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Fantasy Character Registration

Nona said:



Saria Roux







Sexual Orientation:




~Saria Roux~

  • Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


    What Year of highschool your in:


    What kind of being you are:



    - Potion Creation

    - Potion Amplification

    - Spell Casting

    - Spell Amplification

    - Magic intuition

    - Can transform into a cat


    + Books

    + Cats

    + Icecream

    + Messing around with potions and spells

    + Video Games


    - Swimming pools

    - Beaches

    - People doubting her potion recipes



Leia Roux







Sexual Orientation:




~Leia Roux~

  • Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


    What Year of highschool your in:


    What kind of being you are:



    - Potion Creation

    - Potion Amplification

    - Spell Casting

    - Spell Amplification

    - Magic intuition

    - Can summon a small sword to defend herself


    + Books

    + Snakes

    + Frogs

    + Pancakes

    + Potions

    + Spells

    + Learning


    - Spicy Foods

    - Saria's Potions

    - Saria's Cat

Name: Oliver Dove

Nickname(If Applies): Zeta

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight, No relationship experience.

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral. Goes with whatever happens

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House given to him by his parents

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Superhuman

Powers/gifts: Superhuman reactions, superhuman strength and a slight regeneration factor

Likes: Training, studying and meditating.

Dislikes: Liars, seafood and people who are egotistic.

Personality: Oliver is a loner. He spends most of his days on his own. He tries to avoid other people with the fear of being hated.


Bio: Oliver was a rich kid. His parents gave him whatever he wanted. When he was younger he was a brat, and his parents didn't like what they had created. They sent him to military school where he was given his special abilities and was trained to become a super soldier. He broke out of the facility and moved as far away as possible. Before he left he stole $30,000,000 from his parents and now is trying to blend in. Even though he wants to forget his past. It will eventually catch up to him. He trains to prepare for when that time comes.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: Sorry if this is shit. I am kind of new to rpn, but I do have a passion for rp.
ZetasThiery said:
Name: Oliver Dove
Nickname(If Applies): Zeta

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight, No relationship experience.

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral. Goes with whatever happens

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) House given to him by his parents

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Superhuman

Powers/gifts: Superhuman reactions, superhuman strength and a slight regeneration factor

Likes: Training, studying and meditating.

Dislikes: Liars, seafood and people who are egotistic.

Personality: Oliver is a loner. He spends most of his days on his own. He tries to avoid other people with the fear of being hated.


Bio: Oliver was a rich kid. His parents gave him whatever he wanted. When he was younger he was a brat, and his parents didn't like what they had created. They sent him to military school where he was given his special abilities and was trained to become a super soldier. He broke out of the facility and moved as far away as possible. Before he left he stole $30,000,000 from his parents and now is trying to blend in. Even though he wants to forget his past. It will eventually catch up to him. He trains to prepare for when that time comes.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: Sorry if this is shit. I am kind of new to rpn, but I do have a passion for rp.
It's good, don't worry! You just need an appearance picture. If you're not sure how to upload pictures, in the editor there's a button that looks like a picture (looks like this: ) and you can use that to upload an appearance image :) once that's done, you're accepted!
Name: Daniel Taydem

Nickname(If Applies): DT, Dan, Danny, Tay

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (I will change it if this isn't allowed)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): N/A Not sure.

What Year of highschool your in: Third

What kind of being you are: Supernatural? (I need help with this..)

Powers/gifts: Basic Elemental and limited Levitation

Likes: Friends, Seasons, Being Outside, Big Spaces, Night Time, Quiet, to Sleep, Dim Light.

Dislikes: Being Alone, Sour, Spicy, Trouble Makers, Rude People, Large Crowds of Strangers, Being Forced to Speak, Bright Lights, Formal Attire, other.. Not sure yet.

Personality: Supportive, Emotionless at times, Picky, Strikes out when Pressured

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) (Sorry, I can't draw any anime type stuff that would look like my character and I don't want to steal anyone else's art from google.) He is average height, has greenish purple eyes (If allowed), has wavy white hair, almost always wears a hoodie or jacket no matter the temperature.

(Oh my gosh, I just.. lost it halfway through. I'm so sorry.)

Bio: Daniel Taydem has always been a lone child with no siblings ever since he had been living with his family. When he was a little boy, possibly 6 or so, he came in contact with a strange experiment his father wanted to test out. And so, after the experiment, it seemed to give him strange flows of power here and there and even gave him a little bit of extra strength. Over time, some of the abilities were easier to control, but it was still difficult for him. (My brain died..)

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: Usually doesn't talk much, avoids eye contact most of the time, listens more than talking, is a fast runner, daydreamer.
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]Name: Daniel Taydem
Nickname(If Applies): DT, Dan, Danny, Tay

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual (I will change it if this isn't allowed)

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): N/A Not sure.

What Year of highschool your in: Third

What kind of being you are: Supernatural? (I need help with this..)

Powers/gifts: Basic Elemental and limited Levitation

Likes: Friends, Seasons, Being Outside, Big Spaces, Night Time, Quiet, to Sleep, Dim Light.

Dislikes: Being Alone, Sour, Spicy, Trouble Makers, Rude People, Large Crowds of Strangers, Being Forced to Speak, Bright Lights, Formal Attire, other.. Not sure yet.

Personality: Supportive, Emotionless at times, Picky, Strikes out when Pressured

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) (Sorry, I can't draw any anime type stuff that would look like my character and I don't want to steal anyone else's art from google.) He is average height, has greenish purple eyes (If allowed), has wavy white hair, almost always wears a hoodie or jacket no matter the temperature.

(Oh my gosh, I just.. lost it halfway through. I'm so sorry.)

Bio: Daniel Taydem has always been a lone child with no siblings ever since he had been living with his family. When he was a little boy, possibly 6 or so, he came in contact with a strange experiment his father wanted to test out. And so, after the experiment, it seemed to give him strange flows of power here and there and even gave him a little bit of extra strength. Over time, some of the abilities were easier to control, but it was still difficult for him. (My brain died..)

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: Usually doesn't talk much, avoids eye contact most of the time, listens more than talking, is a fast runner, daydreamer.

It's alright to take images from google, in fact that's what you're going to have to do, all it does is let's us know what your character looks like for reference. Once you include an image, it'll be accepted.
Lumina said:
It's good, don't worry! You just need an appearance picture. If you're not sure how to upload pictures, in the editor there's a button that looks like a picture (looks like this: ) and you can use that to upload an appearance image :) once that's done, you're accepted!
This is the closest I could find.. The eyes and clothing are off though.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/lelleele.jpg.db21d91b9b3f17f0db79ec45c10fd288.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/lelleele.jpg.db21d91b9b3f17f0db79ec45c10fd288.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • lelleele.jpg
    72.5 KB · Views: 2
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]This is the closest I could find.. The eyes and clothing are off though.

That's fine. That works well enough. Accepted.
Name: Alex Marcel

Nickname(If Applies): GHOST

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House,dorm, etc.): Dorm with Jack

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Unique human


The Black Ghost:

Alex can summon the black ghost, a figure which only obeys his commands, is intelligent, lives in his shadow, is invisible to those it is not hunting, and is completely invulnerable to damage or harm, however if Alex is incapacitated the ghost cannot materialize. The black ghost can act independently from Alex.


Appearance Thief:

Alex can copy the appearance of anybody he has ever seen, taking on only their physical traits, cannot use any abilities they have or any appendages external to the normal humans ones.


Lying, Cons, appearing innocent, creating drama, not being bored, knives.


being caught up in lies, continually running into the same people, boring things, regularity.


Alex is Jacks best friend and is a master con artist as well as assassin. He prefers to leave the dirty work to his ghost, but is fully capable himself, able to suppress any bloodlust and external emotion. He loves to create drama and often treats people like toys, creating various situations and watching the sparks fly, often using other’s appearances to do so.


Alex has been with Jack since before the founding of CROSS but little is else is known about his past.



Anything else:


@Roman @Fukushima Akira @Lumina @Slaxt (I dont know whose on, so i just tagged you all sorry xD dont care who approves it.)
Last edited by a moderator:
@Roman[/URL] @Fukushima Akira @Lumina @Slaxt (I dont know whose on, so i just tagged you all sorry xD dont care who approves it.)
Accepted, but there is something you need to know.

Akira says those who can copy an appearance are not able to copy that of a Sanctums, or a Half sanctums and gods/goddesses.
Roman said:
Accepted, but there is something you need to know.
Akira says those who can copy an appearance are not able to copy that of a Sanctums, or a Half sanctums and gods/goddesses.
ya ya i know... I've already had that conversation with him about a different character in a pm...
Sixxx said:


Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Apartment

What Year of highschool your in: 11

What kind of being you are: Devils son

Powers/gifts: all your basic telekentic powers and all the powers youd need to someday take over hell ( his power are still developing)

Likes:old punk bands , books , and useing the world as his personal playground

Dislikes:rainbows , butterflys and people who suck


For being satans offspring you would think alot of bad things about him , hes not that great at talking about feelings bur he dose have them , he sucks at showing them tho . He likes to pillage and burn things as much as the next demon but he likes to take it to a deeper level

Bio - Daddy said he still had to get an education before taking the throne , not that je is all the excited to be next in line but he wanted better ac

Anything else:
You do know that hell is destroyed right?
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]also Satan is dead... so it would kinda be hard to be his kid...

I thought that was the case as well but I wasn't 100% sure.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]ya... he's long dead....

Lol sorry for not knowing the plot line of a thousand page rp thats been revived like what 3 times now,
Sixxx said:
Lol sorry for not knowing the plot line of a thousand page rp thats been revived like what 3 times now,
fair enough... but i do believe its in the lore page. although thats still a hella lot of writting xD
Sixxx said:
Lol sorry for not knowing the plot line of a thousand page rp thats been revived like what 3 times now,
It was general lore from even before the Grand Opening version xD heaven and he'll are destroyed, no God or Satan, good times xD
Lumina said:
It was general lore from even before the Grand Opening version xD heaven and he'll are destroyed, no God or Satan, good times xD
We do have God. God is chilling on Earth.
Lumina said:
It was general lore from even before the Grand Opening version xD heaven and he'll are destroyed, no God or Satan, good times xD
Heaven and god still exist just not hell and satan
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Heaven and god still exist just not hell and satan

There is no heaven.
Lumina said:
It was general lore from even before the Grand Opening version xD heaven and he'll are destroyed, no God or Satan, good times xD
Heaven and god still exist just not hell and satan

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