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Fantasy Character Registration

Name: Rosaline

Nickname(If Applies): n/a

Age: 23

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: no preference

Good or Evil or Neutral: evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Graveyard

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are: white eyed demon

Powers/gifts: blade creation and the manipulation of metals.

Likes: carnage, death, torturing. Playing games and cats.

Dislikes: anything happy, nice, or good.

Personality: happy, full of energy, but twisted.

Appearance: (minus bat ears and heart)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1369516-bigthumbnail_zps1a91e131.jpg.af037ff1b6df1d09ade4a2a8aa8083d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146349" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1369516-bigthumbnail_zps1a91e131.jpg.af037ff1b6df1d09ade4a2a8aa8083d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dating/lover/crush: Raven Crossroad

Bio:She had went up in the ranks of demons through unspeakable acts, one of which was the creation of raven and what she forced him to do just so she could be entertained. She is the type of being who would earn your love or trust just to see it in your eyes as she broke you down, taking everything just before she killed you.

Anything else:



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Ceat6 said:
Name: Rosaline
Nickname(If Applies): n/a

Age: 23

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: no preference

Good or Evil or Neutral: evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Graveyard

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are: white eyed demon

Powers/gifts: (will fill in, in a moment)

Likes: carnage, death, torturing. Playing games and cats.

Dislikes: anything happy, nice, or good.

Personality: happy, full of energy, but twisted.

Appearance: View attachment 323971

Dating/lover/crush: Raven

Bio:She had went up in the ranks of demons through unspeakable acts, one of which was the creation of raven and what she forced him to do just so she could be entertained. She is the type of being who would earn your love or trust just to see it in your eyes as she broke you down, taking everything just before she killed you.

Anything else:

  • Name: Zac Crimson Blacks

    Nickname(If Applies): Dark Blood | Crimson Blood

    Age: 56,000 (Looks nineteen)

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

    Where you live: Boys Dorm - By himself

    What Year of highschool your in: Freshman



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VenomSlayer said:

  • Name: Zac Crimson Blacks

    Nickname(If Applies): Dark Blood | Crimson Blood

    Age: 56,000 (Looks nineteen

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

    Where you live: Girls Dorm - By himself

    What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

Roman said:
Name: Rosaline
Nickname(If Applies): n/a

Age: 23

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: no preference

Good or Evil or Neutral: evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Graveyard

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are: white eyed demon

Powers/gifts: (will fill in, in a moment)

Likes: carnage, death, torturing. Playing games and cats.

Dislikes: anything happy, nice, or good.

Personality: happy, full of energy, but twisted.

Appearance: View attachment 323971

Dating/lover/crush: Raven Crossroad

Bio:She had went up in the ranks of demons through unspeakable acts, one of which was the creation of raven and what she forced him to do just so she could be entertained. She is the type of being who would earn your love or trust just to see it in your eyes as she broke you down, taking everything just before she killed you.

Anything else:

There's no decision on that CS until the powers are properly filled in.
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VenomSlayer said:

  • Name: Zac Crimson Blacks

    Nickname(If Applies): Dark Blood | Crimson Blood

    Age: 56,000 (Looks nineteen

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

    Where you live: Girls Dorm - By himself

    What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

You've written for your male character's residence as "Girls' Dorm - By Himself". Either that was a mistype, or it's not accepted, on the bases that the school's administration wouldn't allow it.
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VenomSlayer said:

  • Name: Zac Crimson Blacks

    Nickname(If Applies): Dark Blood | Crimson Blood

    Age: 56,000 (Looks nineteen

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

    Where you live: Girls Dorm - By himself

    What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

While this was accepted, please PLEASE be wary of controlling other people's characters with the blood manupulation. I say this because godmodding is not tolerated here, and that ability comes really close to it. So please, just be wary of what your character does :)
VenomSlayer said:
@Lumina yeah, i know that, but thanks for the heads up,
@Fukushima Akira O_O I'll edit that now, also how many powers do i have to have?
Powers aren't limited in terms of how many you have, they're limited to how powerful they are. However if you plan on having your character gain a new power, you have to show them, in the RP, acquiring said powers. You should also take note that these new powers won't be mastered, and you'll have to show your character actually training and becoming more proficient with their usage.
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@Fukushima Akira I can understand that, that's pretty reasonable for RP purposes, and i only want those 2 powers, if i want anothr one i'll P.M. one of you and ask if it is within reason and ask how i can show i am learning it.
VenomSlayer said:
@Fukushima Akira I can understand that, that's pretty reasonable for RP purposes, and i only want those 2 powers, if i want anothr one i'll P.M. one of you and ask if it is within reason and ask how i can show i am learning it.
Sounds good.
VenomSlayer said:
@Fukushima Akira Umm just one last question, how do i make myself enter?
Make an intro post with your character. Something along the lines of them arriving at the school for the first time. The school day is almost over, so you could use this time to show your character getting prepared to actually start attending the school.
Name: Dylan

Age:170 ( but acts and looks 17)


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil in powers , good at heart

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: 11

What kind of being you are: similar to a fate but not quite , she is not a deity or under the supervision of one , she just keeps everything in balance ( idk what that would be called i dont remember what i put tbh)

Powers/gifts: poisons and nautral disasters , little telaporting telekinetic skills to.make it easier

Likes:music , rainstorms , loves a peaceful forest ( especially during a rain storm) , and drugs ( balancing the world is stressful )

Dislikes: bad music , narrowminded people , and cutesy nicknames

Personality:shes quite spunky , she has kind heart but can be a bit wicked when shes in the mood to terrorize some villagers

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio:Dylan was born in a family that was meant to blance the world , when she matured her powers came in and she was sent off to keep things in balance , unlike others before her , she has trouble dealing with it mentality so shes turned to drug abuse to help her along the way , she is currently being taken care of by a sweet but stubborn wolf boy

Dating/lover/crush: wolf boy dosent seem half bad so far

Anything else: ( sorry again for the mix up ! Really thought i had summited it )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/PicsArt_07-28-06.48.49.jpg.26e2d857bd8eeb9d7c81ae68e9324f46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146409" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/PicsArt_07-28-06.48.49.jpg.26e2d857bd8eeb9d7c81ae68e9324f46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ceat6 said:
Name: Rosaline
Nickname(If Applies): n/a

Age: 23

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: no preference

Good or Evil or Neutral: evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Graveyard

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are: white eyed demon

Powers/gifts: blade creation and the manipulation of metals.

Likes: carnage, death, torturing. Playing games and cats.

Dislikes: anything happy, nice, or good.

Personality: happy, full of energy, but twisted.

Appearance: (minus bat ears and heart)

View attachment 323971

Dating/lover/crush: Raven Crossroad

Bio:She had went up in the ranks of demons through unspeakable acts, one of which was the creation of raven and what she forced him to do just so she could be entertained. She is the type of being who would earn your love or trust just to see it in your eyes as she broke you down, taking everything just before she killed you.

Anything else:


Name: Leon

Surname: Barstow

Nickname(If Applies): None

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): House

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Human


-- His eyesight is enhanced, and he can see pretty far without having to squint his eyes --

-- Abnormally good reflex --

-- His muscles can be strenghtened whenever he is in fight or endagered --

Likes: Hanging out with friends, nature, guns, computers

Dislikes: Swimming (can't swim) , staying at home for too long, anyone who is beating his friends.

Personality: He's kind, gentle, will always help out. He is kinda shy, though, especially around girls

Bio: Revealed in RP (W.I.P)

Dating/lover/crush: None for now

Anything else: Nopppe
Sixxx said:
Name: Dylan
Age:170 ( but acts and looks 17)


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil in powers , good at heart

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: 11

What kind of being you are: similar to a fate but not quite , she is not a deity or under the supervision of one , she just keeps everything in balance ( idk what that would be called i dont remember what i put tbh)

Powers/gifts: poisons and nautral disasters , little telaporting telekinetic skills to.make it easier

Likes:music , rainstorms , loves a peaceful forest ( especially during a rain storm) , and drugs ( balancing the world is stressful )

Dislikes: bad music , narrowminded people , and cutesy nicknames

Personality:shes quite spunky , she has kind heart but can be a bit wicked when shes in the mood to terrorize some villagers

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio:Dylan was born in a family that was meant to blance the world , when she matured her powers came in and she was sent off to keep things in balance , unlike others before her , she has trouble dealing with it mentality so shes turned to drug abuse to help her along the way , she is currently being taken care of by a sweet but stubborn wolf boy

Dating/lover/crush: wolf boy dosent seem half bad so far

Anything else: ( sorry again for the mix up ! Really thought i had summited it )
((Gonna leave the decision up to @Fukushima Akira on this one because of the balance thingy))

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