• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character Registration

Severynd, Mask
Sexual Orientation:
Moral Alignment:
Current Housing:
Dorm room on campus
Current Year of Education
Animal/Human Hybrid
Severynd has the ability to make tangible objects out of shadows. Examples would be a dagger, sword, or shield. He can also teleport to wherever a shadow may be, although he cannot do this too much or too far without blacking out.
Cold weather, Coffee, Fish, Milk, and leaning on people/things
Crowds, mean people, people leaning on him, getting wet.
Severynd is quiet and kept to himself. He gives off a vibe of "Piss off" but actually doesn't want anymore than a conversation. He speaks very softly and rarely raises his tone.

View attachment 166291
Severynd is another transfer student. His father is a scientist, divorced from his mother whom was also a scientist. Severynd never shares what they research, and snaps when people push the topic to far. Severynd never takes his mask off, this caused rumors to spread that Severynd's face was stained in blood from his cannibalistic ways. Severynd denied anything of the sort, bus as he spoke for the first time to defend himself,yelling in frustration, his chin dripped in blood through his mask after a yelp of pain. He scared everyone in his class. The attention became so bad that he had to transfer schools. His father told him that there were people at this school who were even more odd than him, some even with supernatural powers. He didn't argue, anything to get him away from the wretched school that he was in. Now Severynd seeks his normal, quiet school life, promising himself he wouldn't speak to anyone, but deep down he wants someone to force a conversation against his attitude.
Love Interest:



Name: Luxe Rosaria Infernus Scarlet

Nickname(If Applies): Kalin, ScarletAge: 19[Physical Age]Gender: MaleSexual Orientation: HeterosexualGood or Evil or Neutral: GoodWhere you live: Dorms What Year of highschool your in: 1st yearWhat kind of being you are: Human/PhoenixPowers/gifts: Infinite ResurrectionEvery time Kalin is killed, he will inevitably return to life, though depending on the severity of his end, he may lack memories from his last life when he returns.

Fire ManipulationKalin can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Kalin uses this ability to attack using fire, enhance his own strength with flames, create constructs from flames, and, with the power of Phoenix Fire, he can heal others.Kalin has the ability to burn anything, even if they are normally non-flammable.

As a result of being a Phoenix, Kalin also possesses supernatural condition, granting him superior strength, speed, and other abilities that relate to achieving this state. He also regenerates from injuries at a supernatural rate; healing instantly if not engaged in heavy fighting, and repairing severe and even fatal injuries in days at the most.

Kalin also has the ability to form an attatchment to items with great emotional value to him. This manifests itself in each item differently, but each on its own grants Kalin a different gift.

Known Regalia:

Kalin's Necklace-???

Likes: Flying, Eating, Making Friends, Cooking, Reading, Having Fun, Girls who can control Water/IceDislikes: Anyone who hurts his friends.Personality:Kalin is kind to nearly everyone he meets. Though he acts like a fool sometimes, it is mostly an act to forget the years of fighting he had to go through. He is willing to protect his friends with his life, and wont hesitate to fight anyone who harms those he cares about in any way. Kalin is generally carefree, spending his time doing something trivial, even when something important is occurring, so long as no one is placed in danger as a result.



Layala Soulis(Friend(?))




Combat Form

View attachment 165264

Full Human Form

View attachment 165267

You don't by any chance have those images on hand, do you? They aren't working on my end (probably because of the HTML update).
Name: Luxe Rosaria Infernus Scarlet

Nickname(If Applies): Kalin, ScarletAge: 19[Physical Age]Gender: MaleSexual Orientation: HeterosexualGood or Evil or Neutral: GoodWhere you live: Dorms What Year of highschool your in: 1st yearWhat kind of being you are: Human/PhoenixPowers/gifts: Infinite ResurrectionEvery time Kalin is killed, he will inevitably return to life, though depending on the severity of his end, he may lack memories from his last life when he returns.

Fire ManipulationKalin can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Kalin uses this ability to attack using fire, enhance his own strength with flames, create constructs from flames, and, with the power of Phoenix Fire, he can heal others.Kalin has the ability to burn anything, even if they are normally non-flammable.

As a result of being a Phoenix, Kalin also possesses supernatural condition, granting him superior strength, speed, and other abilities that relate to achieving this state. He also regenerates from injuries at a supernatural rate; healing instantly if not engaged in heavy fighting, and repairing severe and even fatal injuries in days at the most.

Kalin also has the ability to form an attatchment to items with great emotional value to him. This manifests itself in each item differently, but each on its own grants Kalin a different gift.

Known Regalia:

Kalin's Necklace-???

Likes: Flying, Eating, Making Friends, Cooking, Reading, Having Fun, Girls who can control Water/IceDislikes: Anyone who hurts his friends.Personality:Kalin is kind to nearly everyone he meets. Though he acts like a fool sometimes, it is mostly an act to forget the years of fighting he had to go through. He is willing to protect his friends with his life, and wont hesitate to fight anyone who harms those he cares about in any way. Kalin is generally carefree, spending his time doing something trivial, even when something important is occurring, so long as no one is placed in danger as a result.



Layala Soulis(Friend(?))




Combat Form


Full Human Form


Name: Elisa Darthwell

Nickname(If Applies): N.C.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: House on grounds

High school Year: Sophomore

Race: Hybrid - Human & Vampire

Powers Or Gifts:

Haemokenisis: The ability to control her blood down to the atom, she can make them as sharp as a blade and as tough as bedrock, certain things can break through but in most battles can be evenly matched.

Increased Blood Production: Her blood production is increased in which allows her lost or missing blood to seem like nothing in the end once she is done.

Dark Surge: She can use all of her power at once and cause herself to be able to control her bodies blood to the point where she can morph her muscles to her own will.

(( Normal Vampiric abilities, increased speed, eye-sight etc. ))








Personality: Happy, Cheerful, 


Elisa Darthwell.JPG

Backstory: Like her cousin Sarin, she was used as a science experiment by her family but wasn't sold off, she was kept by her family and by her insane father who thought he could make her into a weapon to kill the masses and sell her off to the highest bidder. Though one day, as her father prepared to test out an experimental drug which was to force her under mind control so to speak, Sarin came back and killed her family, her mother brother and father, they all wanted to sell her off so they could have the illusion of their father back, she went with him the first chance she could take and packed her bags, she began working at the restaurant that Sarin had gotten through certain means and she has been working there since.

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information: N.C.
Name: Elisa Darthwell

Nickname(If Applies): N.C.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Moral Standing: Neutral

Current Residence: House on grounds

High school Year: Sophomore

Race: Hybrid - Human & Vampire

Powers Or Gifts:

Haemokenisis: The ability to control her blood down to the atom, she can make them as sharp as a blade and as tough as bedrock, certain things can break through but in most battles can be evenly matched.

Increased Blood Production: Her blood production is increased in which allows her lost or missing blood to seem like nothing in the end once she is done.

Dark Surge: She can use all of her power at once and cause herself to be able to control her bodies blood to the point where she can morph her muscles to her own will.

(( Normal Vampiric abilities, increased speed, eye-sight etc. ))








Personality: Happy, Cheerful, 


View attachment 168001

Backstory: Like her cousin Sarin, she was used as a science experiment by her family but wasn't sold off, she was kept by her family and by her insane father who thought he could make her into a weapon to kill the masses and sell her off to the highest bidder. Though one day, as her father prepared to test out an experimental drug which was to force her under mind control so to speak, Sarin came back and killed her family, her mother brother and father, they all wanted to sell her off so they could have the illusion of their father back, she went with him the first chance she could take and packed her bags, she began working at the restaurant that Sarin had gotten through certain means and she has been working there since.

Relationship Status/Crush: N.C.

Any other information: N.C.


Nyx Ryzrel

Pronunciation: (Pronounced like the name ‘Nick’ but with an ‘s’ at the end. NIKS.)



Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:

With her background, it has been difficult for Nyx to find an even balance between her mind and deep, dark desires. Although she knows it’s morally right to be a good person, and she believes that she wants to be good, there are times where her intentions may be questioned. Sometimes, getting what she wants is more important to her than what is truly right. Additionally, when she is pushed over the limit, fury can lead her to being one of the worst creatures one has ever faced.

Current Residence:

Being completely on her own with no siblings or guardians, Nyx wandered deep into the forest to find herself an old abandoned house. It is in a rather unsettling location, with ropes hanging from some trees around the house, an eerie indication that people were killed there long ago. A small stream of dirty water trails alongside the small house. Inside, the house is still in a worn-out, old condition. However, something about death and decay has an appealing scent to Nyx. As strange as it seems, she assumes it must have something to do with her demonic background.

horror_forest_003_by_jackeavesart-d6611xj.jpg abandoned_house_by_chao_ken-d397qwq.jpg

Highschool Year:


New Student


Half-Demon (The offspring of a female human and male demon..she does not know much about her father.)

Powers Or Gifts:

Telekinesis. Nyx can manipulate things with her mind. She tends to use this ability to attain what she wants. It has caused her to be quite selfish.


Ice Cream (Favorite flavors are Vanilla and Black Raspberry)

Pastel Colors

Death and Decay (Fascinates her..and it smells good to her)

The Color Black


Bubble Gum

Getting what she wants

Going on adventures

Doing risky things



Not getting what she wants when she wants it

When people oppose her or are rude to her

Bright Colors

Boring things


Nyx has a rather cheerful, bubbly attitude. She smiles, laughs, and twirls her hair quite a bit. She seems like a typically air-headed girl based off first impressions, but she has a lot of thoughts and feelings about many things inside of her. For example, she loves to think about philosophical questions, supernatural existences, and what the afterlife may be like. She may come off as manipulative at times, and she may not even realize herself what she’s up to. Although, when she wants something--she is determined to attain it and is willing to destroy anything that gets in her path. Despite her general happy-go-lucky attitude, she has a very disturbing darkness deep within her due to her demonic genetics. It has been a struggle for Nyx growing up to bury that darkness deep within her, but she was able to do so overtime. But because of this darkness, if she is angered or stressed out enough, this darkness will be released and she will become a creature of destruction--her horns growing, eyes turning a soulless black, and her hair rising with fury.


Nyx has silky, pastel purple hair with light blue highlights that accent her porcelain skin very well. Her dark eyebrows are hidden beneath a layer of bangs and little black horns pop out right atop her head. Being as into fashion as she is, she's crafted a few different colored pairs of "little horn hats," as she calls them, which she slips onto her horns to change their color. She has big, crystal-blue eyes just like her mother had, and long, thick lashes. Her facial features are very petite, such as her tiny nose, mouth, and ears. Little fangs peek out from beneath her pink lips and her cheeks are a soft, rosy shade. She loves to dress up and style her hair cutely, and her false nails are painted purple.



Nyx grew up with her extremely loving and caring mother, Alessandra. They lived in a nice, decent house for a while, but Nyx had never gotten the chance to meet her father. Although her mother did not like talking about him much, Nyx was told that he was murdered by other demons for betraying the Underworld. Apparently, her father was similar to Nyx in that he preferred to be a good soul rather than bad. Not to mention, he married a human, which is the last thing a demon should ever do according to the Lord of the Underworld. The choice to be a good soul is an extremely rare trait to have, only 2% of demons having such an ability to even control their lust for destruction. When he was killed, pregnant Alessandra fled her home to find a new place to hide. She gave birth to Nyx and the two of them were unbothered by demons (as far as Nyx was aware) for eleven years. That was when things really changed for Nyx, though. That was when the demons came for her mother. Nyx saw it all happen at the age of eleven. They dragged her away, torturing her mother with flames and knives, until she was dead. They burned her body to ashes and fled the area, choosing to spare Nyx for whatever reason. She wonders still if the demons are plotting murder against her, but simply waiting to kill her, just as they did with her mother.

Relationship Status/Crush:


Nyx Ryzrel

Pronunciation: (Pronounced like the name ‘Nick’ but with an ‘s’ at the end. NIKS.)



Sexual Orientation:


Moral Standing:

With her background, it has been difficult for Nyx to find an even balance between her mind and deep, dark desires. Although she knows it’s morally right to be a good person, and she believes that she wants to be good, there are times where her intentions may be questioned. Sometimes, getting what she wants is more important to her than what is truly right. Additionally, when she is pushed over the limit, fury can lead her to being one of the worst creatures one has ever faced.

Current Residence:

Being completely on her own with no siblings or guardians, Nyx wandered deep into the forest to find herself an old abandoned house. It is in a rather unsettling location, with ropes hanging from some trees around the house, an eerie indication that people were killed there long ago. A small stream of dirty water trails alongside the small house. Inside, the house is still in a worn-out, old condition. However, something about death and decay has an appealing scent to Nyx. As strange as it seems, she assumes it must have something to do with her demonic background.

Highschool Year:


New Student


Half-Demon (The offspring of a female human and male demon..she does not know much about her father.)

Powers Or Gifts:

Telekinesis. Nyx can manipulate things with her mind. She tends to use this ability to attain what she wants. It has caused her to be quite selfish.


Ice Cream (Favorite flavors are Vanilla and Black Raspberry)

Pastel Colors

Death and Decay (Fascinates her..and it smells good to her)

The Color Black


Bubble Gum

Getting what she wants

Going on adventures

Doing risky things



Not getting what she wants when she wants it

When people oppose her or are rude to her

Bright Colors

Boring things


Nyx has a rather cheerful, bubbly attitude. She smiles, laughs, and twirls her hair quite a bit. She seems like a typically air-headed girl based off first impressions, but she has a lot of thoughts and feelings about many things inside of her. For example, she loves to think about philosophical questions, supernatural existences, and what the afterlife may be like. She may come off as manipulative at times, and she may not even realize herself what she’s up to. Although, when she wants something--she is determined to attain it and is willing to destroy anything that gets in her path. Despite her general happy-go-lucky attitude, she has a very disturbing darkness deep within her due to her demonic genetics. It has been a struggle for Nyx growing up to bury that darkness deep within her, but she was able to do so overtime. But because of this darkness, if she is angered or stressed out enough, this darkness will be released and she will become a creature of destruction--her horns growing, eyes turning a soulless black, and her hair rising with fury.


Nyx has silky, pastel purple hair with light blue highlights that accent her porcelain skin very well. Her dark eyebrows are hidden beneath a layer of bangs and little black horns pop out right atop her head. Being as into fashion as she is, she's crafted a few different colored pairs of "little horn hats," as she calls them, which she slips onto her horns to change their color. She has big, crystal-blue eyes just like her mother had, and long, thick lashes. Her facial features are very petite, such as her tiny nose, mouth, and ears. Little fangs peek out from beneath her pink lips and her cheeks are a soft, rosy shade. She loves to dress up and style her hair cutely, and her false nails are painted purple.

View attachment 168982


Nyx grew up with her extremely loving and caring mother, Alessandra. They lived in a nice, decent house for a while, but Nyx had never gotten the chance to meet her father. Although her mother did not like talking about him much, Nyx was told that he was murdered by other demons for betraying the Underworld. Apparently, her father was similar to Nyx in that he preferred to be a good soul rather than bad. Not to mention, he married a human, which is the last thing a demon should ever do according to the Lord of the Underworld. The choice to be a good soul is an extremely rare trait to have, only 2% of demons having such an ability to even control their lust for destruction. When he was killed, pregnant Alessandra fled her home to find a new place to hide. She gave birth to Nyx and the two of them were unbothered by demons (as far as Nyx was aware) for eleven years. That was when things really changed for Nyx, though. That was when the demons came for her mother. Nyx saw it all happen at the age of eleven. They dragged her away, torturing her mother with flames and knives, until she was dead. They burned her body to ashes and fled the area, choosing to spare Nyx for whatever reason. She wonders still if the demons are plotting murder against her, but simply waiting to kill her, just as they did with her mother.

Relationship Status/Crush:


When using telekinesis, it would be up to the RPer as to if their character does what was asked. If you control their character, it'd be godmodding which is against our rules. 

My suggestion is to assign a side power :))

When using telekinesis, it would be up to the RPer as to if their character does what was asked. If you control their character, it'd be godmodding which is against our rules. 

My suggestion is to assign a side power :))


Ahh sorry I should've clarified, she wouldn't force anyone to do anything with her powers hahah, I was just thinking that in the past she would've used it to scare people so they'd give her something, etc. Wouldn't actually force it on other roleplayers though hahah. But I'll try and think of a side power too just in case. Other than that though, am I free to start roleplaying whenever?? C:
Ahh sorry I should've clarified, she wouldn't force anyone to do anything with her powers hahah, I was just thinking that in the past she would've used it to scare people so they'd give her something, etc. Wouldn't actually force it on other roleplayers though hahah. But I'll try and think of a side power too just in case. Other than that though, am I free to start roleplaying whenever?? C:

Yes you are. Have fun! 



Lena Reinhardt

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Enhanced human


Lena is an enhanced human like her sister, so she has some innate abilities, but some of her abilities were learned on her travels through time while her sister Gavrielle was off in the military.

  • Enhanced Archery: On her travels with Noel, Lena became very familiar with using a bowsword (a combination bow and arrow and sword), with it now being her best weapon.
  • Enhanced Marksmanship: When Lena uses the bow and arrow form of her bowsword, she rarely ever misses her mark.
  • Enhanced Swordsmanship: Lena's weapon also has a sword form, and she is proficient at using it.
  • Enhanced Condition: It might not be as much as her sister, but the combination of Lena's genetics and her travels through time did push her body past limits she didn't even know she had. One of the biggest aspects of the enhanced condition for Lena is the enhanced Charisma, finding that she has no trouble making people like her or become friends with her.
  • Time Travel: Mainly using crystallized artifacts, Lena has traveled through time on multiple occasions, and since some artifacts are still in her possession, she can still do so to varying degrees.
  • Summoning: Lena can summon a familiar, Mog. They met on her journey through time with Noel, and took a shine to Lena, becoming her familiar. He can be thrown places to reach things that are out of her grasp.
  • Precognition: Lena can occasionally see into the future and view events that are going to happen. However, every time this happens it takes a bit of time off of her life. Therefore, she tries to use it as little as she can, though sometimes the visions happen without warning, leaving Lena wiped out afterward.

Both Lena and her sister are proficient in Paradigm shifting (passed down from their parents), and their powers change slightly based on which Paradigm they're currently in.

Commando: The commando mode is mainly used for physical attacks. Her strength is increased and she is primed for attacking with her sword.

Ravager: The ravager mode mainly deals with elemental combat for the purposes of wearing down the enemy. In this mode, Lena can mix elemental manipulation with physical combat, combining both to deliver devastating strikes.

Sentinel: The sentinel mode is used when a strong defense is needed. Lena can provoke enemies into focusing on herself, while maintaining a near impenetrable and perfect defensive stance. This is good for directing the enemies attention away from those who might need some time to heal. Lena can also using this mode to take damage and then counter with her own attack.

Saboteur: The saboteur mode deals with debuffing the enemy and making them weaker and more vulnerable to attack. This can include lowering attack and defense, as well as adding negative status effects such as poison or slow (decreasing movement, attack, and reaction speed).

Synergist: The synergist mode is the opposite of the saboteur mode. This mode deals with buffing allies, giving them boosts that help them during a fight. This can include increasing attack and defense, as well as adding elemental attributes to allies attacks.

Medic: The medic role is one meant for healing. Lena can heal the health and injuries of herself and allies, as well as getting rid of any negative status effects that may have been inflicted.

Other Appearances:



  • Gavrielle
  • Helping others
  • Cooking
  • Archery
  • Moogles
  • Traveling


  • Unnecessary violence
  • Being unable to do anything
  • Being alone
  • Carrots


Lena is the opposite of her sister. Where Gavrielle is cold and analytical, Lena is kind and warm. Her sister keeps everyone at arm's length, while Lena tries to see the best in everyone. She's been through some hard circumstances herself, so she has plenty of patience when it comes to others. Despite her kind demeanor, Lena is very strong-willed, and will go the extra mile and do what must be done when the situation calls for it. She doesn't like to brag about it, but she is an accomplished fighter as well, and can be quite merciless in battle if the need arises. Aside from this, Lena is friendly and always willing to lend a hand to those in need.


Lena was young when her parents died. She didn't really remember much from back then, only really knowing that their parents were kind of gone and that Gavrielle was taking care of her. Because of this, Lena attached to her sister, having no other older figures in her life. Compared to Gavrielle, Lena was the smaller and meeker of the two, so her sister brought it upon herself to protect her sister, which led to the decision of joining the military. This left Lena on her own, and forced her to grow up a bit. In Gavrielle's absence, she met a man named Noel, and due to some crazy set of events they went traveling together. Through time. Collecting different artifacts to travel between timelines to fix some mistakes. It was revealed during this time that Lena could see the events that would happen in the future, but every time the sight was used it would take away some of her life. Thankfully, it was only used once or twice, and before she knew it a few years had passed. Lena had grown stronger and braver, coming home as a new woman. When she got home, Gavrielle was home as well, and the decision was made to enroll in a nearby academy for those with powers, Fantasy High School, considering how many years of school both had missed. Lena still hasn't told the full truth about some of the abilities she has or what she saw on her travels with Noel to Gavrielle, and hopefully she never has to.



Anything Else:

Lena's familiar is Mog, a member of the Moogle species. She thinks he's adorable, and Mog would agree with her.


Her weapon is called Starseeker. It has two forms: Bow and Arrow, and Sword.


((This was part of a pre-existing CS. I'm just making it it's own CS now.))


◇ Ishida Family Master CS ◇


Roman alongside other members of the Ishida family wearing their traditional battle uniform. 


Short Family History: 

Rising to power through trade during the Middle Ages, the Ishida family has become as powerful as a royal family through their wealth, and relationships with those of power. Unlike most families like their own, the Ishida's are special. They have powers, and require no security but their own. As time came along, the family was used as a black ops group for their country, because their powers were not rivalled by any, giving said country a huge boost. As this began to seem otherwise, the Ishida's started to lie low, going back  to the trade business, and soon manufacturing. Now during present times, the family has stepped out of its shadow and runs a well known business. 


Roman - Head of the Family

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Roman ISHIDA[/COLOR]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Family Symbol -[/SIZE]


[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Nickname -[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Rommy[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Alias -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Ice King[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Head of the Ishida Family[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Being -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Human/Sanctum[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Age -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]21[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Gender -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Male[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Sexual Orientation -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Straight[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Morality -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Good[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Residency -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Mansion[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Grade/Year -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Doesn't Attend Anymore[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Powers/Gifts -[/SIZE]


[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in. If the mental image is a gruesome one, the shock will be accordingly great.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. In addition, they can start another attack.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defense. Chakra is either converted to earth within the body and then spat out to form the wall or the user can manipulate pre-existing earth to form the wall. The earth then instantly rises up and takes form. The barrier itself is also coated with chakra, making its strength incomparable to that of a normal mud wall. Because of the earth's special characteristics, the wall is highly resistant against, for instance, fire and water.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This technique changes earth into fine sand by channelling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. One can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach. It also appears that after digging, the ground can be returned to its original state, leaving no trace of where the user entered the earth.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Earth Release: Multiple Earth-Style Wall[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Like the parent technique, it creates a reinforced wall of earth to be used as a defensive mechanism. Using a pre-existing source of earth however, it allows the user to create multiple walls of earth, further fortifying their defense, so that even while the outer walls are destroyed the inner ones are still left intact.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Eight Gates[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The state of having all Eight Gates open is known as "Eight Gates Released Formation" (八門遁甲の陣, Hachimon Tonkō no Jin; English TV "Eight Inner Gates Formation"). Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers greater than a Kage, but they will die because of the damage done to their body. Due to the immense amount of chakra flooding the body all at once, drastic changes can occur upon the user's body. The most common of these changes are the darkening of the skin, eruption of veins around the temples, the eyes turning completely white.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of Opening (開門, Kaimon), located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so 100% of their strength can be used whereas normally, a person can only use 20% of their muscles' strength to keep them from disintegrating. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of Healing (休門, Kyūmon; English TV "The Gate of Rest"), located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of Life (生門, Seimon), located on the spinal cord. Allows the user to use the Reverse Lotus. The increased blood flow turns the skin red.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of Pain (傷門, Shōmon), located on the spinal cord. Increases the user's speed and power. May cause muscle tissue to tear on use.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of Limit (杜門, Tomon; English TV "The Gate of Closing"), located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of View (景門, Keimon; English TV "The Gate of Joy"), located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of Wonder (驚門, Kyōmon; English TV "The Gate of Shock"), located below the stomach. Further increases the user's speed and power. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, blue in the anime, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a chakra coating. Unfortunately, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Gate of Death (死門, Shimon), located at the heart. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy. It makes the heart pump at maximum power and exceeds the power of every other gate.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Evil Sealing Method[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This technique is used to suppress technique-induced marks on a person.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This seal requires a high number of hand seals to be performed and consumes large amount of chakra from the user. Preparation for this technique requires two concentric circles with kunai placed in intervals along the circumference, in addition to a number of characters written in blood that radiate out from the centre of the cursed seal.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Eye Mind Reading[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This technique looks upon a target and weaves a sign with their eye, gathering information without them noticing. The user is even able to perform this on himself to restore or remove information in their own mind. This can also be used on a target that is currently reading the user's mind.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Genjutsu: Sharingan[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Genjutsu: Sharingan is simply the generic use of genjutsu as employed by Sharingan wielders. By establishing direct eye contact with the intended opponents, the user can lock them within a genjutsu of their choosing in order to achieve various effects. These effects range from inducing instantaneous, but temporary, paralysis or unconsciousness in an opponent to forcefully extracting any valuable information that they possess or controlling their actions.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Kamui[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Kamui allows the user to transfer anything to another dimension. Once a target is sent to this dimension, it is unable to escape. This technique, when used through Obito's right eye, is also able to make the user "intangible" by transporting portions of their body to the same pocket dimension.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Lightning Beast Running Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]By manipulating lightning chakra into their hand, the user can make the lightning expand to create the form of a hound. The hound remains connected to the user's hand, allowing them to control it during its attack.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Lightning Cutter[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Lightning Cutter is an enhanced and concentrated form of the Chidori with the same effects and drawbacks. The Chidori appears as simply a mass of white electrical chakra in the user's hand, while the Lightning Cutter is more focused (and blue in the anime).[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Lightning Release Shadow Clone[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform techniques and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance; and also evenly distributes the user's chakra to each clone. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever it is touching.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Lightning Transmission[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Using the aid of a clone, the two Roman each perform the Lightning Cutter technique on opposite hands. Connecting their techniques together, they form a chain of lightning between themselves that is able to slice through objects such as tailed beasts' chakra arms with great ease. Roman was also able to wrap the lightning around a target, thus effectively restraining its movements, as shown against the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Multiple Shadow Clone Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This technique is essentially a massive version of the Shadow Clone Technique. Instead of a few clones, it creates a few hundred clones (or a number of equal grandeur).[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]One Thousand Years of Death[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]A very simple technique with an overly dramatic name, One Thousand Years of Death is little more than inserting one's index and middle fingers (similar to the Tiger hand seal) into the opponent's bottom, causing constipation, pain and/or embarrassment. It has no effect on unconscious targets.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Peregrine Falcon Drop[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The user grabs a falling opponent by their ankles, wraps his legs around their waist, and drives them head first into the ground, similar to the Front Lotus.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Rasengan[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Rasengan is a powerful A-rank technique. The Rasengan is a very useful, powerful, versatile, and difficult technique to learn and master.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Shadow Clone Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Similar to the basic Clone Technique, this technique creates copies of the user. However, these clones are corporeal instead of illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force. The clones can also disperse on their own or be dispelled by the user of the technique. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the actual person even by dōjutsu because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra as the original, and aren't made from any other substance like water clones are for example.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Silent Killing[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]As the name suggests, this technique is simply a very quiet method of killing an opponent, usually from behind with a blade. Additionally, because the user moves silently, it cannot be defended against, because the attack cannot be anticipated. The user will often slit their opponent's throat, preventing any cry that might give them away.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Strong Fist[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The purpose of which is to cause external damage and break bones. This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent and is generally used only by extremely physically powerful and dominating shinobi.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Summoning Technique (Ninken)[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Summoning Technique is a space–time ninjutsu that allows the summoner to transport animals or people across long distances instantly via blood.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]A high-grade tracking-offensive ninjutsu where one calls upon ninken with a summoning, so they can tail the target from underground and assault it simultaneously with their fangs.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]After the user marks an opponent with his or her blood, they roll out a scroll and smear their blood across it. Afterwards they place it between their hands and make the seals before slamming the scroll into the ground. The ninken are summoned there and travel through the ground following the scent of the blood. When the target is found, they erupt from the ground and hold down the opponent with their mouths.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Water Clone Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This technique extends water over a large scale, surges and rises up to several dozens of meters high. Then it streams down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilization is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. This is a considerably advanced ninjutsu, and activating this technique requires a fair amount of chakra. The water can also be produced from the mouth.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Water Release: Water Formation Wall[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]This defensive technique creates a wall of water around the user. Enemy attacks are completely intercepted by a fence of water blown out from the mouth, and is raised from below with tremendous might. The water is blown out in the form of a circle around the user, and it makes for a defence without openings. It is also possible for the user to control the amount of water and duration at will. The wall's strength and resistance change following the quantity of chakra poured down into the water, so a skilful shinobi will be able to build a sturdy one. Furthermore, because the field of vision is maintained even while defending one can easily go on to the next move, which is a great advantage. The wall can also be formed from a pre-existing water source.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]The user shapes water into the form of a large shark and thrusting their hand forward, sends it hurtling towards the opponent at high-speeds, resulting in a powerful impact. The user can also ride inside the water shark to dramatically increase their swimming speed.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Roman is a very proficient hand-to-hand combatant, possessing masterful skill in using it as his primary means of attack. He is equally lethal using punches and kicks, and is highly unpredictable. His fighting technique is incredibly destructive, using his speed and reflexes to quickly take out his opponents. He is skilled enough to hold his own against stronger opponents for short amounts of time.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Expert Swordsman: Although he usually prefers hand-to-hand combat, Roman is also able to fight effectively with his Zanpakutō. He could hold his own against Han, who at the time was using Bankai and his Hollow mask[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Pesquisa: Roman is able to detect targets from a considerable distance.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Hierro: Roman has the passive ability known as Hierro. Roman's Hierro is strong enough to effortlessly block the sharp edge of a released Shikai blade with his bare hand, later showing the density of his skin by being able to grab Han's Bankai blade, blocking it with his bare hand and receiving no damage. Roman was able to survive a point blank Getsuga Tenshō (though emerging with grievous injuries).[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Enhanced Strength: Roman is able to push back Han with little effort. He can throw Han a considerable distance using his own sword that he had grabbed hold of during an attack. His kicks are strong enough to send an opponent flying and destroy several buildings in the surrounding area.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Enhanced Durability: Roman has proven himself to be a very durable fighter, as he took a Bankai enhanced Getsuga Tenshō from Han and only sustained a scar on his chest. Later, despite having only one arm, he was able to take 2 direct hits from Han's in his Hollow enhanced state and emerged with only minor injuries and continued fighting.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Great Spiritual Power: Roman possesses a great deal of spiritual energy. His Reiatsu is blue[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Highly Perceptive Combatant: Roman was able to discern from simple observation, during his first fight with Han, that his Bankai enhanced Getsuga Tenshō was damaging his body. He also notes that Han was capable of 2 to 3 more of those attacks at best.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Cero: Roman is capable of firing a red Cero from the palm of his hand as well as his fist. He can fire it at point-blank range to increase its lethality, to the point that he incinerates the top half of a person after regaining his arm and strength. He uses it at point-blank range again on an enemy, incinerating them.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Gran Rey Cero: As an Espada, he is able to use this Espada-exclusive Cero variant, which produces a much larger and more powerful version of the normal Cero.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Descorrer (解空 (デスコレール), Desukorēru; Japanese for "Loosed Void", Spanish for "Drawing Back/Opening")[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Sonído Master: Roman is very proficient in the use of Sonído. Even in his unreleased state, he is able to keep up with Han while in Bankai. Initially, Roman could even surprise and overwhelm Han with his speed.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Zanpakutō[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Pantera (豹王 (パンテラ), Pantera; Spanish for "Panther", Japanese for "Panther King"): His Zanpakutō's tsuba resembles a rigid, crooked "S," while the sheath and handle are light blue.[105][/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Resurrección: His release command for his Zanpakutō is "Grind" (軋れ,kishire), referring to grinding one's teeth. To release his Zanpakutō, he holds it up, like the start of a low sweep stroke, with his right hand. The sword glows light blue as he puts his left hand up to it. He then rakes his hand along the length of the blade with a swift motion, while calling out its release command, which in turn releases a torrent of spiritual power that creates tremendous gusts of wind in the immediate vicinity. Roman's appearance changes drastically to something more feline and predatory. His teeth become jagged and sharp, his hands turn into black claws and his feet become black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail that's longer than his body. His hair becomes very long and flowing, and the markings around his eyes enlarge and extend to the tips of his ears, which become swept back and cat-like. He loses his distinctive jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of a headgear upon his brow covering his forehead. His clothing changes to become form-fitting white segmented armor, similar to his original Adjuchas-Hollow form. He has blades protruding from his forearms and his calves.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Resurrección Special Ability: His abilities while released include:[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Enhanced Hierro: Roman's Hierro receives an augmentation, allowing him to withstand a point-blank Getsuga Tenshō from Han with his mask on without receiving any physical damage.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Enhanced Speed & Agility: Complimenting his already impressive speed and power, Roman's released state increases his speed drastically, giving him animalistic agility and movement to match his feline form.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Enhanced Strength: His strikes pack enough power to accidentally destroy large skyscraper-sized pillars or the hardest of materials.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Sonic Wave: When in his released form, he can roar loudly enough to create sonic waves in the air and surrounding area, which are powerful enough to throw off his opponents.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Garra de la Pantera (豹鉤 (ガラ・デ・ラ・パンテラ, Gara de ra Pantera; Spanish for "Claw of the Panther", Japanese for "Panther Hook(s)/Barb(s)"): Acutely shaped bombs fired at high speed from his elbow, five of which can be fired at once. They have a devastating effect. One round can destroy an entire building. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Blue Aura: As the head of the Ishida Family, Roman possesses the Blue Aura. When exerted, the Aura has the defensive potential to protect Roman and his allies against a direct attack.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Illusion Breaking: Roman's Aura is able to effortlessly break and disintegrate all and the most powerful illusions to date it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Force Field: Roman can manifest his aura into force fields where he can use it as stepping stones to get into a higher places or as a barrier to protect himself and his surrounding.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Likes/Dislikes -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Mal[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Misaki[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Alejandro[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Akane[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Kaori[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Akira[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Fighting/Sparring[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]+Going out and doing something fun[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]-Boring people[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]-Tomatoes[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]-Very bland colors[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]-Meaningless fights[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Bio -[/SIZE]

Roman was born of a Sanctum mother and human father. This resulted in him having his powers and being a pretty strong being. His father though, never knew of his mother's true identity, nor did he know of his son's powers. It was one the things she kept hidden from her husband until the inevitable happened. Akane was KIA during a mission back in her home, Euphoria. Roman and her husband were notified through a letter sent to their home, leaving them both devastated by the news. As a result, Roman and his father both trained in the ways of the ninja. Roman learned about his abilities and to his father's surprised, he let Roman stay in the school for further training.
After graduating the academy, Roman was assigned to a squad of four. It consisted of himself, his sensei, Kaori and Masahi. They easily completed their missions, utilizing their abilities and skills to do so. One mission went completely wrong though. One of his friends were trapped under a giant boulder after thir rescue of Kaori, crushing half of his body and supposedly killing him. Not long after, Kaori used Roman to take her own life, leaving him in a grieving state for a long time and even scarring him.
After losing both his team members, he went and joined a blacks ops group where he was assigned the tougher missions. With the use of his friend's Sharingan(Tengan), the missions weren't too difficult all the time. A few years later and Roman would quit and go on to better his own skills by returning to school. He then met the first girl he's ever had a relationship with and they got married after they graduated. Soon came two children, Assana, and Miyuki... Unfortunately it came to a brutal end when she was slaughtered in the backyard of their home. Years later, he'd meet his next love, Mal. They are now married with two children, Alejandro and Misaki.
He is also the head of his family. After his father's death, it was decided that he would be the best choice. His mother has also returned to life.
More to be added....

[SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Personality -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Roman is a really calm a relaxed person. He likes to talk and play, spending time with his friends and all that... When he's angry, then you should leave him alone. He will and won't hesitate to kill.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Relationship Status -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Married with two children.[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Married to Mal ( @lunacrosby )[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]Theme Song -[/SIZE][SIZE=17.99194061756134px]N/A at the moment[/SIZE]

Akane - Head of Defense



Nickname -
Alias -
Known only by Sanctums...
Sanctum of Armour and Weapons

Being -

Age -
Physically 21, but much older

Gender -

Sexual Orientation -

Morality -

Residency -

Grade/Year -

Guidance Counselor

Powers/Gifts -


Requip: The Knight (換装 ザ・ナイト Kansō Za Naito): Requip is a type of Spatial Magic and Akane's signature form of Magic, over which she possesses great mastery. It is a type of Magic that allows her to swap weapons, armor and clothes at will. Her particular form of Requip is called The Knight. She is noted for her ability to Requip extremely fast and is the only sword knight known to be capable of Requipping weapons and armor while fighting, she is said to have over 100 different armors, something which made her and her immense strength well known, and throughout the entire world of Euphoria, earning her the epithet "Titania".
Sword Power (剣の魔法 Ken no Mahō): In addition to her signature Magic, Requip, Akane is also an extremely talented user of Sword Skills. As the name implies, this is a type of power which revolves around the use of swords. Akane is capable of using her swords to perform different magical attacks. This is usually done in combination with specific armors  of hers, which makes her a very deadly combatant. It is also shown that she can also combine different armors with other swords from other armors to either block or attack using deadlier force and mixing different elements together.
Telekinesis: Akane is also a skilled user of Telekinesis. The first time she used this Magic, however, was accidental. Akane's most common use of Telekinesis comes with her Sword Magic, in which she can perform different attacks by controlling her swords remotely.

Akane displaying her swordplay with dual weapons
Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Akane possesses great mastery in swordsmanship and her skills in swordsmanship are of the highest caliber. Her offensive capabilities mainly come from her swordplay, which enables her to effectively utilize the weapons that her Requip provides, which includes swords, short swords, axes, lances and staffs (among others). Akane has shown great skill in utilizing the reverse-grip of swordsmanship as well as the normal grip. She is even capable of employing her swords effectively using her feet, by wielding their hilts between her hallux and second toe.
Keen Intellect: Akane has proven herself to be clever and to possess a thorough knowledge of almost all worlds.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite favoring the use of her various weapons, Akane has proven herself to be a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Despite her being bound to a wall, she was able to easily knock someone unconscious with a single kick. She was also able to engage her mentor in an unarmed fight after all of their weapons were shattered in their previous battle, attacking her counterpart with powerful punches and performing throws and takedowns to push her away. She is also able to mix hand-to-hand combat with her swordsmanship while in the midst of battle.

Akane slicing through metal with air pressure
Enhanced Strength: In stark contrast with her slim and womanly figure, Akane possesses a very large amount of physical strength, having been repeatedly shown capable of lifting and dragging around objects many times her own size and weight, most prominently due to her habit of carrying around vast amounts of luggage. She was also able to send Midnight flying against a wall, several meters away from both of them, with a flick of her wrist. In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from the swings.

Immense Endurance: Akane has been shown to possess a vast amount of physical endurance. After using up all of her Power during her fight and a enemy by focusing it all in a single slash,[40] she was still able to join the battle against their leader, Requipping different armors and performing combo attacks with her teammates.
Immense Durability: Akane has also proven herself to have a vast amount of physical durability. She's able to take almost an infinite amount of attacks without being phased.

Immense Reflexes: Akane possesses extremely sharp reflexes, and a high degree agility and speed. Despite her being severely battle worn, she was able to dodge a blast from someone while balancing herself on one hand. She was also able to skillfully and acrobatically dodge a barrage of Darkness Magic Spells from an attacker.
Immense Magic Power: As an S-Class Warrior of the Euphoria, Akane possesses a tremendous amount of Magic Power. Throughout many difficult battles Akane was able to Requip powerful armors in rapid succession without showing any signs of fatigue. She was also able to Requip her Heaven's Wheel Armor and over 200 swords after Requipping her Lightning Empress Armor without running out of Magic Power. When exerted, her Magic Power is red in color.

Akane owns over 100 different types of armor, and over 200 different types of weapons.

Basic Sanctum Armor (ハートクロス 鎧, Hāto Kurosu no Yoroi): Made by the popular fashion brand Sanctum Armors in Euphoria specifically for her, this is Akane's casual armor, which she is mostly seen wearing. This armor sports a breastplate now composed of a single piece of metal, decorated by curved lines and by a deformed version of Sanctum Armors mark, with the cross' right arm extending to the right part of Akane's chest, and the added mark of Sanctum insignia located under the cross itself, which is now lacking the brand's name.

Heaven's Wheel Armor (天輪の鎧 Tenrin no Yoroi): Plated armor covers her chest, with a large metal flower over it, and she wears a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper area. Her stomach and neck are uncovered, and she has large metal wings that appear to be made of individual blades, as well as a wing-like headpiece.

Flight: While wearing this armor, Akane seemingly gains the ability to fly for short distances.

Sword Requipping: Akane is able to summon a large amount of swords (roughly more than 200), and launch weapons at her opponent(s) in a variety of different ways. The armor is meant to be used for facing multiple opponents.

Blumenblatt (天輪・繚乱の剣 Tenrin: Burūmenburatto): Akane will requip a mass amount of swords, and then charge at her opponent and slice him or her with two of her swords.Then she will fly past her enemy and send the swords she Requipped into the enemy at the same time.

Circle Sword (天輪・循環の剣, サークルソード Tenrin Sākuru Sōdo): Erza requips swords and has them circle around her by utilizing the command, "Dance, My Blades". The swords then begin spinning rapidly around Akane and she sends them flying towards her opponent(s) in a disc formation at first and upon impact the swords separate and fly in different directions dealing great damage.
Trinity Sword (天輪・三位の剣 Tenrin: Toriniti Sōdo): While in her Heavens Wheel Armor, Akane slashes the opponent in a delta formation.

Pentagram Sword (天輪・五芒星の剣 Tenrin: Pentaguramu Sōdo): While using the Heaven's Wheel Armor, the user slashes the swords in the shape of a pentagram to attack the target

Black Wing Armor (黒羽の鎧 Kureha no Yoroi): This armor is black with silver trimming that has silver crosses is several places. It has a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates flanking her hips that reach down to her waist-guard. The waist-guard leaves the front of Akane's body exposed, with her groin being covered by a dark imbuement. She has large plates guarding her legs. She has two wings that have black metal "arms" acting as the wings' leading structure, but the parts used to fly are composed of a membrane-like material. Akane's hair is tied in a ponytail.

Flight: This armor seems to grant Akane the ability to fly around for short distances.

Increased Offense: This armor increases Akane's offensive capabilities, and she uses it in conjunction with any number of weapons to deal her enemy great damage.

Moon Flash (黒羽・月閃 Kureha: Gessen): Akane rushes past her target, slashing them in a cross pattern.

Flame Empress Armor (炎帝の鎧 Entei no Yoroi): This armor is dark red predominantly, but also sports orange and black parts, with the first ones being shaped like flames and the second resembling Dragon’s limbs. It’s basically made up of three different parts: the revealing breastplate with Dragon like wings attached to it, the orange gauntlets and the Dragon claw shaped greaves. Akane’s hair is tied into a pair of high, long pigtails.

Flame Resistance: This armor lowers the destructive power of flame attacks by 100%

Fire Magic (火の魔法 Hi no Mahō): This armor grants Akane the ability to shoot fire.

Giant Armor (巨人の鎧 Kyojin no Yoroi): This is a large, furry, golden colored armor with that sports a large cross on the breastplate. The armor is completed by a headgear with the appearance of a pair of large metal ears. The armor works great in combination with the De-Malevo-Lance, a long and elaborated polearm sporting a cross just like the one on the armor.

Enhanced Strength: This armor increases Akane's strength in the form of her throwing power. It was first used when Akane threw her spear at the "moon" above an island.

Adamantine Armor (金剛の鎧 Kongō no Yoroi): The Adamantine Armor is a large, blue and navy colored armor. The breastplate is composed of different plates joined together, with four, prominent tube-like ornaments on the front, right above her breasts, below the high armored collar. The shoulder pads are very large and sport prominent plates shaped like spikes, protruding from a far darker part which composes the base of the structure. The armor is completed by a helmet which covers the top and the sides of Akane’s face, leaving the back part of her head exposed, and sporting prominent spikes jutting outwards.

Immense Defense: This armor is the ultimate, high-level defensive stance. While wearing it, Akane is able to withstand the strongest of beams.

Adamantine Barrier: While wearing this armor, Akane gains the ability to create a powerful Magic Barrier by combining her two shields together, which can even withstand the strongest of blasts.
Flight: While wearing this armor, Akane gains the ability to fly, although only for short distances.

Purgatory Armor (煉獄の鎧 Rengoku no Yoroi): The Purgatory is a black armor that is covered in spikes. When using this armor, Akane's hair becomes styled in very prominent spikes pointing outwards in every direction, with her right eye being covered by it and a devilish shadow obscuring the upper part of her face. This is one of Akane's most powerful armors, before her fight with Ikaruga she claimed that "None had seen the armor and lived to tell the tale."

Clear Heart Clothing (清心の衣 Seishin no Koromo): The Clear Heart Clothing is described by Akane as just normal clothes without any special properties. As her armors represented the walls around her heart, donning these clothes represented Akanw opening her heart and breaking down the walls she'd built up to protect herself. While in this outfit, she discards defense, instead focusing primarily on offense.

Lightning Empress Armor (雷帝の鎧 Raitei no Yoroi): This armor is golden and light bluish in color. The breastplate is decorated by golden trimmings, and has thin plates going up to surround Akane's neck. When using this armor, Akane's head gets adorned by a band with two ribbons on it, and her hair gets styled in a long braid. Also, the armor’s weapon is a long spear, with a very large blade and a decorated circle resembling a shield attaching it to the shaft, which is adorned by a large ribbon.

Lighting Resistance: This is an armor that lowers the attack damage of all lightning attacks aimed at the wearer.

Lightning Magic (雷系各種魔法 Kaminari Kei Kakushu Mahō): This armor grants Akane the ability to attack her foes with lightning.

Flight Armor (飛翔の鎧 Hishō no Yoroi): This armor has features very few armored parts. It is cheetah printed, and the outfit has a large collar around Akane’s neck and a tail hanging from the back of her shorts, both made of bushy fur, plus a pair of large cheetah’s ears adorning both sides of Akane’s head. When wearing this armor, Akane is equipped with a pair of short swords with elaborate hand-guards similar to a rapier's, shaped like rose's thorns.

Immense Speed: This armor increases Akane's speed dramatically, to the point where she could match anyone's speed while the latter was using Silfarion.

Sonic Claw (飛翔・音速の爪, ソニッククロウ, Hishō: Sonikku Kurō): Akane dashes towards her target at high speed and slashes them multiple times from every direction.

Robe of Yūen (悠遠の衣 Yūen no Koromo): This armor is like a purple, revealing kimono. It consists of a short sleeveless tunic decorated by many flower motifs, with a revealing cleavage and revealing opening on the sides, exposing much of Akane’s chest, held closed by both a large, dark obi, which has a thin red rope tied around it and sports a wide closing ribbon on the back, and by a lighter, smaller white belt, which are both wrapped around a pink, flower-patterned cloth circling Akane’s waist on the back and the sides.

Elastic Properties: This armor has incredible elasticity, something which prevented Midnight’s Reflector Magic from securely binding Akane or strangling her using it.

Morning Star Armor (明星の鎧 Myōjō no Yoroi): This armor, which seems to be mainly composed of a leather-like material, sports many feather-shaped decorations, including the short cape, the pauldrons protruding from under it, and the cloth circling Akane's waist, held up by a simple belt on the front. She dons a one piece suit revealing her legs, whose upper part is covered by fishnet leggings, and with high-heeled armored greaves with large knee guards covering her calves. Her arms are heavily armored as well. In this outfit, Akane's hair is styled in tangled buns on top of her head, and she’s armed with a pair of simple swords with cross-shaped hand-guards, getting larger near the edges, and blades which seem to lack the standard cutting edges.

Photon Slicer (明星・光粒子の剣 Myōjō: Foton Suraisā): By pointing the twin swords towards her opponent, Akane is capable of releasing a large blast to them.

Armadura Fairy (妖精の鎧 Arumadura Fearī): The strongest armor as declared by her mentor. This armor has the name of her guild to symbolize her pride of being a member of The Royal Guard. It’s a pink armor with a simple breastplate joined to the collar. The armor has many wing shaped decorations. The armor’s weapons of choice are a pair of identical swords, sporting large and decorated hand-guards reminiscent each of a pair of wings, and with the blades protruding near the hilts to house additional decorative motifs.
Fairy Burst (フェアリー・バースト Fearī Bāsuto): Akane charges her swords with energy and hits the target with a powerful lunge.

Sea Empress Armor (海王の鎧 Kaiō no Yoroi): This armor is green in color with bluish parts. The breastplate, which barely covers Akane's breast, leaving her belly and her back visible, somewhat resembles seaweed, and has some thin chains hanging from it over Akane’s exposed parts, with a pair siding her breasts and another the belly; a fifth chain is visible around her neck, which is guarded by the large collar. The armor is completed by a headgear, with a large metal part covering her forehead, bearing a whirl-shaped wave on it, and large fin-shaped protrusions siding her head. The armor comes equipped with a long sword which seems to be made of crystal, with many small crystals jutting out in every direction from the hand-guard.

Water Resistance: According to Akane, this armor nullifies water attacks. It has been shown to be able to withstand water attacks easily.
Water Magic (水系各種魔法 Mizu Kei Kakushu Mahō): This armor allows Akane to charge her sword with water and release powerful whirlpools against her opponent.

Seduction Armor (誘惑の鎧 Yūwaku no Yoroi): Akane’s most revealing armor, which is more like an extremely daring maid outfit. It’s composed of a long light apron, tied behind Akane's neck and back, worn over her bare chest, and thus revealing much of her breasts’ sides, paired with dark panties, exposing much of her buttocks, and long stockings, reaching up to the middle parts of her thighs. There are no shoes, and Akane's head is adorned by a maid hat. The only visible armored parts are the gauntlets, which extend up to the middle parts of Akane's biceps, where ribbons are tied around her arms, and sport heart-shaped elbow guards. The armor comes equipped with a simple sword which bears a writing on the blade, this being "Come on Boy". The armor's effects, if any, are unknown.

Nakagami Armor (天一神の鎧 Nakagami no Yoroi): A set of armor AkaMa W had the ability to don once she released her Second Origin. The Nakagami Armor has not been worn for over ten years, as it consumes vast amounts of Magic Power to utilize. Anyone who is able to wear the armor will be able to dispel Magic and wield a peerless sword. The armor is composed of a short revealing robe that is tied together with an intricate ribbon at the waist. The armor features large pauldrons over each shoulder, bearing the image of a lion with an open mouth, and decorated greaves that match the motif of the armor. The entire set is complemented with a rhombus-shaped tiara and a large sash which loops above her head with the ends hanging out towards the ground with a bead on each end. The armor comes equipped with a large halberd possessing a circular hand-guard at its center.

Nakagami Starlight (中一神・星彩 Nakagami Seisai): A spell utilized in conjunction with her halberd to dismantle the opponent with swift, brute force.-

Piercing Armor: A set of armor Akane equipped into to pierce her strangest of foes. This set consists of a breastplate, waistguard, gauntlets and leg plates, which all feature a greenish-silver tint. Each pauldron dons the Sanctum insignia emblem and her leg plates are designed decoratively. The armor is worn with black pants, brown elbow pads underneath the gauntlets and complemented with an olive belt that is tied above the waistguard. It is unknown if this armor has any additional abilities that are independent from the weapon.

Piercing: This armor comes equipped with a large, silver jousting lance that features well-decorated designs over its vamplate and has shown the capability to pierce and penetrate an opponent through a mass as large as a fortress.

Wingblade Armor: This armor takes form of a beautiful gown, with a hem sprouting from it, being tied with a belt of some sort. The upper part of the dress includes shoulderless sleeves and a flower petal on the user's left hand, while the foot wearings are a pair of knee-high heel boots. In addition to all of this, the armor consists of swords being used for various purposes, albeit primarily as wings, adding to the peculiarity.

Blade Wings: The outfit comes equipped with wings, apparently made of swords, that can act as a shield. Moreover, any of the aforementioned swords can be also easily summoned and used for offensive purposes.
Wind God Armor (風神の鎧 Fūjin no Yoroi): This armor takes the form of a tribal-type robe that covers the wearer's upper body in a waistcoat-like garb. The neckline is topped with fur along with a dark streak underneath said fur, with short hanging sleeves that end with a triangular pattern along the hem. A fur lined sash that sits beneath the wearer's bust and above the bust keeps the garb tied up and the ends of the coat fanned out by the wearer's thighs. Along the user's forearms are white bandages strapped around them from the wrist to below the elbow. The lower portion of the armor consists of a pair of dark pants and light, shin high boots where the tongue is flanked by the main body of the boot flaring out slightly. The armor is completed with a pair of wings that sit either side of the wearer's head and with the wearer's hair tied into a low ponytail.
Wind Manipulation: This armor equips Akane with the Wind God Sword, allowing her to manipulate wind strong enough to blow away almost anything.

Farewell Euphoria Armor: It's breastplate is fairly plain, with the waist-guard attached to it being similar to the one in Akane's second Sanctum Armor, composed of simply two hanging plates, paired with a ruffled cloth sprouting from under it over some chainmail; all of which surmount a long skirt, reaching down to Akane’s knees and covering the rather featureless greaves. The gauntlets, covering the entirety of her arms, are similarly unadorned, with only her pauldrons, composed of overlapping plates, having some decorations over the upper plates, taking the form of wings. On the other hand, the long spear which comes with the armor sports intricate decorations on the shaft and the massive head, together with a flag bearing a Sanctum type symbol, plus what looks like a laurel wreath, tied to it by two slim ribbons. The anime design of this armor differs from the manga. Akane was seen donning this armor in order to bid farewell to her friends from the Tower of Heaven before their departure.
Samurai Armor: Akane owns a typical Japanese Samurai Armor, with a black helmet with the Sanctum style insignia one it. She used the said armor in her fight with Eclipse Sagittarius.

Holy Hammer: Akane received this ancient weapon from her mentor who discovered it during the archaeological investigation. The hammer is longer than Akane is tall with a long black handle in a zigzag shape. The head consists of a series of gray cylindrical sections, the frontal one being larger than the rest, with light brown plating on its front. It's said to keep evil at bay, the hammer protects its wielder from the effects of Real Nightmare and can dispel the effects from others. When used against enemies, it leaves wounds of light on the arm it struck. It is also capable of breaking the chains of the heaven and hell with ease.

Sacred Arrow: The arrow has a triangular arrowhead, consisting of a pointed shaft with three fins behind it, which glows blue and two white fletchings at the end of its shaft. In the past, Kalard forged this weapon in order to destroy the Magic protecting the Phoenix Stone. As such, it is imbibed with powerful Dispel.

Flight: Akane is able to fly, or more specifically, levitate in the air.

Expert Swordsman: Akane shows a great deal of proficiency in wielding her Zanpakutō. While she can obviously hold her own in a fight, her skill in the wielding of her Zanpakutō comes from her mastery of its special ability. Through sheer imagination in conjunction with her Zanpakutō's special ability, Akane has become skilled at taking on large groups at once.

Shunpo: While Akane's true skill in Shunpo is unknown, she is skillful enough to keep up with her mentor. Her skill has proven great enough to easily out-maneuver an higher Sanctum general capable of fighting at general-level skill.

Kido Expert: As a captain, Akane has a enough of an understanding of Kidō spells to identify them upon sight.

Enhanced Strength: Despite her highly feminine appearance, Akane has shown herself to be deceptively strong.

Enhanced Endurance: Akane has been shown to have a high level of endurance.

Enhanced Durability: Akame has been shown to have a high level of durability.

High Reiatsu: Being a captain of the Sanctum Royal Guard, akane boasts a high level of spiritual energy.

Expert Tactician: Akane has proven to be quite intelligent when she needs to be.

Hakuda Practitioner: While mainly using her Zanpakutō in actual combat, Akane has, on various occasions showed some noticeable skill unarmed.

Haineko (Japanese "Ash Cat"): The Zanpakuto's form is that of a straight-bladed katana. The tsuba is in the shape of a cat's head, with two triangles on the top half curving into ear-points, and the bottom half tapering down into a single point. It has a dark red handle. Akane keeps Haineko behind her clipped onto her waist obi.
Shikai: Its release command is "Growl".
Shikai Special Ability: In its Shikai, Haineko's blade turns to ash, and with a flick of the hilt, Akane can cut anywhere the ash has landed on. All the ash that surrounds her opponent(s) might as well be her sword. With simple hand gestures and a thought she can control where the ash goes as well as make it take various forms. Though in this form it takes on the look of scattered ash, each particle is a tiny blade. Akane controls the ash to attack from any direction as soon as she moves the hilt, ultimately enveloping and tearing up the enemy. So evidently, Haineko is very hard to fight against in this form. The main attack strength of Haineko comes from how much ash makes contact, thus why it is clumped together. If the ash were to attack the opponent in single particles, the damage would be little to none. This katana is incredibly difficult to use.

Akane using her shikai, Haineko.

Neko Rinbu (Japanese for "Cat Round Dance"): Akane can create an enveloping cloud which she can then enclose around her opponents, turning it into a deadly tornado. This provides her an advantage while fighting groups of enemies.
Bankai: Not Yet Achieved. Akane has not yet mastered the Bankai of her Zanpakuto, though she is trying to learn it, however, Haineko is just as moody, lazy, and self-centered as Akane is, making her progress difficult.

Likes/Dislikes -
+Roman and his family
-Bright colors
-Those who threaten her friends and family

Bio -

Akane was born and raised in Euphoria, a place known to no mortal nor gods and goddesses. Her parents being Sanctums resulted in her being one herself. As a young girl, she was trained to be a warrior to fight in wars and such for her people. Once she reached the age of 100, that being pretty young for a Sanctum, she was appointed as a Royal Guard. After the events that happened( Akira vs Ragnarok ), Akane didn't see any reason to be there anymore since her job was to technically protect him. Once he left, she soon left. This is how she ended up on Earth... She had met a young girl through her travels, and helped her with things as long as she could. Years later she met her husband and Roman was born. When Roman was 7, Akane had been in Euphoria to help with something, but died in a war. She had watched over Roman ever since and now she's back.

Now that Roman is the head of the family, Akane tends to him when there is any family business going on or she tags along.

Personality -
Akane is naturally a kind hearted person, though this was after she gave birth to her son. Before that, she was cold and quiet.

Relationship Status -

Anything Else -

Secondary Appearances -

Sidenote - I know some people will try, but my character isn't for you to get with to breed half-sanctum children. If it comes to that, I will have control of said child, unless you prove not to try and flaunt power around like a psycho. It will not happen so do not try.

Hansuke(Han) - Battle Coordinator 

Hansuke Ishida


Nickname - Han, Han-san, Brother

Alias - Demon in Black

Orange Haired Angel

Being - Archangel/Demon

Age - 21

Gender - Male

Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual

Morality - Good(sometimes chaotic)

Residency - Mansion(plans on moving)

Grade/Year - Doesn't attend anymore

Likes/Dislikes -

+His sisters

+Daughter and wife

+Friends(Akira, Taylor, Tyler etc.)

-Bad behavior


-Himself at times...

Personality - Han is a loud mouth and very wild person at times. When he's with his wife, he does act differently. He shows a soft and more caring and loving side due to her kind nature having a effect on him. That is on of the reasons he loves her. He in fact does care deeply for anyone and all who aren't against him. He has the tendency to try and keep everyone alive and safe even at the cost of his own life.

Hansuke Ishida


Nickname - Han, Han-san, Brother

Alias - Demon in Black

Orange Haired Angel

Being - Archangel/Demon

Age - 21

Gender - Male

Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual

Morality - Good(sometimes chaotic)

Residency - Mansion(plans on moving)

Grade/Year - Doesn't attend anymore

Likes/Dislikes -

+His sisters

+Daughter and wife

+Friends(Akira, Taylor, Tyler etc.)

-Bad behavior


-Himself at times...

Personality - Han is a loud mouth and very wild person at times. When he's with his wife, he does act differently. He shows a soft and more caring and loving side due to her kind nature having a effect on him. That is on of the reasons he loves her. He in fact does care deeply for anyone and all who aren't against him. He has the tendency to try and keep everyone alive and safe even at the cost of his own life.

Alejandro - Son of Roman

Alejandro ISHIDA


Nickname -
Mr. Ishida (Teachers)
More to come...

Alias -
Ice Dragon

Being -

Age -

Gender -

Sexual Orientation -

Morality -

Residency -

Grade/Year -

Powers/Gifts -


Powers/Gifts -

Master Archer -

Rarely misses a shot.

Teleportation - Can appear anywhere at anytime whenever.

Simple Healing Skills

High Regeneration

Tendo Combat Style: Alejandro possesses beginner skills in combat derived from the Tendo Style. This style of combat allows him to perform several techniques with offensive properties, such as using his limbs to deliver powerful blows at his opponents..

Tendo Combat Style: First Style, Number Three (天童式戦闘術 一の型 三六番Tendo Shiki Sentō Jutsu Ichi No Kata San Ban): When the first style, number three, of the Tendo Combat is in place, Ishida is granted with superior battle abilities. Further; it is parent to one known technique that is to be utilized when this style of the Tendo Combat is in place. When utilized, Alejandro is able to release a fierce punch that can break through strong defenses.

Rokuro Kabuto (轆轤鹿伏鬼, ろくろかぶと, Rokuro Kabuto): After employing a specific style of the Tendo Combat, Ishida puts his left arm in front of his chest, and positions his right arm behind his waist. Clenching his right fist, and with the accumulated vitality, he unleashes a vigorous punch capable of breaking through the highly acclaimed Maximum Pain and the shield that earned the title of the strongest defense, Repulsion Shield.

Tendo Combat Style: First Style, Number Eight (天童式戦闘術 一の型 八番 Tendo Shiki Sentō Jutsu Ichi No Kata Hachi Ban): This first style, number eight, of the Tendo Combat, grants Ishida supreme melee abilities. Further; it is parent to one technique that is to be utilized when this style of combat is in place. When in use, it is noted that it enhances the power of the normal punch.

Blazing Fire Fan (焔火扇, ほむらかせん, Homurakasen): Moving his right fist behind his chest, Alejandro gathers a remarkable amount of power into a single punch that gains the appearance of a fan.

Tendo Combat Style: Second Style, Number Sixteen (天童式戦闘術 二の型 十六番 Tendo Shiki Sentō Jutsu Ni No Kata Jūroku Ban): The Tendo Combat, second style, number sixteen, grants Alejandro supreme combat abilities. Further; it is parent to two diverse techniques that are to be utilized when this style of the Tendo Combat is in place.

Hidden Bullet: Sky Wind (隠弾 • 黒天風, いんぜん • こくてんふう, Inzen Kokutenfuu): After employing the Tendo Combat Style: Second Style, Number Sixteen, Ishida thrusts his body at the opponent with accumulated speed, and, using the momentum, delivers a powerful back kick strong enough to send the opponent flying backwards.

Hidden Bullet: Subtle Shining Cave (隠弾 玄明窩, いんぜん げんめいか, Inzen Genmeika): Alejandro readies his body, positioning his left leg in front of his waist whilst using the right for support, and releases a vigorous high kick on the opponents' chin.
Enhanced Speed: Ishida displays impressive speed, having the ability to approach his targets up close from long distances in just a matter of seconds.

Enhanced Reflexes: Alejandro possesses fast reflexes.
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Due to his style of combat, Alejandro packs a set of durable melee assaults.

Springfield  (スプリングフィールド ) : Alejandro is in possession of a, as he states, normal black gun. He carries the gun on the back of his pants, using it when he is the midst of a fight.

Void Genome
Alejandro's ability stems from the Void Genome, refered to by many as the "Power of the Kings". With this power Alejandro can draw out a person's Void: an object that is refered as a person's heart and ideas taken form. This ability is highly versatile, as each Void is unique to each person and have several different effects that can be used to deal with almost any situation. In order to use this power, Alejandro must look directly into the person's eyes as he draws out the Void which causes the person to lose consciousness. After some training people won't pass out and are able to use the same weapon as Alejandro.

Child Prodigy: Perhaps the most astonishing trait of Alejandro is his intellect and natural talent. He is the most gifted prodigy the school has had in a while.

Master Swordsman: Alejandro is masterful at swordsmanship, capable of utilizing his size to effectively counter and outmaneuver his opponents.

Immense Reiatsu: Toshirō's spiritual power has the same effect as his Zanpakuto, as it is an elemental representative of ice. His Spiritual Pressure is said to be very large and "cold". Even before he became a Shinigami, his spiritual pressure was immense and uncontrollable, like Ichigo's, and caused people around him to freeze, namely his grandmother, who lived with him at the time. This cold spiritual power of his reflects his attitude as well. He is also the youngest student to ever achieve their Bankai. He even had visions of Hyōrinmaru's spirit before he attained it or entered FHS. He is able to hide his presence well; on several occasions he manages to surprise Roman and Akane with his sudden appearances, which leads them to complain about him "sneaking up" on them. His Reiatsu is white.

Enhanced Durability: Despite his young and lean appearance, Alejandro has shown himself to be a resilient fighter.

Expert Strategist & Tactician: Despite his age, Alejandro has repeatedly shown great instinct and intuition in battle. He is generally aware of everything in his presence, and is also able to see through most deceptions.

Shunpo Expert: Alejandro is highly proficient in Shunpo. Repeatedly in battle, he has shown himself able to block and dodge dangerous attacks.

Kido Expert: Alejandro is highly proficient in Kidō, and is capable of performing high-level Kidō spells without the incantation.
Hakuda Combatant: Alejandro was able to knock out a anger-fueled Hyōrinmaru with a single blow, while in mid-air. However, he is usually seen using his Zanpakutō, so his skill in this field remains to be seen.

Hyorinmaru (氷輪丸, Ice Ring) When sealed, Hyōrinmaru looks like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a four-pointed bronze-colored star. Its hilt is light blue, and sheath dark blue. The sheath completely dissolves when he draws his sword. The sword is somewhat longer than most Zanpakutō, at about 1.4 meters long. This makes it taller than Alejandro, preventing him from wearing it at the hip. Because of this, Hitsugaya instead carries it on his back by his green sash over his right shoulder.

Hyōrinmaru is the strongest of all ice-element Zanpakutō in school. As such, Alejandro doesn't need water to be present in order for him to use its abilities. Ishida's control over Hyōrinmaru's power is great enough to use its Bankai attacks while in Shikai

Shikai: Hyōrinmaru's release command is "Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens" (霜天に坐せ, sōten ni zase; Viz"Reign over the Frosted Heavens"). In its Shikai, Hyōrinmaru extends slightly in length, and gains a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain, which can extend greatly, if necessary, by force of will. The chain itself can be used for attack, or to entangle a target.

Shikai Special Ability: Hyōrinmaru allows Alejandro to control water and ice. His slashes create an immense amount of spiritual power which overflows from the tip of the blade, creating a flow of ice shaped like a Chinese dragon. The dragon flies towards opponents and instantly freezes anything it touches. Hyōrinmaru can create multiple ice dragons to attack an opponent from various angles. Alejandro can also direct his slashes towards the ground and form a wave of ice, which rushes over his opponents, overwhelming and freezing them.The chain-blade also freezes anything Ishida traps with it.

Tenso Jurin (天相従臨, Subjugation of the Heavens): One of Hyōrinmaru's basic powers, as well as its strongest. It allows him to control the weather in the immediate vicinity, or more specifically, the water in the surrounding atmosphere. The ability is usable in both Shikai and Bankai.

Shinkū Tasō Hyōheki (真空多層氷壁, Multilayer Vacuum Ice Wall): To counteract the small quantities of ice his Hyōrinmaru can create, Ishida has developed this method of ice creation in conjunction with Akane's Zanpakutō, Haineko. By using the ashes of Akane's Shikai to create layers of ice, and then by removing the ashes and having Haineko return to its sword form, Ishida can create a multi-layer ice wall with several empty layers. This enables the little ice Hyōrinmaru can create to be able to withstand fire attacks with little damage. Alejandro can then manipulate this ice to use as a sword.

Shinkū no Kōri no Yaiba (真空の氷の刃, Vacuum Ice Blade): This ability allows Hitsugaya to control his Shinkū Tasō Hyōheki technique and manipulate the ice by gathering it at Hyōrinmaru's tip and expelling it forward creating a large blade of ice to impale his opponent.

Ryōjin Hyōheki (綾陣氷壁, Woven-Ice Wall): Alejandro generates a protective wall of ice by finely weaving threads of ice together.
Rokui Hyōketsujin (六衣氷結陣, Six-Clothed Ice Binding-Array): Hitsugaya can lay down a trap by placing five snowflake-shaped ice crystals on the ground in a pentagonal formation. When an opponent steps into the trap, each snowflake sends a line of ice towards them. The space within the pentagon is then encased in a large pillar of ice, trapping the opponent.

Bankai: Daiguren Hyōrinmaru (大紅蓮 氷輪丸, Grand Crimson Lotus Ice Ring; Viz "Great Roaring Coldly Shining Moon"): Ishida's Bankai causes ice to flow from Hyōrinmaru onto Hitsugaya, starting at his right arm, which ice forms onto in the shape of a dragon's head around his sword hand, encasing the sword up to the hilt, which also changes from the shape of a four-pointed star to that of an eight-pointed star. The ice continues forming up over his shoulders, with two large wings sprouting from his back and a long tail. The ice forms down his left arm and encases his hand, which ends in a claw. Ishida's feet are encased in ice in a similar manner to his left hand, as they also end in claws, These new ice limbs are movable, and can be used as an extension of himself to aid in battle. During some appearances of his Bankai, three flowers of ice form floating behind him, each consisting of four purple petals shaped like diamonds.

It's unknown how Alejandro has possessed the Byakugan, a dōjutsu that granted him penetrative vision in a near-360° around himself. A small blind-spot exists behind his third upper thoracic vertebrae, a weakness he was well aware of and trained extensively to overcome, to no avail. Instead, he took extra precautions to conceal its existence. He also compensated for his inability to see from that angle by emitting chakra around the area, giving him a way to sense what's approaching and slowing attacks enough to give him time to respond. However, with training he can see up to 800 meters.

(also referred to as Plunder or Possession) is an ability that allows it's user to take over another person for 5 seconds. However it can also be used to loot abilities from other ability-wielders if they are possessed. Through training, Alejandro is able to return the abilities or even simply copy them. If copied it's only 50% effective. He can also make his ability to posses others last longer.

Flight – The ability to fly.

Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.

Ki Sense – Alejandro can sense life energy.

Rapid Movement - Due to the Gravity training, Alejandro is quite skilled at using Rapid Movement and often uses it in conjunction with rush techniques to confuse his opponents and attack them when their guard is down. Used as part of his Vision Smash & Victory Rush techniques.

Vision Smash – Alejandro punches the enemy in the face and uses Rapid Movement to get behind to kick them in the back.

Victory Rush - A powerful rush technique where Alejandro uses Rapid Movement to attack to opponent in a hit-and-run like fashion, before dealing an Axe Kick to the opponent knocking them downwards.

Double Buster – A Full Power Energy Wave.

Trick Buster – An energy sphere version of the Double Buster.

[*]Final Cannon – Alejandro's High Speed Rush technique.

[*]Big Tree Cannon – This attack is similar to Final Flash, though scaled down in power.

[*]Energy Burst
[*]Full Power Energy Blast Volley
[*]Flame Kamehameha - where Alejandro fires a Kamehameha-like wave composed of fire, and flails it around like a whip.
[*]Super Kamehameha – Alejandro can use the fully-powered version of the Kamehameha.
[*]Friend Kamehameha
[*]Brave Cannon – A pure white energy sphere.
[*]Buster Cannon – Alejandro gathers energy in each of his hands and forms it into a large ball, pulls it back and fires at the opponent.
[*]Burning Storm – A one hand fired energy attack.
[*]God Breaker – A yellow energy wave.
[*]Meteor Blow – A physical rush technique.
[*]Kikoukenjutsu Sword Style – Alejandro founded this sword style and many of its techniques.
High Strike
Burning Slash - A rapid sword slashing technique followed by a Ki Blast.
[*]Jump Kick Trunks – Alejandro jumps forward and spin kicks the opponent, hitting them up to three times.
[*]Saulting Kick – Alejandro performs a backflip, kicking the opponent as he flips.
[*]Kakusan Energy Dan – Alejandro lets out three ki blasts all at once, one hovering over the other.
[*]Spirit Rush – He flips upside-down and kicks the opponent in the head numerous times, and then he knocks them flat with a Big Tree Cannon.
[*]Super Elbow Smash – A dashing elbow smash.
[*]Lightning Kick – A seven hits kick attack used in the Butōden series.
[*]Big Bang Attack – An energy sphere attack that is his mentor's signature attack.
[*]Meteo Ki Crash
[*]Finish Buster
[*]Burning Attack – Alejandro moves his arms quickly in a specific pattern, then brings his fingers together, making a diamond shape with his index fingers and thumbs, and fires a yellow energy sphere.
[*]Chain Destructo Disc Barrage
[*]Blast Attack – Alejandro kicks the opponent up in the air, and then he kicks and punches them down again.
[*]Grand Impulse – Alejandro grabs and kicks his opponent up in the air.
[*]Afterimage Technique
[*]Finish Sign
[*]Explosive Wave – Alejandro charges up his whole body with energy and then releases that energy into a giant explosion to cause serious damage to any opponents caught inside the explosion.
[*]Power Stance
[*]Super Unyielding Spirit
[*]High Tension Turn - Alejandro preforms a backflip then suddenly charges forward to deliver a charging punch.
[*]Armored Boost - Alejandro flies around protected by orange aura.

Likes/Dislikes -
+Friends and Family
+His sister - Misaki
+Mal - Mother
+Roman - Father
+Akane - Grandmother

Bio -

Alejandro us the son of Roman and Mal. To most he'd be considered a delinquent or some sort of troublemaker. He's the total opposite. Sometimes his actions can be rash, but it's all from the way things were for him.
Being born as the twin brother and younger sibling to Misaki, he wanted to be stronger to actually have something to be proud about. Soon this will to be strong became a goal and now he's on par with his sister and at his best his own father. This earns his a ton of respect from his dad and his warrior-Sanctum of a grandmother Akane.
During the the whole chipping fiasco, Alejandro would accompany his father to fight the U.N. Unfortunately, he snuck off and ended up being chipped with a bunch of other children his age. When everything was over, and his chip was deactivated, he got rid of it and even got himself a girlfriend. That too, came to an end. After signing up for school, Alejandro's chipping was one of the major topics. It gained him a ton of attention, people wanting to know how he survived and how it all even happened. A group of students hated that and began bullying Alejandro who didn't fight back. When he did... The bullies were easily beaten and killed. This wasn't on purpose. Alejandro's power went to a boiling level and he went beserk.
The killing of Alejandro's bullies resulted in him leaving his girlfriend for her own safety and also led to a friendship with two new people Astrid and Skylar. This happened after Hyorinmaru went on a rampage harming multiple students and beating three of them senseless. Alejandro was already beaten up, resulting in his hospitalization alongside Skylar.

Personality -
Alejandro is a normal teenage boy. He tends to keep to himself though and is easily embarrassed. He's easy to make blush too. Alejandro does open up to those he considered close. The emotionless young man has yet to shape a personality of his own... Maybe his role models will shape it for him.

Relationship Status -
He has a crush, but is strongly denying it.

Secondary Appearances/Forms -







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Akira's Master CS Post



No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. ”

- Fukushima Akira


Akira's Character Sheet

Akira Fukushima.

Birth Name
Imperius Vi Euphoria.

Akki, Kira, His Majesty, Your Majesty.

Known As
The Black Swordsman, Jack The Ripper.

Official Title
The King Of Euphoria And Ruler Of All Sanctums.

(Looks eighteen due to disassociation of time)



186cm/6'1" (base form)

62 kg/137 lbs. (base form)

Sexual Orientation

Good, Evil or Neutral

King Of Euphoria
Principal Of Fantasy High

+Most foods
+All different beings within The Existence

-His family and friends in pain.
-Lazy people
-Meaningless fights

Living Situation

Akira lives in an extremely large mansion with his family. The mansion is situated on the outskirts of the city in a forest and was custom built by Akira himself. He calls it the Fukushima Estate. An impenetrable barrier surrounds the Estate which keeps anyone who Akira's doesn't allow from entering the premises, along with negating any external influences. The barrier also throws up an illusion to those who aren't allow in, masquerading the estate as trees and foliage so that it blends in with the surrounding forest. The barrier doesn't stop outsiders in their tracks, it makes the person unknowingly walk around where the barrier and Estate is. The Fukushima Estate is so large that no one currently residing within ever unintentionally disturbs one another, which provides enough space for everyone to feel at home without feeling cramped.


Marital Status
Happily Married to Asuka Fukushima.

Akira is known for his cheerful, energetic personality and his love of competition; specifically sport fighting and eating. His staggering power is simultaneously reined in and enhanced by his fierce loyalty and morality. Akira can also be very blunt, and not afraid to express his opinion in a discussion. Despite his kind-hearted nature, Akira can feel incredible anger in cases of extreme turmoil, such as the death of a close friend/relative, or when someone murders many innocents needlessly. This anger means he can be vengeful, and at times merciless. When Akira is angry, he becomes a sadistic and arrogant man who relishes in killing. He considers Humans nothing more than "trash" and is disdainful of those who rely on other people for strength. When Akira isn't angry, he has a simple, practical view of the world and is somewhat naive to the world around him. Once he has a basic understanding of new things, he learns very quickly. His most remarkable ability is his will to succeed, his tenacity and persistence. He is always determined to push himself and never gives up even when the odds are stacked against him. To Akira, family comes first before anything.


Akira wields a longer-than-average black Katana which he made himself using his own power. The sword is called Datenshi. However materializing such a weapon was too hard for him in his former forms. Therefore he relied on his expertise in hand-to-hand combat and his powers. Now that he's regained all of his powers, he can keep Datenshi with him at all times.

Akira's birth name is Imperius Vi Euphoria. He was born in a Realm called Euphoria, a place where Sanctums reside and rule over all of creation, two years before the Gods and Titans were created. By the time Akira was thirteen, he became known throughout the Multiverse as The Black Swordsman due to how many beings he had killed in order to maintain peace. Both of Akira's parents were Sanctums, making him stronger than any other Sanctum due to him inheriting both his mother and father's power well, as well as him having his own. His father, Ragnarok was the creator of all Gods and Goddesses, and his mother, Ariadne was the creator of all the Realms, Heaven and Hell included. He had a younger brother named Kenji, whom his father, Ragnarok killed. Akira and Ragnarok fought for over one hundred years straight, only to be ended when Akira finally killed him. Akira decided to start a new life, leaving Euphoria. He created a portal towards Earth and soon went in, with it closing mere seconds after he left. However, soon after leaving Euphoria and entering this new world, he found that this world's culture was significantly different from his own, so he had trouble adapting for three days. He then found out about a high-school for certain beings. Akira signed up due to being bored. He had been in this new world for over a year now. He wanted to see how his subjects' -The Gods'- creations operated. Little did he know, that wasn't the only thing he'd find. Due to his personality of protecting his friends, he may temporarily lose his mind when he experiences great emotional or physical pain. It can also occur if Akira experiences great anger. Akira soon learned all about Human culture after being in the school for over two weeks, and found his love, Layla. He decided to stick around the school. However due to unforeseen circumstances, Layla was killed, forcing Akira into a pit of despair. It wouldn't be for another year that he'd meet his pair, Asuka. After three years of being together, Akira finally proposed to Asuka, and to his delight, she said yes. Currently, Akira lives with Asuka in the Fukushima Estate with their three children; Haruo, Hikari and Kioko. Akira's eldest child, Kuroh also lives with them.

Akira's Family Crest

View attachment 160963

Standard Appearance

Human Appearance


Standard Sanctum Form

Angered Sanctum Form

Lost Form
View attachment 116424

Combat Sanctum Form

Full Powered Sanctum God Form



Perfected Form:



All other appearances











Complete Arsenal

Akira possesses an endless number of abilities, covering every possible effect and countermeasure. He can use any existing power as well as those yet to be, as his complete power database includes all potential abilities.

Akira has complete mastery and exhaustive knowledge of all of his abilities, (nature, effect, characteristics, strength / weakness, etc.) including knowing which ones are best suited for every situation, all possible combos, and can use them flawlessly in any condition. Akira can instantly use and combine any number of them, often flooding his opponents with overwhelming torrents of highly efficient combinations.



Omnipotence is the ability to be almighty in every sense and aspect. Akira can achieve absolutely anything without any limit or condition, including the conceptually impossible, like "bigger than infinity." Akira is the only Omnipotent being, hence the "Above All". Akira is fundamentally invincible, completely immune to all other powers, and able to defeat the combined might of all Creation and it's mightiest beings -other than other Sanctums- just by wanting it, without the slightest effort.

Black Fire

Akira's Black Fire has the ability to destroy the internal organs and external skin. It has no heat until it makes it way inside the enemies' body. It then devours raw power to make it stronger, it cannot be put out with anything nor can it be smothered. It then begins depleting their life force. This is the first out of the two of Akira's favourite attacks.


Black Electricity

Akira's Black Electricity passes through the blood stream and strikes the enemies' heart from within and also begins burning them, it is amplified by the enemies' blood and destroys the brain's electrical waves that communicates everywhere in the body. It then implodes, tearing the enemy apart from the inside out. This is the last out of the two of Akira's favourite attacks.


Molecular/Electricity Manipulation

Akira can alter matter on the quantum level. He has shown the ability to transform integral particles on the quantum level. He is capable of special particle luminance, meaning he is able to change molecules.



When Akira experienced a powerful emotional condition with regards to Layla's death, his brain released a special form of power that affected the optic nerves, transforming his eyes into Tengan; for that reason the Tengan is described as an “eye that reflects the heart”. Upon having this, Akira has two main features:


The Eye of Insight

Akira can see raw power, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by it's composition and source. He can see raw power through all obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's power flow, such as those caused by an external influence.

Akira is also granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling him to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows him to see fast-moving objects and offers some amount of predictive capabilities: he can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept.

Akira is able to copy almost any power he can see, memorising techniques with near-perfect accuracy. He can then either perform that technique or modify it to suit his needs.


The Eye of Hypnotism

Akira can perform what is generically called hypnotism. While there are various manifestations and purposes of the ability, the better known one is to, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, Akira can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as he wishes; this control is visually indicated by the Tengan's design appearing in the target's eye. Multiple targets can be taken control of in this way, though the more divided Akira's attention is, the easier it is for targets to escape this control.


While not an ability per se, Akira can appear as if he is able to "see the future". First, Akira must perfectly mimic every move his opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, he can suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a technique that the opponent and Akira already knows and copy that. With these things done, Akira can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Tengan's illusionary properties to confuse or delay them.

Eternal Mangekyō Tengan


The Eternal Mangekyō Tengan is an advanced form of the Tengan that has only been activated by Akira. The Eternal Mangekyō Tengan is noted to be the ‘Heavenly eyes that see the truth of all of creation without obstruction’. This grants Akira three more techniques:



The Amaterasu technique is generated by the right Mangekyō eye. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyō form to create a powerful black fire which can burn through most anything. Anything within the Mangekyō's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire is also regarded as the strongest of Mangekyō's physical attacks.



The Tsukuyomi technique is generated by the left Mangekyō eye. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyō's form to initiate a mentally and physically harmful illusion. To utilize the illusion, Akira looks into the eyes of his opponent and casts an illusion on them. The illusion takes place in the mind of the one affected. While the technique is cast, the one it was cast upon is at the total mercy of Akira. Akira has full control over space and time in the technique and can place the one affected through any hell he desires for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of pain.



The Susano'o technique is generated by both Mangekyō eyes. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyō form to create a sword wielding spectre which surrounds Akira. This spectre wields a shield for defence and a blade known as the Totsuka Sword. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a illusion of blissful oblivion until the end of time.




The Rinnegan grants Akira a wide range of abilities without any known requirements to keep the eyes active. The Rinnegan is able to see raw power and it's flow within the body.


Possessing the Rinnegan grants Akira a family of abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Techniques: The gravitational powers of the Deva Path; The menagerie of summons available to the Animal Path; The limitless absorptive potential of the Preta Path; The control over others' souls with the Human Path; The different options of mechanisation of the Asura Path; access to the Ruler of Creation through the Naraka Path. The seventh ability, the Outer Path, allows Akira to preside over life and death so that he may revive the dead, summon and control the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, and manifest power chains to bind others. Akira can also perform Limbo: Border Jail to create corporeal shadows which are only visible to the Rinnegan. He can also shift spaces within a certain range of himself.



The Tennegan possesses the ocular power of the Tengan, along with the physical abilities of the Rinnegan, and can be used to cast the Infinite Requiem, an extremely powerful illusion which can only be negated by the Rinnegan. Using this technique, Akira can teleport himself and others to a series of alternate dimensions. He also has the ability to temporarily slow down time, along with manipulating raw power in it's purest form.


Sanctum Inheritance

These are the techniques all Sanctums have by default.

  • Flight.
  • Almighty Strength.
  • Almighty Stamina.
  • Immune To All Diseases.
  • Almighty Endurance.
  • Immune To All Powers, Effects And Poisons, the exception being if they are from Sanctum-Origin.
  • Almighty Teleportation.


Theme Songs

[SIZE= 20px]Akira's Sanctum Form's Theme[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Akira's Current Theme[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 20px]Akira's Standard Battle Theme[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 20px]Angered Akira's Battle Theme[/SIZE]

Final Akira's Battle Theme


Perfected Akira's Theme





Kenji's Character Sheet

NameKenji Fukushima.Birth NameGenesis Zi Euphoria.Nickname(If Applies)Ken-chan, Kensakura.AgeUnknown-Looks eighteen due to disassociation of time, yet he is four years younger than Akira-GenderMaleSexual OrientationHeterosexual.Good or Evil or NeutralNeutral.Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Fukushima EstateHighschool YearSeniorWhat kind of being you areSanctum.

Regular Appearance

Combat Sanctum Form


All other appearances


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Likes+Lumina+Fun+Poetry+Justice+Children.Dislikes-Evil.PersonalityKenji is both soft and arrogant with a large sense of justice. His main source of turmoil comes from his older brother, Akira resenting himself due to Kenji's death long ago. He takes pride in the handsome figure he cuts, his fighting style, and the popularity they garner him, but does not enjoy mingling directly with people, and only opens himself up to his elder brother, Akira and his fiancée, Lumina. Around new people or his pair, Kenji is shy and kind, as is his default nature.BioKenji was born in Euphoria and is the younger brother of Akira Fukushima. Like him, he is a Sanctum. However, unlike Akira, Kenji didn't inherit the same amount of power as his elder brother, however he is close. All he remembers is being on the run from Ragnarok with Akira, then being impaled by him, his own father. For centuries, his soul lingered in limbo waiting for Akira. However it didn't occur. Until Akira was finally able to release the seal on Kenji's body, then, Kenji came back. He had grown from the young boy he was when he was killed. He has developed a high proficiency in literature and combat. Kenji had been brought back from the dead during the sixteenth century, in a world that was too complicated for him to understand. It took three hundred years and a trip around the world for him to finally adjust to the world and now, he's returned to his family.Marital StatusEngaged to Lumina.Powers Kenji possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes and stamina. He is skillful with both melee weapons and power, utilizing them as proficiently as a master combatant. He wields a custom made Katana and variably uses it one or two-handed. Kenji can channel power into his sword, endowing it with a red aura and emblazoning runic symbols along it's length. Kenji makes liberal use of his power and uses it with fire-type appearances, such as Homing, Flash, and Dark Energy, but it is unknown which of these powers are cast using his own power wells. He also shows the ability to conjure monsters to battle for him. He has three more forms that have different powers, however these are unknown at this time. When battling, he can command the feathers to fly about and use them in projectile attacks.

Theme Songs

Kenji's Sanctum Form's Theme



Kuroh's Character Sheet

NameKuroh FukushimaNicknamesKuroKurosukeAge17Height5'10"GenderMaleSexual OrientationHeterosexualGood, Evil or NeutralNeutralWhere you liveFukushima EstateHighschool YearSeniorWhat kind of being you are:Sanctum.Powers/giftsSilver AuraAs the son of Akira, Kuroh possesses a unique[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] [/COLOR]Silver Aura. This Aura grants Kuroh the ability to manipulate gravity where he could levitate himself and or anyone he's synced his Aura with. He is able to channel the Aura into Masamune to strengthen it's attack power and speed. He can also manipulate gravity to run up buildings.

InvulnerabilityKuroh has the power of invulnerability where any external influence would be rendered useless, the strength of this power is proven when Kuroh could survive from falling from outer space and when his father, Akira stabbed him during training, only leaving his uniform torn. See "Regrowth"below for further details on this.Expert StrategistKuroh has been shown to have the ability to instantly devise a plan whenever he was cornered. TeleportationKuroh has the ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between.Heat and Molecular ControlAs the son of Layla, Kuroh possesses the unique ability to control the heat in his immediate area and in hostile attacks. He can also change the molecular structure of solid objects and vibrate the molecules of said solid objects so that he may pass through them with ease.ForceKuroh has a supernatural ability that allows him to manifest a wispy, lavender gel-like hand, which he can use to take hold of various objects, regardless of whether it has a solid form or not. He can generate such an ability from the palm of his hand, very matching of its physical form.Spatial DistortionUsing his ability's unique pull factor, Kuroh can literally "grab" the matter within the area, "pulling" onto it, thus distorting it's properties and manipulating it's structure.Spatial ManipulationKuroh can warp, bend, flip, crush, control and otherwise manipulate physical aspects of space within an area of his choosing, including an area and whatever is inside of that area. They are able to trap subjects or objects in space temporarily and push that space, throwing the subject and object away from him or to create wormholes, paradoxes, and other strange events by warping spatial areas and twisting them around.Since space is permeated by 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy, Kuroh can also take advantage of this composition to control electromagnetism and gravity via distortions. By distorting space and gravity, Kuroh can distort the flow of time slightly, which is known as the space-time curvature. See Gram Demolition for a more specified application of this power.Elemental SightElemental Sight is a sensory ability that allows Kuroh to connect to the Information Dimension. He can then specify the Magmus of his surroundings individually, regardless of distance. He can analyse the Magmus of targets.Decomposition -Demon Right-Decomposition is one of Kuroh's two innate active magic abilities along with Regrowth with which he inherited from his father, Akira. This technique relies on his innate talent to directly interfere structural information. Using Decomposition, after identifying the design of any Magmus, Sequence, or object, he can decompose the design. For physical objects, he can translate the physical object into signals, and then erase the base design at his leisure. For an information body (magic spells), he can directly disassemble the design. Therefore, if used on a person, the parts that form the human body, including skin, flesh, nerves, body fluids, bones, and cellular structures would be decomposed at a molecular level. This is one of the most difficult magic imaginable and a bit reason why Kuroh is unable to freely wield any more powers as too much of his brain's Magic Calculation Area is dedicated to this ability and his other ability: Regrowth.Kuroh is incredibly dexterous and skilled with this ability. He is able to fire his ability as a projectile, can cast it as an area of effect Decomposition magic to act as a defensive wall around him, and can focus it around portions of his body to act as a "sword."Regrowth -Divine Left-Regrowth is one of Kuroh's innate and unique abilities which he inherited from his mother, Layla. Changes in the Magmus can be rewound up to 24 hours in the past, copying and rewriting the Magmus from before any damage or harm from external sources were incurred, then using Magic Sequences to rewrite the current Magmus. The rewritten target will adhere to the updated information and restore itself to before any harm was suffered.Unlike regular Healing Magic which needs to be repeatedly reapplied during it's effective period, Regrowth's effect is perpetual and applying it to a wounded person will make it as if no injury had ever occurred. According to Akira, the magic is instantaneous and the target is not restricted to biological organisms. Kuroh can restore anything, regardless of whether it's a body or a piece of machinery.However, Kuroh must review the catalogue of changes in the Magmus to completely copy the Magmus. To do this, he must read through all the stored information regarding the Magmus, including the victim's pain. All the pain is condensed into an instant as it is transmitted.It is noted that the longer the duration of the wound, the greater the condensed pain. Owing to that condition, to erase an injury suffered an hour ago, Kuroh must suffer pain 10,000 times greater than the original.When used on someone even if the heart had already stopped, the brain shut down, the throat torn open, if that was the extent of their injuries then revival was still possible. Even an instantly fatal wound, as long as rebuilding the body and restarting the circulation of blood would have had even the faintest chance of resuscitating the personJust as Decomposition is often referred to as "Demon Right", Regrowth is sometimes referred to as "Divine Left". Self RestorationSelf-Restoration is Kuroh's unique ability to restore his own body to it's original state when an abnormality/injury occurs. His personal Restoration ability automatically completes the repair processes in the blink of an eye, although he can deliberately suppress the activation. It has been said that, "the speed of his Self-Restoration ability has long since surpassed the realms of human cognition speeds," and not even his father, Akira nor his opponent, Caden was able to notice it.It is automatically cast whenever combat efficiency drops below optimal levels, which Kuroh cannot stop. If Kuroh receives a fatal attack, his entire Magic Calculation Area gets monopolized by his Self-Restoration and he is unable to do anything else during that time.Gram DemolitionGram Demolition is one of the two strongest counter techniques within Kuroh's arsenal. It uses compressed Magmus particles to blow away the Activation Sequence of his opponents power-related attack. It is simply a cannonball of Magmus that has neither structure nor a Magic Ritual to modify an event, so it is not affected by Zone Interference. There are only two known "flaws" in the technique. First is that the Magmus travel in the physical realm (as opposed to the Information Dimension) and thus has limited range. Second, Gram Demolition is a highly inefficient technique that requires an incredibly high Magmus count, making it an incredibly rare technique.Kuroh is able to apply Gram Demolition on parts of his body for close combat.Far StrikeFar Strike is a form of Gram Demolition developed by Kuroh, but it works on the Information Dimension rather than the physical realm. Far Strike affects the astral form rather than the physical form, the "soul" to be specific which he can "see" with the aid of his Elemental Sight.Gram DispersionGram Dispersion is the other strongest counter magic within Kuroh's powers. Gram Dispersion is literally that: Gram (or Power) Dispersion/Dissolution. This technique takes a Magic Sequence and decomposes it into a group of Magmus particles without a meaningful structure. Gram Dispersion is considered impossible to use to anyone other than Kuroh. To dissolve a magic sequence as required by Gram Dispersion, it is necessary to analyse the technique before the power is activated. However, Kuroh is able to use this because of his other ability, Elemental Sight. Kuroh's Gram Dispersion can also be considered an extension of his Decomposition technique.Specific Power JammingSpecific Power Jamming is a counter magic developed by Kuroh. It involves utilizing the power waves that interferes with one another when using two powers simultaneously. One technique invokes the jamming technique while the other technique does a power reversal. From two opposing powers, the simultaneous activations will release power incident interference waves. It is difficult to use as this jamming must be done precisely at the moment the opponent is activating their powers and because all three powers (Kuroh's jamming technique, Kuroh's reversal technique, and the opponent's power that Kuroh is trying to jam) involved must be of the same type, hence "specific" power jamming. Kuroh is able to use this because he can read and interpret any techniques he sees.LikesNatureDogsMannersHumans

DislikesCatsEvilBeings being rude

PersonalityKuroh is often very playful and sneaky, doing silly and childish things such as buying good luck items that are obviously a scam, giving Kaname a childish jacket, and other things. He also sometimes slacks off somewhere. There are also times, however, when Kuroh appears very serious and mysterious, like in certain situations. Kuroh can be crude and unpredictable, although it is hinted that he can also be a cruel and merciless person. These actions might have been motivated by his need to survive in the future. Kuroh is seen to have a very low tolerance for weak spirited people and if they want to commit suicide, he has little motivation to help them. This is mostly because spirits like children did not experience a full human life, and because they've died from an accident, killing them at a young state. This low tolerance usually causes those around him to become upset. Kuroh will often indulge in fantasies of himself being a very successful god with more followers than any other Transcended Being or God. Despite his aloof and often idiotic personality, Kuroh is a god that is seen to be quite wise and very serious when the situations requires it. He is also a gentleman to women.Base Appearance

Adult Appearance

tumblr_o9t5pm0w8A1s4s960o2_540.gifKuroh appears to be a 'young man', standing at 173 cm (5'8") with shaggy purple-black hair that reaches to his neck, and bright striking blue eyes. He is often seen wearing a sweater jersey and track pants with an old white bandana/cloth around his neck, which he describes as 'fluffy' (fuwa fuwa). He also wears a pair of brown knee-length boots. When imagining his future as a popular Sanctum, Kuroh wears a red cape and a golden crown, and is often seen with a pink fan within his imagination.He carries his sword Masamune beside his waist.BioKuroh lived with his family, consisting of his birth parents, Akira and Layla, his uncle, Kenji and his elder brother, Kaname in the Fukushima Estate. His future self travelled back in time in order to prevent a certain event which was come to known as “ The Fall of the Sanctums ”. After preventing the event, the future Kuroh returned to his timeline, ensuring the current Kuroh would have a normal upbringing.Equipment

KatanaKuroh carries a katana called “Masamune” with him at all times. It was hand forged by his father, Akira Fukushima. Masamune has a black tsuka ito weave with an ornate silver same under the cord, and a bronze kashira. It has a black tsuba with a normal steel blade; the scabbard is dark blue and has a bronze tip that matches the kashira.Voice RecorderKuroh possesses a handheld, black voice recorder. It has seven buttons, six on the front and one on the upper left side. Three buttons on the front side are bright whereas the others are dark. The recorder is patterned with yellow tomoe symbols, specifically one on the lower right side of the device, and a variation of the Japanese symbol on the cover. The one on the front side of the recorder stretches out as a thin circle with minor distortions on the top, left and bottom sides of the circle; on the bottom is another tomoe connected to the circle, one small arrow pointing towards the left on the fitting side, and a small line at the top that connects to an even small circle that wraps around one of the buttons. Between the larger circle is the speaker for the recorder. Finally, near the corner of the device's front is a small, white, capitalized "M". There is a strap handle on the left side. Kuroh has had the recorder for years, using it to capture as many of his mother and father's quotes whenever possible.
Dating/lover/crushHimeragi.Anything else?Kuroh's favourite food is Tamago Yaki (Omelette).


Ariadne's Character Sheet

NameAriadne FukushimaAgeUnknownGenderFemaleSexual OrientationHeterosexualGood, Evil or NeutralNeutral -Perceived as Good-Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Fukushima EstateHighschool YearSeniorWhat kind of being you areSanctumPowers/giftsSupreme Repulse -Negation-Ariadne has to power to repulse -Negate- and deflect any attack, no matter the power type or effects in place.LikesFoodAkiraKenjiKuroh






KiokoAll beingsDislikesExtreme perversionPersonalityAriadne has shown a more mature attitude, usually calm and collected even when someone is acting tense in front of her. However, she can also show a much more timid side at times. She has been described as a tsundere by Akira time and time again.Ariadne has an acerbic attitude that functions to hide her vulnerabilities. At heart, Ariadne is a very curious girl who loves all forms of life and can't resist an interesting conversation.Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)

Standard Appearance

All other appearances




BioAriadne is the mother of both Akira and Kenji. She enjoyed her life with her family, until Ragnarok killed her and began his crusade of destroying all of creation, but was eventually stopped by Akira. Since that point, Ariadne has been on Earth observing mankind, helping those who are in need. She heard of Akira's coming to Earth and enrolling in a school, and she decided to join as well. Akira had no idea that his mother was alive, so she planned on surprising him. This is where we are now.Dating/lover/crushNo one.Anything else?Ariadne is the mother of Akira and Kenji.


Haruo's Character Sheet

NameHaruo FukushimaNickname(If Applies)HaruO-kun (Only by his parents)Age16Adult Age19GenderMaleSexual OrientationHeterosexualGood or Evil or NeutralNeutralWhere you live (House, dorm, etc.)Fukushima EstateHighschool YearJuniorWhat kind of being you areSanctumPowers/giftsBanishmentHaruo has the power to banish an object or being from a specific place. Haruo can banish an object or being from a specific place to either a certain place/area they choose or into the area the target is most connected, in case of summoned beings their home-plane.Gravitational Singularity GenerationHaruo can create exposed singularities, (centre of a black hole) a situation where matter is forced to be compressed to a point (space-like singularity) and a situation where certain light rays come from a region with infinite curvature (time-like singularity).Usually, this attack destroys any target made of energy or matter through a black or white hole. Through a black hole, it will destroy anything devouring the matter and energy, allowing the opponent to be ripped apart when they enter into a Gravitational Singularity and be erase to nothingness as body molecule, matter and energy will be absorbed causing instant death. Through a white hole, Haruo can let matter and light escape, releasing a blast of energy and matter allowing it to create exposures.Sanctum StrengthThis seems to be the main function of Haruo's fighting style, as it grants him immense strength. He uses his strength to throw large objects, run on walls by digging his feet into them. It's been said that Haruo's punches are strong enough to destroy the earth, heaven and the stars.Sanctum SpeedHaruo's speed is said to be on par with Kenji, who is mentioned to be one of the fastest in all of Euphoria. He can travel at a speed that left his afterimages behind and if Haruo were to put his full strength behind his every step, the residential structures that aren't stable enough, would most likely be blown away. Haruo can also perform melee attacks at light speed.Tengan
Haruo's brain released a special form of power that affected the optic nerves, transforming his eyes into Tengan; for that reason the Tengan is described as an “eye that reflects the heart”. Upon having this, Haruo has two main features:The Eye of InsightHaruo can see raw power, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by it's composition and source. He can see raw power through all obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's power flow, such as those caused by an external influence.Haruo is also granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling him to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows him to see fast-moving objects and offers some amount of predictive capabilities: he can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept.Haruo is able to copy almost any power he can see, memorising techniques with near-perfect accuracy. He can then either perform that technique or modify it to suit his needs.The Eye of HypnotismHaruo can perform what is generically called hypnotism. While there are various manifestations and purposes of the ability, the better known one is to, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, Haruo can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as he wishes; this control is visually indicated by the Tengan's design appearing in the target's eye. Multiple targets can be taken control of in this way, though the more divided Haruo's attention is, the easier it is for targets to escape this control.(The rest of his powers are unknown. Most of his powers listed here haven't been awakened as of yet. I'll update this as he develops.)LikesSweetsHappy PeopleHis motherHis fatherHis elder brother and sistersInteresting events and peopleSchoolDislikesSour sweetsOverly Serious PeoplePervertsOverly-confident, weak individualsPersonalityHaruo is a very unpredictable young man who likes to use his brute strength to solve everything and appreciates a good fight. He easily described himself as vulgar, savage and a hopeless hedonist, which makes sense as he can be fairly perverted. Be it a game or a simple cooking contest, he only participates in things that are deemed interesting to him. He enjoys challenges and will even participate in a game with a handicap so long as it makes the game more enjoyable.Despite his outer appearance and frivolous personality, Haruo is surprisingly highly intelligent, showing an in-depth knowledge about a myriad of subjects, ranging from mythologies, scientific concepts to architectures. He mostly spends his time in a library reading when there are no classes or events happening, showing his studious nature. He is also shown to be a forgiving person so long as the guilty party is conscious of what they have done and show guilt while being forthright about it. Though, this might just be attributed to his hedonism and his lack of interest in anything not interesting.Appearance (Anime Picture Preferred)Standard Appearance

giphy (2).gif

Combat Form, Aged 16 tumblr_nuuqw2ZkMi1thre8do1_500.gifCombat Form, Aged 19Shippuuden-sasuke-sharingan-214673870b.png

All other appearances





BioBorn to Asuka and Akira. Haruo was born pretty recently, yet due to Euphoria's aura, he aged quickly.Dating/lover/crush?None as of yet.Anything else?No.


Hikari and Kioko's Character Sheets


Hikari FukushimaNickname(If Applies)AriHikaAge

16GenderFemaleSexual OrientationHeterosexualGood or Evil or NeutralGoodWhere you live (House, dorm, etc.)With mother and father

Highschool YearJuniorWhat kind of being you areHalf Sanctum/Half Witch GoddessPowers/giftsUnknownLikesSweetsCakesMotherFatherUncleBrotherAnyone NiceDislikesBad peoplePersonalityHikari, who often goes by "Hika", has a sweet and gentle personality. She often brings sweets and confectioneries to her sister, Kioko. Much like her sister, her physical constitution is such that she does not gain weight no matter how much she eats. She can't stand being hot or cold, so she spends the winter under the kotatsu and rolls around on the floor in the summer in front of the fan, to keep cool.Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Standard Appearancetumblr_mezyq8JPD01rm8rnvo1_500.gif

Combat Appearance


All other appearances






BioHikari is the daughter of Akira and Asuka Fukushima. She is the twin sister of Kioko. Due to her unknown powers, Akira and Asuka agreed to enrol both Kioko and Hikari into Fantasy High to gain control of their powers once they manifest themselves. This is where Hikari's story begins.Dating/lover/crushNoneAnything elseNope.

NameKioko FukushimaNickname(If Applies)KioKokoAge16GenderFemaleSexual OrientationHeterosexualGood or Evil or NeutralGoodWhere you live (House, dorm, etc.)With mother and fatherHighschool YearJuniorWhat kind of being you areHalf Sanctum/Half Witch GoddessPowers/giftsUnknownLikesSweetsCakesMotherFatherUncleBrotherAnyone NiceDislikesBad PeoplePersonalityAlways looking for fun, Kioko is fearless; anxiety and stage fright are unknown to her. She likes everything cute and makes a lot of physical contact with others like holding hands or hugging. Much like her mother, she also loves everything sweet. Kioko is energized by sweets that Hikari brings, and her physical constitution is such that she does not gain weight no matter how much she eats. She can't stand being hot or cold, so she spends the winter under the kotatsu and rolls around on the floor in the summer in front of the fan, to keep cool.Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)@WeirdPrincessBioKioko is the daughter of Akira and Asuka Fukushima. She is the twin sister of Hikari. Due to her unknown powers, Akira and Asuka agreed to enrol both Kioko and Hikari into Fantasy High to gain control of their powers once they manifest themselves. This is where Kioko's story begins.Dating/lover/crushNoneAnything elseNope.
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Super Human








165 cm (5'4")



Succubus Form




Sexual Orientation


Moral Standing


Highschool Year


Current Residence

Relationship Status





Mayuri is a junior student at Fantasy High. She is what is commonly known as an "esper".


Short, petite, and pale skin, Mayuri is a very youthful girl with near shoulder length snow colored hair and bright emerald eyes. She generally has one or two bows in her hair, changing from blue, navy, pink, white, or black.


Mayuri has a bubbly, caring personality and enjoys taking care of others. This extends far enough that she likes to spend her time volunteering at hospitals and caring centers. Despite her powers, she does what she can out of love and care and isn't a big fan of violence. She is a cunning individual, but dislikes manipulation and psychological warfare that some people use, such as trying to gain power through such means. She prefers trying to be honest about what she thinks and how she deals and is a blunt person for the most part.


Mayuri grew up on a farm away from most other people. She has no idea how she gained the powers she did, only that she has always had them and has grown to handle them better as she used them more and more and as she aged. Due to one element of them, a local church had deemed her a demon and forbid her from entering and even began to picket her house. At one point the people of the town attempted to burn her house down while she slept. Her father was quick to get them out and they moved far from there, demanding their daughter kept this to herself and her family only. This wasn't because of intolerance, but he didn't wish to see harm come to one of his children. At one point, her parents discovered a place where she could go to school and sent her to Fantasy High.

Powers and Abilities


Succubus Physiology Transformation One of her powers, a devilish one at that, is the ability to rely on power that stems from another plane. She draws on this energy to use powers of a succubi, which includes seduction of creatures through hypnotic spells (Not through sexual means). When she does this, she is actually becoming an avatar of a succubi. Her skin turns a purplish hue and horns peer from her head and grow towards the back. Her eyes become a radiant white light and her feet become hooves. Her notable snow white hair turns a dark shadow color. Even her ears become longer and sharper as well as her growing a tail. Since she's actually drawing on the essence of a succubi daemon/demon, she becomes less and less in control of her own actions and becomes rather ruthless. She tries to lock this power away due to the nature of it and her dislike for violence and evil actions. The spirit which she borrows is deeply rooted into her mind, one only she can seem to communicate with and has built a mental prison around to protect herself from being consumed and turning into  a succubi permanently. But when she uses this transformation, she's less herself and a new personality emerges from the darkness. Slowly more and more over time the longer she remains in this and the more power she relies on. In addition to the seduction ability, she is also a lot more physically powerful and can take more damage physically (increase durability) as she adopts demonic physical condition. Her senses become heightened and her mental powers become more potent. This could be simply because the influence on her psyche might be removing moral barriers that once would prevent her from doing potent attacks or because the energy to which she draws on actually increases it. This energy does actually allow her to create beams of energy, which are also created by her mental powers by condensing them outside of her body.

Telekinesis The main power to which Mayuri relies on is her telekinesis, the power that allows her to control organic or non-organic materialistic objects. She is even able to use it to fly, but has never truly tried and has no knowledge on how to do it, but has been putting thought into it.

Telepathy Technically, this is a sub-power of her Telekinesis. This ability grants her the use of reading minds, though the clarity is not very good. It should be noted, I do not plan to use this often, and if it was, it will not be applied towards players.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Mayuri likes children, romance movies and books, flowers, all the seasons of the year, except maybe summer (so only autumn, winter, and spring). She also enjoys making people happy. She enjoys udon noddles a lot and loves wildflowers, especially the Everlasting Flower or a Rose. A white rose or a pink are her favorite of the rose family.

Dislikes Manipulation, violence, conflict, trivial drama, abuse, mistreatment and inequality.
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Super Human








165 cm (5'4")



Succubus Form




Sexual Orientation


Moral Standing


Highschool Year


Current Residence

Relationship Status





Mayuri is a junior student at Fantasy High. She is what is commonly known as an "esper".


Short, petite, and pale skin, Mayuri is a very youthful girl with near shoulder length snow colored hair and bright emerald eyes. She generally has one or two bows in her hair, changing from blue, navy, pink, white, or black.


Mayuri has a bubbly, caring personality and enjoys taking care of others. This extends far enough that she likes to spend her time volunteering at hospitals and caring centers. Despite her powers, she does what she can out of love and care and isn't a big fan of violence. She is a cunning individual, but dislikes manipulation and psychological warfare that some people use, such as trying to gain power through such means. She prefers trying to be honest about what she thinks and how she deals and is a blunt person for the most part.


Mayuri grew up on a farm away from most other people. She has no idea how she gained the powers she did, only that she has always had them and has grown to handle them better as she used them more and more and as she aged. Due to one element of them, a local church had deemed her a demon and forbid her from entering and even began to picket her house. At one point the people of the town attempted to burn her house down while she slept. Her father was quick to get them out and they moved far from there, demanding their daughter kept this to herself and her family only. This wasn't because of intolerance, but he didn't wish to see harm come to one of his children. At one point, her parents discovered a place where she could go to school and sent her to Fantasy High.

Powers and Abilities

Succubus Physiology Transformation One of her powers, a devilish one at that, is the ability to rely on power that stems from another plane. She draws on this energy to use powers of a succubi, which includes seduction of creatures through hypnotic spells (Not through sexual means). When she does this, she is actually becoming an avatar of a succubi. Her skin turns a purplish hue and horns peer from her head and grow towards the back. Her eyes become a radiant white light and her feet become hooves. Her notable snow white hair turns a dark shadow color. Even her ears become longer and sharper as well as her growing a tail. Since she's actually drawing on the essence of a succubi daemon/demon, she becomes less and less in control of her own actions and becomes rather ruthless. She tries to lock this power away due to the nature of it and her dislike for violence and evil actions. The spirit which she borrows is deeply rooted into her mind, one only she can seem to communicate with and has built a mental prison around to protect herself from being consumed and turning into  a succubi permanently. But when she uses this transformation, she's less herself and a new personality emerges from the darkness. Slowly more and more over time the longer she remains in this and the more power she relies on. In addition to the seduction ability, she is also a lot more physically powerful and can take more damage physically (increase durability) as she adopts demonic physical condition. Her senses become heightened and her mental powers become more potent. This could be simply because the influence on her psyche might be removing moral barriers that once would prevent her from doing potent attacks or because the energy to which she draws on actually increases it. This energy does actually allow her to create beams of energy, which are also created by her mental powers by condensing them outside of her body.

Telekinesis The main power to which Mayuri relies on is her telekinesis, the power that allows her to control organic or non-organic materialistic objects. She is even able to use it to fly, but has never truly tried and has no knowledge on how to do it, but has been putting thought into it.

Telepathy Technically, this is a sub-power of her Telekinesis. This ability grants her the use of reading minds, though the clarity is not very good. It should be noted, I do not plan to use this often, and if it was, it will not be applied towards players.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Mayuri likes children, romance movies and books, flowers, all the seasons of the year, except maybe summer (so only autumn, winter, and spring). She also enjoys making people happy. She enjoys udon noddles a lot and loves wildflowers, especially the Everlasting Flower or a Rose. A white rose or a pink are her favorite of the rose family.

Dislikes Manipulation, violence, conflict, trivial drama, abuse, mistreatment and inequality.

Imperius Vi Euphoria

Standard Appearance on Earth







(Looks 18 due to disassociation from time).




186cm/6'1" (base form)


62 kg/137 lbs. (base form)

Marital Status

Happily Married to Asuka Fukushima

Professional Status


King Of Euphoria

Principal of FHS

Previous Title

Prince of Euphoria

Student of FHS.



Fukushima Estate.

Personal Status


Asuka Fukushima(Wife) 
Haruo Fukushima(Son)

Kuroh Fukushima(Son)

Hikari Fukushima(Daughter)

Kioko Fukushima(Daughter)

Genesis Zi Euphoria(Younger Brother)

Auriel Ti Euphoria(Younger Sister)


Euphoria's Royal Academy

Euphorian Highschool

Manifested Inner Power




Mugetsu Datenshi

Akira's CS -For Convenience-

This only has the bare essentials for Akira. If you want to see all of Akira's appearances, go to the Master CS above.

Imperius Vi Euphoria, or as he named himself on Earth, Akira Fukushima (福島明, Fukushima Akira) is a Sanctum and is the King of Euphoria. Imperius is the son of Ragnarok and Ariadne, and older brother of Kenji and Marica. He is married to his pair, Asuka Fukushima, whom has since given birth to three of his children, Hikari, Kioko and Haruo. Akira also has a son named Kuroh, who was born from Akira's past girlfriend Layla. 


Akira has many appearances due to his power's nature and the way he utilises each power. Akira's normal appearance features a grown man with black hair. On his face is two scars, both of which originated from his fight with his father, Ragnarok. This happened because Akira lost focus while trying to protect Kenji, of


Akira's Standard Appearance on Earth.

whom managed to escape before Akira finished off their father. In this form, Akira wears a [COLOR= rgb(213, 212, 212)]white shitagi[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(213, 212, 212)], a black kosode[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(213, 212, 212)], a black hakama[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(213, 212, 212)], a white hakama-himo[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(213, 212, 212)], white tabi[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(213, 212, 212)], and waraji [/COLOR]with a multicoloured overcoat.


Akira is known for his cheerful, energetic personality and his love of competition; specifically sport fighting and eating. His staggering power is simultaneously reined in and enhanced by his fierce loyalty and morality. Akira can also be very blunt, and not afraid to express his opinion in a discussion. Despite his kind-hearted nature, Akira can feel incredible anger in cases of extreme turmoil, such as the death of a close friend/relative, or when someone murders many innocents needlessly. This anger means he can be vengeful, and at times merciless. When Akira is angry, he becomes a sadistic and arrogant man who relishes in killing. He considers Humans nothing more than "trash" and is disdainful of those who rely on other people for strength. When Akira isn't angry, he has a simple, practical view of the world and is somewhat naive to the world around him. Once he has a basic understanding of new things, he learns very quickly. His most remarkable ability is his will to succeed, his tenacity and persistence. He is always determined to push himself and never gives up even when the odds are stacked against him. To Akira, family comes first before anything.

 Character Information



 [COLOR= gray]Akira and Ragnarok face off[/COLOR][COLOR= gray].[/COLOR]

Akira's birth name is Imperius Vi Euphoria. He was born in a Realm called Euphoria, a place where Sanctums reside and rule over all of creation, two years before the Gods and Titans were created. By the time Akira was thirteen, he became known throughout the Multiverse as The Black Swordsman due to how many beings he had killed in order to maintain peace. Both of Akira's parents were Sanctums, making him stronger than any other Sanctum due to him inheriting both his mother and father's power well, as well as him having his own. His father, Ragnarok was the creator of all Gods and Goddesses, and his mother, Ariadne was the creator of all the Realms, Heaven and Hell included. He had a younger brother named Kenji, whom his father, Ragnarok killed. Akira and Ragnarok fought for over one hundred years straight, only to be ended when Akira finally killed him. Akira decided to start a new life, leaving Euphoria. He created a portal towards Earth and soon went in, with it closing mere seconds after he left. However, soon after leaving Euphoria and entering this new world, he found that this world's culture was significantly different from his own, so he had trouble adapting for three days. He then found out about a high-school for certain beings. Akira signed up due to being bored. He had been in this new world for over a year now. He wanted to see how his subjects' -The Gods'- creations operated. Little did he know, that wasn't the only thing he'd find. Due to his personality of protecting his friends, he may temporarily lose his mind when he experiences great emotional or physical pain. It can also occur if Akira experiences great anger. Akira soon learned all about Human culture after being in the school for over two weeks, and found his love, Layla. He decided to stick around the school. However due to unforeseen circumstances, Layla was killed, forcing Akira into a pit of despair. It wouldn't be for another year that he'd meet his pair, Asuka. After three years of being together, Akira finally proposed to Asuka, and to his delight, she said yes. Currently, Akira lives with Asuka in the Fukushima Estate with their three children; Haruo, Hikari and Kioko. Akira's eldest child, Kuroh also lives with them.



Family Crest


Living Situation


Akira lives in an extremely large mansion with his family. The mansion is situated on the outskirts of the city in a forest and was custom built by Akira himself. He calls it the Fukushima Estate. An impenetrable barrier surrounds the Estate which keeps anyone who Akira's doesn't allow from entering the premises, along with negating any external influences. The barrier also throws up an illusion to those who aren't allow in, masquerading the estate as trees and foliage so that it blends in with the surrounding forest. The barrier doesn't stop outsiders in their tracks, it makes the person unknowingly walk around where the barrier and Estate is. The Fukushima Estate is so large that no one currently residing within ever unintentionally disturbs one another, which provides enough space for everyone to feel at home without feeling cramped.


Complete Arsenal
Akira possesses an endless number of abilities, covering every possible effect and countermeasure. He can use any existing power as well as those yet to be, as his complete power database includes all potential abilities.
Akira has complete mastery and exhaustive knowledge of all of his abilities, (nature, effect, characteristics, strength / weakness, etc.) including knowing which ones are best suited for every situation, all possible combos, and can use them flawlessly in any condition. Akira can instantly use and combine any number of them, often flooding his opponents with overwhelming torrents of highly efficient combinations.
Omnipotence is the ability to be almighty in every sense and aspect. Akira can achieve absolutely anything without any limit or condition, including the conceptually impossible, like "bigger than infinity." Akira is the only Omnipotent being, hence the "Above All". Akira is fundamentally invincible, completely immune to all other powers, and able to defeat the combined might of all Creation and it's mightiest beings -other than other Sanctums- just by wanting it, without the slightest effort.
Black Fire
Akira's Black Fire has the ability to destroy the internal organs and external skin. It has no heat until it makes it way inside the enemies' body. It then devours raw power to make it stronger, it cannot be put out with anything nor can it be smothered. It then begins depleting their life force. This is the first out of the two of Akira's favourite attacks.
Black Electricity
Akira's Black Electricity passes through the blood stream and strikes the enemies' heart from within and also begins burning them, it is amplified by the enemies' blood and destroys the brain's electrical waves that communicates everywhere in the body. It then implodes, tearing the enemy apart from the inside out. This is the last out of the two of Akira's favourite attacks.
Molecular/Electricity Manipulation
Akira can alter matter on the quantum level. He has shown the ability to transform integral particles on the quantum level. He is capable of special particle luminance, meaning he is able to change molecules.


When Akira experienced a powerful emotional condition with regards to Layla's death, his brain released a special form of power that affected the optic nerves, transforming his eyes into Tengan; for that reason the Tengan is described as an “eye that reflects the heart”. Upon having this, Akira has two main features:
The Eye of Insight
Akira can see raw power, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by it's composition and source. He can see raw power through all obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's power flow, such as those caused by an external influence.
Akira is also granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling him to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows him to see fast-moving objects and offers some amount of predictive capabilities: he can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept.
Akira is able to copy almost any power he can see, memorising techniques with near-perfect accuracy. He can then either perform that technique or modify it to suit his needs.
The Eye of Hypnotism
Akira can perform what is generically called hypnotism. While there are various manifestations and purposes of the ability, the better known one is to, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, Akira can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as he wishes; this control is visually indicated by the Tengan's design appearing in the target's eye. Multiple targets can be taken control of in this way, though the more divided Akira's attention is, the easier it is for targets to escape this control.
While not an ability per se, Akira can appear as if he is able to "see the future". First, Akira must perfectly mimic every move his opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, he can suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a technique that the opponent and Akira already knows and copy that. With these things done, Akira can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Tengan's illusionary properties to confuse or delay them.
Eternal Mangekyō Tengan

The Eternal Mangekyō Tengan is an advanced form of the Tengan that has only been activated by Akira. The Eternal Mangekyō Tengan is noted to be the ‘Heavenly eyes that see the truth of all of creation without obstruction’. This grants Akira three more techniques:
The Amaterasu technique is generated by the right Mangekyō eye. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyō form to create a powerful black fire which can burn through most anything. Anything within the Mangekyō's vision will burn to ash if consumed by the fire. The fire is also regarded as the strongest of Mangekyō's physical attacks.
The Tsukuyomi technique is generated by the left Mangekyō eye. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyō's form to initiate a mentally and physically harmful illusion. To utilize the illusion, Akira looks into the eyes of his opponent and casts an illusion on them. The illusion takes place in the mind of the one affected. While the technique is cast, the one it was cast upon is at the total mercy of Akira. Akira has full control over space and time in the technique and can place the one affected through any hell he desires for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of pain.
The Susano'o technique is generated by both Mangekyō eyes. It is a technique which uses the Mangekyō form to create a sword wielding spectre which surrounds Akira. This spectre wields a shield for defence and a blade known as the Totsuka Sword. Anyone or anything cut by the blade will be sealed away into a illusion of blissful oblivion until the end of time.

The Rinnegan grants Akira a wide range of abilities without any known requirements to keep the eyes active. The Rinnegan is able to see raw power and it's flow within the body.
Possessing the Rinnegan grants Akira a family of abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Techniques: The gravitational powers of the Deva Path; The menagerie of summons available to the Animal Path; The limitless absorptive potential of the Preta Path; The control over others' souls with the Human Path; The different options of mechanisation of the Asura Path; access to the Ruler of Creation through the Naraka Path. The seventh ability, the Outer Path, allows Akira to preside over life and death so that he may revive the dead, summon and control the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, and manifest power chains to bind others. Akira can also perform Limbo: Border Jail to create corporeal shadows which are only visible to the Rinnegan. He can also shift spaces within a certain range of himself.

The Tennegan possesses the ocular power of the Tengan, along with the physical abilities of the Rinnegan, and can be used to cast the Infinite Requiem, an extremely powerful illusion which can only be negated by the Rinnegan. Using this technique, Akira can teleport himself and others to a series of alternate dimensions. He also has the ability to temporarily slow down time, along with manipulating raw power in it's purest form.
Sanctum Inheritance
These are the techniques all Sanctums have by default.

  • Flight.
  • Almighty Strength.
  • Almighty Stamina.
  • Immune To All Diseases.
  • Almighty Endurance.
  • Immune To All Powers, Effects And Poisons, the exception being if they are from Sanctum-Origin.
  • Almighty Teleportation.


Inner Power

Datenshi (堕天使, Fallen Angel) is the personification of Akira's powers.


Datenshi's Standard Form.

Special Ability: Datenshi's power is largely used for melee combat, but possesses two known special abilities.

  • [SIZE= 14px]Getsuga Tenshō (月牙天衝, [/SIZE]Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer): At the instant of the slash, Datenshi, absorbing Akira's power, releases a black, highly condensed spiritual energy at the tip of the blade, which, magnifying the slash attack, flies forward. This slash takes the form of a crescent moon or the shape of a wave. The Getsuga Tenshō is a powerful technique with great force, capable of causing large-scale damage and destruction. Akira has used this technique in several different manners, such as striking the ground, creating an omnidirectional blast which knocks away incoming attacks, or slashing at the ground, upturning it and crushing everything in its path.[SIZE= 11px] [/SIZE]A single strike from it can easily disperse an entire rainstorm.

  • Getsuga Jūjish[SIZE= 14px]ō [/SIZE](月牙十字衝, Moon Fang Cross-Shaped Piercer): By firing multiple [SIZE= 14px]Getsuga Tenshō[/SIZE] with the blade of Datenshi's true form, Akira can fuse them into a large, cross-shaped blast of energy.


Datenshi's True Appearance.

  • ReleaseMugetsu Datenshi (無月堕天使, Moonless Fallen Angel): Datenshi is also able to manifest outside of Akira, per his request. In this form, Datenshi becomes solid, and inhabits a living body he himself created during said manifestation. In this form, he is able to fight alongside Akira, and has done so in the past.

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The Royal Keen's Character Sheets

Will be updated if I make more Character Sheets to add and if I have more information for my characters (such as new powers, personality traits, appearances, etc.). I still need to update Angelo and Avatia, so those two characters will be inactive until I get around to finishing their sheets.



Extra Pictures





Real Name: Arjean Afolabi-Soie
Nicknames:  Jean (John) - General | Moonstone - General (but given from Rémi) | Mon Chou - Béatrice | Chouette - Archard
Morality: Chaotic Neutral, yet shifts at times depending on who's influencing their actions
Gender: N/A (Hermaphrodite)
Species: Cloud Oricenta
Age: 14
Year: 1st
Sexual Orientation: Aromantic Asexual 
Relationship Status: Closest they'll ever get to a romantic relationship is with Junchi, and even then they'll always only be best friends 
Current Residence: Male Dorms with Junchi


Extremely curly white hair that goes down to their shoulders, yet when pulled out it reaches the middle of their arms. Moonstone will change their hairstyle depending on their mood and the outfit they plan on wearing.

Eye Color
Crystal-like light blue eyes

6'4ft with an athletic and muscular body

Natural Physical Traits
Light blue freckles on the top half of their face | Dark circles under their eyes | Small antlers that float slightly above and in front of their forehead | Large wings

With dark ebony skin, light blue eyes, white silky hair, and a young face, Moonstone would look like a semi-normal older teen or young adult if not for their fur, deer ears, floating antlers, large owl wings, and deer legs for their lower torso. There's also the fact that they're fourteen and not anywhere close to being a full-grown adult. With their tall stature, curvy body, and slight muscles, Moonstone is regularly mistaken for an older teen and young adult. This, combined with their androgynous looks, causes people regularly mistake their gender, calling them anything from "she" to "he" to "they" to their most hated one, "it".

Moonstone's face is an obvious indication of their youth with them having round, but droopy, light crystal blue eyes with long feathery eyelashes. They have an oval face, smooth skin, thick lips, and bushy eyebrows. The most noticeable features on their face are their light blue markings to represent the family they were born into. Their markings are a moon on their forehead and four circles underneath their eyes, and added with their freckles, their face has the look of a night sky holding up a crescent moon as light blue snow falls from the clouds. Upon closer inspection of their face, their hair turns out to not actually be hair, but a unique type of feathers limited only to oricenta. Because of this, Moonstone must use special brushes, combs, and other hair supplies to do their hair and wash it without hurting themself or damaging up their hair.

When shape-shifting into their other three forms, Moonstone will look mostly the same in their second form, asides from them having a more cervitaur look and their wings being moved to the back of their cervitaur back. Their third form is just them as a large deer but floating antlers, an unnatural blue and white color scheme, and the ability to summon their wings to fly. Their fourth form is them as an owl with an unnatural blue and white color scheme and the ability to turn into an owl. They don't use their third and fourth forms much since they find it only useful for hiding, and they consider their second form to look embarrassing surrounded by a bunch of human-looking people.

There is never a day when Moonstone wears a plain outfit. They will dress flamboyantly and extravagant, always lusting for attention and admiration from others. All of their clothes were either made by themself or other members in their family. The day Moonstone isn't seen strutting around in a long silky dress or wearing a sparkling tuxedo is a good sign something is wrong with them. It's one of the most out-of-character actions they could do. Moonstone also loves to design their hair in many different styles, and will spend hours in the bathroom getting their hair in the perfect ponytail. They have no fear of cutting their hair off for a certain style as their hair grows extremely fast, something that runs quite heavily in their family.


[SIZE= 14pt]Graceful and politeness are two traits Moonstone values above almost everything else. With that being said, they struggle to continuously represent those traits. They constantly try to put on a façade of being graceful, polite, formal, happy, and mature, but when you really get to know them they’re immature, emotional, and has a vulgar sense of humor. The typical traits of a teenager trying to act like an adult when they’re still young and underdeveloped. Their secretly (but obvious) immature personality is not helped by their extreme emotional high and lows. One moment Moonstone will feel like they’re on the top of the world, while the next they feel like digging their grave. That’s not to say they want to harm themself in anyway, though that will be addressed later, it’s just that they experience extreme depression at times. During their moments of mania, they are hyperactive, excitable, extremely happy, delusions, and they feel like they can take on multiple tasks at once. When they are in their states of depression, they feel lonely, tired, hopeless, sad, apathetic, and bored. It’s easy to say they don’t have anything that causes this and that it’s just normal teenage hormones, but some stuff that triggers their mania are when their favorite topics are brought up, they’re in an area they’re comfortable with, and when around people they like. What triggers their depression are topics around certain aspects of their family like (most prominently their mother Béatrice), failing at something, and feeling like they’re the cause of bad things happening to people they like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]In their state of mania or just feeling normal, Moonstone may seem like an extremely empathetic person. This is a very wrong perception, as they’re only extremely empathetic towards those they care about and formed some level of a positive relationship with. When it comes to those they don’t really know well, or just don’t like in general, they’ll become apathetic and rude towards their problems. This can be hard to work with when people think Moonstone is a genuinely good and helpful person, but then quickly learn they're apathetic and uncaring underneath it. This isn’t to say they’re a completely bad person, just that their help is only directed towards those they care about or a goal to make themself look better.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]Aside from Moonstones lack of empathy, weirdly enough, they don't pick up the arrogance both Archard and Béatrice have. Unlike their grandparent and mother where they act like they’re more powerful than they actually are, Moonstone is extremely insecure in their abilities and skills and tries to feel protected by those they've put their trust in. This hits them even harder when they act on impulse by getting themself into fights they can’t win, being rude to those they care about and expect nothing bad to happen, and putting themself in situations where they end up suffering. This stems from their childish and naïve personality, and added with their need for love and attention it makes them easy to manipulate. Showing Moonstone any sort of positive attention will immediately make them trust that person and do anything for them as long as they don't do anything to get on their bad side. In fact, Moonstone won’t care if they’re being manipulated and used, as long as they feel like they’re being helpful in some way to the person(s) they like.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]It's common to see Moonstone daydream or think they're seeing something that isn't there. They frequently experience delusions and hallucinations, but delusions are usually based on relationships (thinking a close friend is planning against them), while their hallucinations usually only happen when they're going through emotional extremes. Junchi is usually the one to help them through it, but when they aren't there Moonstone tries to focus on stuff they like to make them go away. As they aged and learned tricks to make them go away, Moonstone doesn't experience them as badly as before and they no longer go into long catatonic states, and though they still experience daydreams it's not something that happens all the time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]Animals | Art of any kind (drawing, writing, dancing, singing, etc ) | Ballet and ballroom dancing | Reading (mainly fantasy and action books) | Writing | Traveling | Forests | Cold/Snowy areas | Athletics | Learning | Making friends | Mei Junchi | Having their hair/fur/feathers pet/brushed | Reptiles | Owl griffins[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]Anything that overstimulates their senses, specifically loud noises | Being the reason something bad happens to someone they like | People not staying consistent with the pronouns they refer to them with | Being called an "it" or "that" | People badmouthing their friends/family (especially Béatrice)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]Being touched by strangers/people they dislike | Solitude | Crowds | Small areas | Losing people/things they have an emotional attachment to | Being lied to and telling a lie | Breaking a promise or someone breaking a promise to them | Fire/Anything hot[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]Drawing | Designing (fashion, homes, hairstyles, etc.) | Ballet and ballroom dancing | Reading (fantasy, action, education, history, murder mystery/crime) | Training in activities they like (combat, art, their abilities, etc.) | Traveling (especially in cold, snowy, wet, and forest areas)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]Young than they appear | Younger than they appear | 6’4ft and still growing | Has a weird fascination with reptiles and owl griffons | Usually has a smile on their face, even when it's not appropriate | Mental disorders: schizophrenia and PTSD, but also shows signs of borderline personality disorder | Playing with their hair when zoning out and/or nervous | Scratches and picks at their skin when zoning out and/or nervous | Isn't interested in romantic or sexual relationship, yet finds sexual humor and nsfw works to be hilariously ridiculous[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14pt]Prized [/SIZE][SIZE= 18.6667px]Possessions[/SIZE][SIZE= 14pt]
A bag they always carried filled with other possessions to calm them down: their sketchbook, jewelry from their friends and family, books, etc.[/SIZE]


Archard Soie - Grandparent/Grandy | Béatrice Soie - Mother/Mère | Ade Afolabi - Mother | Oluremi/Remi/Rémi Soie (Half-sister, shares Ade as mother)

Born in France but raised in the capital of the oricenta country Ilada, Moonstone was raised in a family that were famous for valuing creativity and creating stuff through the arts. Their grandparent Archard worked in armor and weapon making, their mother Béatrice worked with clothing and fashion designing, their other mother Ade worked in weapon making, and their half-sister Rémi worked with jewelry, music, and dancing. Moonstone developed a quick talent for creating dolls, whether stuffed or hard, and drawing. With those talents, they grew up to help their family, specifically Béatrice, create clothes and to earn extra money by selling their dolls in their family's mall.

It wasn’t long before Moonstone desired for another skill, though this was one outside of what their family usually specialized in. From the age of two Moonstone would watch Archard and Ade fight against each other to test out their armor and weapons before selling them them off. After a few years of begging, Moonstone once again begged to be trained in fighting and strengthening themself at the age of six. Of course, their family wouldn’t allow them to participate in heavy physical activities or fighting with a sword before they were even close to puberty, but they did allow them to participate in sports and train their body. This involved stuff like swimming, soccer, track, and flying. Only at the age of twelve did Archard and Ade feel they were ready to start learning how to fight and start activities that would be more stressful to their body. Archard and Ade noticed Moonstone wasn’t very skilled in sword combat, but did notice they took a liking to shields, using their legs, staffs, blunt objects, and their abilities. The two could easily point that using their legs and magical abilities for fighting were when they were at their best in combat, and focused more on that than their other, lesser developed, skills.

As for their relationship with their mothers, specifically Béatrice, Moonstone finds it hard to describe.  They were experimented on by their mothers to be the "perfect" oricenta, and while those vivid memories are painful, they understand the point of them and don't hold it against their mothers for them. Béatrice was the most rough and zealous when it came to making the "perfect" oricenta, so when Moonstone thinks of those memories they usually think of Béatrice. Moonstone loved Béatrice dearly and will do absolutely anything to keep her happy, but they also fear her in a way too. She's a toxic person in Moonstones life, and is the perfect example of Moonstone's personality letting them be easily manipulated by anyone they get the tiniest amount of positive attention from. As long as she continues to give them positive attention and hide her insults and horrible attitude towards her children. She's the main reason Moonstone has many insecurity issues, the fear of being touched, and the fear of being in small spaces. Even with Béatrice's horrible personality, Moonstone still loves her and will point out that she loves them too, it's just everyone else will point that that she's absolutely horrible at parenting.

By the time Moonstone reached the age of thirteen they had an average but slightly more muscular appearance than others in their age group. This was something Moonstone regretted, since they were often mistaken for an older teen or young adult, which really wasn’t helped by them being six foot two by then. Their closest friend that’s been with them literally throughout their whole life, Mei Junchi, would repeatedly suggest that they use their older appearance to get stuff from people that they wouldn’t be able to get with a young appearance, but Moonstone always denied. They were never interested in romantic relationships, sexual relationships, drugs, and alcohol, so they saw no point in using their appearance for gain.

After showing themself to have a lot of trouble controlling their abilities, especially when they get strong as they grow older, their family eventually decided to send them off to Euphorian High School so they could get more help in their abilities. This decision was suggested by Junchi's family, and then pushed by Junchi since they were going to be sent to the school too. After Junchi promised to watch over Moonstone and make sure they don't get into any trouble, as well as sharing a dorm with them, Moonstone was allowed to go instead of being homeschooled or sent to an Oricenta only school.


Magical Abilities

Weather Manipulation + Elemental Transmutation
Due to being born from a mother who's part air oricenta and a mother who's part water oricenta, Moonstone was born a cloud oricenta. A cloud oricenta is an oricenta who has traits of both an air oricenta and water oricenta. With those two traits combined with the experiments done on Moonstone by their mothers, they were born with the ability to control most of the weather through manipulating and creating clouds. With this ability they can cause the clouds to rain, snow, hail, and when they're going through extreme emotions, storms. Added with the ability to create rainfall, snowing, hailing, and storms, they’re also able to manipulate them too. When it comes to storms though, they have trouble manipulating them since they hate the noises and chaos they produce, and also that they usually only create them when they’re getting emotional. Along with their ability to control water, they can also create and control air. This helps when they're in areas where it's hard to breath, or when they want to create stuff out of air to be used, such as an air sword.

Not only are they able to transmute the water, air, and clouds into each other when needed, they can also change them into actual objects too, or alternatively, turn actual objects into the elements they control. Moonstone tries not to use this ability much, especially to attempt life creation. It usually takes out more energy than they have at times, and due to the inexperience they have with their abilities, they end up causing more trouble than it's worth. They hope to develop this ability more with a good tutor, but for now they're content with just not using it too much.

An ability all oricenta have, With this ability they're able to heal people with deep or old wounds. They aren't capable of regenerating body parts, since they aren't nearly old enough for it, but it is a helpful ability for them to have with their combat training. The downside for Moonstone using this ability is that it also makes them more reckless in battle because they'll shrug off any damage with "I'll heal myself later."

The family markings all oricenta have can be used to give oricenta a boost in their abilities. When this happens their eyes and markings will glow until they stop using the magic. At times, using their markings can allow them to learn a new ability they didn't know they had, or just boost their strength to push their abilities past a point they couldn't do without their markings. The downside with using this is that the longer they use this type of magic, the faster they will lose stamina until they pass out. The magic only lasts for five minutes before an oricenta will collapse from using too much of the magic imbued in their markings.


Moonstone is academically and artistically intelligent for their age. They succeed in many academic categories, though it’s common to see them barely even get even a one percent on certain subjects due to them finding the subject in particular boring. This gives people the impression Moonstone is only good in one or two things for academics, those being Language Arts and Science. Moonstone’s intelligence can be summed up with “brilliant, but lazy”.

Moonstone also knows multiple languages, though this can be attributed to their diverse and traveling family. Their most used languages are English, French, Yoruba, and Oscela (the oricenta language). They are enjoy communicating with English and Oscela due to that being a common language spoken in their household, bu tthe other languages they don't mind using. They are very good at picking up languages and can learn them in months if they really try hard to study.

On the creative side, Moonstone has shown impressive skills in various arts, namely, designing, drawing, acting, cooking and dancing. Their acting skills were not made for being in plays or movies, but instead have been developed over the course of their life by learning how to manipulate others for their own desires. For actual acting they are good at voice acting to an extent. They often raise the pitch of their voice to sound younger and friendlier due to their more developed and larger appearance. Their real voice is androgynous, yet leans towards the deeper side of the spectrum. The only time they use their real voice is when they're around people they're fully comfortable with, or when they're singing and they need to sing a part that requires a deep voice. For their dancing skills, they are limited specifically to ballet and ballroom dancing, and are usually mixed into their fighting for a more graceful style. They’ve only learned dancing from Rémi, and since she’s still working for the family while Moonstone is off in Euphorian High School, they no longer get dancing tutorials from her. Along with losing their source for dancing tutorials, they also lost their source for cooking tutorials. Moonstone has been told their cooking skills are excellent, yet they have limited knowledge in recipes and usually. This gives their cooking a bland range, so they often stick to just baking and putting more focus on making pretty food than good food.

Being part Air oricenta, the sky is one of Moonstone's most liked areas to be in. Almost everyday they go up there to play games, relax, practice their abilities, or practice fighting. Added with the natural Air oricenta trait that when they're in the sky their already enhanced senses are even more sensitive, they can pick up more sounds, tastes, smells, etc. Added with them being a Water oricenta and they’re able to fly in the wettest and snowiest of areas without harm to themself.

While definitely not an expert, learning from their grandparent and mother Moonstone developed the skills of using their legs and magic in battle. Their fighting style involves gracefulness, something that their Soie side of their family values, and roughness, something that their Afolabi side of their family values. Moonstone hardly ever uses their arms in fights, and will always strike and block with their legs first, making their legs and wings the most powerful parts of their body.

Owl and Cervid Physiology (Taken from the Oricenta Page)
Having both the traits of owls and deer, they also take on traits those two have. For their owl traits this includes being able to adapt to aerial environments, adapt to atmospheres for flight, turn their head 360-degrees, growing sharp strong claws for hunting, night adaption (seeing well in the night, functioning well during the night, etc.), and have a predator instinct (enhanced tracking and hunting). On the other hand, for their deer traits oricenta have a prey instinct (sense and avoid danger), enhanced speed, and enhanced jump.

This is mostly for skills that doesn’t really need a fully paragraph written about them.

Water walking | Air walking | Cloud walking | Capable of living/breathing/talking clearly underwater | Fast swimmer | Enhanced athleticism (agility, speed, balance, etc.)


One weakness all Water oricenta share is the inability to get near fire or heat. The hotter their bodies are, the quicker and more painful their death will be, and being near fire (or on fire) is the worse case scenario for them. Because of this, when Moonstone feels like they’re getting too hot they’ll usually make it snow above them, or create ice to rub on their body to cool themself down. This also leads them to wearing stuff like tank tops or only shorts, especially in already warm areas. Well, that, or they'll just wear nothing when in private or near people they're way too comfortable with, which is usually always. Luckily, their fur mostly censors the bottom half of their body.

Naive/Easily Manipulated
Moonstone's naive and childish personality makes them very vulnerable to being manipulated. Added with the fact they're absolutely fine with being manipulated by those they like and anyone who shows Moonstone the tiniest bit of positive attention immediately gains their devotion, and Moonstone can be manipulated by practically anyone on their good side.

Emotional and Mental Instability
Moonstone has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and frequently sees and hears things that are not there. Added with that they also experience delusions that causes them to become untrustworthy of others and confused in situations where there should be no confusion. There's also the abuse they've gone through by mainly Béatrice that has caused them to have issues seeing themself in a positive light and having many fears of others. Because of all of this and more Moonstone is very sensitive to nearly everything and will panic at the slightest hint of anything going anywhere but good.

Sensory Overstimulation
Coming from a species with outstanding senses, there also comes the downside of experiencing horrific pain whenever they experience certain senses. Some stuff that wouldn't bother a human would make an oricenta crumble in pain as they tried, and in some cases, they will pass out easily. Since Moonstone comes from a family that lives in wet and windy areas, when they go into the water or sky their senses are pushed even further than other oricenta, yet this comes with the price of them suffering even more pain when they experience extreme senses overload when they are in those areas.


Of course, like many power-bearers, Moonstone will end up growing tired if they overuse too much of their powers. Constantly changing one element to another, trying to create something much larger than them, trying to create life, or them trying to erase something into nothing. If they continue on with this despite their dropping stamina, eventually they will collapse, with their state of unconsciousness varying in length of time depending on what activities they used to cause it. Take for example them trying to make a large snowstorm would cause them to pass out for a few weeks, with that the snowstorm would disappear since they are no longer maintaining it.

Mei Junchi

Mei Junchi


Real Name: Mei Junchi
Nicknames: June Child - Moonstone | Flower Fairy - Family
Morality: Chaotic Good
Gender: Male, yet he likes to change his sex when convenient
Species: Earth Oricenta
Age: 16
Year: 2nd Year
Sexual Orientation: Aromantic bisexual
Relationship Status: Really gets around, and is only into friends with benefits. However, they have developed a physical attraction towards Moonstone, yet they have no plans on making a romantic relationship with them despite wanting a sexual relationship. Junchi never brings that up because they know Moonstone isn't into that and gets uncomfortable with the topic.
Current Residence: Male dorms with Moonstone


Long black hair that reaches to the middle of their back. They usually have their hair left down, but in certain situations, like combat, they will tie it up so it doesn't get in their way.

Eye Color

Lean 5'2ft body with little muscles

Natural Physical Traits
Small tusks forming at the bottom of their mouth downwards.

Junchi has long smooth black hair, often accessorized with a plum blossom, but other times they may use other flowers. They like to keep their hair down, and they will keep it perfectly cut when it reaches the middle of their back. At times they will tie up their hair with a flower hair-tie, which only adds to their androgynous appearance. They find it easier to leave their hair down though, since sometimes their ears gets in the way. The times they do tie their hair up there's usually a purpose, such as when they're off hunting for food.

They have round eyes with epicanthic folds, which isn't surprising considering they come from Chinese descent. Their eyes are a stunning amber color with long white eyelashes, which may seem weird to some due to the rest of their hair being black. They have a pointed nose and thin lips, but their bottom lip is covered by their small, but still growing, tusks.

The part most non-Oricenta creatures find weird about their body, other than their deer and owl features, are the markings painted across their face and body. These markings come from their family and are a signal of what family they were born into. The marking colors they were given were pink because of their mostly light color palette.

Despite having their feminine and androgynous features often pointed out, they aren't really that feminine in appearance. All Junchi would have to do to look more masculine is to wear more masculine clothing and be taller, but that last part isn't happening since they finished growing at 5'2ft. Really, the only times they look like an actual girl is when they're wearing obviously feminine fashion styles.


[SIZE= 12pt]Coming from a strict but loving father named Anrong and a flippant but serious-when-needed father named Henghai, Junchi took on both of their fathers' personalities and combined the two. Mixing their two personalities into one created a whole new, and at times confusing, personality for Junchi. With this personality they are prone to being casual and flippant to most situations in life, but towards those they love they are strict and sometimes comes off as being rude and unloving. Usually those close to them know they care, yet still acknowledge that that side of their personality can go a bit far once in a while with their rudeness.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]Of course, their personality isn't limited only to what their dads have. Their biggest personality trait is their pacifism: they absolutely loath hurting others emotionally and physically, and will berate others for doing anything similar to it. Instead of fighting fire with fire, they will fight fire with friendship and hope their gentle words will convince their foe to change their ways. In more serious cases gentle words will do nothing, wherein Junchi will show a more serious and harsher side while abstaining from getting physical. They try their hardest to not hurt someone emotionally in the process though, and instead just hope they can change their mind on what's wrong and right. Growing up in a family that hunts, Junchi shows no pacifism towards animals they view as food or materials. They don't promote the abuse of animals but they will hunt them for food, materials, or training.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]With this thought process comes a person who has a strict idea on what's good and what's bad. Rarely will Junchi move away from their own perceptions on morality unless someone makes a strong case to why they should change. A person who attempts to change their perception on morality will be met with a stubborn response where it may take days to convince them that they're wrong. Junchi will admit they're in the wrong when someone points out they're being too rude, ignorant, stubborn, or anything else they perceive to be undesirable traits. They will also admit when what they feel is right and wrong are strictly opinions, yet they still try to push them off as fact.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]Most don't really stay to meet the nicer side of Junchi, and instead focus on their flirtatious personality. This is where they take a large chunk from Henghai's personality. Junchi is extremely flirtatious and usually tries to get into a sexual relationship with anyone that catches their interests. This doesn't mean they don't try to be safe with who they chose, and will even deny those in relationships to avoid getting into infidelity drama. That's not to say they won't attempt to get into a sexual relationship with multiple partners, and in fact, they've done it before. Friends with benefits is as far as Junchi wants to take things however, and will avoid getting into a romantic relationship. Not just because they want to be free of being held to one partner, but just because they never found romance interesting outside of media.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]Helping people | Hunting for food | Socializing | Sex | Friends with benefits | Friends and family | Moonstone | Red velvet (cup)cakes and mint (cup)cakes | Hot food | Teasing people | The romance genre | Small animals[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]Hurting others | Loud noises | Stubborn people | Hypocrites | Feeling left behind | Being in sexual relationships with those already in a relationship, but doesn't mind being in a relationship with multiple people if everyone consents to it[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]Hurting others | Failing to save another | Physical fights | Violent people | Moonstone | Losing control of themself | Large animals (as in animals larger than them)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]Hunting | Socializing | Flirting | Sex | Friends with benefits | Playing video games | Gardening | Taking care of others | Learning methods for helping people with their physical and mental health[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12pt]Short stature makes some think they're younger than they are | Androgynous appearance sometimes makes people think they're female | Likes friends with benefits, yet will refuse to commit to a romantic relationship[/SIZE]

Prized [SIZE= 16px]Possessions[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12pt]Clothing, accessories, and dolls Moonstone made for them | Jewelry Henghai passed down to Junchi | A small purse of makeup they like to carry around for fun[/SIZE]


Mei Anrong - Father | Mei Henghai - Dad

Junchi lived a simple life in the village of Koli, living in a plant shop that also served as a home. Despite all of their family members having some sort of ability around controlling plant-life, the first skill they learned was gardening since their abilities weren't strong their first few years. That wasn't the only skill Junchi picked up though; other things they learned were based on being a respectable member of Oricenta society, namely, learning how to care for others, how to help those in need, and spreading good messages to people. As Junchi learned these subjects they realized their desire to become a doctor and care for those in need. Worried about being their dads' only son and being the heir to their family's shady business with certain plants, they accepted that their best chance in the medical field was to be a nurse on the side. Despite this, Junchi was hardly disappointed as they still got to help people and continue their family's business.

As Junchi grew older they also learned how to hunt. Not only were they born into a family full of mostly pacifist Earth Oricenta, they were also born into a family full of hunters who used their small bodies to take down enemies quickly and silently. Early on in Junchi's life they learned how to kill animals and either use their bodies for materials or how to store them and prepare food with them. No matter how hard they tried though they never found themself capable of fighting against a large animal without getting scared and fleeing.

Meeting Moonstone at an age before they could even develop a memory, the two became a mixture of friends and enemies. At first Junchi was rude and competitive with Moonstone, but would show deep consideration for them and always try to protect them. Both the Meis and Soies saw how a close relationship were blooming between the two and thought it would be a good idea for them to combine families. After a few years they decided that in the future it'd be good for both Junchi and Moonstone to marry. This would allow the Meis a place in the Soies' successful mall and shops, and would give the Soies more variety in what they sold. Another trade the Meis and Soies made was that when the Meis hunted food the Soies would get a share. The Soies in return would give the Meis stuff like free clothing, furniture, artwork, etc. Those were only a few of the things that bonded the two families, another one being that Anrong and Henghai got on well with Moonstone's grandparent Archard.

As Junchi and Moonstone grew older together the plan didn't work as well as it was intended. Both were extremely close to each other as friends, but Moonstone made sure they stayed just friends. Any display of romance or sexual suggestions from Junchi made Moonstone extremely uncomfortable, and instead of advancing their friendship it would just make it unstable. Junchi eventually gave up and realized they weren't really interested in romance at all and only found sexual encounters to be interesting. Both Moonstone and Junchi agreed early on in their age they would marry, and later on agreed they would have a child or two for the benefit of both of their families' businesses.

In both a mixture of a relationship building task and a way to teach both Junchi and Moonstone there are different types of people other than Oricenta and Humans they were sent off to Euphorian High School. Here they could be themselves without worry, but also learn about other species and types of people as they aged.


Magical Abilities

Plant Creation
A pretty weak but useful ability that allows Junchi to create any type of real plant they know of. They usually use this ability to assist them in their flower petal manipulation, but they also like to use this ability to create healing plants and food to give others.

Flower Petal Manipulation
A diverse ability that gives Junchi the ability to manipulate flower petals in various types of objects, including weapons. They're also able of changing their body into flower petals to move around in an easy manner, get through small spaces, hide, and if they gather more flower petals, make their body larger. One trick Junchi likes to use is growing flowers to use their petals, then using those petals to make their arms larger when they shapeshift them into flower petals.

One important thing to note about this ability however is that no matter what, Junchi's shapeshifting powers only lets them have their body turn into flower petals. They can't shapeshift into objects or people and perfectly capture their look. The most they'll be capable of is looking like the shape of that object or person, but instead of being made out of materials or flesh, they'll be made out of flower petals.

Like all Oricenta, Junchi can heal the physical injuries of themself and others. They haven't reached the age and training required to heal to the point of regeneration, but they can help people recover from serious damage to their body. Large gashes, old wounds, and bruises are the only things they can do at the moment, but they are always looking for new methods of healing people for the goal of learning regeneration.

They can't heal people whenever they want though. The longer it takes for them to heal someone, the more tired and light-headed they get. This also means that if the worse the injury, the longer it takes for them to heal, and the weaker they'll get.

Aside from their flower shape-shifting Junchi also has natural Oricenta shape-shifting. Other than their humanoid form where they have white and pink deer ears and two deer legs, feathers on their body, and white and orange wings, they also have other forms. Their more cervitaur looking form gives them a deer body below their torso similar to their deer legs on their first form and has their wings moved to the back of their deer body. Their owl form is one of an unnaturally colored owl that resembles a barn owl where they can summon their tusks if they feel they're needed. Their last form is a form of an unnaturally colored deer, and if they feel is necessary, they can summon their wings to allow them flight.


While not an impressive ability in combat, Junchi has a strong skill in detecting other's emotions and experiencing those emotions as if they are their own. Very useful when they are trying to help people others in emotional distress or attempt to convince them to accept their argument in a discussion.

Owl and Cervid Physiology (Taken from the Oricenta Page)
Having both the traits of owls and deer, they also take on traits those two have. For their owl traits this includes being able to adapt to aerial environments, adapt to atmospheres for flight, turn their head 360-degrees, growing sharp strong claws for hunting, night adaption (seeing well in the night, functioning well during the night, etc.), and have a predator instinct (enhanced tracking and hunting). On the other hand, for their deer traits Oricenta have a prey instinct (sense and avoid danger), enhanced speed, and enhanced jump.

Digging into the Earth (sharp and sturdy nails) | Enhanced athleticism (agility, speed, balance, etc.) | Enhanced senses (especially on the surface and inside of the Earth) | Hunting


Small Stature
While a small stature can definitely be used as an advantage when Junchi needs to conceal themself, hide in small areas, and be fast, it's definitely a weakness too. A small and fragile body runs in the Mei family for enhanced speed, agility, and hiding skills, but they are also very vulnerable to larger enemies that rely on their strength to beat opponents. When Junchi is forced into a situation where they encounter an opponent that relies on their strength and body Junchi's only options are to flee or fight using their hunting skills and speed.

While definitely not a weakness exactly, the way they are a pacifist makes it one. When Junchi get themself into a fight they will only use defense, healing, and their quickness to keep themself safe. Never will they try to attack the person and cause harm, which makes it much easier for their foe to hurt them. While this does make them seem foolish and weak to others, Junchi strongly believes that they shouldn't hurt another person physically, even if their own life is in danger. This doesn't mean instincts can't kick in and force Junchi to attack their foe for the protection of their life, it's just that isn't usually voluntary. They show no pacifism towards animals they view only as hunting practice or for food, so some may see them as a bit hypocritical in that aspect.

Sensory Overstimulation
Trained in hunting and coming from a species with extremely strong senses, it's no wonder that overstimulation to their senses could happen. Though Junchi can handle sounds like a normal human speaking or a dog barking, albeit with a bit discomfort, certain sounds, touches, and scents will quickly disorientate them. At times it can get so bad that they end up passing out as a way to cope with whatever is causing them distress, yet this just leaves them more vulnerable for harm.
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Nickname(If Applies): None yet

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Moral Standing: Neutral

[SIZE= 14px]Current Residence: None[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Highschool Year: None[/SIZE]

Race: Sanctum

Powers Or Gifts:

[SIZE= 14px]- Sanctum Inheritance[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]- Tengan[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px](She hasn't developed any other powers as of yet, but will in the future)[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]- learning[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]- bread[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]- a good book[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]- on a deep level, herself[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]- being useless[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]- talking about her past[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]- sweet things[/SIZE]


Haruka is a very independent young lady, completely fine with being on her own just as well as in the company of others. She has a very good head on her shoulders, much more mature and put-together than her appearance would tell. Even so, she's a team player, wanting what's best for those she cares about and those close to her. Haruka loves learning, wanting to be as best informed about a subject as possible so as to minimize mistakes, but that ideology doesn't rule her actions. Her appearance would make her appear to be no-nonsense, but inside her body dwells a free spirit as well. In and out of battle, she's a force to be reckoned with, packing more punch into her fists than you might expect, but that doesn't detract from her genuinely kind soul in the slightest. However, recent events have shattered her world, and she is currently walled off from the world, feeling numb and distant and... sad. Alone, even. Her normal calm and content attitude is despondent and empty, like a fragile shell of who she really is. Though, her walls are fragile as well, barely holding back a torrent of hidden emotions she doesn't want to face right now.


[SIZE= 14px]Haruka was raised as an only child by two lovely parents in Euphoria, both of which were a part of the Kings best army. Because they were always off fighting, she had to learn to be independent from a young age, helping her grow up past her years. One day, Haruka got a homework assignment to go to a foreign planet and be a part of the battles there, as Sanctum are a warrior race and real-world training is quite effective. A few days later, she found out that her parents were heading there as well for the same battle, but she didn't tell them, wanting to surprise them when she got there. The day arrived where she headed to the planet, and she soon found herself right in the heat of battle. As she showed up, her parents came into view, fighting off a particularly nasty member of the enemy ranks. It was then that her parents noticed she was there, and they were worried and upset rather than happy to see her like she thought they'd be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]This moment distracted them away from the enemy just enough to lead to the enemy to get the upper hand, and Haruka witnessed her parents getting murdered right in front of her. With bubbling feelings of anger, hatred, guilt, sadness, and a bunch of other emotions all combining together at once, something within her awoke, something that normally shouldn't be able to awaken in her. Her eyes bared the Tengan, an ability only the royal family should be able to possess and use. With this newfound power, and a blinding white rage ruling her actions, Haruka managed to accidentally overpower and kill the beings that killed her parents, completely destroying the nearby area and anyone in it from the sudden outburst of raw power coming from her. The commotion caught the attention of the sages, and soon they arrived to find a young girl, kneeling on the ground next to her dead parents and the dead beings, covered in blood. As she looked up at them, tears streaming down her face, they noticed her eyes, immediately and unanimously deciding to send her to earth to talk to their king, who just so happened to be the principal of a high school. And that's where she's headed now.[/SIZE]

Relationship Status/Crush: None.

Any other information?: None.
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Here is the template for your character(s):


Name: Konoka Ota 

Nickname(If Applies): Noka 

Age: 17

Gender: Male 

Sexual Orientation: Straight 

Moral Standing: Neutral 

Current Residence: anywhere he can go to sleep

Highschool Year: Senior

Race: Reaper(If it can count) 

Powers Or Gifts: Teleportation and telepathy

Likes: Drawing, His pet Kin, and sharp things 

Dislikes: Criminals, and summer time

Personality: Observant, reserved, and sarcastic

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred)


Backstory: He never had a home to go to, as being born into the creature of death, he couldnt stay in one spot for to long. He's come across many deaths, some of elders, and some of young people. All the death made him believe in shadow people he made up as friends, some being based from people that he had to take to the other side. ever since then he could ever get many friends because of it. 

Relationship Status/Crush: Single

Any other information?: 

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