by a group of hunters when he was young,  so he has held a grudge aginst humanity after that. He now goes around causing trouble for humans, though even through his anger, he could never bring himself to end anyone's life.


True Form:


(The Kitsune gain more tails the older they get, until they get nine. So he would only have about 5 tails.)

Main Human Transformations:


Beautiful woman:

Old Man:


Other: He carries around a small ball around with him, this contains his soul. If he is separated form it for too long he will die. They has been used in the past to manipulate his kind.

Name: Pup

Age: Unknown

Grade: Sophomore 

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good, Evil or Neutral: Good

Powers/gifts: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyer_Deity_Physiology 

Likes: Animals, nice people, Classic music

Dislikes: sour food, bullies, and Romance shows. 

Living Situation: He lives in a normal dorm.

Species: god

Personality: He has a harsh demeanor along with a resting bitch face that intimidates people.  But if anyone gets to know him they will realize that he is simply a sweetheart. He wouldn't hurt a fly unless he has to. He is normally able to keep his temper under control.

Bio: Coming into existence at an unknown time, he experienced nothingness for what felt like eons. Nothing happened and nothing changed, it was like time was froze. A voice echoes through the nothingness, he talks to it. The voice is soft and kind unlike the harsh silence he is has had. The voice keeps him company, herring her voice brings him peace.  The voice tells him about a bright world of peace that brings happiness. The first thing that he remembers seeing is the face of a woman holding him in his arms. He didn't know who she was or what she was doing, he didn't even know where he was. He felt safe in her arms, so he didn't struggle, it wasn't until her heard her voice that the peaces came together. 'So she is the one who has been talking to me the whole time.'  He looks around for a moment. 'This is the world of peace and love she told me about.' He follows this woman who teaches him the ways of this world. She shows him all of the goodness that this world has to offer. She protected him for the cruel nature of this world. She taught him what it means to be human. That kindness will prevail in the end.


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Name: Hangul Hanja

Nickname: Jack

Age: 598 (them this would be the equivalent to a teenager.)

Grade:  Freshman

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good, Evil or Neutral: Neutral/Evil  

Powers/gifts: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Kitsune_Physiology 

Likes: pranks, sweets, rice, and books.

Dislikes: Humans, Hunters, narcs, garbage, and loud music. 

Living Situation: They have dorm though they don't like to sleep in it so they tend to sleep in a tall tree.


Species: Kitsune

Personality: He is quite mischievous liking to pull pranks on people without thinking of the outcome. He is very confident in what he dose regardless of his abilities or what it is. He may be very intelligent but he is still young for his species, so he can be easily tricked and manipulated. He

Weapon: A knife that they have cursed. Will be adding more as they develop.

Bio: He has been hunted down for his whole life. His species body is capable of curing any disease or injury if consumed. His parents were killed by a group of hunters when he was young,  so he has held a grudge aginst humanity after that. He now goes around causing trouble for humans, though even through his anger, he could never bring himself to end anyone's life.


True Form:


(The Kitsune gain more tails the older they get, until they get nine. So he would only have about 5 tails.)

Main Human Transformations:


Beautiful woman:

Old Man:


Other: He carries around a small ball around with him, this contains his soul. If he is separated form it for too long he will die. They has been used in the past to manipulate his kind.

Name: Pup

Age: Unknown

Grade: Sophomore 

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good, Evil or Neutral: Good

Powers/gifts: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyer_Deity_Physiology 

Likes: Animals, nice people, Classic music

Dislikes: sour food, bullies, and Romance shows. 

Living Situation: He lives in a normal dorm.

Species: god

Personality: He has a harsh demeanor along with a resting bitch face that intimidates people.  But if anyone gets to know him they will realize that he is simply a sweetheart. He wouldn't hurt a fly unless he has to. He is normally able to keep his temper under control.

Bio: Coming into existence at an unknown time, he experienced nothingness for what felt like eons. Nothing happened and nothing changed, it was like time was froze. A voice echoes through the nothingness, he talks to it. The voice is soft and kind unlike the harsh silence he is has had. The voice keeps him company, herring her voice brings him peace.  The voice tells him about a bright world of peace that brings happiness. The first thing that he remembers seeing is the face of a woman holding him in his arms. He didn't know who she was or what she was doing, he didn't even know where he was. He felt safe in her arms, so he didn't struggle, it wasn't until her heard her voice that the peaces came together. 'So she is the one who has been talking to me the whole time.'  He looks around for a moment. 'This is the world of peace and love she told me about.' He follows this woman who teaches him the ways of this world. She shows him all of the goodness that this world has to offer. She protected him for the cruel nature of this world. She taught him what it means to be human. That kindness will prevail in the end.


Moonstone (Major Update)


More Pictures (May update if I draw more) 




[SIZE=18.6667px]Name: Arjean Soie[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Nicknames: Moonstone (main one), [/SIZE]Jean (John)

[SIZE=14pt]Morality: Chaotic Neutral[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Gender: [/SIZE]Agender

[SIZE=14pt]Species: [/SIZE](Cloud) Oricenta

[SIZE=14pt]Age: [/SIZE]14

[SIZE=14pt]Year: Freshman[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Sexual Orientation:[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] Aromantic asexual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Relationship Status:[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] Closest to a romantic relationship they'll ever get is with Junchi, and they're just very close and long-term friends[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Current Residence: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Male dorms with Mei Junchi[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]With dark ebony skin, light blue eyes, white hair, and and a young face, Moonstone would look like a semi-normal older teen or young adult... if not for their fur, deer ears, floating antlers, large owl wings, and deer legs for their lower torso. Oh, and also if they weren't fourteen and not an older teen or young adult at all. With their tall stature, curvy body, and slightly muscular body, Moonstone is regularly mistaken for an older teen and young adult. Added with their androgynous looks and people regularly mistake their gender, calling them anything from "she", "he", "they" and their most hated one, "it".[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Moonstone's face is an obvious indication of their youth with them having round, but droopy, eyes with long feathery eyelashes. They also have a mostly oval face, smooth skin, thick lips, and thick eyebrows. The most noticeable features on their face are their blue markings to represent their Oricenta family, and their blue freckles. With their markings being a moon on their forehead and four circles underneath their eyes, their freckles looks like blue snow or stars in front of a dark background (their skin) and a blue crescent moon. With closer inspection of their face, their hair turns out to not actually be hair, but a unique type of feathers limited only to Oricenta. Because of this, Moonstone needs special brushes, combs, and other hair supplies to do their hair and wash it without hurting themself or messing up their hair.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]When shape-shifting into their other three forms, Moonstone will look mostly the same in their second form, asides from them having a more cervitaur look and their wings being moved to the back of their cervitaur back. Their third is just them as a deer but floating antlers, an unnatural blue and white color scheme, and the ability to summon their wings to fly. Their fourth form is them as a owl with an unnatural blue and white color scheme and the ability to turn into an owl. They don't use their third and fourth forms much since they find it only useful for hiding, and they consider their second form to look embarrassing surrounded by a bunch of human-looking people.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Commonly seen in many different outfits, ranging from a long elegant dress to casual jeans and a shirt, Moonstone doesn't really have a standard look to them. They wear whatever they want depending on the time, place, and most importantly, how they're feeling. One day their hair will be in a ponytail, and the other they may have cut it to be shorter than usually. They don't fear cutting their hair one bit since it grows at an extremely quick pace that's mostly normal for their family.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Graceful and politeness are two traits Moonstone values above almost everything else. With that being said, they struggle to continuously represent those traits. They constantly try to put on a façade of being graceful, polite, formal, happy, and mature, but when you really get to know them they’re immature, emotional, and has a vulgar sense of humor. The typical traits of a teenager trying to act like an adult when they’re still young and underdeveloped. Their secretly (but obvious) immature personality is not helped by their extreme emotional high and lows. One moment Moonstone will feel like they’re on the top of the world, while the next they feel like digging their grave. That’s not to say they want to harm themself in anyway, though that will be addressed later, it’s just that they experience extreme depression at times. During their moments of mania, they are hyperactive, excitable, extremely happy, delusions, and they feel like they can take on multiple tasks at once. When they are in their states of depression, they feel lonely, tired, hopeless, sad, apathetic, and bored. It’s easy to say they don’t have anything that causes this and that it’s just normal teenage hormones, but some stuff that triggers their mania are when their favorite topics are brought up, they’re in an area they’re comfortable with, and when around people they like. What triggers their depression are topics around certain aspects of their family like (most prominently their mother Béatrice), failing at something, and feeling like they’re the cause of bad things happening to people they like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]In their state of mania or just feeling normal, Moonstone may seem like an extremely empathetic person. This is a very wrong perception, as they’re only extremely empathetic towards those they care about and formed some level of a positive relationship with. When it comes to those they don’t really know well, or just don’t like in general, they’ll become apathetic and rude towards their problems. This can be hard to work with when people think Moonstone is a genuinely good and helpful person, but then quickly learn they're apathetic and uncaring underneath it. This isn’t to say they’re a completely bad person, just that their help is only directed towards those they care about or a goal to make themself look better.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Aside from Moonstones lack of empathy, weirdly enough, they don't pick up the arrogance both Archard and Béatrice have. Unlike their grandparent and mother where they act like they’re more powerful than they actually are, Moonstone is extremely insecure in their abilities and skills and tries to feel protected by those they've put their trust in. This hits them even harder when they act on impulse by getting themself into fights they can’t win, being rude to those they care about and expect nothing bad to happen, and putting themself in situations where they end up suffering. This stems from their childish and naïve personality, and added with their need for love and attention it makes them easy to manipulate. Showing Moonstone any sort of positive attention will immediately make them trust that person and do anything for them as long as they don't do anything to get on their bad side. In fact, Moonstone won’t care if they’re being manipulated and used, as long as they feel like they’re being helpful in some way to the person(s) they like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]It's common to see Moonstone day-dream or think they're seeing something that isn't there. They frequently experience delusions and hallucinations, but delusions are usually based on relationships (thinking a close friend is planning against them), while their hallucinations usually only happen when they're going through emotional extremes. Junchi is usually the one to help them through it, but when they aren't there Moonstone tries to focus on stuff they like to make them go away. As they aged and learned tricks to make them go away, Moonstone doesn't experience them as badly as before and they no longer go into long catatonic states, and though they still experience daydreams it's not something that happens all the time.[/SIZE]


Animals | Drawing| Ballet and ballroom dancing | Reading | Traveling | Forests| Cold/Snowy areas | Athletics | Learning | Making friends | Mei Junchi | Reptiles | Owl griffins


[SIZE=14pt]Being touched by strangers/people they dislike | Solitude | Crowds | Small environments | Losing someone close to them | Stuff that hurts their senses, specifically loud noises | Being the reason something bad happens to someone they like | Being lied to | Breaking a promise | Fire | Hot areas[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Born in France but raised in the capital of the Oricenta country Ilada, Moonstone was raised in a family that were famous for valuing creativity and creating stuff through the arts. Their grandparent Archard worked in armor and weapon making, their mother Béatrice worked with clothing and fashion designing, their other mother Ade worked in weapon making, and their half-sister Rémi worked with jewelry, music, and dancing. Moonstone developed a quick talent for creating dolls, whether stuffed or hard, and drawing. With those talents, they grew up to help their family, specifically Béatrice, create clothes and to earn extra money by selling their dolls in their family's mall.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]It wasn’t long before Moonstone desired for another skill, though this was one outside of what their family usually specialized in. From the age of two Moonstone would watch Archard and Ade fight against each other to test out their armor and weapons before selling them them off. After a few years of begging, Moonstone once again begged to be trained in fighting and strengthening themself at the age of six. Of course, their family wouldn’t allow them to participate in heavy physical activities or fighting with a sword before they were even close to puberty, but they did allow them to participate in sports and train their body. This involved stuff like swimming, soccer, track, and flying. Only at the age of twelve did Archard and Ade feel they were ready to start learning how to fight and start activities that would be more stressful to their body. Archard and Ade noticed Moonstone wasn’t very skilled in sword combat, but did notice they took a liking to shields, using their legs, staffs, blunt objects, and their abilities. The two could easily point that using their legs and magical abilities for fighting were when they were at their best in combat, and focused more on that than their other, lesser developed, skills.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]As for their relationship with their mother Béatrice, Moonstone for it hard to describe. They love their mother dearly and will do absolutely anything to keep her happy, but they also fear her in a way too. She's a toxic person in Moonstones life, and is the perfect example of Moonstone's personality letting them being manipulated by anyone they get the tiniest amount of positive attention from. As long as she continues to give them positive attention and hide her insults and horrible attitude towards her children. She's the main reason Moonstone has many insecurity issues, the fear of being touched, and the fear of being in small spaces. Even with Béatrice's horrible personality, Moonstone still loves her and will point out that she loves them too, it's just everyone else will point that that she's absolutely horrible at parenting.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]By the time Moonstone reached the age of thirteen they had an average but slightly more muscular appearance than others in their age group. This was something Moonstone regretted, since they were often mistaken for an older teen or young adult, which really wasn’t helped by them being six foot two by then. Their closest friend that’s been with them literally throughout their whole life, Mei Junchi, would repeatedly suggest that they use their older appearance to get stuff from people that they wouldn’t be able to get with a young appearance, but Moonstone always denied. They were never interested in romantic relationships, sexual relationships, drugs, and alcohol, so they saw no point in using their appearance for gain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]After showing themself to have a lot of trouble controlling their abilities, especially when they get strong as they grow older, their family eventually decided to send them off to Euphorian High School so they could get more help in their abilities. This decision was suggested by Junchi's family, and then pushed by Junchi since they were going to be sent to the school too. After Junchi promised to watch over Moonstone and make sure they don't get into any trouble, as well as sharing a dorm with them, Moonstone was allowed to go instead of being homeschooled or sent to an Oricenta only school.[/SIZE]


Magical Abilities

[SIZE=14pt]Weather Manipulation[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Moonstone is able to control most of the weather through manipulating and creating clouds. With this ability they can cause the clouds to rain, snow, hail, and when they're going through extreme emotions, storms. Added with the ability to create rainfall, snowing, hailing, and storms, they’re also able to manipulate them too. When it comes to storms though, they have trouble manipulating them since they hate the noises and chaos they produce, and also that they usually only create them when they’re getting emotional. Along with their ability to control water, they can also create and control air. This helps when they're in areas where it's hard to breath, or when they want to create stuff out of air to be used, such as an air sword.[/SIZE]

With these abilities they're also able to heal people with deep or old wounds. They aren't capable of regenerating body parts, since they aren't nearly old enough for it, but it is a helpful ability for them to have with their combat training. The downside for Moonstone using this ability is that it also makes them more reckless in battle because they'll shrug off any damage with "I'll heal myself later."


[SIZE=14pt]Moonstone is able to shapeshift into four forms: their first being a more humanoid form where they only have two legs of a deer, their second form being one where they have a cervitaur’s appearance and their lower torso takes the form of an unnaturally colored deer with wings on its back, their third form being one of an unnaturally colored deer where they can summon wings to fly, and their four an unnaturally colored owl where they can summon antlers. With their small antlers still developing though, they don’t really have a reason to use them. Moonstone usually only uses their third and fourth form for hiding, and their second form when trying to travel on the ground faster, especially if someone is on their back. However they try to avoid people seeing them in their second form since they find it embarrassing looking less human and more animal around more human-like people.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14pt]Moonstone is academically and artistically intelligent for their age. They succeed in many academic categories, though it’s common to see them barely even get even a one percent on certain subjects due to them finding the subject in particular boring. This gives people the impression Moonstone is only good in one or two things for academics, those being Language Arts and Science. Moonstone’s intelligence can be summed up with “brilliant, but lazy”.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Moonstone also knows multiple languages, though this can be attributed to their family. They know English, French, Yoruba, and Oscela (the Oricenta language). Yoruba and French are the languages they don’t know as well since English and Oscela are mostly spoken in their household. Other than that, Moonstone doesn’t have any knowledge on any other language, though they picked up some Chinese words from Junchi, but not enough to make a comprehensible sentence.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]On the creative side, Moonstone has shown impressive skills in designing, drawing, acting, and dancing. Their acting skills have not been shown in plays though, but only when they’re trying to pretend to be something they aren’t so they can get something out of it. Essentially, they use their acting skills only for manipulation, but not for true drama. For their dancing skills, they are limited specifically to ballet and ballroom dancing, and usually mixes that style into their fighting. They’ve only learned dancing from Rémi, and since she’s still working for the family while Moonstone is off in Euphorian High, they no longer get dancing tutorials from her.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Being a Cloud Oricenta, meaning they’re also part Air Oricenta, one of the best areas for Moonstone to be in is the sky. In the sky their already enhanced senses are even more sensitive and can pick up more sounds, tastes, smells, etc. Added with them being a Water Oricenta and they’re able to fly in the wettest and snowiest of areas.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Though definitely not an expert, learning from their grandparent and mother Moonstone developed the skills of using their legs and magic in battle. Their fighting style involves gracefulness, something that their Soie side of their family values, and roughness, something that their Afolabi side of their family values. Moonstone hardly ever uses their arms in fights, and will always strike and block with their legs first, making their legs and wings the most powerful parts of their body.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Owl and Cervid Physiology (Taken from the Oricenta page)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Having both the traits of owls and deer, they also take on traits those two have. For their owl traits this includes being able to adapt to aerial environments, adapt to atmospheres for flight, turn their head 360-degrees, growing sharp strong claws for hunting, night adaption (seeing well in the night, functioning well during the night, etc.), and have a predator instinct (enhanced tracking and hunting). On the other hand, for their deer traits Oricenta have a prey instinct (sense and avoid danger), enhanced speed, and enhanced jump.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]This is mostly for skills that doesn’t really need a fully paragraph written about them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Water walking | Air walking | Cloud walking | Capable of living/breathing/talking clearly underwater | Fast swimmer | Enhanced athleticism (agility, speed, balance, etc.)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]One weakness all Water Oricenta share is the inability to get near fire or heat. The hotter their bodies are, the quicker and more painful their death will be, and being near fire (or on fire) is the worse case scenario for them. Because of this, when Moonstone feels like they’re getting too hot they’ll usually make it snow above them, or create ice to rub on their body to cool themself down. This also leads them to wearing stuff like tank tops or only shorts, especially in already warm areas. Well, that, or they'll just wear nothing when in private or near people they're way too comfortable with, which is usually always. Luckily, their fur mostly censors the bottom half of their body.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Another weakness is the fact that Moonstone prefers flight and swimming over being on the ground that when they are on the ground they aren’t at their best with fighting, athletics, and anything else on the surface. This means that if their wings are weakened or injured, they won’t be at the top of their game for most physical activities. Luckily, they trained their legs so much this flaw is lessened a bit, but their preference for the sky and swimming makes it harder for them to adapt to the surface.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Moonstone's naive and childish personality makes them very vulnerable to being manipulated. Added with the fact they're absolutely fine with being manipulated by those they like and anyone who shows Moonstone the tiniest bit of positive attention immediately gains their devotion, and Moonstone can be manipulated by practically anyone on their good side.[/SIZE]

@Fukushima Akira Basically the same character but different species, (sort of) look, and power set. At least they aren't an overpowered reality warping character anymore.
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Moonstone (Major Update)


More Pictures (May update if I draw more) 


[SIZE=18.6667px]Name: Arjean Soie[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Nicknames: Moonstone (main one), [/SIZE]Jean (John)

[SIZE=14pt]Morality: Chaotic Neutral[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Gender: [/SIZE]Agender

[SIZE=14pt]Species: [/SIZE](Cloud) Oricenta

[SIZE=14pt]Age: [/SIZE]14

[SIZE=14pt]Year: Freshman[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Sexual Orientation:[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] Aromantic asexual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Relationship Status:[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt] Closest to a romantic relationship they'll ever get is with Junchi, and they're just very close and long-term friends[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Current Residence: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]Male dorms with Mei Junchi[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]With dark ebony skin, light blue eyes, white hair, and and a young face, Arjean would look like a semi-normal older teen or young adult... if not for their fur, deer ears, floating antlers, large owl wings, and deer legs for their lower torso. Oh, and also if they weren't fourteen and not an older teen or young adult at all. With their tall stature, curvy body, and slightly muscular body, Arjean is regularly mistaken for an older teen and young adult. Added with their androgynous looks and people regularly mistake their gender, calling them anything from "she", "he", "they" and their most hated one, "it".[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Arjean's face is an obvious indication of their youth with them having round, but droopy, eyes with long feathery eyelashes. They also have a mostly oval face, smooth skin, thick lips, and thick eyebrows. The most noticeable features on their face are their blue markings to represent their Oricenta family, and their blue freckles. With their markings being a moon on their forehead and four circles underneath their eyes, their freckles looks like blue snow or stars in front of a dark background (their skin) and a blue crescent moon. With closer inspection of their face, their hair turns out to not actually be hair, but a unique type of feathers limited only to Oricenta. Because of this, Arjean needs special brushes, combs, and other hair supplies to do their hair and wash it without hurting themself or messing up their hair.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]When shape-shifting into their other three forms, Arjean will look mostly the same in their second form, asides from them having a more cervitaur look and their wings being moved to the back of their cervitaur back. Their third is just them as a deer but floating antlers, an unnatural blue and white color scheme, and the ability to summon their wings to fly. Their fourth form is them as a owl with an unnatural blue and white color scheme and the ability to turn into an owl. They don't use their third and fourth forms much since they find it only useful for hiding, and they consider their second form to look embarrassing surrounded by a bunch of human-looking people.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Commonly seen in many different outfits, ranging from a long elegant dress to casual jeans and a shirt, Arjean doesn't really have a standard look to them. They wear whatever they want depending on the time, place, and most importantly, how they're feeling. One day their hair will be in a ponytail, and the other they may have cut it to be shorter than usually. They don't fear cutting their hair one bit since it grows at an extremely quick pace that's mostly normal for their family.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Graceful and politeness are two traits Arjean values above almost everything else. With that being said, they struggle to continuously represent those traits. They constantly try to put on a façade of being graceful, polite, formal, happy, and mature, but when you really get to know them they’re immature, emotional, and has a vulgar sense of humor. The typical traits of a teenager trying to act like an adult when they’re still young and underdeveloped. Their secretly (but obvious) immature personality is not helped by their extreme emotional high and lows. One moment Arjean will feel like they’re on the top of the world, while the next they feel like digging their grave. That’s not to say they want to harm themself in anyway, though that will be addressed later, it’s just that they experience extreme depression at times. During their moments of mania, they are hyperactive, excitable, extremely happy, delusions, and they feel like they can take on multiple tasks at once. When they are in their states of depression, they feel lonely, tired, hopeless, sad, apathetic, and bored. It’s easy to say they don’t have anything that causes this and that it’s just normal teenage hormones, but some stuff that triggers their mania are when their favorite topics are brought up, they’re in an area they’re comfortable with, and when around people they like. What triggers their depression are topics around certain aspects of their family like (most prominently their mother Béatrice), failing at something, and feeling like they’re the cause of bad things happening to people they like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]In their state of mania or just feeling normal, Arjean may seem like an extremely empathetic person. This is a very wrong perception, as they’re only extremely empathetic towards those they care about and formed some level of a positive relationship with. When it comes to those they don’t really know well, or just don’t like in general, they’ll become apathetic and rude towards their problems. This can be hard to work with when people think Arjean is a genuinely good and helpful person, but then quickly learn they're apathetic and uncaring underneath it. This isn’t to say they’re a completely bad person, just that their help is only directed towards those they care about or a goal to make themself look better.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Aside from Arjean’s lack of empathy, weirdly enough, they don't pick up the arrogance both Archard and Béatrice have. Unlike their grandparent and mother where they act like they’re more powerful than they actually are, Arjean is extremely insecure in their abilities and skills and tries to feel protected by those they've put their trust in. This hits them even harder when they act on impulse by getting themself into fights they can’t win, being rude to those they care about and expect nothing bad to happen, and putting themself in situations where they end up suffering. This stems from their childish and naïve personality, and added with their need for love and attention it makes them easy to manipulate. Showing Arjean any sort of positive attention will immediately make them trust that person and do anything for them as long as they don't do anything to get on their bad side. In fact, Arjean won’t care if they’re being manipulated and used, as long as they feel like they’re being helpful in some way to the person(s) they like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]It's common to see Arjean day-dream or think they're seeing something that isn't there. They frequently experience delusions and hallucinations, but delusions are usually based on relationships (thinking a close friend is planning against them), while their hallucinations usually only happen when they're going through emotional extremes. Junchi is usually the one to help them through it, but when they aren't there Arjean tries to focus on stuff they like to make them go away. As they aged and learned tricks to make them go away, Arjean doesn't experience them as badly as before and they no longer go into long catatonic states, and though they still experience daydreams it's not something that happens all the time.[/SIZE]


Animals | Drawing| Ballet and ballroom dancing | Reading | Traveling | Forests| Cold/Snowy areas | Athletics | Learning | Making friends | Mei Junchi | Reptiles | Owl griffins


[SIZE=14pt]Being touched by strangers/people they dislike | Solitude | Crowds | Small environments | Losing someone close to them | Stuff that hurts their senses, specifically loud noises | Being the reason something bad happens to someone they like | Being lied to | Breaking a promise | Fire | Hot areas[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Born in France but raised in the capital of the Oricenta country Ilada, Arjean was raised in a family that were famous for valuing creativity and creating stuff through the arts. Their grandparent Archard worked in armor and weapon making, their mother Béatrice worked with clothing and fashion designing, their other mother Ade worked in weapon making, and their half-sister Rémi worked with jewelry, music, and dancing. Arjean developed a quick talent for creating dolls, whether stuffed or hard, and drawing. With those talents, they grew up to help their family, specifically Béatrice, create clothes and to earn extra money by selling their dolls in their family's mall.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]It wasn’t long before Arjean desired for another skill, though this was one outside of what their family usually specialized in. From the age of two Arjean would watch Archard and Ade fight against each other to test out their armor and weapons before selling them them off. After a few years of begging, Arjean once again begged to be trained in fighting and strengthening themself at the age of six. Of course, their family wouldn’t allow them to participate in heavy physical activities or fighting with a sword before they were even close to puberty, but they did allow them to participate in sports and train their body. This involved stuff like swimming, soccer, track, and flying. Only at the age of twelve did Archard and Ade feel they were ready to start learning how to fight and start activities that would be more stressful to their body. Archard and Ade noticed Arjean wasn’t very skilled in sword combat, but did notice they took a liking to shields, using their legs, staffs, blunt objects, and their abilities. The two could easily point that using their legs and magical abilities for fighting were when they were at their best in combat, and focused more on that than their other, lesser developed, skills.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]As for their relationship with their mother Béatrice, Arjean for it hard to describe. They love their mother dearly and will do absolutely anything to keep her happy, but they also fear her in a way too. She's a toxic person in Arjean's life, and is the perfect example of Arjean's personality letting them being manipulated by anyone they get the tiniest amount of positive attention from. As long as she continues to give them positive attention and hide her insults and horrible attitude towards her children. She's the main reason Arjean has many insecurity issues, the fear of being touched, and the fear of being in small spaces. Even with Béatrice's horrible personality, Arjean still loves her and will point out that she loves them too, it's just everyone else will point that that she's absolutely horrible at parenting.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]By the time Arjean reached the age of thirteen they had an average but slightly more muscular appearance than others in their age group. This was something Arjean regretted, since they were often mistaken for an older teen or young adult, which really wasn’t helped by them being six foot two by then. Their closest friend that’s been with them literally throughout their whole life, Mei Junchi, would repeatedly suggest that they use their older appearance to get stuff from people that they wouldn’t be able to get with a young appearance, but Arjean always denied. They were never interested in romantic relationships, sexual relationships, drugs, and alcohol, so they saw no point in using their appearance for gain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]After showing themself to have a lot of trouble controlling their abilities, especially when they get strong as they grow older, their family eventually decided to send them off to Euphorian High School so they could get more help in their abilities. This decision was suggested by Junchi's family, and then pushed by Junchi since they were going to be sent to the school too. After Junchi promised to watch over Arjean and make sure they don't get into any trouble, as well as sharing a dorm with them, Arjean was allowed to go instead of being homeschooled or sent to an Oricenta only school.[/SIZE]


Magical Abilities

[SIZE=14pt]Elemental Manipulation[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Arjean most used ability is the ability to create clouds and manipulate clouds. With this ability they can cause the clouds to rain, snow, and hail. They’re also capable of creating storms too, but this usually only happens when they’re getting extremely emotional, making that ability hard to control. Added with the ability to create rainfall, snowing, hailing, and storms, they’re also able to manipulate them too. When it comes to storms, they have trouble manipulating them since they hate the noises and chaos they produce, and also that they usually only create them when they’re getting emotional.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Arjean is able to shapeshift into four forms: their first being a more humanoid form where they only have two legs of a deer, their second form being one where they have a cervitaur’s appearance and their lower torso takes the form of an unnaturally colored deer with wings on its back, their third form being one of an unnaturally colored deer where they can summon wings to fly, and their four an unnaturally colored owl where they can summon antlers. With their small antlers still developing though, they don’t really have a reason to use them. Arjean usually only uses their third and fourth form for hiding, and their second form when trying to travel on the ground faster, especially if someone is on their back. However they try to avoid people seeing them in their second form since they find it embarrassing looking less human and more animal around more human-like people.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14pt]Arjean is academically and artistically intelligent for their age. They succeed in many academic categories, though it’s common to see them barely even get even a one percent on certain subjects due to them finding the subject in particular boring. This gives people the impression Arjean is only good in one or two things for academics, those being Language Arts and Science. Arjean’s intelligence can be summed up with “brilliant, but lazy”.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Arjean also knows multiple languages, though this can be attributed to their family. They know English, French, Yoruba, and Oscela (the Oricenta language). Yoruba and French are the languages they don’t know as well since English and Oscela are mostly spoken in their household. Other than that, Arjean doesn’t have any knowledge on any other language, though they picked up some Chinese words from Junchi, but not enough to make a comprehensible sentence.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]On the creative side, Arjean has shown impressive skills in designing, drawing, acting, and dancing. Their acting skills have not been shown in plays though, but only when they’re trying to pretend to be something they aren’t so they can get something out of it. Essentially, they use their acting skills only for manipulation, but not for true drama. For their dancing skills, they are limited specifically to ballet and ballroom dancing, and usually mixes that style into their fighting. They’ve only learned dancing from Rémi, and since she’s still working for the family while Arjean is off in Orion Academy, they no longer get dancing tutorials from her.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Being a Cloud Oricenta, meaning they’re also part Air Oricenta, one of the best areas for Arjean to be in is the sky. In the sky their already enhanced senses are even more sensitive and can pick up more sounds, tastes, smells, etc. Added with them being a Water Oricenta and they’re able to fly in the wettest and snowiest of areas.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]Though definitely not an expert, learning from their grandparent and mother Arjean developed the skills of using their legs and magic in battle. Their fighting style involves gracefulness, something that their Soie side of their family values, and roughness, something that their Afolabi side of their family values. Arjean hardly ever uses their arms in fights, and will always strike and block with their legs first, making their legs and wings the most powerful parts of their body.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Owl and Cervid Physiology (Taken from the Oricenta page)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Having both the traits of owls and deer, they also take on traits those two have. For their owl traits this includes being able to adapt to aerial environments, adapt to atmospheres for flight, turn their head 360-degrees, growing sharp strong claws for hunting, night adaption (seeing well in the night, functioning well during the night, etc.), and have a predator instinct (enhanced tracking and hunting). On the other hand, for their deer traits Oricenta have a prey instinct (sense and avoid danger), enhanced speed, and enhanced jump.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]This is mostly for skills that doesn’t really need a fully paragraph written about them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Water walking | Air walking | Cloud walking | Capable of living/breathing/talking clearly underwater | Fast swimmer | Enhanced athleticism (agility, speed, balance, etc.)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14pt]One weakness all Water Oricenta share is the inability to get near fire or heat. The hotter their bodies are, the quicker and more painful their death will be, and being near fire (or on fire) is the worse case scenario for them. Because of this, when Arjean feels like they’re getting too hot they’ll usually make it snow above them, or create ice to rub on their body to cool themself down. This also leads them to wearing stuff like tank tops or only shorts, especially in already warm areas. Well, that, or they'll just wear nothing when in private or near people they're way too comfortable with, which is usually always. Luckily, their fur mostly censors the bottom half of their body.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Another weakness is the fact that Arjean prefers flight and swimming over being on the ground that when they are on the ground they aren’t at their best with fighting, athletics, and anything else on the surface. This means that if their wings are weakened or injured, they won’t be at the top of their game for most physical activities. Luckily, they trained their legs so much this flaw is lessened a bit, but their preference for the sky and swimming makes it harder for them to adapt to the surface.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Arjean's naive and childish personality makes them very vulnerable to being manipulated. Added with the fact they're absolutely fine with being manipulated by those they like and anyone who shows Arjean the tiniest bit of positive attention immediately gains their devotion, and Arjean can be manipulated by practically anyone on their good side.[/SIZE]

@Fukushima Akira Basically the same character but different species, (sort of) look, and power set. At least they aren't an overpowered reality warping character anymore.

Looks good. Just remember that your character won't be able to shapeshift into any Sanctums.








Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual, leans towards girls.

Good, Evil or Neutral?:



medium sized apartment 

High school year:





Ability of casting flames


Submissives, Knives, Guns, Alcohol, Meat, and long hair (on other people).


People (usually), crowds, and tea


Mysterious and kept to himself


View attachment 158942


People have noticed that Zecrett's eyepatch is unneeded, no one dares to ask about it though. The last kid who irritated Zecrett had his hand burned, sending screams of agony through the school. He went into shock and wouldn't talk to anyone for a month. Zecrett doesn't have many friends, especially now, since he was being transferred to this knew school, which he hated. He always hated change. Even though Zecrett can seem ruthless, he has a soft spot for women. He'll always keep his tone calm, until they do something unacceptable. 

Relationship Status:


Any more info?

:Zecrett only lets his close friends call him Zeke, if someone else were to, he would get angry. His fire manipulation can be controlled in different ways. temperature, density, brightness, and other ways.

Name: Sarin Mortirus

Nickname: N/A

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good, Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Neutral  


Summon Mana Blade: Summons a blade of pure Mana, can make into any colour.

Summon Mana Bow: Summons a bow of pure mana, can make into any colour.

Enhanced Eye Sight/Hearing: Increased hearing and eye sight, the hearing is shown off by his elf ears.

Enhanced Healing: He can heal most mortal wounds to his body in a split second. He can also re-attach cut off body parts, though it hurts.

Magic: He can use extremely advanced spells, they don't drain his mana supplies that much, the only problem is that he cannot control his magic, basic spells are fine, such as making a light, but controlling fire, darkness, nature, etc, causes them to practically kill and damage his body.

Likes: Fire, Moonlight, Anything that has a shine, 

Dislikes: Begging, Any colour except for Red, Black & White,

Species: Half Human - Elf / Human - ((Explanation in BIO,))

Personality: Cruel, Dark, Keeps to self if possible, 

Bio: He was used as a test experiment to see if human and other DNA can be combined, it could. This caused him to be born by a mother who never wanted him, only the money. She left immediately after he was born and sold him off to the company that wanted to use him, he was turned into a living, breathing weapon, he was sent to assassinate any and all targets given to him. He eventually escaped and chose to make a life for himself, going to highschool was the first thing on his list. He learned advanced things inside the facility, algebra, heightened English, etc. The only thing he needs to learn how to use, is his abilities with Magic. 




Tags: @Fukushima Akira
Name: Sarin Mortirus

Nickname: N/A

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good, Evil or Neutral: Chaotic Neutral  


Summon Mana Blade: Summons a blade of pure Mana, can make into any colour.

Summon Mana Bow: Summons a bow of pure mana, can make into any colour.

Enhanced Eye Sight/Hearing: Increased hearing and eye sight, the hearing is shown off by his elf ears.

Enhanced Healing: He can heal most mortal wounds to his body in a split second. He can also re-attach cut off body parts, though it hurts.

Magic: He can use extremely advanced spells, they don't drain his mana supplies that much, the only problem is that he cannot control his magic, basic spells are fine, such as making a light, but controlling fire, darkness, nature, etc, causes them to practically kill and damage his body.

Likes: Fire, Moonlight, Anything that has a shine, 

Dislikes: Begging, Any colour except for Red, Black & White,

Species: Half Human - Elf / Human - ((Explanation in BIO,))

Personality: Cruel, Dark, Keeps to self if possible, 

Bio: He was used as a test experiment to see if human and other DNA can be combined, it could. This caused him to be born by a mother who never wanted him, only the money. She left immediately after he was born and sold him off to the company that wanted to use him, he was turned into a living, breathing weapon, he was sent to assassinate any and all targets given to him. He eventually escaped and chose to make a life for himself, going to highschool was the first thing on his list. He learned advanced things inside the facility, algebra, heightened English, etc. The only thing he needs to learn how to use, is his abilities with Magic. 


View attachment 162257


Tags: @Fukushima Akira

Character Updates: Zenya SeulbiName:...♱Zenya Seulbi♱...Age16Gender:FemaleSexual Orientation:BisexualGood or Evil or Neutral:Neutral but GoodWhere you live (House, dorm, etc.)Celia's homeWhat Year of highschool your in:FreshmanWhat kind of being you are:2nd Chaos God EaterPowers/gifts:CloningZenya can clone herself only up to 3 times. She can clone up to 6 times but that will leave her exhausted and unable to fightNasod Materialized Armor/EquipmentZenya was equipped with the most ancient and dangerous Nasod equipment and also had surgery with Nasod material running throughout her body. Though its hidden, her eyes show unknown Nasod materialChaosChaos. Could pretty much materialize something out of nothing because of chaos.Likes:Sweet and tasty foods / beveragesCelia and her familyLevyaDislikes:Human Military personnel / Human labsPersonality:Serious / Naive / Vengeful. It all depends on her formsAppearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)BaseView attachment 163085Base + Nasod Battle SuitSpecial Agent Uniform

Nasod Battle Suit in Human form
[/URL]Bio:Zenya was captured by the human military while visiting the human's world only to be run through the most harsh intensive training, harsh surgery, and harsh experiments, breaking her until she became nothing but a tool, a weapon. Later on, when she was running through a test, she completed the test, but she then targeted the scientists and other military personnel that stood in her way from escaping which also caused her to destroy the entire military base and secret underground labs. She was classified as ''Caster'' because of her summoning of weapons. She is also a high criminal pronounced dead though she is in hiding and rather not be seen often in public. But sometimes she can't hide anymore and risk her life being targeted. But since she worked with the C.I.A. sometimes, her criminal record was completely burned and trashed. But she likes to remain under the radar in some heavily policed areas.Dating/lover/crush:Inching towards Talia WhiteAnything else:Killed at least 1,000,000+ beings and humans.She died after being chased by UN and then revived by Seris stabbing a golden knife into her left eye. If Zenya uses her chaos abilities, her left eye will turn into a shining color of gold upon Chaos Energy use.

Her style changes a lot lately.

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- Name: Shiro- Age: 19- Gender: Male- Species: Inverse Spirit- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexuality- Height: 179 cm- Weight: 120 lbs- Alignment: Lawful Good (Considerably Evil due to his past deeds)

- Grade: Transfer Student.- Personality: Shiro is considered a calm, calculative and wise individual, that appears to talk not so often. Quite a contradiction to his always-serious look and his seemingly-frozen face that is apparently devoid of expression, however, to the Spirit and his friends in overall, he is very kind, friendly and does show deep concern about their well being.

He wants to keep them safe from any potential harms, especially his kind. The reason is because he has already lost too many of them in his life. He prefers to talk over violence, but would definitely not hesitate to use the latter as the last resort should something threaten the safety of Spirit or his friends. *Name of Astral Armor: Canis Major *Codename: Wolf

*Occupation: Defender of Mankind; Protector of Spirits; Nexus of Heaven; The Boy that Shatters Legends.*Angel: Arkriel*Weapon: Spirit Swords, Prototype Gun, [PROJECTs]...*Powers and Abilities: + Highly advanced angelic powers due to him being the Nexus of Heaven and the True Host of the Angel Arkriel.

+ Standard powers of a Spirit, notably the ability to generate Spacequakes at will.+ Enhanced strength, durability, stamina, agility, dexterity, endurance, vitality, flexibility, reflexes, speed etc. His physical prowess is considered supernatural and legendary even among his kind and their counterparts.+ Heritages of Demons.+ Skilled fighter. Can freely place traps right in the middle of the fights and built numerous unique skills, techniques and fighting styles for himself. Mastered all forms of martial arts, weapons and is a capable marksman.+ Skilled planner and strategist, evidenced as when he killed numerous assassins sent to kill Spirits at the same exact moment through the usage of traps, environment and weather.+ Skilled scientist and engineer, as he built high-tech gears to support him in the quest of saving Spirits and even discovered an unknown element that provides eternally clean energy to his [PROJECTs].+ Skilled free-runner, capable of traverse many kinds of terrains at great speed.+ Alarmingly skilled in skills forbidden by the laws such as: Hacking, eaves-dropping, car jacking, pick pocketing...+ Master assassin; a virtuoso in the arts of escaping, evasion, survival, demolition, sabotage, disguise, blending in...; a flawless military operator...; a professional in ways of government agencies (CIA, FBI...)...+ An expert in supernatural fields. Knows a great variety of spells native to Heaven and Hell. Had experience fighting and fending off Angels, Demons and supernatural forces.

+ Capable of casting true illusions among his spells. Most of his frequently used spells are defensive, trap or utility-based type, but that doesn't mean he can't use destructive, offensive ones.

+ Capable of synchronizing with Archangels through the mean of using spells.

+ Capable of hosting Angels, Demons and supernatural forces in vast numbers. + Speaks Enochian (Angel language) and Rhefugi (Demon language) relatively well.+ Has an EXTREMELY wide range of weaponry, both lethal and non-lethal alike. + His Astral Armor - Canis Major has some supernatural properties on his own and requires no Reiryoku to be active at all time.+ Quite a sweet-talker.+ Sixth Sense allows him to operate normally even without the five original senses, and even better.

+ Way of the Wanderer/Way of the Highlander has some fancy mechanics. 

//Way of the Wanderer: Works based on the concept of FlowIntent allows him to increase the sharpness of his weapons once he gains enough Focus; while Resolve gives him a momentary shield against attacks. 

//Way of the Highlander: Works based on the concept of FlowEnlightenment gives him the ability to heal one's self from injuries and to enter a higher state of mind with enough Peace; while Motion gives him the ability to move insanely quick with enough Velocity.

+ The Mark of the Wolf: Marking a target, Shiro would gain certain advantages when confronting them, under certain conditions

1. The Target would be marked as Hunted. It would be aware of being hunted and would be notified should Shiro ever comes closer in the range of 50 kilometers.

2. The Target would be the only priority and Shiro can't mark another target until the current Hunt is completed.

3. If the Target is not put down during the span of 24 hours, it would eventually break free from the Mark.

4. Shiro has to know the Target's face and name in order to mark them.

Synchronization - Sandalphon

///Synchronization Rate: 1 - 49% 

- Can outperform the original user of the Angel in her Pre-Sealed Form. 

- Capable of summoning Sandalphon in its Throne Form, Sword Form and Halvanhelev.

- Capable of unleashing extremely dense Reiryoku that could potentially overpower a Spacequake at maximum output.  

///Synchronization Rate: 50 - 99%

- Astral Armor - Adonai Melek: Shiro is equipped with purple-and-cream armor pieces that adorn his left shoulder, his waist with two long hip guards and his torso with matching chest plate; His robes turn ethereal at the end of the third layer, leaving trail of Reiryoku whenever he moves; His left arm guard gains petal-like cuff and his shin guards are transformed into armored greaves; On his bracelet, a sword symbol is carved on it, with lines of Enochian words. He also gains a pair of giant feathery, transcendent energy wings. His hood now gains two butterfly-wing like accessories pointing upward on both sides.

- Sandalphon: Takes on the form of a slimmer sword with the same design and has longer blade this time. The edge of the blade is made up of Reiryoku. 

- Can extend its blade indefinitely to form a gigantic energy blade.

- Halvanhelev turns more powerful as it could ravage an entire battalion of demons with ease.

- The maximum energy output is vastly increased compared to the first stage of synchronization.

- Can regenerate Reiryoku very quickly, if not almost instantly.


"Graph Darilapa Congamphlgh casarma fifis a Napea de Elo

Solpeth adagita en lava od darix zomdv balzisras a en inimi

Fener ol zomdv ugear, od Ol tria elimina tol periazoda casarma adver ol

Niis adagita Ol, Oxiaial de Nihi, Sandalphon!

(Oh Great Spirit who carries the Sword of God

Listen to my call and bring down your judgement on my enemy

Lend me your strength, and I shall eliminate all those who oppose us

Come to me, Throne of Annihilation, Sandalphon!)"

///Synchronization Rate: 100%


- Appearance (Original character so I'm afraid no viable images): A normal-looking young man with bluish neck-length hair and glowing golden eyes (creepy). He rarely goes out during day in the public so his usual clothing should be his Astral Armor - A hooded cobalt blue robes, with long, 3-layered lower section at the back.Notable unique features to other Spirits:+ Each layer is longer than the one above it. The third and longest layer is pointy and is segmented to resemble an eagle's wings. + A piece of cloth is strapped around his waist and covered his right hip, with a leather belt and a lock acting as the buckle. Several chains wrap themselves on his left hip.

+ Blue feathers could be seen decorating his collar's back.+ The hood is beaked, and had two pointy ears arched on both sides.+ A grey fur padding is located on his right shoulder.+ The robes have an open collared torso, and included a closed collar beneath.+ A small cape could be seen on his back, attached to a big buckle diagonally coiled his front and his back. + The chest plate is made of several overlapping metal guards.+ Left hand silver gauntlet armed with sharp claws, a high leg guard on his left leg, a shin guard on his right leg and a big shoulder guard with 4 pieces of scales that resemble a dragon's scales is donned on his left shoulder.

+ A fancy, high-tech watch on his right wrist.+ Leather black glove on right hand, with a big silver bracelet that covers his entire forearm. Note: His right arm is amputated, and was replaced with a mechanical limb. The same went for his left leg and the shin guard extended to his knee.. + Carries pouches of medicines, pills, bombs, etc... on the back of his belt.+ Usually has his face covered by a mechanical wolf mask.+ Carries a silver, metallic walking cane, decorated with a distinctive pommel of a wolf's head.+ A dimly glowing symbol is visible on his cape's belt buckle.

- Other appearance:

+ A normal male student uniform, with a trench coat.- Equipment:+ Spirit Swords: Swords of the Angel Arkriel. Usually seen in the form of a short blade, and appears to be nothing different from a dagger. The first one Shiro received is a long, silver, triple-bladed (with the cross section forming the triangle) combat knife which is extremely lethal to Spirits and a bunch of supernatural creatures. The second one he gained is basically the same, but takes on more a monstrous, alien designs, with THREE jagged blades on a same sword, all aligned to one single point which is the tip. The blades are concealable and the sword could be hidden inside his flute thanks to that.In their release states, they turn larger and longer, with special properties of their own, notably being able to follow his mental commands.+ Bombs: Smoke bombs, thunder bombs, flash-bangs, holy-fire, cherry bombs, gas bombs, etc...+ Flute knife: A delicately designed flute that also acted well as a sheath for Shiro's Spirit Sword.+ Hidden Spirit Sword: Another Spirit Sword was attached to a slide and pivot system hidden neatly from plain sight inside Shiro's left sleeve. + [PROJECTs]: A set of high-tech equipment that mimics the power of the Archangels back in his world. WILL UPDATE LATER+ Rose Trap: Silver rose-based trap. Can turn invisible to blend in with the environment around it. Once triggered, would result in a powerful explosion, with razor-sharp metal pieces that made up the rose's sent flying in every direction, making them extremely deadly.

+ Firing Pistons: A pair of pistons attached to legs for swift movements and uncanny drifting between enemies.

+ Zero Pulse Short Blade: A short energy blade that draws energy from the unknown element Shiro discovered. Albeit named short blade, it has a full-length blade upon activated that allows flawless attack precision and maximum repel strength. The spatially controlled atom tip coating makes it most compatible, if not perfect, for single-target combat. Zero Pulse Stabilizer: A mechanic placed in Shiro's mechanical arm that allows fierce and accurate lunges with the Zero Pulse Short Blade. XR Combustion Chamber: A mechanic placed in Shiro's mechanical arm that allows a quick double-strike to be perform. He usually uses this after one attack, to make it triple-strike.

+ Neural Sensory Amplifier: Allows Shiro's sensor system to detect weak points on one's body and defenses for maximum damage output with his weapons.

+ Regenerative Energy Vortex: A defensive healing matrix that allows wounds to close quickly in middle of a fight. Not to be confused with the nano-bots, which repair any sustaining injuries completely.

+ Environmental Barrier Unit (EBU): A nano-barrier projector that allows protection against projectiles.

+ Hidden Plasma Forge Drop Blade: Disguised as the walking cane he always carries, this plasma-coated has low density blade suitable for advanced operator mobility. Used for short to mid-range combat. Leather gauntlet is required for better handling.

+ Lightslinger: A futuristic long pistol that shoots white photon bullets, with a magnum's chamber, works compatibly with Rapid Fire Cannon. L-21 Cluster Chamber stores a photon grenade to allow temporary lighting and offensive purposes. Ion Caster Core allows ammo to be generated and channeled without reloading. Capable of switching mode into a mini-gun, where holographic images that resembled a magazine and digital energy plates cover the gun entirely. + Rapid Fire Cannon: A thorny, black and red hand cannon that is capable of shooting 2 rounds of explosive bullets with each shot. It is capable of firing such powerful bullet that the recoil would send Shiro back by several feets and can potentially break his arm despite the hardened bone structures. Can blast through the thickest armor layer of a tank and even things behind it. + Prototype Gun (A long sniper rifle, armed with a halberd head that can be used for close quarter combat. Durable enough to take on all damage from close range fights):The bullets are extremely hard to create, with Shiro being the only one who could recreate them, and uses up a lot of his Reiryoku with every shot. //First Bullet: Explosive bullet. Fiery flowers bloom where the target is hit, burning them in pain before exploding. The explosion could easily bring down a building nearby.//Second Bullet: Unseen bullet. No bullets' cases are found when used. The gun simply pierces its target immediately upon fired, with no speed or trajectory lines through the air. Any substances that has earthly origin (and also most of the alien ones, except for Heaven and Hell) would be ultimately pierced, and time was the only matter before it could breach through the physical defenses. Although sounded invincible, the target could effortlessly dodge it if they know the exact moment Shiro would pull the trigger or by following their instincts and can also be blocked with extremely powerful Reiryoku shields.//Third Bullet: Control bullet. Tree roots would grow where the target is hit, the roots would then quickly seek the closest solid ground to them, and is strong enough to immobilize Spirits. //Fourth Bullet: Insight bullet. Otherwise known as "Crash the Darkness" or "Anti-Demon" bullet. Capable of unleashing heavenly light on a wide area, which is fatal to darkness-based creatures and literally every single mid-tier to low-tier Demon. Can light up the night when fired on the sky and can potentially blind others permanently at close proximity, //Fifth Bullet: Harmony bullet. Can be used to dispel effects and cure people even from incurable diseases, through the mean of restoring them to their natural state. White faded smoke in the form of butterflies could be briefly seen where they were shot.//Sixth Bullet: Crystal bullet. Strongest in terms of piercing power, and can effortlessly pierce through Reiryoku shields and literally any form of defenses, should the Second Bullet fails Shiro.//Seventh Bullet: Wind bullet. Faster than even the wind, this bullet would follow and hit all the places on one's body in search for their potential weak points, or it simply leaves its target as Swiss cheese. //Eighth Bullet: Shadow bullet. Opposition of the Fourth bullet, this bullet brings the day to the night, and immediately weakens light-based creatures such as Angels, not only that, the night veil was special as it greatly limits one's senses.//Ninth Bullet: Disable bullet. The bullet with the ability to seal a Spirit's power temporarily and banishes their Angels and Demons back to their domains for a while. //Tenth Bullet: Divinity bullet. The bullet with the capability to harm a Divine Spirit/Deities in overall. Uses up most of his Reiryoku.//Eleventh Bullet: Protect bullet. The bullet that gives temporal absolute immunity to a chosen target. Uses up nearly all of his Reiryoku.//Twelve Bullet: Last bullet. Works based on the alignment of oneself. Encases the target in a cocoon. If used on a Good Spirit, it would elevate his/her power to a new level that they had never experienced before (Ascended Spirit) and turning creatures to powerful Spirits as the cocoon slowly opens. If used on an Evil Spirit, it could result in an Anti-God monster being born with tremendous power and could kill Evil creatures immediately as the cocoon explodes. An extremely rare situation could happen, when an Evil Spirit turns to an Ascended Spirit, but such possibility has never happened.

- Bio: Little is known about this individual, except that he was once a master killer that drenched his hands with blood of his kind and humans, which is quite a contradiction to his kind nature and his willingness to help people in trouble. Thousands, millions, billions of lives ended under his whim. At night, he usually looks on the moon with a musing look and sad eyes. Why he did those horrible things would remain a secret, and such a secret would die with him, if he ever dies.

- Marital status: [404 WAIFU NOT FOUND] /// Single - Likes: Glancing upon the moon for unknown reasons; playing musical instruments such as flute or piano during his free time; traveling here and there.- Dislikes: Spirit-hunting/killing organizations that actually pose a threat to his kind; crimes against humanity, his friends and the Spirit; some of the Legendary Spirits.- Goals: To bring Man and Spirit together; To end the conflict between Man and Spirit; To protect and to save Man and Spirit.- Weaknesses:+ Somewhat unwilling to kill.+ Innocent people could be used against him.+ Too nice for a guy.+ Naive in certain "things".+ Mentally unstable due to the terrible traumas he experienced in the past. Beings with telepathy powers could harm him effectively.+ Usually considered weak against other Spirits in terms of raw power (due to him being too nice to them), but very deadly and likely unstoppable if prepared.+ Prototype Gun can't be used repeatedly in one day, as it sucks a lot of his already limited Reiryoku and would result in extreme exhaust, degradation of cognition, temporal hallucinations, multiple-awareness issues, overlapping realities, memories losses, some of which would eventually leads to being driven to madness and even death... and would require many self-made pills to help him stabilize himself after each use.

+ He has a special spell to contain him should he or anyone else finds it necessary.

+ Despite his diversity of weaponry and his wide, impressive array of unmatched and unique skills, that literally makes him a powerhouse and a true supernatural force to deal with, he is WAY too soft and thus usually leads to him being in a bad position against his enemies and consequently leads to his utter defeats.

+ To defend others, he would not hesitate to fight, but usually runs when he is threatened.
"Page oe etharzi (Rest in peace)."

"I stand on blood, to serve the Spirits. I live in the dark, to help my people in the light. My name is Shiro the Wolf, and I am a Spirit. I AM a Spirit.""I am starting to forget... It would be nice if I could forget." 

- Symbol:



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- Name: Shiro- Age: 19- Gender: Male- Species: Inverse Spirit (2/3); Anti-God (1/3)- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexuality- Height: 179 cm- Weight: 120 lbs- Alignment: Lawful Good (Considerably Evil due to his past deeds)

- Grade: Extra-Dimensional Transfer Student.- Personality: Shiro is considered a calm, calculative and wise individual, that appears to talk not so often. Quite a contradiction to his always-serious look and his seemingly-frozen face that is apparently devoid of expression, however, to the Spirit and his friends in overall, he is very kind, friendly and does show deep concern about their well being.

He wants to keep them safe from any potential harms, especially his kind. The reason is because he has already lost too many of them in his life. He prefers to talk over violence, but would definitely not hesitate to use the latter as the last resort should something threaten the safety of Spirit or his friends. *Name of Astral Armor: Canis Major *Codename: Wolf

*Occupation: Defender of Mankind; Protector of Spirits; Nexus of Heaven; The Boy that Shatters Legends.*Angel: Arkriel*Weapon: Spirit Swords, Prototype Gun, [PROJECTs]...*Powers and Abilities: + Highly advanced angelic powers due to him being the Nexus of Heaven and the True Host of the Archangel Arkriel.

+ Standard powers of a Spirit, notably the ability to generate Spacequakes at will.+ Enhanced strength, durability, stamina, agility, dexterity, endurance, vitality, flexibility, reflexes, speed etc. His physical prowess is considered supernatural and legendary even among his kind and their counterparts.+ Heritages of Demon Kings.+ Skilled fighter. Can freely place traps right in the middle of the fights and built numerous unique skills, techniques and fighting styles for himself. Mastered all forms of martial arts, weapons and is a capable marksman.+ Skilled planner and strategist, evidenced as when he killed numerous assassins sent to kill Spirits at the same exact moment through the usage of traps, environment and weather.+ Skilled scientist and engineer, as he built high-tech gears to support him in the quest of saving Spirits and even discovered an unknown element that provides eternally clean energy to his [PROJECTs].+ Skilled free-runner, capable of traverse many kinds of terrains at great speed.+ Alarmingly skilled in skills forbidden by the laws such as: Hacking, eaves-dropping, car jacking, pick pocketing...+ Master assassin; a virtuoso in the arts of escaping, evasion, survival, demolition, sabotage, disguise, blending in...; a flawless military operator...; a professional in ways of government agencies (CIA, FBI...)...+ An expert in supernatural fields. Knows literally every single spell in Heaven or Hell, even those forbidden from practice. Had experience fighting and fending off Angels, Demons and supernatural forces.

+ Capable of using extreme magics. During many occasions, he has been seen turning the world around him to broken glasses, bending reality into false illusions, or reshape the surroundings to his wish as he deems it fit, implying he has great knowledge of these kinds of spells. Most of his frequently used spells are defensive, trap or utility-based type, but that doesn't mean he can't use destructive, offensive ones.

+ Capable of synchronizing with Archangels and Archdemons due to his share of their bloodlines.

+ Capable of hosting Angels, Demons and supernatural forces in vast numbers. + Speaks Enochian (Angel language) and Rhefugi (Demon language) relatively well.+ Has an EXTREMELY wide range of weaponry, both lethal and non-lethal alike. + His Astral Armor - Canis Major has some supernatural properties on his own and requires no Reiryoku to be active at all time.+ Quite a sweet-talker.+ Sixth Sense allows him to operate normally even without the five original senses, and even better.

+ Way of the Wanderer/Way of the Highlander has some fancy mechanics.

+ The Mark of the Wolf.

Anti-God Physiology

Synchronization - Archangel Sandalphon

///Synchronization Rate: 1 - 49% 

- Can outperform the original user of the Archangel in her Pre-Sealed Form. 

- Capable of summoning Sandalphon in its Throne Form, Sword Form and Halvanhelev.

- Capable of unleashing extremely dense Reiryoku that could potentially blow up a city at maximum output.  

///Synchronization Rate: 50 - 99%

- Astral Armor - Adonai Melek: Shiro is equipped with purple-and-cream armor pieces that adorn his left shoulder, his waist with two long hip guards and his torso with matching chest plate; His robes turn ethereal at the end of the third layer, leaving trail of Reiryoku whenever he moves; His left arm guard gains petal-like cuff and his shin guards are transformed into armored greaves; On his bracelet, a sword symbol is carved on it, with lines of Enochian words. He also gains a pair of giant feathery, transcendent energy wings. His hood now gains two butterfly-wing like accessories pointing upward on both sides.

- Sandalphon: Takes on the form of a slimmer sword with the same design and has longer blade this time. The edge of the blade is transcendent energy. 

- Capable of manipulating almost any forms of energy, especially Holy energy.

- Can extend its blade indefinitely to form a gigantic energy blade.

- Halvanhelev turns more powerful as it could overpower an entire battalion of demons with ease.

- The maximum energy output is vastly increased compared to the first stage of synchronization.

- Can regenerate Reiryoku very quickly, if not almost instantly.


"Graph Darilapa Congamphlgh casarma fifis a Napea de Elo

Solpeth adagita en lava od darix zomdv balzisras a en inimi

Fener ol zomdv ugear, od Ol tria elimina tol periazoda casarma adver ol

Niis adagita Ol, Oxiaial de Nihi, Arkgassagen Sandalphon!

(Oh Great Spirit who carries the Sword of God

Listen to my call and bring down your judgement on my enemy

Lend me your strength, and I shall eliminate all those who oppose us

Come to me, Throne of Annihilation, Archangel Sandalphon!)"

///Synchronization Rate: 100%


- Appearance (Original character so I'm afraid no viable images): A normal-looking young man with bluish neck-length hair and glowing golden eyes (creepy). He rarely goes out during day in the public so his usual clothing should be his Astral Armor - A hooded cobalt blue robes, with long, 3-layered lower section at the back.Notable unique features to other Spirits:+ Each layer is longer than the one above it. The third and longest layer is pointy and is segmented to resemble an eagle's wings. + A piece of cloth is strapped around his waist and covered his right hip, with a leather belt and a lock acting as the buckle. Several chains wrap themselves on his left hip.

+ Blue feathers could be seen decorating his collar's back.+ The hood is beaked, and had two pointy ears arched on both sides.+ A grey fur padding is located on his right shoulder.+ The robes have an open collared torso, and included a closed collar beneath.+ A small cape could be seen on his back, attached to a big buckle diagonally coiled his front and his back. + The chest plate is made of several overlapping metal guards.+ Left hand silver gauntlet armed with sharp claws, a high leg guard on his left leg, a shin guard on his right leg and a big shoulder guard with 4 pieces of scales that resemble a dragon's scales is donned on his left shoulder.

+ A fancy, high-tech watch on his right wrist.+ Leather black glove on right hand, with a big silver bracelet that covers his entire forearm. Note: His right arm is amputated, and was replaced with a mechanical limb. The same went for his left leg and the shin guard extended to his knee.. + Carries pouches of medicines, pills, bombs, etc... on the back of his belt.+ Usually has his face covered by a mechanical wolf mask.+ Carries a silver, metallic walking cane, decorated with a distinctive pommel of a wolf's head.+ A dimly glowing symbol is visible on his cape's belt buckle.

- Other appearance:

+ A normal male student uniform, with a trench coat.

+ A set of robes that has combined features of a western monk and an eastern monk. Armed with a dark blue hood, the robes is tattered and leaves Shiro's abdomen, his arms and part of his left torso exposed; A small cape is clad on his left shoulder, also with a big rosary around his neck, and a smaller one located on his wrist; Baggy pants go well with him in this form and a big purple sash is adorned around his waist. His left arm turns blue, with blue glowing lines that have what seems to be STARS coursing through them and has dragon scales running along his forearm, not to mention about his long, razor sharp black claws; His ears turn pointy, his face is partly covered with dragon scales, his irises turn more reptilian, he grows a big, long dragon tail in this form and his legs turn more reptilian as well with claws. - Equipment:+ Spirit Swords: Swords of the Angel Arkriel. Usually seen in the form of a short blade, and appears to be nothing different from a dagger. The first one Shiro received is a long, silver, triple-bladed (with the cross section forming the triangle) combat knife which is extremely lethal to Spirits and a bunch of supernatural creatures. The second one he gained is basically the same, but takes on more a monstrous, alien designs, with THREE jagged blades on a same sword, all aligned to one single point which is the tip. The blades are concealable and the sword could be hidden inside his flute thanks to that.In their release states, they turn larger and longer, with special properties of their own, notably being able to follow his mental commands.+ Bombs: Smoke bombs, thunder bombs, flash-bangs, holy-fire, cherry bombs, gas bombs, etc...+ Flute knife: A delicately designed flute that also acted well as a sheath for Shiro's Spirit Sword.+ Hidden Spirit Sword: Another Spirit Sword was attached to a slide and pivot system hidden neatly from plain sight inside Shiro's left sleeve. + [PROJECTs]: A set of high-tech equipment that mimics the power of the Archangels back in his world. WILL UPDATE LATER+ Rose Trap: Silver rose-based trap. Can turn invisible to blend in with the environment around it. Once triggered, would result in a powerful explosion, with razor-sharp metal pieces that made up the rose's sent flying in every direction, making them extremely deadly.

+ Firing Pistons: A pair of pistons attached to legs for swift movements and uncanny drifting between enemies.

+ Zero Pulse Short Blade: A short energy blade that draws energy from the unknown element Shiro discovered. Albeit named short blade, it has a full-length blade upon activated that allows flawless attack precision and maximum repel strength. The spatially controlled atom tip coating makes it most compatible, if not perfect, for single-target combat. Zero Pulse Stabilizer: A mechanic placed in Shiro's mechanical arm that allows fierce and accurate lunges with the Zero Pulse Short Blade. XR Combustion Chamber: A mechanic placed in Shiro's mechanical arm that allows a quick double-strike to be perform. He usually uses this after one attack, to make it triple-strike.

+ Neural Sensory Amplifier: Allows Shiro's sensor system to detect weak points on one's body and defenses for maximum damage output with his weapons.

+ Regenerative Energy Vortex: A defensive healing matrix that allows wounds to close quickly in middle of a fight. Not to be confused with the nano-bots, which repair any sustaining injuries completely.

+ Environmental Barrier Unit (EBU): A nano-barrier projector that allows protection against projectiles.

+ Hidden Plasma Forge Drop Blade: Disguised as the walking cane he always carries, this plasma-coated has low density blade suitable for advanced operator mobility. Used for short to mid-range combat. Leather gauntlet is required for better handling.

+ Lightslinger: A futuristic long pistol that shoots white photon bullets, with a magnum's chamber, works compatibly with Rapid Fire Cannon. L-21 Cluster Chamber stores a photon grenade to allow temporary lighting and offensive purposes. Ion Caster Core allows ammo to be generated and channeled without reloading. Capable of switching mode into a mini-gun, where holographic images that resembled a magazine and digital energy plates cover the gun entirely. + Rapid Fire Cannon: A thorny, black and red hand cannon that is capable of shooting 2 rounds of explosive bullets with each shot. It is capable of firing such powerful bullet that the recoil would send Shiro back by several feets and can potentially break his arm despite the hardened bone structures. Can blast through the thickest armor layer of a tank and even things behind it. + Prototype Gun (A long sniper rifle, armed with a halberd head that can be used for close quarter combat. Durable enough to take on all damage from close range fights):The bullets are extremely hard to create, with Shiro being the only one who could recreate them, and uses up a lot of his Reiryoku with every shot. //First Bullet: Explosive bullet. Fiery flowers bloom where the target is hit, burning them in pain before exploding. The explosion could easily bring down a building nearby.//Second Bullet: Unseen bullet. No bullets' cases are found when used. The gun simply pierces its target immediately upon fired, with no speed or trajectory lines through the air. Any substances that has earthly origin (and also most of the alien ones, except for Heaven and Hell) would be ultimately pierced, and time was the only matter before it could breach through the physical defenses. Although sounded invincible, the target could effortlessly dodge it if they know the exact moment Shiro would pull the trigger or by following their instincts and can also be blocked with extremely powerful Reiryoku shields.//Third Bullet: Control bullet. Tree roots would grow where the target is hit, the roots would then quickly seek the closest solid ground to them, and is strong enough to immobilize Spirits. //Fourth Bullet: Insight bullet. Otherwise known as "Crash the Darkness" or "Anti-Demon" bullet. Capable of unleashing heavenly light on a wide area, which is fatal to darkness-based creatures and literally every single mid-tier to low-tier Demon. Can light up the night when fired on the sky and can potentially blind others permanently at close proximity, //Fifth Bullet: Harmony bullet. Can be used to dispel effects and cure people even from incurable diseases, through the mean of restoring them to their natural state. White faded smoke in the form of butterflies could be briefly seen where they were shot.//Sixth Bullet: Crystal bullet. Strongest in terms of piercing power, and can effortlessly pierce through Reiryoku shields and literally any form of defenses, should the Second Bullet fails Shiro.//Seventh Bullet: Wind bullet. Faster than even the wind, this bullet would follow and hit all the places on one's body in search for their potential weak points, or it simply leaves its target as Swiss cheese. //Eighth Bullet: Shadow bullet. Opposition of the Fourth bullet, this bullet brings the day to the night, and immediately weakens light-based creatures such as Angels, not only that, the night veil was special as it greatly limits one's senses.//Ninth Bullet: Disable bullet. The bullet with the ability to seal a Spirit's power temporarily and banishes their Angels and Demons back to their domains for a while. //Tenth Bullet: Divinity bullet. The bullet with the capability to harm a Divine Spirit/Deities in overall. Uses up most of his Reiryoku.//Eleventh Bullet: Protect bullet. The bullet that gives temporal absolute immunity to a chosen target. Uses up nearly all of his Reiryoku.//Twelve Bullet: Last bullet. Works based on the alignment of oneself. Encases the target in a cocoon. If used on a Good Spirit, it would elevate his/her power to a new level that they had never experienced before (Ascended Spirit) and turning creatures to powerful Spirits as the cocoon slowly opens. If used on an Evil Spirit, it could result in an Anti-God monster being born with tremendous power and could kill Evil creatures immediately as the cocoon explodes. An extremely rare situation could happen, when an Evil Spirit turns to an Ascended Spirit, but such possibility has never happened.

- Bio: Hailing from another dimension, this lone traveler wanders throughout every single reality and explore them much to his hobbies. Little is known about him, except that he was once a master killer that drenched his hands with blood of his kind and humans, which is quite a contradiction to his kind nature and his willingness to help people in trouble. Thousands, millions, billions of lives ended under his whim. He was finally declared dead on his world after the final assault of the union between Human and Spirit against him. At night, he usually looks on the moon with a musing look and sad eyes. Why he did those horrible things would remain a secret, and such a secret would die with him, if he ever dies.

- Marital status: [404 WAIFU NOT FOUND] /// Single - Likes: Glancing upon the moon for unknown reasons; playing musical instruments such as flute or piano during his free time; traveling here and there.- Dislikes: Spirit-hunting/killing organizations that actually pose a threat to his kind; crimes against humanity, his friends and the Spirit; some of the Legendary Spirits.- Goals: To bring Man and Spirit together; To end the conflict between Man and Spirit; To protect and to save Man and Spirit.- Weaknesses:+ Somewhat unwilling to kill.+ Innocent people could be used against him.+ Too nice for a guy.+ Naive in certain "things".+ Mentally unstable due to the terrible traumas he experienced in the past. Beings with telepathy powers could harm him effectively.+ Usually considered weak against other Spirits in terms of raw power (due to him being too nice to them), but very deadly and likely unstoppable if prepared.+ Prototype Gun can't be used repeatedly in one day, as it sucks a lot of his already limited Reiryoku and would result in extreme exhaust, degradation of cognition, temporal hallucinations, multiple-awareness issues, overlapping realities, memories losses, some of which would eventually leads to being driven to madness and even death... and would require many self-made pills to help him stabilize himself after each use.

+ He has a special spell to contain him should he or anyone else finds it necessary.

+ Despite his diversity of weaponry and his wide, impressive array of unmatched and unique skills, that literally makes him a powerhouse and a true supernatural force to deal with, he is WAY too soft and thus usually leads to him being in a bad position against his enemies and consequently leads to his utter defeats.

+ To defend others, he would not hesitate to fight, but usually runs when he is threatened.
"Page oe etharzi (Rest in peace)."

"I stand on blood, to serve the Spirits. I live in the dark, to help my people in the light. My name is Shiro the Wolf, and I am a Spirit. I AM a Spirit.""I am starting to forget... It would be nice if I could forget." 

- Symbol:



I'd suggest reading the lore, as there are only five archangels within this RP, and those are; Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Gabriel and Han. You can read it here:

These are the things your character can't have:

  • You can't have the Anti-God Physiology.
  • You aren't allowed to have something as powerful as this: "...he has been seen turning the world around him to broken glasses, bending reality into false illusions, or reshape the surroundings to his wish as he deems it fit.." as it is too overpowered.
  • "Knows literally every single spell in Heaven or Hell, even those forbidden from practice." - Only Archangels have this knowledge.
  • The part of the bio which states "Hailing from another dimension, this lone traveler wanders throughout every single reality." isn't allowed, as not even Gods are able to do this, it's a Sanctum-Exclusive ability.
  • "Capable of unleashing extremely dense Reiryoku that could potentially blow up a city at maximum output." - Only Archangels and above are capable of this feat while unleashing their powers.
  • "The edge of the blade is transcendent energy. " - Only Gods and above are able to emit and control Transcendent Energy.
  • "Highly advanced angelic powers due to him being the Nexus of Heaven" - Having a named position in Heaven does not reflect how much power an Angel has. The Scribe of God is a standard Angel with no extra powers.
  • "Capable of synchronizing with Archangels and Archdemons due to his share of their bloodlines." - Multiple lore conflicts here. 1) Angels and Daemons have not, nor will they ever, produce offspring with one another. Angels believe Daemons are a stain and deserve to be wiped out. 2) Archdemons don't exist within this Roleplay.
  • You also have to explain these further: Way of the Wanderer/Way of the Highlander and The Mark of the Wolf.

Until these are changed, I'm not accepting the character.

It should also be noted that if you intend to use images for your character, you'll have to submit them to your Character Sheet and wait for it to be accepted. This is to ensure that the image isn't already taken by another Roleplayer.

Nathan Isaac C. Vincent

Vince, Nate, The Pessimistic Seraph, The Neutral Force, The Angel of Fire

Physically 19

(Mentally 5,428+)


Sexual Orientation:

Moral Alignment:

Current Housing:
Lives in an Apartment, though he rarely visits

Current Year in Education:
About in his Seniors(4th Year)


Every Seraph's Abilities

(Highly Skilled in Pyrokinesis)

» Calm and Quiet Places
» Caffeine
» Sketching
» Spiders
» Snow and Winter

» Other Angels, specifically Lower Angels(Finds them Annoying)
» Humans(Finds them tedious to protect)
» Other Gods(Pessimistic around them, or when they're around him)
» Hot or Humid Places

» Noisy and Annoying individuals

Nathan is a Cold and Distant individual, though he Respects others he is extremely pessimistic around other Gods and Goddesses, aside from God(Catholic) he is also a Laid-back and Carefree not doing his job to protect Humanity all to much seeing it tedious, while around Archangels he is Serious as to prove his worth towards them and to impress Michael. When talking to others he tends to be Direct and Straight to the point nor caring for the persons feelings.


Wings are a Grayish tint due to not doing his job


Nathan was sent to earth when Humans were in the Middle Ages, though he is older than he seems he was more Enthusiastic on his first few thousand years on earth protecting humanity he became more Pessimistic seeing this task to be Tedious and growing Tiresome to continue. He would rarely protect humanity but he would not allow Daemons to roam free, but when Archangels would review the Angels and their missions Nathan became more Serious and Stoic dealing with his mission, hoping to gain the respect of Michael.


When it became the Modern Age of humanity he stopped doing his job seeing as the humans could protect themselves now until the Archangels did their rounds again. Doing his job once again as he noticed that daemons became more powerful with humanities sins and faults, disgusted by the Humans his wings began to turn grey signalling him becoming a possible Fallen Angel. He now found himself studying after a life-time in Euphorian Highschool after being punished by God, by reducing his age and appearance to a nineteen year old.

Love Interest:

He's Asexual

Nathan Isaac C. Vincent

Vince, Nate, The Pessimistic Seraph, The Neutral Force, The Angel of Fire

Physically 19

(Mentally 5,428+)


Sexual Orientation:

Moral Alignment:

Current Housing:
Lives in an Apartment, though he rarely visits

Current Year in Education:
About in his Seniors(4th Year)


Every Seraph's Abilities

(Highly Skilled in Pyrokinesis)

» Calm and Quiet Places
» Caffeine
» Sketching
» Spiders
» Snow and Winter

» Other Angels, specifically Lower Angels(Finds them Annoying)
» Humans(Finds them tedious to protect)
» Other Gods(Pessimistic around them, or when they're around him)
» Hot or Humid Places

» Noisy and Annoying individuals

Nathan is a Cold and Distant individual, though he Respects others he is extremely pessimistic around other Gods and Goddesses, aside from God(Catholic) he is also a Laid-back and Carefree not doing his job to protect Humanity all to much seeing it tedious, while around Archangels he is Serious as to prove his worth towards them and to impress Michael. When talking to others he tends to be Direct and Straight to the point nor caring for the persons feelings.


Wings are a Grayish tint due to not doing his job


Nathan was sent to earth when Humans were in the Middle Ages, though he is older than he seems he was more Enthusiastic on his first few thousand years on earth protecting humanity he became more Pessimistic seeing this task to be Tedious and growing Tiresome to continue. He would rarely protect humanity but he would not allow Daemons to roam free, but when Archangels would review the Angels and their missions Nathan became more Serious and Stoic dealing with his mission, hoping to gain the respect of Michael.


When it became the Modern Age of humanity he stopped doing his job seeing as the humans could protect themselves now until the Archangels did their rounds again. Doing his job once again as he noticed that daemons became more powerful with humanities sins and faults, disgusted by the Humans his wings began to turn grey signalling him becoming a possible Fallen Angel. He now found himself studying after a life-time in Euphorian Highschool after being punished by God, by reducing his age and appearance to a nineteen year old.

Love Interest:

He's Asexual


Just an FYI, God is in this RP.
Name: Luxe Rosaria Infernus Scarlet

Nickname(If Applies): Kalin, ScarletAge: 19[Physical Age]Gender: MaleSexual Orientation: HeterosexualGood or Evil or Neutral: GoodWhere you live: Dorms What Year of highschool your in: 1st yearWhat kind of being you are: Human/PhoenixPowers/gifts: Infinite ResurrectionEvery time Kalin is killed, he will inevitably return to life, though depending on the severity of his end, he may lack memories from his last life when he returns.

Fire ManipulationKalin can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Kalin uses this ability to attack using fire, enhance his own strength with flames, create constructs from flames, and, with the power of Phoenix Fire, he can heal others.Kalin has the ability to burn anything, even if they are normally non-flammable.

As a result of being a Phoenix, Kalin also possesses supernatural condition, granting him superior strength, speed, and other abilities that relate to achieving this state. He also regenerates from injuries at a supernatural rate; healing instantly if not engaged in heavy fighting, and repairing severe and even fatal injuries in days at the most.

Kalin also has the ability to form an attatchment to items with great emotional value to him. This manifests itself in each item differently, but each on its own grants Kalin a different gift.

Known Regalia:

Kalin's Necklace-???

Likes: Flying, Eating, Making Friends, Cooking, Reading, Having Fun, Girls who can control Water/IceDislikes: Anyone who hurts his friends.Personality:Kalin is kind to nearly everyone he meets. Though he acts like a fool sometimes, it is mostly an act to forget the years of fighting he had to go through. He is willing to protect his friends with his life, and wont hesitate to fight anyone who harms those he cares about in any way. Kalin is generally carefree, spending his time doing something trivial, even when something important is occurring, so long as no one is placed in danger as a result.



Layala Soulis(Friend(?))




Combat Form


Full Human Form

Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Kalin

Nickname(If Applies): Kal, PhoenixAge: 19[Physical Age]Gender: MaleSexual Orientation: HeterosexualGood or Evil or Neutral: GoodWhere you live: Dorms What Year of highschool your in: 1st yearWhat kind of being you are: Human/PhoenixPowers/gifts: Infinite ResurrectionEvery time Kalin is killed, he will inevitably return to life no matter what. Whether his body is atomized, or the very thought of him is erased, he will come back, though depending on the severity of his end, he may lack memories from his last life when he returns.

Fire ManipulationKalin can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Kalin uses this ability to attack using fire, enhance his own strength with flames, create constructs from flames, and, with the power of Phoenix Fire, he can heal others, even reviving them from death.Ultimate BurningKalin has the ability to burn anything, even if they are normally non-flammable, incorporeal or even conceptual entities, such as time. He can raise the temperature to absolute levels, generating scientifically unexplainable levels of particle energies; due to burning at such otherwise impossible levels, complete annihilation of object at subatomic levels occur. As a result of being a Phoenix, Kalin also possesses supernatural condition, granting him superior strength, speed, and other abilities that relate to achieving this state. He also regenerates from injuries at a supernatural rate; healing instantly if not engaged in heavy fighting, and repairing severe and even fatal injuries in days at the most.

Kalin also has the ability to form an attatchment to items with great emotional value to him. This manifests itself in each item differently, but each on its own grants Kalin a different gift.

Known Regalia:

Kalin's Necklace-???

Likes: Flying, Eating, Making Friends, Cooking, Reading, Having Fun, Girls who can control Water/IceDislikes: Anyone who hurts his friends.Personality:Kalin is kind to nearly everyone he meets. Though he acts like a fool sometimes, it is mostly an act to forget the years of fighting he had to go through. He is willing to protect his friends with his life, and wont hesitate to fight anyone who harms those he cares about in any way. Kalin is generally carefree, spending his time doing something trivial, even when something important is occurring, so long as no one is placed in danger as a result.



Layala Soulis(Friend(?))

View attachment 165264

View attachment 165267

The character can't have anything in bold:

"the ability to burn anything, even if they are normally non-flammable, incorporeal or even conceptual entities, such as time."

"Whether his body is atomized, or the very thought of him is erased, he will come back, "

"he can heal others, even reviving them from death."

"He can raise the temperature to absolute levels, generating scientifically unexplainable levels of particle energies; due to burning at such otherwise impossible levels, complete annihilation of object at subatomic levels occur."

Phoenixes don't have this type of power available to them.
Severynd, Mask
Sexual Orientation:
Moral Alignment:
Current Housing:
Dorm room on campus
Current Year of Education
Severynd has the ability to make tangible objects out of shadows. Examples would be a dagger, sword, or shield. He can also teleport to wherever a shadow may be, although he cannot do this too much or too far without blacking out.
Cold weather, Coffee, Fish, Milk, and leaning on people/things
Crowds, mean people, people leaning on him, getting wet.
Severynd is quiet and kept to himself. He gives off a vibe of "Piss off" but actually doesn't want anymore than a conversation. He speaks very softly and rarely raises his tone.

View attachment 166291
Severynd is another transfer student. His father is a scientist, divorced from his mother whom was also a scientist. Severynd never shares what they research, and snaps when people push the topic to far. Severynd never takes his mask off, this caused rumors to spread that Severynd's face was stained in blood from his cannibalistic ways. Severynd denied anything of the sort, bus as he spoke for the first time to defend himself,yelling in frustration, his chin dripped in blood through his mask after a yelp of pain. He scared everyone in his class. The attention became so bad that he had to transfer schools. His father told him that there were people at this school who were even more odd than him, some even with supernatural powers. He didn't argue, anything to get him away from the wretched school that he was in. Now Severynd seeks his normal, quiet school life, promising himself he wouldn't speak to anyone, but deep down he wants someone to force a conversation against his attitude.
Love Interest:


You have to state the race of your character.

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