• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character Registration

Surprise Meteors]So about that open character... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14609-wicked-jester/ said:
@Wicked Jester[/URL]
I fell asleep xD lemme message you a character list xD
Name: Von Viesel

Nickname(If Applies):Vonny

Age: 15


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: first

What kind of being you are: Super human

Powers/gifts: Teleportion


Dislikes:Fun killers,Vegetables

Personality: Insane, mischievous,rude

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Von was with teleportion his parents didnt have powers so they questioned why he did they took him to tons and tons of doctors, and they all said "its genetic" his parents were sad because they thought he would get picked on.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: Hes allergic to fish
Name: Xeltyr (Zhe-el-tier) Aulwrit (Awh-lur-it)

Nickname(If Applies): Bubs (Only if you have a personal relationship with him)





Sexual Orientation:

Believed Heterosexual, later discovers Pansexual.

Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral, only steps up when he feels like it.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

Dorm, just got here so doesn't know his roommate.

What Year of highschool your in:

Junior Year

What kind of being you are: A hybrid of a Lycan and a Shifter. Which he commonly refers to as being a 'Mutt".


Near-Perfect Shifting (Which he warmly refers to as) Broken Copycat- He has the ability to shapeshift into NEAR perfect copies of other living beings, this means when he does change there is minor and slight differences in his appearance in comparison to the original i.e. Eye color, Slight Shift in height, voice being a tad too low or high etc. Nothing too extreme to bring himself into trouble, unless of course those who do notice are extremely observant.

Slight Hyperstrength - He cant punch holes through the wall and pick up cars but he can definitely pack a punch.

Temporary Levitation- This doesn't last very long and usually ends up draining Xeltyr of his stamina so he only uses it in times of emergency.

Heightened Senses- Due to his Lycan Heritage

Regeneration- Again due to his Lycan Heritage


Social Interactions


Coffee (Oh yes, lots and lots of Coffee)


Being needed

Listening to others

Did I mention sleeping?


Physical Affection (Mainly Hugs)

Talking walks during the night. (Something I LOVE to do irl)



Himself to an extent.

Self-destructive behavior

Pointless drama

Someone who is sad or upset (Tends to throw himself into the problem headfirst at first sight)

Being called Bubs or Bubby by people he isn't close to.


He is a very caring and sensitive person, he feels everyone deserves to be happy and to feel safe. He strives for that but never really shows it, he puts on a façade of not giving the slightest care of anything serious until his back is against the wall. But in all reality, he wants to hug peoples suffering away. He was mistreated at a young age which has lead him to develop trust issues even when he initiates the relationship, sadly this has lead him to push away people he truly cared for.

When he isn't in class or with others you can usually find him asleep under his favorite tree on campus.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):He wears a dull blue hoodie with the sleeves at his elbows and white cargo shorts and black sk8-his, he stands a solid 5'9" weighing roughly 140-150 lbs. He is lean for his species and on the short side *Much to his fathers disapproval for which he blames his mother(Jokingly of course)* (He has shorter more dirty blonde hair and glasses. His left ear is folded down and his tail is cut off slightly, this has led him to be severely self conscious about his appearance and he can be found playing with his tail in times of stress and when he is anxious)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-21_21-25-49.png.51e6fdcc7bc9265525f079ceeb239caf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-21_21-25-49.png.51e6fdcc7bc9265525f079ceeb239caf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Xeltyr was born on a cold October night 17 years ago today.

Due to complications his mother died shortly after he was born and as such he had only his father to look out for him. As the years progressed his father had never told him of his true heritage and as such he had believed to be human most of his life, however when he turned 16 his father told him the truth of how his mother was a shifter (A being who could alter their personal appearance to look like another organism) and his father was a Lycan. This led him to reject himself as well as the society of other beings he knew nothing about, a year had passed and he finally accepted who he was. In light of this his Father decided it would be best if he was sent to a place that had housed others just like him, others who were special.

So on his 17th birthday he was sent off to a High School where hopefully he would fit in.


No one at the moment.

Anything else:

Looking for a roommate, and someone to go on walks with!

(Don't know if weapons are allowed but if they are, he has an aluminum baseball bat stashed in his dorm-room)



  • upload_2016-7-21_21-25-49.png
    222.1 KB · Views: 52
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TylerrCarterrr said:
Name: Xeltyr (Zhe-el-tier) Aulwrit (Awh-lur-it)
Nickname(If Applies): Bubs (Only if you have a personal relationship with him)





Sexual Orientation:

Believed Heterosexual, later discovers Pansexual.

Good or Evil or Neutral:

Neutral, only steps up when he feels like it.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

Dorm, just got here so doesn't know his roommate.

What Year of highschool your in:

Junior Year

What kind of being you are: A hybrid of a Lycan and a Shifter. Which he commonly refers to as being a 'Mutt".


Near-Perfect Shifting (Which he warmly refers to as) Broken Copycat- He has the ability to shapeshift into NEAR perfect copies of other living beings, this means when he does change there is minor and slight differences in his appearance in comparison to the original i.e. Eye color, Slight Shift in height, voice being a tad too low or high etc. Nothing too extreme to bring himself into trouble, unless of course those who do notice are extremely observant.

Slight Hyperstrength - He cant punch holes through the wall and pick up cars but he can definitely pack a punch.

Temporary Levitation- This doesn't last very long and usually ends up draining Xeltyr of his stamina so he only uses it in times of emergency.

Heightened Senses- Due to his Lycan Heritage


Social Interactions


Coffee (Oh yes, lots and lots of Coffee)


Being needed

Listening to others

Did I mention sleeping?


Physical Affection (Mainly Hugs)

Talking walks during the night. (Something I LOVE to do irl)



Himself to an extent.

Self-destructive behavior

Pointless drama

Someone who is sad or upset (Tends to throw himself into the problem headfirst at first sight)

Being called Bubs or Bubby by people he isn't close to.


He is a very caring and sensitive person, he feels everyone deserves to be happy and to feel safe. He strives for that but never really shows it, he puts on a façade of not giving the slightest care of anything serious until his back is against the wall. But in all reality, he wants to hug peoples suffering away. He was mistreated at a young age which has lead him to develop trust issues even when he initiates the relationship, sadly this has lead him to push away people he truly cared for.

When he isn't in class or with others you can usually find him asleep under his favorite tree on campus.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred):He wears a dull blue hoodie with the sleeves at his elbows and white cargo shorts and black sk8-his, he stands a solid 5'9" weighing roughly 140-150 lbs. He is lean for his species and on the short side *Much to his fathers disapproval for which he blames his mother(Jokingly of course)* (He has shorter more dirty blonde hair and glasses. His left ear is folded down and his tail is cut off slightly, this has led him to be severely self conscious about his appearance and he can be found playing with his tail in times of stress and when he is anxious)

View attachment 320309


Xeltyr was born on a cold October night 17 years ago today.

Due to complications his mother died shortly after he was born and as such he had only his father to look out for him. As the years progressed his father had never told him of his true heritage and as such he had believed to be human most of his life, however when he turned 16 his father told him the truth of how his mother was a shifter (A being who could alter their personal appearance to look like another organism) and his father was a Lycan. This led him to reject himself as well as the society of other beings he knew nothing about, a year had passed and he finally accepted who he was. In light of this his Father decided it would be best if he was sent to a place that had housed others just like him, others who were special.

So on his 17th birthday he was sent off to a High School where hopefully he would fit in.


No one at the moment.

Anything else:

Looking for a roommate, and someone to go on walks with!

(Don't know if weapons are allowed but if they are, he has an aluminum baseball bat stashed in his dorm-room)

Also, I'd like be your roommate (o'v'o)
Roman said:
Also, I'd like be your roommate (o'v'o)
Wow what a speedy response! :D

Can I get a link to the page your character is on? I apologize I there is just too many pages to comb through xD
TylerrCarterrr said:
Wow what a speedy response! :D
Can I get a link to the page your character is on? I apologize I there is just too many pages to comb through xD
We try and get these checked out as quickly as possible so they don't pile up.

Here you go -

Roman said:
So much for your theory. You should know that a weapon doesn't make the man.
Future Trunks
Alejandro ISHIDA

  • tumblr_nq9f5fUfww1r1d32zo1_500.png

    Nickname -


    Mr. Ishida (Teachers)

    More to come...

    Alias -

    Ice Dragon

    Being -

    Special Human.... Very Special.

    Age -


    Gender -


    Sexual Orientation -


    Morality -


    Residency -


    Grade/Year -


Roman said:
We try and get these checked out as quickly as possible so they don't pile up.
Here you go -
Whoa... that is really good! :D

I appreciate you wanting to by my roomie :3

How do you want to open up between us? If it's okay with you I'd like to go first.
TylerrCarterrr said:
Whoa... that is really good! :D
I appreciate you wanting to by my roomie :3

How do you want to open up between us? If it's okay with you I'd like to go first.
Well it'd be best of we move this to the OOC really quick and talk it through. That'd be amazing.
Kidroleplayer said:
Name: Von Viesel
Nickname(If Applies):Vonny

Age: 15


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: first

What kind of being you are: Super human

Powers/gifts: Teleportion


Dislikes:Fun killers,Vegetables

Personality: Insane, mischievous,rude

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Von was with teleportion his parents didnt have powers so they questioned why he did they took him to tons and tons of doctors, and they all said "its genetic" his parents were sad because they thought he would get picked on.

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: Hes allergic to fish

The Atomic Ranks32] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
((Eh, sorry I took so long.))
Name:Lightning King

Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Kingdom(castle)

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are:Modified human


Likes:Cake and everything but demins




Bio:Lightning King was born as a baby and was hit by lightning in the USA, he survived but was 2 years after his rightful mother and father were killed by demons. The demons didnt kill him but layed a curse on him.

Everybody weak enough Lightning King knew were killed by demons.

Because of this Lightning King became a demon hunter, at the age of 13.

He is a transfer student.


Anything else:

carries lightning sword (when broken comes back stronger)
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Name: Ayla Harper

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 58 (Looks 16)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Human/Angel


- Superhuman strength and stamina

- Telekinesis

- Ability to talk to animals and plants

- Flying

- Healing


- Singing

- Dancing

- Reading

- Being with nature


- Schoolwork

- Demons

- Darkness

- General things (bullying, rude people, stupidity, etc)


- Care free

- Fearless

- Childish

- Sarcastic

- Skittish




Ayla was born to an angel mother and a human father. She never really had the chance to see her mother, and was simply raised by her father who she loved very much! After fifty years had past, her father died and she moved into a one bedroom apartment close to a magical high school. She wasn't lonely though; her plants and her books kept her company, but she was interested in being with others. So, she applied to this high school in hopes that she would be able to fit in with the other magical beings who called Fantasy High School their home.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: I hope you take my application into consideration! Thank you for reading.
[QUOTE="Lightning King]Name:Lightning King
Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Kingdom(castle)

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are:Modified human


Likes:Cake and everything but demins




Bio:Lightning King was born as a baby and was hit by lightning in the USA, he survived but was 2 years after his rightful mother and father were killed by demons. The demons didnt kill him but layed a curse on him.

Everybody weak enough Lightning King knew were killed by demons.

Because of this Lightning King became a demon hunter, at the age of 13.

He is a transfer student.


Anything else:

carries lightning sword (when broken comes back stronger)

Has to be a sophmore or freshman upon acceptance.

maddiemoo said:
Name: Ayla Harper
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 58 (Looks 16)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Human/Angel


- Superhuman strength and stamina

- Telekinesis

- Ability to talk to animals and plants

- Flying

- Healing


- Singing

- Dancing

- Reading

- Being with nature


- Schoolwork

- Demons

- Darkness

- General things (bullying, rude people, stupidity, etc)


- Care free

- Fearless

- Childish

- Sarcastic

- Skittish




Ayla was born to an angel mother and a human father. She never really had the chance to see her mother, and was simply raised by her father who she loved very much! After fifty years had past, her father died and she moved into a one bedroom apartment close to a magical high school. She wasn't lonely though; her plants and her books kept her company, but she was interested in being with others. So, she applied to this high school in hopes that she would be able to fit in with the other magical beings who called Fantasy High School their home.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: I hope you take my application into consideration! Thank you for reading.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]

  • Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

    Good or Evil or Neutral: Lawful Evil

    Where you live: Dorm, with Roy

    What Year of highschool you're in: 12th grade

    What kind of being you are: Human with several fox genes


    • Unrelenting speed: Wylie is able to move extremely fast and has huge reserves of stamina. He can move at the rate to dodge fast moving arrows, easily. He can also move very very fast across land.
    • Lightning tattoo: His tattoos on his arms allow him to summon tendrils of blue lightning
    • Spearman training:Wylie's specialization with melee is spears. Melee spears, not thrown spears.
    • Semi-Immortal: As long as Wylie isn't killed, he retains his appearance, never gets old, and doesn't die

    Likes: Running, talking, flirting, fighting, science, social studies, friendship

    Dislikes: Anything that contains dairy (He's lactose intolerant [He needs some milk!]), getting drunk, having enemies, etc

    Personality: Easy to talk to, understandable, can easily flirt. Unnaturally positive, loyal, and honest. In case you didn't know, he is also hyper.

    Appearance (Picture was not findable): He has bronzed, tan skin, silver eyes, is lean but muscular, and average height. His face is slightly cat-like, with long whiskers and a thin and wide mouth. He has long black hair that reaches his shoulders are curls lightly (Like Anakin Skywalker) His arms are tattooed with blue electricity magic tattoos, thin and whispery at the forearm, and deep on the bicep area. He has short triangle ears and whiskers. There is a scar on his left cheek. He wears grey shorts, tanned sandals, beige V-neck t-shirt, and several translucent necklaces, one colored beaded necklaces (One of them uses red beads, another uses bright blue, another uses purple, and another uses green beads)

    Bio: Born in a faraway forest, living life like a native american, Wylie learned about nature. He was taught at home about the arts of magic, mathematics, reading, writing, science, and history. At the age of 14, Wylie took up trading and became a merchant. By the age of 16, he already became a wealthy and powerful being. His parents had disappeared, and he had met Roy, who took him in as a blood brother. But he needed more education. Badly. Fortunately for him, he was accepted into the Professors of the Circle, a group of... professor adventurers... but that isn't the point! He got good education from them (they were professors) but never got his last year done.

    Dating/lover/crush: None

    Anything else:

    • Battle Theme: [media]
    • [/media]
    • Weapon Preference:
      Hand Magic: Wylie is most skilled in lightning hand magic
    • Spearman: Training in his younger years allowed him to be able to use the spear. His spear uses ironwood as the shaft, and a magical unnamed metal as the tip
    • Note: Wylie is a more or less fragile individual. A single hard hit punch can do a lot more damage to him than most other people. But he is fast, to dodge these attacks. If someone gets near, he can always spear them. But if the average human can get hit 10 times, and 12 being a slightly magical person, Wylie would only be able to absorb 6-8 hits.

Updates might still need to be made... I accidentally glitched away Roy's application... for the second time! I'm also attempting to condense my application

Both characters are not the type to randomly pick a fight with someone. They'd rather talk.

Also, they'll arrive in this car:


(My goodness, they have quite a loan to pay off)

To clear any thoughts about driver's license and such, my characters are semi-immortal, so they are actually older than they look.

There are a few changes to my characters. No, I didn't find a picture, sadly.

Roy Drake:

  • Themes have changed up... a lot.
    Main theme: [media]
  • [/media]
  • Ver 2 theme:

[*]Personality: Jokative, with a quiet anger that isn't shown very prominently, friendly. In battle, he's excited and humorous (Added to his current personality)

Wylie Nightgale

  • Embedded charm: Due to his time stopping studies, Wylie can take a hit without damaging himself every hour or so if he wears his four beaded necklaces.
  • Dislikes: Ongoing fighting
Name:Lightning King

Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Kingdom(castle)

What Year of highschool your in: sophmore

What kind of being you are:Modified human


Likes:Cake and everything but demins




Bio:Lightning King was born as a baby and was hit by lightning in the USA, he survived but was 2 years after his rightful mother and father were killed by demons. The demons didnt kill him but layed a curse on him.

Everybody weak enough Lightning King knew were killed by demons.

Because of this Lightning King became a demon hunter, at the age of 13.

He is a transfer student.


Anything else:

carries lightning sword (when broken comes back stronger)
[QUOTE="Lightning King]Name:Lightning King
Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Kingdom(castle)

What Year of highschool your in: sophmore

What kind of being you are:Modified human


Likes:Cake and everything but demins




Bio:Lightning King was born as a baby and was hit by lightning in the USA, he survived but was 2 years after his rightful mother and father were killed by demons. The demons didnt kill him but layed a curse on him.

Everybody weak enough Lightning King knew were killed by demons.

Because of this Lightning King became a demon hunter, at the age of 13.

He is a transfer student.


Anything else:

carries lightning sword (when broken comes back stronger)

Character Completion

Arturia Quinn

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/FB_IMG_1469290940893.jpg.47b6ba689b948e0a165fa1894aeb1b16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/FB_IMG_1469290940893.jpg.47b6ba689b948e0a165fa1894aeb1b16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: True Neutral

Where you live : House

What Year of highschool your in: 1 Year

What kind of being you are: Demonic Humans


-Healing ability

-Enhanced fighting style

-Enhanced speed : Time Alter,Double or Triple her normal human speed for a short time.

-Raias : Summon a shield around her,can be break.

-Fire : Can deal a fire explosion by clapping her fingers (Can't be spam though)

-Demonic Stance : Upgrade her current ability,allow her to unlock upgrade Time Alter : Four time normal speed for a short time.

Her personality drastically change during this.



-Listening to music

-Playing some Piano

-Watching series

-Upgrading her magic and studying Space,new animals



-Reading a simple book

-Cold people

Personality: Arturia is kind of easy to be friend with,along with her mother type personality.Arturia can get angry if one of her friends get hurt,or if you blame her,also if you disturb here too much when she listen to some music.

Bio: Arturia was born as a demonic human,which mean she was born with powers.Her Time Alter ability is something unusual for her race,it's a power coming from her Father after a lot of studying from some generation of the Quinn family.

During her childhood,Arturia was living happily with her family and meet some friends while learning her ability.Since she was a good student,her parents give her a lot of gift : book from space and new species,and some goodies coming from series,her passion along with the Piano.

After her parents give her a house at the age of 15,she already had start to train her powers and study the Space.



Extra : Got a cat and a bird.



  • FB_IMG_1469290940893.jpg
    26.3 KB · Views: 54
Last edited by a moderator:
NickTonCutter said:

Character Completion

Arturia Quinn

View attachment 322469

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: True Neutral

Where you live : House

What Year of highschool your in: 1 Year

What kind of being you are: Demonic Humans


-Healing ability

-Enhanced fighting style

-Enhanced speed : Time Alter,Double or Triple her normal human speed for a short time.

-Raias : Summon a shield around her,can be break.

-Fire : Can deal a fire explosion by clapping her fingers (Can't be spam though)

-Demonic Stance : Upgrade her current ability,allow her to unlock upgrade Time Alter : Four time normal speed for a short time.

Her personality drastically change during this.







Anything else:

When the character sheet is finished, then it will be determined whether it is acceptable.

Key bits like the personality and bio arent filled out.
Roman said:
When the character sheet is finished, then it will be determined whether it is acceptable.
Key bits like the personality and bio arent filled out.
It's a WIP,i'm gonna tag you when it's done don't worry
NickTonCutter said:
It's a WIP,i'm gonna tag you when it's done don't worry
I was just letting you know ahead of time. You really only have to fill out those two for it to be considered finished.
NickTonCutter said:
Character Completion

Arturia Quinn

View attachment 322469

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: True Neutral

Where you live : House

What Year of highschool your in: 1 Year

What kind of being you are: Demonic Humans


-Healing ability

-Enhanced fighting style

-Enhanced speed : Time Alter,Double or Triple her normal human speed for a short time.

-Raias : Summon a shield around her,can be break.

-Fire : Can deal a fire explosion by clapping her fingers (Can't be spam though)

-Demonic Stance : Upgrade her current ability,allow her to unlock upgrade Time Alter : Four time normal speed for a short time.

Her personality drastically change during this.



-Listening to music

-Playing some Piano

-Watching series

-Upgrading her magic and studying Space,new animals



-Reading a simple book

-Cold people

Personality: Arturia is kind of easy to be friend with,along with her mother type personality.Arturia can get angry if one of her friends get hurt,or if you blame her,also if you disturb here too much when she listen to some music.

Bio: Arturia was born as a demonic human,which mean she was born with powers.Her Time Alter ability is something unusual for her race,it's a power coming from her Father after a lot of studying from some generation of the Quinn family.

During her childhood,Arturia was living happily with her family and meet some friends while learning her ability.Since she was a good student,her parents give her a lot of gift : book from space and new species,and some goodies coming from series,her passion along with the Piano.

After her parents give her a house at the age of 15,she already had start to train her powers and study the Space.



Extra : Get a cat and a bird.
Lightning King]Lightning king opens his computer and hacks all electronic devices in the school. [/QUOTE] [LIST=1][*]You are role playing in the wrong area. This is the character sign up tab where characters are submitted. [*]Don't you think having your character hack an entire school without reason is sort of a big deal done for nothing? [*][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL]

@Fukushima Akira[/URL] My nephew is never going to start RP'ing again, and I really dont want the characters to go to waste. I pretty much did half the work in creating them (Literary shield work around thank you very much xD ) so do you care if I take them over?

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