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Fantasy Character Registration

JJKab said:

Name: Leon

Surname: Barstow

Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Human


-- His eyesight is enhanced, and he can see pretty far without having to squint his eyes --

-- Abnormally good reflex --

-- His muscles can be strenghtened whenever he is in fight or endagered --

Likes: Hanging out with friends, nature, guns, computers

Dislikes: Swimming (can't swim) , staying at home for too long, anyone who is beating his friends.

Personality: He's kind, gentle, will always help out. He is kinda shy, though, especially around girls

Bio: Revealed in RP (W.I.P)

Dating/lover/crush: None for now

Anything else: Nopppe
Name: Elise Hanako

Nickname: Eli , Hana , Red Assassian.


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good, Evil, or Neutral: chaotic neutral (Kind of Evil)

Species: Bunny demon

Where do you live : A dorm

What year are you : 3rd year

Powers: Wind manipulation , Teleportation , illusion manipulation , Hypnosis (to some extent) , Water and Ice manipulation.

Likes: Spicy food , strawberries , roses , Carnivals , music bands , Magic shows , comic books , and Anime.

Dislikes: Being scolded , being bored ,popcorn , bland colors , and extreme heat.

Personality: Chaotic , energetic , Childish , kind (when nice) , Manipulative at times , and cheerful.

Bio:" Elise was said to be an angel. Sent by God himself. However some don't believe this. Elise is pure on the outside , but she is filled with darkness in the inside." Elise grew up loving the circus. She loved the tricks and illusions that the performers did. She practiced her magic at home and started to develop many powers. In the present , Elise is in charge of watching Jack. His soul seems to be having trouble , so she has to make sure that he doesn't go out in control. (Ill add more later)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bjbb__lin_chu__diamonds__by_jenmini-d80lju2.png.9e37f0bd3dea23a4c000d50f1fc50ada.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146474" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bjbb__lin_chu__diamonds__by_jenmini-d80lju2.png.9e37f0bd3dea23a4c000d50f1fc50ada.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full demon form:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_11-14-35.png.7a2e1b757dc340e46a0e8c19518a3f0b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-29_11-14-35.png.7a2e1b757dc340e46a0e8c19518a3f0b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon (don't mind the girl):

Others: Not related to Jack Alistar

Crush/Like: None

Theme 1:[media]

Theme 2:[media]

Battle theme:[media]




  • bjbb__lin_chu__diamonds__by_jenmini-d80lju2.png
    865.7 KB · Views: 36
  • upload_2016-7-29_11-14-35.png
    92.1 KB · Views: 36
Kisaki said:
Name: Elise Hanako
Nickname: Eli , Hana , Red Assassian.


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good, Evil, or Neutral: chaotic neutral (Kind of Evil)

Species: Bunny demon

Where do you live : A dorm

What year are you : 3rd year

Powers: Wind manipulation , Teleportation , illusion manipulation , Hypnosis (to some extent) , Water and Ice manipulation.

Likes: Spicy food , strawberries , roses , Carnivals , music bands , Magic shows , comic books , and Anime.

Dislikes: Being scolded , being bored ,popcorn , bland colors , and extreme heat.

Personality: Chaotic , energetic , Childish , kind (when nice) , Manipulative at times , and cheerful.

Bio:" Elise was said to be an angel. Sent by God himself. However some don't believe this. Elise is pure on the outside , but she is filled with darkness in the inside." Elise grew up loving the circus. She loved the tricks and illusions that the performers did. She practiced her magic at home and started to develop many powers. In the present , Elise is in charge of watching Jack. His soul seems to be having trouble , so she has to make sure that he doesn't go out in control. (Ill add more later)

Appearance: View attachment 324366

Full demon form:View attachment 324401

Weapon (don't mind the girl):

Others: Not related to Jack Alistar

Crush/Like: None

Theme 1:[media]

Theme 2:[media]

Battle theme:[media]

You'd need permission to use hypnosis on someone else's character. Other than that, accepted.


Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Unknown


Inhuman Strength: Jason is far stronger than any typical human and can punch the head clean off a fully grown, healthy adult male.

Mist Field: Jason can summon a thick field of mist that is nearly impossible to see. Even heat and life forces cannot be detected within the mist. The field of mist is unaffected by magic, wind, or any external forces.

Teleportation: Jason can freely teleport, to pop out just when you least expect him.

Just when you thought it was over: Once you look away from Jason, he has a tendency to show up again later fully healed and as brutal as ever.

Indifferent slaughter: Jason will ignore almost any injuries and wounds inflicted upon him.

Watery Grave: If Jason is "Drowned" he will be temporarily stopped for a long period of time and is almost guaranteed to switch targets. Jason cannot swim, and has an irrational fear of large bodies of water.

Likes: machetes, masks, killing people.

Dislikes: water

Personality: KILL EVERYONE

Anything else: Jasons goal is to kill every single character in the RP, so if I pm you, asking you if you have any characters you would be willing to let die, dont be surprised.

@Fukushima Akira @Roman @Lumina It has finally Happened!!!! ))
I tried to create a character app of a Professor which actually fitted into the style of roleplay this is.

Name: Alix Angles

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool you're in: 11th

What kind of being you are: Superhuman


  • Waterbreathing: Alix has a way with water, where she cannot drown
  • Water control and creation: Using magic, Alix can control the path of water telekinetically
  • Alix's Candle: Alix uses a candlestick that can hold three candles. The candles are a peculiar blue colour and burn a bright blue flame. Alix can light and snuff the candle at will

Likes: Water, food, science

Dislikes: Flames, ice, and extreme fighting

Personality: Bright, and overly positive, bordering the point which you may think of Alix as insanely happy. If someone can be angry and purely joyful, it would be Alix


Bio: Alix lived a very normal life, having friends, and getting okay grades. She was commented as one of the happiest people where she lived. When she discovered her liking in something a street magician called "magic", Alix didn't hesitate to show her friends. Her friends kinda... ditched her because it was "freaky" how she could control water, and when her parents found out about this, they sent her to the Professors of the Circle, Roy's magical group, to try to control her powers. Darek, the leader of the Professors, suggested to Alix to head over to Fantasy High, where she could control her powers, and where Roy was as well.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else:

  • Theme: [media]

  • Alix's candle: Alix's candle's flame gives off a glow of confidence, happiness, and positiveness. It doesn't work on enemies, though. If Alix decides to use the candle as a weapon, then it can catch the enemy on fire (blue colour), and may drive them insane (With conflicting emotions of sadness and happiness) until they put it out, which doesn't get put out by water.
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[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]I tried to create a character app of a Professor which actually fitted into the style of roleplay this is.
Name: Alix Angles

Nickname(If Applies):

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool you're in: 11th

What kind of being you are: Superhuman


  • Waterbreathing: Alix has a way with water, where she cannot drown
  • Water control and creation: Using magic, Alix can control the path of water telekinetically
  • Alix's Candle: Alix uses a candlestick that can hold three candles. The candles are a peculiar blue colour and burn a bright blue flame. Alix can light and snuff the candle at will

Likes: Water, food, science

Dislikes: Flames, ice, and extreme fighting

Personality: Bright, and overly positive, bordering the point which you may think of Alix as insanely happy. If someone can be angry and purely joyful, it would be Alix


Bio: Alix lived a very normal life, having friends, and getting okay grades. She was commented as one of the happiest people where she lived. When she discovered her liking in something a street magician called "magic", Alix didn't hesitate to show her friends. Her friends kinda... ditched her because it was "freaky" how she could control water, and when her parents found out about this, they sent her to the Professors of the Circle, Roy's magical group, to try to control her powers. Darek, the leader of the Professors, suggested to Alix to head over to Fantasy High, where she could control her powers, and where Roy was as well.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else:

  • Theme: [media]

  • Alix's candle: Alix's candle's flame gives off a glow of confidence, happiness, and positiveness. It doesn't work on enemies, though. If Alix decides to use the candle as a weapon, then it can catch the enemy on fire (blue colour), and may drive them insane (With conflicting emotions of sadness and happiness) until they put it out, which doesn't get put out by water.



Azayaka Taiyo Lumina



Age: 16




Sun Demigod

Living Space:

Lena's House

Highschool Year:



Sun Blade:

Able to summon a blade hotter than a sun. Can cut through most things that would be unable to be cut.


Bone Structure:

Due to his mothers DNA his bone structure is weaker, however he can breath underwater for as long as he desires.

Sun Fury:

Triples his normal human strength to an even greater level, giving him the true title of demigod. When he activates this ability it will only last 60 seconds. Then it must cooldown for another 5 minutes.


Az has inherited Shuu's tendency for puns and is relatively polite. However, he has inherited his mothers shyness so it makes him have a hard time approaching others sometimes. He loves his mother and father very much, but get him mad and his fury shall be unleashed.




Son of Shuu Lumina and the now name "Lena Lumina". He was just born and aged.



Anything Else?


Name: Kyle

Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: Kyle looks like he is 16, but is 50 in reality.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good, but has done some dark things in the past. Not because he wanted to do them, however.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorms

What Year of highschool your in: First

What kind of being you are: Super Human (was born with powers, but they weren't active until he became 14)

Powers/gifts: Kyle was born with solely two powers: Air and the ability to 'steal' the power of another being by killing it. He is very good at bending air, which allows him to bend (and also sense) sound (by making the air vibrate, or by just feeling the air vibrate) too. Later, he obtained a certain form of immortality (he can get hurt, but his body heals itself. This power doesn't make him invulnerable in fights. Also, his personality is the thing he struggles most with in fights.).

Likes: listening to music, making music, composing songs (etc) , Chatting, Helping others, animals

Dislikes: People who hurt or kill others, etc.

Personality: Cheery and caring. He tries to be friendly and likes to help. He is also protective. Though he most of the times is the one who tries to cheer other people up, he gets very down if he is reminded of his past. He usually is relaxed and calm, but can get very energetic (yet not usually stressed) in battle or while doing something with music.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):


Bio: Kyle was peacefully living with his parents in a small town in the middle of nowhere when he discovered his powers. Others were suprised, and rather afraid of him when they saw his powers for the first time, but later they all loved him since he meant much for the time. With his powers, he did all he could to expand the town and gradually more people came to the town. But with these new people, more people discovered him having powers and with this, fear came. He got bullied and at a certain point, he felt that he was being followed all the time. Though he couldn't always see his stalker, he could feel the air move around a certain place. Nobody would believe him anymore, though. After a year, a big explosion destroyed 3/4th of the time. At that time, Kyle was outside the town, walking in the nature. When he heard the explosion, he hurried back to see if his parents were safe. The explosion hadn't killed them, but he was back on time to see a certain hooded figure kill his parents. He used his powers to kill the person, but discovered the other person also had powers: Immortality, at least, sort of. Kyle ran and fled with the thought that he was the cause of this explosion. That he had lured these evil people to the town. What both Kyle and the dark person didn't know, is that Kyle's second power kicked in, which caused Kyle to obtain this kind of immortality. Kyle fled to a big city where he slowly started building up a new life, but later he started to hide since he discovered he didn't age anymore.

He found the school and entered it, in the hope people there wouldn't judge him, nor fear him, so he wouldn't have to hide anymore.

Dating/lover/crush: None as of current

Anything else: Kyle still acts like he is 16, but only since that is just his personality. Nobody has ever told him how to handle his emotions or powers and after his parents found out about his powers, they started being less strict to their son.

Another note: He always wears his headphones. After visiting a media shop in the city for the first time, he bought a pretty expensive set of headphones as he noticed they helped him control his powers better. Since bending sound is really difficult, these headphones help him a lot.
[QUOTE="Child of the winds]Name: Kyle
Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: Kyle looks like he is 16, but is 50 in reality.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good, but has done some dark things in the past. Not because he wanted to do them, however.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorms

What Year of highschool your in: First

What kind of being you are: Super Human (was born with powers, but they weren't active until he became 14)

Powers/gifts: Kyle was born with solely two powers: Air and the ability to 'steal' the power of another being by killing it. He is very good at bending air, which allows him to bend (and also sense) sound (by making the air vibrate, or by just feeling the air vibrate) too. Later, he obtained a certain form of immortality (he can get hurt, but his body heals itself. This power doesn't make him invulnerable in fights. Also, his personality is the thing he struggles most with in fights.).

Likes: listening to music, making music, composing songs (etc) , Chatting, Helping others, animals

Dislikes: People who hurt or kill others, etc.

Personality: Cheery and caring. He tries to be friendly and likes to help. He is also protective. Though he most of the times is the one who tries to cheer other people up, he gets very down if he is reminded of his past. He usually is relaxed and calm, but can get very energetic (yet not usually stressed) in battle or while doing something with music.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):


Bio: Kyle was peacefully living with his parents in a small town in the middle of nowhere when he discovered his powers. Others were suprised, and rather afraid of him when they saw his powers for the first time, but later they all loved him since he meant much for the time. With his powers, he did all he could to expand the town and gradually more people came to the town. But with these new people, more people discovered him having powers and with this, fear came. He got bullied and at a certain point, he felt that he was being followed all the time. Though he couldn't always see his stalker, he could feel the air move around a certain place. Nobody would believe him anymore, though. After a year, a big explosion destroyed 3/4th of the time. At that time, Kyle was outside the town, walking in the nature. When he heard the explosion, he hurried back to see if his parents were safe. The explosion hadn't killed them, but he was back on time to see a certain hooded figure kill his parents. He used his powers to kill the person, but discovered the other person also had powers: Immortality, at least, sort of. Kyle ran and fled with the thought that he was the cause of this explosion. That he had lured these evil people to the town. What both Kyle and the dark person didn't know, is that Kyle's second power kicked in, which caused Kyle to obtain this kind of immortality. Kyle fled to a big city where he slowly started building up a new life, but later he started to hide since he discovered he didn't age anymore.

He found the school and entered it, in the hope people there wouldn't judge him, nor fear him, so he wouldn't have to hide anymore.

Dating/lover/crush: None as of current

Anything else: Kyle still acts like he is 16, but only since that is just his personality. Nobody has ever told him how to handle his emotions or powers and after his parents found out about his powers, they started being less strict to their son.

Another note: He always wears his headphones. After visiting a media shop in the city for the first time, he bought a pretty expensive set of headphones as he noticed they helped him control his powers better. Since bending sound is really difficult, these headphones help him a lot.


His immortality is semi, as it would go against the lore. So he would only be able to live a longer than normal life until he does of old age. Ither than that, you're good. You'd need permission to kill another's character if it ever comes to that.
Roman said:
His immortality is semi, as it would go against the lore. So he would only be able to live a longer than normal life until he does of old age. Ither than that, you're good. You'd need permission to kill another's character if it ever comes to that.
((Is Az accepted?))
TheDragoon said:


Azayaka Taiyo Lumina



Age: 16




Sun Demigod

Living Space:

Lena's House

Highschool Year:



Sun Blade:

Able to summon a blade hotter than a sun. Can cut through most things that would be unable to be cut.


Bone Structure:

Due to his mothers DNA his bone structure is weaker, however he can breath underwater for as long as he desires.

Sun Fury:

Triples his normal human strength to an even greater level, giving him the true title of demigod. When he activates this ability it will only last 60 seconds. Then it must cooldown for another 5 minutes.


Az has inherited Shuu's tendency for puns and is relatively polite. However, he has inherited his mothers shyness so it makes him have a hard time approaching others sometimes. He loves his mother and father very much, but get him mad and his fury shall be unleashed.




Son of Shuu Lumina and the now name "Lena Lumina". He was just born and aged.



Anything Else?


Roman said:
His immortality is semi, as it would go against the lore. So he would only be able to live a longer than normal life until he does of old age. Ither than that, you're good. You'd need permission to kill another's character if it ever comes to that.
(Yeah, bur since he is good I doubt if it will bw happening often..)
Angelo Michael Mori Garcia's Character Sheet

  • Name: Angelo Michael Mori Garcia

  • Nickname: Angel, Citrine, Topaz, Pretty Boy

    Age: 15

    Date of Birth: November 20th

    Place of Birth: America

    Relatives: Angelica Rosa Reyes Garcia (Mother), Andre Mori (Father), Lashawn Alejandro Mori Garcia (Brother)


    Growing up in America, Angelo lived a pretty normal life for the most part. He lived in a diverse family so he picked up multiple languages, those languages being Japanese, English, and Spanish. Though not very skilled in many aspects of life, he showed himself to be a great runner and to pick up languages easily. One thing that seemed odd to some though was his early fascination of psychology that started when he was eight-years-old, and only grew as he got older.

    When one of his friends fell into a deep depression, when Angelo wished for him to get better, it magically went away. His friend thought it was because they talked a lot and Angelo helped him out in bad times, but Angelo just thought his friend was faking the depression and that's why he got over it so easily. It was only until he wanted a competition of his to fall into depression so she wouldn't beat him in a race did he realize what he could do. With that thought she immediately began experiencing sudden numbness and unhappiness with life until he never heard from her again. By the time the day of the race came she was considered a missing person after running away. This all happened at the age of ten, and it was something he had no idea how to handle. He kept this from his family, but confided in his brother Lashawn at times.

    Angelo later on tried out his abilities with his brother, using them on people he considered to be bad, and people he considered to be good. On those bad people he would induce addictions, psychopathy, and other types of disorders that made their life harder to live. On the good people though, he would talk to them and act like he was counseling them, then remove the disorders. Soon enough he was seen as a miracle worker in psychology at a young age, and was even starting a business in his neighborhood by counseling people and removing disorders. Of course, he had to give some people disorders to keep the business going, but him and his brother had it all figured out.

    This went on for a few years until his brother heard of Fantasy High School, a school that trained people in their superpowers. Angelo showed his parents his powers and got them to sign up, though that was partly due to him using his powers to push them towards that decision. After all the work was done, he said his goodbyes to his family and left to live in the dorms of the school.

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Mental Disorder Manipulation[/URL]

With this ability Angelo is able to manipulate people's minds to give them and remove mental disorders. This can include additions, personality disorders, eating disorders, anxiety, anything that's linked under being a disorder. Along with this manipulation he's able to change the disorders people have, such as changing someone with schizophrenia to just have depression, making someone's borderline personality disorder not as bad as before, or raising someone's anxiety to cause them to have paranoia.

Angelo usually only uses this power to cause athletes he's competing against to collapse into a bad depression or psychosis so he can be the top athlete, or manipulating other's minds to get him what he wants. He also likes to use this power to make himself look like the good guy too. He'll at times give personal counseling sessions to people and have them come out cured immediately, giving him a good income from people who wanted to be cured of their problems. He plans on using this ability in this way even more in the future when he becomes a psychiatrist, then he'll cause people to have disorders so he'll get more business as a miracle curer.



Coming from a diverse background it's not surprising Angelo knows multiple language. He can speak fluent English, Japanese, and Spanish. Being from America from a neighborhood that speaks mostly Spanish though, he got most of his Japanese lessons from his father and finds the language to be troublesome to speak, write, and learn.


Angelo is a strong runner, being one of the top runners in his previous schools and never backing down from a race. He practices running everyday and does numerous exercises to make his legs stronger for a race. Going to a school full of people with superpowers, he knows he won't be a top runner for much longer since he has the limits of any normal human, and knows there will most likely be people with the power of being a fast runner.


Though he doesn't use this all the time, Angelo likes to manipulate people for his own wants and needs. He also manipulates people if he feels like they need to be manipulated for a greater good somehow. He hates using it to hurt others that don't deserve it, and knows this makes people not trust him, but he has learned to not care. In his mind, it helps him do good things, even if it's in a bad way.



Extra #1:

Angelo's favorite color is any shade of pink, but usually uses his second and third favorite colors to represent him, those colors being yellow and red. Due to growing up with friends that thought of pink as a "girl's" color, he gets anxious whenever someone finds out his favorite colors. Though, with his nicknames being Topaz and Citrine due to his birthday and his other favorite colors being yellow and red, he finds it easy to associate himself with these colors.

Extra #2:

Angelo has no crushes at the moment, though it's not like he's looking for anyone. He has a small fear that if someone ever falls in love with him, it's because he lost control of his abilities and he forced them to love him.

Extra #3:

Angelo is a a sophomore in Fantasy High as he is able to control his powers, but still struggles to not mess up and use them on accident. His inability to use his abilities without at times causing someone to receive a mental disorder just by thinking about it has made it difficult for him to be around others.

((Expect this part to be updated.))

Accepted. And of course, always remember you can't force things on other players without their consent, but I'm sure you knew that :)

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